Rightly Dividing The New Testament

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welcome back Robert breaker here and we've got a sermon for you this Sunday entitled rightly dividing the New Testament I spend a lot of time checking emails and I get a lot of emails lately I got a good 12 days behind on emails we have a lot going on and when dogs and hurricanes down here but finally got caught up on my emails and one thing that I noticed over and over and over is that too often times I get emails from people that don't understand the Bible they belong to a different denomination and they all want to argue it seems like not all but many of the emails I get are encouraging emails people say that got saved or people saying thank you brother breaker for the teaching of the word you taught me the Word of God helped me to understand how to rightly divide but I do get emails from people that don't rightly divide they have a different idea of what salvation is many of them have the idea well you got to be baptized in water and water baptism saves if I have the idea that a church a particular denomination saves or you have to do something like speak in tongues to be saved you have to do and they have all these different teachings where do they come from why are there so many different teachings within modern Christianity why are there's so many different denominations well this is the reason they don't rightly divide the New Testament so what we're going to do today we're gonna rightly divide the New Testament I'm going to take you to the New Testament we're gonna look at the entire New Testament I'm gonna show you why there are people that don't have their doctrine correct it's because they read a little bit in the New Testament they just stop and accept that they don't read the rest you have to rightly divide it that means you have to take the whole thing and then say okay this is to this people this is to that this is that this is and not all of the book of Acts applies to us today not all of Matthew Mark Luke and John applies to the church today you have to understand these things you have to get a hold of this and there are people out there many years ago I've heard of it the denomination called the Full Gospel sure enough that's what they are they take different Gospels and they pull it all into one and then they say we just want to make sure we have the gospel right so we just took every gospel in the Bible to ourselves well if you read the Bible you realize there's more than gospel there's the tribulation gospel I preached on that not too long ago there's the gospel of salvation for us today and that's how we're saved by that gospel there is in Jesus ministry what's called the gospel of the kingdom that is not the gospel of salvation today that was the announcing of Jesus that he had showed up to his people Israel and said hey I'm coming back in a kingdom and you can be a part of that if you will accept me as your Messiah that's called the gospel of the kingdom so you've got to rightly divide the word of truth and when you rightly divide and you see that oh it's so wonderful it's so wonderful to understand the Bible so what I'm gonna do today I want you to start out by going to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 and we're gonna look at this this is the Old Testament I don't need to focus in on that today but the Old Testament is until Jesus actually died on the cross the Old Testament started with blood and if you read the Old Testament law Moses sprinkled on the ear on the right thumb and I think on the right toe but remember correctly blood of an animal to start that Testament a Testament starts with the death of a testator someone has to die Jesus died and that started the New Testament so we're going to look at that today we're going to rightly divide the New Testament I'm not going to mention the Old Testament I have a series of sermons that I want to preach here soon about the commandments of God and we will look at the commandments in the Old Testament we'll look at the commandments of Jesus and then we'll look at the commandments of Paul and I wanted to do that this week but someone reminded me that Halloween is coming up and so I said well I've got a I've got to do a message on Halloween people have been asking for the last three years I have a message about Easter message about Christmas I need to make a message on Halloween so I will get to those hopefully after Halloween and we will look at the commandments of God that also will be a message a series of messages on rightly dividing as we rightly divide the commandments of God but today we're going to rightly divide the New Testament this of course being the New Testament and as we look at the New Testament it starts with Christ there's a lot of things that take place in the New Testament and then we have here the rapture the church then we have the tribulation time then we have Armageddon then we have the Millennial Kingdom I probably won't get into those today we'll just basically look a lot at the book of Acts as we rightly divide the word of truth but I want you to go with me to second Timothy chapter 2 now I bet you know which verse I want you to go to amen I want you to go to verse 15 which tells us about rightly dividing but I think I want to read the context as well so let's go to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 and let's read verses 14 down to 19 let's read the context because what we have here is a command of the Lord but not just a command also a warning there is a warning from God here that unless you rightly divide you're gonna fall into error and false doctrine so let's read that so I get to me to chapter 2 verse 14 of these things put them in remembrance someone might say well brother break do you preach on rightly dividing all the time yes my dad used to say the best way to learn is by repetition repetition repetition and it's interesting to me here Paul says I want to put you and remember some things you go over to Peter there's several times when Peter says I want to put you in remembrance of these things so once we learn something from the scriptures we want to make sure we don't forget it we need to remember so sometimes it's good to preach a message more than once so that we might remember might be reminded of certain things of these things verse 14 put them in remembrance charging them before the Lord but they strive not about words to no profit but to subvert subverting of the hearers so what Christians are not supposed to do is strive in using words and trying to subvert people from the truth we're not supposed to strive we're not supposed to fight each other if we're Christians what are we to do verse 15 we are to study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so we that are Christians we're supposed to study and it's to God that we stand or fall a lot of people lately been saying from the breaker there's been people attacking on the internet or whatever on YouTube or whatever and I say you know what that doesn't bother me you see I'm supposed to be a work but it needs not be ashamed who is approved unto God I don't care if these other men don't approve of me amen all I care about is this God approve well if I'm studying if I'm reading the Word of God if I'm doing what the Lord says and I'm I'm rightly dividing and I see how it is and I'm preaching the Word of God correctly then what am i doing I am getting God's approval it means nothing to me what men say Amen I'm not doing this to see if they'll like me that's what the Pharisees did you know the Pharisees they didn't do anything till it they went and check the win and say what will people like us if we do this it's not about that it's is God pleased with me and preaching of the truth that's what it's about so their verse 16 it continues with the warning but shun profane and vain babblings you see what I do is I preach and I teach on YouTube to try to give you doctrine I'm trying to state and give to you what the scriptures say I don't want to come to you with Robert breakers words and tell you what Robert breaker has to say about it I mean I always approach it from the standpoint of what does the Bible have to say about it and I always try to take you to the scriptures the word of truth verse 15 why because men's words are profane and vain and it says we are to shun profane and vain babblings from they will increase unto more ungodliness so a person that's going around