Why Are These TikTok Kids Saying The No-No Word 🙅🏾‍♀️ (w/ Courtreezy)

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[Music] welcome to sad boys a podcast about feelings and other things also i'm jarvis and i'm jordan did you know i think according to some stuff i saw i think it's a bisexual awareness day so happy bi day yeah my visibility day happy you know yeah happy by visibility day everybody we are joined by a very special guest today the one the only i think court reezy hello thanks so much corise for joining us yeah it's nice to be here can you prove that you're the only one i'm sure there's other imitators out there yeah i'm sure but i'm definitely clones clowns just core easy is it okay if we refer to you as courtney for their podcast or should we yeah no that's cool that's cool have you ever been referred to by cortese like by just like regular people in your life my sister calls me courtreezy now like every time oh that's oh no it's like a new thing i like that yeah wow yeah that's pretty much it just my sister that's cute though yeah i don't hate it content support i like that yeah yeah yeah i know it's like just a second subscriber first yeah that's how it should be you know assert your dominance in the relationship so we're going to talk to corizie uh learn about her story because i'm curious because we don't know each other d'angelo just mentioned mentioned courtney's content and i checked it out i loved it jordan checked it out he loved it and then people started asking for you and we had to give the people what they want and it was also what we wanted as well so yeah so thanks so much for joining us wow what i love so much about because i couldn't i went ham over the weekend i like ate up the entire your entire channel like over the weekend and it's nice you got you it's actually gone now because you ate it i smoothied it and i drank it in fact wow it's my macbook i'm not well it hurt but it was like it's almost feels like having a warrior on my side on our side for tick-tock attacking all the pieces i don't like yeah thank you a tick-tock warrior yeah we'll get into that but first courtney how was your week it's been good you know the only bad thing about this week is that my allergies were acting up but i'm good today so it's all good shout out to the allergy gang are you a fan of the antihistamine the zyrtex the claritins huge fans huge fan i'm also an allergy boy back when i was in elementary school they called me snot nose because my uh nose is always running so that was fun um i know yeah um crazy now i stay uh i stay strapped with uh a bunch of zyrtec in my closet it's just like i have to take it every day that's crazy can i call you nice is that chill uh no well i mean you know yeah go ahead and call me snot nose it's fine it won't it won't bring back any old memories or anything courtney like are you doing youtube full-time or do you have like a job outside of it or yeah i don't even know i was actually supposed to go into nursing school literally this fall yeah and then oh i decided yeah i'm gonna do it full time yeah it's great congrats to you that's so cool yeah it's crazy it's like a dream come true because this is actually something i've always wanted to do and it's finally happening that's so amazing yeah congrats to you what uh what a great birthday gift yeah and congrats to you on like taking that initiative too like it's easy to say like hey if my channel was kicking off then i'd probably you know i'd probably go full time but you have this this road map already yeah to say like nah [ __ ] that this is the thing that i want i'm gonna do that because yeah i always have that's actually really cool that's crazy nurseries you would hit different oh my gosh yeah my parents used to say that if i did end up going to nursing school i should just make nursing videos on youtube but i don't think it will hit the same i'm going to go ahead and say make whatever you want on youtube and it doesn't have to have anything to do with your career young jarvis who's making videos about software engineering because they get views no but that's that's so amazing well okay so we'll get into this stuff i guess i should ask jordan how his week is jordan what are you up to what's how's it going that's okay that's very kind of you i know you don't like hearing about it i don't particularly like people knowing that i had a week i like the idea that i just sit here and i change clothes between podcasts which not hugely untrue pretty actually pretty close i literally live in this chair i would say 15 hours out of the day i'm saying this chair for sure is it a good chair chair is it providing you lumberjacks it's a very bad chair here's like like here's a little insight it's literally just like a crappy dining oh no no but i have never felt better in a chair it's wild something about it's the lack of ability to move forced forced lumbar and spine support my feet are always straight on the ground nice firm back because your boy i'm a big lanky lad right so usually i'm spilling over like an office chair and i'm sliding around and trying to get comfortable and with this bad boy again a doppler effect on the mic and on this bad boy i'm just like i'm set up straight the whole time cause i'm just on my keyboard i look like uh i'm an actual adult if you can imagine you know it sounds like stockholm syndrome to me but i'll take you out your word uh it likes me so the chat [ __ ] likes me dude enjoy your actually really close enjoy your chair from 1943. thank you so much we've had a good professional week too we're paying jordan now through the podcast jordan's job is officially now to just be a sad boy and also stream so that's exciting kind of wild wow that's cool and yeah talk about put things like the moment i think presents yourself just put the rest away yeah man it's yeah we're very lucky i remember when we