Avengers Endgame: Why THANOS Was Right (And Was Actually Trying to Stop KANG) Secret Plan EXPLAINED

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Interesting concept. I disagree that Humanity would go back to the same population issues after they learn how much better life is with lower population. I feel like the people remaining would have taken the opportunity to consider that having more than one child may not have been in the best interest of the world.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dark_Devin 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome to screen crush i'm ryan airy and i'm here to tell you why thanos was right not about how to feed the universe that was dumb i'm going to explain why thanos was actually a victim of kang's multiversal war and why everything he did was to prevent the arrival of kang but first we have our screen crush trivia question we all know josh brolin played thanos in the mcu but was he the original actor in the avengers post credits scene and if not who was you can find our answer at the end of the video at this time code now in the comics thanos has a pretty one-dimensional goal he loves death too much and wants to win her heart by killing half half the universe thanos equals bat right but then in infinity war screenwriters marcus and mcfeely worked to give him a bit more depth and nuance marvel wanted their big bad to be somebody you could understand a little more like loki and a less like whatever malakath was supposed to be so thanos was reimagined as a kind of cosmic eco-terrorist a genocidal madman with a heart of gold the children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies it's a paradise and he makes this argument all through the movie desperately trying to convince anyone who will listen titan was like most planets too many mouths not enough to go around this universe is finite its resource is finite if life is left unchecked life will cease to exist look guys my puddin's not so bad he didn't mean to wipe out half my planet now ice gots all the sandwiches i can eat thanos never persuaded a hero but he sure convinced a lot of audience members immediately youtube videos and memes and think pieces sprouted up saying thanos was right the logic behind this was that on earth humans are decreasing biodiversity and consuming more than our share of resources and wouldn't it be nice if the lines were way shorter at walmart but when you hold this idea up to any kind of scrutiny you see that it makes no sense at all i'm going to explain this and then tell you why this was not thanos's actual plan he had a secret plan so in endgame we do get proof from steve that there is increased biodiversity after the snap you know i saw a pot of whales when i was coming over the bridge and you might remember hearing similar stories about the pandemic wild animals roaming the streets of cities and the hole in the ozone layer suddenly repairing itself which is all nice except natasha said this thanos wiped out 50 of all living creatures which probably included all animals and plants which doesn't really do much to limit the effects of human beings on the environment it just halves the amount of food that everyone can eat but let's say that he spared the plants and we can all still eat our crops the main argument seems to be g overpopulation is the main problem after all the number of humans on the planet has risen almost exponentially since the industrial revolution began and as falcon and the winter soldier showed us a world with more space in it did allow for open borders and a higher quality of life for the common people essentially these people they want a world that's unified without borders so you can see why a lot of people are into that but as lyman stone told vice our problem is not overpopulation it's over consumption water is a renewable resource but we don't have the energy to desalinate it from the ocean so on earth our main problem is over consumption of energy which can be corrected with renewable energy resources and more importantly the effect of snapping away half of humanity is extremely temporary the blog arachnoid points out that at a one percent annual growth in population which is basically what our growth is right now the effect of thanos's snap would be reversed in just 69 years so why was thanos so intent on this plan if a blogger with a working knowledge of html coding can knock this one out then why couldn't thanos why would he spend generations mowing down civilization scouting the stars for the ultimate power in the universe why would he stick with such a flawed point of view after all in another timeline t'challa was able to reason with him i'm a big enough man to admit when i'm wrong well there is the idea that it's because he suffered trauma when titan was starving to death he proposed a solution genocide but random is passionate fair to rich and poor alike thanos watched his planet die and now he's fixated on that loss he couldn't implement this plan on titan so he'll implement it on the entire universe he's like doc ock and spider-man 2. he only failed because he didn't go big enough the first time we could rebuild enlarge the containment field make it bigger and stronger than ever but i mean come on all that bloodshed because he needed therapy i'm not buying it i think that titan was actually devastated by the multiversal war that we learned about in loki and that thanos's plan was an elaborate way to prune the