and they're not preaching the scriptures they're not preaching the gospel they're not saying the truth then what are they doing they are increasing unto more ungodliness let me just say this to to certain people that I know watch me you better watch yourself because God is watching and he's listening to your words are your words helping and edifying people or are they vain and profane attacking and putting other people down that is not what God wants God says that will increase unto godliness unless you're standing firm and teaching and preaching the truth presenting the gospel you will become an ungodly person so you better make sure you are in the Word of God just a side note there I'm just trying to give you what the Bible says 4:16 but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness verse 17 and their word will eat as death a canker of whom is hymenaeus and philetus now who are high advanced and philetus to people that taught postmillennialism if you would they were taught that you know that the resurrection had already passed verse 18 they were a canker what is a canker well today we use the word cancer they were a cancer in the body of Christ because they spent their time giving their own profane and vain words rather than simply taking you to the scriptures so I want to make sure as a man of God as a preacher as a born-again child of God and someone who God is called to preach and teach the word I want to make sure that I'm not just giving my words that's scary if all I did was make video and and put videos out every week of just my words now I want to make sure that I'm teaching to you God's words what the Bible says I don't want to be a cancer in the body of Christ but yet there are people many of them are on YouTube that devote their time to making videos in which they give their opinions about this guy or that guy or they say things about others and then they attack and they ridicule and they put down what are they they are a cancer in the body of Christ and they will increase unto more ungodliness what do I have to say about that nothing I think the Bible says it perfectly verse 18 says who concerning the truth have heard saying that the resurrection is passed already and overthrow the faith of some notice that they overthrow the faith of people their desire is not to win souls and get people to come to Jesus Christ if that was their desire then when they make videos on YouTube why they give you the gospel of salvation every time they would make sure that that was the most important thing that there is to then is sing soul saved but they don't often times what they want to do is give as the Bible says profane and vain babblings saying things they ought not and it overthrows the faith of some now verse 19 tells us something that I like I love verse 19 one of my favorite verses in the Bible 2nd Timothy 2:19 nevertheless the foundation of God standeth Shore a man what is the foundation of God well foundation of salvation is the blood of Christ I'm saved by the blood of Jesus my faith is in that blood and the foundation is the Word of God faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God through the Word of God I heard the gospel and I trust in the gospel and I'm saved and on my way to heaven and I know it and it says having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his who are his who-who's are the lords those who are saved those who are study to show themselves approved unto God we're gonna need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth those who are born again who trusted the gospel and then it closes in verse 19 saying and let everyone that name it the name of Christ depart from iniquity so when we are saved we ought to do our best to live a holy life and not run towards sin but to get away from sin how do we get away from sin study the more you get into this book the more you'll get away from sin when people that are Christians fall into sentence because they've stopped their daily Bible reading the more you get this book I think I have it here in the very front of my Bible I do I do one of the quotes that our old preacher said he said sin will keep you from this book and this book will keep you from sin I was told that the first day in Bible School and I wrote that in the front of my Bible and unfortunately that page ripped out but it's still there that page is still there got that right there sin will keep you from this book and this book will keep you from seeing so what do we need to do we need to rightly divide that is a command in the rest of the verses there that we've read are the warning what will happen to you if you don't rightly divide if you don't spend your time in the word if you rather than preaching the word you want to spend your time with vain and profane that babblings what will happen you will increase unto more ungodliness you will follow the sin you will become a horrible person who's not approved of God and you'll ruin your own self and your own ministry so it's very important that we stick with the book k-man the King James 1611 authorised version we have the Word of God and we need to study the Word of God so what we're going to do today we're going to rightly divide the New Testament and I want to do this because like I say I've been getting emails from people who don't do that they'll be getting emails from people that it's obvious why they don't understand the preaching that I'm doing it's because they don't rightly divide and they belong to a denomination that doesn't draw rightly divide so what I'm going to do it as I teach this to you today I'm gonna mention some of those denominations and what they teach and what they say and we'll show you why they're wrong it's because they don't rightly divide and hopefully people will see this and rightly divide and get out of those false cults and come to the truth the Word of God so let's rightly divide today what is the New Testament well the Bible tells us in Hebrews the New Testament starts with the death of a testator Jesus Christ is that testator so Jesus Christ he died on the cross when Jesus died he became the testator of the new testament Hova spelled that right testator of the new testament so the new testament begins at the death of jesus christ so when jesus died that began the new testament well that's the new testament dispensational ii but we have a Bible here in front of us and in the Bible you see there's a little division in it from Old Testament and New Testament and what you see is when you look at your Bible you see the last book of the Old Testament is the book of Malachi and then it starts here and I've got lots of notes my Bible it says the New Testament and when you start looking in the New Testament the Bible will lo and behold there's Matthew Mark Luke and John so a lot of people think that Matthew Mark Luke and John are the New Testament but wait a minute Matthew Mark Luke and John talk about many things that Jesus did in his life and in his ministry before he died so even though in the Bible Matthew Mark Luke and John are in our New Testament of the scriptures in our timeline dispensational II Matthew Mark Luke and John are still Old Testament until Jesus dies in those books so Matthew Mark Luke and John when you are reading those books you're still reading about things that took place in the Old Testament before Jesus died so part of Matthew Mark Luke and John is still old T and part of Matthew Mark Luke and John is New Testament so remember when you read Matthew Mark Luke and John until Jesus actually dies that's still Old Testament the blood of Jesus Christ is what makes the New Testament so that means Matthew there's very little of the book of Matthew that's New Testament what one chapter maybe two chapters because Jesus dies toward the end of that book Mark Luke John Jesus wherever he dies in those books that's when the New Testament started on the timeline now I can go into that but I think you understand that I hope you do I've had emails about that and people say well you say Matthew Mark Luke and John are Old Testament but in the Bible they're New Testament no they're Old Testament in the time period that they're written about but they are in the New Testament of the Scriptures because they do include things that Jesus did after he rose again so they do talk about some things that happen in the New Testament but the majority of Matthew Mark Luke and John are all about what Jesus did in his earthly