were we were still at patreon and we would like record this podcast that nobody was listening to and we would get so hyped on it and then we'd be like man like wouldn't it be cool if one day we could do this as as like a job but that seems so far away at the time and so it's nice to take a step back and be like it's happening the thing that we never knew would happen is happening and that's so cool yeah because we would always say it feels like it's like i don't know like uh 30 months away more or less like maybe two and a half years that seems like about the exact amount of time it would be and i feel like specifically you'll be doing youtube in this podcast like that guess was wild that we were able to guess that accurately congratulations though that's really good thank you thank you thank you one fun thing is that we have a recording of when we started the podcast because jordan and i we weren't as good friends as we are now but we were like we have a good rapport so maybe it would be fun to do a podcast together and we recorded for two hours us trying to come up with the premise of a podcast so one day we will pl we will release or play the inception of this podcast there was a moment where we like came up with the name where we get like really excited about it we're waiting for a good time for that it's the title cod moment in the movie there is a point i will give a little teaser where at one point we were considering calling the podcast mocha boys uh which is just well actually originally this the show is going to be called talking white because we have both always sounded like this our whole lives and you know how black people do um and it's like uh i i like grew up in like a very sort of de facto segregated town i didn't even know white people until i was 13 and i sounded i sounded like this the whole time and i was like i don't know what you mean i don't know any white people you know what i mean so it's like but yeah fun times all around i was actually going to ask courtney what kind of space did you grow up in did you have like a similar experience at all um no it wasn't segregated at all like especially my high school my middle school it was mixed like all types of races yeah i mean i guess elementary it was a lot of it was mostly a black environment but when i went to middle school and when i moved and everything it was really mixed yeah yeah my stuff was like in the 60s or whatever when my hometown was integrated it was kind of one of those like redlining situations where everybody who is black lived on the east side of town and everyone else lived on the west side of town where there was all the like economic expansion and stuff my elementary school was like on the east side of town and it wasn't until i was in like a gifted program quote unquote you know how that is i was able to go to a school outside of my school zone and that was when i was like introduced to people who like came from like a different socioeconomic background wait did you say you went to school in the 60s or it was like the 60s no oh oh i went to school in the 60s i'm actually 107 years old yeah yeah black black don't crack man it's just it's crazy no my town was i know from like the history of gainesville florida where i grew up it was integrated in the 60s in like 65 or something that's when they started allowing the mixing of the races but you know florida be crazy you know it's a good thing florida turned around and never became problematic and everyone from florida is known for their upstanding citizenship and just being a good person no you don't know that for sure but you assume you haven't checked in a while i assume i left when i was 18 but when i left everything was on the up and up and i presume that everything in florida is good now is is that wrong i'm too afraid to correct you oh you guys look concerned i should i'm looking i'll look into this after the pop bad stuff happening in florida oh that's true i mean yeah florida sucks but the reason is that the reason for the florida man situation is because there's like some law in florida where like every like minor incidence of crime or whatever has to be like written up and then there's some way that it gets promoted to like a national i can't remember the reason but basically the reason that everything is florida man is because basically everything that has a police report in florida is public record and so there's just a ton of like record of all this [ __ ] happening whereas other places don't necessarily have that have that much transparency but still if florida also is problematic for a thousand other reasons yeah and we don't have to talk about how i'm from there i i like to forget it where did you grow up courtney i was born in dallas texas and all right raised in houston and that's where i still am so wait is deangelo in houston or in where is he deangelo wallace is in texas uh and i can't remember might have to connect the dots there he's looking forward he told us he told us and i just am a bad friend so what was your introduction to youtube like you mentioned that like you're living out a dream now but like how did where did that dream come from like what were your influences that kind of put you on this on this path okay so my freshman year of high school i made a channel with my best friend and we were mostly inspired by i don't know if you know them keane and sam i've talked about it in a video but keen and sam i think they also had a group channel it was called our second life and so i just love them i love them a lot same with my best friend we just love them and so we decided we're gonna be like the black version of keenan sam the black female version but yeah yeah and so we just made that channel and then after that i think we just we stopped posting and then made our own separate channels and now it's actually coming to fruition i guess when did you