timeline the smoking gun here was the miss minutes propaganda video explaining the history of the tva there was a vast multiversal war countless unique timelines battled each other for supremacy see see that right there that is one of the ships or floating buildings from titan this is a multiversal war being fought on titan i know you're going to say that miss minutes is an unreliable narrator and you're right she did lie it was full of poo-doo about a lot but she was not lying about the multiversal war the peace between realities [Music] erupted [Music] into all-out war now it's possible that these are just ships that happen to look exactly like titan's technology but come on marvel would have designed something new nothing in the mcu is an accident so thanos is actually a veteran of this war where his titan fought other versions of titan under the leadership of kang the conqueror and i'll lay out proof of that in a minute but first if a multiversal war destroyed titan and thanos is trying to prevent an invasion from other dimensions then why wouldn't he just say so why this story about keeping people fed three reasons one the plan to cut the population to save resources is dumb and insane like i said and if you want people to be afraid of you make them think you're dumb and insane that you're crazy and you'll do anything to get attention like will smith said in this episode of fresh prince the next step is full-scale psychological warfare right she's gotta act like you got this tick right like the army did this experiment on you right that just went terribly wrong reason number two if your goal is to feed the entire universe then you might actually be able to recruit people to your side but number three and most importantly if you know about the multiverse then you cannot go around telling people about the multiverse someone is going to get curious explore other dimensions cause branches in the timeline and start the multiversal war all over again so thanos kept his cards close to his big purple bumpy chest so thinking about the marvel multiversal war got me really excited and i wanted to watch other movies for research like deadpool or the raimi spider-man trilogy but they're not on disney plus or netflix and man i am so tired of paying for so many streaming services and none of them ever having the exact movie that i want to watch but it does turn out that netflix streams just about every movie you can think of in other countries there's even a website that shows you how to find the other countries where your movie is streaming like here i found out that deadpool was streaming in germany so i booked a one-way flight and watched deadpool my hotel in hamburg but just in case you don't have that kind of money you should get nordvpn the sponsor of this video nordvpn has more than 5400 servers in 59 countries so it's very easy to change your ip addresses location to germany voila deadpool this also gives you access to star on disney plus which features mature content like family guy atlanta alien and more so 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didn't make rocks float objects don't just defy gravity out of nowhere gravity is created by a large mass taking up space in the fourth dimension creating a fold in space time like the fourth dimension is a bed sheet and gravity is a dip that objects create in the sheet in theory if titan was maybe mined into oblivion then its mass and gravity would decrease but then the gravity would be universally affected on titan there's just these weird pockets where gravity is lighter no one is hopping around like they're on the moon so whatever destroyed titan literally broke fourth dimensional space and do you know what else breaks fourth dimensional space time travel and time travel as we've seen leads to splits in the timeline and the multiverse so here's what i'm proposing titan was ground zero and the multiversal war it was a planet that had several counterparts in other universes and these other titans were also technologically advanced so as the multiverses collided these versions of titan collided imagine thanos fighting an army of himself and as the lines between realities blurred the fabric of space-time began to split apart then every infinite version of titan suddenly occupied the same space at the same time creating this devastation and it was this crack in space-time that also created eliath which he who remains used to end this war a creature created from all the tares in reality i weaponized goliath and i ended i ended the multiversal war but i have more proof that thanos knew about the multiverse avengers endgame nebula malfunctions and her drive becomes entangled with the other nebula from the future but thanos never acts surprised by any of this he immediately grasps the concept of time travel and multiversal selves where is this other nebula and even when he sees himself being beheaded there's no reaction that's because this ain't the first time he's seen a version of himself get his head cut off i hate to shatter your ego but this ain't the first time i've had a gun pointed at me and you know what else i think he might have created a warning system just in case variants ever arrived in his timeline he created this warning system and placed it inside of someone who was close to him nebula so he wasn't surprised by nebula's reveal or that there were avengers from another universe he was waiting for this to happen so thanos didn't want the stones