13 YEAR SECRETS UNCOVERED / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker With Mystery Boxes

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2005 there you go May 20th 2005 and we got money we are back at lucky number 13 so we've had lots of extra time on this unit which has been great because we've been doing other things so today the goal is we're gonna take the rest of everything in here we're gonna put it in the trailer haul it back to the actual warehouse we've learned some extra information the individual that actually owned this unit passed away 13 years ago obviously antique dealer his girlfriend placed everything into the units and then abandoned it after his death as well sad story reality is is we can put some of these items back in people's hands and bring joy to their lives again and we want to bring joy to your lives as well so if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you do hit that bell so you get all the notifications make sure you click on the all and you'll know every time we upload a new video and go live [Music] I got it this is gonna be either the best or the worst you can say that again okay Rob got it so we'll work together okay so he's missing something in case I'm missing something we're loading loading loading keeping boxes go in storage units George is back here moving things grooving things we're gonna get as many of these boxes as we can in the trailer we're gonna do an unboxing for sure you're gonna get to see a lot more stuff so she's working on getting things organized why I haul things and we're gonna dig into some boxes and we're gonna get it all back to the warehouse look at her house Egyptian strength right there those boxes are full of lead right baby hard to believe but George is actually dug us to the back wall that's Egyptian strength and power right there so we found the back wall in this 10 by 30 well you got there babe scooter oh yeah those are what you do is you put your feet here and you go and it propels forward we've set some stuff aside this is what we're gonna unbox and show you today everything else is actually going in the trailer and to the warehouse good thing we have a huge trailer you ever seen a giant wall of banana boxes now you have we are officially back at the warehouse now the trailer is so loaded with antiques when I set the trailer tongue down it crashed through the actual cinder block and I set it down nice and slow and neat that's how much stuff we actually have from this 25 dollar unit let's dig in the first box I pull out out of probably the 500 boxes that are in there who there are ton of boxes is the golden book picture atlas of the world now the little golden books they sell for a lot a lot of people always ask me what have I sold for the most amount of money on eBay it typically has been children's books so we got North America South America Europe Asia and then we got the illustrated dictionary as well for the kids so dictionary and we've gotten encyclopedia so it'd be pretty cool if we had the entire set what I have to look further and see if the rest of its in there or not there are a million banana boxes but to get to the banana boxes we got to get through all the tomato boxes thankfully there's so much work look at that there's a Mickey Mouse George George is coming tomorrow to help me out a little bit so this has been in storage for 13 years they were asking $12 for it so who the Hales knows what the going price would be right now so there's a Mickey let's see what else we have there's another Mickey so there's another Mickey let's see the cool thing is we have 13 year ago prices and another $12 on that Mickey I don't think that's American Girl but they were asking $8 again these are asking prices doesn't mean doesn't mean that's what we're gonna get and it doesn't mean that we're not gonna get more there's a baby Minnie probably crawls yep and we've got some other cool look at that $3.00 down there and we got another got another is that Mickey or Minnie I think that's many $5 for that one cool stuff we've got a Kellogg's pop-tart box so let's pop the tarts one-handed look at this I'm not even doing with the actual tripod today look at this okay all you crafters this is your dream come true a baby dowel with a beaded dress here's there's a scary clown as well so there you go you got a scary clown with a beaded dress you've got this okay is there a name for these actual old type of crafts and baby dolls and there's got to be something this this kind of stuff takes me back to going into grandma's house remember when you went to Grandma's house and then you'd like go into the bathroom and you saw some of the weirdest oldest stuff in the world this stuff reminds me of grandma's house she always had flying seagulls in the tub which was weird to me always weird to me it was an amazing thing just to go into her bathroom to see these seagulls these old slow seagulls flying in the tub and here's another one let's see do we have a price on any of these all kinds of crafts pull a string there's another one it's another baby doll I I just don't even know so let me go through here all kinds of crafts and supplies and look at this man if grandma was still around she'd be all about that believe it or not it's not tomato box it's an Apple box but I did go through another box that you didn't get to see on screen there's a Wisconsin homestead crock that's kind of cool and we've got this old alicat squeeze me and I dare you to tease me that I should give George but here is a blots or glads Milwaukee light here's an old beer sign unfortunately it's broken it still may have value so I'm gonna hold on to it and let's get into this sounds good pops had a lot of moisture and what do we have we have this looks like we've got antique lamps look at that is that a lamp or a candlestick all right check out the bottom here all right can you guys read that something something I can't read it and I realize you can read it on your