FN 509 Tactical Suppressed

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hey that's fun shooting is fun let's shoot some more calling pick bowling pin come on bowling pin come on okay I'm not going here and kick the bowling pin over this is Hickok 45 if you didn't know and I'm shooting an F in 509 tactical so you tell me if I'm being tactical enough I am actually hitting that bowling pin I do believe okay I can actually shoot I'm gonna hit that steel against the same place so I am actually is that funny John a man Wow that I'll shoot three magazines already that's obscene isn't it sometimes I think what was going on with the bowling pin was it was kind of hollowed out they wrought out inside and it had enough weight to sit there but yet bullets were going just right through it I think either that or I was just missing it right I might have a few times so yeah we've got to the FN 509 tactical I mean why wouldn't I I'm probably the most tactical person you all have ever seen right you can just look at the videos and tell that right or what you can look at me walking around downtown until I'm just a mister of tactical sort of fellow so I thought that this is something we needed so we requested that from buds gun shop calm and here it came and we appreciate their help their assistance and all enhancing my tactical personality so thanks buds gun shop Tom I hope you all support them like they do us so we're going to shoot that son and we're going to shoot some federal ammo we got some well we've got some hundred 24 grain and a dog dish there and we have a hunt 47-grain a subsonic because you guess what we have we have thanks to Royal Range USA Nashville we have a muffler for this thing you know how can you really be tactical if you don't have a muffler of some sort yeah they've got a Jim tech and multi man I believe it's called nine millimeter so we appreciate Royal Range helping us out today they're right there on the interstate i-40 check them out not lots of cool shooting ranges and firearms I frequent that shot myself quite often so anyway we got that and don't forget if you're not a member of the NRA to go to our description and join at a discount there's a link there okay so take that in consideration and look it up that's pretty good and y'all have to say I kind of like the looks of it all except for the slide and and you know the high sights and everything and they look a little odd well there's a reason for that if you're relatively new to firearms you might not understand why here's my 509 you know I like these five of the nines here's mine and here's the one borrowed from buds you see the difference there one of them is a different color yeah you're very perceptive there well the one on the left the tactical version somebody messed up and made the sights too high didn't they not exactly there's a reason for that the reason is so you can stick a muffler on it and still see your target now it has a threaded look obviously we're very empty right like my head very empty so we can unscrew the thread protector by the way this thread protector has an o-ring and you know so it won't loosen up when you're just shooting when you have it on there when you're shooting okay you don't have a suppressor attached it's got an o-ring in there so we'll put that there not lose it and let's put something on on the barrel like this Jim tech all right we're gonna thread him on there because we can shoot a 509 any day since I own one with you know without a suppressor just any time and I do you might have seen it when was the video the new range video we did recently that was actually the 509 I was shooting I didn't identify it a couple people were talking about my Glock and it was actually the 509 yep in finally 9 I liked it I still liked it so how's that for a rig how's that for tactical that is tactical is it not now I can see my sights that's the reason they produced this firearm so that you have sight so that will give you a sight picture above the suppressor how many times have you seen us out here the suppressor we're sort of half at that estimate you know specs look at that'll filter suppressor right that would take some high sights wouldn't it so that's pretty nice you can pop on a suppressor most of them I would guess and still see your sights and have a sight picture okay so that's the advantage now the other thing about this firearm is it has this great setup and I'm not used it but it has a great setup for the for an RMR you know rear optical sight here and you take the plate off and it's supposed to and I've done it I'll be honest and you've got to complete the toolkit here and different plates and screws but from all I've read it's a really nice one and just about any of the micro red dots will fit on it and they won't loosen up so you can study a little more on that I'm not an expert on those who I really don't use them I might you know well these days when I can't see my sights well yeah a lot of people use them not just because they're blind or they're had poor eyesight they just like to use those and you know especially I may be on a tactical pistol yeah so but anyway it's supposed to be a really nice setup for that