I found a very unexpected ore pocket in the gold mine!

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hello everyone gander with dan here prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i'm coming to you from inside a gold mine one of my favorite gold mines and i've got some very special aura to work with today so wish me luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] now last year i did some sampling in the mine here three or four different spots and i was going to put the sampling on a video but i didn't one thing the sampling showed me though was one very interesting and intriguing spot right here right there why it was intriguing is it didn't show as much gold as over on the other side but it showed much bigger gold big crystalline gold and not just that it also had big well not big but quartz crystals fully formed clear quartz crystals and crystalline gold gold that looks like it formed in between fully formed quartz crystals so that intrigues me i only took a small sample a few handfuls i am going to take a big sample now of the material on the ground you see that hello froggy i know someone's gonna tell me it's a toad not a frog whatever look at that living inside the gold mine there's a gold digger for you anyhow where was i really neat or really big gold crystalline gold fully formed crystals i want a good sample of this stuff that's what i'm doing today and i'll also take it home clean it up and show you those quartz crystals and whatever gold i get out of that bucket or buckets now here is the quartz vein or the ore vein that we are working that has the gold in it and yes there is visible gold often seen in pieces coming out of this quartz vein i have my special watch frog my guard frog on the quartz vein itself and that dips down down down down down down into the floor and around right there is where i took the sample from that found so many quartz crystals and that piece of gold that was so cute was big and crystalline looks like there's lots more material to dig let's get to it i mistakenly left my camera on time-lapse mode this would have been the best clip of the entire video i was pulling out these big huge quartz crystals fully formed right from the seam i was extracting them i was finding crystal after crystal after crystal but my camera was left in time-lapse mode so i filmed this whole thing on time lapse but this was one of the most exciting times i've ever had in this mine pulling these quartz crystals right out of this soft clay dissolved decomposed iron material and there were hundreds of them in here oh and yes my watch frog was still watching over me collecting the crystals you can see the rusty material i'm digging in and everywhere you looked there were these quartz crystals so i don't have any water with me right now to clean that off but you back in the truck when i get back to the truck i'll clean that up and show you what i got that is a nice quartz crystal well i've got four two gallon buckets full back at the quad and i'm gonna do one more making it five that'd be ten gallons that should give me a good good sample to take home and check out and i know i got the most amazing quartz let's hope there's also amazing gold really thankful really thankful for these o lights here they are amazing at lighting my way down here in the mine shaft i'm gonna take this little spot right here in the bucket and that'll be it for digging and we get to go see the goodies afterwards maybe i'll take you for a quick tour of the mine once i've done digging this bucket i love the looks of that back passageway with that beam over top of it just looks at it just screams old mind which it is now this side is definitely the more the richer side the more lucrative side that vein up there is where we found most of our gold and the debris on the floor watch out for that drill bit stick another wall it hurts trust me yes i don't have my hard hat on today again i forgot to bring it there's the seam right up there apparently right along the ceiling right at that spot is really really good i'm just not brave enough to start chipping away at that don't like seeing rocks in the floors of mines that means things have fallen from above right there scary i like this back passage almost no rocks on the floor means it's quite stable i did a sample back here and found almost no gold almost no gold at the back of the mine well that was a lot more fun than i expected finding all those big quartz crystals i was just looking for you're having a good ore sample i didn't expect to actually see anything in here that was gonna excite me as much as those did i'm gonna take those things home i'm gonna clean them up i'm gonna go process the ore to see what kind of gold was in it and i'll definitely show you the results [Music] so i've made it home with my aura sample here and as you probably already heard in the video i screwed up the footage underground unfortunately filming in the dark underground with big bright lights in your eyes i have a hard time seeing the camera to see things like what mode it's on and i left it in time lapse mode for the best clip of the dig i should have got a great clip of me extracting those quartz crystals from the pocket itself but unfortunately the camera was on time lapse so i didn't really get that clip hopefully i can salvage a little bit of it anyhow i'm back here at the property i have got my three buckets of ore to work with i'm going to classify it all out to serve tiny medium big using my arbor fabrication classifier link in the description for a discount they're the best i'm gonna pan out the smallest stuff i'm gonna dig through the medium and big stuff for the quartz crystals and i'm going to clean up the best specimens in acid hoping to find a piece of gold like wire gold on quartz crystal that would be amazing that would be the best find i've ever had at this mine if i could find a quartz crystal with a piece