Why NAMOR Was Right! (and Will Join Thor Against the Avengers)

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my mother told stories about a place like this a protected land with people that never had to leave [Music] hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan area unless and let's get right into it it was right everything that he did was to protect his people who had already survived a genocide so we're going to look at how every decision to Moore made in wakanda Forever wasn't the best interest of his people and why attacking the surface world is the only way to protect Helicon and we think that he will attack in phase six and that that attack will pit the Thunderbolts and the new Avengers team against each other in a Secret Avengers movie that hasn't even been announced yet but more on that in a bit remember the MCU is a really harsh place right now and the governments of the world get shadier with every single movie Hell Valentina Allegra de Fontaine is running the Thunderbolts let me rephrase that the director of the CIA has her own superhero mercenaries hell we've even seen damage control over reaching to control powered people and I think all this is going to come to a head very soon no more knows that he cannot hide his civilization forever and that literally everyone will come for his people and their vibranium the second they discover they exist as their leader it is his job to protect his Nation Oh yeah no more lives in Atlantis right actually Doug no more rules over talicon a Atlantis is European a fallen civilization first mission by Plato telecon however has its roots in Aztec culture it's modeled after the first of the Aztec's 13 Heavens reserved for people who died by Drowning now in the MCU telecon is an underwater Empire filled with vibranium the people of talocon originally lived on a land in the Yucatan Peninsula but after colonizers ravaged their home with disease a Mayan Shaman found a plant similar to the heart-shaped herb when they drank it they gained the ability to breathe underwater and fled to the ocean to escape their oppression the more is the firstborn child of talocon and after his mother drank the plant while she was pregnant he became a mutant with pointy ears winged feet and the ability to breathe on air and land so let's really try to see the events of wakanda forever from nemour's point of view he wrote telecon for hundreds of years and protected his people by keeping them totally secret telecons never messed with the surface World until they drilled into their land for vibranium if a country drills into another country for a resource without permission that's an act of War but they didn't know they thought it was just the ocean you don't need to be killing people for that but remember nemour's number one goal is protecting his people and the best way to do that is to keep them totally secret now killing everyone on the ship was extreme but it did guarantee that nobody could expose them also the blood of the people on the boat kind of on wakanda's hands when wakanda revealed vibranium to the world it put telecon in a perilous situation every nation in the world now wanted access to this most precious resource and what better place to look than under the sea but wakanda didn't even know telecon existed no but wakanda still endangered them your son exposed the power of like bringing to the world in response other nations have begun searching the planet for it the vibranium detection machine raises the stakes for no more if the surface World built at once they can build it again so he has to find the scientists that made it Riri yeah and the Moore wants to kill a college kid that's not right well look it's more complicated than that nemour doesn't want to kill Riri he views her death as a necessity it's important to remember that nemour isn't just a part of talicon he's their leader a God and a protector his responsibility ability is with his people and Riri regardless of her age is a threat the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few also this reflects nemour's lack of trust in the surface world now let's say hypothetically that he tried to reason with her explain why she can't create this machine and help her empathize with his people it wouldn't matter because she wouldn't have a choice the more knows that the governments of the surface world will force her to recreate this machine and he's not wrong and yes Riri is a kid who doesn't deserve to die and murdering her would be awful nobody is arguing that child murder is a good thing but no more wouldn't even be the first superhero to kill or try to kill a kid because it was necessary Andre club's daughter was collateral damage and we were all totally fine when Tony Stark brought a 15 year old into a superhero Civil War I can't go to Germany why attack on homework and do we even need to bring up King t'chaka abandoning his nephew after killing his brother and the child bad things have always happened to kids in the MCU when it was necessary and if you're sitting into more shoes killing Riri is just a necessary but a terrible choice that he has to make now nemour starts with violence but then he really does try diplomacy when his people find rary sure he demands to go with her and meet their leader I demand that you take me to Neymar do not bring home to this girl and once she's in telecon she is treated with the utmost respect she's given fancy Regal clothing and the more even gives her his mother's bracelet she is a diplomatic guest namora explains telecon's history to her to make her empathize with his point of view so that you can understand why I have to kill the scientists the stakes are really high there is a life on the line but this is pretty standard diplomacy and sure he gets that she negotiates with him and wants to know more about him and his people so she can understand him better I'd love to see your nation when the more shows shuri telecon he's so proud of what he and his people created they have their own culture Transportation Systems greetings games and even their own sons of the ocean brought the son to my people the more is not showing off he is