Why Loki Aging Millions of Years Made Him the Most Powerful Entity in the Multiverse

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is there a specific reason that we can point to that explains why Loki grew so exponentially powerful at the end of Loki season 2 in the Loki season 2 finale we watched as Loki became one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Multiverse he became so strong that he could quite literally weave timelines together and maintain their stability across the entirety of reality but is there a reason why Loki was able to achieve this now in particular and wasn't able to before well today my friends let's discuss what made these circumstances so different and explain why Loki was able to grow so powerful so quickly the reason goes back to Loki's physiology and specifically his Asgardian Heritage we know that Loki was adopted from yodenheim and is technically a frost giant by Blood but for the first thousand years of his life he was unable to distinguish himself from the rest of his Asgardian Brethren he was also trained extensively in Asgardian iian Magic and was saturated by it thanks to his mother and his years of training this got to the point where it was able to conceal his appearance without him ever even knowing and he had no way of actually being able to tell that he was not as guardian this is all to say that Loki's biology seems to be virtually indistinguishable from that of an Asgardian with this being extremely important the most important facet is that as asgardians age they grow more and more powerful until the time of their death the peak of their power is much later proportional speaking than humans who usually reach their physical peak in their late 20s into their 30s but of course this is different for everyone as Guardians however are the most powerful at their later stages of life until they approach the time of their death and they wne much more rapidly because of this there seems to be two primary reasons as to why Loki was able to grow so strong in such a short amount of time the first is as Loki attempts to repair the throughput multiplier he finds himself trapped in a Time Loop that takes hundreds of years for him him to sort out we know that Loki was around 1,000 years old during the events of the Avengers and this time Loop would have made him much older and therefore more powerful this not only ages him drastically thus increasing his power but secondly Obie's explanation of what exactly is happening outside furthers this point when he warns the group about what is going to happen when they step through the blast doors he says that whoever goes out there will be saturated with temporal radiation on an unprecedented scale they are about to step into a void of raw unrefined time that is to be woven into an infinite number of different possible realities this is enough sheer radiation to fuel the entirety of the Multiverse and every timeline that does and will ever exist making it the most powerful source of raw time that reality has to offer we know this because he says that the suit will age away exposing whoever is inside to a surge of temporal radiation if our previous logic tracks then this would also serve to drastically heighten Loki's power because time strength strengthens as Guardians and this might explain why Loki was able to amass such a massive surge of strength in such a short time the temporal radiation outside of the blast doors was so strong that it was able to age away Victor timely suit and him in turn within a matter of seconds this implies that hundreds of years were being pumped into timely in the suit in just a few brief moments so if Loki was absorbing hundreds of years per second then he would have rapidly grown into one of the oldest asgardians in known history this also seems to imply that temporal radiation makes as Guardians utterly surge in power and Loki so far as we know is the only Asgardian to ever be exposed to Raw temporal radiation as of right now every Asgardian that we know has only been exposed to properly woven time that had already been forged into a timeline they have aged according to the Natural flow of history according to their timeline and are consequently only able to absorb so much temporal radiation before they die it's also important to remember that that these are the highest levels of radiation that even the TVA has ever seen but perhaps more importantly what does this mean for Loki's future and while he continued to get even stronger when the loom was overloading it was attempting to force as much raw radiation through the Rings as possible as it needed to accommodate the infinite number of ever expanding timelines this created an oven of extreme energy and now this Loom has been destroyed entirely even if there was another Asgardian who had access to the tomb beyond the BL tours then the levels of radiation wouldn't have been nearly as high as they were in this specific instance the loom only needed to draw in enough power for one timeline to maintain its Integrity so even if there was someone else who had been exposed nobody has been exposed at that level Loki's current domain is outside of the TVA in what appears to be the remains of the Citadel at the end of time and this might mean that Loki's growth is not yet done without the loom there is no regulation on how much temporal radiation is able to to make it into Loki's throne and this energy is pulsating through every timeline that he's woven into the branches of time the energy outside of the TVA gave him the power to collect strands of time and tie them together into one Collective but that may be just the very beginning we can see a distinct Green Glow all around Loki after he forges the new Multiverse and this might be granting him more and more power with each passing minute that he spends at the center of the tree as to what else this might mean however we can only imagine right now Loki is known as the god of stories which was taken from a Loki variant of the same name this variant is quite literally capable of rewriting entire timelines to his liking and can change the story as he sees fit as of right now we don't know how much more powerful this version of Loki could get or if he's working himself up into that point regardless it stands to reason that the next time we see this variant of Loki he will be one of the most powerful individuals the Multiverse has ever seen and may not even be done done growing yet but anyway my friends what do you think of this idea do you think that the super saturation of temporal radiation is responsible for Loki's immense Surge and power or is there another reason why he suddenly became so strong and like a true God are there other factors at play here is this no longer the main driving force and what else do you think could have happened here thank you as always so much my friends for visiting the channel today hit that subscribe button to assemble and join our team and I hope you're having a great one [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Marvelous Wave
Views: 183,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Loki Season 2, Loki Ending, Loki Power, Loki Most Powerful, Loki God of Stories
Id: GcnIB_MT_1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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