device you don't have the Sun glare and you're not trying to read it through a viewfinder with a glare right now so I'm not sure what that actually is some more pieces in here look at these old please believe it or not these old desk lamps even though he wanted $3.00 for these have hit a huge comeback people love this stuff and they're buying it like crazy on eBay now things like this he wanted five bucks for it this would easily sell for more than five bucks another lamp looks like we got a lot of lamps lamp lamp lamp lamp you say tomatoes I say tomatoes let me know in the comments below which one do you say tomatoes or tomatoes BAM here we go okay toys I love toys I love the toys you never get enough of the toys I think the most fun part of this entire business is reuniting people with toys from their childhood field trip for something oh we got a money purse look at this the old vinyl money purse is even I bet some of you had this as a kid didn't you and this is the cool stuff here's some more contemporary you get you get the old Cabbage Patch Kids this is probably from McDonald's 94 probably like or something - you remember the old Flintstone toys after the movie as well here's another one toys asaurus boy toys are soros that's not a business now 25 cents to my favorite sonic which you probably let's see pug yep you push him and he goes flying so sonic was my favorite growing up what was your favorite toy growing up was it mermaid that's a nightlight that is a mermaid nightlight I wonder that's crazy let me know what your favorite toy growing up was in the comment I'm curious there's so many cool toys that have come out and maybe yours was a pull along I'll remember the moon that used to sing from the McDonald's commercial to be so much cool stuff oh man freaky Dow head with freaky detached hands I'll mess you up come around Halloween time there's more ow eyes open okay originally 369 then a dollar and then $0.50 we could go through all of this there's another mermaid there's another mermaid right there we could go through all this I can take forever but this this is some of the stuff I think is the most fun some much bigger box it actually has a label on it says ATM and I think it says piece or pictures or I don't even know we're gonna get our handy-dandy trusty kunai we're gonna get through this duct tape and we're gonna figure out no way this is not what I thought it was are you guys seeing what I'm seeing probably not because you were cancelled this looks like old advertising wonder okay let me take this up for you see this is gonna be a mess to be newspaper everywhere all right we're gonna go up down so you can see what's in here okay maybe all right I'm starting to think they were actually using okay they were selling the calendar for $8 a piece on the calendar and then we have pictures there we go we got to Emmett Kelly we've got any remember this this isn't the actual person this is an antique collector so wherever they got it ancient Arabic order that's what that's what Georgia is she's Arabic I have to take this home I gotta show her that she's gonna do a while okay we've got something they were sell for $4 looks like we got old pictures for sure look at that in the piece of slate how pretty you guys are man you look Arabic well we got the matador this could be worth something we're gonna have to check all of this and there's more obviously all look at this one that's tis the season right there look at it actually its cloth embroidered I think asking 16 dollars for it that's awesome that one is really cool very cool never seen anything like that dear one before we're back with the tomatoes Florida Tomatoes of all the tomatoes that we could possibly have let's see what we have we have oh man we have little Hellion baby Hales Ian I mean Hales in for sure I can't remember if George George showed this box or not but maybe he did I remember seeing something like this alright let me know did George or showed this box in one of his or is this some new box oh there's a there's a sleeping Ernie I'm not sure if we did or not but I've seen enough baby dolls let's go on to the next box but look at this this has got to be a Tweety Bird this is got to be bubble bath is that what it is sookie sookie Warner Brothers yep bubble bath there you go now you can see in it that's really cool right there we got some more tomatoes or tomatoes whatever you prefer oh look at this here do that that's an old owl look at the color and that's an old nightlight this stuff is so cool I feel like I feel like this unit we could just spend forever going through that's the old atlas glass right there see the marking this units like a unit that will just go through and grow through and go through old container for was that cigars there's a cigar let's or whatever they were called I don't know what that is I know it's made in Italy does anybody know where this is what that is put the location down in the comments below I remember remember these when I was a kid my dad they used to have some of these or we go over to Grandma and Grandpa's needed to see all this stuff Oh like this like this do you remember all of these crazy statues that came out so world's best father let's see so that's a 1970 I think I see there so there were a million of these different statues a million of them crazy stuff I bet you there's gonna be more in there this looks like it's an ashtray it's asking $2 Niagara Falls made in Japan we've got onew and package right there old stock that looks like salt and pepper burgers we got an elephant then it sound like an elephant with that that's an old perfume sprayer right there look okay what have you ladies out there actually had this now this thing is so solid the little pump it won't move right now I'm sure if I squeeze hard it will but who wants to deteriorate it we've got little crock pots salt and pepper shakers which everybody knows those are extremely collectible we got a purse no I don't think there's gonna