Why 'Beauty and the Beast' Is Darker Than You Remember | Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder

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[Music] hello Internet I am Daniel O'Brien welcome to another episode of obsessive pop culture disorder the only show on the internet that might be mistaken for a Ron Howard album what a great dumb joke today's episode shows us Disney's Beauty and the Beast is about a selfish prince who is cursed when he refuses an old beggar woman who asked for lodging in exchange for a single rose the beggar woman reveals herself to be a powerful enchantress who puts a spell on The Prince and everyone in his employee all of his staff members become household objects and he himself is turned into a hideous Beast ashamed of his monstrous form the Beast concealed himself inside his castle with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world except Windows right like window windows I don't it's we got a lot to cover this episode and I don't want to obsess over the prologue or anything but it just feels weird and disingenuous to me when we're saying the mirror is his only window to the outside world when it itself is positioned very near a window the enchantress did end up giving him that Rose but it was a special Rose which would Bloom until his 21st year if he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell so the flower will Bloom and until his 21st year and in the BR guest song they mentioned that they've been waiting for someone to break the curse for 10 years so that means when the Haggard old beggar woman asked for lodging in exchange for Rose the prince was a child yes he was Daniel I'm not just wildly speculating here Disney released a prequel to the film that clearly shows that the prince was a little kid when the beggar showed up so my question the first what the [ __ ] you got a prince of a little kid Prince just a prince no King no Queen no parents around so he got this little bastard child Prince all by himself and then this this creepy old one-eyed woman shows up asking for a place to stay in exchange for some [ __ ] she pulled out of the ground of course you turn her away do not let that woman in that's not the prince being selfish and superficial that's a child making a responsible decision when it comes to strangers Disney is telling the kids at home don't judge a book by its cover let the freaky people into your home all the time it's fine and he was right to be skeptical the the girl was a witch or enchantress but that's just white people witch let's be real here the prince probably turned her away because he saw a bunch of old Disney movies and in Disney movies whenever a creepy looking person is trying to hand you something that's poison it's always poison this is no ordinary Apple it's a magic wishing Apple this one just cursed him which brings me to question two what is love that's I'm not asking I'm not a robot that's the kid the the kid the prince should be asking that because the way to break this curse is to love and be loved in return by the time he is 21 years old [ __ ] almost no one is emotionally mature enough to find real serious love connections at 21 and most of us aren't even motherless beasts some of us sure some of you I bet absolutely but most of us nope stop get out and now this child who remember is a child has to go through the nightmare of puberty while being a beast and has the added pressure of trying to get someone to fall in love with him by the time he turns 21 on top of everything else when Belle shows up at the castle he is a 20-year-old orphan virgin beast and he has a very short amount of time to establish a very complex emotional connection with the only only girl his age he has ever met and the pressure isn't just on him if he doesn't find love his entire staff will just be brooms and coat racks and hats forever Ryan Gosling couldn't get someone to fall in love with him under those circumstances and his dick is made of Ryan Gosling's dick seriously it's like you're photoshopped ah Running Out of Time shouldn't have spent all that time on the prologue okay put a minute on the clock lightning round of Beauty and the Beast questions go why doesn't the Beast know how to used silverware he used to be a man for a while he still knows how to put pants on why is the silverware problem where does Belle get the dress that she's wearing also in Be Our Guest there's 100 [ __ ] dancing forks and spoons and knives and cups a how many staff members do this Castle actually have/ need B where are the real plates in this world C is Belle then eating off people's faces she dipping a face into a face and then eating it what about the toilet was Toilet Man was toilet always man was toilet once man and is now toilet man made toilet uh Hey how do the broom and the candle have sex with each other and Chip he's eight Mrs Pott is a [ __ ] 100 he calls her mama that's there's a story there Mrs pots and America wants to know are they still getting fresh food delivered it looks like they are is someone supplying them with fresh food and that's not weird for anyone there where's what's the gray stuff lumier that you're getting supplied the gray stuff that's delicious what's the story there hey this kid used to be a prince is there is no ah farts uh it's my least favorite episode thanks for sticking with me join us next week when our topic will be seven historical figures you may or may not want to have dinner with pretty open could go either way it sounds like well I guess I'll see you next time Hey DJ drop me some beauty in the beats everybody get [Music] hey hey hey heyy [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey and action okay guys the campaign to put me Katie stole in every crack sketch continues a few examples agents of stall house uh after hours about me Katie stole it could cut to clips of me into my various acting capacities uh cartoons of me I look adorable as a Disney princess uh KT TV the new uh crack TV 2.0 the possibilities are endless subscribe only you can make a difference w
Channel: Cracked
Views: 1,939,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sketch, parody, funny, spoof, comedy, satire, Daniel O'Brien, Humor, Cracked, Film Theory, Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder, Beauty and the Beast, Disney, belle, Beast, Walt Disney, Enchantress, Blurred Lines, Robin Thicke
Id: khpBu-isnMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2013
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