Bluegill for Catfish Bait

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hey folks I'm Peter Mel horn is bluegill the ultimate catfish bait will come along with me on this fishing trip and I'll show you how it performs [Music] alright guys let you know what I'm doing here today I'm gonna go out try to catch some catfish but first I gotta catch some baits I'm going back here into a Cove gonna try to put some monstrous worms to work that my son called underneath the dog's water bowl outside and see if I can get some bluegill on but don't have any boudin been out here in about a week and so first things first got to catch some bait all right guys let's go up here and get this bait out here these are some red worms son called we put them in one of our little red worm containers look the sizing things actually they're still alive they might have got too cold or not looking good Oh being trouble the red worms are doing fine that that's not good I'm I don't know they should have put them things in the air refrigerator they're kind of I don't know if you're dead or just no they feel fine these just may not do-gooding the cold we'll see what happens when they get wound up here they're big and thick almost look like night crawlers but I think there's just big big worms we're gonna burn through them nice I'll show off see what happens something's going to eat them I guarantee it I don't guarantee too many things but when it comes to a big old chunky worm and a bluegill they're usually gonna eat it and got in like I said before not all banks are created equal little take him got one to take it anyways little little fish y'all know me I'll use him ain't picky got him wouldn't you know it a bass fried bass got him I just have to go to the old pull it away from him technique he fall down another shining example of an excellent catfish bait daddy finally one hit it good doing a little battle with the wind here better fish too better fish much better fish got him yeah and get off the stand another one not a monster but we'll take it all right folks spent about 35 minutes trying to catch a bluegill got some in the boat my big red one from stairs I've to go to my other ones that weren't ours they're a little bit smaller but they caught some fish so I've got some bait I don't have a lot I'm a trumpeting out some double hook rigs try to catch some white perch while I'm trolling through here basically not gonna be someone's trolling as it is just gonna be wind drift and I might have a drift sock out I've got a wind that is coming just looking at the direction here kind of out of the southwest and just going to float with the wind I'm gonna start in a river channel come up out of it roll up onto a flat and to see what works see where they're at this lake has changed a lot over the past week in that it was muddy as a dirt field week to ten days ago and now it's nice and clear still moving water still current and yeah it's just such changing lot going on normal we've got a thermic line by now we don't have it so let's see what happens so the plan is to take this knife and fillet up some brie I'm gonna use some heads gonna use some blaze and see if we can put a fish in the boat and there's our first victim I don't like to do is fillet the sides off these are small that's okay main three good pieces I generally don't use that some people do I don't give me one more victim here that's another one good one a little bigger bait it's just hard getting big bluegill this year for whatever reason I'm not sure why and what I'll do is systems got some thin right it looks like not good no one I'll do that out I cut off a couple of these in pieces I'll use these little chocolates from a white perch bait just a good old standard Santee rig you seen me use it and talked about it before kind of downsized on hooks a little bit here running nothing big really not running any big baits right now to be perfectly honest this out get it get spread just for these operation today I'm actually not running any planer boards just to smooth things out this is somewhat of a recon mission to figure out where the fish are so I can up and move around a little bit quicker that way get a couple more in the water six rods total will be fishing boom I think I got a perch on this rod but I also think I got a fish on the sub one let me get this in and out of the way double purchase that's a good thing there's our bait but also got two rods going on Friday yep yeah look at that look at that look at it let me get these perch off here not to mark this spot because this could be where the magic is let's get this one that one come in the end oh yeah that's a good fish - that's a good fish that's a real good fish I may have to I don't know if he's into this other line that's a decent fish that is a decent fish he is in definitely into at least one line and I got perch punch a waypoint real quick reason I do that I got those perch bites and that catfish about the same time so they may be laid up around where this perch or this is where the trolling motor comes in handy this fish is big enough it's got the boat going to that side so that's where having a trolling motor comes in handy you can actually correct the direction that your boat got to see some of these guys after all these spawning fish it's the first time I've had anything that's got some weight to it that does look like another fish they on that run some people asked about the way I hold a real that's just what's comfortable for me I feel like there's less torque on the thing going back and forth then there is up here I just kind of palm it it's not super huge it's fighting that's good pull-ups a good fish will take that