be any money there's some kind of junk in there obviously this person was selling at the flea market for them to leave money in this I mean that would be foolish right but look it even still snaps together boom there you have it cool got a little bit of a ship here the old Viking ship that's pretty cool we could call that the Hales bait Hales maiden voyage we've got a duct piece of glassware very cool that he was asking seventeen and a half dollars for put some candy in that butterfly she was something on this wing it's like a little the old Arctic from the 70s 73 to be exact look at this oh this is Disney the Magic Kingdom so this is like an old ashtray I'm guessing $12 he wanted I'm sure it's worth a whole lot more now $12 Magic Kingdom ashtray that's that's crazy and he wanted $12 for this vase as well and somebody's name is on it I'm not sure that's the most greatest base I've ever seen now is that depression glass guys what do you think give me your guess hails yes hails now and it looks like we got some more right next to it look at this you wanted $10 good eye glassware for that vase don't worry nothing broke if you heard that we've got it looks like we got more there's another one that's a bigger one and much better set because there's number three yep and we got we got this weird thing oh man I'm not sure what it is but maybe this is an old clothes pin something chip bag holder or something we're back in the pop-tart boxes let's see what we have here let's look at a date on the paper let's find one we have 2005 there you go May 20th 2005 and we got money look at that we have money we have a giant $1 bill I'm not sure I get it out of there we might have is that I couldn't that is that's a canoe now I think this is depression glassware I think most of you know better than me old milk where there does it called milk where milk glassware and bomb blast probably melt glass anybody know what that symbol stands for so being an antique dealer no doubt these guys Google glassware which I think green is depression glass as well whereas I know nothing when I go Stu glass except there's some markings Bodie yo Bodie take a look where looks like it's supposed to be an ashtray look at an elephant that might be obey the light right there as a matter of fact I bet you that is I bet you that's bakelite doesn't it look like it see the swirls that's what bakelite that's worth something somebody just knocked a bunch of stuff down in the trailer and they bought it for a buck 98 look at that okay this looks like a bunch more faces yeah more mouths class faces let's grab another box who doesn't love a good frosted strawberry pop-tart let's hope there's some goodness in this box just like the frosting on the pop oh wow look at all the miniatures we have okay look at this look at all the miniatures Wow yeah if this doesn't remind you of going to Grandma's house I don't know what will look at all this this is this is the cool stuff look you got a frog you got a little caterpillar you got a big caterpillar oh-oh it's missing it's missing isn't ni and one foot this is the cool collectible stuff all the bird is broke what else okay now this I'm almost positive that is a salt or pepper shaker missing the bottom there's another salt and pepper shaker from Oakland Oh smalls while you were out there's a turtle shell I think they still make those there is a Viking rabbit this feels like almost metal okay let's see what else we got here is that but there's an old Tom and Jerry what do that looks like it's supposed to go on something look at that bear Wow old duck okay we've got hummingbirds this looks like it's gonna be crystal cathedral ministries 90 days this is gonna be a bunch of course land I can tell already there's deer cactus there's a bunny rabbit that rabbit is whatever that says I couldn't read it okay more smalls which is really kind of cool I think we just run Bambi whoa we found Bambi and - this is odd - deer changed to the mama dear that's I don't know if that's normal set that aside there's another mini duck mini frog all kinds of crazy littles but people love the smallest most people love the small to live in the bigs okay here we have something and it looks like it broke off and that was a hummingbird from hummingbird Club oh you know what just found it there it is perfect that's it right there boy this stuff takes me back this just reminds me of being at Grandma's house this is just the kind of stuff you would see at her place I don't know about you I wasn't allowed in every room at Grandma's house you know we were usually confined to the basement converse or grandkids so it was special and you would say you had to go to the bathroom just so you could go up to the bathroom and look at the other rooms than the hallways and things like that my grandparents were weird Oh family's weird when it comes right down to it I'm the most normal one but maybe your parents like that there is another hummingbird that one was broken and reglued rabbit we go through Easter just wild to me how much stuff we're gonna find turnkey something there's another deer as the deer panteth for the water here is there's another mouse another Japanese mouse it's all one and a $3 sticker on up this one's heavy Humminbird no this is my peace I give to you John 14:27 Cathedral ministries clock and his eyes on the sparrow so I know God cares for me more birds more smalls we got more smalls down here look at that look at that chicken I've never seen anything like that before it looks like we got a pewter we got a pewter palm tree to 1987 some little foot it was a fuzzy elephant and a fuzzy frog I keep it in the picture all right one more thing there's a mirror and some other things I dropped it but it's still good just like the show I might have dropped it a few times but it's still good [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 56,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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