Is this LEGAL? Gold mining!

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[Music] well hello everyone dan herbert daniel prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i am here at my thompson river placer claim we're here today to do a bit of uh prospecting and seeing if we can find some of that shiny gold right now i see claim jumpers the gridlessness crew is down there high banking already we also have pioneer polly here who was planning to jump in the water today and do some underwater sniping of the thompson river but unfortunately situations go out of our control might prevent that he might still hop in just for the fun of it but we're gonna be high banking today we're gonna get some cons uh to test out the gold drop concentrator and we're just here to have some fun so wish us luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] every time i'm here on this claim i get someone asking me what those structures are on the far side those are like snow sheds for the train tracks that run over there they're kind of like snow slash gravel sheds because there's gravel falling off the hillside constantly and prevent it from landing on the tracks they have these tunnel type structures to keep the gravel funneled over the tracks so it doesn't land on the tracks plus there's a tunnel there train goes through the mountain i gotta go talk with the gridlessness people they're pretty darn close to my claim boundary i don't want them going up onto the neighbor's claim gotta respect the claim neighbors so i'm gonna go down there and chat with them bryson and andy are doing the hard work for me today it's awesome and yes i think they're a bit far to the right right now so i'm gonna have to ask them to move over and i will apologize to the claim owner if i can find out who this one is how you doing this morning awesome awesome awesome i do have to ask you guys to make sure you keep your operation sort of from this line here over the claim actually runs from that rock up on the hill way up there to the center of this boulder so uh we're actually up here on our neighbor's claim right now i will let him know what we did and apologize for that no problem but uh if it's if it's the same claim nowhere he's good about it he's fine with it um i have to check into that but we're gonna work over here to make sure we're you know well and truly on to the claim okay well looks like it's time for me to set up the high banker and get the grunts working right grunt love this you know five minutes later and we're set up this is so easy well almost set up and he's got a little bit to do down there for the pump but we're almost set up we're gonna dig this pile right here today this is where we actually tossed our course tailings one year so we didn't actually tackle this area so we're gonna tackle it and see if possibly there was some good gold where we tossed our tailings so last year at this time uh i took the kayak across to work the far side over there and when i got about halfway across i looked down and i saw right underneath me bedrock out in the middle of the water and it was nice flat lots of cracks i even made a comment that hey polly should come and snipe this so paulie was here today with a scuba gear and everything planning to go over there and snipe it but unfortunately some circumstances are gonna prevent him from scuba diving today he might still you know go over there with a mask and look at the bottom and see what it looks like and see for the future but uh i don't think he's gonna be able to actually go and do what we planned today for him a beautiful day out but it's still winter that water is cold [Music] so our purpose today other than getting a good idea of the economical significant materials on this claim is to get a bucket of cons from the thompson river concentrates from the thompson river are extremely difficult to clean the gold is extremely flat the heavies are very very heavy they don't like to separate from each other and the reason i want very very difficult cons is because john from sluice goose the makers of the gold drop machine has sent me a gold drop machine to test and review and i want to review it with the most difficult material i can find so the thompson river cons unbelievably hard to separate let's see how well it does with those now to get those cons we gotta run for a day and collect our high banker cons and you know store them up to take them home and test that machine that's the plan my high banker uses two types of matting i have the gold owl mats at the top for the top three feet i have dream mats at the bottom for the bottom three feet um i do have it so i can reverse the two if i want to but this setup works nicely for me i find i catch like 99 of my gold with this setup no problem using the big high banker because we have lots of people going to be shoveling into it so we need to be able to take volume quickly and easily but my slaves have gone away pete's decided to pan and he's exploring bryson is beating bryson i don't know where he is i gotta go find my workers here we are we're gonna get going we have a tailing spawn so the water is not getting back to the river here in bc you're not allowed to discharge into the river with your dirty dirty water they don't want the silt from us mining getting in the way of fishing habitats we have our setback from the river a legal amount at least three meters away from the river at least a meter in elevation we're all legal to be working here nicely and the gridlessness crew has moved up onto my claim uh so they're not digging on the neighbor's