Supernaturalist Podcast Show #157 - Darren Stott and Chris Blackeby

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[Music] gospel means good news like you can't change the definition of the gospel we failed to take control of something that god had given us stewardship over [Music] something that's what the battle is for the battles for your awakening the battles for your first love the battles for you to awaken get all the way right now begin to move with what is happening right now and stop looking and fantasizing in your mind and imprisoning the revival that god wants to bring the supernaturalist the supernaturalist podcast show everybody chris blackaby there's like 800 people out here bro they are so we got our staff our team here man welcome to seattle thank you thank you very much yeah now have you done much here in seattle or no i've only been here a couple of times yeah this is my second time here through pastor sunghan yeah he he's amazing yeah he's a good friend yeah we love him hey so when you come when you come to seattle what do you what do you feel like when you come here what what what begins to kind of resonate within you right well you're probably asking the wrong guy we probably should have really thought this out before we yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm not really the guy who who picks up spiritual atmospheres yep yeah at all yeah i just uh come and it's the gospel every time and so i'm not really that aware of what's happening spiritually over a city yeah yeah and uh that's part of my call actually that serves a purpose so yeah okay now this is such a great place to start hey just pulling your mic there just a little bit we'll get just adjusted right nice and close there so um so hold on are you saying that you're not a seer um you're not a feeler what do you do what's your superpower like what do you mean gospel every time like i'm a purist let's go there chris let's go there yeah yeah so how do you get gigs my my my um my crew if i say that yeah they're all the mystic crew yeah and so i attend dr rose church justin joseph sturgeon kirby you know all those people and uh yeah so this is my life i travel with them and i preach with them and we get up in the morning and they say oh i asked how was you sleep last night i said it's great i went into the rooms enoch met me took me before the foundation of the earth he showed me how to create a cosmos from from love and then when i spoke to lady wisdom how about you chris i'd be like um well i didn't sleep till about three i had a dream there was a car in it i think i think i crashed it that's my night and every day i would never share a dream like that with someone so this is my life um with these people yeah and you just have to know who you are and you're called before god absolutely very happy with that and very very secure in that yeah so now the name of your ministry is as he is which like when i when i heard that uh arun mentioned that i immediately thought of uh john g lake because i know that that was um that was like a uh a motto for his for his ministry and who he as he is so are we um so when it comes to your ministry as he is where did where did that come from well it may have actually come through jonji lake because it probably came through carrie blake's teaching oh yeah who does john g lake so um just a revelation that clicked for me it explains everything uh it's a very quick frame up do i have to do this do i have to do that do christians do this well does the risen christ need to do that that's the only question the answer is yes then yes the answer is no is no and what can happen to you can that happen to the risen christ no well that can't happen to me that frames things up and it is the gospel he's given us his very self the risen glorified christ so yeah hey let's dive in let's dive into the gospel right and just like um this this this got this gospel centrality for you or this thing where you're like hey i just i just i just kind of do the gospel i'll go anywhere it doesn't really matter what's happening in the atmosphere or whatever yeah i'm just gonna i'm gonna do i'm gonna do the gospel yeah that's um so how did that get how did that get carved out in your life um um where did that where did that revelation really really begin as far as like the power of the gospel and the capability of of the gospel yeah well that's easy um my church life and christian life was a dismal failure and uh nothing worked and then i ended up becoming so ill by the time i was 30 or 29 the doctors said that's it wow you won't live out the year basically i'd save god my whole life in all integrity and i realized that there's something fundamentally wrong here and like god's true the bible's true it must be me i thought well i gave it my best shot i'm gonna die go to heaven this is my understanding of the time and god can explain to me what i got wrong and um and then when the doctors gave me uh six months to live i um sorry i got on a uh a plane and started flying around the world because i've got six months wow and um it wasn't faith it was absolute nihilism i bought uh full medical insurance to fly my body home i ran out my will because i had some assets that time and then i just started flying around and that was started in uh 2006 and i still flying around 2009. i was very ill if you saw me you would understand why the doctors were saying what they were saying and i accidentally ended up at carrie blake's church by a complete accent and i got there after the service and i talked this guy at the counter afterwards and we had a bit of a chat and that was actually carrie blake i didn't know and we had a chat and he said come to my school this week so i did and i realized i thought i believed the bible but this guy believes the bible you believe the bible i don't believe the bible you believe the bible it was a shock to me because i've been like a youth pastor and a quite a large church for australian standards for about six seven years been in church my whole life and it's quite confronting to realize wow something's been framed up for me and it's completely not true and there is a truth here and i had to start again and the teaching of john g lake through carrie blake definitely saved my physical life without doubt and from there the gospel's the power to salvation everything else is great useful even but it's not the power to salvation and salvation as you know is undoing of of all the crimes of humanity and other beings and the gospel does it all and the gospel can be received by anyone any education anytime in history any economic level any intelligence level a country or city anyone can receive the free gift of the person of jesus christ and then live from that platform yeah was your was your church background up and up into that point was it somewhat charismatic in nature or yeah like did it did you have a grid for healing in the supernatural you just didn't have faith for yourself yeah look i did the law i had the catholic church uh schooling and then went to the evangelical church and then i found a charismatic church and i thought this is it i found it and then that didn't work and i found this pentecostal like church planting group he loved the word and i thought this is it i poured my life into that and that's why i burnt out and there's no comment on them at all and then uh and then later i found like even mystic churches and i thought this is it i made the same mistake called ecclesias oh yeah that's right yes that's right oh my my apologies uh raise and see the interaction yeah yeah the governing benches uh over the cities i joined them and um yeah i really i thought i made the same mistake again i thought this is it but none of that is it christ is it and the gospel was it and that is it and god has really restricted me to that and that alone and i do preach christ and christ crucified alone and that has the effect it is the power and it works every time and i'll go into a church a very very well established church of people who love god and doing many things in the city i was preached the gospel and people were just amazed amazed amazed yeah i love it i love it and and the uh your healing was that a process or was it an instantaneous healing all right it was because you're still here yes yes thank you jesus it was a dramatic moment um you can picture this if you will because i was in the bath so you choose freely how you want to frame this up if you want to go down suit on even go there worries you want to get into the timeline and visit this moment in the spirit free uh be free but i was so ill uh in 2000 end of 2009 i couldn't travel anymore and then in early 2010 my whole job was to be alive tomorrow that's everything i did and so i'd cold pressed organic food into juice and had to do it the day before and every two days i had to have an epsom salt bath just to pull again the toxins and poisons out of my skin wow i couldn't i couldn't do every day because too weak to do it every day wow but every three days i'd actually be in trouble i was going to jaundice and all these things and it was really a horrible situation not to go in too much detail i was so weak i couldn't really leave the house and my job was every second day they have this bath and the next day i had to prepare my food next day bath next day prepare food and that was my job and did you get that from the lord or was that like prescribed no this is this is um complete brokenness uh i was i think i'd gone actually below the point of death i was just sustained for some reason wow um so to make it clear i was like god well this is how it's gonna work either i die and i see you or you heal me either way i'm not gonna be happy about it because if i have a miraculous healing all i'm going to say to you is well you could have done that 20 years ago wow i was just i was gone emotionally