Best Storage unit find yet?!? $7000 in a junk unit?!

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] hey guys welcome to today's episode we're kind of having a uh relaxing day and uh let me cut an email saying that I want a storage unit how it works is they're online you kind of look at some pictures you place your potential bids in there and then when it ends you find out if your max bid won or not and in this case it did but lucky for me I've got my kid Steven who is off today and so I'm going to drag him with me to help maybe load up the truck with some stuff so let's go do a little exploration we'll see what came out of the storage unit hopefully something cool let's get on out it is a balmy minus 27 degrees Celsius right now not the most ideal day to be emptying out a storage unit I'm not sure exactly we're gonna find the pictures were terrible for this unit I thought I saw part of like a handlebar or something so I'm hoping that there's going to be something maybe like a bicycle or I don't know something worthwhile it's always a gamble with a place like this with a unit like this but we shall see soon enough uh we are here but um because it's so cold out we're probably gonna have to just load a bunch of stuff and sort it at home because I don't do you feel like standing outside going through stuff uh maybe not at this moment no yeah neither do I I value my fingers uh we have to go into the office and pay and then we'll get access to the locker trucks ready okay all right I'm gonna let you do the honors partially open already yeah it's just a little guy I don't think there's gonna be that much in there and okay I was right I saw a glimpse of handlebars in the picture but we've got a full-on uh this is an electric scooter geoelectric somebody's dismantled maybe you had a a rack on the back at some point but we've got a scooter in less than ideal condition a whole bunch of basketballs hey is that a volleyball or is that a soccer ball soccer ball we gotta look for uh volleyball Abigail's been all about a volleyball there's a couple bicycles in here with the wheels are kind of missing off of them though BMX frames looks like somebody was into sports um oh I see maybe there's the other wheels off of the bike you got some speakers and tools music flow system okay well we will go through these boxes in a minute but you know the first thing is we got to get this scooter out here what is this um is that like a bear hat I hope this person wasn't a furry I mean not to shame not to shame people who are into that kind of stuff but uh that would fit a human head I do a very small human no I think it's a hat yeah it's definitely a hat look it's got a little brim oh you know what they probably went to the university because I see the gold eyes logo there which is a bear so maybe that maybe that was like when you go to a game you'd wear the bear hat um okay either way we got to get the big stuff out of the way today and then I can come back and load up the rest of this stuff and go through tomorrow I don't know what that thing is if it was a heater it'd be nice because it is freezing cold in here first things first let's get the scooter out well it's not a gas powered scooter or I mean Geo is kind of a brand name but looks like it took a hard tumble at some point but maybe the motor's okay let's uh get that other bicycle or the bikes up in here hopefully the back wheel is there for this that actually looks like a decent bike uh do you want to grab it sure yeah that one can go straight in the back of the truck and I'll grab the other frames and load them up too oh there's a rim off a car what's that oh that's an electric bike what does it say on it oh yeah Bosch Electric that's actually a pretty pricey bicycle I didn't even realize I hope that this is the uh oh those are BMX wheels I hope the back wheel is for for that bike is in here somewhere I don't know what these tires are for Kia okay I'm gonna grab this other bike frame than is you know I'm gonna I'm getting my gloves on uh Steven's gonna throw in is that actually a brand name like a BMX um maybe I can't really see it looks like somebody stripped the paint off of it but BMXs are actually pretty popular and what we realized or what actually Steven noticed when he was putting this bike in is uh that's an electric bike Bosch performance line electric assist motor on there the rear wheel is missing in action right now we're hoping we can find it uh let's get all the bike parts in yeah and I've got rims off a Kia which may be somebody who has a Kia I'm gonna hand that one to you oh they're really scary yeah somebody was handling like crazy I don't want to make sure to check the sides because there's Parts kind of along the side here too alignment was um it's like there's no tread here I think this person might have really driven their car hard look it's like down to the steel belting on that I wouldn't want to see what the car looks like yeah okay we got more BMX parts you'd be surprised that BMX is some of them can be worth like thousands of dollars if it's the right one I don't know that we've got the right one here oh they're skateboards okay that one can go too you got it yep okay um we have a lot of basketballs oh look is that one autographed it is oh no it's like the school I was like it's autographed but no it's just uh got somebody's name on it and we've got some uh basketball posters there's some more Wheels there okay let's get the uh I think the bicycle rims all right