Why are these gold nuggets so easy to find? (Part 2 of 2)

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Oh looking at all [Music] we've got a nugget a good nugget I just yelled at the camera didn't I sorry camera a good nugget and a lot of gold nice nice spot really nice nugget that's got to be a half grammar if not more three quarters of no that's gonna be three quarters of a gram that's a big one that might be a full gram wouldn't that be nice and then look at it all nice sized flakes - over and over and over and over again and I penned a note on camera you're welcome YouTube I am having such a peaceful relaxing day and I need it after such a long week at work you know get a cricket I know it's not like Polly's but hey for the Fraser for me that is awesome well that was almost the end of my panning day walking up the slope here I dropped my pan it belts belts belts whoosh in the weird river now luckily it floated near shore I jumped down and got it but whew that would have been the end of the panning day since it's the only pan I have today oh no I think I'm a backup hey help I got it so I'm cleaning out where I found those two pieces I assumed that big nugget came from where that other big flake came from and I keep seeing things like this just flakes sitting on the bedrock I might have bought a wire brush because even sucking on those with the vacuum they're not coming up so I'm making a wire brush to break this off the base I'll definitely be getting the big pieces though there's another one down there they seem to be everywhere here stuck really stuck on to the bottom and wire brushed all this got the one that was over there again this pan could be good I grabbed some by hand and put in the pan but most of the vacuum now those pieces I found in here the big pieces are more than big enough to set off the metal attack so I just gone over all the oil cracks and crevices that could have been holding gold all around and so let's see what we got nothing around it is definitely in that crack right there right behind that rock see if I can get that rock to move my picker without the point right there let's see what we have to pick with all stick my wire brush here somewhere crack like you deeper than I expected [Music] we go this'll do it has to be pretty small to uh be hiding out well in that tiny crack oh there it is I see it cameras yet oh yeah oh my goodness the camera sees it better than I do looking through the lens of the camera because it's a different angle I see it beautifully there is a really nice flat fake right there you think you're oh oh oh yeah I said was to be a little smaller section plate nice it's a big and look at how big that was in that little crack oh that tiny crack break it had that big piece of gold hiding in it it must be unbelievably flat no it's not it's got thickness that's gonna be a half grammar probably in that tiny crack okay pulling out the metal detector going over all of my workings here see what I've missed another huge flake that's three big pieces today turn out be a good gold day and my pan is full and the vacuum is full of material that was just sitting on that bedrock whoa I'm gonna have a nice picture to show you at the end this is a very full pan so there's no way you'll be able to do it one-handed to start with so I'm gonna bring it down to a reasonable amount then bring the camera back out don't know what's in it yet haven't looked still a couple of cups of material left oh that's bring her down any bets any bets another nugget another big flake diddly squat I know there's gonna be gold in it because I saw it being sucked up by the vacuum those were all pretty small pieces and I saw what int I see that's the question okay let's have a look [Applause] come on old big money because I see peace economic peace oh wow no nuggets but look at the gold now that's what we're talking about still rather have one of those nuggets that is crazy crazy amounts of gold in there love it sitting on bedrock that's for sure no suck that up and go try again got an intriguing little spot to try removed one Rock here it has about 1/8 inch of material on the back some on the bottom but where it is is right below that's where I found all the big gold and all those pieces that would have flowed right through here underneath and down into this crack and I'm going to do that next but I want to see what's just in that one Rock under that one Rock okay well almost nothing so I know I'm on really good gold or I was over there and I know people will fault me for leaving really good gold and search for our gold but I would not forgive myself if I didn't have a look at this side over here at this lower water to see what it held and I just sat down behind these these rocks here and looked around I poked around a little bit in this one little groove and instantly how many got a pan yet piece of gold sitting on bedrock no piece of gold right there I want try upper two underneath these rocks here there's a little trench right over there I wish it you know I planned to stop at two spots today I take two videos one here one at pit curtain days almost over I'm not yet the