Finale... After much work this house is ready to sell!

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] well hey guys and welcome back to another episode uh last episode Hans and I got the majority of the furniture taken over to the folks at their apartment building today we've got a couple more pieces and we're gonna start getting uh the trash out of the house in the garage and after that's done that will really start to lead me into the tail end which is getting the stuff over the auction final clean and all that but uh today should be a fun episode uh nice it'll be great to see some of the stuff coming out of the house the garbage and trash and stuff and um yeah very soon very soon we'll be getting closer to the end of this so follow along today's episode see how things roll out let's go back at the house Hans has arrived he's just getting the tailgate down on the truck I've been inside the house Gathering and collecting garbage went and did a big pile of garbage out by the garage in the backyard So the plan is this morning we'll get this desk out of here we'll get this uh Oak sort of armoire out of here uh we'll take that over to the Ukrainian folks uh then we'll do a dump run and anything that was kind of unusable like the the carpets or the floor pieces that were in bad shape here and all the trash actual garbage that we've been piling up in the kitchen we'll take that to a landfill later on but so far there hasn't been that much garbage out of the house thankfully oh that big desk is stupidly heavy and the dolly we have inside won't work but I remember seeing a flat dolly in here that the uh the engine was sitting on yeah here it is I was worried that we gave it away with the engine but we didn't so this might just come in handy successfully got it this far because we hit the snow decided to fall off so we're gonna grab a carpet and put it on here just slide it up in in we're going through the medicine cabinet we've got some new toothpaste some new toothbrushes uh some soap that hasn't been touched so anything that's kind of new or unopened we can kind of send off their way well Hans and I got we got the last of the furniture moved over to the folks um they were saying uh the lady who's getting this stuff her English isn't so good but she wanted to make them cabbage rolls but she's still learning English so she said garbage rolls and they said that doesn't sound so good anyway um but they will learn English faster than I will learn Ukrainian that's for sure uh their English is already dujidobra which is very good compared to my Ukrainian uh but we're gonna head back and start doing some garbage runs and uh keep emptying this place out getting the fridge emptied out and surprisingly nothing looks terrible this bread is over a year old and it still looks like bread what is in Wonder Bread the expired like last year but I don't know moldy I guess maybe being in the refrigerator it's just kept it preserved crazy I have been in the shed cleaning things out we've got a nice BMX there I found the instructions for or the this original owner's manual for it there's the Craftsman snow blower again looks to be pretty good I think mud flaps for my truck perhaps uh still leaf blower which will come in very handy so some things that will come in handy uh wiring harness off of cars which tells me this fellow is not afraid to get into big projects because redoing the wiring harness on a car is a really big job but uh one thing I was curious about when I came back in here was these I thought they would be rims it looks like they are Just Tires but they look to be tired with reasonably good tread on them and I think that these are for those might have been for the Crown Victoria hard to say I thought they're gonna be a set of rims for that uh Chevy Cobalt out there but you know I got a set of tires at least anyway I'm gonna get this closed up though because I don't think there's a whole lot of stuff that's garbage left in here other than some things that'll have to go to the Eco Station later like that big jug of used oil oh look a little Hatchet up top there there's always some little useful surprise around the corner oh you're bringing your uh aluminum I'm glad I ate my weed used this morning because this here is kind of a heavy heavier side oh yeah well it's good scrap though right oh yeah you use it for something oh yeah okay will you worry about that I'm gonna go and look in the basement it's definitely looking emptier in here garbage is out of the kitchen fridge is emptied out I'm just gonna go down here have a look I've invited my friend Josh who's an artist to come and see if there's any like that wood headboard you wouldn't think we not use as a headboard but you could probably cut it down and make something really interesting out of the wood he makes custom cutting boards and stuff they can cut of any of these materials that are down here probably be reused for something pipe well there's air hose for an air tank I could probably use that little metal table so I'm just doing a little walk about seeing if there's any other major garbage or trash down here before we head off to the dump I actually got to get the stuff out of the backyard first but you guys know what I mean okay we're back from the dump with a bunch of the garbage out of the way I can actually see clear across the garage without much impedance I am going to try and take this portable saw back today because I think that'll be something that will either come in handy at home or come in handy at auction it's just about entangled with this uh there we go looks like a bicycle rack the problem with when everything gets piled in sometimes things get stuck to be honest with you I've been kind of looking forward so going through these tool boxes oh look for the soft tail brake parts I am on the hunt for anything that might be a little bit higher quality also I need to get these