those can go in the uh like an entire school's worth of basketballs some other bits and pieces for the bikes careful jumping down there oh it's not all that is we have three out of four rims I think for that Kia let's see is this another here in here nope that's like a spare I can go well I suspect this might be a tire you're not tired of my jokes yet nope it might have been a I don't know if this was a girl's unit or at least they had some girl stuff in it that box said it was Amber's stuff and if we ever find um like personal belongings like uh pictures and stuff like that we always do make sure to leave it with the office for the staff it's more bicycle parts [Applause] how's it going up there I'm just reorganizing okay we'll at least get a truckload of stuff out of here today some it's a sander Ryobi sander and some power tools I'll go through that back of the house just careful not to slip off at the end okay [Music] oh this looks like an LED like a scoreboard I think that's an LED scoreboard of some kind oh that's kind of cool yeah okay we'll take the skateboards was that Tupac on that one on this on the grip tape oh yeah here and you can take that one I was looking from the wrong angle okay there's always kitchen stuff mixed in no matter where you go there's kitchen stuff okay I'm gonna come back for the rest of this stuff tomorrow but we got the majority of the uh not the majority of the motorcycle and bicycle stuff out today there's a helmet okay freezing my hiney off here today well the scooter is here and although it's a little worse for wear I'm sure the parts that it's missing could be uh purchased put it back together have no idea if the battery is there for it um this bicycle if I go back tomorrow and I don't know if I have the rear wheel or not but if I can complete this bike apparently it was 25 or 2700 new not a cheap thing electric bikes usually aren't um now you can see it doesn't have the uh the battery there that goes the battery says so that's something I have to keep my eyes open for as well um I'm gonna have a quick snoop through some of these bags paint roller because I'm hoping that maybe the battery pack for that bike or maybe something well there's a Black and Decker drill [Applause] it's another drill power core lithium skill and we've got a Ryobi sander more drills a skatery looking hat probably matches the skateboards a couple hats yeah University of Alberta hat so probably a student's unit that they maybe they moved back home and forgot about it case for a cell phone looks like a video game cord I didn't see a video game system in here though but you never know what's going to be found lots of tools and stuff foreign ERS and socket sets and so forth I don't I don't know what this stuff is I'm going to walk around get that out of the way what's in the blue bag Lilo and Stitch rainbow pop figure a little Stitch character another cell phone case we have what looks like a speaker looks like an external speaker hmm part of a lens for uh oh no whoa that's funny that's a cup but it looks like the lens for a camera it's obviously something Spilled Out of it but that's actually pretty creative it looks like a Canon zoom lens and you put your drink inside of it I've not seen one of those before well maybe this person had a few little fun things in the mix here more tools well there's no shortage of tools in these storage units cleaning brush um like a back massager earpod case no ear pods airpod case maybe lots of cables and stuff okay and here this says it's a music flow speaker somebody has drawn all over it with red sort of marker LG wireless speaker you got a printer a what the heck is this sewing machine pedal is that what that is or what is that plugs in it's got a cable to me that looks maybe like an old sewing machine pedal because it has like the old slot car controllers the FX it's the same kind of like it just runs along the side there and another crazy looking speaker system looks like you could put your phone right in there it's got an input and it looks like a pretty heavy duty stereo oh there is a video game controller so maybe somewhere it's under the bike pump maybe somewhere there's a Super Nintendo to go along with this we've got a printer like an all-in-one sort of uh fax machine printer somebody took the uh sign off a ski hill saying permanent closure maybe they're like ah I'll show you I can do that black diamond I don't need that sign and then they went down anyway who knows well back at it again tomorrow we'll see what else we can add to the mix here well I was wrong about one thing as I've had time tonight to look it up this uh electric bicycle I found in the unit is a german-made ghost e-bike that retails for approximately seven thousand dollars U.S very expensive e-bike I sure hope I can find the parts for it because um that would be a really good score possibly one of the best ones I've ever found in the storage unit hey guys it is the next morning it is even colder somehow than it was yesterday I don't have Steven with me to help out so it's just me um I'm actually gonna leave the truck running so it doesn't cool off in here because it is bitterly cold mine is 30 degrees outside I'm going to load up the back of this truck as fast as possible try and get an offloaded at home and then um we'll go through it there where it's warm well this is it the entirety of that storage unit here in my garage uh I've got a lot of cleaning up to do before Melissa and Steven get home from school