Film Theory: Thanos Tried to Save Us, and Eternals PROVES IT!

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/WalkingOnCloud ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So your saying thereโ€™s a chance? That our lord and savor Thanos is right?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Godzilla_R0AR ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Too be honest with you, after watching phase 4 (Excluding Spider Man far from home) I can definitely believe that he was trying to save us.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Organic-Ice-7490 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It Mattpat at it again? Oh no.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/YareYareDazeDio ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Matpat always hypes me up for the MCU the most!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/L4dd3r ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
eight nine ten ten rings huh one two three four five six seven eight nine 10. what do you think well i suppose that's one way to get me to care about this movie hello internet welcome to film theory where we've always been with you watching guiding making you cringe and seeing you accomplish wonders like the time that you managed to pick up the phone without screening the number first that was truly miraculous so get this eternals is the last mcu feature film to not be a part of an existing series or a property that's been adapted before that is kinda crazy when you think about it the company's announced this massive plan for movies going forward into 2023 and beyond and yet none of them are actually original and honestly based on the negative early reception to eternals yeah they probably won't want to be taking that chance again anytime soon anyway it's kind of like the youtube top 10 creator tool that measures each of your last 10 uploads ooh endgame number one upload not surprising but good to see shangshi solid performing on average eternals 10th place ooh buy a lot wow not not great gotta follow that one up with the banger so the channel doesn't die fire up a spider-man anyway regardless of quality or public response it legitimately makes eternals pretty darn special add to that the fact that it was written and directed by double oscar-winning director chloe zhao a self-described marvel comics fan who was originally approached by marvel to direct black widow but after passing on that project sold them her own pitch to make this movie again pretty cool you'll notice however that one key thing i'm avoiding talking about and that's the plot because uh well i don't get it and yeah that about sums up a lot of the internet's initial reactions to this movie days after its release this is a weird movie that takes a lot of risks after all this is a movie that's full of philosophy morality and the nature of human existence and usually if someone in a marvel movie asks why are we here the answer is obviously to punch that bad guy and then they do and then spider-man makes a movie reference and one of the older guys with goatees does the sarcasm reaction and then one of the funny sincere characters does the deadpan reaction and one of the serious mother figures goes ugh boys and everybody laughs but not in this movie in eternals it suddenly yeah but but no seriously i'm feeling existentially unmoored about the nature of my place in the universe and i think we should take a long break in act 2 to talk this thing out if nothing else this movie will go down as marvel's first uncomfortable sexy time scene yeah parents there's a spoiler alert for you surprise they're nudie and doing stuff in a marvel movie i'm sitting there watching this on opening night and the parents in the audience are all collectively stiffening at the same time as they frantically tried to decide how to deal with their kids sitting next to them it was a palpable uncomfort in the audience gonna have a fun time explaining that one to the kiddos on the way home in short eternals for winding up as a quote unquote lesser marvel movie actually gives us a lot that we need to talk about because of what it's trying to accomplish outside of getting me to buy alexis that is go for gingo where are you i'm almost there parking the avengers wouldn't be late exhilaration is eternal in the first ever v8 lexus is 500. this one film completely rewrites the entire history of the marvel cinematic universe while also upending the future of where things are headed and not just in the usual way marvel movies tend to with some brand new person showing up in the middle of the credits and saying his catchphrase where half the theater goes oh he said the thing so let's actually talk about some of the more exciting stuff starting with what i think is the most interesting and important reveal of all eternals proves that thanos was right again alright so without recapping the nearly three hour run time of eternals i'm just gonna focus on the stuff that you need to know the earth is pregnant isn't it obvious morty in the marvel universe what humans consider gods are actually massive cosmic space creatures called celestials who we've actually seen before in the mcu via the guardians movies peter quill's dad ego and guardians the galaxy 2. what are you exactly i'm what's called a celestial sweetheart this big guy during the collector's speech in guardians 1 and the giant skull where the collector's base is nowhere yep that's actually a celestial head anyway the celestial's main thing is mucking around with evolution with the help of their lab assistants the superhuman robot eternals and ugly monster deviants and this is to help them survive you see it turns out that the celestials reproduce by laying their eggs inside the core of planets because the life cycles