things emptied out so they can be sold these are a vintage toolbox Beach Industries um very good quality oh look more Snap-on specialty sockets which I have never had to use for anything like that myself but to be honest with you I don't know what they're for um interesting put a snap on so I'm taking that home with me today it's pretty bad when I don't know what the tools are but I can get a special bucket set aside I found it found these buckets in the uh out in the shed and I wanted to uh basically explore looking for exactly what I'm looking for now higher quality tools anything that's sort of mid-range those are just sort of regular tools it looks like um I'll organize some into sockets some into wrenches and uh we'll eventually take this home and figure out what we have so put that in the socket and they got a socket bin an attachment bin okay extensions always random loose sockets in here and you're just looking to see those are Craftsmen so those would have come from Sears likely back in the day can't really shop at Sears any longer I guess you go to the uh hollowed out store that used to be a Sears just look at it and let's see Craftsman okay so anything that's basically just a generic sort of socket's gonna go in there wrenches and so on so I'm going to continue sorting and we'll see if we find any more gems in the mix here started going through the second toolbox and I didn't find really any more Snap-on tools which is okay but I mean some of you might be asking why are you looking for that specific type of socket well a set of uh crescent wrenches a normal set like that not worth a whole lot used maybe 40 bucks or something like that for a set where a Snap-On set might be six seven eight hundred dollars so it's uh not quite 10 times as expensive as a regular tool but it's up there I am finding that a lot of these drawers are full of loose change like that's a dollar coin if you haven't been able to tell from my Canadian accent that's where I am I'm in Canada we actually don't use pennies anymore but every drawer has been full of loose change and as I discovered in the house earlier when we found all that change it actually added up to well over six hundred dollars so I'm putting that in my to-go bucket for today anything that's a little bit bigger and just really sorting and sifting and trying to get stuff separated but uh making good progress I'm going to go inside and check on Hans pretty soon though get this wrapped up and then head over getting the shelves cleared off to give to Hans because he says he has used for these and as I'm going through some paperwork I actually found the original uh bill of sale for the truck the Crown Victoria and the Cobalt that were in the backyard including all the receipts and repairs and everything was done to it it's invaluable stuff to find when you have a vehicle well the end of another day as you can hear it's echoey in here because the couches the desk all the big furniture is gone I'm gonna take the computer over to my brother-in-law Patrick he's a definitely computer guy and apparently there's a graphics card in there that's quite valuable so we're just gonna check it over and see what's installed in that Tower uh the dining area just has a few little things that need to go really the house is kind of getting cleared out um there's still a fair bit of stuff in here kind of all over the place like little bits and pieces things that need sorting so there's that uh and I found another brand new bottle of Canadian rye whiskey and went to Charlie last time this one's gonna go to Hans we are paying Hans for his work by the way but it is nice to give a little uh Parting Gift you might say as well headed back over to the house this morning uh Hans thank you very much for your help yesterday getting all that furniture moved with me um feeling a little better back is loosening up a bit so that's good um I'm gonna go back again do a little garbage cleanup um incidentally for those of you that pointed it out the battery for the Harley was in fact in the basement I charged it up last night and yes it does hold the charge and it does seem to be the correct battery for this bike now I turned it on and I've got sort of like the this warning light stuff happening here that's because the batteries for the key fobs are dead and the alarm well it's trying to trip the August has an alarm system built in so I have to go pick up some batteries for the key fobs and then we'll see um you know if this bike does anything I'm not going to try and start it not until I can pull the oil down the cylinders and change the oil out on and stuff but I was able to determine to determine that it had 13 000 kilometers on it from new so it saw a little bit of writing but that's really not that much in the grand scheme of things um I can't wait to do a detail on this bike and show you just how great it's going to look same thing with the Hercules over there we're going to detail both of these up and and uh we'll do a reveal kind of the end of this series but I got to focus on the house stuff right now I charged up a battery for the Cobalt and we're going to attempt that today too well I'm back at the house the battery I put in the car turned out to be dead so I'm getting all the bottles from around the house ready in my area you pay a deposit and then you take it to a Bottle Depot and they give you the money back so if I take these in you know there's maybe 10 bucks worth of bottles or something like that but more importantly it's getting recycled at the proper facility so I'm going to gather up all the bottles from around the property and I guess we'll do that triple the battery's charging [Music] finish up with the Bottle Depot it actually ended up being uh twenty dollars worth of bottles and after uh after trying to charge up that battery for a while it's not taking a charge so I'm going to use that 20 bucks towards a new