Why did they store this stuff for years? Storage unit clean out. whats inside?!?

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] hi guys welcome to today's episode I was kind of gearing up and getting some stuff done around the house and I got a message an alert on my phone saying that I want a storage unit I completely forgot that I put a bid on it kind of walked away it takes sometimes a couple weeks for these units to end anyway looks like I want a storage unit again um so I'm gonna go and test it out today and I'm going to go back tomorrow and start the cleanup but I figure today might be a great day to go and just have a quick little peek in so let's head on over to the unit um let's see what might be in this thing and hopefully we'll find a few Treasures let's go I'm here at the storage facility and I'm at my locker we got the old lock off it's time to open it up and see what's inside foreign door it's actually a nice clean facility um Okay the reason that I bid on this unit I don't know if you guys can kind of see from where I am what would you think stood out we have a box of Records we've got an Elvis Presley lamp we have a uh Alberta pottery and model to Croc at number five Tonka trucks and so uh to me this had the Hallmarks and I could kind of see back there right there there's one of those sort of Seagram's big bottles that this might have been the unit of a collector and I'm hoping I'm really hoping that uh that ends up being true there's going to be some stuff like this gaming chair that I'll have to find a new home for um and there's always a sofa and luckily it's just uh it's a small one I was worried to me big so um today I've just come to kind of scrounge in the first little area here and kind of get a sense of what I've got got some pictures some bins uh tomorrow I'm gonna actually pop back um and actually go through this thoroughly but I'm gonna see if I can stand on this couch maybe get my foot on there and what is this thing picture or mirror I'm trying to find another space to step where it's sturdy I don't really know what you're standing on but this is full full there is a lot of stuff in here guys uh total paid for this um in US Dollars 700 U.S for this entire unit and I'm hoping I'm I'm actually feeling pretty optimistic because there's some pretty interesting things in here already that we should get our investment back on this unit hopefully no problem uh see a box back there maybe Mark cards maybe sports cards um full unit so tomorrow ought to be fun I'm gonna come on back here we're gonna start loading up the truck uh of course as usual first things first out goes the garbage and the Goodwill and then the rest I guess I'll I'll sift through and see what I gotta do but uh should be a fun sift and a fun sort as this unit is Stacks packed and all that what Coca-Cola glasses right there I am going to take a couple things back with me today and the reason I'm not doing the clear out today is that I just won the unit late in the evening and um these guys close pretty soon but I can see we've got some records first one off Twisted Sister so there's some rock uh Scottish guard music there's always some random stuff in here that's hard to sell but you know if there's a few in there that are good that'll be great I see some 45s down at the bottom and with 45s you're looking for picture sleeves which is like this you got Elvis Presley right there and I'm guessing this person was definitely an Elvis fan because we've got the Elvis touch lamp or the Elvis lamp over there we've got an Elvis CD rack that looks like a guitar or DVD rack and um just general signs that this person like to collect things um so I'm gonna grab these records I'm gonna put them in the to-go today pile and just load up this card a little bit before we go kind of changing up my plan a little bit I'm actually going to try and get some stuff that's going to go to charity out first so I have a little bit of room to work but um alrighty look there's like a wheelchair um a nice little desk we've got experiences with Foods and the mom have a nice moment with her daughter they bake something and the boy lingering around waiting to eat it or he's taking a pee on the stove he's got that leaning against the wall sort of look anyway I think he's just waiting for food to come around um kind of a neat old book and there's a whole box of cookbooks right there too some slightly newer so I'm going to try and sift out some things as best I can and get them ready to head off to auction like I said not taking a whole pile out of here today but I am a little Snoopy oh geez I almost dropped my Elvis lamp the the thing that caught my attention when I bit on this unit I don't want to break that right off the bat got an old Pepsi Cola crate which is pretty cool probably from the 1960s oh no yeah 1965. it's kind of going by the logo we got some VHS tapes The Jungle Book back when people you could record move I remember us like getting the getting the VHS player set up so we could record whatever movies were going to be on TV you'd have all the commercials and everything in there too you'd have to fast forward when you re-watched it dirty clothes and what's inside looks to be what it is but if they're dirty vintage clothes maybe there were something but dirty clothes not a great sign right off