A Simple Way To Catch Loads Of Bluegill

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whoa good morning folks is Richard Jean here beautiful morning here at Guntersville down it's almost seven o'clock in the morning little nippy it's about 52 degrees this morning and it's because we had a front other day the other day two days ago a lot of rain has hit the Tennessee Valley a lot of influx of water the water here at the dam is a little bit murky a little bit muddy but I like that when it comes to fishing for bluegill in shell cracker today we're gonna be fishing kindly what I call the most simplest way to catch pan fish in general but hey I want some look at them those things they're everywhere there's one right there let's see how close we get to it let's just say eat up here god they're ugly look that old thing he's gonna let me walk right up to him ones right there in a dumpster ones right there and there's a bunch of them down through there I believe what they're doing is mating this time of the year you'll see on my whole lot bunched up together like this they're ugly as Elmo bout that but they ain't gonna bother us stay with me let's catch a few of these old big Tennessee River bluegill possibly shell crackers yeah that'll thing's ugly looked in things ooh well this is just a little this is what I've always heard it called the the walkway just a set of steps right here below the dam well I don't know how far that is maybe six seven hundred yards below the dam place where I've caught some big old bluegill and shell cracker now the water is high y'all can see how high it is right here I'm gonna start down here at the end of the wall see what we can do it's real slick E right here but that's the water color right there I like to catch him big bluegill shell cracker there's actually a little Eddy all the way down through here all about yeah you don't have to throw over 12 15 feet out right here to catch fish I'm gonna put my stuff back here right here by this tree and put me a little water in this bucket and my ideal is to catch a few of these and take them home and eat them see there oh my goodness I'm gonna have some wet and accuse right there then no doubt but that's okay all right today I'm using an interesting little Ridge right here especially the real folks this is a Garcia Mitchell 408 now I've had this real for about a year and about it from an individual at a yard sale and on an older guy he said that he used this real about three times and he was looking for the box that it came in so it's basically a new reel but it's a Vantage reel it's kind of like the mitchell 308 it set forward it's a high speed it's a little bit quicker reel back in its day it was an ultra-light reel and also I'm using a Berkeley equalizer this rod right here is about 23 years old something like that as far as the line I have 2 pound test vicious high-vis line on the spoon and my rig is just simple it's a split shot rig with a little bitty split shot and I'm gonna start off with a size 8 hook I may go to a size 6 and I have this split shot about 10 or 11 inches above the hook and today we're gonna be using red worms just plain old red worms but I'm gonna start off by hooking on right in the egg sack one like this and one like that and I may just do that pin it and just like that I like to to a rig them that way so they're real natural-looking they can move I'm gonna walk right here to the end of the wall we have a little ante area right here I'm just going on not very far at all it's probably about six feet of water right there where I put that bait six seven feet of water I didn't got it back that was a little bitty one I don't know I don't know if it's a little one or not right off the bat feels like a doggone good fish right here it is I want y'all look pumpkin seed right off the bat and is that not a beautiful fish he's not as big as my hand but almost that's sort of a botanist that's a beautiful fish let's put him in the bucket what I'm gonna do is bring my stuff and put it right there and just fish off the end of that wall wouldn't y'all that was a lot quicker and I thought it would be my goodness let's put him at that beautiful fish whoo don't go hit whoa okay let's try one right in there first bite yep my my my my my this is a good one this is the kind right here I believe yeah look at that want warm tea you want that's a lot of fun just let that bait bounce down through there going over those little rocks and all of a sudden boom that's a pretty fish right there that one's got a lot of purple in he he does right now but it ain't gonna be long he's gonna be brown y'all know what I mean it's a beautiful fish let's put him in the bucket I gotta put him in the bucket now I gotta watch that Oh blue heron right there because what he'll do they're brave around here two down they'll pick you fish out you bucket if you don't watch it okay no thing right there and he's a better fisherman that fisherman than I am but they're greedy oh me what a beautiful day let's get back on up here now I stepped up to a size six hook right here I believe the big ones are in here you know you can put too much weight folks in my opinion now if I had a real heavy weight right there I would have got hung up broke off but it's still liable Alton but you reduce your chances by using just as light as you can get by with in my opinion per fish it's a good one he didn't think I felt you pick it up but I did I've seen that hive is lying twitch that's some baby that's the kind we want right there I saw mega dog monkey nose right there man you talk about fight they're all hey they're all you want on to pound line and a little bit of current oh I don't want to lose him it's a big one yep now there is a man right there and I got him in a good place right there in the mouth now all for split shot come on someone else let's put him in the bucket now I don't put a bucket full of my color up there oh nice I quit it's too good I eat and let go that's a big one get in there oh man check it out my mind now that's a good one I'll tell you what for their size there's not a fish I bet that I know of that can fight like these things another big one I tell you why not split shot rig folks is hard to beat especially in a situation like this the real light fish real light if you want to have a lot of fun out here in my opinion but I want you to look at their big fish let's put him in the bucket and catch you know there we go oh I can't tell y'all how these things fight kind of getting overcast right here I hope you ain't fixing the rain cuz I show around having some fun yeah what a bluegill what a bluegill it ain't happy lookie there ain't nothin but thick dirty good that me in a bucket - what y'all folks that's a good watching 30 minute bucket I've been catching about four or five putting them on my ass like that so they don't ruin that's too good eat only had to make me a run to the truck I don't burn right there ugly as Elmer I'm going I dreaming whoa you know I'm out of here I think pucks everywhere out in here they're gonna think there's but Oh me me me me me I'm tell that's a good don't don't you don't want to quit don't y'all look right here another mule Tennessee River mule you can tell when you set the hook into one of these you can tell that she's got it going like I said I've been catching a lot of small ones but it's just with this real light tackle art this it feels like you're set my hook into a rocks now get on in but let me show you what we got let's clean them up in this truck right here and see I've got a few right there it's Goodings too but always bring the worms weed I tell you what there was some doggone goodness and you talk about good eat and I need to make a special shout out to Douglas living Livingstone from Lerna Illinois's and he made me a coffee cup or you can put coke or whatever you want to in it it's just like a Yeti except for it's handcrafted the word you can put your name on it for a special loved one and remember go fishing when you can because it's good for you he sent this to the channel because he said he enjoyed the channel and for the rest y'all thank y'all very much for watching the great comments you know I keep saying that every time but I don't know what else to say everything you've done for this channel hey and the most important part of all of it is get out here enjoy yourself forget about everything that's bad just to take care of a lot of stress for anybody because fishing is in my opinion a sport second to none and fuck-all history
Channel: Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Views: 1,033,695
Rating: 4.8548517 out of 5
Keywords: bluegill, how to catch bluegill, how to fish for bluegill, bluegill fishing, bluegill fishing tips, bluegill fishing with worms, bluegill fishing rig, bluegill fishing setup, bluegill fishing 2019, fishing with worms, simple fishing setup, perch fishing, fishing for perch, worm fishing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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