start your channel like as a like the court reezy channel did that start like back in high school or it was the summer before freshman year of college so that was 2016 i think 2016. okay cool yeah it's awesome yeah it's kind of wild that's now like like i feel like there's a whole generation of youtube where they all their dream was always to be creators right like that's the dream and then youtube was the right conduit for that or like whatever site they use and now it's no youtube is the dream from like day one like a five-year-old kid wants to do that yeah and they grow up and that's a big issue for kind of nice like it's nice to have a more focused goal yeah it's like i want to make stuff i don't know where things are crazy because i know when i first started my channel youtube or becoming a youtuber was weird like i didn't even like telling people at school i hated it oh yeah yeah one time somebody played my youtube videos in history class i was yeah it was horrible i hated it how is it now what's your comfort level i'm really comfortable now i mean especially since like a lot of people have seen my channel already i'm really comfortable compared to how i was in high school and maybe even the beginning of college i'm way more comfortable yeah i didn't like when people played my videos in front of me i mean i'm still like that but i can handle it a little bit better yeah it's uh it's weird yeah one time i had a video of mine played in a what was essentially a job interview but it was a like i made my channel when i was 14 and like they were just like [ __ ] posts on it and just like me dancing to high school musical and so something yeah yeah someone played one of those like videos from 2007 of me dancing to high school musical and that was weird it was like a group interview thing it was for like an oil company i didn't want to work there how did they even find the video so my friend naomi told the people about it and so they played it during like this group interview lunch thing at that point i was like i was able to own it yeah it was weird like posting stuff as a as a teen but i took a very very long break because i was afraid of i had like videos go viral early on in my like youth and then i was afraid of not being able to like best myself not being able to like get more views and i was afraid of like public failure and so i was like oh well i just won't post for 10 years so that'll be my solution to that fail courtney what's the i mean i guess that's a new kind of question now that it's your main focus but do you have that anxiety still that like next video could be the trash one this could be it yeah especially when my first video that blew up i was so nervous about posting another video because i i wasn't sure if i was just getting subscribers and they weren't gonna watch my videos or like if they watched the next one it wouldn't be as funny as the first one and yeah it was a lot it was a lot i still kind of feel that was such a yeah i mean i was gonna say that's such a very relatable experience for people who especially are going through the period in their youtube careers or their creative careers that you're going through because like for context i mean correct me if i'm wrong but you've probably gotten like 200 000 subscribers in the past couple of weeks right yeah yeah what's that been like like i know you've started speaking on it but i'm very curious like what that's been like and how you're feeling about it because you know i it's something that i went through at points in my in my career it's a very unique experience yeah i'm still shocked honestly because it happened so fast like literally the beginning of july or the end of june whatever i had 36 000 subscribers and so oh yeah yeah so it's so crazy to like wait for context that's like almost 800 000 subscribers in july august september in like three months jesus it's crazy i don't i don't know i mean i don't i'm not as nervous and as scared as i was in the beginning but it's still very shocking but i'm so grateful for everything absolutely yeah and i think that you're you know well deserving of your platform you're very talented and you know gifted creator who's putting in the work and i mean that you deserve every every ounce of like attention that you're getting for for this stuff so yeah thank you do you ever doubt that do you have the little little self-esteem moments where you're like ah is this my right to be getting there yeah yeah we'll tell you how good you are yeah i don't know if it's called imposter syndrome or whatever but i sometimes feel like maybe this is i don't know like it's an accident or something i don't know it's like oh that's impostor syndrome yeah that's it's uh there's all these people around me that deserve it and then yeah i feel like you can just go away yeah right yeah like you'll be found out as a fraud it's a it's a very classic conundrum yeah that's crazy youtube and they're like all these subscribers accidentally we've made a mistake yeah it's a box of uh oops all subscribers like whoops we spilled all these subscribers on your channel by accident we've gotta like scoop them back up yeah it's crazy like i just feel like i don't know sometimes i have that moment like there's some days when i'm like okay yeah i definitely deserve these subscribers but then there's some it's like oh what if they like later on find out that i'm actually not that interesting and they don't really like me you know yeah yes relate but i think that like to counter that there's also so many things that your audience finds appealing about you that you may be even taking for granted because you are with yourself all day every day something i struggled with early on was i need to always be topping myself and if my previous videos aren't as good yeah then people will get disinterested and stuff and then i made a second channel where i