the Hop and it kind of looks like a little kid clothes I can go look at all the bins in there holy cow well I got my first load of stuff for charity ready to go I'm gonna go and take this out and um looks like based on the amount of stuff that's in there it's gonna be a long day tomorrow that's more than one trip so we'll come back again tomorrow we'll start really digging through stuff it is morning I dropped my boys off at school I've got my old truck with me I've got uh some ambition this morning and I think I've got a plan step one I'm gonna get to the storage unit and basically just start taking everything that's trash to the dump I'll do some charity runs and then everything else which I think is going to be a lot of stuff is going to come home I've already given my wife sort of the warning that the garage might get a little bit full while I'm sorting the next couple days but uh luckily she's a trooper and uh I'm gonna get the garage back as soon as possible another reason why I kind of need a little sorting space out of my property that'll come soon enough but for now off to uh finish emptying out this unit brought garbage bags with me so I can do my dump run this morning but one thing I noticed when you look at the area around most of these other doors it's nice clean plywood when you get to the unit that I bought look how filthy it is from possibly years of people going in and out of this specific unit um I have a feeling this one's been closed up for a while oh my gosh I forgot how full this thing was that's okay full is good full means that there is possibilities in every box but I do need to get some of this bigger stuff out of here ASAP like this chair and couch and that beat up old Gaming Chair and stuff but anybody who has a professional gaming chair might have had a higher end computer or maybe a lot of video game systems so maybe we'll get lucky and find a bunch of video games in here too but certain things really just don't have any value at all and just need to go like this why things people keep but uh I'm gonna start dragging stuff out and start loading up the cart for a garbage run well we gotta metal Tonka truck not one of the oldest ones out there but it is still the good toy probably only worth you know 15 20 bucks in that kind of shape but it's something little bits of a drying rack I guess unfortunately hopefully nobody comes for one of these other units today because I've got all kinds of junk what is that something Richards looks like uh you know the Michael Jackson 1980s sort of gloves there's two of them here all right oh this is the one big thing I think I've got to get out of here micro suede the worst material ever for any kind of furniture no matter how clean you might be it looks dirty leaves butt marks in it that's no exception it looks terrible off to the trash but I was right about the video game systems look there's an Atari 2600 there is an uh Ultra pong by Atari and there's all sorts of other games in here too what's this another Atari I don't see the games themselves I'm just going to try and open up the uh zipper on this and see what's in this bag oh some little systems and controllers oh look that Super Nintendo Zelda I wonder if there's a Super Nintendo in here and I saw and I set them aside there were some early Game Boy games and what's that one Sega Game Gear uh so yeah if I have somebody who is a collector from the looks of things and maybe was into video games that might do okay these old systems uh can be worth hundreds of dollars and some of the games can be worth quite a bit so good find already there's a computer down there not that that'll be any good for anything likely but science telling me kind of what to expect in this unit found this right near the door December 26 2002 dance till you drop so uh I guess an advertisement for a party but 2002 it's going back a couple decades my hunch about how long this stuff has been in here might have been true I guess we'll see well I have a heaping truckload ready to go to the dump and I've barely made a dent out of this front little corner here um once I get back I'll be able to start actually really digging through some of these boxes and figuring out what then can go to charity or maybe there's some garbage I mix where hopefully there will be some Treasures um oh look an easy Stitch sewing machine all right well I'm sure there's gonna be a few good things in here that will make it worthwhile um but I better go for a run and come back because uh Daylight's Not Gonna Last Forever so far aside from a few little collectible pieces that were obvious to me that hasn't been a whole lot of treasure in fact there's been a lot of trash the Paw well there's an old cast he needs a little repair but a big cast lion that's something the world's biggest American Chopper look well the Lion's probably worth saving this box was underneath the line and it looks a little bit more promising I see Barbie little sewing machine and what looks to be a 1970s Barbie case and are they in there well there's some Barbie stuff in here doll s and dollhouse accessories are pretty collectible so there's maybe some promise in this box set that aside I'm trying to make a little pile of keep almost like a Barbie bed a little sewing machines kind of cool it's like the uh looking for the keeping the cell