claim the neighbor actually flagged off a few spots on the edge we're going right up to one of his flags but we're making sure we're staying on my side i'm not sure what's wrong with my pump today is surging funny uh luckily my dad is a honda mechanic so next time i see him i'm gonna have to look at my pump it's not running smooth like it should you guys have got down in some good looking material here moved off all the rocks on top now they're just digging through the material pumping it through the high banker high banker looks to be running well the hired labor looks to be riding well the pump just died damn i filled it up with new bass before i came on this trip i hope there wasn't a little bit of water or something in the tank it's uh running smoother right now let's hope it stays that way setting up the high banker on sand like this it sunk in and went out of level had to fix it for a little bit you guys are well worth the money don't touch me oh oh i see gold everywhere everywhere this stuff is the hardest material to separate but you got gold how long did you have your slave labor running before we got here oh man well you guys are on a night shift right i told you there we go we got gold all the way through the blockchain yeah oh he's drawn in the one-man show yeah gotta get this on camera and just not now done with you he's hungry there's one [Music] gotta get this on camera paulie's feeding my high banker he's hungry these guys are awesome they're making sure i'm not doing any shoveling today because for the last two days i've been working pretty hard and last night i was feeling like i'd overdone it a little bit they're very being very nice to me making sure that they do the hard work this guy's great he never uses the help though they're awesome all the mats seem to be running really nicely i bring the owl up on top of the dream mat here which makes a little bit of a jump means it clears out the dream mat right at the top but it keeps water and material from going underneath the dream mat i keep having to re-level the sluice it keeps sinking into the sand [Music] [Music] [Music] what's your thoughts on the big highbanker jeff i like it i mean i think if it's twice as long you should catch twice the gold yeah it depends on what you're putting through it i think 10 more gold i don't know now you notice you notice that my dream mats are a lot more full than yours are yeah yeah it has to do with the size of the pockets yeah it's holding material easier and it also has to do with the amount of material we're throwing through we're putting them with and there's so much correction aggression we're seeing each other love songs [Music] i found this really shiny kind of shaded rock it looks it looks like galena which is a lead silver ore but galena would be heavy heavy heavy the hole is getting nice and deep they found another boulder down there they're going to have to move once they clear it off but it's it moves it's possible they're trying the pete's testing the deeper material right now just to see if the deeper material still has the gold his test of the high material had good gold and if the low material doesn't have gold we'll stop digging down and we'll start digging sideways if the lower material does have gold we'll just keep getting everything so after the test pan pete says it's still pretty good gold and yep we still see you know half a dozen pieces of gold in every pan yep we'll keep going deep too deep shallow in between out sideways down below up top pete's next test pan even going deeper showing even more gold it's probably about twice as much as what was in the last pan well nice pieces nice nice gold and bryson just fell in the hole oh no he's going down for a rock thank you pete for being our test panter so our tailings pond is starting to fill up it just went into our secondary tailings pond so i've asked the gridlessness people to move their intake into the pond itself and will now start recirculating from the pond got to keep every operation we do here legal and within bc's mining rules why are we uh shutting her down uh our water has finally uh filled up our tailings pond and it's starting to seep over the edge so we shut her down let the grounds uh absorb the water a bit more and we'll move our intakes into the tailings pond and just keep recirculating the same water now rather than pumping out of the river that's right good enough you're dan's helper i'm helping dan he needs it right now [Music] i feel useless okay i'm not gonna do an actual clean out of this i just took the black sands and swirled them back once and there's a lot of gold in there that's nice looking stuff that's gorgeous lots of it everywhere you got some black sand right there no kidding i'm gonna take this all home and uh process it through the gold drop process concentrator and then i'll make sure my workers here get their share of it since they're doing all the work today nice looking gold that's great lots of it look at all these fines eh it's like the stars and the stars in the night yeah the question is dan yes i mean that's cool to find it right in the top hopper but like if you didn't have a mat there presumably you'd still get it in your main exactly this would stuff would probably get caught in the first set of mats in the sluice if i didn't have anything up in the hopper i only have stuff in the hopper to stop surging so when we throw shovelfuls in there it doesn't go through all at once it slows it down but it also acts as another place to capture gold beach of gold all the way around and this is the uh