Bickerton today I'm having way too much fun here fun way too much gold to leave this place I'll be here till dark but here we go chunk of gold sit in the bedrock nice spot up underneath that rock to dig those countless spots rough metal detector over here maybe I'll have to go back now for the places that I need to use a classifier today I'll be using the half inch herb or fabricating classifier going for the half inch because there are deny gets here big enough that they would get stuck in the quarter inch classifier so therefore half inch if you'd like your own herb er fabricating classifier there's a link in the description with a discount code they are the best now before I reveal what's in this pan I don't know yet haven't looked I should note how much more black sand was over here than under this side this pan is loaded in black Google goodbye okay let's see what we got here for gold oh I see lots oh it's some nice pieces to look at it all and like up here just sparkles like the stars in the sky with fine stuff and the bigger stuff down here no nuggets but oh well guess I'd say 200 pieces of gold including those little guys 200 pieces of gold in that pan Wow that's it's just up behind that rock yeah just to the other side of that rock is worth digging it woohoo love it here just try to decide where to kill off the last battery in the vacuum cleaner and I came up to a spot that who has treated me well in the past looking around and I just poked around at pulled some rocks down here that's why it's all dirty and then a glitch caught my eye right on the surface I had worked this in the spring I must have you know moved a rock away from beside there rainwater cleared it off piece of gold just sitting right on the surface that gives me the clue I need I'm gonna clear out that little spot with the last of my battery well the vacuum was pretty much dead and that spots pretty much clean so let's go pan it out that will be the last penalty get really used the metal detector very much today I keep doing that I carry it all the way in use it for a few minutes and then just go back to what I know that's panning and there's a nice pan to end off the day with I had a magnificent day out here on the Fraser the nice and relaxing it was considering how cold it's been lately it's actually been fairly warm I found a ton of gold like I mean a lot of gold I will definitely show you what's in here in a second and I had a nice relaxing day after a long long week at work I could sit here all day and watch this river go by so let's show you this gold this might be a record for me so the nice big nugget where's 0.81 for now all I have to do is make this nugget look really huge in the thumbnail and I'll get lots of views on YouTube sad but it's true those videos of fake gold out there do so well compared to the real story hmm and the first huge flake 0.61 and the second huge flake or small nugget whatever you want to call it Oh point seven three they're all roughly around the same aren't they and with all the fines a big nugget another nugget and the big flake or nugget whatever you want to call it oh one little flake almost cut away on me it comes out to to a point two and a half grams so not my best today but still a darn good day those are some pretty nice pieces of gold I do wonder why three big big nuggets like that were so easy to find and then all around it I spent hours off-camera looking for more and I couldn't find any more in that area those three big nuggets were easy to find but then nothing but the small stuff well everyone I sure wish I could make more of these videos for you to watch unfortunately working a nine-to-five job Monday through Friday means I only have the weekends to get out and prospect like this and not just that I got to spend some time with the family as well maybe someday revenue from YouTube and patrons and everything will be enough for me to you know take some time off work and do this full-time and then you would have a lot more content from me but until then it's just weekends I really hope you do enjoy watching this stuff I enjoyed making it for you and as always if you enjoy watching these hit that thumbs up please share my videos comments are always appreciated and I try to respond to as many as I can and if you haven't already subscribed and you want to see more of this hit that subscribe button big thanks to my patrons out there your support allows me to spend my weekends doing this until the next one everyone bye you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 677,962
Rating: 4.8838634 out of 5
Keywords: Big nuggets, gold nuggets, gold nugget, big gold, big gold nugget, easy gold, easy nuggets, easy gold nuggets, easy to find gold, finding gold easy, finding gold, Big gold flakes, nuggets, huge nugget, gold panning, gold mining, sniping gold, fraser river gold, fraser river nugget, fraser river, bedrock gold, bedrock nugget, fraser river bedrock, metal detecting, gold prospecting, where to find gold, placer gold, nugget shooting, looking for gold
Id: vtjJbnfkXGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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