fish later it's a kid heavy female right there pretty sure great fish guys great fish what's that one let's see what that one weighs hey see he see 13 pounds get belly full of food right there maybe eggs who knows I'm trying to feel it see if I feel any muscles or anything I said good looking fish all right let's get that one back alive don't can see what else we got on the rod this kind of fish I said that we yep there's a fish here boom babe I'm not sure if that other rods got one going another nice fish I'm telling you you ain't gonna win the tournament with 13 pound fish dang they're fun to catch especially on these lighter action rods I say lighter they're not light they're medium action it's just makes it fun makes it fun I'm probably going to bring my catch the fever striper rods out here to stripe her stealth Ross because they'd be really fun on that weight rod matter of fact that might be the next video we'll see ish I just have to remember that on those rods I've got lighter line I got thirty pound on here I can put the wood to them but those rides I got striper line on there some of the slum line and the clear mano hit me a little smarter with it yes good fish oh he barely hooked this one may not make it in the boat no come on come on give me a break I had my tan sitting on that mouth earlier I already had my shot look for all hook was in there boy I think was in there good you're finished probably at 10 pounds that's the might barks from the spawning on there nice blue cat they love blue Gila what you can do is win these situations it's kind of almost blowing me parallel to the bank and use my trolling motor and kind of skirt up the bank try to stay in the same depth range when it's not exactly ideal for the wind starts blowing sweep us into the bank but I'm gonna try usin trolling motor troll up through here see if we stay in this range where the fish are bitin and there's one right there I think I got a fish on the magic Oh Mac Baren would call that catching them on the turn you get a make that turn he's notorious for trolling up in creeks and cows that are pretty tight and he'll make a turn in the back of them basically what happens is all your bait stop moving and you'll catch them he learned it as a striper fisherman crappie fishermen that troll do it and sometimes it works with a catfish that might have been what happened right there right when I made the turn as baits are not moving as fast especially the inside baits and who knows sometimes that's all it takes another channel another one on this catfish soon my rattle nice healthy channel didn't get it back alive I can't fish soon my rattle we caught on that thing today and a bunch of them there's a debate the side of the boat who knows I'd be that color color same as that bluegill could be could be could be just released that fish worked on getting my turn made a little bit more in Boone got slammed turned around to I think hit the clicker and her dragged to get fish it's a good fish this would not surprise me if I'm into a couple of lines he on this one this is right up close to the pain too I think that's where these fish are right now a lot of people ask about that real that lose it real good real for the money if you're looking for something it's a little more affordable it seemed like a good fish it's pulling line oh yeah it's a better fish much better fish we'll take that again 120 yards off the bank it is the pattern that is working today I try to slowly nurse this fish to the outside I think he's in that line he's gonna be in the least one line touch me in a waypoint let's see if we can remedy this thanks sure how that happened ain't sure how that fish did that double loop around that rod sometime stuff happens you got a feeling this is gonna be a BOGO now he realized he's at the boat and go down looking good now should I get the net should I get the net am I gonna wish I had the net here once I see it Oh am I gonna wish I had the net he's swimming quick though only bad thing is boom there he goes take some line it's a good fish probably should've got the net drag the a drag spine I got time to get the net I could get it right there is my first 30 pounder in June in a long time that's a good fish yes good fish now one thing I said about bluegill is it does seem that there are certain times of year when it performs better than others I think summertime is the time to be using it the Fisheries of catches when they spawn they have an extended spawning period and I think that plays a part in their appeal they pretty much spawn from May through about July I think that has to do something with their appeal and I think the fact that they are up near the banks spawning has to do with the catfish their feeding patterns and things that are going on and I think that's one of the reasons it works so good well folks if you made it this far thank you for watching please consider subscribing and here are a couple of more videos that I think you're gonna like [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dieter Melhorn Fishing
Views: 209,584
Rating: 4.6609221 out of 5
Keywords: bluegill for catfish bait, Bluegill are an excellent catfish bait, how to catch catfish with bluegill, How to Catfish Like This Using Bluegill, dieter melhorn catfish, how to catch bluegill, best catfish bait, dieter melhorn fishing, dieter melhorn, How to Catfish, catching catfish, rigging bluegill, catching catfish during the spawn, how to catch catfish, catfish fishing, catfishing tips, live bait, catfish bait, catfish bait secrets, catfishing tips and tricks
Id: wKWpHK58S9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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