top the hopper mat here so we just finished cleaning the top mat and we found gold in it so now it's time to clean the bottom mat so there's some gold right there right there which i gotta watch back and even have some garnets showing up so we are looking good now since there's so much black sand in this pan it's extra difficult to shake the gold to the very bottom so you've got to be very careful when doing this holy what'd you find in the bottom mats more than i thought we would find them yes yes you know we're we're overpowering that machine by a lot too steep too much water but we're doing that because we want to be able to have two people digging full time yeah you want to run constantly yeah we're we're losing gold for sure but the fact that we're putting so much material in it is making up for the gold we're losing no exactly i'm happy with that that's actually really good and i on the island where i'm from you don't see black sand like that so i'm really not used to panning this all out and this is the most difficult black sand you can imagine japan yeah yeah that's for sure but we're looking good man oh here's cassie starting the pump she's better at that than i am so here's the candy that we found in that lower mat now since there is again so much black sand in here it's really hard for me to really give you a close idea of how much gold is still lost in this black sand but we found gold that's a very good sign before the day ends we're doing round two [Music] so we've started round two round one had a lot of goal let's hope round two is better because we're deeper but it's getting cold [Music] here comes the snow again taking thumbnails is hard i gotta look it's about to start getting real cold here if you can see in the hills behind me we have a snowstorm blowing in and you can feel the temperatures dropping and dropping and dropping it's not gonna stop us we're just going to be cold we're just going to whine about it yes wow you know he's my hired cameraman and you're doing my job are you doing your job he's my hired cameraman um a bottle of water once in a while that's about right yeah well the pump ran out of gas so we're having a good look to see if we got anything visible in the box but typically when we run out of gas there's too much material that's left in the mats to see anything good so we'll do a clean out but we'll get a bit more material than we normally would have we want lots of cons today to test that gold drop so this is good this is good so we um dropped the rock on purpose because it was getting sort of you know to the point where it could start getting dangerous so we dropped it and we we sort of cleared that side before we dropped the rock now we can start digging this way we are close to our 1.2 a we're close to 1.2 meters deep i probably won't go any deeper than this regulations here in bc 1.2 meters is as far down as we're allowed to dig this is actually a tricky one to pull because the first thing you have to do is have to unwedge the aluminum bits so you grab one side and you just yeah okay pull them all up then you can as long as you don't tip it so much that too much falls out of it so probably just learning how my high banker works and he's going to do the cleanup of the top mats and see what's in it and his shadow is following him with a camera [Music] there's lots and lots of powder gold or fly poop whatever you want to call it right up top we're having a look at how the girls did this weekend today yeah because he's got some nice looking gold in there oh yeah yeah look at christina yeah is a lot of that from last night i think so yeah yep um where'd the gold go paulie they kept going down it's not me okay there we go there's some gold there we go cool thank you for cleaning up the mats paulie anytime brother okay this is not all the gold we got today i just took the cons and tapped a little bit up to the edge but this shows you a little snippet of what is in the concentrates here i'm not going to do a complete clean out until another video where i get to actually test the gold drop concentrator and i will use these cons for that test and then we get to see everything we got for the day but until then here's just a little snippet and you get to wonder well again we had a fabulous day though it's getting cold we had a fabulous day sluicing on the thompson river great big help from all of my friends they were awesome kept me from overdoing it today we found obviously some really good gold but you're not going to see the total clean out until the next video where i test the gold drop i hope you enjoyed our adventure finding gold on the thompson river consider subscribing to my channel if you haven't already i have hundreds of videos on youtube with adventures in gold mining prospecting and treasure hunting there's bound to be something out there that you're gonna enjoy so again a big thanks to all my friends today for helping out and a big big thanks to my patrons for supporting my channel if you'd like to learn how to support my channel head off to i hope you're all having an amazing day out there and until the next one [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 139,011
Rating: 4.9502897 out of 5
Keywords: Pioneer Pauly, gridlessness, Andy Thraxx, Viking taylor, prospecting, mining, high banking, highbanking, sluice, sluicing, small scale mining, thompson river, gold panning, pannin for gold, collab, youtube, youtuber, video, gold, treasure, real gold
Id: R-gV9iKeDcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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