exposing telecon to shuri so she understands what's at stake for him I know you know you've heard the life of the scientists but now you see what they return to the surface world and have this beautiful heart to heart about loss loss connects the two they've both lost what's most important to them and it's only then when he knows shuri understands that nemour tries to ally with wakanda in a war against the surface world now we'll get into how no more is totally right about the surface World attacking telecon later in the video but for now all that's important is the nemour offered wakanda a diplomatic Alliance in good faith and then it all goes to what do you mean well sure if for some reason didn't tell anybody she was going to telecon so wakanda thinks that she's been kidnapped in her life is in danger and to be honest I can't blame them no one saw her agree to go and it's not like she can text her mom so one of those damn text messages you're always sending out there you know hey it's me Casey I'm Not Dead in the ditch LOL little picture of whale hashtag Yolo to rescue shuri Queen Ramona lures no more to the surface world and threatens to expose him pretend my daughter and the scientist I will inform them of your existence she made the most serious threat possible and the more is transparent about what he'll do if she reveals them or tries to find talocon I will kill the princess I will come to wakanda and I will kill you at that exact moment Nakia is in talocon saving Princess shuri and if that wasn't bad enough she kills two guards right then I'm sure he knows they're Phillips so who's in the right here what's tricky is Queen Ramona wrong for sending Nakia to get shuri when she thought she was kidnapped no I mean a wakandan spy infiltrates nemour's Kingdom and kills one of his people of course he sees that as an act of War but but somebody has to be their own I see the world and start black and white terms and what can I say dude a lot of Wars start because of lethal misunderstandings I'm looking at you World War One so no more takes the murder of two of telecon citizens as an act of war and brings it he also makes good on his threat to Queen Ramona but even then he's still like he's ready for war with the surface world but he still doesn't want war with wakanda if he did he would have continued the attack look at nemour's intentions unlike shuri and queen Ramona nemour's only goal is to protect his people before their attack no more takes responsibility for these two murders in a speech he's their protector and if anybody's been hurt it's his fault then he says he couldn't protect all of his people but he will protect their home is no more Angry yes but he's not driven by anger he's driven by a sense of Duty he's attacking wakanda because their knowledge of talicon is dangerous for no more and his people wakanda and talocon have to be allies or they will always be under threat sure he doesn't attack no more to protect her people yes her people are threatened but her intention is Vengeance Neymar will beg me for Messi as I stand and watch as he dies now I can't think of a nicer way to attack than giving the enemy seven days warning and how does wakanda respond by creating a second vibranium detection device they could have called him with the Conch but instead they recreated the biggest threat to talicon that's I mean that's not great right it's an act of War so nemour and his army go to the surface and the battle begins now I'm not going to delve too deep into it but once no more and sure you're fighting head on they're evenly matched she's the Black Panther he's weakened by dehydration they're on the same level instead I want to focus on what they say to each other when they've won after no more stab shuri through the stomach he says it could have been different the fight for him is always about his duty to protect his people hey person how did she survive that special with content Tech stuff anyways when shuri wins she says vengeance has consumed us we cannot let it consume our people now that's true for sure but not for no more no more doesn't like the surface world but he isn't attacking for vengeance if he was he would have attacked a long time ago Lord knows telecon is strong enough to take Vengeance on the colonizers nearly made their tribe extinct nemour is attacking now because he doesn't trust the surface world for him it's a collection of Nations that would hurt his people and again you probably wouldn't be wrong then the more yields to shuri now he's worshiped as a God and he bends the knee to someone from the surface World talk about an ego hit and why does he do it he just got his ass handed to him and still he only cares about his people in wakanda forever no More's actions are extreme but they all make sense and they're all done with one goal in mind to protect talicon but moving on from that his attacking the surface World plan isn't all that crazy with the history of colonization the Shady governments and the speed of technological innovation a preemptive attack is the only way the nemour could protect his people oppression colonialism and genocide were already canon in the MCU this isn't War it's genocide now there's some historical context in wakanda forever but to really understand no more we need to really understand the tolls that colonization has taken on mesoamerica unlike wakanda no More's people cannot hide from colonization they escaped it but the price was leaving their homes and it was a great home prior to Spanish colonization the Mayans had an advanced and beautiful Empire there were thriving Urban cities with complex infrastructure like Chichen Itza and usmel they were extremely advanced in astronomy and math they had accurate calendars spanning 5 000 years why everybody thought the world was going to end in 2012. according Mayan calendar the world will be destroyed at the end of the 13th book tune yes well to be clear the Mayans didn't think that we just decided the end of their calendar meant doomsday they also used rubber made chocolate and had complex religion and social systems Ursa what happened well a few things the Mayan empire originally