She answered THIS wrong?! (Funny game show answers)

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how many romantic partners have you told that you love Oh God what do for for me how about you movie more than that yes bad quizzes that's what we gotta be doing today and I'm gonna be doing them with my friend David and I'm Joel from Rumi official let's just jump into it we're here on slash quizzes the premier destination for high quality attainment entertainment overall trend in quiz is number one eight people who got the first question wrong on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire can you get them right that's that's that faith is like morgues mom's face I like it deep enough that the ball doesn't generally go in hit the bottom and buns out what is the minimum depth of a regulation golf hole I don't know you can you can infer this it doesn't matter if you know look it's not gonna be four feet miles lightyears IRA what was the thinking behind person who chose feet I'm guessing I hope that that if they're gonna mess up on this they picked feet even then that's a severe brain damage situation going on yeah won't pick it four inches that's as long as as well never mind that was right it was four inches Salah jadid for other ways homeowners by surge protectors to protect their possessions from unexpected surges of what electric currents water flow air pressure or buyers or more if they chose buyers and mores I will kill myself now I think that was pretty funny if they pick that like they just did it for the meme then for the wave yeah I guess he did water flow I can see I can see the thinking just because it's like you know water on yeah on electrical snapping selfies in kitchens you can't afford and ticking and meets bulb break are two things about that don't you meatballs I know a lot about ball breaks okay for the sweetest side I don't I know okay snapping selfies and kitchens you've got it for it and taking a meatball break are two things BuzzFeed says every 20-somethings should do on the first trip where Paris London Rome or IKEA who chose one of the cities that's courageous bigness because it said BuzzFeed in it yeah potentially yeah but someone did it got it wrong I mean it's definitely IKEA yeah I did a row Oh buddy boy buddy that's a man who's never visited like here in his life that's a man that's not antique furniture yeah he's got dusty books this man has a katana at home oh I did oh he's a katana man this is someone who studies not the blade he's a reformed katana guy thank you you got six out of eight right nice you passed or I mean almost did because let's be honest the only way you really pass if you get eight out of eight I am disappointed all right freakin history nerd if you get anything wrong on this test you're an idiot when it comes to English okay okay come on Swedish is this how much of you adapted to my culture what part of speech is the word usually of out of are you an idiot I think that way it's not a noun and the verb is something you do so it's not a verb it's an adverb or adjective and an adjective describes something rights it's an adverb yay I did it which of these is not a question word who how when is here okay okay I guess they're correct if you've got these wrong than you yeah yeah this is at this point just like a grade one English yeah I think you're not saying these in a condescending enough tone which is most correct reader blue big fancy bag fancy blue big bag big blue fancy bag or blue fancy big bag big blue fancy bag right how should this quote be written Joel oh my god well not the first one that's got a period and then small letters so that doesn't work it's gotta be this what eight out of eight right you do a lot of things that you should have learned such hundred percent certified not an idiot so no more insulting yeah I don't know he has proof from BuzzFeed this quiz will determine which combo of a youtuber and Disney Channel sorry this is for us hey everyone it's time to find out which youtuber and Disney star you're actually most like to do this you're going to create your own hypothetical YouTube channel be weird you know if I like made a YouTube channel if being a youtuber isn't totally your thing don't worry I'll think goes yeah just answer with the kind of videos you enjoy watching instead are you writing what kind of videos do you make vlogs gaming travel DIY lifestyle a little bit of everything music nah there are not big music total a little bit of everything what's your video intro hi welcome back to my channel what's yours what's up which youtuber will be joining you okay it's one of these like which Harry Potter character are you which is your favorite Harry Potter carrot yeah if you have to collab with one of these people who would you pick oh wow like I don't know a lot about Lauren DIY I've watched rights and Link lies and Cody lie so doesn't really upload anymore I'd probably go with Cody do that and which Disney stuff they're just gonna say oh my god okay all the other things were irrelevant yeah the only ones I know are Demi Selena and Jonas Demi Lovato did stuff with sniffy dust right that sounds cool let's pick her back sorry Jenna mobiles and Cole Sprouse I'm really happy with that you're jenna Marbles everyone says I look like Cole Sprouse so we're good I mean hair wise I'm not for no answer these controversial questions and will reveal whether you're more emotional or logical okay here we go let's do it how do you handle it if your best friend is talking behind your back freak out and cry my life is over after all confront my friend angrily talk to my friend about the issue ignore to Karis I would talk to my friend I want to take a hint on this one I'm not sure how I do it really top right path hey how do I do this you could get this if you pick Oz it shows what's mostly okay I guess I was mostly logical battle already said my answers that's fine what is most important to you in a relationship romance sex cop so which of these is the logical answer yeah you're right I guess this comes on a hint like a melody mostly logical is comfor bility how is it not logical to pick any of the others if that's what you're concerned with in a relationship yeah you're right it just depends what your priorities are compatibility yeah I think both of us are like that yeah we just say that yeah no definitely would you loan money