ministry before he died now what does the Bible say well the Bible tells us that there's a guy named John that showed up and then there's Jesus both Jesus and John showed up in the Old Testament and what about John well Luke 16:16 says the law and the prophets were until John since that time the kingdom of God is preached and every man presses into it so when Jesus decided to come born of a virgin the Bible tells us that he had to have a precursor he had to have someone who came before him to announce his coming and if you go to Isaiah chapter 40 you find out that there's a prophecy of that precursor of that person coming Isaiah chapter 40 and verse 3 says the voice of him that cried through the wilderness prepare you the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a way for our God so there's a prophecy in about 712 I have in my Bible says 712 there's a prophecy about 700 years before Jesus that someone would come and make straight the way of the Lord in other words they would announce hey this is the Messiah well you go to the book of Matthew chapter 3 in verse 3 and look what you find Matthew 3 3 here's Matthew chapter 3 in verse 3 for this is he that was spoken of by the prophet SAEs which is Isiah saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare you the way of the Lord make straight his paths who is that verse 1 and in those days Came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness so here we have John the Baptist showing up in John chapter 1 and verse 23 again it talks about John the Baptist now these are all things that you should know John chapter 1 in verse 23 he said I have the voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the Lord as said the Prophet SAEs which is Isaiah who was this speaking what that is john the baptist's why did John the Baptist come and why did he baptize you see there are some people that say well to be saved you have to be baptized in water and you know where they get that from the Bible there were some people being baptized but this was John that preached being baptized in water I put it in blue for the water if you will so in John chapter 1 in verse 31 they asked him John why do you come back to Z in verse 31 of John chapter 1 John says I knew him not speaking of the Messiah but that he should be made manifest to Israel therefore am I come baptizing in water now we're talking about baptism a little bit today because there is a denomination that tells you that you have to be baptized in water to be saved are they right if so you better get baptized there water but if not don't worry about it but I still get emails from people saying break their you have to be baptized in water to be saved you're so wrong someone's not rightly dividing the word of truth so Jesus Christ shows up and Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist why so that he could show Israel that this is the Messiah and what was the announcement behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world here comes Matthew chapter 3 and then verse 13 through verse 17 we see Jesus being baptized verse 13 says then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him but John forbade him saying I have need to be baptized the being comes down to me and Jesus answering said unto Him and notice this this is the first word that Jesus Christ says in Matthew Mark Luke and John the first word of Jesus mouth is suffer suffer it to be so now if that amazing Jesus Christ came to suffer interesting that the very first word out of his mouth was to suffer and so what happened well Jesus was baptized and then when he came out of the water the Spirit of God verse 16 descended like a dove and lighted upon him a verse 17 and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased so this began Jesus Christ's earthly ministry and if you look at Matthew chapter 4 the first thing that took place was there was 40 days of temptation 40 days that Jesus was in the wilderness a trying period and then he goes out and he looks for his disciples and then the rest of the book of of Matthew Jesus is going out with his disciples and starting his ministry now the Ministry of Jesus Christ who was it - Matthew chapter 15 and verse 24 this is all part of rightly dividing the word of truth Matthew chapter 15 and verse 24 Jesus Christ says but he answered and said I am NOT sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel so here's Jesus Christ he shows up before he dies it is our play ministry and he says this in Matthew 15:24 he says he's only come to Israel now the law was given to the Jews to Israel so Jesus comes to Israel and there's a lot that's to Israel and it goes out here then I'm going to show you where God says ok that's it I'm done with Israel for a time and after the rapture God will go back to dealing with the nation of Israel so what we have to get a hold of have to understand is that in the Bible there is Israel and there's the church well God started the Old Testament by by dealing with the seed of Abraham which is Israel and when Jesus would John showed up he showed up to Israel to tell them hey repent be baptized your Messiah's coming jesus's ministry according to Jesus own mouth was only to juice a lot of people out there that don't get that a lot of people today love to run to matthew 12:24 and try to say well that's all about the rapture no that's not about the rapture Jesus was speaking to Jews about what's going to happen during the time of the tribulation so Jesus is talking to the Jews Jesus says look my ministry was only two Jews Jesus then found his disciples and sent them out now go to matthew chapter 10 when Jesus sent out his disciples notice this this is so important because so many so-called denominations within Christianity today all they do is go to Matthew Mark Luke and John and take all their doctrine and they set themselves up at and they say I have a Christian and they have their own religion but they don't come to any more of the books of the New Testament their entire religion is based on Matthew Mark Luke and John and Jesus himself says yeah but but that's only for Jews and they're not Jews so they're trying to take what Jesus preached to Jews and force it into the church age for them today that's a problem that won't work when Jesus sent out his disciples look what he says in Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 verse 6 he says but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel so when Jesus sends out his disciples he says look only go to Israel now he's contrasting that with verse 5 look at the words of Jesus Christ in his earthly ministry in verse five these twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them saying go not into the way of the Gentiles what in a Jewish city of the Samaritans enter ye not Jesus Christ and his earthly ministry tells his disciples do not go to any Gentiles because it's not time for me to go to Gentiles go only to Jews only to Israel so when we rightly divide the New Testament and by that I mean the books in the New Testament Matthew Mark Luke and John included all the way out to Revelation the first thing we need to realize is that Matthew Mark Luke and John were written about the Ministry of Jesus which is a ministry to Israel only only to the Jews you can't make it any more dogmatic than Jesus say do not go to the Gentiles he says it right there so Jesus Christ goes to these yous now he sends out his disciples and go to matthew chapter ten verse seven and eight here's what he says to them as he sends them out and as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand well that's the the Millennial Kingdom he's telling him look get ready for the kingdom when Jesus rules and reigns and then he says in verse eight heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils freely ever sieved freely give so these are what's called the signs of the Apostles there were certain signs that God told them that he would give them to go out with to the Jews these signs are for Jews I'm going to show you the verses where the Jews can't believe unless they have a sign and there were signs that accompanied them Matthew chapter 10 we just read Jesus says in verse 5 do not go to the way of the Gentiles he says verse 6 only go to the Jews and they says verse 8 this is what you do you're gonna have these signs that accompany what you're doing you're going to heal the sick you're going to do this that and the other thing and then this whole chapter