Explaining Pokemon's MOST GLARING Issue | Gnoggin

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quick use glare it must be too high leveled to listen to me wait what's that you don't learn glare you have eyes why can't you glare oh what's that only snake pokemon can learn glare is this true dear god i haven't gone off the deep end because the deep end has come to me i see all and know all pokemon lore even learned a few pokemon moves i'm currently channeling my inner lipard but did you know that glare and lear are different moves in the games like yeah i knew that from the beginning because i'm always me the human lockstin with my immense knowledge of typical things i was definitely not told that by anyone but just to be kind i'm going to explain it to you anyway you beautiful people who adore me the move glare goes like this the target is transfixed with terrifying sharp eyes the target is frightened into paralysis or at least that's how our visual depictions of the move feel from anime to manga it's typically just a large glare possibly being large piercing red eyes so why couldn't any pokemon learn this i mean last time i checked most pokemon have eyes i even got a video about some of the coolest eyes right here so why is it that only snakes learn it and yes i know heliuptile isn't a snake but it is a basilisk lizard and a basilisk in western folklore is a large snake blame harry potter but it's the japanese name of this move that really opens this can of bug snakes which is what i call worms the japanese name of the move glare is snake glare so why is it just named glare in english that's the real question here however here's the kicker in japanese the move leer is actually called glare so what's the difference what even is a lear i know what it is from pokemon because i've seen the anime and in the game the deck states the user gives the opposing pokemon an intimidating look that lowers the defense stat which is almost the same basic idea it's mechanically different but visually the same both are eye-based moves that seem to debuff the opponent yet lately they've started to try and differentiate them with newer decks entries for glare going the user intimidates the target with the pattern on its belly to cause paralysis are they trying to get away from the eyes and going to a pattern on the belly but this makes the move even more of an arbok exclusive as its belly pattern resembles a scary face glaring you down i mean and faces have eyes so yeah and i mean in gen 1 this was arbok's signature move but now all of the snakes know it even zygarde even dunsparce even me what no but i'm you're not a snake but yeah uh why are they only just now giving it an arbok like description what's up i mean it's called glare which is a real life thing and if you didn't know glaring is where you stare in an angry or fierce way however there is another definition of glare where light is reflected and shines with a strong or dazzling light so is light reflecting off of the patterned belly the idea that they're going for uh either way it seems like the north american localization team seems to have just taken this move the wrong way originally back when it was our box signature move but is only just now going back and trying to fix the description of it and yet the animations still don't match up come on localizers just own up and realize you named it wrong but even ignoring the naming issue isn't it weird that snakes in popular media all have this magical sort of power to hypnotize or paralyze creatures just think about it it's much more common than you'd think it's disney's fault for me with jungle books ca and robin hood's hiss both of which sport snakes with hypnotic eyes and i mean heck a snake convinced eve to do the unthinkable there had to have been some soft core hypnotism going down clearly so humans have had this association with snakes for a very long time do snakes in the real world paralyze creatures in fear why would scaring prey into staying still be helpful actually you may have been affected by this yourself you ever feel a chill run down your spine and your body doesn't want to move something so scary that you just stop this is because of the big f's of life fight or flight but there's a secret third one freeze actually actually there's a bunch of f's they just keep adding more and more there's like six now with fun flood fatigue flop yeah i'm blowing your mind right now but the third one is what we're looking at freeze we all understand fighting or fleeing as they are the most reasonable choices especially when the threat is a physical threat but freezing why would stopping and not responding to a threat be an evolutionary advantage a deer in the headlight situation seems like it always ends in a car hitting you that's a bad example because humans love to ignore and be different in terms of animal instincts though but yeah a freezing response seems somewhat wrong very very small brain wouldn't it be better to get a head start and dash away from the potential threat immediately well yes but also no it might be a big brain strategy after all many predators especially those with small brains themselves react to movement and if you do abruptly go rigid there's a chance that the t-rex that you just spotted won't notice you this is a funny joke because the popular movie franchise jurassic park thought that the t-rex was a movement-based predator but new research is figuring out that it was actually kind of similar to a hawk basically able to see very well and find prey very easily from a distance but the idea is the same think of freezing as a state of defensive preparation the body gets the same jolt of adrenaline that readies fight or flight but the brain has calculated that at least for this very moment your best odds of survival come with no action at all so it's not actually that snakes hypnotize their prey it's their prey that hypnotize themselves to avoid the snake's movement-based gaze animals act on instinct and when something is different than normal they don't like it they are creatures of habit after all similarly animals that learn to abuse this fact that one of their predators is movement based tend to excel so evolution loves them more meaning that trait gets passed on i mean think of the possum playing dead seems like a dangerous strategy to use but i guess enough animals get grossed out or confused by it playing dead that possum has lived on to pass on its dying genes however snakes in particular have a small advantage during this freeze phase snakes don't have to blink the freeze stage is all about each animal's brain trying to find the next best action to rapidly strike at the movement it sees versus to flee at a moment's notice and during this time the brain is hyper-focused emotionally and mentally exhausted in mere moments from the sheer energy needed to think this rapidly and blinking during this moment well that's a disadvantage that's a weakness the fact that snake eyelids are fixed is sort of planned by evolution snakes have an eye cap allowing them to never blink or ever open their eyes they have a clear covering that they shed with their skin and sleep with no change in expression meaning they are really good at poker snakes will always win a staring contest and when watching them stare down their prey spectators seem to think their prey is mesmerized by the snake instead of just confused by the lack of emotional intention in the snake's eyes there is no intent the prey can see does it want to strike to kill is it aggressive is it not aggressive figuring all that out tends to be shown in its facial features but the snake is merely glaring at you it's just waiting for you to make a move to strike in the meantime while you're frozen it's still looking for you getting closer sensing you with its tongue it will eventually find you you can't stay perfectly still forever so when do you make your move when do you flee how paralyzingly spooky so snake hypnosis is a myth that probably started because snakes are dangerous and their unblinking glare keeps you in a trance a trance of the freeze before the flight but funnily enough snakes are easily hypnotized in fact we've seen it also in popular media with snake charmers and such oh how the turns have tabled but uh this snake charming thing is also false the snake isn't hypnotized it's just defensively wiggling against the snake charmers flute hoping to not be grabbed by them how fun and there you go now you know for more of me looking too much into specific pokemon things be sure to subscribe and of course never stop using your noggin you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 160,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, snake pokemon, pokemon based on snakes, python pokemon, boa pokemon, kobra pokemon, arbok, ekans, dunsparce, zygarde, sandaconda, snake glare, glare, leer, pokemon leer, pokemon glare, team rocket, pokemon moves, pokemon explained, pokemon moves explained, silicobra, Japanese pokemon, snakes, snake eyes, best snake pokemon, long pokemon, pokemon eyes, pokemon battle, team rocket vs, pokemon jessie, jessie pokemon
Id: oXPPQV2-4mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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