stuff oh that's still in the package albeit crushed flashlight fun Stacy and Pooh and there's there's her poo all right I'll just try and get what year is this Cosmo from 2002 again 2002. it's like everything time stopped in 2002. little Winnie the Pooh plush I think I saw a little Scooby beanie babies and stuff okay a few little odds and sods in here saw this case sitting there it's a little worse for wear but inside is a very cute little baby blue Remington Streamliner typewriter and it actually seems to be in pretty good shape I say that as something falls off it's not broken just knocked it off anyway kind of a cute little typewriter there and there's so many more boxes to go I might have to do a trip that's all garbage stuff that I found again I might have to go take that down and come back up I'm trying to get as much garbage and debris out of here as possible so my trip home is lighter you know old VHS tapes unfortunately there's really very little demand for that stuff but I am going to make sure that's all that's in there because there might be other special things um I did notice at the back though you guys see that it's one of those really great accordion um uh sewing boxes and those always sell for a good dollar never have a problem getting rid of those so I'm optimistic maybe that we'll still have a few little it's and bits and pieces and treasures around here but uh less talk and more digging a lot of these boxes I'm just gonna set that here I need to know an eagle it looks like a wall hanging Eagle yeah it is so some little statues and knickknacks wrapped away in here another day what was this say another day shot to hell it's quirky enough somebody would probably buy that put that over in my keeper pile some of the boxes are labeled 2018 so not that long ago I've made myself a bit of a path when you get back here and I see yeah not the sewing cabinet which is good music computer disk but there's a sewing machine right here in a cabinet I'm going to try and work my way forward so I'm going to have to get some of this stuff hauled out of here and put on the cart because I am still trying to find stuff to take to the dump unfortunately you know sometimes people just pack up trash and that's been the case with some of these boxes and it hasn't been exciting enough for me to show you but you know there's the occasional treasure too so we're going to uh keep on poking around and see if maybe there's some hidden treasure in here yet to be found as long as it's not Grandma's ashes we're okay all right a box full of tools which is good and found a Leatherman these are actually kind of expensive looks like it was given as a gift to somebody at some point um but Leatherman's a very good tool you can use that I found a little pocket knife it's not supposed to Army but I needed a knife to open boxes and it was going through this box and found this little Pokemon Golden Book from 1998. that could possibly be good because if I can find if somebody in here was a Pokemon fan and there's Pokemon cards from that era they can be worth a small fortune so we're going to continue looking and hope I'll look here's a little costume jewelry piece like really no Rhyme or Reason to how some of these boxes are sorted at all um you know it's like everything just got arm swept in here Good the Bad the Ugly so really am having to sip and sort today to go through all this stuff but finally a few Little Gems along the way the storage unit has proved to be like a little mini hoarder house um it is packed it is full there's trash there's some good stuff mostly trash I am trying to get rid of all the old VHS tapes that are piled over there and to do that I've had to Tunnel a little path over there to get to that stuff because it is so jam-packed in here um so far no real big surprises or really great things but I've been leaving the promising looking boxes for last because they're packed nicer or they're wrapped up so those are things I'm going to bring home to store what I want to do is continue on with the trash but I've been at it for hours now um it's nicer when I have help with me but I am getting pooped getting a little tired but uh I can't stop because I got to be out I think by the end of the day so a little bit stressful but we're gonna keep working at it well this figures I'm fighting the clock trying to make my way back to the dump to drop off this other Hefty load in the back there and I've got this happening in front of me right now a train has stopped on the tracks and somebody's driving the wrong way down their own but there's a train just sitting there not moving um let's hope this doesn't take too long because this is my only way over to the dump right now made it back train was still there I actually went a different way look what we have here original Atari games full bag full of them gosh this bag is like disintegrating that I keep pile I did find an iPad earlier like a relatively new one maybe about 10 years old or so gotta see what's in here I'm gonna open this up and see what's inside sort of a variety a little screwdriver compact Band-Aids basically Healthcare stuff mixed in that little clock that looks like a playing card set there's a lot of books in this unit too a ton of books mostly horror Stephen King and stuff shoulder pulley oh there's something wrapped up