Why the Infinity Stones are Being REBORN As Multiversal Entities - Marvel Theory

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are the fundamental forces of the universe or rather the Multiverse becoming personified similarly to how they were with the Infinity Stones each reality has six fundamental components which were forged into the six stones at the dawn of each Universe we've seen these Stones across multiple realities and in each Universe we see them they are among the most powerful artifacts known by the respective inhabitants the pillars of the universe itself self is it possible however that we're beginning to see them personified on a multiversal level well my friends let's discuss the theory that these fundamental forces now have deities associated with them perhaps the most obvious example of this is Loki's Ascension to the title of God of stories with the Multiverse within his grasp he has quite literally become the god of time on a multiversal level able to slip anywhere into the Multiverse on a whim and even freeze time where it stands many have likened this to the green of the time Stone and some fans believe that the time Stone's green coloration can be traced back directly to Loki if the time Stone grants a user control over the properties of time then it makes sense that it would resemble the god of time itself but does this extend to the other Stones as well and the other five of them are the Infinity Stones actually tied to entities that have powers on a multiversal level the best other example of this would be the reality stone and a previous theory that we proposed sometime back the theory proposes a deeper connection between Wanda and the reality Stone itself and there's quite a bit of evidence that can be found in Wanda vision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness that connects Wanda to the stone on a multiversal level we've previously released a much more in-depth video about this connection and while that has an in-depth breakdown we're going to summarize it here we know that Wanda's Powers were initially manifested after her interaction with the mindstone but given the release of Wanda Vision we know that there was something more going on with Wanda before she was ever experimented on by Hydra it's been stated that the stone didn't just actually give her any powers outright but that instead it awakened her Laten abilities that were left undiscovered there is also a very clear Visual and conceptual similarity between her powers and the stone that being that they both possess the ability to alter matter on a molecular level Wanda is able to transform just about any material she chooses into different forms most impressive is her reality warping Powers were able to convert the entirety of West View's in organic matter the reality Stone in turn as is suggested by the name is able to alter and warp reality but what are some of the deeper connections between Wanda and the stone that go beyond the surface level similarities in Wanda Vision we get a scientific analysis of Wanda's power courtesy of Darcy Lewis and her research in which she discovers that Wanda is emitting what is known as CMB radiation she describes this specific type of radiation as the type of radiation present at the dawn of the universe and in real life scientific terms it is described as the radiation that fills all space and is regarded as a leftover energy from The Big Bang this is important because it suggests that both Wanda and the stones are saturated with the same energy and the mindstone actually awakened attributes more closely related to two other Stones we can then take this a bit further and the fact that Quicksilver might be pulling the ability to move more effectively through space from the space Stone but let's explore this from a newfound multiversal perspective there is only one God of stories in the Multiverse so if these fundamental forces are being personified on a multiversal level then how can Wanda be considered after all there are thousands of versions of Wanda from across the Multiverse and we actually meet Earth 83es Wanda in the Multiverse of Madness while we know that there are several variants of Wanda we don't know if there is any other Scarlet Witch we know that the Scarlet Witch prophecy was one inscribed into the walls of Mount wandor which was later copied into the dark hold book we also know that there are several versions of the dark hold from across the Multiverse which would imply that there are several versions of the Scarlet Witch well not necessarily in the MCU we know that timelines can Branch creating new realities based on every decision that anyone in the universe could possibly make any branches that take place after the transcript was written would result in an alternate universe that still had a version of Mount wondercore and still had a version of the dark hold even if wander herself was no longer tied to these realities if there is only one Scarlet Witch in the entirety of the Multiverse then she might be the next to find yourself graduating to the level of a multiversal deity alongside the god of stories Loki even though she is presumed to be dead we have yet to see a body and it's still possible that she is still very much alive so then if the entities of time and reality are being primed to become multiversal entities that represent the stones on a multiversal level then who is next for the rest of the stones who else might assume the role of a cosmic embodiment of the fundamental forces of reality