of Matthew chapter 10 look at this in verse 17 but beware of men from they will deliver you up to council's and they will scourge you in there what synagogues what is the synagogue place where Jews worship you see this entire chapter in fact this entire book of Matthew is Jesus telling Jews what to do and he's given them doctrine for Jews and it's all about Jews but we live in a day and age where people want to take this doctrine that was for Jews only and say now this applies to the church today okay when was the last time you went out and laid hands on the sick and healed them when did you raise the dead have you there are people today that call themselves charismatic SAR Pentecostal that charismatic means gifted and they say oh Jesus gave this to these to these people whose disciples these gifts and we have those gifts today and I say really are you'd you know they're Gentiles and they're not going to juice they're going to other Gentiles they say they come to our healing meetings and we'll heal you and if you come and give us a big offering what will the hands on you and we'll heal you what are you doing you're not a Jew you're a Gentile jesus said not to do that to Gentiles and here as we read this chapter it's clear they'll be cast into the synagogues and and scores in the synagogue's this is a passage for Jews not from the church today continue there look at verse 23 and you should be hated of all men it says there but he that endureth to the end shall be saved that's verse 22 obviously this is talking about the tribulation when they had to endure to the end verse 23 but when they persecute you in this city flee into another for barely I say to you you shall not have gone over the cities of Israel until or till the Son of Man be come so this is a tribulation preaching this could have been the tribulation here and that and the kingdom could have come right there seen my video on the postponement theory but what happened well the Jews denied the Messiah they rejected him now we have a thing called the church and I'm going to show you a little bit about that too but when you're reading Matthew Mark Luke and John and you're seeing these signs and these miracles that was Jews going to juice that was a Jewish teaching to Jewish people the Bible could not be any clearer that that is not something that we do today that was something that Jesus told the Jews to go do to other Jews the passage says Jews in Israel and it says that they're to go over all the cities of just Israel and that they will not do that until Jesus come so signs accompany Jesus and His disciples in their ministry so signs were for them now mark chapter 16 here's where people go well this is where you're wrong and I'm gonna send you an email no you don't have to because I'm gonna I'm gonna say what you would have said in your email I want you to see this they say yeah well what about mark chapter 16 my chapter 16 verse 15 it says and he said and then going into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature they say see that's not just Jews okay but what are you supposed to do look what it says and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out Devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if any and if they drink anything it shall not hurt them and they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover verse 19 so then after the Lord had spoken under the image he was received up into heaven and set on the right hand of God and they who's that the disciples went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs and wonders so Jesus told them Jews going all the world and do this and verse 20 says and they Jews did that it's not a command for us Christians to do this we don't have these signs and wonders today now who are signs for a lot of people will say well the signs are for us today and we need signs and wonders none of them first Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 22 it could be no clearer 1st Corinthians 1:22 in one hand and in your other hand yet John 4:48 Jesus tells us look there's a difference between Jews and Gentiles and when Jesus Christ came he says look I only came to my people the Jews I came to bring them salvation I called myself some Jewish disciples and I them juice signs for the juice and Jesus Christ says this in John 4 48 John 4 48 he says then said Jesus unto him except you see signs and wonders you will not believe what is that juice Jews don't believe without a sign it goes all the way back to the book of Genesis you know uh Moses God told Moses go tell these people something and he says Lord they won't believe me these people don't believe anything without signs and wonders Gus it's okay all right first of all put your hand in here and pull it out and it'll be lepprince put it back in and it won't that'll be the first sign the second sign you just put your you know your big old cane down they'll turn in the snake then you pick it up and turn back into a king says those are the two signs that you go tell those people Israel and then they'll believe so Israel was founded on signs we're told in the book of Genesis and Exodus again that they can't believe without signs so when Jesus showed up he gave them certain signs so that they would believe those signs were for the Jews now look at what Paul says in 1st Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 22 1st Corinthians 1:22 for the Jews require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom what are the Greeks the Greeks would be Gentiles remember there's two groups Jews and Gentiles Jesus came only to Jews Jews need signs Greeks don't Greeks don't need to believe through size Gentiles don't need science to believe while we seek after wisdom we believe based upon faith but based upon evidence that we have faith based upon what we see the facts so you have two groups you have the Jews and the Gentiles Jesus only showed up to Jews and Jesus clearly tells us that these signs that accompanied his ministry in the Ministry of his disciples were so that Jews would believe no Gentiles were to hear the message of Jesus jesus told his disciples do not go to the Gentiles now what do you do with that most of your so-called Christians in the world today they take all of their doctrines from Matthew Mark Luke and John I can email after email after email from pre people that say brother breaker you I've been going to this church for ten twenty thirty years and all the pastor ever does is just preach Matthew Mark Luke and John he never goes to Paul why why because he doesn't know what to do with them he doesn't know how to rightly divide doesn't know why Paul's in the Bible yes he loves Jesus and that's good so he wants to follow Jesus but he doesn't understand that the message of Jesus was a message for Jews only there is a reason that Paul's in the Bible and it's so that Gentiles could hear the truth and it's a different message that God gave to Paul for us Gentiles the message for us today isn't science the message for us today is we're saved through faith in the blood atonement of Christ and then we're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise so here's what you have you have the New Testament and there's a lot more in the New Testament in the Bible than just Matthew Mark Luke and John truth be told Matthew Mark Luke and John a lot of what's in those books is Old Testament until Jesus died so why would someone try to take the Matthew Mark Luke and John and take all that doctrine for us today in so doing that you have to say well we today we can do signs and miracles well then you become a Pentecostal then you become a charismatic then you have problems see one of the signs was you raised the dead I've never in my life seen anyone who claims to be a Christian that went and raised someone from the dead if you can do that please contact me I'll take you out to the cemetery where my dad is buried I'll let you dig them up and bring them back to life I'd sure like to go fishing with them but you can't do it you'll never do it because it's not for Gentiles it's for Jews and it was for this time period alright so now we're gonna turn to the book of Acts after Matthew Larkin mark and Luke and John comes the book of Acts the book of Acts what happens the very beginning of the book of Acts Jesus Christ has risen again from the dead and he's going to go up well actually went up and came back down saw his disciples and then he went back up again in Acts