and if that is an area of interest for you I would study that further and look up and you know what the best ones are that you water can forward and all that but it's it's set up for that ok and in terms of what else that comes with it comes with you know a flat back strap if you want that and we'll talk about a couple other things first of all I want to shoot a round or two silently comes with a regular mag and a couple of 24 round mags speaking of tactical how's that for tactical now the point of aim does change a little bit when you put the suppressor on and that that has been my experience with a lot of the suppressors that we have used some not so much but in some of them seem to throw the rounds all over the place and of course most of them do get your gun really dirty really quickly ok so there are downsides to having a muffler on your pistol alright there really are especially if you're gonna shoot a lot they loosen up tend to loosen up on you I've got a rag here I'm gonna use kind of insulation here if I keep making sure it's tight okay alright so let's take a shot here with with the suppressor on it okay I should be able to whisper and I don't even need to put my my ears in doing so let's see how it does this is a gem tech' multi mountain by the way pretty good suppressor it's a I think it runs around the five and a half six hundred bucks something like that okay so we it's nice that Wynn has suppressor for a while we appreciate royal Range USA coming out and bringing that with them okay and the main reason is my cats are sleeping right now I do not want to disturb them alright let's quietly smoke some pot look at that it still smokes let's quietly hit a drink there oh let's quietly do a little bowling now I was gonna say not you too I need some new bowling pins me by owning a bowling alley out there oh let's quietly get a drink out on that two liter hey that wasn't so quiet she popped a little there at in she let's just smoke a little pot right here oh I know one under it yeah let's quietly put a couple of rounds on the target if T interesting suppressors I don't know if you have a use for it if nothing else they give you a laugh there's just something about it shooting when you're used to that that blast or the report you know the pistol and all of a sudden you're hitting the same targets just as hard but if it's quiet there's something really weird about it okay I don't know why I'm coming over here I got big magazines in my pocket your mag pouch alright well we want to shoot now now I was getting a little just a little bit back in my face again that's one of the disadvantages of a suppressor you get blowback okay so just for that I'm gonna and I've discovered that this shoots a little bit of low right with a suppressor I'm gonna hold right in the middle of that coffin and try to show you what I mean yeah [Applause] yeah I was holding a little above that and a little bit more to the middle I think let's try those two leaders so it's a little more problematic to do precision shooting I love here at smack smack smack speaking of that let's smack the gong okay I need a hole a little more a little higher maybe to the left yeah let's make sure it's tight okay she's tight I'm gonna take a couple more at it because I want to hear it there we go wasn't holding enough left I think Risa I was just flinching or something there we go [Music] there we go yeah that has been my experience we were talking about before the video yeah it's a little bit of a problem doing a precision shooting for me if I ever bought my own suppressor I'd want to really research it I don't know not that maybe it's that important I see them as a fun kind of a fun thing mostly anyway but I'd really like to be able to get you know what I'm aiming at you know and it just depends on the firearm I think maybe the ammo the suppressor and you know the shooter and everything else that's pretty cool it's just a fun fun it's a it's a shame that you have to go through so much to good by a suppressor because you know in some country you just buy them off the shelf like a magazine buying a magazine or a box of ammo or something there's blister pack you know hang in there so maybe we'll get there someday in this country but they're kind of fun they're kind of fun there's something else about this firearm I was gonna tell you know it's a it's ready it's ambi its tactical so you know ambidextrous slide lock and mag release and everything just like the standard 509 it's a slide that's the biggest difference here you know they're both they're both really nice pistols I love the feel of it I tend to shoot them well believe it or not it only takes me about 20 rounds to knock a bowling pin over as you noticed right I think there was a different dynamic going on there and you got tritium sights on this so if you really want to be tactical you know look what you got you pop on a suppressor of any trouble and RMR and you're a micro rear red dot sight there you got your tritium iron sights so you're really combat ready with this thing and it's not a bad looking pistol it's not now it comes with two springs as well and I was having some difficulty with with this one that it