Is This The Only Catfish Bait You Need ?

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hey guys I'm Peter Miller Warren come along with me on this fishing trip as I go chasing catfish with my favorite summertime bait bluegill so as a kid growing up catching catfish we were always using frozen shrimp or night crawlers or frozen the mussels something like that and even the old chicken livers and we caught fish on but when I started really trying to catch bigger catfish and catch trophy catfish everybody told me how you need to be using cut bait you need to be using lightning and bluegill was the first of all I started using I was readily available in that I could catch them and most of my fishing then was done like a lot of people in the warmer months so they were easy to catch and I've been using them ever since to catch catfish especially in the summertime now they've been at it for a while and then to it obviously I have other basic fish with you know net shad and we catch white perch and just you know skipjack for under parts of the country but you know still I have found that summertime it's just seen for whatever reason bluegill is an excellent bait to be using one of our bluegill from earlier now I don't scam them some people do I don't skilled a person like they got bigger harder scales I'll just take my knife lay aside off each of them how big a bait selling the fish Fermi say before I don't fish with that some people do it's good if you do that's fine I'm just using it for Chum oh yeah I don't use it that flap and tail seems to be an issue with me so I've got kind of a small hook on this one what I'm gonna do is take a piece of that bluegill fillet make it a little bit smaller these are santi regs so their drift rigs they'll sink on the bottom I've got an old drift waiting on that one when I made from one of my videos a while back and my opinion in the summertime one of the premier baits is that right there and that's a bluegill head I think it's the best bait around I hook them up through the bottom of the lip up through there keeps her mouth shut so that they don't kind of get their mouth open and kind of fluttering out there in the water just seems to help you tell us on bottom when the line quits coming off thing there it is like I said I'm a big fan of bluegill in the summer I think it's the best summer bait to have the bigger one on that one put a whole filet on that one well chunk they just maybe I'm biased was I they were always easy to catch before I learned how to throw a net caught a lot of fish on them caught a lot of flat heads on them caught a lot of big fish on them I've got one of these smaller live ones I'm going to put him out whole look over the same way my way they're facing into the current and still get water across their gills and he should sit up there flop around and be an excellent bait I wish I had a rattle on that one that's a good one to put her right alone when you have a Santee style rigged with a cork rattling cork or something that would have been a good one feel confident there's a big blue or flathead they'll hit it but most likely it's gonna get hit my channel cat that's just the way usually go with live baits here smaller bait this one smaller hook I can't fish soon though that's been killing it on the drift get in the water that one that down the bank all right I got another small one told you these small ones don't go to waste guys get that sucker out there maybe we can get old Big Boy to hit big hungry boy let's see what happens I got one that has taken the bait and went to some deep water there yes boom hooked up not a monster but boom rig is another one there's another one see it right there straight under the boat tangled in a line we always list maybe a big channel that's blue good heavy blue come here come here come here simmer down big male mm up female fish been bit on a few times got why are these baits so popular in the summertime well I've got my theories I think a lot of it has to do with the spawn and how bluegill spawn they kind of come up shallow like bass and they're usually up in shallow pockets coves and places like that where you can fan out near the bank I think that may have something to do with it they pull up out of the deeper water these fish are also very active this time of the year in the summertime and part of it maybe just because they're easy for us to catch they're easier for us to use and we catch fish on but there had been many times where I'm fishing the bait side-by-side with shad perch and I just get more hits on the bluegill and you know I don't know how I come into summer a lot of people like them in the summer they're a great big to have when you get back and start Flathead fishing after the spawn or before the spawn it's hard for a flathead to turn to how a bluegill there's a fish on that one but it's not big there he goes let me get this line out of the way and bring him in on this side yes that he's operation yes the plan was not to go drifting today are the plan was to go drifting but I don't know I wrote it up to an area I was going to drift let's what the heck we had some rain I've seen some mud I said maybe there's some current and I can go anchor that's what I did sure what we got here a little bigger fish not a monster but a little bit bigger good play Ghibli deadly tender blue it's a good one it's a good mail nice fish yep good one okay a few battle scars she's still jacked up color with some good colorization got a feeling he's still spawning he's still looking for love it's getting back make love alright guys playing this here just to make a big long drift with the wind trying to find me area or get to win them a back I'm gonna put out a big drift sock because well it's gonna be howling just things situated this is the big Easter loon drift sock it's basically a parachute got a weight on one side got a float on the other float goes up weight goes down you've got this small rope which is a take down right to the back of it and it's what you use to pull it in with to get this one that ties to the drift sock itself this one here goes to the back of it it's kind of slack and I've got a rope that goes between the cleats on the back now if the back forms a little why this she's out she'll get inflated and she'll slow us down or my bluegill already got a piece on it there hooked up their boots just put six rods out no planers today when can make planer board fishing kind of a pain in the butt so I'm just going to chillax and so when we head out live at the last stop that head right through there yes sir that's a small head on a big hook my fishing gear plenty of line out yeah one more over here needs a piece of bait we'll cut the tail this piece a bluegill put a little small chunk on there's a small hook on this one anyway I just make sure you get that scale off that tip in there it's like one slackline slackline boom there it is I do try to do what I'm thinking is when I get one of those it's got a lot of slack in it when that line starts to come tight I try not to reel too too fast so that if it's barely hooked it doesn't pull the hook loose this is not a big big fish take him the drift is not as good as I thought it was gonna be don't would have a little more him in the boat oh he's whisker hooked it's gonna be another quick release right there guys watch this I lost my broom head I got my brim head back and then I lost it no way that's fishing miss it earlier Santi style rigs some weights from Dale's tackle pencil weights catfish sumo rattle this