battery for the Cobalt and uh hopefully that will resolve the issue I mean I've had that car started but it is cold it's not cranking um so hopefully that'll fix it so off to get a new battery for the car and uh with any luck that'll get that thing on the move again just picking up a new battery for the car and while I'm here I'm gonna check out the battery wall and see if I can get the proper batteries for the Harley key fobs while I'm at it I think it's a pretty common one CR2032 can be around here somewhere of course brand new battery fired right up looks like the uh rear defrosters are working and let that car warm up a little bit I'll get this off to the auction as well hey the car is reading 191 000 kilometers and after a bit of a wash actually it looks pretty darn good seems to uh run nice and everything we've got a couple extra winter tires in the trunk now it's just a waiting game to see how that does at auction but somebody will get themselves a relatively clean good driving little car I'm just getting myself shuttled back to where the house is and look I picked up a hitchhiker it's Patrick I was like right by his house I'm like you want to go for lunch and come hang out and he's like sure so I guess you'll get to see what's left not a whole lot left in this place we've got the almost have the majority of it cleared out a little bit in the shed a little bit in the garage um but getting that car moved over there was a big thing I wanted to get done today thankfully and that's done now Patrick is kind of a computer whiz in fact Patrick got the Acer laptop set up like brand new for me I didn't think it was possible but he did it and what do you see inside there whatever the force GTX graphics card I had the Box Fort around here somewhere I know people on people on the interweb were excited that if it was in there it might be a decent gaming computer yeah so uh probably drag that one back and try and do something with it um yeah I today while we're here I basically just have to do a little bit of garbage sorting in the garage I'm not going to be here for too long the main thing was getting the car out which is out now and I got the bottles out to the Bottle Depot so all kinds of good stuff I'll give you a little tour around the house then we'll head out to the garage sounds good I was showing Patrick upstairs I thought that was like bug killer but no it's bear spray accidentally Patrick the other day I was in here and I found this thing I thought it was a lighter it was pepper spray and so we were like coughing and hacking the whole time what's this one saber coyote spray all right see if anything was in the hidden little room here I gotta get my light on seems to me that there probably was something back here because um the door has been pried off and you wouldn't do that unless you knew see how the paint is chipped off somebody knew something was back there I think and it's gone now whatever it was but the bed was up against it so you couldn't even see that was there well I'm back home now after it was a long day got the Cobalt over got some of the furniture moved out got some of the tools sorted and I also got the batteries for the key fob for the Harley so I'm actually going to try and see if when I put the key in if there's any fault codes or if this thing is going to be okay incidentally my counters are completely cluttered with stuff back there because I've been offloading stuff sorting stuff at my house and I've been upgrading my own tool collection going from my sort of generic stuff to the Snap-on and Mac Tools um which is uh really kind of awesome pretty happy about that but let's give this key a try and see if it does anything feeling optimistic okay let's see key is on that red light flashing should be telling me that my alarm system or security system is working we have the lights kind of just flashing there let's see if I hit this if that does anything okay that one off red light went out I've got headlights I've got signal lights oh that's already in run I'm just gonna just gonna tap it I'm not actually trying to start I'm just going to tap it okay I've got uh an engine cranking I've got sounds like good compression uh there might be some real hope for this bike I'm hoping so and uh the odometer thirteen thousand two hundred and five kilometers so that's what about 9 000 miles on it why it's barely broken in we'll get this locked back up again get the alarm back set and uh come out here and I'm not going to put the seat back on just yet until I've had a chance to really polish in detail I can see it still has like the plastic uh protector uh film like the 3M sort of film underneath where the seat goes prevent scratching this thing is in really decent shape actually [Music] this time my goal for the house is to try and get a uh I believe what might be the last dump run done getting some stuff taken over the ecostation old electronics chemicals there's some buckets that used oil in the garage that stuff's got to be recycled properly so we're going to load that up um and I think my friend Josh is coming by in a little bit see if there's anything he can reuse for his artwork so I guess I'll meet up with Josh and see what he can load up in his truck too uh should be a fun day and just hoping to clear some more stuff out all right got another load of garbage loaded up and some of this stuff like the uh partially used propane tanks the used engine oil that's been refilled back in these buckets all that stuff this has to go to the Eco Station where they process it appropriately and they also have a spot to dump garbage there too so should be a nominal fee they'll probably charge me like 20 bucks to take all this stuff which is fine because it's very nearby but I gotta hurry and get back before Josh gets here so metal goes in the metal bin small electronics in the appliances over there there's a garbage bin there's cardboard