MASSIVE gold deposit found and proven!

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oh one Danaher prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope to earn your subscription today I am here at micro Creek claim with a large group of prospectors helping me out test this site if you saw my video from the fall you'll know that I evaluated a huge chunk of land out here at half a million dollars worth of gold well that test was just a small test I'm back here with a whole bunch of people to do multiple tests all along the hole deposit and get a really good understanding if my numbers were accurate and maybe refine them a little bit also I have the miners here that plan to do the actual mining of this deposit and the back deposit and there you'll be investigating their areas and starting to work out a plan I hope you all enjoy this episode was just luck we want to find added a lot of that goal [Music] and of course we have the lumberjack Mike we got Grayson today ill and Bryant with mechanical miner check them out on YouTube so as I've said before I want to mine this claim because this is a my noble claim but I'm not a miner I'm a prospector so I actually want to introduce my two miners you got C Bo here from Canadian gold mining and Andy from Andy Thrax mining and hopefully between the two of them they're gonna be able to access that at least 1/2 million dollars worth of gold let's hope yeah the idea is that C Bo will work the back claim or the back part of the claim and Andy here will work this front section and between the two of them there might be some friendly rivalry most for sure for the love of Dan it all goes to me and I really should point out for those of you who are worried about the kovat virus here in BC we've been very lucky to avoid much of the effect and in fact our chief health officer has given us the okay to go out and socialize outdoors as long as we keep our social distance be careful wash our hands and of course be nice to everyone so that's why we think it's okay for us to be out here in a group we are being careful so see Beau and I are just so walking over to check out where our new road is gonna start from there is an old road that actually runs along the bank just up here that we're gonna have to resurrect in some way to get back to the place that SIBO is hopefully going to be working but in order to get our equipment back there we've got to get in and that road is old it will take a lot of work let's go see what we can find okay see see bo thinks it looks easy I like the way he thinks yes so far this is about as fast as you could drive you excavator through you could be up here really I'm Noah equipment operator I do my best at the Bobcat and that's about it it was a pretty big uphill climb and that was about all I had in me right now so see Bo and Andy have gone to check out the rest of it to see how easy it is for the last half but what they say for this first half is that this will be a simple road to make and the fact that you know someone else had a road here before awesome and this is also what the ministry suggested we do rather than trying to recreate a river crossing nope yeah it keeps the ministry happy we like that we are gonna be running the highbanker today in the deposit here that I started working last year we have a beautiful tailings pond already for us we have material that is perfect to dig right up in there so I think we're actually gonna set up the highbanker of this side dig there and use the tailings pond here to capture our dirty water we will have to pump from the creek to start with but once the tailings ponds full we should be able to recirculate right in the pond that's the plan so Mike and Bryson are going to actually be sampling this hole here that I started years ago but what they're planning to do what I've asked them to do is to work it up the hill I want to see what the bedrock does because right now at the back of the hole the bedrock is vertical but it obviously can't be vertical um so it has to bend off or flatten out and we want to see what it looks like and hopefully it shows a second channel just above and hopefully it shows an escalator eight things in there and hopefully there's some gold in the high Baker when we're done there you go you got her yeah so we have the highbanker running fairly steep here but I preferred a little bit cheaper than any if anything at this claim because the gold is kind of chunky but it's small but it's funky so falls out easily and I have turn the water flow down a fair bit we can get more waterfalls we need but with this little high bank there tends to slosh up the top so we've been running for about half an hour or so pumping out of the river into the tailings pond but the tailings pond got full enough that the pressure started making it seep through and because we don't want our water make the back river moves the pump and we will be intake so we can now recirculate from the deli pot through the high bagger back into the daily pause and we keep this up for a while until the ground absorbs too much the water and we have Quebec the river I feel honored I have colleagues I have the famous finally diggin for me so to explain my plans a little bit here we're testing this Bank a bit more although we do have a good idea what's in here are the permits when they come in give me right to do a big trench right through here right path down the city where Andy is going back towards RV and we want it run you know how maybe a hundred yards of material and make sure that this bench does have the deposit that we expect on it and if it does we'll put a new permit to take the whole bench and my initial calculations of this whole bench tell me there's about half a million dollars worth of gold sitting in that material but I will need to do more tests like this and the bigger sample of a few hundred yards to make sure I am right with that calculation a bit of a hiccup there so we think it's probably running low on fuel we shut it off we moved maybe a tenth of the yard 400 yards 400 yards and Pauli's my easy but might as well see what attempt to the yard house and well I'd say decide if we want continue but I know we want to continue here so garlis I love using mats rather than you know expanded over miner's moss it's so easy to clean up compared the bottom mat I only really have the bottom mat in there because the dream that didn't quite make it to the bottom that's something else I like about a 10 inch sluice rather than a 12 inch list you can clean up in your pan just get the real light stuff off the top won't pan it all the way down okay guys do we have gold that is the question of the hour some not a hell of a lot a piece or two oh my goodness guys who's the bad luck here difference between this upper layer and the new layer that we're going into so right right maybe we just got to focus more on where we were happy yeah we did dig a lot of the Slough so maybe that's what it is but oh my goodness we should be getting better than that yeah and