How to make the Ultimate Electric Worm Getter!

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hi there folks I'm Kevin dual here for total fishermen comp if you want to see how to catch worms like this but stay tuned thank you for joining us today we all love fishing with worms why because they work every freshwater fish in North American loves to eat worms they're easy to get they're inexpensive and they hands-down produce so today I'm going to show you how to build the ultimate electric worm getter if that's not a tech fishing I don't know it is sit back and watch how it's done okay let's get started the first step is to cut a length of PVC pipe this is 3/4 inch schedule 40 PVC we're gonna do 6 inches and then and you know mark if you want or you can just start cutting mark it take a hacksaw and cut that off there the next step after you get this cut off to about 6 inches is we're going to come in about an inch and a half down and we're gonna make a hole in it you're only gonna drill halfway through it meaning the hole is just going to be on one side quarter inch drill bit works great for for this hole keep in mind this is going to be the very last probe at the end of the series this is going to be number 6 okay the next step is you're gonna come in here with your quarter inch drill bit and you're gonna drill a hole right in the middle of this 3/4 inch PVC cap quarter inch hole should be right in the middle that looks about right okay our next step is we have our quarter inch metal rod that's gonna be the probe that goes down into the ground and to measure and Mark this at one foot and then we're gonna cut it off with their hacksaw definitely want this clamped in a vise because this rod being round tends to roll quite a bit okay we've got our quarter inch metal rod cut off and as you can see it's got a bird there on top so you want to take a file and go ahead and touch that up taking that burr off remember file only cuts when you move it away from you go ahead and just gently round the top of this out taking off any unevenness and then it'll be ready for the next step okay the next step is we're gonna come in and we're going to mark the rod for the threads that we're gonna put on it mark it there at three inches okay so three inches of the rod is going to be threaded now if you've never used a die before go slow you can definitely mess this up and then you have to start all over again cut a new rod go ahead and get a little bit of cutting awhile on there okay this definitely helps the process that's a little bit more than a little bit better to have too much and not enough all right get this on there the right way there's a more open end and I closed in slide that on there and just slowly start to turn it around trying to keep it even you can feel it start to bite in you don't want this to be crooked okay the next step after we have the rod threaded is we're gonna go ahead and start assembly I want to take a standard quarter twenty nut thread it on here is it all the way down and give it tight and right get it tightened right up about as tight as you can get it don't strip it out to get it on there really tight and then the next step is we're going to take our camp and we're gonna put it on gonna thread that on there like so alright now that you got that on you can take it out of the vise okay for the next step we're gonna be using a one and a half inch tension pin this can be all these parts can be found at your local hardware store this is just being used as a spacer so that we get the work area up out of this constricted area in the end of this end cap slide that down over the top of that any tubular piece of metal would work and then take a standard quarter twenty nut and thread it down on top of there like so and then we're gonna put it back in the vice and tighten this up get that nice and snug already the next step is we're gonna put our wiring terminal on there this is a number 12 to 10 gauge insulated terminal and we go ahead and thread that on like so we're gonna attach the wire here later and then take I call them an eye lock nut because it has a little piece of plastic inside that keeps it from sliding back down some people call it a lock nut go ahead and put that on okay the next step is remember this is going to be the last one in the series of probes so we're taking our 10 gauge wire that's connecting all of our probes together and this is going to be connected down into this one go ahead and do yourself a favor and thread this down through the pipe before you get started doesn't get the head down in there like so and then go ahead and strip off the end of this find in the 10 gauge mark on your wire strippers strip that off go ahead and Bend that up a little bit stick it down in there get a little bit of copper showing code and crimp that down nice and tight okay at this point you can go ahead and Bend carefully and slowly bend your connector up that way and you can slide your pipe down over the top of your connection this is just to make sure that your tolerances are good and that you can get the pipe down over there be careful about jamming it in too far because you still need to glue this in place if you get it down in there you might have a heck of a time getting it up so that's starting to look like a worm Gator okay for this next step we want to drill our hole we want to go all the way through we need to allow the wire to go all the way through this okay alright we're gonna be adding one of the probes so you know the worm kept gene ability of these is about two feet from the center in a circle you know radius out from each of these probes I don't like to push it that far I come in about 20 inches and I made a mark on this so each of these probes would be about 20 inches apart and remember you put a hole in both sides of each of these handles we're gonna go ahead and thread this on this is ten gauge wires a little hard to work with so you want to you want to take your time go ahead and get in through there then just go ahead work it through like so and get it all the way down to that mark yet you made okay so you've got this threaded on down to that mark and you're gonna go ahead and from the top down stick it in and get it to come out the souther hole might have to bend in a little bit to get it to come out okay and the same thing kind of work with it pull all that down through there okay so this is what it should look like yeah the wire ran in through both sides of it and it continues up and I'll loop like this guys there's other ways of doing this but the main reason for keeping this ten gauge wire contiguous all the way through the setup is so that if you