Why Bluegill are the Best Catfish Bait in Summer

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gonna break the teen or more oh yeah layover senior park hey guys I'm Deidre milhorn I got a tank full of summertime catfish candy bluegill I'm gonna put them to work see if they can put some catfish in the boat well here's the plan guys I got out here on a Sunday morning it's a little bit later than I wanted to I thought we were gonna have some storms but we didn't it was cloudy when I got here I was thinking man am I having a place to myself some boats have started showing up they were pulling some water first thing this morning which is kind of odd for us on a weekend so my original plan let's go do some drifting and kind of a north little north northeast wind so some good areas to do some long long drifts just to see what the fish are doing but when I saw the water is moving decided to code to a spot but the anchors out a newsmaker and while the waters moving and make some adjustments so that's my plan first go hit a place put some baits out anchor up and just see what's happening got one going right there right there right there right there I saw it get tickled a minute ago a little tickle something bid on it damn got it that time I'm anchored up didn't know what I was gonna this morning what's gonna drifter anchor decide to anchor up look like it was a little water moving not much they go right here on a channel edge it's a Sunday morning not much boat traffic yet but it's coming it's good blue headed looking fish easy they say ten pounds yep it's fish I'm eating some mussels got that old inverted bow thing going on there expert at X to stick it out its but second out fish trying to see sometimes you can lay these things down he rubbed her belly you feel muscles I don't really feel any in that one they've been eating a lot of muscles you can feel them get that one released now I like doing these videos on fishing with bluegill because us and relatively easily accesible bait for most people especially with a little better new to kitchen catfish trying to chase big catfish and trying to maybe move up from using some of the store-bought baits and go with you know either live bait or cut bait that you're getting out of the waterway and the areas that you're fishing so bluegill is a good one to go with make sure it's legal where you're at it's not legal in every state most places places it is legal as long as you catch on rod and reel some places you can cast on them check your laws you can't do that anywhere here in the areas that I fish but if you catch them on riding real they're legal to use small piece got a north wind so came right here to this area where it's a straight stretch the north the South River just to drift with the wind got a small drift sock out now the trolling motor down it's kind of keep the boat attitude right we just not that bad probably five miles an hour starting to get some boat traffic it's probably gonna probably going to get worse here it is a Sunday afternoons nice eater size blue cat thank you fish get healthy please get some Oh bite marks on the back of it female what's coming out of it pooping out something yeah Madeline why do I look at the catfish boot well they're pooping out muscles good clue of what you're eating pooping out corn gives you a good clue somebody's got the place chummed up so that's kind of the kind of the reason I'm doing a little bit of prospecting in some areas that hold flat heads I'm wanting to catch flat bigots I'm wanting the fish for a worm but it's still mid-june when this is being shot and it's not really prime cat the flathead time yet it's getting there I got a feeling it's going to be like a light switch this year and I've got a feeling that's going to happen kind of quickly and so I'm hoping here another week or so but I'm doing some prospecting just in case we've had such weird weather this year with temperatures and floods that put some baits out putting some live bluegill out just to see if there are any flat heads that are done with the he and Incheon and ready to eat the small one I'm coming up out of the river channel own this drift here definitely more productive so for her then anchoring was it's a just that time of year man it's tough you got to be patient you gotta love to fish you got to love to fish when that's a struggle like this little channel hello world I just try to keep it in perspective you know if there's people that wish they were fishing people wish they had a boat people wish they could just catch a catfish some people just wish they could go fishing kind of a place to fish so I'm blessed I love being out here and I can wait for the big ones to start biting boom there goes one there he goes there he goes there he goes oh he's taking some line taking some line on that ancient mariner one thing I like about this rule it's got the smoothest drag that drags pretty tight to a little bit there it's a good fish it's a good fish what am I about 15 feet of water I've come up out of the river channel here one fishing up onto the still kind of bumping right along the channel just in what we get on here I don't know if they've turned on water I'm pulling lines something's kind of funky here with the all the lines areas I was I mean he's in another line okay I just noticed that line going off oh stay there you go there you go it's good fish it's a good thing let it burp up real quick work it up here so good a very nice fish there are nice blue cat come in it's good you unraveled yep roll that hook out without problem gonna gonna break the teener mark oh yeah way over döner mark nice fish just shot up during the Sun get fish some of those head wounds looks like a male got some bite marks pulling up tail back here good looking fish a lot of dark color get back a lot yeah generally I'm not a big fan that comes out here and now on the weekends but I was hoping the storms keep people runoff it's not crowded crowded yeah it's probably gonna get worse but it is what it is this summertime you can still catch fish I think the better traffic plays a part but with that said I've got a video from a couple of years ago where I was out here in July 4th probably about this time of day it was packed with boats and I caught a 50 pound blue cat in the middle of all of it so you still catch them it's not ideal it's aggravating it's really aggravating when you're anchored up it's one of the reasons a lot of times if I'm going to be out here fishing on a busy weekend it's the only time I've got to fish or you're fishing a tournament I'm gonna be drifting it's just I can deal with I can deal with the the wake