BANK FISHING Trick to finding fish!!! Catch more fish from shore: catfish, bass, carp

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hey Luke here's captain Karp calm and I'm going to show you some tips and tricks to catching more fish from the shore in this video I'm going to talk about the most important skill a fisherman can have that's watercraft that's the the ability to look out at the water and understand what's going on underneath the surface it's the key to locating fish and that is the most important thing you can do locating fish and understand what's going on out there is more important than the bait you use it's more important than the lure or the rig or the gear or the rod or the reel or anything because if you don't put your hook in front of a fish you will never catch a fish so in order to understand this I'm also going to show you some neat little tricks and some rigs and gear that you can use to help you understand better what's going on out there one of the most important things to understand about a body of water is how deep it is okay and you can get a feel for how deep the water is simply by looking at the shore if the bank and the shoreline is really steep and slopes that means it drops off quite suddenly right at the shore if it's flat then you're looking at a very gradual all depth change okay additionally when fishing in rivers the wider the river gets the shallow where it is and the tighter the river gets the deeper and faster it is because the same amount of water is happening to fit in a tighter area that water's got to go somewhere so it's either got to get deeper or speed up or both additionally on rivers when you have a bend the water tends to be faster and deeper on the outside of the bend and shallower and slower on the inside of the bed once you can kind of understand the general depth of the water you can start looking for features that attract fish slopes are always good places to look for bass and catfish and other types of predators points of land to jump out up into deep water are also good locations if you have a big wide-open flat and you have a spot that dips down and gets deep suddenly that can be really a great area even if it's only a few feet across or a very slight change in depth that can be a magnet area so anytime you have underwater slopes or drastic underwater changes in depth you'll often find a lot of game fish because understanding water depth is so important it can be really essential to be able to measure the water to know precisely what's going on out there okay so now I'm going to show you some tricks to measuring water depth when you're fishing from shore these are a variety of different techniques some are expensive some don't cost you anything each have their pros and their cons so I'm going to go through them one by one so one of the ways to have the benefits of a high-tech fish finder while fishing from shore is to get one of these castable fish finders there's a couple of them on the market I believe I Bob Orr makes one hummingbird used to make a castable fish finder with a little wristwatch type thing but probably the most high-tech one on the market right now is made by deeper and this is the deeper Pro Plus and basically it's about three three and a half ounces and you cast this bad boy out there and it sends a wireless signal to your tablet or your phone and you can basically get all the advantages of a pretty decent fish finder while shore fishing if you're not particularly tech savvy don't worry this is pretty easy I just charged this up and downloaded the app and it immediately synched up with the the deeper my phone and the deeper started communicating I didn't have to monkey with any settings on my phone or anything like that so it was pretty user friendly deeper has a bunch of accessories so it's got this little rubber thing it allows you to strap your phone to your fishing rod so that you can see what's going on while you're reeling but I got to tell you it makes me a little nervous I've got an $800 cell phone and having it on my rod while I cast seems like a really dodgy idea so instead I've got this twenty five dollar selfie stick with a little tripod on the bottom and I can just stick my cellphone in this thing and put it on the ground and I can see what's going on and then I don't have to worry about my cell phone flying off while I'm casting well let me show you how this thing works okay so you can see here the water temperature is 84 degrees Fahrenheit 5.6 feet deep little green bits are vegetation or some bait fish you can see the bottom that's kind of a light color that tells you it's kind of a soft bottom so not rock it's a kind of a silty mucky bottom there's a fish there's a fish so five point four or five point five and as I'm reeling in it's suddenly getting a little bit deeper so tells you there's a little bit of a hole there see some more fish suspended in the water column now this deeper fishfinder is a great tool you can measure water temperature depth you can find structures like rocks and logs you can tell what the bottom is made out of locate bait fish it's a really slick product and works well and seems like they've been really doing well to keep the bugs out and and really polish their product here but it's two hundred and fifty dollars for this proseries plus and for the accessories so you're looking at a serious investment that's a lot of money and so if this is too much money let me show you some cheaper options so here's another trick to reading the water you can just throw your four-year-old son in the water and have him tell you how deep it is they taught me can you touch the bottom he's not as good at measuring water temperature though hey Tommy what's the temperature high yeah got to work on that this is a marker float it's a device used by British and European fishermen for decades it helps them to determine the water depth to figure out what the bottom of the water looks like to locate structure and weed beds to know whether it's gravel or still thought they're dealing with you can buy a euro style marker float and LED system for less than 20 bucks here in the US from big carp tackle comm I'll put a link in the description there's no batteries there's no apps you don't need a phone it's simple dependable the way the marker float works is that you have this lead on a slider you have a bead and then you have the float itself you cast this thing out and when it hits the bottom the float travels up to the surface until it reaches the top of the water by measuring how much line it takes for the float to reach the top you can determine the water depth additionally the LEDs for marker floats tend to look kind of like grappling hooks and they're designed to help you feel the bottom so it whether it's gravel or silt or weeds this will help you tell it's a more sensitive lead additionally the little nubs on it help grab any weeds so if you're dealing with hydrilla or duck