of living beings evolving for generations provide them the billions of years worth of energy that they need for those eggs to gestate and earth has one of those eggs the celestial tiamet is inside of earth waiting to be born which would be cool except for one teeny tiny detail when the newborn celestial hatches it destroys the planet and kills every living thing on it so yeah earth is suddenly on a doomsday clock or would be if it hadn't been for everyone's favorite giant purple raisin man thanos in what might be the darkest implied twist in marvel universe yet it turns out that before earth's mightiest hero saved the universe from thanos thanos saved earth from the celestials apparently the emergence of tiamet was unscheduled to happen a few years ago but got delayed because something cut the population of the universe and thus the egg's power supply in half hmm in half you say perfectly balanced this whole thing should be and when the avengers assemble to snap everyone back into existence suddenly tiamet was back on the clock to hatch which wouldn't you know is the main threat of this movie and that's not the only way that thanos helped out either the eventual pulling together of humanity to undo the snap turns out to be the tipping point that gets a member of the eternals to turn against their master and stop the emergence so does that make thanos earth's mightiest hero kinda yeah sure the avengers saved half of humanity but thanos literally saved the entire planet adding insult to injury the fact that the avengers undoing his work puts tiamet once again on the fast track to hatching that only strengthens thanos case but here's where things get really interesting was this intentional or not did thanos know what he was really doing when he snapped everyone away or was this just some lucky coincidence i think that there's a case to be made that he knew what he was doing but maybe he couldn't articulate it let me explain it all starts off with three key lines from infinity war first listen to him describe the fall of titan titan was like most planets too many mouths not enough to go around and when we faced extinction i offered a solution they called me a madman and what i predicted came to balance notice that he says extinction here and it's kept very vague we assume the extinction is related to the planet's lack of resources since that's what he's talking about but what if the extinction was coming from another source a celestial source feeding on those too many mouths because there's another line earlier about the nature of the planet titan and it feels off what the hell happened to this planet it's eight degrees off its axis gravitational pull is all over the place titan isn't just a dead planet where people died due to a lack of resources it's a planet that has been fundamentally altered as peter quill points out the gravitation on the planet is weird it is somehow off its axis that sort of cosmic change doesn't happen just because a planet runs out of food and water that comes from a celestial popping out of this thing like a giant kinder egg something more happened on titan that we didn't think to question way back then something that i suspect even thanos himself might not have been super sure about if life is left unchecked life will cease to exist it needs correct you don't know that i'm the only one who knows that remember that throughout infinity war we get thanos talking about how he predicted that titan was doomed that he was sure a similar fate was going to happen to other planets including earth and that he needs to snap away half the population but we never get why he has these predictions only that he's the only one who's smart enough to see the inevitable given what we knew about him at the time he just seemed to be a committed malthusian zealot concerned about resource management but now with eternals i think we have another explanation thanos actually did know all of this stuff because he himself was a malfunctioning eternal during the credits for eternals we're introduced to well first we're introduced to probably the worst cgi in a marvel movie ever pip the troll was it just me or did the dialogue just not match up with this guy's lips at all the cgi effects here were like i was watching the star wars special edition anyway pip's the hype man for a character named arrows also known by the nickname star fox you're a barrel roll yeah that joke's not gonna get old and we're told that just like in the comics eros is also an eternal who is also thanos's brother which seems to suggest that thanos himself was an eternal okay so let's talk about thanos and eros for a minute here in the comics they didn't originally have anything to do with eternals or celestials but then a retcon came along which did make them part of the eternals in fact that was part of the explanation for why thanos was the mad titan he was psychologically traumatized from being bullied as a kid because even though he himself was an eternal he'd been born with a recessive gene that made him look more like one of the deviants i.e that's why he's huge purple and you know the whole washboard chin whereas eros was not only traditionally attractive he has no joke the power to make you sexually attracted to him a villain for the metoo era if i've ever seen one in short we have the movie outright naming thanos as the sole reason the emergence was delayed thereby saving earth for five extra years we have comic evidence showing thanos was an eternal as well as an end credit scene that suggests the exact same thing so the pieces are lined up to prove that thanos knew what he was doing all along why then was he going around talking about limited resources rather than hey i'm doing this because you're all gonna die when the space egg hatches well i propose