and everything a lot better just drifting just a it's just it's a mental thing probably more than anything but so you know the same applies when I might hear fun fishing I would just as soon be drifting and dragging baits then to try to anchor up because it gets very very aggravating with all the boat traffic but I might make this put a little bit further I'm getting bit I think I've caught four fish on this drift so it's it's definitely more productive than anchoring up right now where I'm at so no real real monsters but I think this is probably my best chance of hitting one in the head that's going to eat fish own fish on fish on fish on winds laying down just got a nice little light breeze out of the north it's the one that stretches a river that's perfect for drifting when it's a southerly wind or northerly wind nice straight sheet through here easy drifting having some water wind on the big uns ain't a big fish in here in fact I may be shrinking in size I was looking at this one like that little sucker easy aggressive aren't you yeah much wonder mean I only knew how nice that was the young ones don't that's just it the younger ones have never been caught by me big ones have they maybe be nice just relax just lay back relax either gonna let us go let's go let's swim [Music] let's go fishing okay guys got a little brim head hooked up there got him on Santi rigs man I got away from the boat track made a little boat ride into some mud and nasty water thinking that weekend warriors wouldn't be here right lay on there I gotta get through me through the skin thing got some mud and we got some current that's a pretty good combination that day we had some rain last night that needs to be clean nice little lay up on this bluegill here one more there good one what I'll do is I'll lay aside off use that for a bait come back over here fillet another side off to baits that head on something we are good to go fishing six rods in the water a little bit of current we're gonna catch a fish we got scheduled it gots to catch a fish fly on there now some of you may wonder about freezing bluegill or putting them on ice or something like that if you don't have a way to keep them alive obviously keeping them on ice is probably your first step as the best way to do it and then freezing as usual with freeze and fish just make sure you get them get the container airtight if you have a vacuum sealer use that to get all the air out that just really really helps with freezer burn and put it into a cold freezer and what I mean by that is one that is dialed down as low as it will go you don't want one that's 26 27 degrees the colder there you can put it into the quicker it will freeze and when you do that you have smaller ice crystals which helps prevent some of the meat getting broken apart and that kind of stuff so yeah get it frozen as quickly as possible which a lot of times means keeping some air around it if you've got an empty shelf in there or Erica the cold air can circulate around it that will help if you need to freeze your bluegill to use later just got here and got hooked that got one hid it in salads and the deep water trying to get it turns or gets to an anchor thing there he is did he make the anchor sang if he did clear the anchor got one of my buddies if you've ever seen my video of where I put the catfish spin through my finger this is the guy whose boat I went to at his house it was on his dock and he had the first-aid stuff for my finger stay down 12 pounds now heading to the sandbar y'all be the only ones there won't you [Laughter] there he is you look right over there he is the man who saved my finger don't need the pliers it's good to have friends on the water very miss say man come off there that one's got a tangled mess see I can do this the easy way easy girl to get all this off you yeah yeah now we got it clear at fish it's good blue make a little noise be out put a little up above with a link to the video I put a catfish pin through my finger had to cut it off with a pair of rig right scissors and anyway I didn't have any antibiotic stuff on my boat so text to him he went home he said hey man go to my boat tell me where's first aid kit was and went on there and got his first aid stuff and got it cleaned out and yeah pretty cool well no it wasn't pretty cool it was very nice that he did it stay put yep BAM small fish a little mix of water here get a little the halfway deep 12 14 feet I've got some 1/2 feet water so I'm spread out hoping maybe some of the bigger fish would be around some of this little deeper cut definitely gonna have some smaller ones like this one around shallow stuck a bluegill bluegill bluegill bluegill they love it you know bluegill oh let's try this one the first boom he's there stay button feels like it feels like it coming at the boat probably a channel cat it's a bunch of channel cats up here roaming around though this looks like a blue from the top okay it's a blue cat thought to be a good eater man if I sleeping something to eat it's a funny looking so we're on that thing it's interesting blue catfish the perfect leader if you'd want one to eat but he gets good back I'm taking off on the shallow side it's the only fish I've caught have been on the shallow side that won't come up to the top everything's been channeling in the deeper ditch it must be if they're feeding that's all I can think a little bit of current we had some good rain last night and this arm gets a lot of pretty good spike every time there's a good rain a decent fish we got us a monster today but most decent ones I think this one maybe Oh decent fish sir and excited to be here blue cat it's like a beat up male AC AC it's good when you start seeing these 10 12 13 pound fish they're not usually mean some of the he intention is coming to an end well folks if you made it this far thank you for watching please consider subscribing and here are a couple of more videos that I think you're gonna like [Music]
Channel: Dieter Melhorn Fishing
Views: 82,301
Rating: 4.7689972 out of 5
Keywords: summertime catfish bait, Bluegill is an excellent catfish bait, best catfish baits, what is the best catfish bait for this time of year, best catfish baits to use in the summer, bluegill as cut bait for flatheads, best flathead catfish bait, bluegill for catfish bait, what is the best catfish bait to use, What is the best catfish bait, best summer catfish bait, best catfish bait, bluegill for bait, best flathead bait, favorite catfish baits, catfish bait, excellent catfish bait
Id: IG8Ybb5zCAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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