physically gone and then to make it really clear to god i explained it to him i said imagine if you will god you walk along this pier or this jetty and you fall into the ocean and you fall off and you're fully clothed you drown and you try and get up you get up you go down again you get one last time one more time you get up you see someone's feet there at the edge of the jetty and you think i'm saved you reach up i don't grab you so down you go up one more time reach up and they don't grab you and down you go think i've got one more time left of me go up this personal grabber you've got they don't grab you and then you do that for 30 years and after 30 years that guy grabs you and puts you up on the on the land what do you say to that guy that's what i say to you so he let me die i'll heal me either way i'm not gonna be that happy about it wow that's how i felt wow and uh but so in realistic thinking uh no real understanding of the father deep accusation against his goodness uh no faith whatsoever in that regards uh and he either dramatic healing i was in the bath and just to tell you how awful this is i get into a clear bath i get out of a brown bath like an hour there's so much stuff i was just so poisonous at that time and then one time i was in the bath i'm just once again it's nihilism i'm like well god anything would you like to would you like to comment on this situation and i just felt i mean i felt the stand up and i felt really silly oh well i'll stand up i stood up in the bath and i passed out and which is a very dangerous thing to do yeah i realized i passed out when i came to when i came to us sitting in the bath quite comfortably i was by my side i couldn't go into the glass pane of the shower into the tiles i could have gone anywhere and i instantly went quick you must stand up which is not logical and i was normally so weak i had to stand up very carefully nothing would heal if i got a cat scratch she'd be there in three months untouched you'd still be there and so if i go out the bath and i broke a leg or something terrible so i just scared the bath really carefully like this and bring my leg over and this time i just do that like this i had a bath like this and then i cleaned everything down and because the water went everywhere when i collapsed this water on the roof there's water on the walls and then i'm walking down the stairs and normally to go downstairs with a controlled fall i'd hold the banisters and just because there's no power in my body i just like pushed backwards and i walked down like this and started dawn on me something's changed and i felt i need to run like forrest gump type of style and so i got the um the treadmill out which is all under covers and then i was thinking really clearly had brain fog this whole time i thought i need to go get some silicone spray and fix this up so i did and since i pressed the silicone spray and i smelt the chemicals which was really dangerous for me a voice said it doesn't matter my chemicals don't affect you now i ran for let's say two miles around two miles every day or three miles every day for next few days and then after a few days i just told people i've been healed and i wasn't grateful i wasn't thankful at all i just sort of because i was emotionally shot and uh and but god doesn't care he doesn't worry him at all i received a free gift that's all he wants as long as i don't deserve it i can have it and i didn't deserve it wow yeah wow that is incredible at what point at what point what were you grateful at what point were you like oh when you when you stopped okay now i'm thankful like i'm alive uh when you start traveling uh you can start comparing apples with apples so when you hit hong kong again or los angeles again and you realize what was such a big deal for you to go the shops to get dinner it was a huge effort and now you just walk down the strap remember being here remember being there and it's just one thing you do that day you realize the great capacity you have but also very careful not to make a theology of this at all but um i would not have chosen to do or believe or fight for so strongly what i do about the gospel alone uh if i didn't experience that and once again i'm not making a theology out of that i'm not saying definitely not saying god made me sick but because it's a family line issue through my generations and i seem to get everything my family had and god's like well since we're here since we find ourselves here yeah let's go for a complete victory over this situation and i'm beginning only even now i'm only beginning to see the wisdom of it so that was that was 2010 so now it's 10 years later and uh and the healing the sickness went but the damage the sickness did to my body over 30 years or 40 years is still there wow and that's uh but god wants me to apply these things and some days as a person i really resent that and i'm still that angry guy from back there and then some days the clouds apart and i'm just really i wouldn't it's unquestionable he's a loving father and that's the only reality wow yeah i'm sorry oh man i still still go back and forth and then god lets this guy preach it's amazing yeah that now how now so how did we get there at what point did you go from you know walking out this this healing process and everything yeah um where you were kind of like thanks i guess you know it was to this point where where you realized that that you had you had a revelation that was very very important um uh that need that needed to get out there and needed to get shared how did how how did that happen well so it's you know spirit cell body and my body and my soul were pretty messed up and i did not see god as loving father in fact i did not even think he was interested in me wow so i thought he healed me ever even have legal obligation wow and then after i got healed something inside me thought was a trick to get me back into ministry wow and then that and i could see myself thinking that way but i did feel that way and that was the honest feel and then a year later i did go back into ministry and it's not what god wanted for me at all oh wow and after two years of that from 2011 to 2013 i burnt out again and there i'm collapsed after this miraculous healing i pulled out the internet told everyone it was true and i'm sick again and then i said and then you know all those old accusations come up and then i said god what's going on and he showed me so clearly like you've heard the story about the guy that's um the flood's coming he's on the roof and you know someone sends a boat he says no god's going to save me he stands on the boat god's going to save me since the helicopter you know was up to here no lord god will save me and he gets to heaven you know the story what happened i sent you two helicopters in the boat whatever that was me like god show me i beg for you not to go into ministry but i didn't know he was that good wow because in my mind ministry was the ultimate and only way and best way to to serve god wow as opposed to just being his son and so when i burnt out the second time 2013 that's when god started to build the person i am now and i had nothing to give him then not even a glimmer of hope and it's a long story but from 2013 to an hour i've just been following the word and no income and it was just my last shot is god a good father because there's something inside you that just won't die that's an incorruptible seed that you believed once and it's there and they kept resonating that sound like god is good and so i started traveling without any money which really sorts you out if you've got an accusation to god about abandonment or lack of care or being an absent father then it will come out when you're in a islamic country with with no money and it's hot and you need to pay your bill the next morning you feel the pressure of that but he always comes through and he is never never left me for a second and now all i want to do now is just live by his word of of my good father yes delight in his good word and so i was wealthy when i was and then obviously this took me down to zero and now everything in my life i can honestly say is from the word the word has produced everything in my life and the word produces it the word sustains it you really are really are at rest but what i'm in rest in is the character of god which is which is his word which is not the word of faith movement they don't fade things in it actually is just full as much as in this chair it's a full rest in his character i only really truly only think about the day and if i hadn't gone through that process i wouldn't i would not so clearly i wouldn't fight for for its purity so hard so i praised god for the process now and i've taken that record of my family into me like jesus took it into him and it's died and risen again wow that's amazing hey diving into um kind of the the the break the the burnout burnout breakdown yeah uh yeah what is like you know because uh perhaps um uh there's people that are listening or watching and they're wondering is this what burnout feels like i don't know i've never felt felt it before like like the is it the trajectory that i'm on is this a healthy trajectory is this a normal a normal thing so would you be willing to kind of break down like kind of what the um now that you've kind of been through it twice yeah kind of like how to discern if the trajectory you're on is out of alignment with god's will heart how to discern before it's too late before you come to this point where you're like in bed for three weeks and just you know yeah and you've got systems you can go down have a rest come back but when the system breaks wow there's like a can be a cascading failure of systems after that and then you don't come back so and so the weakest link always breaks and so i had a very strong soul i could keep myself together very well i could i was super