to solve universal hunger he wanted them to do a massive prune of the timeline now he's not the tva he can't see every aspect of reality at once so i don't think he knew exactly what would cause the multiversal war he didn't know about the tva or he who remains he just knows that the universe unchecked created monsters that started a multiversal war so let's say that you have a tree with one rotten branch that will poison the entire tree but there's no way for you to know which branch it is what do you do you can't cut off all the branches so you cut off half of them and hope you got the right one and thanos thinks that the snap succeeds initially because no variants show up to stop him and i know immediately some of you are thinking if thanos prevented the multiversal war then wouldn't that have fixed titan and the answer is no remember the rules of time travel time doesn't work that way changing the past doesn't change the future now what this would have done from thanos's point of view was prevented the multiverse war from happening again because he cannot change his own past i also think that when he snapped he prevented he who remained or kang from existing one of the characters he snapped was the ancestor of he who remains maybe t'challa they both seem to use the same wakandan exposition tech in fact in that what if reality t'challa maybe helped thanos determine exactly who was the ancestor of he who remains and then they i also think that the moment thanos snapped he briefly gained cosmic awareness in the comics this is when a character levels up so far that they perceive reality on a higher cosmic level we actually see ultron and strange supreme do this and what if i see you after he gains cosmic awareness and is in seoul world thanos understands on some level that his mission was a success the timeline has been pruned and he destroyed the stones because removing them from the multiverse places reality at risk in this new branch reality without our chief weapon against the forces of darkness our world would be overrun so by crushing them he keeps their energy in the universe because energy cannot be created or destroyed but no one from another reality can take them away and endanger the proper flow of time so now enter the tva if thanos snapped he who remains from existing then there should be no tva right wrong because thanos still exists as a third dimensional being experiencing time in a third dimensional linear way whereas he who remains occupies the end of time and has a fourth dimensional awareness instead of seeing time as a sphere he sees it as a flat circle all happening at once he sees that thanos in one timeline has prevented his existence but if he who remains doesn't exist then kang is allowed to run rampant throughout the other timelines enter this line what they did was supposed to happen everything the heroes did in end game was set into motion by he who remains in the tva you want proof scott lang he's the one who set everything into motion he's in the quantum realm for five years but it feels like five hours time works differently in the quantum realm which is very similar to this you know time passes differently here in the tva and remember janet aged at a normal rate in the quantum realm so why did time work different for scott because the tva shaped the time around him so he wouldn't age and would return with the idea that time travel was possible the tva did all this to undo thanos's snap and create the proper branches in the sacred timeline but back to thanos look at how different he was in infinity war and endgame in infinity war he's almost apologetic i understand my child i know what it's like to lose yeah my respect is dark he kills gamora and it's heartbreaking i've theorized in the past that thanos became a little softer after gamora left i hope he'd sit in it one day then in endgame he's nasty because he knows how dangerous the avengers are they are recklessly creating timelines removing infinity stones leaving realities unprotected from kang they are being reckless so he decides to prevent them from doing any of this and start the whole thing from scratch i will shred this universe down to its last atom now what i'm saying is that thanos wasn't the mcu's greatest villain he was their greatest hero the man dedicated his life to saving the multiverse from extinction and was punished for it the ultimate martyr like the god that he tried so hard to become and now the answer to our screen crush trivia question the original thanos was actually stuntman damien poetier and as you can see it's practical makeup not cgi and it looks really really good let me know if you think this looks better than cgi thanos down in the comments now he didn't have all the information he was limited by his place and time in the universe but he did his best and we should celebrate him for that thanks thanos but that's just what i think let me know your theories and comments on this down in the comments below or at me on twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that bell for screen crush i'm ryan airy [Music] you
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 1,575,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers, tahnos, thanos was right, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, spdider-man no way home, screencrush vilains that were right
Id: 6dyZ5a9pv5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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