to your best friend even if he or she is a bit unreliable welcome to pounce you have my my actually I know but can I have it no I'll give it back why why do you need it just need it no well then you know how yeah but you're not unreliable not in that yeah I'm pretty good with money just not with communication yes of course I probably would I doubt it or know it ah probably would I think yeah best friend of probably like as long as it's not constant and then I always like that it's not a horrendous amount then I'd be like yeah like I've just accepted it's gone and if I get it back wonderful yeah exactly are you a hugger for sure you're way too drunk you're the biggest hugger in the water really I don't know yeah I didn't think so ah you're just really a preset it's just so great to be outside right now this is so uncountable but not usually I think is it's for me not even if I really like someone I don't yearn to feel their body against my Ray's hugging that's what hockey is it's know if you like hugging you like the feeling of embracing and touching someone else's body okay that's what it is yawn is a very intense word to use I guess yeah I'll hug my sister when I see you it's not yearn for my sister you yearn to hug your sister no I do not you crave her let's move my body again how many romantic partners have you told that you love Oh God what do for for me how about you movie more than that yes how often do you weigh yourself I've not weighed myself in ages I tried to do daily really yeah what do you weigh ah 66 stone you're looking good thanks thanks man Oh a yard for your body what Star Trek character is maudlin I don't know anything about Star Caroline oh my god mr. Spock as biggie is it was a pretty small people used to be like big so yeah they got a bigger as well I guess I've got an old that was it bigger yeah I use those he is this so small though are you trying to do you tried to rattle yeah it's not working oh just getting annoyed with confidence now would you ever date your father yeah yeah sure if I was attracted to them Jonas would say sure I think it's probably like I shouldn't but I might I agree it's probably a bad idea you want to ride your motorcycle but you don't have a helmets do you go for right yeah sure yeah totally we're gonna die anyway eventually how often do you cry at least once a week at least once a month once a year oh they don't have the frequency I have one that never I'm a man I think at least once a week for me not from like being sad for like watching shows is that like anime will make me question see genuinely been over a year since I have really yeah I just don't cry I can I can about you that you don't care you're in a long relationship with someone you get a lot with great but you only have Rick once and months what do you do dumpin wears a fair talk to him about it or deal with where is find an additional relationship yeah I think talk to him about it you find an affair that can be really good if there's any problem in a relationship you talk about and then if you can't sort such a woman I don't deal with it your car breaks down what is the first thing you do punch the steering wheel and swear at the car it works panic tried to fix the car myself call AAA and sit back and relax this is just a minor inconvenience that's me I called for everything I used to call in my old flat used to call people to change the lightbulbs okay I do that but it's not the first thing I do panic is the first thing I do get a little bit angry or maybe top left yeah I would have a first rush of like emotional before so I guess panic I guess your boss just gave you a bad review why would you do tell them often girl that's so emotional get scared I will be fired get angry the inside would not show it potentially this one I think we recorded to see one of these I think both of these actually for me if I thought that I had been doing well and wasn't recognized for it that it totally depends I suppose yeah I think overall though this is where I end up yeah if they're a horrible boss and I think I can get a bad job then I would go for the top left problems yeah yeah your friend just got dumped and he's feeling sad why do you do you help me with this once what sad movies with them and cry I took you out to get drunk I give them the space they need tell them to get over it like I told you even it's a joke to go for it no okay what do you do is sound cutting friend of you in line at a store follow them home throw things at their house in the middle of night I mean that's a feeling I have I have a huge feeling of anger when people cut in front line me it's it's way too much but I don't confront them I definitely don't do that I silently seed I think that's mine ignore it it means nothing in the grand scheme of things this is one I do say as well yeah have you ever wanted a career in the arts have you ever considered that yes but makes no sense fine yes always see results you got mostly logical you hide your emotions it tried to make all of your life decisions both large and small based on logic as you know that being emotional just gets you into trouble still you can't help it and sometimes you let your emotions creep into your life especially when it comes to matters of love and relationships this seems like the best one to get but hide your emotions I know that's not what I do though what I do is this website is broken to control my emotions okay guys that's it for this quiz video hope you guys enjoyed I'm doing daily videos in December and thank you day for being here we filmed two videos in a day so maybe I would still have a video so thank you for that yeah you're welcome excellent and from the quiz boys that's a bye
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,098,681
Rating: 4.9688563 out of 5
Keywords: who wants to be a millionaire, funny, idiot, who wants to be a millionaire fail, fail, stupid, quiz, quizzes, funny quizzes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed quiz, game show, game show fail, funny game show, funny game show answers, wrong, she answered this wrong, fails, roomie, roomieofficial, joel, boyinaband, dave, dave from boy in a band, fails 2019, comedy, satire, hilarious, humor, react, reaction, reacting, funny fails, funny videos
Id: i0pmhDNVuMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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