Why LOKI Was Always Right (And Would Have Stopped Thanos, Too) | MARVEL Theory Breakdown

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welcome to screen crush i'm ryan airy one of the things i've enjoyed most about loki is getting our first in-depth look at the god of mischief we're really getting a chance to look under the hood and see what makes him tick i don't enjoy hurting people i do it because i have to because i've had to now i feel like i know loki better than almost any character who's headlined a movie and the more i learn about him the more i'm convinced that loki would have made a great king of asgard in fact he should have been the king of asgard he would have protected the realm against hela thanos and asgard's worst enemy thor that's right i'm here to tell you that loki was right and i know which hogwarts house he would be sorted into first let's look at why loki has failed in the past because after all he has ruled asgard before and it didn't go well what do i find with the nine realms completely in chaos enemies of asgard assembling plotting i'll demise all while you odin the protector of those nine realms is sitting here in your bathrobe eating grapes in norse mythology and in the mcu loki is trapped in loops in norse myths he instigates ragnarok which destroys asgard which is then reborn and the whole thing starts again loki as the agent of change is cursed to be the supporting character in other people's stories all so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves in thor 1 loki gains power messes it up fakes his death in the avengers he returns gains power messes it up fakes his death and dark world and ragnarok he gains power mess you get the idea do you think that what makes a loki a loki is the fact that we're destined to lose we actually covered this way more in depth in our loki character breakdown video actually it's my favorite loki video that we've done so you should check that out if you haven't already i trust you you betray me round and round in circles we go see loki life is about it's about growth it's about change but you seem to just want to stay the same so in the character loki we can see so much potential but he keeps squandering his charm and intelligence on gestures of ego the question is why kid loki in episode 5 gave us an answer whenever one of us dares try to fix themselves they're sent here to die the tva has been stepping in to curb any character growth dooming loki to a cycle of defeat and rebirth loki is 1500 years old but when we meet him he's about as mature as a sulky teenage boy but odin deserves most of the blame he raised hella to be a bloodthirsty colonizer then got scared when she became a bloodthirsty colonizer yet odin stopped at nine realms our destiny is to rule over all others he spoiled thor so bad salt wouldn't save him but then he was surprised when he acted like a brat you're a vain greedy cruel boy and he blatantly ignored loki and wanted to use him as a political tool i thought we could unite our kingdoms one day bring about an alliance bring about a permanent peace odin raised thor and loki like george bluth pitting his sons against each other don't forget this michael don't forget forget michael this made loki crave his father's attention i should have done it for you this stunted loki's emotional growth made him forever trapped as a boy in a man's body like kevin smith but with space powers like when he cuts off sif's hair you it's obvious watching this that he wanted to get sif's attention like a schoolboy putting a frog on a girl's desk everything loki does is to get attention he wants to beat us he wants to be seen doing it he wants an audience this is why he failed in the movie the avengers rather than just using the tesseract to take out the superheroes one at a time he wanted to toy with him to prove that he was better than earth's mightiest heroes but in a way he was also still trying to impress his father i crave attention but if you really want to know how bad odin messed up loki look at thor ragnarok loki is ruling asgard but not as himself he's ruling as odin the very man whose approval he craved so as king he makes odin in quotation marks heap praise upon loki he commissions statues and plays about himself to rewrite history and to make people think that odin believes that loki was his favorite son you were merely a little blue baby icicle that melted this old fool's heart loki wanted his dad's approval so bad that he pretended to be his dad just to compliment himself complimenting himself by proxy sad that's a great observation you are wise and smart as a ruler loki didn't brutally subjugate the asgardians or the whole nine realms he just wanted attention when he returns to asgard it's not as a conqueror but a liberator your savior is here now had loki been given any kind of proper guidance he would have been a wise compassionate king who would have far surpassed thor or odin loki is the ruler as guardians need and the one they deserve when we first see asgard it's at thor's coronation odin has chosen thor to be king probably while he goes into the odin sleep he's put it off for so long but it's never clear why he chose thor instead of loki or even friega thor is cocky [Music] hot-headed