recycling bins over there it's pretty organized and then the chemicals go inside that building right over there and we'll drop off the old engine oil and paints and stuff inside well that worked out huh that worked out really well because I didn't have a whole lot of uh garbage they didn't charge me anything and all the old oil and old insecticides and all that stuff they're going to be re-refined and recycled properly they tell me that some of the old petroleum products are actually recycled to use in a uh vintage steam train they run into a place called Fort Edmonton Park here which if you go back through my archives of videos my wife and family and I do a visit of that Park so there's an old steam train that's been retrofitted to run on recycled oils and uh kerosene type products so a new life for those products and gets out of the garage and like I said didn't cost me anything so good all the way around I've been trying to reuse or recycle as much of the stuff as I can I'm separating out sockets that can be resold other screwdrivers and tools but some things like the screws the nails the nuts and bolts even scraps a metal like this I've been saving for my friend Josh because you got to kind of think like an artist like those old cutting shears that could be made into a sculpture of some kind I mean uh Jagged saw teeth like I saw saw blade down here maybe those could be teeth on something I don't know anyway that's for Josh to decide I think he's going to be here any minute and then hopefully he'll take a bunch of the uh stuff out of the garage that I don't need incidentally this was kind of cool this is a uh a gate guard protector for the top of the tailgate that is specifically for my truck my 76 Ford so um the one I have I have one of these on my Tilly right now but it's getting rusty and uh yeah that one is brand new so I guess I'll be taking that well look who it is it's Josh and you brought a friend with you too yeah this is Mitch he's looking like he's um I I had a cop car here would have been perfect for you at the Blues Brothers sunglasses on right now um so there's not a there's more probably in the basement than there is in the garage but there is a bunch of like nuts and bolts and screws and stuff perfect um there are like containers full of new screws oh yeah yeah uh there's other nails and stuff here so I don't know if you want to pull around back I can Open this gate up you can back up load whatever's in here and then pull back around front makes sense to me okay yeah how you been by the way uh uh good ish good ish yeah I saw what happened with your truck I saw it was like you had a video that came out and showed it in the shop or something oh yeah yeah I went to go get a a table saw yeah and uh the fence had a little like bolt protruding and just the way that I loaded it it just must have jumbled and that that bolt hit the window and it shattered oh no the four panels yeah well at least it was glass and not like metal work because you can replace glass pretty oh yeah we got it figured did you see I almost got myself a Josh truck off of this property no I didn't see it I'll show you a picture of it it's a 06 F-150 with a big lift kit on it and stuff okay yeah it would be it's Josh worthy just about but yeah I'll open up the gate and you can bring the truck in perfect we're getting a bit of a bit of stuff load up for Josh hey Josh is your cab normally in a different direction than the box of your truck oh it's one of those uh cool mods the kids are doing people like spot their trucks some people Jack them up you're doing the accordion I I like to jack mine up it has a slight Squat and I was like you know what just to be different let's twist it up like I know we were supposed to have a little bit of flex in your frame but that's like a half a foot difference that's part of the design it's just like when the kids that's what the Hat side was yeah all right um yeah so if you want to look around in the yard too there's probably a bunch of lumber and stuff out there that could be salvaged sure and we'll check out the shed and then after we're done in here we'll uh drive around front we'll go in the house okay Josh is over there filming his guy while I'm filming both of them uh they are dismantling because these two by fours are going to be it's good wood it's gonna be three years for something who knows what yeah and I was saying there's this giant Oak headboard if you don't use it as a headboard you could use this for the oak but Josh hates Oak but either way it's good wood it is good wood it is it'll definitely be used for something well the guys are downstairs dismantling those old exercise homemade exercise equipment items and the other boards down there I've decided to come out to the garage again to start loading up my truck with some of the things that need to come back to my place primarily uh well I left my own Dolly here but there's tools fishing rods there's some good stuff in here that's got to go so I'm going to start loading up uh I felt like there was golf clubs around here too I never did oh yeah these these are good I should probably just pull my truck around it might be a little bit faster but there's a good set of golf clubs here full set appears to be there this ladder there's a little bit of garbage but we're uh we're slowly getting through it this is a much better Vice than the one I have in random sockets fall on the ground over the years put those in the socket bin okay I guess I'll go load up at the front first then we'll come back around here well you got the truck loaded up yeah I think the batteries are dead enough oh they are dead but I was saving that to give to somebody who would appreciate a Mustang and I figured that guy's probably you Mr 5.0 yeah uh I wish I had batteries well wait I saw a battery on here well is this for it um I I don't know if that's for it's an RC battery pack it's probably