declined because of Civil War and ecological disaster the Mayan civilization became decentralized it didn't stop but continued City to City instead of in a Grand Empire but the biggest problem was the Spanish colonizers the Spanish arrived at the Yucatan Peninsula now part of Mexico in 1527 and immediately said that all the land and people there were now Spanish I claimed this chest in the name of Spain but the Spanish military was weaker than the Mayans so they couldn't set up a city in the region for 10 years or if they were richer how'd they take over well you know what they spread in those 10 years disease not like the Europeans didn't give us anything no because they gave us typhus cholera malaria measles European diseases weakened the Mayan people until the Spanish could slowly take over forcing them into Villages called reduciones sort of like reservations in North America then they enslaved them with the system called repartimento that's probably where we saw nemour when he buried his mom also remember that a Catholic priest called Namor a child without love Spanish man of Faith curse me he called me it's not surprising that the colonizers also Stripped Away their religion even putting crosses on their temples even though no more didn't grow up in the Yucatan everyone else in talocon did so he heard stories of their beautiful Advanced Society but when he goes to the surface it's gone and even worse the Mayan people are reduced to Slaves so he sees firsthand how much was lost and he knows what can be taken from talocon in the name of gathering resources but that was such a long time ago how does she know it'll be the same if they go public now yeah that original colonization was a long time ago but Western governments still interfere with Central America in ways that affect the Mayan people take the Guatemalan Civil War for example it began in the 1950s with a u.s-backed coup and directly led to a Mayan genocide in the 80s the more is up on current events he knew the wakanda revealed itself so he probably knows about this ongoing oppression and that leads to another point in the MCU governments are sketchy president wants to take offensive action against wakanda what type of offensive action destabilization and I love superheroes but their existence has made governments a lot sketchier and legalities are a lot less clear while it's good that they busted Hydra bases it was definitely against international law the sokovia Accords tried to solve that problem but government oversight did not work at all but this panel sends us somewhere we don't think we should go what if there's somewhere we need to go and they don't let us now by the time of wakanda forever the U.S government is extremely Shady Val is the head of the CIA and from what we know about the Thunderbolts it seems like she's about to run a group of mercenaries in one division we met the director of Sword who is brutally aggressive and mainly concerned with creating sentient weapons and that's not even mentioning secret Invasion where an alien race has infiltrated the highest offices of the land nothing about the government is transparent especially if it involves vibranium the leaders of the world are doing whatever it takes to get their own vibranium the French sent mercenaries to Elbow content outposts and the U.S secretly took plans from a 19 year old girl the U.S also kept legally dubious vibranium for years Valentina admits that Captain America's shield isn't even theirs dirty state secret it doesn't really belong to the government gray area and sword shouldn't have had vision's body he made his posthumous wishes quite clear and no matter what sword cares more about the vibrania than the fact that Vision was a living being I cannot allow you to take three billion dollars worth of vibranium just to put it in the ground I mean I wish the United States wanted vibranium for altruistic reasons but it's clear that that's not the case ever thought what we would be doing if the U.S was the only country in the world with vibranium dream about that no more knows that he cannot keep telecon a secret forever that was never the plan he told his people that one day the surface world would find them and they'd have to attack with the vibranium detection machine a wakanda knowing their secret that day is getting closer and closer Ever since the Battle of New York introduced the world to alien technology earth technology has advanced rapidly and better technology means that it's harder to keep secrets look at wakanda and vibranium wakanda didn't officially announce its Tech until black panther but the Avengers already knew after all it was never a secret that their original stores of vibranium came from wakanda I don't follow what comes out of wakanda the strongest metal on Earth they just thought that Howard Stark got everything out but in Age of Ultron it's revealed that claw also stole vibranium and earned a brand that meant thief in wakandan hell in Iron Man 2 we see that Shield was already monitoring wakanda so they probably knew too wakanda does not immediately reveal their technology until Civil War now if you're trying to keep your Society on the DL running around in a super technologically advanced cat suit with vibranium Claws and trying to kill the guy who murdered Your Leader isn't the smartest way to do it and that's not even getting into how ready Claw is to talk you're telling me that weapon on your arm is from wakanda wakanda chose to reveal their Tech but they also couldn't have kept it secret much longer it made more sense for them to come forward on their own terms than to wait to be discovered but the key difference between wakanda and telecon is that wakanda was already recognized as a country the rest of the world knew they existed just not the extent of their technological power though it remains one of the poorest countries in the world fortified by mountain ranges and an impenetrable rainforest now this meant that wakanda had legal protections they were recognized as a Sovereign Nation and were even part of the U.N and still countries attacked them for their vibranium Telecom has no legal protections how could they