and bloodthirsty march into jodenheim as you once did teach them a lesson break their spirits i will never dare try to cross our borders again you know what they say when all you have is a hammer the whole world looks like a nail loki is far far more intelligent than thor in the first movie he manipulated him into being banister asgard losing his power and would have killed him if it weren't for mule nor's magic spell thor has never had to work hard for anything in his life except maybe for fighting loki had to do all of that work to get the throne but all thor had to do was live on earth for a while and learn how to keep his ego in check the first time in my life i have no idea what i'm supposed to do so there's no doubt that loki has a superior tactical mind like i said earlier his failures are always because of his jealousy not his intelligence loki also pays attention to things he sees all the people who fall through the cracks he learns passageways in and out of asgard that even heimdall can't see never has an enemy slipped my watch until this day think about that loki found a backdoor multiple backdoors that work around the bifrost the source of asgard's colonial power if loki had asgard's best interest at heart what else could he have found how could he have used those backdoor portals to make the nine realms a better place loki also understands the underworld i mean he knew about thanos after being dropped off by his dad i didn't kill my wife i don't care he seeks out the greatest threat in the universe to ally with he immediately recognizes the space and mind stones and it's not even clear if thor did or if thanos even knew he was handing over the mind stone loki understood the underworld of the universe all the forgotten people in the nine realms that odin and the asgardian hierarchy seem to ignore all of this understanding would have made him a better ruler take korg his revolution was also trapped in a kind of freaky circle i tried to start a revolution but didn't print enough pamphlets then loki came along and it was suddenly a success well you do seem like you're in desperate need of leadership and writing this video made me realize something loki is not a slytherin that's the house in harry potter where the cunning and usually villainous children are sent deep down loki is a ravenclaw ravenclaws are intelligent curious and tend to be introverted which loki isn't but they're also very creative loki pretends to be a slytherin but his heart just isn't in it i don't enjoy hurting people loki's an outcast a nerd that might be why me and my fellow neckbeards relate to him so much he's the smartest guy in the room and he gets treated like for it what happened silverton turned the lead when you look at all these attributes it's easy to imagine what kind of ruler he could have been if his dad had hugged him once just once only one of you can ascend to the throne but both of you were born to be kings so let's say there's an alternate universe where loki was an only child where he got the love and support from his mother and father or at least maybe where thor was killed in battle when he was younger let's call this loki variant the best loki because loki understands the common man and the desires of the criminal underworld he would have truly united the nine realms as soon as the bifrost was destroyed the nine realms immediately fell into chaos wars were raging marauders were pillaging so this shows that not everybody was happy with the way things are being run loki with his intelligence and knowledge about secret pathways would have been able to circumvent the bifrost he would have understood the needs of the disenfranchised because he himself was so often disenfranchised loki is also a child of two worlds like aquaman or aegon targaryen he could have united different worlds and great houses he was heir to the throne of jotunheim and could have taken an asgardian wife forever ending the war between these two realms but instead asgard raised him to think of his own people as kind of sub-human you could never have a frost giant sitting on the throne of asgard he was ready to wipe out an entire planet just to get an attaboy from his dad his captor as guardians have a deep seated racism against the frost giants that probably goes both ways where are they hiding as cowards always do loki could have fixed that loki would have also been a great protector of asgard now thor is a great fighter but loki is a great tactician like in infinity war he managed to get close enough to thanos to stab him in the throat which we know from end game would have worked if thanos didn't have an infinity stone loki probably would have gotten in there with his blade put it this way loki would have gone for the head instead of pausing for a zinger i told you you die for that i also think that loki would have figured out asgard's secret history involving hella he knows all of these said in chambers he would have found odin's secret crypt under the throne he would have prepared for hela made her prison more permanent not just dependent on odin's magic or more likely use the infinity stones that odin gave away to kill her once and for all so one thing's for sure loki would have been a way better ruler than thor