like didn't try as hard on videos and people like really continued to resonate with them and i realize it's because of a lot of just intrinsic qualities that come out when i share my opinion on things and stuff that are not things that i think of right so i can say that like and this is something that was bestowed upon me so i'm sharing with you that like i do not have those same fears for you uh just as i do have them for myself but it's like because it's like very natural but like but just know that if you just keep following your curiosity and keep doing what's interesting to you your audience is going to connect with that and like you're doing everything right so like i wouldn't even like you it's silly to say i wouldn't even it's the way to say that don't even stress because it's a stressful situation it's scary you don't know what's happening yeah i remember when my channel was like blowing up i was frantically checking the analytics because i was afraid that all the growth was gonna stop yeah and i was like okay when's the when's the cliff gonna end and it's it's like weather to a certain degree right like at some point things will start to ebb and flow but that all comes with the territory and it's as long as you're listening to yourself and yeah just paying attention to the audience yeah like truly like you got this like i just want to like be validating as many people because it's like i stressed out a lot unnecessarily so like take it from me you've got you've got nothing to worry about thank you so much that means a lot do you know a lot of people in the scene like do you chat to a lot of people that do similar stuff um i guess now it's been kind of a bad time to yeah i only talk to like about one person that i talk like almost every other day type of thing but other than that it's like tick tockers which is really weird but yeah i talked to a few tick talkers how is that how is the tick tock space like what is your background actually with tic toc i guess as a first question i just make random videos every now and then and so every time i make a video or it goes on the for you page it's nice to see that people recognize me from youtube and i think it's mostly because i make a lot of tick-tock related youtube videos right from doing that i've been able to make quite a few tick-tock friends so that's awesome yeah that's cool yeah it's almost like we're in like different cliques at the lunch tables or whatever the lunch table like we're all at the same creative school that's like hey the tick tock is seem nice i just don't know how to like say hi courtney over here just the chameleon flowing between all the tables honestly when you're looking at tick tock and in looking at like i'm making content about this is a lot of the stuff coming from people's suggestions or is it like a bit of that and your own personal experience through the app because i like haven't done a tic tac deep dive in a while but there's so many little corners of it like so many random communities yeah so much it's a mixture of the two like i did the sibling video i don't know if you all saw that but yes unfortunately i did see it so that was from me personally finding them and then i saw someone suggested to me but it wasn't because of them being siblings was because the girls baby talk and so um it's a mixture of both honestly yeah but yeah baby talk is challenging that's challenging content yeah i don't know what to say about some of these tick tockers one series that you have on your channel just for people who aren't familiar with you is reacting to tick tock or apologies um saying the the n word yeah and which they just love to do they just love to do it is part of it that they don't see other people get in trouble for it i don't understand cause it can't be this is chill right it's like no it's like murder like people go to jail you see it all the time right like you see people get cancelled so what makes you think that you can take a swing at this i say it's their sacrifice to fame like i feel like they have to do it so they can just become famous because it seems like every famous tick talker says the n-word and i don't understand you're right it is brave yeah i someone someone has to say it and i think it's got to be uh i can't even name a a tick tocker right now i'll take a guess dylan dylanson they all have two first names i feel yeah yeah it's it's always like blake charles charles blake boom two viral tickets right they're there in a feud yeah they're both dating uh jessica marie it sounds believable i think she's one of 11 siblings my theory on this has to do with the fact that they're young and their brains haven't fully developed yeah the last thing to come is like understanding long-term consequence yeah and there's also this like kind of hard-headedness of like teenagers where you tell them they can't do something and they do it but but i want to do it though and it's like there are no stakes for me here and usually like if i was you know i had my edgy [ __ ] teen face i think we all get a little angsty annoying at certain point and think that we're cooler than we are certainly not like you know not cool like we all are now incredibly cool and and beloved there's like speak for yourself we we have no like as soon as you're a tick tocker with a platform and you're still the age of people that think they're invincible then you're in trouble as opposed to just being hey i'm a kid and i'm edgy and i'm at school but there's i know 11 people and worst case scenario i have to apologize to one person ever as opposed to wow 3.2 million people watch this and i just kind of have never had consequences for anything i've done before i've been grounded like maybe real quick real quick i don't want anyone who's a teenager or anyone who's listening who's a teenager to feel like we're shading them we're only speaking about people who have