Gold! Estate sale finds! What did I just find at an estate sale?

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hi I'm Alex Archbold and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was nine years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc [Music] hi everybody and welcome to today's episode I don't know why my eyes bugged out for that today's episode not yesterday's today's um I am out and I'm on the road and I'm on my way to go to a house I've been invited to the estate of a former um formerly hoarded house now uh in this case they've already started to clean out so unfortunately it's not going to be clean out series for me but they wanted me to have a look around and see if there's anything uh worth while buying now the sad thing is they've asked me not to show the interior of the home on camera but I am going to show you whatever I find so if I find some stuff to buy I will do that um the other thing I'm doing is I'm picking up a bumper today for the 1990 300 ZX Nissan twin turbo that Stephen and I were working on together my friend Scott over Cold War Motors if you've not checked out cold war Motors you should go check out that YouTube channel it's really cool um Scott is a great guy and he basically is taking on fixing the front bumper for us for next to nothing just the cost of materials probably I told him it's one of the nicest things anybody's done for me you know and then a really long time um in just a very very nice man so we're gonna pick that bumper up and see how it looks hopefully get that installed on the car in the video today but first um I'm gonna go dig through a house and see if I can find anything cool so uh let's go all right I am back and well I don't have much here it's actually mostly in the back seat I didn't buy a whole pile of stuff almost lost a ship lamp out the back I did buy a few kitschy little things but I also bought a box that was sitting on the counter that looked like it was sort of costume jewelry and jewelry and stuff so we'll go through that in a minute the first thing I need to get out of here though before I show you the treasures and stuff that I picked up so I've got to get this bumper out now this bumper is from a 1990 Nissan 300 ZX if you could established that earlier but let me show you the car because I don't think I've really showed you guys too much of what's been happening in the garage as of late it is for this car you know the one that doesn't have a bumper on it and we picked this up as a project for Stephen and I to work on and the bumper was off and had not been painted the rest of the car had been painted actually I'm going to lower the car down a little bit so you can have better look there that's better so um the bumper was the one thing well one of the things that was off the car um so we weren't really able to get it fully assembled yet so I'm gonna have to take this nose panel off because a couple of the bumper pieces actually bolt on underneath that and I'm hoping in our bucket of bolts and knickknacks and all the missing Hardware will be here for this vehicle underneath now it was originally red vehicle as it is again as you can see um somebody had painted it white at some point actually would have been terrible it was white with purple accents and then this guy painted it back to red white and purple would have been so nasty um maybe at the time in the early 90s if it was a show car or something but not super appealing now um I'm going to lower down a bit more Polo nose panel off and see if we can fit that bumper on there it's going to be a little bit of work to get it on it's not an easy thing to line up or do but here's hoping I can get it accomplished there bumper is on and Scott if you're watching which I doubt whether you are but Scott did a great job match is perfect luckily we had extra paint left over from when the fellow painted the car so it is a perfect match and that is one complete roadworthy 300 ZX twin turbo now I've got to get on and empty out that vehicle all right so what came out of the vehicle well we're gonna head inside and I'll show yeah before I go through the box of stuff and the bucket of stuff um this was in the basement of that the house that I went to um the 1960s 70s era uh likely 70s um sort of in that mid-century modern sort of time frame but it is a moon shaped a spun it's like fiberglass it's a lamp like a moon lamp as well as a funky ashtray it's actually all there and in fact it came with this bonus ship lamp that was kind of in the mix there too but it's horribly Dusty I don't even see that this has been in the basement down there for uh probably about 40 years so I'm gonna give it a rinse off because I don't want to bring that in the house it's just gonna you know spread dust everywhere so we're gonna give that a little bit of a wash down before it comes in but that was just too cool and too weird to not pick up and bring back don't you think somebody's gonna like it's a magazine rack it's a lamp it's an ashtray a lot of things that could be flammable all in the same area but it's really cool now that I've got this cleaned up let's see if it works it's got to be a switch on here somewhere yeah right there yeah look at that it works I mean whoever ordered that out of the Sears catalog wherever they found it that was something a little different uh not your everyday person would have bought something like this magazine rack lamp ash tree 1970s wild fiberglass sort of thing cool it's different people like different stuff anyway I'll leave that on I guess for a bit and we'll go sort through some jewelry things that I found in the basement of that house that I thought were kind of neat this is a it's a coffee pot for your car nothing like driving down the back country lanes and having a hot scalding coffee hovering above your lap but that's just what this