was in it shooting some of the lighter ammo and even the other subsonic ammo it was it was it was malfunctioning with that so I changed out the spring it's got a little yellow on it but it's the same you know looking spring and bingo we haven't had a malfunction I don't think yet with it so just so you'll know you say you've got two Springs one for like Carrie Emma more powerful ammo and one for lighter ammo okay for functioning everything so pretty cool we'll shoot it a little bit more the gun runs around a thousand bucks okay the pistol does so it's not cheap not cheap but it's an FN they generally make some pretty good stuff we all know that I think all right what else what else there's some more pot that needs to be smoked oh there's some drinks and a two-liter pow pow you think we should shoot this watermelon let's do now the suppressor had nothing to do with that you know if you've been around you know that a watermelon is generally not going to just blow up from a nine-millimeter [Music] or a 45 acp it's it's a high-speed rifle round that does that oh we got some cinder down there let's just pop the cowboy [Music] all right let's check our tightness on the suppressor there we go so I did about a quarter of a turn or the last eighth of a turn so see how gritty and dirty it gets in there they really get filthy you get blowback I can feel it almost every shot it's not bad but you just filled on your cheek when you're shooting a suppressed pistol sometimes a rifle just depends depends on the specific suppressor specific pistol some are worse than others but you know it's it creates more pressure and you get some blowback you're gonna get some blowback I guess with any of them it just varies again depending on the ammo the suppressor the pistol and whatever it is you're you're firing so you'll be ready for that you know Hollywood doesn't teach you everything about a suppressor and neither do I obviously right but just want to let you know about that so that's a testament so far I thought I don't know what the round count would be but you you could come to a conclusion maybe if you shot a lot of this both ways the same firearm let's say and cleaned it you know and done that over and over and over and over with the same firearm and suppressor you would you would develop a probably a formula and you could estimate pretty closely shooting this farm with this suppressor might be say of fifty times might be equivalent to shooting without the suppressor wells without the suppressor say shooting it a bottle of 200 times is about the same as shooting it 50 times with a suppressor in terms of dirt and blowback and grit and all that so that's something you'd want to take into consideration if you're going into combat with a suppressor right you know you'd need to make some plans to be able to stop and clean your gun perhaps depending on what kind it is some need cleaning more frequently than others or lubing kinda like carrying a percussion pistol you need make plans to real hood somewhere along don't you so let's throw a couple more you know what I still have oh look at that 47 grains 24 rounds in there or 20 whatever I put in that magazine so we're getting shy on target I I am having a little trouble over there hitting long-range but I'm going to throw a couple more over there because when you do hit it's just kind of neat what's the let's sling a few at the buffalo over there the pig the RAM and maybe we'll hit one of them all right try this I'm going to try to hit the Buffalo what do you know all right we kill this a buffalo with a tactical pistol from 2018 Wow Buffalo Bill would be impressed with me let's try that Ram oh well I was really holding pretty high over at that time it makes you look like you're a really bad shot maybe I am because it just does not only do you have a different point of impact and I sort of figured that out before the video I thought but it it also seems to change as you continue shooting and maybe the suppressor warms up pistol warms up your brain warms up or whatever like I was always having to hold higher over that thing then then I was earlier I think but still popped it still pop it all right I gotta get one more on the gong even if it takes a whole magazine I didn't take a whole magazine oh let's shoot something closer we're not too close coughing bucket shooting a suppressor is pretty fun on at the site I got you just one more mag is that okay first before I do it is there anything else you wanted to know about this pistol huh go ahead and ask well I think I gave you an idea on a price and you know what we're shooting what's attached to it you know it's the the f in 509 pistol is just a tactical version got the two Meg's you got the or to recoil springs you got a flat mainspring housing if you want it trigger on this is a little prettier than been this one it's a little gritty or it's not quite as good this one this one has a I think it's a little bit lighter not a lot of difference but a little of difference it might after shooting a few hundred times you know improve some of the grit usually it gets out of them but it's fine it's fine you know and then the biggest difference again is its the