dead though but it looks like this would take like double layers something like that oh I see you gotta unscrew that let's be there we might as well see I doubt whether it's got any juice oh yeah okay let's see let's see let's see yeah well you think there's gonna actually be power in that thing I don't know but I mean we don't know until we know glad I kept that battery back too as a spare are you gonna get your Mustang out with this here yeah I had it last year and then I got sick and then I was like well I need to not pay so much insurance and stuff so I'm not doing much you know yeah that's true Mustangs are it is a gas log not that my truck isn't oh gosh it really is your truck is probably the only thing that's worse on gas in my truck okay I think you're gonna have to what youth you can probably charge it up at home wait wait does this have batteries it's probably a nine volt oh this is too big but I thought it would look good on your uh shelf in your shop like bombing around I gotta put get one of those gas powered ones though yeah well you could use a body off that if I ever find the chassis of a gas powered at the very least my uh Mitch can give them to his kids okay there you go sweet well thanks for coming out to grab all the Joneses soap for this why did you do this to me everybody no matter how old you are likes a remote control car right yeah so fun I have stuff yeah I don't I hopefully it'll come in handy oh definitely all of it will I think there's a couple forks and knives I I have here to give you too one last thing we almost forgot the giant headboard that was in the basement but luckily I coerced them into taking it I mean nothing to take it and I had to unscrew this back door it was screwed shut but we got that done should work out perfect well I'm back at the house this time I brought my troop with me they're all here and uh we are gonna do the cleanup inside the house today we as in everybody including myself uh I'm hoping to get done with the interior of the home today uh we're gonna sweep what we're gonna Mop as well sweep and mop uh I'm gonna sweep up the garage the kids are gonna dismantle the last couple uh pieces of exercise equipment in the basement and then we can lock this house up and we'll be basically at the tail end of this job which is super nice uh because it is a bit of a drive for us um but also the folks that own the property want to sell it so the sooner we get done the better are you guys ready to head in yep okay let's do it hey well the kids have got the uh one exercise machine up here unfortunately it's missing a couple pieces so that will probably be recycled I'm gathering things what will be my last load of stuff from this house I'll need the trailer for it but we've got the two tool boxes the tool chests I've got the two kayaks Pat with paddles the battery charger the engine lift all these are good things uh and the boys have decided they're just going to bring the bag itself home and I guess we'll drape it over a beam in the storage room of our house for them to practice on they don't need the freestanding equipment so that metal from that can be recycled as well I'm gonna go inside the house and see how they're getting long inside I saw Melissa waving at me through the upstairs window a minute ago there's still a couple things that I guess I'll have to talk to about coming back for it like uh the lawnmower and the wheelbarrow I don't know that stuff that is technically mine but it is so permanently Frozen in there oh you got the Shelf uh that can go up by the front door because Hans is coming for that we're giving him the shelves okay thank you Jason yeah and then there's a second shelf down there too thank you let's go in the basement and see how it's looking how's it going down here it's good we're done you're done oh that was good timing wow is it ever looking empty yeah compared to what it was before oh yeah yeah it was pretty pretty full before okay well I guess yeah if you want to haul that out to the buy the garage you'll see I've got a metal pile going for Hans and uh I'll get the Shelf up stairs for Jason to take well other than a pile of paperwork which I've left for the uh the descendants of the previous owner uh the basement is essentially done let it all cleared out I've got one bag of garbage here to go but that is an empty basement I can call it a wrap on the basement officially now thank goodness I hear a Hans this is my oh there you are there I see you got the shelves loaded up already yeah they're all up there I just gotta strap them down and the stuff in the garage I guess that'll be things to keep and take to auction hey I was gonna ask did you want this metal for recycling uh I'm sure I could probably use it for something um yeah we could tear it down a bit more for you if you want no I wouldn't worry about it yeah I won't do it today but okay as long as uh I know I have it here I could definitely make a trip in and then whatever you got okay yeah well I'll just leave it outside for you then whenever you got time and uh yeah I gotta come back with the trailer again probably tomorrow or the next day my trailer is full you say you got this I want to be out of here by the end of the week okay that should work yeah I got about two two days worth of work coming up this next week other than that yeah I see no problem having it all cleaned up we're basically gonna be done with the inside of the house probably about an hour the locker up and call it a day and then I got to come back for the stuff in the garage and then I'm done then then that's it so I thought you would have kept this stuff for yourself while I'm keeping the boats and you know I am and I will that I do I my sister-in-law Nikki wants to go down the North Saskatchewan River with me so well there that would be an awesome trip down the river she might leave me there no she might she might just give me a shove and