is um it's a coffee pot that attaches to your dashboard plugs into your lighter and you can have a hot pot of coffee that you freshly Brew to anywhere you go the reason I picked this up is I thought that would be a fun accessory for our Volkswagen West failure that we have up in the front it would just really add to it and it's of the same era too and the brand well it's super brand so you know it has to be good so let's take it out of the box and have a look at it and there it is in all its 1970s glory and it doesn't look to me like it's ever been used still has the original instructions with it the operating instructions the box I guess that was probably like a maybe a Christmas present that never got put into action so we'll see if we can find a home for it you know I don't know exactly how that's supposed to mount hmm oh it's got a little clip here I guess it Clips on I'll have to do a little uh figuring out on how this is supposed to go onto the dash itself I can see it's got the clip there but anyway fun weird Automotive accessory and they used to put all sorts of stuff in cars you can get a record player you could get coffee pots flower vases all sorts of stuff that you could put in Adorn your dashboards with okay we'll set that aside um this little wooden box I did actually open this up so I know what this is but any guesses at home what you think might be in this little wooden crate it's got a handle on the top that's purpose-built that's because it is Telegraph you can do your Morse code right there still has the original cardboard encased Energizer battery back there our average battery I should say but yeah this is a little uh portable teletype for a telegraph in a nice little wooden box kind of a cool Set uh I don't know if that would have been uh military or what at the point that you need a portable one but it could have been for any reason really um I just thought it was too cool to pass up did not want to leave that behind because that's a cool neat little piece of History and of course if you watch my channel you know that I do collect old toy cars um specifically old Hot Wheels so we're going to dig through this and see what there is that one's missing a bit I can tell that some of these are from the 1980s and they're very well worn actually this style of Bronco with that Sunset sort of pattern I've always liked that on the real Broncos probably because I had that toy as a kid Firebird so some of this stuff is a little bit newer that's Corgi that's a little bit older and what I'm hoping for is it's going to be just a couple well here's one that's a Redline Hot Wheel you can see by the little red stripe on the wheels that that uh makes it sort of early 70s with this enamel paint job on it so with the little red stripe that actually adds a lot of value you know going from being worth a few bucks to maybe 20 bucks or so so if there's a few more of that inside of this bucket a few more of those we may do okay but otherwise um just looks like a bunch of generic sort of 80s Hot Wheels and stuff all emptied out and we'll have a look okay well um you know there's uh definitely a lot of older Hot Wheels in here you know now the 1980 stuff is even getting to be collectible so finding a little Mustang Cobra or this 442 the neat Streeter those are in relatively decent condition some though looks like might have been their favorites that would have been a decent uh uh collectible Hot Wheel if it was in better shape as with this not a Hot Wheel but a corgi that's the James Bond Lotus Roger Moore car but somebody's actually filed off or cut off the little fins that were once on it to make it look more like a Lotus um that's where the Rockets would have shot at the back this is the car that goes underwater in the movie I actually don't have a small one like this in my collection I collect movie Cars and uh that one's just too rough for me to hang on to myself if you ever see a car like this which is Ertl a lot of times these are associated with TV shows so you can look it up and see whether it was you know like Knight Rider Riptide or fall guy or whatever it was they specialize in sort of moving TD cards and they did all the Dukes and Hazard cars so that probably is going to be associated with like a 1980s TV show that Stingray um but I want to set this stuff all back aside because I do have to go through that box of jewelry and see what's in there hopefully a few good finds now I um I bought this but that's empty as it turned out but I bought this cardboard box full of stuff that was sitting by the dressers or clearing it out because it looked to me like they were sort of just dumping everything that came from the jewelry cabinets and stuff inside of here and all it takes is a couple really good finds oh I also found these books which I thought were neat that is a 1938 Motor Vehicle drivers manual as well as a 1938 Ford V8 car and truck book so somebody obviously had an old Ford and they had their driver's manual and their repair manual to probably keep inside the glove box in case they ever needed to do anything you know when your average person would just go work on their own car now it's like you have to be a trained technician with scanning tools and stuff to do it uh well there's an Old English penny watches quartz watch always good to check the brand names of these because you never know those are all sort of just your generic sort of watches um earrings still brand new in the packaging looks like they got opened little floral necklace there [Applause] silver hoops but when I go through Lots like this what you have to do is actually try and find all the matching pieces and put them together cross over there's a couple of them um a few things you have to do first you have to match everything up and find out you know where it's mate is in these cases where it's brand new