chapter one we see Jesus in chapter one right before he goes up to heaven he talks to his disciple he says something let's go to Acts chapter one I want you to see this here's what we have another problem they are the so called denominations out there today that don't rightly divide the word of truth they don't rightly divide the New Testament and they don't rightly divide the book of Acts the book of Acts is one of the hardest books in the Bible to understand there are more cults in Christianity today that that have founded their doctrine on the book of Acts than any other book of the Bible it's because they don't read and study and understand them they don't rightly divide because of that they have false doctrine the book of Acts look at what Jesus says Acts chapter one I'm going to start there in verse two and I'll read down to verse eight until the day in which he was taken up after he through the Holy Ghost had given commanded unto the Apostles whom he had chosen okay so that command that Jesus gave was to the Apostles now let's get down there to verse four and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father which said he you have heard of me now verse five are the words of Jesus if you have a red letter Bible this is going to be in red Jesus says for John truly baptized with water but she should be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence so Jesus Christ is speaking right here in the New Testament not over here in the old he's over here and he says John did the water baptism thing but there'll be a different one he says this baptism will be the baptism of the Holy Spirit now I want you to remember those words because I'm going to show you a little bit later how things change the book of Acts is a transitional book there's a change that takes place in the book of Acts and if you don't see that you will be messed up you will not get your doctrine correct but never verse 6 they asked and one day therefore we'll come together they asked of him saying Lord what about this time restore again the Kingdom of Israel verse 7 he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father had put in his power at that time they weren't allowed to know the times or the seasons or say but you shall receive power after the pulling come upon you and you shall be witnesses to eat to meet you watch this both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth now people say well there you go now they're going to Gentiles to the other most part of the earth yeah eventually they do end up going to Gentiles but you cannot read the book of Acts without seeing that the message has changed instead of the message being the message that was to be preached to Israel signs wonders all this there was a new message that came through a guy named Paul that was for the Gentiles I'm going to show you that and unless you're under Paul's teaching and preaching and unless you go to that message that was given by Jesus to Paul then you're in the wrong dispensation and you're following a message for Jews rather than the message for you Gentiles today and that can lead you to hell because you are not rightly dividing the word of truth there are many denominations out there today the thing water baptism saves and you have to be baptized and water to be saved is that right I can email still from people saying mister banker you have to be baptized in water to be safe oh really I just read you Jesus saying John baptized with water but this is the other baptism this is the one that's more important this is what's going to happen later this isn't what saves us the water when we're saved we get the baptism of the Holy Spirit and that's different Jesus just said that's gonna be different so Jesus says they're gonna go into all the world they're gonna be witnesses well who do they go to Acts chapter 2 they go to Jews at Shepherd 2 is a book or a chapter that is only to Jews the book of Acts in chapter 2 says that the day of Pentecost came what happened in them in the day of Pentecost well they were all sitting together and they all got the the Holy Spirit and they had verse 4 look what it says and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost of again to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews oh you mean tongues is for Jews Jews devout man out of every nation under heaven now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together when profound every man heard them speak in his own language a tongue is a language and they were all amazed in marble saying one to another behold are not all these which speak galilaeans and how hear we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born verse eight verse nine parth ian's and Medes and Elamites in the dwellers of Mesopotamia in Judea and Cappadocia Pontus and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia in Egypt into the parts of Libya around about Cyrene and The Strangers of Rome Jews and proselytes Crete's and Arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God this is what the Bible calls tongues but you have today a denomination that called themselves the Assembly of God or Pentecostals or charismatic sand they say Oh today we speak in tongues no you don't know you know what I was in that denomination for years before I got saved and I never spoke in tongues I thought I did but I wasn't saying anything but gibberish you see what our tongues in the Bible are a written spoken language when you speak in a tongue another person is supposed to hear that and understand in their language that's biblical tongues now what happened in Acts chapter 2 was a miracle it was a sign good first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 22 wherefore tongues are for a sign to a sign and the signs were for who the Jews we are safe today the majority of us are Gentiles we don't need tongues today why do you want to speak in tongues oh that's right because you want to go to a message for Jews and trying to say that's for you you have churches today that are charismatic or Pentecostal they don't rightly divide the word of truth they sit around going oh that was some little something else but a hundred bucks or 100 my I guess Founders Day untied love another shirt about it and they say Oh aren't we so spiritual no no you're not Paul said that the Holy Spirit makes groanings to God that cannot lie I stress can not be uttered and yet you're uttering something and you say I'm speaking in a tongue that I don't know what are you doing uttering something the Bible says cannot be uttered you read the Bible at all no tongues are for the Jews and it was the sign or the miracle of them speaking in a language that other people heard let's go to this Acts chapter 2 again let me show you this Acts chapter 2 and verse uh-oh there's so many verses here but look at verse hmm Oh 21 notice what it says there and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of Lord shall be saved alright verse 22 you men of Israel hear these words you see Acts chapter 2 was Jews preaching to Jews it's Israel it's not Acts for us today it's the early book of Acts and it's for Jews only you don't speak in tongues today in a miracle in which you just start going a little remote and you're speaking in another language and some guy that speaks I don't know Latin says whoa you just told me the gospel in Latin and you go but I never knew Latin that was the miracle they were speaking and saying things they didn't even know that the Holy Spirit was speaking that language through them for other men to hear but who were those men Jews men of Israel look at verse 29 men and brethren look at verse 36 therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ now when they had heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto Peter and the rest of the Apostles men and brethren what shall we do then Peter said to them repent and be baptized every one of you the name of Jesus for the remission of sins you should receive the gift of the Holy Ghost so this was the message to Jews in the early book of Acts remember it's still to Israel now if you will read the book of Acts you will see that there is a change that takes place and that things change I've even know if I have time to go through this probably not but look here at verse some 40 look at verse 14 with many other words that you testify and exhort say save yourselves from this untoward generation verse 41 did they that gladly received his word were baptized in the same