disciplined a very good youth leader youth pastor everything and so my body broke first wow i drove this body which already had some genetic weaknesses into the ground beyond death and when that finally broke i had a hit to my soul a disappointment something i expected didn't happen when that soul broke there was nothing underneath it to sustain it wow so burn it's going to look different to everyone some people have a strong soul smell of a strong body and any knowledge of good and evil will bring death if it's your source and the knowledge of you say that again any knowledge of good and evil as a source will bring death wow and so all church culture mm-hmm as a source every church has a culture yeah the church will have a culture but that's your source for your understanding of how you're going with god it will bring death that's amazing because if you don't comply to it then you've gone to condemnation that's incredible if you do comply to it you've gone to pride yeah it's a lose-lose tree wow yeah and i love that it is wow and so uh and then if i am like um a really intellectual guy and i go to my wife's church and she's the flag lady yeah and everyone's like jumped around and stuff like that and i'm like i don't know what's going on people i think there's something wrong with me right okay but if i take my this wife to like my teaching center church yeah and we just love getting into the greek and she doesn't get it and there's something wrong with her and it's all a judgment from the outside but i'd be there number one speaker and i think i'm doing well and both those things don't even exist that make sense that's right and your source must be what the father's spoken over you that he chose you you did not choose him you really are the beloved son that's what you are you're not a beloved son you are the beloved son in whom he's well pleased wow and how do you know what is the beloved is the object to someone's affections who's this in this case it's yahweh you are the object of yahweh's affections and how do you know your beloved you can only sit still because anything else is a trade or a wage so it must be completely undeserved and so if two strong people get together like if i'm really strong right and i'm maintaining prayer meetings and uh revival and doing this and it's very high standard and my wife is not that strong in her soul eventually i will destroy her wow and then she will leave me this amazing pastor because she can't maintain it she has to pull the rip cord and everyone will be like wow chris's wife chris is such a great guy how could she do that to him but she didn't do it to me i did it to her and if we're both strong then who goes the kids wow so the weakest link will always break wow that makes sense wow and uh it's not a rest it's a standard a performance standard it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what it is it should be american christian culture it could be revival culture it could be warfare culture it could be mystic culture yeah and it makes a standard from which you draw your understanding of how you're performing yeah you're worth before god how how yeah it's just a measure and all these measures will lead to death if they're your source wow because they're using a knowledge good and evil have it done right have done wrong a law which is literally that the devil was your father wow because or you can have yahweh is your father who is a good father who will give you everything through a promise through relationship and when you're not using that system if you don't know it's gonna be given to you for free you will reach for it so you don't know you can you could preach it doesn't matter what you preach here i've got that understanding in me and you are living a great culture here with a great performance and a great life and a lot of life if i don't know god's going to give that to me for free especially because i don't deserve it if i don't know i have it i will do something together that's right and that is idolatry that is knowledgeable and evil an analogical and evil is one fruit so it's the good and evil fruit it's not the good fruit and evil fruit it's a good evil fruit so i think i am not living in this blessing that's happening in this church and god wouldn't give it to me for free because of some shame i i have so guilt i've done something wrong shame is there's something wrong about me and i guess communicate to us very early i'm not worthy to be pursued or loved or looked after unless if i still have that in me which most of us do in many ways it comes out every now and then then god's not give it to me god's not going to give it to me out of my inherent worth so it's not coming as a free gift as soon as not a free gift to the character of god alone then you have to get it yourself and you'll reach for something and you'll reach for the culture of the church and that will become your source but it's a good and evil tree so you do something good you've done something evil so one one fruit so if i'm doing good for god it's actually evil it's incredible that's cruel and death death is coming so we understand evil like the older brother and younger brother in the in that story great so if i if i think god's not good to me forget it i'm out i'm doing cocaine right every day that clock that death clock comes back pretty quickly yes but i think god's not going to be good to me so i am going to serve the church really well to qualify myself that death clock still works too it's the same death clock but it comes slower and then doesn't come back until you're maybe 20 years of seventy church for thirty years and then something will expose it some naughty guy will get healed and you're not healed and you'll be angry because god hasn't given you so much as a goat you've been working so hard for him in the field the whole system must be ruthlessly removed as if that is to have the devil is your father that must be that horror to you because all religion is to have the devil as your father that's his nature you know what i'm saying you're just playing the nature of a father where god is no separation complete acceptance he chose you before the foundation of the world he chose you to be holy and blameless in his sight forever and he's done it that's what you are you are holy and blameless in his sight forever this was his great will this was his wisdom this was his love and that's what you are and you must drive down to that rest when you end in disobedience what disobedience you'll do something yeah wow say that again i suppose if you don't enter rest you will end up in disobedience hebrews 4 and what disciplines will you end up in you will do something you won't receive it's good if it's received as a gift it's accredited to you as righteousness that's right so you live in the god you've got you let god bless you according to his nature knowing you thoroughly don't deserve it and god gives you a red mercedes well that red mercedes is accredited to you as righteousness because the word produced it because based on his character lying have you got it through good spiritual principles and tithing with your rewards on the earth and it's your wages yeah this is so good i i just think about just being a man uh being a dude so right 38 years old for myself so quickly approaching you know 40. and um uh i remember hearing a uh a story by john piper um i don't know if you know piper yes and um i went through a reformed season yeah kind of a thievin yeah and um and uh and so i i can tell yeah you can tell right yeah it comes through yeah um i remember hearing him speak and he told this story he was 39 and his mentor said to him i want you to promise me that when you turn 40 you won't cheat on your wife um you won't you know quit your past your pastor you won't do something reckless with your finances such as buying a car that you can't afford like and and john piper looked at him and said you're you are like what are you talking what are you talking about like of course i'm not going to cheat on my wife of course i'm not going to quit this this this call that i have on my like so he was quite in indignant with the accusation that he would do any of those things and he said promise me and he said i i was i would he said i uh i felt no i felt my normal self i i my 39 was great he said on the day i turned 40 he said i went out and sat sat down in front of my house i sat down the step and i wept yeah i i just i just broke down weeping yeah and i felt like such a failure and i think about this system that we're brought up in as far as how how wins are defined yes and how um how how we're so outcome driven driven yes so we're all kind of in a wilderness a metaphorical wilderness i guess you could say and the culture in the church is saying the promised land the promised land the promised land why aren't you there yet why aren't you there yet you're 25 you're 35 you're 45 you're 55 you're 65 you're 75 you're 85 you're still not there yet what's wrong with you and then we see other people where they're further ahead they're closer to the to the wilderness to the to their destiny to the destination yeah and we start comparing ourselves yes and it's like everything from sports to the stock market to our jobs to even our family lives when we start comparing our families to other families it's almost like the whole system is con continually condemning us and that's supposed to be motivational you know you turn on tv late at night and there's a guy with a house that's 10 times the size of yours a car that's 10 times a wife that's 10 times everything is like so much better and it's like they sit there and shame you as a motivational tool to get you to call the number at the bottom of the screen so you'll send them a thousand dollars so you can learn their hacks so you can step into success and you know that that person has not yet