in this here they had a lot of statues of eagles a lot of Eagle statues feels like the statue might be in this Cosby sweater oh yep you guessed it another Eagle statue right on the bend Chargers and stuff really just a good solid mix that big bag of Atari games was pretty good there's probably a couple hundred dollars worth of Atari games in there just making sure there's no other arcade or video game type stuff in there it looks like a little portable radio or from the 80s a little Sony or something [Applause] well I found the last person who was looking in the storage unit Dora but Dora you are dirty and I cannot give you to a kid the way you are because I don't know if there's been mice on you so off to the dump hopefully this will be my last dump run today and then the rest can go to Cherry well that's it it's empty this is the third day I guess I'd say two full days empty this thing out and it's been uh it's been like milk in a dry cow there's been not much coming out of this unit except for a lot of dust and garbage so uh I'm gonna close this up get my deposit back because you have to pay a cleaning deposit do one last run to the dump and um sort through some of the things that I thought were a little bit better at home so next time you see me it'll be at my house seeing what loot came out of this unit well here it is at my house my mess of stuff um and this is where the Sorting kind of begins and I start figuring out what can go to auction like this Elvis Presley pocket watch um and what really just needs to find a home elsewhere like a charity or in some cases a dump now I've been loading some stuff up in the back of the truck already like the five gallon crock we've got boxes of books Coca-Cola tumblers in the box but is anything that seemed like it was sellable that's a box full of kitchenware which would be perfect oh and my finger I cut the uh kind of the side off my finger and I stuck it back on um hoping that it will attach itself again found out that Leatherman in the unit was sharp anyway um uh so I've got boxes of stuff all ready to go to auction some of the vintage Barbie will put that as a set so I'm slowly loading things up there's an old camcorder there and I'm doing a little exploration so we've got the uh metallic flake Elvis Presley CD rack that'll go um video game systems I'll sort through and uh it's really just a lot of exploration at this point and sorting and and trying to make the best of uh of a situation now it's gonna be a uh a while before I get this all handled and as I go through I'll try and bag things up so a little pair of um you know decorative oil lamps functioning little oil lamps those can go as a unit we've got this was one thing that was a bit of a surprise actually not to get myself off topic but I found a Rolex box no Rolex but that is a genuine Rolex box it's not in very good shape but that's probably 1960s era so wouldn't that be great if I found a uh a Rolex in with all this I mean the box is here but that's the sort of thing somebody probably kept on their wrist and not put in a storage unit you never know as I go through and I find things like you know sewing supplies I'm putting them right where they belong back inside the sewing cabinet so I'll fill that back up and get this back to its proper use and function which is a little bit of veneer that's peeled off there but somebody will still buy it because it's a really handy thing you know even just a use it for storing stuff anything in would be super handy so I'm going to get things organized loaded up in the truck and um with any luck I'll do a little bit more Discovery find a few more unique items in the mix here you know some random change and odds and ends and we'll get the truck loaded up and get our first load out of here before too long but keep my fingers away from this one antique cabbage cutter somebody will think that's cool as an antique or is something you could possibly still use um there was this wild looking puppet and I feel like I've seen it somewhere before he needs to be cleaned really badly but this feels like it's out of the 70s or 80s I can't remember what it's from it looks like it's almost like a Chewbacca or something I'm sure there's a proper name for that guy that I'll figure out later um I brought this back to kind of look through it was all pictures but as I was going through I noticed that they're all original paintings these aren't uh these aren't prints these are original oil paintings they're signed by the artist and so I've got probably about 15 of those that are all inside this uh this container you imagine if these were like Bob Ross Originals that'd be cool I don't think they actually sold a lot of Bob Ross original paintings but anyway there's a whole bunch of original oil paintings in there that's a good bonus um and oh yeah hardcover books I found a whole bunch of uh first edition Stephen King books um we got Lord of the Rings hardcover so lots of great hardcover books that I was able to separate out that uh those are easily sellable and just random odd things like an old school pencil sharpener and uh like literally not old school but an old school old school pencil sharpener um so I'm gonna try and separate like all these little statues and stuff out and we'll just basically put things in assortments of what they are but