so I'm going to basically get right to it I'm going to start by putting some of these boxes up on this table I've got set aside here so I can sift through I'm going to try and do a trip to the dump this morning get all the garbage out do a trip to charity hopefully later on I'll be left with a few things I can sell so let's uh get through some of these boxes and see what we have I found one of the airpods which is not an actual airpod probably find the other one in here somewhere let's see we've Los Angeles premium still has the tags on it oh Gucci is that an action that's not actually Gucci though is it I would say Gucci I'm sure 68 retail yeah that's not really Gucci I was gonna say pretty sure Gucci would have Gucci on his Puma hoodie but maybe there's promise somebody's weave I could surprise Melissa today and just have that on you look my new hair instant mullet okay some of the clothes can go to uh charity if they're in good enough shape those are my I was gonna say those look like my gloves those aren't my gloves okay first box done hit this other one up here this is kind of a unique thing it's obviously part of a bar set it rotates the back side of it see it has the center pin here so it would have been able to spin around the other side has like a magazine rack it almost looks like the sort of thing that would have been inside the back of an old limousine you know like you you have your magazines for reading when you're going then you spin it around um or out of an entertainment unit like a home entertainment unit weird piece just randomly hanging out in here mail file a looks like a dog bone shaped carpet probably for your dog hang out on another hat look like he had the Jordan logo on it yeah Air Jordan hat Elf on the Shelf there's now going to be elf in the dump the toothpaste case you know it's the generic sort of stuff that you find in a storage unit flask and it's empty not like that make a difference uh okay so some generic household things oh that's gonna be LED lights yeah little Santa Christmas heads so there's some Christmas stuff in here oven mitts just kind of junk really in this box one bocce ball can't have much of a game with that I've been banging up some garbage I brought this box up to look through gear it says on the outside of it see what's in here we have oh we got shoes we have Patrick Ewing basketball shoes one there's two I thought they were both left for a second no that's a matching pair we've got another set here some shoes can be pretty valuable especially if oh there's flight are these Air Jordan Flights yeah Air Jordans gosh this might be worthwhile just for all the uh shoes that are in here these things aren't cheap when you buy them new it looks like this person person was a bit of a sneaker head because there are a crazy amount of shoes in here Jordan's uh lots of viewings looks like they really like these these Ewing brand shoes they were definitely into their basketball and stuff some hiking shoes but these are uh those Timberlands pretty sure these are Timberlands definitely look like the Timberland logo on there Timberland air course so lots of expensive shoes oh there's another set of Jordans Air Force Ones I think af1 well tons of shoes lots of really good shoes actually you wouldn't think that uh you know be excited about the resale on shoes but vintage Jordans and things like that or or you know higher quality running shoes are actually worth some good money even second hand so look at that that's a pretty big pile of basketball shoes right there well after a trip to the dump I'm left with basically a table full of tools and shoes I've got a geoelectric scooter and unknown working condition it kind of looks like it's gonna be parts and um this super expensive ghost electric bicycle made in Germany that I've written them to see if I can get a new back wheel for it the battery if I can that is a seven thousand dollar bike uh hybrid electric bicycle that I might just be able to piece back together I'm going to try to piece it back together too because there's certainly good value there the frames there seat cerebral basically everything there except for the back wheel battery so we'll see if we can get it back together but uh 500 paid for the unit um I would say gosh there's probably those shoes that are here if there was anything in this unit that the person probably wished that they didn't lose it would be these shoes uh they probably had spent uh close to two thousand dollars in expensive uh basketball shoes um we got a giant Container full of sockets and other tools so all in all I think we'll do okay and if I can get this bicycle this German bicycle piece back together this will be possibly one of the biggest finds I've had in one of these units as it is a very expensive bicycle so uh just goes to show you never know it's lurking around inside of a storage unit I'll see if I can get this guy back in operating condition and um I'm going to do a charity run right now donate a whole bunch of the clothes to charity so they can go and live a new life but guys thank you very much for watching today's video some exciting finds some interesting things and uh well for me I'm off to continue on with my work have a wonderful day guys we'll see y'all soon and bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 149,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G5UuCeQRB5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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