they're obviously it's still together but then you also have to look for gold marks silver marks because that's gonna you know obviously increase the value little Stone sort of beaded bracelet [Applause] and you can see that was not an expensive piece it sold for seven dollars brand new but um you know we might just end up putting a bunch of the sort of regular costume jewelry into uh jewelry box and selling it as as it is but again you're playing the odds when you're buying a lump sum lot of jewelry like that that I think is a um maybe a cape clasp you know you put this on either side and it holds your cape shot for a lady who's wearing a cape I guess you could uh use it for all sorts of things it has these little clamps on it in the chain kind of interesting keep looking we've got another little tray here from the side profile that actually looks very much like a Rolex and that's because that's what they're emulating with this it's actually a Timex um but they've got the engine turned bezel um very much an oyster looking sort of case and bracelet so that would be timex's version of like the ladies Rolex Oyster uh with date not an expensive watch but um you know nice wearable piece we're finding enough of these watches I could probably put a lot of watches together this is a little uh stick pin butterfly brooch there's a lot of individual pieces here and something like that might actually be gold I have a poke through here Snowman you can let it snow even makeup Avon true color eyebrow eyebrow gel I don't think we'll be hanging on to that but there are a few little brooches in here and stuff so lots of earrings and these are either silver or silver plated so we'll look for a silver mark on those you can see that they're kind of tarnishing a little bit a little golden dachshund Maybe pen okay this looks like a slightly older case and what's inside okay we've got like a little art deco pendant actually maybe for a pocket watch that looks like it would attach to like your watch and maybe it's a money clip or something interesting um but that is definitely an older piece and then we've got a Zippo and yeah it is Zippo brand and that would probably date to the 1950s or so there are many Zippo collectors out there that's kind of like the narrow the mid size that's the size they used to make most of the lighters and they went a little bit wider a little stockier um and there is a difference which I can't recall right now offhand maybe somebody watching at home remembers if the hinges are inside the case or outside makes it worth a little bit more money I should probably do my research on that AKA Google it and see if I can jog my memory as to which is the better one but I do know that there are lots of collectors for Zippos and specifically if you find them with um enameling or like a business name on them those are definitely collectible as well so pretty neat stuff well I pulled out of the box this other box it's nicely inlaid you can see this little bit of abalone shell it's kind of like a a nice sort of pattern almost seems Middle Eastern in design but really kind of a pretty little wooden box probably a Keepsake piece from a holiday or a trip somewhere but you know it's a lot of work that goes into doing that inlay even on a small box like this and when you open it up inside it's got a little bit of lining but there's two more old Zippo igniters and this um has a little silver and turquoise so it could be you know Southwestern U.S could be Mexico where that style is popular so that Western uh silver and turquoise but they are authentic um Zippos actually if you look at this one it says it was made in Niagara Falls so it's sort of a American theme lighter um uh North American Indian or indigenous uh Southwestern sort of theme with the silver and the turquoise however the lighter was made in Canada uh this one made in USA Bradford PA some interesting sort of tooling on it so definitely finding a few interesting little lighters here little uh porcelain Heart-Shaped Box probably was like a Mother's Day it has a spot on the bottom for Engraving that's an engraving panel there so this was probably something you get at like a gift shop and you could say like you know happy Mother's Day or on our anniversary or something like that and it's for keeping I think probably like maybe a little powder or you could put your rings in there maybe it's like a little ring box something like that anyway it is a interesting little piece it's like a 1970s sort of lucider plastic ring another little decorative watch I want to say decorative I mean it's not over overly collectible here we have what's this 14 karat gold so solid gold Caterpillar tractor emblem I mean it's solid gold so there's that you know that's a good chunk of 14 karat gold that's what I like you know 90 or 100 just in gold value but if you're somebody who's really into caterpillar stuff that might be a neat little item to add to your collection anything with a brand name or logo can add to the value quite a bit we've got some more of these little silver buckles for more watches Vinci it's not Gucci it's his it's his cousin Vinci foreign who's got a Vinci watch okay it just likes the little chains and stuff in here all right all right keep keep searching I mean as you can see going through there's still a lot to look through in here um on the top there was this too which is actually I don't know if you can see from the picture there but that's an old ringer washing machine this is your Euler bottle that would have come with the washing machine when it's in use you have it as it is and this little cap is welded or soldered onto the side and that turns into a lid when it's not in use so handy little thing to have um if you have a vacuum electric washing machine but this type of tin goes back to I'd say like the 1930s or so um the way that