everything that follows is purely speculative of course but let's discuss a few compelling options of who might represent the other Stones first let's establish what we still have left to cover if we are to use the six Infinity Stones as a baseline we still have the forces of mind soul power and space to consider if Loki and Wanda are the first two then we can pull some similarities between them in order to better narrow down our search both both of these characters utilize different forms of magic and it's important to note that they are not reliant on any technology or artificial means while Loki is trained extensively in the ways of magic and sorcery he is an incredibly powerful God by default one deity that we might see Ascent to the role of a god of space might be the Watcher uatu himself he is already a multiversal level entity who is capable of seeing the Multiverse from an outside perspective uatu has been shown traveling across the Multiverse and even collecting multiversal Defenders to Aid him as of now he doesn't have any explicit space bending powers or powers that represent the space Stone outright but neither did Loki until the finale of the second season there is room for the Watcher to be upgraded but he seems to be a worthy candidate at least at the time to consider for the power of mind let's look to the comics as we believe if anyone to become the power of the Mind itself it's an individual that's only been seen briefly in the original Source material much like the Council of kangs is a collection of hundreds of King variants we know that there is a council of reeds this assembly of Reed Richards variants brings together some of the smartest Minds in the Multiverse and we already know that Reed Richards is on the brink of discovering the Multiverse himself Reed Richards is primarily accepted as the single most brilliant mind on Earth and it's his technology and Brilliance that paves the way for Kang's eventual creation the teleportation doors from Earth 838 very closely resemble the time doors used by the TVA this has led many to to theorize that this is a precursor to multiversal technology we know that the council was initially founded by Alpha Reed and was among the most brilliant even among Reed Richard's variants with The Infinity Gauntlet by his side he even attempted to conquer Earth 616 and he nearly succeeded and other variants such as the maker have been able to stretch their brain to increase their intellect even further than a normal read it's completely reasonable that if anyone is brilliant enough to descend to the level of a god of the mind it would most certainly be Reed Richards the embodiment of the Soul Stone is a bit more difficult to pin down though as we're looking for someone who is dominion over death itself while we might initially consider someone like Hela Bast from wakandan belief or another god of death these after lives are contained to their individual realities each Universe has a god of death and other versions of the afterlife but one character seems to have much more potential than this in the original Comics not only did Adam Warlock possess and utilize the the Soul Stone but he also eventually graduated to the mantle of the Living Tribunal in the MCU Adam Warlock of Earth 616 never used the Soul Stone but that doesn't mean that other variants of him haven't The Living Tribunal on the other hand is quite literally tasked with balancing the lives of countless universes within his hands he settles disputes between realities and in some cases is tasked with deciding which timelines live and which of them die we do know that a version of the Living Tribunal exists somewhere in the Marvel Multiverse as we've seen multiple references statues and imagery of the being in several different places it is far from confirmed that this is a variant of Adam Warlock but whatever version of the Living Tribunal and what it might take might be the multiversal embodiment of the Soul lastly that leaves us with the domain of power which is a rather vague and open-ended term to assess if we are to take this literally and look at the most powerful entity in the Multiverse then there is only one answer we are of course talking about the the one above all the literal god of the Multiverse in the Marvel Comics this entity is the creator of all the first being and the one who presides over all of existence we don't know yet where the one above all is but we do know that the Living Tribunal his direct right-hand man is already present somewhere The Living Tribunal is typically depicted as the second most powerful entity in the Multiverse only behind the one above all and his debut is something that seems to be imminent but anyway my friends what do you think of this idea idea do you think the fundamental forces of the universe are being personified by multiversal entities and if so who do you think could be next do you think that we're on track with our Theory and selections of the characters or do you believe that we're missing it by a long shot we'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions down below thank you so much for stopping by the channel today and I hope that you're having a great one
Channel: The Marvelous Wave
Views: 290,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Loki Season 2 Explained, Loki season 2, The Marvels Bomb, Marvel Theory, Scarlet Witch, MCU, Deadpool 3, Kang Dr Doom, Kang Dynasty
Id: EcGpm8Ed-Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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