day there were added unto them about 3,000 souls verse 42 and they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles and all that believed were together and had all things common so here we have Jews and the Jews doing signs next chapter 3 again - Jews only don't have time to read that verse 3 through 7 you can clearly see he's talking to Jews we see some signs to Jews and then Acts chapter 4 5 6 7 all that is only to Jews and is not for the church today that was still a Jewish message to choose but you have people today that try to take that and apply it and force it to the church it doesn't work the Bible clearly says that the signs were for the Jews only today God is saving Gentiles and the message to Gentiles is not acts 2:38 but you hear different denominations there's one called the Church of Christ and I went to a church Christ one time because I was trying to win this friend of mine to the Lord he said well if you come to my church I'll go to yours I said I already know what your church says and they're wrong but I'll go and I went there and I heard what they preach and guess what they preached they preached what they call a full Dussel they took everything in the book of Acts and said we're just gonna apply that all to us so we believe you have to be baptized and wanted to be saved then you have to keep good works and then you have to endure to the end or you'll lose it what do they have they have a works gospel and they've taken part of a teaching that was for Jews and tried to apply it to themselves and they completely omit the Apostle Paul when they omit the Apostle Paul than they omit the gospel of salvation for us today and they're lost and it's sad why don't they rightly divide the word of truth I care about them I don't want to see them go to hell so I want to preach and I want to rightly divide the word of truth and show them the way of salvation Acts chapter 7 we have a guy named Steven now I have time to read it but I asked you to pause and read Acts chapter 7 verses 51 through 60 because this is still in the early part of a preaching to Jews and Steven tells the juice you killed your Messiah and then the Bible tells us that he looked up in heaven he saw Jesus Christ standing on the right hand of God he was no longer sitting he was standing up why was Jesus standing in Acts chapter 7 on the right hand of God Jesus was up in heaven put him up higher in heaven and Jesus is standing why was he standing because had the Jews accepted Jesus he could have come down right then but they rejected him so because they rejected him then we see in the book of Acts a change a big change Acts chapter 8 was the first time we see a guy get saved his Ethiopian eunuch he's part Gentile but he converted to Judaism but he's a Gentile Acts chapter 9 Paul gets saved the next chapter 10 and 11 we see something interesting happening in Acts chapter 10 and 11 guess who gets saved the first Gentile unless you want to count the eighth you open eunuch and you could but here's a Gentile getting saved in the next chapter 10 how does he get saved did he get saved by being baptized in water no it's not here in the passage did he get saved by speaking in tongues no he didn't get the Holy Spirit by speaking in tongues he got saved when he just believed I accept her 10 look at this here he's preaching Peter and he says in verse 43 to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins while Peter yet spake these words the Holy Ghost fell and all them which heard the word okay well people say well there you go um they got saved the Holy Spirit fell on them how through faith and people say yeah but they got baptized later yeah but they got the Holy Spirit before they got baptized Peter said and acts 2:38 when you get baptized you get the Holy Spirit do you see how there's a change taking place in the book of Acts and then it says can any man hear form in water now verse 46 guess what happened they spoke with tongues why all I thought you said tongues were just for the for a sign for the - yeah that was a sign to the Jews that the Gentile spoke in tongues so that the Jews would realize what huh and what time do you think there was in south okay Hebrew no Gentiles would ever studied or known how to speak Hebrew but all of a sudden they got saved all said their father who caught on I'll show you about at night and Peter was like they just got saved they got the Holy Spirit and I didn't even tell them to get baptized no water yet they just believed then they got saved why is that because the book of Acts is a transitional book it's going from Israel to Jews and so in the book of Acts what we're seeing is the downfall of the nation of Israel and God taking the gospel more to Gentiles because the Jewish nation rejected their Messiah in the doctrine of salvation today is found here in this time for us because this was all a transition from Jews to Gentiles we come across Acts chapter 11 and I want you to read this I'll take time for this if I have to go a little long I'll go a little long but this is important do you remember what we read in Acts chapter 1 Jesus says you and me John indeed baptized in water but you shall be baptized many days since with the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit well Peter says this in Acts chapter 11 he's retelling how he saw Cornelius and his band get saved in an axe chapter 11 and verse 14 through 18 we read who shall tell me words what about that one on my house shall be saved and as I began to speak the Holy Ghost fell on them as that have upon us at the beginning then remembered I the word of the Lord how that he said John indeed baptized with water but she shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost so and then in verse 18 he says when they heard these things they heard held their peace and glorified God saying then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life he says Wow Gentiles can get saved now why were they so surprised the Joukowsky because everything that happened before in the book of Acts was Jews from Moses to Cornelius it was all well actually to Stephen I guess chapter 7 it was all messages to Jews and to Jews only but then the book of Acts is changing more and it's not acts 2:38 repent and be baptized and you'll be you'll be safe no Jesus even said John baptized with water but you'll be baptized with the Holy Ghost but there are denominations out there that tell you you have to be baptized in water to be saved why do they say that will they get it from the Bible but what are they getting from from a Jewish apostle that was at the time preaching only to Jews but that is not the gospel of salvation today we are not saved by water baptism see my video entitled is water baptism essential for salvation the answer is no we are no longer saved by water baptism that was something that was a message preached to Jews and Peter did that and then in chapter 10 on 11 Peter realized oh yeah jesus said no longer it's water baptism save you when we get saved we get the holy spirit we're saved by faith now time will not allow me to go through and show you more but Paul was saved in the book of Acts in chapter 9 chapter 13 he sent out as an apostle where does he go in the book of Apostle why he goes to Jews he preaches in synagogues first and I barely have time to preach this I guess I'll go there with me if you will to Acts chapter 13 the Apostle Paul goes and begins preaching to Jews in Acts chapter 13 Acts chapter 13 verse 26 here's Paul preaching men and brethren well who's that Jews children the stock of Abraham who's that Jews and whosoever among he that feareth God to you as the word of this salvation sent for they that are dwell at Jerusalem and their rulers because they knew him not nor yet the voices of the prophets got the idea he continues and he says verse 29 that he was laid in a Sepulchre taken out from the tree he got raised him from the dead he's cheese preached in the death burial resurrection of Jesus Christ he's preaching to Jews then in verse 38 being known to you there for a minute brother learned it through this man as preached unto you forgiveness of sins and by him all that believe are justified from all things which he could not build be justified in the law of Moses so he's preaching to Jews the Apostle Paul and it sounds a lot like the book of Hebrews we're doing a verse by verse Bible stuck it through the book of Hebrews and everything you read here in this chap Paul is