been granted a lot of power and attention and feel like invincible as a result and it's not like teen like i was also a teenager not doing this problematic [ __ ] you know what i mean so i was dancing to high school musical too i mean i thought it was a productive use of time in that moment and i was saying the n word but i was allowed to sorry kids the music was too loud to tell yeah the music was too added hard to tell but no no shade to to teens in general it's really just like a combination of power and a lack of accountability yeah and also an environment that doesn't allow for an environment that kind of enables this stuff because i don't know about you guys and i'm talking a lot so i i will just pass this off to you do you think that there's a bit of all criticism is just the haters going on like where people feel like oh if you're criticizing me you're just a hater because that's the thing that i run into a lot with commentary where it's like if i say that dan bilzerian has done some pretty problematic things in his past people are like you're just upset that he's like he pays for models to hang out with him and i'm like i don't think you'll ever believe me but i'm not jealous of that you're just gonna have to take my word you're criticizing him for the things that he did because he can bench more than you bro what do you think connie i can see it like that i also feel like it depends on the way that the message is delivered because i can still see how you can make criticism and people will see it as hating um but yeah like i said i feel like it really just depends on delivery but then there's some people that just reach like they'll just try and call anybody a hater that has a different opinion i think that's the thing like it kind of makes me think of like us all living in our own echo chambers and stuff but even when good faith criticism or like you take the shane dawson thing and it's like people will bend over backwards to excuse stuff and it's like you actually don't have the platform to excuse yeah i saw shane dawson video the other day where he someone put on a mask of obama and then he beat the guy and just like the joke was that he just kept beating him with a bat and i was like whoa guy like if you're like it's old jokes it's mama but also notably he was not a teenager oh yeah he was like 30 at this point he had all the brain points available to him and he just spent them wrong i think the hater thing is probably easy to shout out if you're a teen right like let me just get on teens a little more now if you're being validated by those 3.2 million people that did watch the video and did hit you with a like and you are getting hate the hate is never ever going to outweigh the number of positive lurkers ever it's literally impossible so worst case scenario a small number of people proportionally are like hey what you did was messed up and you're like well but i still got all the thing that i wanted i'm not losing anything especially if you're a kid and like i mean i guess you could lose a brand deal or something but you're not in the same kind of professional jeopardy you would be as an adult that got in trouble like that if you're like us the three of us it is all just haters we've never done anything wrong if somebody says you've done anything wrong no matter how eloquent or nice it is they're jealous probably or something hayden do you get that at all though actually do you get hit with some hate that you feel purely comes from a hmm yeah i think i'll yeah definitely yeah i do but i don't really get a lot of hate at all actually and if i do i just don't see it i found that it would be good for my mental health to block every configuration of the n-word in my comments wow because uh while it is sometimes coming from black people it is often coming from people who i cannot verify should be saying the word yeah aka anime avatars etc and i'm like oh yeah i maybe i just have a hard and fast rule here because it's i'm not here to like take you to inward court and like decide whether or not you should or shouldn't say the word that's a good name for series though n word court it sounds like a chappelle show sketch yeah that's true sorry well that's where we have to get it right now that handsome son of a [ __ ] takes our idea from us dude chapelle has the drip is anybody talking about this enough actually his full drip yeah he's wearing like the nicest long lines ever he's turned very buff he's his the thickness of his neck keeps me up at night troy all the jokes he stores in there he story he starts jokes in his neck courtney what kind of stuff like outside of creating content with a capital c uh do you do you like to do do you have any like hobbies or anything that like or any interests like movies tv any sort of media stuff ah i feel like this sounds so superficial but um i like shopping um but other than it's not superficial can we can we like hit pause and say like hey if you like shopping that's a perfectly valid thing to like and don't let society tell you that it means anything because you have a certain it's kind of like if you like sports it's like a sports ball or whatever and it's like oh you like shopping and it's like you're a stereotype and it's like no how about people are three-dimensional and i like shopping frankly i love it to a detriment sometimes it's a problem in my life but yeah i like shopping and other than that i like watching tv shows every now and then i don't really watch movies that much because i always fall asleep i don't know why okay what's wrong on the tv show look for you right now i'm actually not watching anything the last thing i watched was green leaf have you all heard of that what is green it's just about a church family and a church and just the drama that happens in the life of church members honestly that's it were you a big church-goer growing up or do you