no one knows they exist and they can even be classified as inhuman since they don't breathe air a perceived lack of humanity was part of the problem in the original colonization of the Maya the Spanish Justified their treatment by saying they were less human because they weren't Christian because Nemours people are even more different they could face the same issue so what can the more do telecon can't stay hidden for much longer if they come to the surface World in peace they'll be attacked for their their resources and will have no legal framework protecting them they only have one option show that they're too strong to be messed with by staging a preemptive attack both in the real world and in the MCU there is a delicate geopolitical balance that's how the world works and things that disrupt that balance don't go over well that's partially why wakanda is getting attacked they were a third world country who suddenly catapulted to the most advanced country in the world and one of the things keeping them safe is their military power the Dora milaje made a show of the French mercenaries to scare other nations no country on Earth will outright attack wakanda because they know they'll lose if wakanda's military might as their biggest protection the same is true for talocon the talicon cannot display their strength unless they attack first if they wait to be attacked it's already too late they're looking at the same situation as before if they can assert their might early they can scare other governments into leaving them and their vibranium alone also wakanda's initial reaction to them didn't do a lot to student Amore's fears if there is one country in the world that should have understood them from the start it was wakanda it and while they eventually got there vengeance is consumed us we cannot let it consume our people the time it took doesn't bode well for talicon so what if this attack on the surface world is planned for phase six and what if it happens in a Secret Avengers movie ER like The Secret Avengers comic books that have been sir curl no no not like The Secret Avengers Comics but an Avengers movie in phase six that they have kept secret that Marvel hasn't announced yet what we've had all this build up for Young Avengers yet there's no Young Avengers project in sight unless Avengers the Kang Dynasty is actually Young Avengers the Kang Dynasty and this would make sense because the Young Avengers Origins tied very closely to King the Conqueror a teenage version of Kang did join the team all right so there's not going to be like a grown-up Avengers movie there is I think there's an unannounced Avengers movie that takes place after the Thunderbolts so after secret Invasion the US government will have one big question how did the world's Heroes let Scrolls take over and how do they stop this from happening again and we know that Thunderbolt Ross is going to become president Ross and Captain America Brave New World and this guy has a history of superhero oppression so as the new leader of the Free World he will go to any links to ensure American Security that will be the focus of Captain America Brave New World now Brave New World is actually a reference to Aldous huxley's 1931 dystopia novel where everything's been mechanized and there's only one massive government called the world State my guess is that in this new movie Ross is going to start expanding the U.S government to being a single world government similar to the world State and the Thunderbolts are going to play a part in that now Sam was not Steve's best friend for nothing he believes deeply in Freedom and there's no way he's going to let an authoritarian regime take over without a fight so in response to Ross forming a One World Government Sam forms a new Avengers but members of the Thunderbolts Bucky John Walker Elena Taskmaster Red Guardian and ghost would already be on the United States side so just like Civil War the Earth's Mightiest Heroes are split and that is where the Secret Avengers movie comes in after Thunderbolts Ross attacks wakanda and new Asgard for not bending the knee and giving up their sovereignty no more seasons chance to force an allyship with wakanda and new Asgard so he attacks the U.S while the U.S and the Thunderbolts are fighting wakanda telecon and new Asgard the new Avengers are just trying to stop the war and when Kang shows up no heroes are free to stop him except for Boom the Young Avengers it's all happening but that's just a theory what we know for sure is that nemour was justified both the villains and the heroes of wakanda forever are nuanced and the entire movie points to the same problem that Falcon and the Winter Soldier did the governments of the MCU are untrustworthy now it seems like they all came together for a while during the blip but once everybody came back this Alliance fell apart and now every government is trying to protect and arm themselves now while we want there to be a clear-cut good guys and bad guys it's mostly just people trying to protect themselves and their own interests and the more is one of them he knows that he isn't invincible and he knows that his Empire isn't either he has seen firsthand in Empire's destruction because of the greed of men and he knows they'll do it again if he preemptively strikes and he can defend his people rather than being a Sitting Duck and waiting for the world to discover him but that should start thoughts what do you guys think is Neymar Justified will Ross form a One World Government will the Young Avengers leave the Kang Dynasty let me know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm ryanairy foreign [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 366,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: namor was right, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, namor wass right, namor, wakanda forever, marvel, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, black panther 3, secery avengers, thunderbolts, mcu movies, namos wakanda forever, shuri, tchalla, talocan, eternals
Id: 47wMhaCIZXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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