preaching sounds just like what Paul says in the book of Hebrews another reason why I think Paul wrote the book of Hebrews but look what happens the Jews come back verse 44 and the next Sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God but when the Jews saw the multitude they were filled with in being spake against those things which were spoken by Paul contradicting and blasphemy then Paul and Barnabas wax bolt was said it was necessary that the words should first have been spoken to you but seeing you put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life lo we turned to the Gentiles now when he said that the Gentiles they got upset and the Jews tried to stir up things against him and verse 50 and the Jews got upset the Jews again rejected their Messiah and Paul every where he's going he's finding the same things going to juice first finding that some Jews accept but the many of them reject and then he's on his way okay so what we come to next in the book of Acts is a guy named Paul and Paul he's here he was called or saved in Chapter 9 chapter 13 he goes out starts preaching chapter 15 he comes back to the early church and tells the early church I have been out there preaching and I've been telling everybody that you're saved by grace through faith and then we're all saved by grace and it's all faith that saves us and I've been getting Gentiles saved and God revealed unto me something to preach and I've been preaching justification I've been preaching if you will trust then you will be justified justification and that salvation is not by works of any kind it's by trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ trusting in the blood atonement well the early church setup okay we accept that we agree and even Peter stands up in acts 15 11 says we believe that we shall be saved by grace through faith even as they so the doctrine has changed in the book of Acts from telling Jews baptismal water saves you to the doctrine of Paul telling people you're saved when you believe and you're justified there's a difference between those two teachings but yet some people today one belongs to a church that says baptism saves what are they doing they're not rightly dividing Jew from Gentile they're not rightly dividing the doctrine that was to Israel and the doctor given to God by God to Paul for us today which is trusting in the gospel so Paul is in the Bible for a reason many of your so-called denominations that claim to be Christians today they take Paul out of the Bible entirely and they say we don't believe in Paul I've heard that many many times for many different denominations when you're cutting your own throat because the whole rest of the book of Acts and there's a lot more to go it's about Paul Paul is in the Bible for a reason why is Paul in the Bible boy I don't have much time left might have to go a little long but the Apostle Paul if you'll read your New Testament whatever Paul went he went out and he went to the Jews first and then he went to the Gentiles and we see that over and over and over that pattern and because of that Paul had some miracles Paul tells us that he was one of the last apostles he actually said he was one born out of due season and he said that as an apostle he was the apostle to the Gentiles Romans 1113 but because he went to the Jews also because the signs are for Jews he still had these signs of the Apostles second Corinthians chapter 12 notice this st. Corinthians 12 verse 11 and 12 Paul says I have become a fool in glorying you have compelled me for I ought to have been commended of you for nothing am i behind the very chiefest apostles though I'd be nothing verse 12 truly the signs of an apostle wrought among you and all patience in signs and wonders and mighty deeds so God gave to this man Paul who was one of the Apostles these signs these wonders these miracles in fact he had such miracles that he could do things that the other apostles couldn't do the Bible says they were given a de Paul special miracles go to Acts chapter 19 look at verse 11 and 12 acts 1911-12 and God brought special special miracles by the hands of Paul so that from his body were brought into the sick handkerchiefs or aprons in the disease's parted from them evil spirits went out from them so someone brought an apron or a handkerchief of a sick person to Paul Paul looked at it and touched it prayed for it gave it back they took it back to the person when the person grabbed it they were like and instantly healed so there were signs that Paul had but remember Paul was still going to Jews and the signs are for the Jews but as you read the Bible you cannot help but see that Paul lost these signs and what I want you to see this is how you rightly divide the word of truth there are no apostles today I have a youtube video entitled are there apostles today and I show very clearly that according the Bible there or not there are no signs of the Apostles today nobody that claims to be a Christian could go lay hands on a dead person and raise them from the dead why because these signs were only needed when the Jews were still hearing the truth but after things went to Gentiles then the Jews didn't need the signs anymore and according to the Bible not Robert breaker not my denomination but according to the Bible we see that the signs of the Apostles ended and Paul lost that ability of a man to heal people we've seen that in Hebrews chapter 6 Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 2 and 3 he says of the doctrine of baptisms well yeah there was a baptism instead of the doctrine of laying on of hands yeah you lay hands on people and heal them and of the resurrection of the Dead yeah yeah Paul could raise people from the dead matter of fact there was a guy named eutychus that fell out of a window while Paul was preaching he went down there laid hands on him and rose him from the dead you know the old saying is you to cuss to if you fell out a window Eutychus I think that's funny but he fell to what Paul Rose me in the maternal judgment it says verse 3 and this will we do if God permit here in the book of Hebrews God is saying look God is permitting us Paul says to do certain signs so that the Jews might believe that we're of God Paul says I will continue to do those signs if God permit but what happened did God permit go to 2nd Timothy and you find out that Paul eventually lost that ability he'll people second Timothy chapter four and verse twenty second twenty four twenty says Erastus abode at Corinth but trophimus have I left at my Leedom sick now why would he lead someone sick if he can heal people why didn't he just pull out a handkerchief and say okay take this to trophimus and he'll be fine if he had that ability I know why because he lost that ability because signs were for the Jews and the teaching and the preaching and the doctrine went from Jews to Gentiles because everywhere Paul went and preached the Jews the majority of the Jews said we don't want it every now and then a Jew would get saved but the majority of the Jewish people rejected Jesus so Paul tells us plainly in the book of Romans that why Jesus save Gentiles was to provoke the Jews to jealousy it Paul tells us that today we are at a time in which God is saving people through the gospel that God revealed to Paul I give you another example real quick and then we'll move on first Timothy chapter 5 verse 23 first Timothy 5:23 shows that Paul lost the ability of the signs of the Apostles because he recommends medicine to someone why didn't he just heal them it says here in verse 25 23 and drink no longer water but use a little wine for thy stomachs sake and then often infirmities so there are no signs that are needed today go to 1st Corinthians 1:22 again again the Bible tells us the signs are for the Jews 1st Corinthians 1:22 says for the Jews require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom Jews need a sign to believe well the Jews aren't listening to what God revealed for salvation today mostly Gentiles are getting saved into the church and they don't need to see signs to believe so we don't have the signs of the Apostles today they have been lost 2nd Corinthians 5:7 look at what Paul says this is Paul's writings this is what Paul tells us 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 7 for we walk by faith not by sight water sight sight we're not saved by seeing a sign we're saved by faith faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so