arrived yet that person is being condemned by the same system yes so there's actually so my question for you is that we're brought in we're birthed we're born into a fractured legal system into a fractured religious system into a fractured familial system and how do we how do we how how do we untether from that into this kingdom thing that looks nothing like what we've been taught is actually truth yeah so there's this thing it's called the gospel yeah the gospel i've heard of that yeah so let's talk about this i'm mocking myself so come to jesus understand jesus hear about jesus accept jesus love jesus serve jesus die for jesus be with jesus is not the gospel that's um it's good instruction it's not good news jesus came to you jesus died for you jesus loved you jesus knew you jesus became like you jesus was with you jesus served you that's it it's good news that's it you can receive good news any source from inside creation is under frustration and contains level of death only what comes from outside creation is only life and contains no death so a very important understanding is humans love touch tasty collapse materialize form and god is spirit and god's saying to us will you love me for who i am invisible spirit that's who i am and i've revealed myself by my word is that enough because i want you to love me for who i am and i am word and so all through the pattern of scripture when they believed the invisible word over touch tasty amazing things happened we love those times they're miracles when they went by taste touch see because they didn't rely on the word then terrible things happened and it's so clear in the old testament every story from adam and eve they reached for the tree of knowledge of good and evil they didn't believe the word did god really say the israelites looked at the mountain they saw no form and they heard the voice but saw no form so they made something yeah so if you don't don't go up the mountain you'll get the law that's the only that's it yeah yeah and so up the mountain is no form it's tight it's it's a voice and god's saying we love me for who i am we just believe my word god's love language the father's love language is to be believed because he's only revealed himself by his word that's how he's revealed himself he's invisible god even though people see him in scripture where they see his glory which is his body he calls himself invisible old testament and new testament it's very clear i'm the invisible god and his spirit and we're made in his image so we're also spirit we're now a life-giving spirit you were a living being but now you are a life-giving spirit and so you also operate by word yeah and so when you start moving to invisible word and knowing that will sustain you the same way communion will sustain you taking in communion is a let's say this is communion it is a physical representation of the invisible word it's a great faith touchstone that's why he gave it to us yeah because if jesus says food and drink indeed if you eat his body drink his blood you will live you will not die you have eternal life and you're eating from food that comes from another outside creation no waste only life well all these words are like that and they're a seed and jesus said here's a story about a farmer if you don't understand this story about the farmer you won't understand any of the parables you won't understand the kingdom at all the kingdom can only be received a farmer gets the word he goes to bed he wakes up it's grown he doesn't know how no flesh absolutely no flesh can inherit the kingdom can see the glory the high priest was not allowed to sweat human effort is not allowed it can only be received and the only way to receive it is by a word that that where was said and it goes into your soil and depending on your soil you'll get a different crop and that's the only way the kingdom works receiving it by a word and when the word produces because in the seed is everything it is needed to bring that to maturity in the word that was spoken and nothing else so you work by like the faith mechanism and you faith in you know sports mercedes sports mercedes sports mercedes and faith in faith within faith of them and you pray for it and you fast for it and by using those mechanisms which are created mechanisms not heavenly mechanisms but creating mechanisms still fine still biblical and then you get the red mercedes the the you get the red mercedes and it comes ah mercedes then someone says no need to pay tax on that your faith in tax money tax money tax money and then you're doing that and you're faking this in you come home your daughter's sick that's too much okay but if you delight in god being worth alone so your delight is that he's the type of god that would give you a red mercedes that's who he is and if it's a good fathering thing for you to have the red mercedes he will give it to you and you delight in that alone and delight in his word so whether mercedes comes or not you still have the same delight and the mercedes are produced by a seed and everything needed to protect that mercedes is tax it's insurance it's everything even parking it with angels it comes with the same in that one promise it can only be received no flesh can hear it the kingdom must only come by a word and your dna this body this soul and body is a manifesting machine this turns word into substance into manifest substance it's what it does that's why everyone everybody's after human dna right now we can put that to the side we can talk about that in a minute but the whole world's after human dna because the human dna is the singular most important technology in the world yep because highest heavens belong to god but earth is given to man and what we do changes everything if you can change a human being's thoughts and emotions you can change the stars yeah wow and there's lots of people that want to change the stars and so the real battle for human dna right now that's why we take in the body and blood of christ that's why we're born again of a new seed line from heaven with new dna which is a spirit being and spirit beings operate by word wow if you told an angel to go do something god told angel to go do something he doesn't question if it's going to happen or not he goes and does it so the angel lord came to you and said right i want you to go by by tomorrow angel lord appears go by seattle tower what's it called the big tower uh columbia tower or a space hill that'll do space needle go by go by the space needle tomorrow you'll be like what by the space needle but i can't i don't have any money and he'll be like god said go by the space needle tomorrow because the word does everything there's no comprehension the word or who and god one thing one person one being could ever be wrong will never happen and you'll say ah but he'll say no go by the space needle tomorrow you'll be like i don't know if i can do that do i have the money where's the money kind of come from just start reaching for his sword like just pulling it out slowly go by the space needle tomorrow like you're questioning god word you is be incomprehensible to him we're from heaven that's our culture it is going to become incomprehensible to us that the world won't come through and the reason the word hasn't come through because we mix it with behavior this is 10 steps to make sure you get your healing and this is why you should be blessed there's only one reason christ so you've just lost your second marriage you will be married again why would god allow you to get married again jesus wow you've just got 30 grand in credit card debt through your own mistakes and some gambling and but now you would like to start a business why would god let you start the business jesus that's it it's awesome but we rank okay so some girl at church has kept herself pure never held hands and she's 30. and some girl has got two kids from different fathers and has slept around quite a lot and they're both here at church why would god let that three-year-old girl who's kept herself pure get married jesus that's it not because he's kept himself pure because of jesus and why about the lady with two kids and had lots lots of partners why would how could she get married have a good husband jesus same wage or the same like if we use that term in that in that same payment it doesn't matter we've got a measure of knowledge of good and evil and that's killing us and god can't reward that because if i reward you for your knowledge of good and evil and i'm rewarding that system that's going to lead you to death so sometimes god keeps his hand off like he did with me until i pretty much died twice until there was nothing i could give him said only based on his character alone that's what it is david um saw bathsheba took her i thought he got away with it didn't made another plan that didn't work so planned uriah's death got his friend to make sure uriah died and other israelites too and then all right i'm out and then um nathan says you're the guy and he gets it oh my goodness i've killed my friend i've got my friend to organize my friend's death i've taken his wife i've done a terrible thing in israel and he writes psalm 51 in that moment he makes a call on god's goodness alone he says you are a forgiving god i'm in sin but you're forgiving god i've sinned against you alone so if you forgive me it's gone and that's what you do if you say i'm clean i'm clean and that's his that's his whole paradigm and then you can see it walk out because the child is dying and he gets down on sackcloth and ashes he prays for the child not for his sin it's gone it's gone the child dies so he gets up gets dressed and walks on and i was like what are you doing shouldn't you be repenting over this and warning over that no that's gone it's completely gone i'm going over my life in fact so much so clear as in his conscience in psalm 51 he says if