thor may be a hero and an avenger and a revenger but he's a terrible ruler he starts off as asgard's greatest champion but becomes its worst enemy thor was a bad king the worst really and we should have always known that he would be the movies thor and thor ragnarok focus on thor's character changes he's presented as the dynamic character while loki is static thor begins as a cocky space bro learns humility and becomes worthy of millionaire i have much to learn then he says he turns down the throne because he doesn't feel worthy of it but it's also so he can go be with jane on earth is this my son i hear or the woman he loves so he chose his own desire to be with jane over his people in ragnarok he once again begins as the cocky champion of his people this is my crown the source of my power oh that's a crown i thought it was a big eyebrow and once again is humbled his true growth is when he lets go of the idea of asgard and focuses on saving the people of asgard as god's not a place it's a people this is when he learns that being a king isn't a title it's a duty to the people who trust you to protect them so what does he do he immediately shirks that duty hard thanos shows up and kills half the asgardians nothing thor could do about it but several asgardians were spared in the escape pods after thor is rescued he doesn't go back to look for survivors or recruit people to launch an offensive no he doesn't seem to care that his people are lost in space he's reverted back into his warrior mode he just learned that he doesn't need a hammer and all his powers are nuanced and complex but rather than embracing this new truth at the first setback he goes back to a simpler way of looking at things only idri the dwarf can make me the weapon i need like i said when all you have is a hammer the whole world looks like a nail so the first time he got confused about his life the first thing he did was go out and find a new hammer that way he could see the world once again through a much simpler world view now like i mentioned earlier he fails to kill thanos for a very vain reason pride well he's never fought me yeah he has he's never fought me twice now you see that odin messed up both his kids made them each desire attention except in thor's case he's always trying to prove that he's a badass age of ultron thor says someone who's been playing an intricate game has made pawns of us but you know who knew loki knew he figured that out while thor was stalking jane [Music] and after thor fails and valkyrie salvaged their people and brought them to earth thor converts his throne into a lazy boy rather than put his people first he wallows in self-pity with his bros just like he did in thor one we say that loki's trapped in a loop but so is thor he can't outgrow his warrior role that the boy's father created for him the best thing thor ever did was shirk his responsibility and hand over his title to bruin hildy do people need a king no they already have one [Laughter] so had that best version of loki ruled asgard when thanos attacked he would have regrouped his people use the asgardians to help protect the other infinity stones recruited doctor strange to help since they've met already he might have even been able to bring the avengers together and protect the stone since hey i mean he brought them together once already right and because loki is up to speed on the universe's underworld he probably would have known about the guardians of the galaxy and gamora's connection to thanos finale of loki season 1 he proves that he can grow and change and also that he has a keen analytical mind sylvie is driven by her emotions wanting to kill he who remains out of rage and revenge but loki who used to be ruled by his emotions urges caution i know the tva has heard us both but what if by taking him out we risk unleashing something even worse all i'm suggesting is we just take a minute to think about it he no longer cares about ruling for the sake of ruling when he hears that there's a grave threat at the door he acts for the benefit of everyone not just himself someone is coming countless different versions of a very dangerous person and they're all set on war we need to prepare so loki always had way more potential to be a great king than thor he lived his life with a feeling that something was wrong he deserved to be king this instinct that he could be so much more and you know what loki was right well that's just what i think let me know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe for screen crush i'm ryan airy [Music] you
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 2,254,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Loki easter eggs, Loki, loki screencrush, what is tva, loki ending explained, loki breakdown, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, MCU, what is a time variant, marvel easter eggs, lady loki, lady loki plan, every new timeline, loki easter eggs, jet ski, mobius, sylvie, variants, time keepers, old loki, richard e grant, moki mid credits, loki episode 5, kang, one who remains, loki finale, who was the statue of in loki, loki statue explained, loki 6 easter eggs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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