to you that he knew but also kinda didn't know in eternals we learned that angelina jolie's character thena came down with an eternal specific mental illness called madwiry this caused her to have apocalyptic visions and lash out at her teammates midway through the movie it's revealed that these moments of madness are actually glitches in her programming when she gets to see glimpses of the team's previous planetary destructions what if this or something like it is what happened to thanos think about it if he and eros are also eternals it stands to reason that he could have had a similar breakdown or had similar visions revealing the truth about what's really gonna happen when the world's population reaches the dunmark but maybe not a complete or coherent vision so his interpretation of what he saw and felt became militant population balance instead of hey guys what if we're actually a growth machine that feeds a giant star child living inside the planet why else would mad wiry be a plot point in an already overstuffed movie like eternals so that's a theory looking backwards thanos was right yet again but for good measure i wanted to include a short theory looking forwards as well when confronted about the nature of life and death in the universe by cersei you know real casual conversation there are shem talks in pretty stark terms about how if the celestials don't keep on cultivating the cosmos everything will fall to darkness now in the comics the actual how and why of the celestials changes all the time but a consistent thing is that they're old as heck representing the emergence of the first light energy in the universe therefore they are enemies of emptiness and darkness on the cosmic scale and in the marvel comics universe cosmic darkness isn't just a what it's a who you see this guy his name is null and i'm thinking eternals just set him up as one of the mcu's next big cosmic bad guys in the comics null is supposedly the embodiment of darkness a creature of pure absolute evil and destruction who seeks only to destroy all light life in existence that makes the celestials his ultimate enemies and he's been trying to kill him off ever since they first appeared the big floating head nowhere from the guardians movies like i mentioned earlier that used to be a celestial and null was the one who did the chopping using his weapon all black the necro sword a sword that would later fall into the hands of a character named gore the god butcher a character that wouldn't know it is about to be played by christian bale in the upcoming thor movie love and thunder now this weapon in particular is interesting because it's so much more than a sword it's actually established to be a living parasitic organism that's existed for billions of years in fact in the comics lore it's the first and most powerful symbiote ever made with all black by aside null assembles his first true army the symbiote race huh that reminds me who just got zapped into the mcu during a post-credits scene oh yeah venom and eddie at the end of venom two what coincidental timing and this isn't just me pulling out some loose threads either in the end credit scene with dane whitman we see him reach for a sword and the glassy black polish on the blade starts to shimmer and jump towards his fingertips in a way that is not too dissimilar from the way symbiotes react in the venom movies now let me make this clear i'm not saying that that sword is all black it's more likely to be the ebony blade sword that's actually hinted at earlier in the movie when then is practicing her swordsmanship but even still all of it from the mention of cosmic darkness to the sudden appearance of symbiotes to a living blade heck even the ebony blade itself is also traceable to null's war against the celestials all of it seems to pave the way for no because here's what i think is the most interesting takeaway of all this i don't think we saw the good guys win in eternals cersei herself questions whether stopping the emergence was the right move and honestly i don't think it was regardless of the value of humanity which honestly the movie itself is kind of split on the actions of the eternals in this movie were short-sighted saving one planet at the expense of billions that coupled with our heroes quest to let the other eternals know the truth about their existence sets in motion a series of dominoes that definitely looks like it's gonna wind up killing off a bunch of celestials opening the door to an era of darkness an era of no but hey let's be honest with ourselves we all know the marvel movie that we're all really excited about is spider-man no way home even as i write this it's trending on twitter with like a hundred thousand tweets that a new spider-man poster just dropped with da da green goblin from sam raimi's spider-man well you guys can catch up on that first appearance of that iconic villain literally nowhere here in the u.s you actually have to pay full price to rent it or buy it wherever you're gonna try to stream it but it is available to stream over in netflix germany which you can access thanks to our sponsor for today's episode nordvpn did you know that there are global databases that tell you where in the 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Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 8,947,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eternals, marvel, MCU, Disney+, Thanos, Avengers, Marvel Theory, Eternals explained, Eternals trailer, marvel news, marvel announcement, spiderman, spider man, spiderman no way home, spiderman trailer, film theorists, film theory, film theory spiderman, film theory spider man, film theory marvel
Id: jgif_xUXa9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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