have any problems in here it doesn't affect the transmission of the electricity down through the hole the whole system you don't want this to be like the Christmas lights when we were all kids where one Christmas light goes out next thing you know all the rest of them and the chain ER are out this way if you have any problems in here and you have one problem it's not working all the other probes will still work because they're attached to this this one main bus this one main conduit of electricity okay for this next step we're using what NAPA Auto Parts calls a splice lock connector I call it a vampire tap this yellow one is for ten gauge and 12 gauge wire okay you've never seen these before they're pretty cool it allows you to tap into an existing wire and be able to have a feed off of that into another wire so I'm going to go ahead and and do one of these outside of our setup so that you can see how these work just in case you've never used one before okay so imagine this is our main conducting electrical wire that goes to the socket for this setup this would be our ten gauge wire okay take this vampire tap and in this first side of it over here you snap that on to to the wire okay you can slide up and down like so and then this is going to be what you're using to tap into it okay and that goes on this side over here okay just like so all right you take a heavy pair of pliers and you come in making sure that the lead this lead is all the way up in there this is not the time for that to be coming out and go ahead and smash that all the way down like so okay and what that does is that jams that piece of metal you saw sticking up that you smashed down yeah and it cuts into both of these wires and it completes the electrical circuit inside of there now you still have electricity here because this has never been broken and now you have electricity here because it was able to tap into the main wire and then you just snap that over and it covers that up like so all right so you've got your handle with your main wire ran all the way through it we're going to go ahead and take our probe and we're going to stick it down through the center of our handle thanks light it on there firmly but not so firmly that you can't get it back off here in a little while all right so this is coming out the top like so take your vampire tap slide it on all the way over okay and then snap that in to the main part like so okay and then taking your heavy pliers go ahead and smash that all the way down all right and then we take that little cover just 10-gauge is a little hard to work with I'm so stiff you get that over get that little cover over snap down like so then go ahead and take your electrical pliers and just cut off this tag end here okay now what we need to do is work with this a little bit on these these little covers sometimes you have to get in here and pry at them a little bit to get it to come over don't break this off right a little bit get it down there so just snaps all the way down and on sometimes you might have to use your pliers a little bit give you a little extra leverage all right got it on there okay now the next step is we need to get you get those wires down inside here okay work with them you know this is 3/4 inch conduit if I have used one inch it probably be a lot easier but I like to look at the 3/4 inch something you might pull on these a little bit and then slide it a little here a little here slide it some more see how it's starting to starting to get down in there okay all right push comes to shove gently just pop on it a little bit like that all right once you've got it all down in there and you can get the cap on you know like so you know you're good to go and that's what it should look like okay however we haven't glued these down yet that's gonna be our last step okay then next to the last step is we need to make up this connection here so one of the things you've got down at the hardware store was one of these plugs that you can put on the end of wire you go ahead and make up your connection inside here this just screws off as you can see and keep in mind it's this side on most sockets that you need to hook on to okay so when it plugs in it's it's the Spade on the right some people probably say well don't you need both of them don't you don't need another wire over here well no this wire over here is the ground and remember you're finding ground obviously because you're sticking these in the ground so it completes the circuit so you have positive letting electricity into the ground and you just need this side of it a lot of people will just call that a draw it's drawing through the probes right into the ground that's what makes worms come up so I'm gonna wire this up all righty the next step is gonna be gluing on the caps onto the conduit but before I do that I took and tested all of my connections after plugging it into the outlet with a voltmeter in each one of them read 120 volts so if you don't know how to use one of these there's instructions on the internet they're pretty straightforward just optional step make sure that all your wiring is is good to go so this is an optional step you know one way to do it is you could just jam all those caps on there and they hold on pretty tight or to do it the right way you take some of this PVC cement and shake it up a little bit careful to get this on everything job that off like so okay I'm already getting it on everything and then just come in here it making sure that this pipe is relative clean put that on there like that okay all the way around and then just firmly slide your capital on kind of acts as a lubricant as well it allows it to get nicely all the way up on there okay same thing for the other side all the way around and take your cap jam it on there let that dry for quite a while and you'll be all set let's go see how this thing works [Applause] nothing in the bucket you hey there guys not too bad at all quite a few in here if you can see that I don't know how many dozen that is but that cost you quite a bit at the tackle store all different sizes and in good shape ready to go fishing
Channel: Total Fisherman
Views: 6,381,742
Rating: 4.504683 out of 5
Keywords: red wigglers, red worms, worm farming, catch worms for fishing, catching bait, how to catch worms, electric worm catcher, fishing worms, nightcrawler worms, catch live bait, worm farm, earthworms, fishing tips, fishing tricks, How-to (Media Genre), electric worm probe, worm shocker, worm rod, find worms, how to catch fishing worms, fishing bait
Id: I2-kfbjxKLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2013
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