go to church now yeah i still go to church now i mean well my family doesn't physically go to church right now but yeah yeah that's a good point probably for the best wait how do is that like legit is that like zoom church is that a thing oh there is yeah oh cool yeah they should i tell you they live stream the church every sunday so when i was doing research for like setting up our sad voice stream and stuff a lot of the tutorials and youtube videos i was finding were for specifically like running virtual church and there is a someone used the phrase worship technology and i was like whoa that is two words that i'd never seen that i never expected to see next to each other but yeah so shout out to all of the virtual churching that's going on yeah virtually oh no we don't like that courtney feel free to like talk about it to your comfort level obviously but like uh what's your background with your faith and like is it is it uh helping you especially right now i assume it would have to yeah yeah it's been helping me because you know during times of i guess stress and anxiety i feel like i can just rely on god to like you know keep me going yeah and i think that like now is a good time to save it like i grew up in a household like going to church and stuff going to baptist church and while i'm not like religious at all now i have seen so much you know it's like i think that like church as a big entity and sort of certain churches deserve all the criticism as an organization that they get but the amount of safety and good feelings and just like community that has come from church in especially like just in black communities that i've been a part of is so comforting and so good and i can never take away that from someone based on my own like personal beliefs that are my own you know what i mean one thing i don't like is that people on the internet like to be like all snooty about [ __ ] it's like you're missing you're missing the point like let people live their lives let people have like what works for them yeah because i'm sure if we put a microscope on anyone's life and actions you could criticize it you know what i mean and so it's like if you're not harming anyone then like let people i don't know just let people like do it yeah it feels nice sometimes to be to feel like uh especially on like reddit to feel persecuted to be like oh these friggin friggin catholics they're after they hate me being an atheist they can't handle it and it's like okay you might have gone to a place like westbrook baptist church they they're terrible people that they they get a special personal hell and it's just like full of dog [ __ ] or whatever the vast vast majority of people that are even a skosh religious truly do not give a [ __ ] if you're an atheist it is so uninteresting not even like bipartisan like look i'm willing to accept you it's not even that they just don't care at all like it's just not a part of their life and i think the indulgence of like well you know they i scare them so it's my intense belief so like i was such a huge fan of ricky face growing up he's like an essential comedic influence for me and his [ __ ] his twitter is so embarrassing it's so atheist dad now it's so just like him replying to like a mum from wisconsin saying like uh actually jesus is gonna judge you and he's like oh yeah well [ __ ] uh and it's just like what is you go swim in your infinity pool brother what are you doing yeah yeah yeah you're actively like pissing on your own legacy by like looking like a clown right now it's like why jk rowling could have just shut her mouth and like lived out life as like a publicly liked person and we would have forgotten all the stuff about like hook nose goblins who run gringotts bank and and like cho chang and all these things that like when you go back and look at it you go oh maybe that was kind of a little problematic maybe and then like she would have gotten away with that scot-free but then she was like no i'm going to dig my feet in on being a bad person i guess what did she do because i heard that like everyone hates her now but i don't know i didn't look into it so essentially like well okay so jumping back to what jordan was saying about the narrative that like the atheist edge lord has about like organized religion it's like who are you dunking on right like who are you who are you dunking on you're dunking on like wisconsin mom who like likes going to church on sunday and like going to a buffet afterwards that's what we did when i was a kid or whatever you know it's like and uh and it's like what have you accomplished by like by doing that yeah and then similarly those people are not harmed by like people going to church in any way typically those people are just like want to validate themselves that their own religious beliefs are good and so similarly trans people weren't doing anything to jk rowling and then she just started like being like vocally anti-trans in a very toxic way and it's like yo how about you like let people be comforted in their own identities and feel like supported and finally feel like they live in a time and a space where they can like be themselves and then and then she's like but what about the bad things and it's very similar to how like people who are anti-immigrant go like but they're not bringing their best people they're bringing murderers and stuff and it's like no we just want to let jordan back in the country can jordan please come back in the country i would like to your country that's [ __ ] full of murderers already maybe yeah and it's like so convenient to be like oh what about the exceptional bad people and it's like the exceptional bad people are everywhere yeah take any identity from any walk of life and you can find the exceptional bad people it's like are all clowns outlawed because of john wayne gazi they probably should have been uh maybe that's a