you say i'm healed clean i'm clean and i'm going to go rebuke the transgressors so she's just done this terrible crime but soon as god says you're clean he says he's so clear in his conscience he's goes hey you two stop holding hands like you're like whatever he's good he's to go chase this stuff down and then not only that he goes back to the place of his crime with sheba and has solomon he's great success that's a clear conscience but the point you could do that is based on god's character alone and it's like it's like god says to you in every moment do you really believe that after all the help i've given you all the resources i've given you that i'll be the type of god that just forgive you completely and bless you again to those if you've never sinned i do yes you're right that's the exact type of god i am do you believe after you messed up your first two marriages and you had an affair and you've got another child right in another city do you believe i'm the type of god that would see you do that after everything i've given you that you would that i would give you a new marriage that'd be successful in work when i'd be in it with you do you really believe i'd do that for you i do you're right that's exactly who i am i'm the god that justifies the ungodly it's what i do and when you receive that you give the way but if you've got a performance standard you will enforce that performance stand on other people my daughter she's not well why fasted for 35 days spiritual law bang healed law of faith worked healed but now that's my source that becomes my stance not against fasting i'm saying that was my mechanism which is my source as opposed to god heals then you come to me and you've got four kids one's ill one uh maybe have developmental needs and other things are going on you're running a church all these things like this and i say bro just fast for 35 days so what i've done right and so your child said this child dies you get fast for 35 days well then you know you could have done it you should have done i know you should have done it yeah and i've actually brought death into your life because i've connected you to a system a knowledge of good and evil wow that's good but as a source it's death wow why would god heal your child because of jesus that's it that's the gospel before the foundational world christ laid his life down the land of slain before the foundation of the world to justify the ungodly it's just one way love because we don't know that we have performance standards so just check facebook and they're running performance standards on their leaders right now yep the american leaders and what i want judgement on their wrath the same judgment they're using will be used against them if you're engaging in that system but jesus died for nancy pelosi and his only desire is that her sins be forgiven and remembered no more and that she would be with him forever that's his only desire for her and that's our only desire the system's structures in place they may have to come down but you know it imagines assuming that she is human is assuming this not a shape-shifter back to back to dna yeah because if yeah yeah you know she's a hybrid different rules may apply the human these are value fun right human dna but these need to be saved yeah they'll still be redeemed it's like darth vader before the mask comes off there's still some good we believe i love nancy pelosi there's a video going around recently uh where it says nancy pelosi um uh shorts out and reboots oh yeah have you seen that yeah yeah i was dying yeah let's watch that like it shows what system are in right and shows were in some pseudo-reality yeah yeah she was just yeah good morning george that's like what just happened it's a wonderful sunday yeah yeah yeah it's a wonderful song youtube it nancy pelosi yeah i'm saying that yeah but no you're absolutely right and it's so important that we're that we keep that perspective so that we don't start partnering with uh with the wrong with the wrong government in the name of righteousness and in the name of it's a correct judgment but knowledge is good and evil so who cares love and now i show you a better way love love lays its life down so christ lays life down for the ungodly before creation they came here and did it again to forgive them father they know that what they do and then or on the night he was betrayed he gave up his body that's us that's not a standard for you to achieve that's your true nature forgiveness is your true nature in fact to lay your life down on behalf of the guilty is your true nature in fact to go to the father and plead on behalf of the guilty is your nature that's his nature when you do these things you'll be like your father you'll be a true son of your father in heaven who stands rain on the good and the evil the just and the unjust that's what the church does that's what christ does anything else is of the evil one ah so good that's so good chris do me a favor just pull this like in just a little bit closer yep um like just right bring it right um let me ask you so generationally um there's like we always see the swinging panel like in the church between the goodness of god and the severity of god you know and and emphasis on uh uh grace and and then all of a sudden it's almost like like we saw a real emphasis on grace rest uh sonship yeah and then all of a sudden it's it's like it's like it's trying to swing or segment of of the of the body is trying to swing uh trying to correct something yes back into a into um into a holiness yeah it's in my own words it's trying to to force a holiness paradigm yeah you know in in in the church and so but then if you shift out of the church actually you just look at generations i think of like my grandparents generation the the greatest generation world war ii um the great depression and because of their need to just stink and survive and eat and provide for their family there was a lot of neglect for for the for the for the sons and daughters that were raised and yes so you we i saw my parents generation almost like almost kind of orphaned emotionally by parents that just had to stink and grind in order that their families would be provided for and then so i i i see almost in my parents generation a real strong um this place of of can you see me now are you gonna notice me now do i measure up now then you go to the exers you know and and kind of the the nirvana generation that's like man just screw everything this whole thing is jacked and stupid and lame and i ain't gonna perform for anyone yeah and this is my this is a gross simplification of generations i realize that it is accurate and then you come to to uh the millennials i was born in 82 uh miss gen x by year two just depending on whoever you're talking to right yeah so and then millennials um no one really knows you know what they are everyone agrees they're like the worst thing ever right and then you go i ruined everything yeah exactly like let me use ruined doughnuts yeah yeah you're according to i know only the worst and president trump are millennials right and then like according to certain people and then but then you come into this gen into this gen z and the reason why i bring this up is that um you see this major shift between the the millennials and gen z where there where you could say it's performance but it's almost like an anti-performance um kind of it's almost like it's very extra in that i don't care if you are pleased with me i am going to um it's almost like almost a certain amount of like a hedonistic kind of generation i'm going to live for my pleasure and because of how i'm raised it's like i i just believe that everything is just going to be given to me i just believe that everything's going to be handed to me i remember the first time that somebody asked me about being a millennial and why is our generation the most entitled generation that's ever walked the plane and i remember how offended i was i never heard that before and i was gonna be asked that question at a conference and i was just i was immediately triggered by it i was like who the you know who are you saying is entitled right and then more recently the lord showed me an area of brokenness uh uh when i was a teenager and some stuff i went through just you know coming through my teeth and stuff and and it was like i'm not saying i don't have any entitlement left in me but i i i it's almost like this moment that i was that i've always said god why did you allow that to happen not that he willed it or authored it but it's almost like like the lord was like everything that you received from your restoration point forward you received with great thanksgiving great gratitude because it was coming from a place of mercy that when you received these blessings from the lord from your restoration point forward you weren't sitting there saying yeah that's right i deserve this you were saying oh my gosh i i i don't deserve any of this and yet god you're ordering my steps and so now as a parent i don't long for any sort of brokenness or fracturedness or nor do i as a parent want to author some sort of hellish process so that my children can get the entitlement crushed out of them correct yet at the same point you do see that that that it's almost like um there's a generation coming up right now where where there's there's a great expectation that everything's just gonna that that life is just gonna be full of undeserved blessing to the degree that even like um uh uh economists and whatever else they're very concerned about the work ethic and some of the job patterns that they're saying with the so um so the reason why i bring this up is how do we whether people are ministers or pastors trying to create culture in their church where people are parents or or or like how do we create this the this place of sonship and inheritance and this place of of not