5 Things to Stop Doing When Catfishing

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hey folks i'm beter milhorn in this video we're gonna go over five things that you need to stop doing if you want to catch catfish [Music] and what maybe do this video was I've been doing a lot of guide trips lately I've been taking a lot of people out fishing for catfish and the great thing about doing this is I get a ton of questions from folks it's a great way to get stuff answered figure stuff out being out there on the water but I noticed there were some questions that I got repeatedly from different people and I said you know what might be a good topic for a video something I can talk with you guys about who aren't in this part of the country can't do a guy trip with me so those are some of the things I'm going to go over today and one of them is the frustration with not catching fish wherever you're fishing at I hear that a lot I see it online a lot and a lot of times guys you're fishing in a place that may not have catfish now granted there are places where you're just not getting bit you may be doing some of the other things wrong that we're gonna talk about but you got a fish where there are fish catfish or not everywhere they are a widespread fish don't get me wrong there pretty much every state in the country but they're not in every pond and every Creek that you may be fishing in I know it's not everybody has access to all the top waterways so you may be fishing in a small lake small pond community or municipal pond it may not have them so make sure that you've got catfish where you're at because you can't catch them if they're not in the water now the next one that's a question I got several times in the past few weeks and that was when do I start going fishing deep for catfish if you read any of the articles or website info or facebook info from any of the catfishing sites you'll see people talking about fishing deep for catfish it is something that has been the go-to place to fish for catfish since I was a kid it was always when we were sitting on the riverbank trying to fish we always had to cast out as far into the river or lake as we could because that deep water out there is where the fish work well folks like it I've said in some of my other videos the deep water is not always the place as a matter of fact it can be the worst place a lot of times of the year it's all things being equal depending on and range the depth and the lake fishing deep can be a bad thing so what I'm getting at is don't get locked into I got to go catch them in the deepest part of the lake a lot of times those fish and this is even for you guys that are fishing in these small ponds and little creeks and some sometimes those fish are right up on the bank especially if the bait fish is up shallow if you have shad if you have bluegill if you have crappie that are up on the bank that's where they can't fish you're going to be too because that is what they are feeding on in our area right now coming into the summer time we're getting ready have a thermic line in our lakes generally that'll City and sometime around June and the water below about 2530 feet will be devoid of oxygen it's an inhabitable for fish so there's no real reason to be that neat granted sometimes in the winter water did temperatures down deep are more stable but depending on what's going on there more being more plankton and stuff at higher elevations in the water column thus you have more bait fish in those areas thus you have more catfish so pay more attention to where the bait fish are then trying to wait for the catfish to go deep so don't get locked into going deep for catfish unless there's a reason for them to be there now the next one is an important one and any of my tackle sponsors don't want to hear this but stop stressing over tackle I have some of the finest fishing rods around over my shoulder over here they're great rods are great tackle and if you can afford them and have them in your air and you want to buy them these rods work great but if all you got is 30 bucks and you want to get fishing go to Walmart and get you what you can get for $30 and go fishing that is the most important thing don't stress over tackle as you fish more learn more about it maybe get into bigger fish want to fish some different conditions you can upgrade that tackle take your time with that but don't let having the best stuff and the best reels and the best line keep you from going fishing this is great that you're interested in it we all get excited about having new year new tackle new rods new stuff to play with there's an excitement that comes with it I do it too but don't let it stress you out and keep you from fishing I've heard some people say I want to wait to go fishing somewhere until I get a rod or this coefficient let the fish break you off you've got something too you'll remember that more than the fish that you landed trust me that one day got away and broke that little line that you had or pop the tip of that rod would be much more exciting so get on a fish don't stress about the tackle another thing you need to stop doing is having unreasonable expectations when you go fishing I hear people all the time they get frustrated that look at a 10 or 12 pound fish and go oh that's a Dean well guess what folks if all you've got is 10 or 12 pound fish in the lake that you're fishing that's a pretty good fish and it's as big as it's going to get where you're at having expectations of catching 50 60 70 90 hundred pound fish in the local municipal pond it's not going to happen so you got to have reasonable expectations for where you're fishing now not everybody always knows this and I understand that especially for native fishing but very few areas hold trophy fish plain and simple you have to go do some very nice very good Fisheries for that to happen the majority of the waters out there are gonna have a reasonable size fish so have some reasonable expectations the great thing about today's world you can go online you can get a facebook you can go to my website you can send me a message you can kind of find out what to expect in a certain Lake or a certain area talk to local anglers that are out there fishing but keep your expectations reasonable have fun that is the biggest thing everything becomes a bragging board on Facebook and online and I hate that it's a double-edged sword and I love the sharing of knowledge but everything also becomes a bragging board on there and people like me are probably to blame for it I'm sitting on there you know showing pictures of good fish that I catch never you know for people that are new and getting into the sport they think they have to be able to catch them but I fish a lot I've been doing a long time and thank you Lord I'm blessed to be in an area that has a good fishable population the other thing is I'm close to the water okay it takes me 14 minutes to be in a lake that I can reasonably expect to catch flatheads and blue cats over 30 pounds so not everybody has that especially that close to home some have some reasonable expectations get out there and fish try to catch the biggest fish in the waterway that you're fishing even if that fish is only three or four pounds one other thing you need to stop doing is fishing for ghosts that's a term that I use to describe those fish that you caught last year or maybe a year before last in the same location going back to those same places and fishing them over and over and over when the conditions are not right to be there I call that fishing for ghosts you're fishing for the ghosts of the fish that was there that you caught last year or two years ago sometimes these locations and these places can be very productive they can be productive for a number of reasons they could be a mussel bed there could be rock piles down there that hold fish they could be a bend in the river that you know is shielded from current or it's just a lot of things that can hold some of these fish but fishing when it's right not just because you call the fish there last year two years ago or ten years ago don't fish for those ghosts when it's not right it's okay to hit these places sometimes just to see what's going on sometimes fishing blind works especially when you have lethargic fish and they're laid up in the mud you don't always see them on your sonar unit you know but if you're bank fishing you know sometimes if you have the ability you guys bank fishing a little bit tough for sometimes you're locked into a certain area but if you have some options don't get locked into fish in those same old places let those ghosts wander through the waters folks have you made it this far thank you for watching here are a couple more videos that I think you're gonna like I've watched that one and then that way now do that one first and then that one I'm just watching both they're both good [Music]
Channel: Dieter Melhorn Fishing
Views: 107,704
Rating: 4.9294872 out of 5
Keywords: dieter melhorn, catfish tackle strategies, catfishing locations, catfishing, how to catch catfish, fishing for catfish, catfish, tips on how to catch catfish, learn how to catch catfish, Fishing for catfish, catfish bait tips, how to catch big catfish, catch more catfish, fishing strategies, fishing tips, tips for fishing, tips for catching fish, catfishing tactics, Catfishing secrets
Id: mofYOAaf9vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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