little green one has been working on these bream trips bluegill trips not sure if it's the color or what because it's bluegill maybe it helps I don't know who knows I just know I've been catching some moment smell that whoop it's Beluga now you can fish on ice cut bait that's usually the way I do it but I will put out some live ones usually I'll have a nice mix of them out there but generally speaking I get more hits and catch more fish on the cut night that's obviously because of the sin you just got a lot more sense spread out and you know the fish are able to key in on that and it's a little more enticing form when you get actively feeding fish those live fish will work just fine and you know you paired that up with some type of rattle suspend them underneath the bobber and there's live bluegill can be a very effective bait doing what I never like doing and that is dragging in river currents there Dee pull off nope he's there just trying something not feeling very optimistic about it but I'm hooked now there's a lot of current and it's also got wind in the same direction so boat speeds kind of tough to manage fishing is not exactly good either this fish is swimming really weird swam way off to the side blue get blue get blue write the Bogue of him Oh weights going that's interesting don't work the weight came out that's interesting let's get this second one it's got free line that fish weight came off somewhere along the way I'm not sure where it's a good-looking fish oh that Huck up in your mouth good-lookin blue nicest one of the day hey fellow good fish good fish if they went back alive and one of the things I did today was I actually had out a white perch head white perch heads are usually a good bait during certain times of the year and I've caught a lot of big big fish on my perchance the interesting thing is today I had that that baits not been hit I've called a couple of these fish that I've caught a day on bluegill heads you know several of them on fillets but nothing that's touched that perch head so it's the bait too big I don't know all of these fish are big enough to eat it is it because there's just not keying in on this fish right now I don't know who knows what it is but it's one of the other reasons why perch can be easy to catch you can still catch fish on them don't get me wrong you still catch catfish on shad and every other fish out there it's just there seems to be a preference to using bluegill especially when it warms up here in the summertime my Ann got a feed just put this one back out chickens a bait man the winds howling it's changing directions on me it's kind of Northwest now it's kind of coming out of the West got all kinds of issues here with drift sock and this is the one bad thing about trying to drift in the current it can be tough it can be tough especially with a tailwind but anyway for now we're trying to catch fish the brim is catching fish it's just where these fish are is the tough part they are they are not everywhere especially the biting fish even the fish I'm marking on sonar are very odd areas leaders around the spin I've gone that one came on that sumo too come back here you see you see come up here you see open your mouth open your mouth ah yeah another one on that rattle how many we caught today on that thing it's working there we go nice little blue upper end of the eater size for me good blue you like brim don't you it's that it like Brent just to be clear when I say bluegill I mean pretty much any of the sunfish the redbreast sunfish the the actual bluegill the green sunfish shell crackers all of those fish all of them fall into the sunfish family and I interestingly sometimes a largemouth bass all of these so called bass that bass fishermen fish more actually sunfish so we refer to them I refer to bluegill has all of those and that includes you know we call them bream is a kind of a slang term for all of those species combined but some of them do better than the than others there are some fish that they don't seem to want to hit as much shell cracker is one that I don't for whatever reason channel catfish and blues don't seem to eat it but a flathead will warm mouths another one doesn't get hit as much except by flat heads but the actual bluegill green sunfish pumpkinseed all of those blues flathead channels they all love them stay button actually that one there's getting bit this one did not stay buttoned up that's got a small fish on there right there in front of me go ahead and get this one in get the bait got the bait hain't got some slime on there I'm sure locusts on that I'm gonna get this it's here looks like Channel kid my money says channel cat yeah walleye fish it in he'd barely hooked barely moved on I see picked off a couple of fish on this drift I'm kind of surprised I'm a reset and drag it again AEC I see it flipping that popped off I knew it would I could tell that fish was gonna pop off I think he had the back of the bait it just felt like it was hook that good you did this long enough you can just tell boom got one going here making one last pull across here and it's a funky wind funky current all that kind of stuff I'm trying to put one last fish in the boat and the guys hook the small fish not exactly a phenomenal buy today I think this is fish seven or eight I did do a little prospecting so kind of rode off some time there but the brim is working it always works in the summertime it's my go-to bait and the cool thing is they're easy to catch this time of year but a little more fighting than I thought it's like a channel kid let's get him in the boat here see which piece he hit know which piece that one hit these are what I grew up catching on this Lake Blues were rare back then now this was back when eight nine ten pound channel cats were the ones you wanted to catch for tournaments now that's about as big as it gets they still like bluegill all these years they probably killed more of my live flathead bait bluegill than any other fish all right guys sitting here reeling in lines to hit in and wouldn't you know it rod goes off we'll get one more for the road these days but I'm having the zing my motor down through here kind of quit because I've almost drifted into the bank over here so I gotta get this one the end before we're pushing it off the dirt which ain't a good thing Lou Gil's doing good today it's not on fire a little slow on the bite I don't know it's probably about average for this time of year I think I caught a fish it's not exactly crazy by any means but considering we did some prospecting it'll work one on that dadgum catfish sumo nice nice nice come here blue cap another blue nice little eater sighs oh you're lucky you're not getting the grease it made a good sandwich well folks if you made it this far thank you for watching please consider subscribing and here are a couple of more videos that I think you're gonna like [Music]
Channel: Dieter Melhorn Fishing
Views: 19,175
Rating: 4.8978724 out of 5
Keywords: dieter melhorn, dieter melhorn fishing, Catfish Bait, how to catch catfish, excellent catfish bait, bluegill is the best catfish bait, cut bait, Bluegill make excellent catfish bait, catfish baits that work, bluegill catfish bait, using bluegill for catfish bait, best catfish bait, bluegill for catfish bait, bluegill for bait, how to catch catfish with bluegill, bluegill fishing, bluegill for cut bait, bluegill for flathead catfish
Id: KsrDpO9u3_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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