weed or silk weed or any of these different types of weed beds you can when you pull in your legs you'll see little bits of weed attached to it and you can tell what kind of weed beds you're dealing with these things come in all different sizes and they're super aerodynamic so you can get some fabulous distance typically you can cast this just as far as you can most any lure or bait in order to measure how much light it takes for the marker float to reach the surface you need to know what's the distance from your reel to the eyelid is and on this rod this band right here the very top of the reel is essentially a foot and a half 18 inches so I've casted my marker float out I can feel it snug on the bottom and the line is tight so I know the marker float is right up against the slider and I open my bail and I start counting once twice three times four times and there it is just slightly more than four times I see the marker float pop up to the surface so 4 times the foot and a half that's basically about 6 feet the deeper said it was about about five point seven feet out there so I'm reasonably close having braided line really helps when using a marker float because the lack of stretch makes it so you can really feel what's going on what you do is you reel it in slowly feeling the bottom for any sort of structure and once you feel a log or something you flip the bail and then the marker float pops up and you know where that underwater structure is located now I love British marker floats they cast great they've got great distance and sensitivity they're more accurate but not everyone can afford 18 bucks to go get an imported marker float I know a lot of you guys money's tight so let me show you a trick right here is a basic catfishing bottom rig you've got a lead 3 on sled on a slider I've got a bead a swivel about 10 inches of leader and a Faurot circle hook your basic bottom rig for catfish what I've got here is just a foam bobber little clip on bobbers you buy at the store this one looks like it's about an inch in diameter maybe an inch and a quarter and all I'm going to do with this bobber is I'm going to clip it right on to my hook like that [Music] I've just made a marker float okay and the nice thing is is I don't have to rerigged my rod okay I'm using the same rig I'm just clipping on a bobber so it's super fast super convenient super cheap and you can do it without specialty equipment now here I'm using a 3-ounce disc sinker I prefer pyramid sinkers I think they help you feel the bottom a little bit better but frankly you can do it with any type of lead if you're out on the shore and you don't have a bobber that's the right size an empty water bottle will do just squeeze that sucker out get us out as much air as possible and there you go anything that floats can be used as a marker float as long as you have enough lead to sink it and when you pull on the line to sink the float you want that leg to be heavy enough to stay in one place you don't want it to drag towards you as you're sinking the float down so in this situation I've got six ounces of lead to one crushed water bottle now another problem you have when shore fishing is that once you find a good spot with your marker float or you find a spot where you catch a fish you want to be able to throw your rig back to that same spot this can be a little bit of a trick I'm most spinning reels you have what's called a line clip so you can see right here how there's a little thing that you can store your line on see you line clips right in to the spool there you can use your line clip to get you back to the same location every time you cast so once I use the marker float to locate a place that I want to be able to find again I look down at my feet and say where am i standing and I mark that spot and every time I cast I'm going to stand right in this exact same spot then I look out at the horizon and I find a landmark or a some interesting object that's right in line with my marker float and I say that's what I'm going to aim for every time I cast them to aim for that then I put my line in the line clip okay and I reel in my rod then what I do is I get rid of my marker float and I switch over to my normal fishing rig with my bait my hook and everything I stand in the exact same spot I aim for the exact same landmark and I cast out thanks and the line hits the line clip and stops once my rig has reached the correct distance I put my rig right back in the exact same spot and then you can do that every time now obviously when you're fishing you don't want your line in the line clip big fish comes along it's going to rip your rod right into the water so what you do is you undo the line clip and then you put a little piece of tape right there on the line or you tie a little stop or knot right there on the line and then you know exactly what the distance is of that spot is and you've marked it on your line and every time you come back to this spot if you want to go and fish that log again you know I stand here I aim there and I cast out to this mark on my line and you can put that line that mark in your line clip and when you cast out think you'll get it every time the other thing you can do is get a spare rod and put the marker float on it you cast it out there and once that marker float is out there you have something to aim at and you can take your rod that's rigged up with your bait and your hook and you can cast it out at the marker float so no matter how big or little your budget is there's a way for you to figure out what's going on out there when you're fishing from the shore and what will happen is if you take the time to get out there and cast with the marker float and figure out what's in front of you and find those sunken logs in those rocks and target specific locations you're going to start to see patterns and you're going to start to catch more fish and while everyone else is just throwing their bait out willy-nilly anywhere they can in front of them you're going to be throwing your bait in front of fish and that is the difference between the guys that are successful and the guys that are not well anyway thanks for watching hopefully you learn something new we put out multiple videos every week so don't forget to click subscribe to the catfish and carp YouTube channel thanks for watching
Channel: Catfish and Carp
Views: 1,739,809
Rating: 4.7180104 out of 5
Keywords: Bank fishing, fishing, fishing from the bank, shore fishing, fishing from the shore, catch fish, catch bass, catch catfish, catch carp, carp fishing, bass fishing, catfishing, bass, catfish, carp, tricks, tips, techniques, How to catch fish, how to catch catfish, how to catch bass, how to catch carp, bank fishing tips, bank fishing techniques, bank fishing hacks, fishing hacks, fishing tips, fishing tricks, How to find fish, How to locate fish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2017
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