that's uh that's the next step for me is trying to figure this out um and do a little sorting along the way some Alabaster bookends those are probably from the 1950s um we've got some you know a dream book more hard covers uh some old toy cars including some micro machines from the 80s which if you're my age those were pretty popular back then um and we've also been finding a few little assorted bins like this of jewelry which that'll take some time to go through and a lot of it looks like it's costume but you never know when there's a gold or a silver ring in the mix there too so there definitely is quantity but really when you think about how much stuff came out of that unit really this is all the stuff that I thought had a potential maybe 10 of what was in that unit um I thought had potential for resale so they were storing all that stuff for for all those years many years and um really a lot of it just didn't have much resale value um at all and if you're wondering anything that was a family photo or a personal item like that did go back uh to the auction house to storage unit place so we could return those back to the people but to all this other stuff we have to recoup the money we've spent um so I have a lot of work cut out for me to make this happen but uh the Sorting begins some things I brought back to resell were these like these rapid uh hammer staplers these are like a good construction tool it's got the packages of Staples in there too these list um in the the rapid version like this they sell in my area anyway for around 70 each new so for somebody who needs these uh for the work site instead of paying 140 bucks for a couple of them they'll get them at auction for a much better deal than that and for me at least it's something that's sellable for the sale as expected there was some Elvis collectibles in there like this collectible Pez set in the tin including the CD all the different stages of Elvis um mug sets pretty much if it's Elvis it's probably in that bin over there because there was a ton of all the stuff um which is good it's sellable it always sells somebody want that on the Shelf they collect Elvis things you know it's a little addition to put in there um I'm Gonna Keep The Hunt going here I still have a lot of bins and boxes I haven't gone through yet so making little discoveries all along the way well I'm down to my last little bit of sorting here I think I will get my money back out of this unit and it is going to be difficult but um there's good value in things like this Atari 2600 and there's not just one there's two consoles there's an Atari Ultra pong there's a bunch of early Nintendo games Nintendo systems so the video games alone should help get my money back and then of course we got some Collectibles like the Red Rose Tea figures uh loads and loads of jewelry which frankly I don't have the time to sort through so hopefully somebody will find some Treasures there and uh I keep finding buckets of pennies and I have a whole giant bag of pennies just it keeps on going and going I will be very glad when this is all cleaned up and put away uh we got pocket knives and there's the darn Leatherman that uh took a piece of my finger with it so if you get this be careful because it is sharp and we've got some Harley-Davidson Collectibles I mean it took a lot of digging to find a bunch of things that could be sold but there's a few surprises like a stack of oil paintings that was in there and kind of neat actually so I guess we'll try our luck at the auction and see how things go I don't know that I would want another unit just like this again it's so much more fun when I can go in somebody's house and just buy the few things that I want rather than have to take all this but that's the way it goes it was a lot of work and at the end of the day it might just be a wash but we'll see well that's it loaded over at the auction house now it's a waiting game I'm confident that I'll get my money back on the unit but I don't think I'm going to make anything on it so it's like I said many times probably in the filming of this that one was sort of a waste of time um and you know you have a few units like that and you might second guess ever buying a storage unit again but you know a few unique things and I was able to get albeit not in great shape uh an original vintage uh Rolex box which that does have some value and it has some value to me being a watch collector uh so that is something that will stay my collection but really um not too much else stayed at the house the boots did go to uh Hannah Steven's girlfriend and uh they fit her perfect she said they're very comfy so a few little surprises came out of that unit for us but really um I was hoping for a couple big wins I tried my psychology thinking that oh you know it was packed and maybe they were collectors and it wasn't really the case anyhow guys I hope you enjoyed today's episode today's adventure I'll be glad that when all that stuff is out of my life and then we'll look forward to new adventures coming soon thanks again for watching we'll see y'all soon and as always bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 180,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X37ZxseigI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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