of wire gold growing through it couldn't get any better than that wish me luck so my first step is to classify using the 1 8 everything sub 1 8 will be panned out i have to give it a little bit of time to dissolve in the water so the the clumps of clay type stuff go through the classifier there's one of my nice clusters that's where i want to find the gold on that cluster i'll put that one aside right away [Music] [Music] so after picking through the oversized classified stuff i ended up with seven big clusters some of them are really nice some of them not so much but once those are all cleaned up like that one needs a lot of cleaning that one might be amazing inside uh once they're all cleaned up they should look really nice and these are the ones that i'm really hoping show a piece of wire gold or something some sort of gold in them now i also found about 25 of these bigger crystals but unfortunately most of them are just segments or fragments of the bigger crystals there are some complete ones there are some real nice complete ones but a lot of them are just broken up pieces i did take the two biggest pieces home already and started soaking them in acid so they're already cleaning up and i'll definitely show you those here but they are they're much more perfect than most of these and we have countless small crystals and these are the ones that are mostly really really nicely formed and i say countless because these are just a few of the ones i pulled out of those two buckets over there the buckets are still full of the classified material and there are lots of these crystals left in those two buckets i think i'm going to be using these little crystals once they're cleaned up in my golden gem paper bags and also i'm gonna put them in with the hard rock or pay dirt bags because the hard rock aura comes from this exact mine may as well have a crystal in each bag this is a neat one it's a twin two side by side the next step is gonna be to pan out this bucket which is gonna be a very long tedious process i'll show you what i find when i'm done the bucket this is all the small stuff well this will be my last pen of the small stuff i've been keeping all the cons from every pan some of them have shown bigger pieces most of them show just little stuff but there is gold in every single pan but again as always not as much as i'd hoped and i'm not done with this ore sample here once i'm done panning it all out i'm going to put it all into a cement mixer and let it tumble for a few hours break up the rust clumps that are in there in case they were holding any gold and then i'll run it all through a little sluice afterwards just to see if there was anything left over that i missed very slow going when doing this hard rock crush stuff just poured a little bit of muriatic acid on top of the cons there letting it dissolve a bit of the iron and it'll also make the gold a bit shinier so we can see what's gold and what's just rust clumps now while the cons are soaking in the acid the next step will be to classify this stuff down to quarter inch and see if there's any big chunks of gold or specimens in the 1 eighth to quarter i'll only show you that if i actually find something so i left the cons just sitting in an acid for about half an hour nice strong acid to remove the iron and that way we can see the gold really well there it is and there we go there's the gold very coarse little chunks lots of them not as many as i'd liked but lots of them all the same as i was classifying down quarter inch i found hundreds of more points and crystals and crystal clusters and potential clusters hundreds of more of them because i was going slow and just a little bit at a time i was able to identify a lot more so in the oversized stuff there was no piece of gold but i think i see gold on the end of this piece of iron so i'm gonna put that in with the cons just in case throw it in the microscope and find out for sure just visually going through the oversized stuff and i think i found a piece of gold gold on quartz so i'm back here at home right now cleaning up some of the crystals and the clusters i've got a time lapse going on right now of this crystal cluster being here in a fairly significant acid it's taken a picture every minute just to see what it looks like it's kind of interesting how you can see that the heavy irons that are dissolving into the acid are sinking to the bottom kind of curious i have cleaned up some of the other crystals already here is the nice big one i found the nicest the nicest find of the trip i've already cleaned it up in acid this is an interesting one it's got this little crystal cluster growing off the side of a big big crystal it still has a little bit of work to be done to clean that up nicely i will take some pictures for you i have all the smaller crystals and small crystal clusters that's hard to say crystal clusters uh soak in and acid well and once they're cleaned up i'll take a good picture of everything for you lots of good pictures of these crystals it's exciting there's a neat interior to this crystal so clear [Music] thanks for watching this episode dan heard prospecting we love getting to share our videos and we would not be able to do it for free if it weren't for our patrons on patreon so if you are a patron thanks for making all this happen and if you'd like to learn more about supporting free prospecting education and entertainment online go to patreon.com i hope you all enjoyed the video and until the next one everyone bye you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 549,843
Rating: 4.916718 out of 5
Keywords: Hard rock gold mine, hard rock mining, gold mine, gold ore, gold, ore pocket, crystals, quartz, quartz crystals, crystal cluster, underground mine, crystal pocket, prospecting, mining, video, blue chip mine
Id: rKb2847jQPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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