bad example because [ __ ] appreciate it no just kidding just kidding clowning is a whole community that i can't clown on because it's also not problematic people just like clowning yeah that's a thing yeah if you're scared of clowns you can let other people have fun with them you know what i mean hey let it let it roll i mean the important thing about jk is that she wasn't just i mean she was adamantly anti-anti-trans and she had a platform this all would have been terrible enough but then she was like really proactive about it like actively really putting petitions together to block funding for charities and [ __ ] oh her do you guys know what her new book is about oh my god it's about a man who dresses up as a woman to kill his victims he's a murderer so it's like oh fantastic why why is that he's heard that no he's crazy that's the problem like i feel like a lot of people don't know how to mind their own business because what did you gain what do you gain for actively being against trans people i just i don't understand it's a turf thing right uh translucent exclusionary radical feminist which i as a term is very frustrating for me because i am very comfortably a feminist that's not it's not that portion that i would take issue with yeah it's the first two words in that act even feminist now is like if you say that on the internet it's like oh you're a feminist then like it's almost like how you think women will have people and no men should die it's like how people have taken black lives matter and they've turned it into a bad thing it's like how did you how did you manage to do that yeah people were just minding their own business trying to i don't know not be killed by the police and then people like they're destroying everything and i'm like oh you mean the insured buildings that millionaires own sorry chad like chad this isn't affecting you they're they're fine do you remember the housing crisis do you remember how the rich people got continued to get rich off of like taking advantage of people like that aren't in their class like how do you not see this happening in front of your eyes chad they took your house it wasn't like you had a bad time they told you it was something else but they did that when chad wins the lottery when his number comes in like that's going to be so embarrassing for us he's going to be so embarrassing for all of us talking we're going to be like oh subscribe to the podcast please chad but yeah all i'm saying is be kind to people and i know that some people are going to be like well you talk about people on the internet isn't that the same and i'm like no my friend it's not it's not don't need to get much of that uh the classic cody kosa cyberbully stuff no i mean okay the only thing i've got in it is mostly for um my rating tick-tocker apology videos they'll be like um stop using your race as in what do they say stop using your rays as an opportunity to make fun of little kids and i'm like one i don't even try and make fun of the kids i don't talk about their appearance i don't i try not to do any of that you let them off very like i would say that like you were nowhere yeah i like not to say anything too offensive or anything because i mean they're kids at the end of the day so it's crazy when i see comments like that but i don't get that a lot honestly it's really just like people are kind of like using whatever fits their fits their narrative but i i think that like you are actually doing these people a favor by i don't know it's like you're you're kind of like laughing with them in a way being like these are dumb kids they're making mistakes clearly why are they putting themselves in the situation you could have easily just not done the bad thing yeah and like there's just so much more toxic commentary and comedy out there that it's weird that people don't take issue with that stuff and instead take issue with people who are like actually doing a lot of things in good faith like it never it never tracks with me so one person asked and this is a great question to start why are you all so fine great question the immortal question right possible ask my mom and dad i don't know i know i don't know i don't know what to tell you if you could visit any place after rona where would you go i would say nigeria because i always have a good time when i go is your family from there mm-hmm yeah so that would be a nice time much time they're growing up or no but i went this december i was there from december to january but that was a nice time but yeah jordan where would you go where would you go after rona's maybe my apartment yeah dude i i want to want to roll up big surprise guess who cough cough sorry whoops i know you know where i want to go this has been really on my mind and i think it's just since i left i guess for the contrast i miss sf man i miss san francisco oh yeah i miss i was just chatting with a couple of friends of ours over the last week or so just like having like a remote drink chat type thing just independent little little dates with them and i missed that squad like specifically that when we all worked at patreon and no matter what if you sent out like a question in the text we're just like anybody want to go get a drink after this there just always was as alina's the best food in san francisco i missed that i would go to see azelena hey what up girl uh can i have some moment chicken please love you little things like that like i'm not really in a vacation mood i kind of just want like comfortable little things that i miss like i want to go to the restaurants i went to i i'm gonna go to the i want to go to the zara i went to not even a different czar like i want to go to the same same [ __ ] get back in my rhythm yeah i've always wanted to go to california i've never been oh you've been oh yeah yeah come visit uh when the world is safe one of the worst places you can go