today we are saved by faith so there's a lot more than I wanted to get into here I almost gonna make this apart too but let me see if I can finish this up and help you to understand if you rightly divide the New Testament you can't help but see that it's all starting with Jews preaching to Jews with signs and as it continues slowly the Jews begin to reject the Messiah and so God changes from Jews to Gentiles so what saves us is not this stuff over here written to Jews we did not get saved by water baptism today I will not belong to a church of christ that teaches that because they do not come to the gospel of salvation they say acts 2:38 is their gospel well Paul says that the gospel is first Corinthians 15 one through four Paul says that all this was for Jews but this over here is how we're safe today so to be saved is by faith and when we believe we're justified so salvation is by believing not by the work of water baptism you have another gigantic so-called denomination or Church in the world today is probably the biggest that claims to be Christian that says well we are the church that Christ found it and we found it ourselves on paper and he is our apostle and you ask them oh really okay well do you rightly divide the work for the New Testament they go oh no no we just follow the traditions of our church okay what does your church teach well if you do good works and you go to Mass and you know you you you confess to a priest what are you being confessed to a priest Paul says our priest is Jesus Christ he's our high priest we don't need a man who's a priest priest were for Jews he says if you do all this stuff and you do this and then the Nikora our church we're the only church that has salvation you have to come to us and you say well sir and by the way this is the Church of Rome you say well well let me ask you this what happens if I die and I've done everything that you say that your church says to do oh well then you go to purgatory and you burn what what what hope is there in a religion like that that you knew everything that that church says to do and their founding you on doctrine that was for Jews and you still don't go to heaven when you die you go to purgatory to burn that's a false cult pulse' paul says absent from the body present with the Lord you see the Apostle Paul is our apostle today and God revealed to Paul certain things and God told Paul what to preach Paul tells us that you're saved by the gospel the gospel is 1st Corinthians 15 one through four you get a chance read 1st Corinthians 15 one through four because Paul even says whereby ye are saved this is how you get safe today salvation today is not by water baptism salvation today is not by speaking in tongues not by signs and wonders not by keeping the law as certain Adventists try to say it's by accepting the free gift of salvation that's what the Bible teaches if you rightly divide the New Testament the problem is many people only read Matthew Mark Luke and John and a couple of chapters of Acts and then they say phooey to the rest of the Bible they say phooey depaul they say phooey to what Romans through Philemon says we don't agree we're gonna take our message that what's the Jews and we're going to say it's for us and God in heaven is saying no look at Paul I told him to tell you what to do to be saved it's by faith some of the other verses I wanted to go to if you'll read Galatians chapter 1 - you'll find out that Paul clearly says that God revealed unto him the gospel if you read Romans chapter 2 in verse 16 you'll clearly see what the Bible says that the world will be judged by the gospel revealed to Paul if you read Romans 1:16 you'll find out that we're saved by the gospel it's the power of God unto salvation 1st Corinthians 1:14 through 18 Paul said I wasn't send to baptize the water about to preach the gospel it's the gospel that saves us it's not the water people ask me all the time but can you get baptized a water dropper yes as long as you don't think that's part of salvation it doesn't save you but it's a great opportunity to win to others don't have time to get into that but what I wanted to do through this message in blush or wish I could have had another 5 or 10 minutes but I need to close what I'm trying to do is to show you there is a way to read the Bible you have to rightly divide you cannot belong to a denomination that doesn't get where they should be this is where we are today we're under the Ministry of the Apostle Paul in a time when salvation is by grace through faith and you're justified by faith we are not under this Jewish preaching and Jewish teaching of acts 2:38 be baptized the water and you get saved we are not in a time where we've looked for signs and healing and see God can't heal you bad people you maybe we can say so God doesn't heal today yes God can heal today but that gift that God gave to a man to lay hands on people to heal them that was one of the signs of the Apostles that's not for today so if we need healing we go to God directly we say God we trust you for healing we don't go to a man and say hey man would you touch me and heal me that was a Jewish thing that's one of the signs for the Jews so you have all these different denominations out there and they all have one thing in common they don't want to come to Paul or the gospel and take this doctrine Roman stirs by Lehmann that's for us today they want to omit the rightly dividing the word of truth and they want to think we're still under this Jewish doctrine of back here and that's problem because that Jewish doctrine up to there that comes back into effect over here in the tribulation when the tribulation begins it begins as soon as the rapture takes place and by the way I get a most all the time for people to say there's no such thing as a rapture in every single one of those people don't belong to a denomination that says we don't want anything to do with Paul well without Paul you've got no rapture because Paul says that the rapture was one of the seven mysteries that God revealed unto him no wonder they don't believe in a rapture because they don't follow Paul Paul tells us to be he followers of him we're supposed to follow Paul but this early teaching back here of Jesus and of the early apostles that will be the gospel of the tribulation I did a video not too long ago entitled the gospel of the tribulation everything they were told back here all the signs all the water baptism all that for the Jews will go back into effect because the tribulation is for the Jews so what does that mean that means if you don't get saved by Paul's gospel you'll be left behind at the rapture and your doctrine was wrong at this time but now you'll have the right doctrine in the tribulation but boy I wouldn't want to be in your shoes the last thing I would want is to miss the rapture and then have to die for Jesus Christ in the tribulation period and that's what you'll have to do so have you rightly divided the New Testament do you have the true gospel of salvation 1st Corinthians 15 1 through 4 or are you belonging to a denomination that doesn't rightly divide and that they're teaching something entirely different than what Paul preaches Oh preacher said one time you'll never go wrong if you follow Paul but yet I get verse email after email after email of people they say break here you're such a liar and Paul shouldn't be in the Bible and Paul it doesn't know what he's talking about Paul's never and they lame last an attack Paul and they don't rightly divide the New Testament and so they don't come to Paul and the Paul's gospel the gospel that Jesus gave to Paul for salvation and they're lost they will miss the rapture but when they get in the tribulation I'll have an opportunity to be saved but how endure to the end or die for Jesus Christ well I sure don't want that I want you to get saved today so I appreciate you watching I hope that all of this has been a blessing to you I hope that you can understand how to rightly divide the New Testament and I please keep us in prayer I look forward to seeing you next week god bless
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 61,015
Rating: 4.7595277 out of 5
Keywords: Rightly Dividing the New Testament, Rightly dividing the word of truth, Right division of the bible
Id: e9UHtHkPzVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 44sec (4244 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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