operating according to the system of of of good and evil and yeah and incentivizing good punishing evil and yet also how do we create a conversation where there is a work ethic that's developed in our and our children yeah and um and and uh so i guess it's that you know thing of how do we how do we how do we how do we promote great habits in in excellent patterns without making those habits and patterns the source yeah that's a very good question so don't be a christian it's too hard be christ wow that's it so say it again don't be a christian it's it's too hard it's too hard because then here's christianity you've got gen x coming from here and gen y coming from here and baby boomer coming from here and we're trying to work all these things out it's only relevant in the west you couldn't preach that in china that's not the gospel that's right yeah the gospels are ah this guy's a baby boomer no yeah like it doesn't only works in a certain context there's no end of learning so the five-fold ministry they had to build the saints into the fullness of the statue of christ which means to be exactly like the risen christ in their lifetime so they're not taken by every wind of doctrine not demonic doctrine just doctrine right okay so we we chased like the prophetic movement in the 80s and then we the absolute movement in the 90s to win the doctrine and then the glory and grace movement of the 2000s and then and back and forth you go mysticism courts of heaven right over to this conference okay immature not taken by every end of doctrine wow even the grace movement came in mean amazing because it was hit flesh you know everyone anything in the orphan's hand is a weapon wow anything the grace gospel in the orphan's hand they went and stabbed their pastor to death and then they splanted you know they didn't plant didn't split splunk yeah and then they preached grace angry because we're not like those guys those lawful guys and so you can see how it's mixed and any doctrinal move like this is mixed okay but if you're the risen christ and then you hear if you know you're if the five-fold ministry then build themselves build you to their ministry into their doctrine and to their structures and to their soul but built you to christ and you only gospel only ministry new covenant is to reconcile man to god that's it there's no other ministering wow okay that's they built you to become at the fullness of statute of christ and then you hear that if you don't tithe that god isn't going to send the devil like you you go yeah i'm the risen christ of course if if the reason christ doesn't tithe temps out on the gross does devour get him no you know right whatever it is whatever when you hear like all right we can go to heaven right yeah yeah i'm the risen christ exactly like you don't it doesn't take your soul you don't chase all these things and then we in our own intelligence of the crate like this is how we reach gen y this will reach gen x this is how we reach these people okay it's just forget it seriously yeah be born again as the risen christ a life-giving spirit from heaven yeah that's what you are you can create on the earth you can believe and speak like your father in heaven you are from another kingdom it's going to last forever it doesn't matter rich or poor vietnamese american gen x baby boomer the gospel solves every single thing wow yeah let's see once again don't be a christian jesus wasn't a christian jesus wasn't a christian wow so why are you being a christian for wow christian is a name given to us by pagans wow so why are you chasing that right jesus wasn't a christian he was the beloved son of god wow well then that's what you are you're born again as the beloved son of god well that's what we want to be and what's the beloved son of god he is exactly like his father what's the father like like the son we can just see what he did that's who you are the seven on the mount is not a list of things to attain to it describes you this is who you are you're exactly like the father who justifies the ungodly lays his life down for the wicked always speaks life increase you are you are divinely patient you darren uh bless a thousand generations you'll slow the anger wow that's who you are wow you are the you love patience you love it yeah because that's that you that's your nature you have that dna you look exactly like your father it's the incorruptible seed inside you that's growing up into the mature beloved son amen so jesus when he started his ministry this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased hadn't done anything yet that's your starting spot and then at transfiguration this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased listen to him and while listen to him he become like the father he proved himself in testing that he was going to lay his life down for those who are going to kill him and for those who are going to betray him who's going to betray him the guys who took up the mountain with him peter and john and uh was it james john and peter yeah james and peter definitely didn't stick around john didn't so you know and this is who you are that's your nature and you plead on behalf of the guilty and you only bring life and so fathering has been misrepresented as as you may understand very clearly and you've seen that go awry but the father at the cost of his own name his own reputation and their own finances will lay down his life to give the opportunity to choose him freely by any coercion my father says up for his children you're a spiritual father sure don't pay you you pay for them wow yeah that's what the father is to give them the opportunity to choose you freely without any coercion wow that's who you are you're like your father in heaven he gave up his life his son's life they're one to give you opportunity he let you reach out put his beard touch him and kill him and the curse him so you can see they didn't stop roth you didn't send 70 000 angels down to wipe you out and you came back you know i'm back that could be the time to kick some heads be cooked your breakfast on the beach healed you let you touch him again yeah and that's who the father is wow and that's who you are wow and that's that's that transcends any culture of any time yeah and it's not so much a work ethic from there because by grace i work harder than you all because you're seeing that you receive this amazing immortal eternal being that you'll be one with the father forever you're gonna govern his kingdom five cities ten cities whatever the new epoch is seeing you receive such a glorious gospel then live a life according to that and and that's it and everything else the expression is irrelevant and then express some people very conscientious some people are very flighty in the moment none of them are christian or unchristian or spiritual and not spiritual the point is is your source the father are you becoming love like him love light and spirit yeah amazing huh is that awesome it's so good all right you know track change yeah okay so nephilim yeah nephilim and aliens yeah ufos yeah yeah no actually so um you are as he is uh youtube yeah you've got a really cool channel there so yeah want everyone to go check that out you're doing a a series right now on the five falls yesterday yeah you're actually in genesis and so um so my question is is um why no okay here's what i mean genesis is just it's one of my favorite books especially just just the first few chapters yeah i feel like i could preach genesis 1 for the rest of my life yes just with one two i mean it's just fascinating um okay so yeah what's what's happening there in genesis and how is it and how is it para like and how is it a parallel as to what's happening right now because obviously like it's speaking that book is like speaking right now oh yes it's our generation it is so important and relevant now yeah so there's nine hours on youtube if you want to go i know check it out yeah i know we can't but yeah just kind of 30 000 yeah you know so um and what's exciting you about it because i i would i would expect that there's something in there genesis 11 or genesis 12 that point is chronologically the halfway point of the bible yeah just one to 11 to 2000 years and genesis 12 onwards is two thousand years wow and that next two thousand years is fixing up the first two thousand years unless you understand that you won't understand what you're saying you understand what what abraham is doing what why what david's doing what joshua's doing you understand what the prophets are saying you understand why jesus went to mount hermon you won't understand what peter's saying you understand what paul's saying you understand what the book of revelation is about they're all addressing genesis 1 to 11. wow and the early church understood this clearly yeah because the jews understood this clearly yeah and the early church but now it's been removed from our consciousness yeah wow in genesis 1 11 is basically a bunch of beings wanting access to humans and as they can affect creation so you could you could summarize it in aliens want your body they can't have it that's pretty much what's going on there yeah and everything's about um the law is to protect the human body and once you see it it can't be unseen it is to protect the human body because what they wanted is a lineage of human beings that could receive the messiah in fact you could put it this clearly that from genesis 12 abraham leaving all his sons going to egypt coming out establishing israel establishing the law all the feasts all the festivals all the wars being taken out of the country putting back in the country all the prophets were all to produce one person mary genesis 12 wow to matthew 1 that whole history even into into testament period and all those things was all to produce mary that's what it's all about because jesus is fine it's totally the