say can I borrow your paddle for a second give me a bit I I honestly can't believe she would do something like that I don't know nowhere but I mean oh no she would I she'd probably she actually Nikki is more the type that would come to my rescue than anything I'll probably need it um but yeah we got a couple good tool chests in here a couple boats like a little partial trailer load of stuff to go but uh I got a pretty well cleaned out it's yeah done well you're done well yeah and so uh you got your stuff back home and the shelves you're using for your shed or something yeah I'm gonna put them up in the shed and then I can have storage for nails and screws and that type of stuff oh yeah Josh came coupled I guess earlier in this episode Josh came and he cleared out a bunch of stuff thankfully good got recycled a lot of wood that was here that she'll turn into cutting boards and artwork and whatever else he does and uh there was some uh 14 2 wire my sister's actually putting in a bedroom in Drayton in her house she had down there oh so you could use that for it so I will actually be using not uh to you for there well good so lots of good uh things are coming out of this inside the house Melissa and Abigail were sweeping and mopping all the floors and if you're wondering at home well if you why are you doing that it's just because it's to be nice we don't actually have to do it but I want to deliver them a house that's clean and tidy so they can literally just get it on the market so everything is all tidied upstairs closets are emptied out the only thing is we've got that that's the TV cable but that's built into the house that's all done we'll go see how things are going downstairs main floor this bedroom that had all the uh guitar gear and exercise equipment in it is all cleaned out this might have actually been the master bedroom like you have your Master on the main floor you can be close to the kitchen and all the activities your kids probably staying upstairs see did I get everything out of here yes we did good that's all done makes a big difference even just having all the windows open in the house in terms of how property feels when we came in the blinds were all closed there's blankets over windows definitely looking a lot better now and there's Melissa actively mopping that's why I took my shoes off in the areas that she had done out of perspective only Footprints everywhere we are almost done hey Melissa yes do you want me to take over mopping are you no I'm good I'm almost done okay uh and the kids are just hanging out in the front uh Hannah is balancing an Abigail thank you for your help today guys I think this garbage bag can go around back if you guys wouldn't mind taking that back out there and then we'll get in the car right away we just have to finish mopping the last little bit we as in your mum oh yeah I know I'm I'm staying in the safe Zone the dirty zone I'm not going on the clean space over here that wood actually came up looking pretty nice hopefully the house sells quick for them see how things are going in here oh you're right at the door I see well that's that's okay it's looking really good though um and your coat's still in the kitchen well I hope that they're going to be happy with how we left the place certainly looks a lot better than it did before it wasn't really bad no it was good it was just all the moving stuff and like the regular debris yeah well thank you for doing this Melissa well that's it guys that's the last final load out of this house thank you very much you want to do the honors of closing the garage door Stephen yeah you could actually park a car in there again low carb a car there we go we'll get the gate closed up and that's that little update on the Harley-Davidson I gave it a uh wipe down the paint came up pretty well perfect the Chrome looks fantastic and even better than that after doing sort of a light cleanup and a light tune-up on it watch this watch it won't it won't do it now but watch okay check this out look at that you've got a running and very noisy Harley-Davidson that's just how it's meant to be I'll call that a win well that's it the house is cleared out um things got donated that needed to be donated and boy what a what a hectic last couple weeks for me but I'm so glad that everything went the way it went and what a nice surprise thank you to my friend Greg for introducing me to the uh multitude of Ukrainian refugees living in his apartment building that we're able to help out and I will say that not only do we donate the majority of the contents of that house to many Ukrainian families who were in need um we also with the help of this community this wonderful YouTube community that we have watching this program we're able to uh donate nearly forty thousand dollars that will be divided amongst 12 families that'll go a long way when you've come with just the clothes on your back that will go an awfully long way so to everybody at home uh and to everybody watching thank you so much for watching this little series uh if you like these sort of videos subscribe to our Channel because everyone every so often that pretty often actually I do clear outs like this and you can go back through my backlog of videos and see other things like this that we've done um but probably one of my favorite favorite clear out episodes so far not because I found a bunch of rare antiques inside but because we're able to help so many people um you know it's just uh it's really heartwarming uh that everybody out there was able to help these folks out as much as they did so guys thank you all very much for watching um stay tuned for more episodes and as always bye for now [Music] [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 220,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B3vOxPhlpMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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