can is constructed so probably worth about you know forty dollars or something like that not too bad oh I see something right here and it is it's the 1967 Centennial coin set which actually is silver dollar silver quarter silver dime and it's when Canada put animals on the front of all of their coins I mean we do that with our coins now but at this time we didn't so that's cool and that's um uncirculated that's how they sold them in a little plastic and then it would come in a paper sleeve which I don't see in there but I do have the coins themselves that's the important part and here we have a sterling silver so solid silver um charm bracelet with a bunch of 925 Silver charms on it so you got a pineapple next to Santa Claus next to a centennial uh Canadian so that would date back to probably some of the stuff is from the 1960s because that's from 1967. mother so these are all silver so we're going to set that aside um we'll have like our precious metals Department where's that solid gold pin we'll move that over there too with the actual gold and actual silvery stuff and I'm just going to keep filtering through this actually these buckles note that actually a lot of times these are silver that was gold plated at one point when you see these sort of buckles you really have to look because a lot of times that is actual silver people pick these up on vacations in Mexico and Southwest uh there's another big buckle with the eagle on it made in the USA oh and it looks like it was probably gold-plated at one point not any longer but that silver finish on there would probably shine up just fine if you want a big eagle belt buckle is this oh Crown Royal belt buckle so I'm guessing they probably had a special limited edition bottle of liquor and you could get your Crown Royal belt buckle if you uh so wanted okay finding a few things here well although most of the stuff that I've been finding so far has been costume jewelry there's always always always at least a couple pieces of Fine Jewelry mixed in now I've noticed there's um some little bits of tiger eye and stuff and I saw this a little ring it has some tiger eye in the middle but it's a 10 carat solid gold so there's a nice little gold ring mix in the bottom and we found some gold bracelets some silver bracelets so this little pile I mean for what I paid for everything um we'll start to pay us back the soonest and then anything else that's in here you can kind of peace out and not worry so much there's also some odd 1970s kind of you know owl art sort of uh pendants and stuff as missing I think somebody stuck a googly eye on there they did I don't think that was meant to have the googly eye on it I think somebody with a sense of humor stuck that on so I might pop that off like that there you go that's more what it was supposed to look like um but just you know the most random assortment of stuff and then you've got coins and tokens and uh tie clips in the mix and I'm separating out some of the tie clips and cufflinks like from this holiday they obviously took to the to Bermuda so there's a little set there the tie clip and the Bermuda cufflinks probably from the 50s or 60s so sort of the guy stuff there um and those little bag of coins so these are a little bit newer sort of collector quarters and stuff but we'll put that in the Coin and Jewelry Department so I'm gonna try and get this basically emptied out and then I'll I'll show you if we find anything a little bit more exceptional in the mix here as I sort through well all of that searching yielded box is full of new costume jewelry we have the old Ford manuals um and gosh the the weird lamp over there the bucket of Hot Wheels uh the suitcases which I picked up actually for myself because they look like 1960s Ferrari factory suitcases they're not but Ferrari cases that look nearly similar um they're five grand those I think I picked them up for like maybe 10 bucks a case so they'll give me a similar look in the back of the car and not cost me that much as for the better stuff that came out of this lot all of that searching and sifting of all those boxes came up with this we have a number of solid gold rings Opals um tiger eye and diamonds and so forth that were mixed in and amongst all the sort of junk uh there's sterling silver sets another gold ring there that's the tiger eye one um little gold chain sterling silver sets and all these are uh solid gold and some with diamonds caterpillar employee recognition pins so you know five year ten year 20 year 30 years so they have little numbers on 10 15 25 and 20. so uh somebody at some point had worked for a very long time for Caterpillar and uh was awarded all these gold pins again solid gold so uh overall um you know we paid 600 for all this stuff but you know when you I really bought it on on a whim hoping that I find a few gold things in here and you know we'll easily get our money back just out of a handful of the gold rings that we have in front of us so um overall a uh pretty good day and I've got lots of stuff I can sell now so for me I'm off to the auction so I hope you enjoyed today's adventure I'm going to be heading uh to the auction now to take all this stuff in so we can sell it and then on to the next adventure so thanks again for watching guys we'll see you all soon and uh Happy Hunting out there for those of you that are doing the same thing I'm doing and looking for Treasures out in unusual places or in basements or barns or attics or wherever it might be I hope you guys find some treasure along the way too have a wonderful day guys we'll see you all soon and as always bye for now bye everybody
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 58,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G2WaEn6EHZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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