slide yeah via the way you can adapt things to it you got your threaded barrel course comes with it and you're ready to stick things on there as far as a tactical pistol this would this would set you up for anything you might want to want to do some people like a red dot on their handguns you see more and more that you see people carrying them don't you and then of course you're right for a suppressor so yeah pretty cool outfit if it's what you're in the market for doubt about that so I'm gonna shoot one more magazine and yeah pretty cool 147-grain ammo which which now see now this is yeah it's not called suppressor ammo or subsonic ammo necessarily it's just that 147-grain nine-millimeter ammo especially range ammo generally is subsonic yes I've been fine 747 grain ammo it's probably going to be subsonic probably in some of the carry ammo and I tend to keep this as hundred yeah we could find out hey this is some carry em about think it's 147 grain and it's not a good test cuz I yeah it is 1:47 drink we'll see what it sounds like this is kerri mo okay it's a federal alright let's take a couple shots and see if gently different come-ons we'll see if I get the gong boy speaking of mufflers that guy needs one yep carry em oh it was pretty quiet got one more in there yeah okay so like say 147-grain mo is just you know my definition it's basically subsonic all right let's uh let's just put a couple on the barrel here you want to or maybe this target let's just swing them on this target now I use the term sling loosely here gun alright let's quietly put some rounds on it that's funny that's funny like a potato digger so anyway if you've never enjoyed a suppressor traveling sometime you can lots of shooting ranges you have rental guns of course of all sorts and I'm sure a lot of you can even rent a suppressor probably at Royal range yes I'm getting a knock haha again you know I don't have this is not my suppressor so if this it is not my suppressor so if somebody who has the paperwork we're not here on the premises guess what I'd be in trouble and so with John so I'll just make him stick in his pocket right if the ATF showed up no so so that's what I had somebody I could communicate with someone has to bring it to us just like we've done you know through the years except for there was a short period of time where I was on the FFL for an outfit that does they will do that but but generally speaking you know you gotta you gotta have the paperwork on these things and you gotta stay legal of course you'll never see us with a suppressor or a class-3 armed if if it's not 100% legal okay so anyway as I was saying from a rudely interrupted by myself you get to a rental range somewhere and rent rent firearms the Rena suppressor if you've never done it before and now you'll get a big kick out of it you really will it's kind of a thrill it's fun even if you can't hit anything you know I know very mediocre shooting with it but it's just fun no doubt about it so the FN 509 tactical it's a farm that no home is complete without just kidding it may not be your cup of tea I mean it's not mine I probably would never buy one yeah I mean don't say never but I probably won't but for what it does for the purpose it serves and things do for a good job we did not have a malfunction did we and boy is it dirty it's dirty in there really dirty so the magazine's are dirty written in there you know but I'll clean her up pretty well before we send it back for the e Gunnar auction and get a reminder you know these things we get from buds they go back for their ego nor auctions and 10% of that goes to the second harvest food bank in Middle Tennessee we appreciate your support thousands of dollars have come into there you know from that you know as well as our t-shirt sales and lots of other other sources so we appreciate your support of that and the people that helped us okay so keep in mind who helps us if you will and we appreciate roller range bringing this out because if we haven't play with a suppressor for awhile it's it's a it's been too long life is good Hey how's it going welcome to the end of the video just practicing a little bit on my acoustic guitar since you're here I want to remind you to check out our friends over SDI the Sonoran Desert Institute they are a fully accredited online distance learning program where you can be is you know associate's degree in firearms technology or be certified in gunsmithing and you check them out at SDI edu that's the Sonoran Desert Institute so please check them out and also while you're on the internet go to Hickok 45 comm you can find links to all of our other stuff there's our supporters our store we've got some t-shirts over there and also check out Hickok 45 on Facebook make a [ __ ] 45 on Twitter the real a [ __ ] 45 on Instagram there's John underscore a [ __ ] 45 on Instagram and there's the Hickok 45 and son YouTube channel so please check that out when you get a chance and I appreciate it
Channel: hickok45
Views: 3,888,375
Rating: 4.8568516 out of 5
Keywords: FN, FN 509, FN 509 Tactical, 9mm, Suppressor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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