matrix right it's totally like yeah mary was the one yeah yeah and mary's been mary's been stolen from us that's right yeah true and so mary could receive the word she had to be human enough yeah yeah with that mixture that's why there's that's why you couldn't mix anything so you couldn't uh interbreed that's why you couldn't have mixed marriages that's why all these laws about the body and i mean it goes on and on but um it was to produce mary and so mary restores eve in in that in that moment yeah so who's the first person to be promised the messiah eve who's the first person to receive that messiah mary you know he's the first person to see the messiah mary who's the first person who was at the cross mary who was the first person to the risen messiah another mary like women are always the at the breaking point of the of the of the of the manifestation of the word which is same as in in natural and so genesis 1 to 11 shows the battle for human dna because what we do we made an image of god and as we if our if i can affect your emotions i affect your words if you've made an image of god your words affect creation yeah so if we say california is going to fall into the sea well that's ours that's our job that we're creating that but who if you give us forgiven are we playing on behalf of california you know and then if we can bring destruction and chaos the world there's lots of beings and so there's the um we call the watcher angels yep uh very clearly expressed in the book of enoch yeah i'm not saying it's scripture yeah i'm just saying it's 100 true yeah that's what i'm saying yeah yeah and it's um they want access to human dna so it's a very important thing to understand what overshadows you changes you you take on this nature that's desiring itself the same with the holy spirit hoveled over the waters and god sent his word that manifest the holy spirit hold over mary because in his word that manifests what words remember jesus god the spirit his word what word you let hover over you change your physical substance yeah so in the book of deuteronomy and exodus we see the 12 tribes come out and list the 12 tribes and they're listed again in revelation 7 different lists different names tribe of dan's gone tribe of ephraim's gone because they gave himself to idols it says very clearly yeah and giving themselves to idols change them so much so no longer jews they're gentiles now it literally changed their dna and whatever words they overshadow you it actually changes your dna wow so all anything that's not the father is another source it's an idol and it's changing you wow and so all witchcraft or witchcraft is trading future generations for current benefit so we understand freemasonry if i curse my kids i get a business deal yep yep okay i'm training future generations for current benefit wow is this person sacrificed for my benefit and then we see more you get into witchcraft you see that they cause trauma and damage to people yeah and it normally ends up in sex but sex is affecting the dna yeah and then anytime there's an encounter a demonic or a ufo alien encounter it's always to do with human dna trauma and body fluids because they want to get access to your dna line either by making a vow or by trauma or actual access and then they have that record in you so they have their word in you they're seeding you and they can express themselves through you because all disembodied spirits want a body to express themselves through yeah and it doesn't matter if we see these things as angels or fallen beings or you know disembodied nephilim spirits or aliens yeah if you're christianity you can't handle a sorcerer landing in the car park you might be in for a bad time okay because the bible is very clear over and over again there's other crew out there and they want access to human dna they want our emotions they want our souls they want our loyalty and they want to get their worthiness their seedlines so they're becoming our father not saying they've they created us and they fathered us we're expressing their nature whoever's nature expresses to your father that's why we need to have only one word one seed in us and the loving father so what's happening right now as you see everything from food to emfs to now rna-based vaccines they want access to human dna and we need to have one source and at the moment you've got a lot of choice but the choices will get further and further apart if you want the more more of your loyalty more and more of your vow more and more of your will and if your source is human structures money finance policing health schooling anything transport whatever is theirs they're gonna move it further and further this way it's gonna require more and more of your dna by agreeing to an agreement that maybe your 501cs will have to do this now sooner or later and actually putting things in your body that change your dna and make you more and more like them and they're your source you'll follow your idol and idols change your dna that's what they do or the father is your only source and so we need to be loving of the word alone let me shack shadrach and bend the go god will deliver me if he doesn't he's still the lord god or jesus who couldn't resurrect himself he believed in the word of his father into your hands i commit my spirit i'm relying completely on the visible word i can't taste touch and see because that's how my father receives love and i love him for who he is i'm going to rely on this and he will deliver me because he's a loving father who always performs his word and i don't see the deliverance he's a loving father that always performs his word that word inside you and he fathers himself through that everything else is to have another father another source another idol yeah and so we're on the journey so this morning i had headache tablets which is pharmaceutical right but that's where i'm at i'm moving this way right in my so you know we've been taught a certain way we taught this is christian and this is wise and but it's not invisible word and so if you don't need food to live you live off communion and they say you can't come to the shops unless you're vaccinated who cares and they say you can't travel but you're in this you're living off the word if god wants you in china you'll be in china that's right and then you will come back and you'll be wearing chinese clothes and smell like dim sum you know but it doesn't matter if you're in issue with god anything he wants can happen and you're living with like a spirit being can the spirit being appear in china yes the spirit being need food no and all the things that this control mechanism and wants to have a hold of you will have no hold on you it's not your source of life you don't fear death and only by fear of death relational death emotional death financial death opportunity death community death will they hold you to that thing yeah so we have two major thoughts in um church at the moment rapture like pre-trib rapture was supposed to happen september 22nd didn't happen okay so kicked on another year or did it oh did it that's true yeah and we've been left here no keep going yeah yeah but um two people walking up a hill no no um there is there hope is rapture to get us out of the situation yeah yeah but we are the answer to the world that's right yep and so when things get tough they think god's going to take us out before things get tough they'll be very disappointed it's only a western thought they're like guess what they're shutting down our churches this is this is it this is the antichrist right well christians in china are going well that's a tuesday for us i mean you know absolutely and then and then they can be prepared for it and they haven't prepared their kids to govern this world and so and then we've got preterism which says everything happened by 70 a.d but it's a it's a continual collapsing cycle the antichrist raises up tries a big shot and goes down again up wow again and falls again until that seed grows to its full maturity one day it will come to its full maturity is that now who knows but it's having a red hot go right now full control removing the american currency everyone on the digital dollar the digital dollar has already been approved you actually have a digital wallet you don't know it yet it's called the banking for all act it's ready to go they'll put a negative interest you'll get a thousand dollars but by wednesday it's it's 700 and by thursday it's 500 so you must spend now and everything's relying on the government you know and then to keep that wallet you will need to get vac snail or take a chip or sign this over you know or not hate crimes and there's having another really hot go right now you're seeing that it's that because these these areas of divide uh the church saying that futurism that everything you read about in revelation that's to come and that we should be like you know basically terrified right now but then there's also the the preterists that say no no that was that uh revelation was fulfilled in 80 70. but what you're actually saying is that like no it's actually like history repeating itself and it happens again was hit on the end of cross so what happened in 80 70 is it's just it's been repeating itself always many antichrists yes and the antichrist to come yeah there will be one that will reach its full head and the wheat and the tears will grow up together and they'll be pulled out but if you're not we're not prepared for it we have these theologies but the only antichrist you have to worry about is the antichrist in you wow the thing inside you that says god is not good father did god really say that's the only thing you have to worry about god said anything that's god didn't did god really did god really say then you'll reach for something that is the antichrist the rich the fullness the strength of man to go by your own hand and