you know that was only an hour so after worse-than-expected results we started wondering what was wrong and then we started coming to the conclusion basically asking everyone did you check the match for the right way did you check the match for the right way and none of us check to see if the mats for the right way and I think what happened is just before we ran we pulled the mats out very briefly there was a rock underneath it we pulled out the rock we slammed the mats back in fired up the pump and went I'm afraid we had the bats upside down again that wouldn't be the first time I had done that and the reason I think we had the mats upside down I remember gaps in here I don't remember a nice bar of rubber over the top I love the dream mat so far it's awesome that is one drowned fall I keep not paying attention I know that's user error anyhow this Run will be better mats are in the right way so I think the beers on me tonight for that stupid maneuver the next run we will do better [Music] I'm gonna have a hole in my subway right of the actors coming help oh yeah I know so we're hoping the second cleanup is a little bit better than the first although we didn't move nearly as much material we're getting tired we get get down into some better looking stuff and even at one spot we hit this clay layer that could be like a false bedrock okay keep your fingers crossed there's a bit oh yeah oh we got gold there we go that's more like it wow that's really that's what I would expect in this deposit amazing you see one side is just completely rust because it's just fresh off the rock oh yeah right off it and then the other side is cleaned up into gold I'm guessing we're at a quarter yard now with material good work guy honestly probably last that you I was barely getting them a tip like I'm standing too high to get a good scoop and you know you and I were switching off but it was very little maybe two three buckets honestly probably we just got down into the better material net first so that first run was too much overburden better than The Rock Creek shindig already yes a lot of soil in that first one that it had come off yo just get to be pictures of that well there we are for probably point to maybe a quarter yard of material there's probably point three of a gram of gold maybe even a little bit more than that so Siebel ran over with a big smile on his face for some reason and then everyone jumped over and had news and oz oz a news not using us I see blacks and oh I see gold close-up camera for that goal that's yeah that's chunky rocks crunchy gold has mark would say crunchy and a nice chunk of lead to so what that is yes a big trickle in the bullet someone's bullet and you hardly moved any material to maybe an eighth of a yard maybe yeah maybe yeah so here see Bo's gold and that was not out of much material just breaking up bedrock and got some beautiful gold so now that we're taking a break I thought I'd give you a good shot of our deposit here the River Run cobbles in here in amongst Oh get in I'm now underground okay so the river run cobbles the big ones that's what we really want be digging around is these bigger bigger cobbles but the material in between there's a good shot what we usually see is sort of looser sand underneath the rocks with tighter clay on top and my thought is our good stuff is underneath in this looser stuff usually now one thing that we found is that when we dug down we got onto this layer of clay and our last run of the highbanker was really good so I'm wondering if a lot of our gold has sunk through all of this stuff all of this crunchy Rock sunk sunk sunk and is sitting on that clay so we got crew here digging as well crews come up today to learn how to run a high banker he's going to be working for a Discovery Channel documentary on gold mining and he wants to learn how to run a high banker for his show and we invited him out today to shovel for us well it's an honor you guys were I've been watching them now for about a year online love what he's doing thanks you guys like Dan hope we could grow the industry he's allowed us to come out take a look at the equipment that is using and so different options that we'll be doing on the show when we go so hurts and I'm glad he's moving dirt moving dirt don't hurt so Mike and Bryson here are testing the hill seeing how the bedrock goes up still going up good good easy diggin yeah when you hit that bedrock makes you dig into the bedrock the bedrock perfect I have the mineral flame over this spot too so we're allowed to go into the bedrock as much as we want see bo is working over here and he found some really nice gold in this bedrock even though we couldn't find any River cobble sitting on top of it still have really nice gold we are just talking and we probably have to actually stop this pit anytime here we do have regulations here in BC without permits you can't go past a certain depth and we're pretty much there now if not a little bit beyond that now I do have permits on this claim but I'm actually in between them right at the moment my last permits just ran out my new ones aren't approved yet so we do have to be careful so we're gonna call it quits on this pit at this point and we do have to knock down some of the overburden that's up above yeah the overhang is just get to the point that we don't trust it completely we had a good run here that was actually our biggest run of the day I think so let's hope it's got the biggest amount of gold yes [Music] here's the gold from our next run and oh boy is there some coarse chunky pieces in here and look at that guy he's a little nugget I don't know one thing I really liked about the Trout Creek clean is the gold is so coarse even when it's small its chunky and course some falls out and it's loose really easily and there's that run all together it's a beauty [Music] I think these guys might run till midnight tonight we got like they got light thank you they're playing to go and go and go looks like they rolled the rocks to get good stuff underneath and that's some River running stuff isn't it is this one of Fred's that he builds yeah Siebel is doing this clean-out here hoping for as much no hoping for more goal the last time it was yeah your bedrock cleanup was better than that one but that's still not bad now these guys are hardcore they just keep going and going and going they're like Energizer Bunny say you guys do you realize it's almost midnight now right oh yeah and look even been fires come out at night [Music] this video is way too big to be all in one so I'm splitting it into two parts hope you enjoy part one and until part two bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 308,277
Rating: 4.9262114 out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold prospecting, gold mining, gold deposit, gold paning, trout creek, gold mine, small scale mining, machine mining, bc, british columbia, video
Id: 6lOvCgDaeO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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