right now i know i like california i feel i feel like jealous of the people who grew up on the west coast because i had to like travel all the way over here and these people like they like got to grow up in this nice little climate i can't do heat so that's why i had to leave the south personally yeah wait is this california hot it's hot but not the same way like it's not humid oh okay okay okay florida was like 100 humidity you're like swimming through your own sweat it's not a good time yeah what's something that you like if you were to move i i know i don't imagine you do have plans to do that but if you were to move what's what's something you think you would just not be able to get that's that's a texas thing texas is cheap i don't know where i would be moving but let's say if i was moving to california i heard it's expensive so i would miss the cheap lifestyle of texas but that's about it yeah that's about it that actually sounds kind of appealing yeah like the niceness of people i guess yeah yes i miss like southern charm or whatever yeah so since i've grown up with that i don't really know how it is anywhere else um but yeah i'm assuming i'll miss that a lot i think i come off as like really polite to people because i grew up in the south which is nice because i'm not trying to do anything different than like how i was raised so i guess it's like helped me in life i know this is an exclusively me question but this genuinely always makes me angry when i say it especially i saw that i saw the question somebody asks where in england are you from jordan you said posh i am not posh i don't sound posh normally i have to articulate myself when i stream or record myself because you [ __ ] don't know what i'm saying i'm from the cotswolds we don't articulate any consonants like that the way i just said consonants is insane to me like i think my tongue hurts when i like push it out of my body but no thanks for taking the swing i guess how about you you sound poshed in you sound posh that question sounds posh how about that west yorkshire that's the porsche place you can be in west yorkshire born and raised on the cotswolds before i spent most of my days all right chill out relaxing playing some cricket sorry now i'm trying to complete the lyric on that song [Music] playing some cricket thinking of lyrics before we wrap up like what would you say your relationship with like your mental health is if you're comfortable like speaking on it like are you talking about my current mental health no just like in general like lifelong have you always been like a happy person or like it sounds like you come from like a really supportive environment and so you've like got a good community around you it seems that way is that not true you're shaking your head i mean it's good now but like i guess uh what's it called the beginning of college wasn't that good for me just because i guess the transition of everything and especially since i wanted to do youtube school was getting in the way of that and then also i think i didn't do that well my freshman year and so i was trying to catch up my sophomore year and it just felt like nothing was going my way and so that was a hard time and i feel like i also wasn't like really religious like that i was barely going to church and i felt lost in a way and then it wasn't until like my senior year of college and i started to really get back finding god you know and then i don't know i just started posting a little bit more than i was before and um everything was getting better right now i'm good okay that's great yeah and then the support that's awesome yeah in terms of support and stuff at first my parents really like my family and everything because my grades weren't that good in the beginning they thought youtube was a huge distraction and so it sucked because i didn't have that support i also didn't have time to film and edit and i also just wasn't doing good in school and so it was just a lot but you know everything is good especially since i'm doing it full time so yeah yeah no that's so exciting if you know you were giving advice to your younger self maybe freshman year of college when things like aren't feeling good is there advice that you would give to that version of you don't skip class but um and also uh it gets better really i feel like that sounds cliche and everyone always says that but it's so true no no everything it always gets better always yeah yeah i'm a big believer in that as well because like no feeling even the worst of feelings or the best of feelings is permanent and that's like helpful to remember because like even if you're in the darkest of days you can know that this has to pass because no feeling you've ever had in your entire life has lasted forever you know what i mean exactly yeah bet on future you at the very least you'll know more i feel like that's a really good like note to end on yeah what do you think it's very very very zen very very very nice okay courtney thank you so much for joining us like where can the people find you because i they they've clearly become fans by now they're chomping at the bit to to follow your stuff any and everywhere they can where are you at okay um i'm on youtube court reezy instagram courtreezy twitter coreyzy with underscore c-o-u-r-t-r-e-e-z-y court reason yes and if thank you you're a member of her family you can call her that in person it's apparently in fact you you must in order to remain family because if you don't call her court reezy you are actually kicked out of your posing yeah but that's what she told us backstage we end every episode of sad boys with a particular phrase we love you [Music] [Music] take my money go away [Music]
Channel: Sad Boyz Podcast
Views: 30,806
Rating: 4.9807625 out of 5
Id: jzG1KEClE1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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