to partner with other beings that will be very keen to help you and have access to your dna by reaching for another source did god really say if you believe the word that's of the father if you don't believe the word if it's not given to you freely you'll reach for it that's of the antichrist that tendency in us that's all we have to deal with that's it the antichrist any antichrist you have to worry about is antichrist in you will you believe god's good father by his character alone he's good to you because he is good to you and that's it that's the garden of eden and by his own desire he doesn't grow up be his full mature son to take over his kingdom by his decision but his desire and that can only happen by receiving a word receiving a promise letting that promise grow anything else that you do by your own strength uh will lead to death and will lead in death fear of death you bound to the devil because your source and the source will drift further and further away from christianity and semblance of it yeah and you'll chase it that's that's your source yeah yeah it's it now so now um i was taught that in the garden there were two trees yes and uh you know there was there's a tree of life and then there was an apple tree yeah and if you and and he was told don't eat of the apple you know and if you if you eat that apple you know and and i i just remember being a kid like like what what like what is this all about like what do you mean you can't eat of i like i get like don't have other idols i get like don't steal you know um you know don't have sex before you're married like all of this what are you talking about don't eat of an of an apple or whatever whatever that that fruit was yeah so that the tree knowledge of good and evil this this fruit um was this tied to dna as well definitely 100 percent so let's say the extreme version which i don't believe is correct and they says the seedline of satan which means that um satan slept with eve okay and that has cain and satan also slept with adam okay and that's what that but what they don't understand to get to that conclusion i see why the reverse engineered that decision to understand how they got there but they understand that overshadowing receiving the word changes your dna okay so a fruit has seed so they received the seed the word of satan he was overshadowing his word went into them it changed their dna that seed that frequency set that word went into them and now they're different okay and so eve has cain and abel cain jesus says was of the evil one in that he showed the nature of that one so cain was not an evil person around planning stuff he had been a great christian he had been in church on time he did everything right he measured his vegetables done everything perfectly and he doesn't get blessed what comes murder he's of his father and we see that all the way through scripture so when jesus is talking to the pharisees because all religion is to have saint devil's your father wow he says you know him uh he says and you're descendants of abraham but not his children different things you can be a descendant of abraham he's not your father he says if you were abraham's children you would do what he does wow and he believes me you're not doing that so you're of your father who is the devil because you don't believe word because the devil wants taste touch see collapsed and spirit sons of the father love invisible word so he calls them you brew the vipers you know your son's the devil you're of the evil one uh camels are the evil one from the beginning wow and it's it's that seedlings to receive a word so when they took the apple so they speak the fruit what they're doing they're receiving the seeds in the fruit this makes us a fruit fruit they went into them and that nature was part of them so adam and eve out and adam goes it's the woman you put me here with it's like you are a bad father that's the word that was received to him so second adam gets the same test first down did god really say second adam he didn't say to god really say because he's the word she said if god said if you are the son of god reach with your hand and do something and jesus said no only the word yeah let the word do the work the word does the work wow the word always does the work the seed see tom in the harvest was given in eden it's perfect and it always does the work and the devil left for more opportune time okay and then you've got jesus on the cross two people if you are the son of god that's the devil that's the fathering of the siren of the devil if the son of god do something with your own hand and jesus is going to go into your hands and commit my spirit yeah he's going to lie on the word the other guy says just remember me like no effort no flesh there's the two seed lines right there on the two thieves yeah so that's the way you do it you can overwrite this anything in here you overwrite by receiving a word yeah and the word is the gospel you've been born again you look exactly like your dad wow yeah wow it also just takes takes us back to communion as well communion is is it receiving bringing it into us you are literally taking word and it can become anything because everything here is made out of the word this may have the word so you need magnesium what's word where can become magnesium wow and you call it it's not we're not taught but you call it magnesium you call it hormone replacement therapy or you call it you know 3000 calories of protein so i can stack on weight so there's people that live off communion and they bodybuild and all they have is this much as a man because how much word does it take to create universe this much this much you know it's a measure we're measuring by touch taste and see can this become this it's human thinking so you can literally live off communion alone has no waste only life it's it's fascinating what's happening right now in 2020 as far as um not necessarily the revelation so there's revelation occurring within the church right but there's also revelation coming to um with it within the world yeah and uh last night i was i was listening to a secular podcast it's not even a um it's not even a um a mysticism or new age you know it's that we're talking about a a a well received one of the top five podcasts in our country so this one episode we'll get more views than anything that cnn or fox news is showing right now yeah it's not on prime time it's it's a podcast and the conversation was uh was involving um hallucinogenics within mixed wines and how it um influenced the christianity in catholicism and um and then uh and we're talking two hours two and a half hours from pretty well known uh scholars in linguists that are going back to ancient texts and at one point the guy being interviewed is talking about his own experiences with hallucinogenics and he says i have seen i i've received instructions you know this is and again this isn't like some sort of like you know fruity kind of thing like this is like this is like a pretty mainstream and this is what he says i have received instructions from aliens yes fairies yes and um and uh they're not gnomes they're i call them i think i've got little garden gnomes but dwarves or whatever yeah i believe they're all the same i believe that that what pew this is what he's saying that people are they're they're accessing right now through these hallucinogenics and and they're actually in and and people are receiving instructions right now and uh and he said i've received instructions right now and that what we are discovering is that these these things are not just um bringing us into some sort of fantasy that we've created within our own within our own psyche yeah but they're actually uh opening up a gateway or doorway into a parallel universe yeah and so put that move that on site and then for the very first time that i know of this year you have president trump actually talking about ufos and that we're going to be releasing information and this isn't the tabloids off-world vehicles we have we have and then the pentagon released the the footage of these vehicles that have no propulsion system yeah that are doing things that are that are supernatural and how they navigate and pilots are saying this isn't a one-time occurrence we're watching these things all the time yeah and so so all this stuff that's that if you ever talked about it before yeah you were weird you were one of them people yeah but now it's not right now if you don't acknowledge it now you're weird it's been flipped on you yeah but you don't know this is real yeah it's not the two of the hat wearing people that are talking about it it's it's our president and it's it's it's the pentagon that's actually releasing the footage yeah and so uh what's what's happening happening why why are these things coming into the spotlight in in 2020 uh yeah because um because of the times uh just know this any of those guys it's not a free gift it's always a trade wow only the father laid down his life before the foundation the world through his son these guys will not give freely it's always a trade and it's not a good trade and they'll give you access to wisdom understanding dimensions experiences they're going to take something from you and what they take is access to your dna in your generations that's it and it's a trade for them that's what what your angels did they gave technology for bodies basically wow or protection and or whatever war wins victories so this has always been happening and when information age there's lots of disclosure uh humans can get together they can't fight this and uh maybe maybe there will be a mass disclosure you know uh and uh many christians on that day will give up have you ever seen um the simpsons where reverend lovejoy sees ufo and he takes off his his collar he puts on the ground he stamps on it and then the ufo is fake he picks up and goes back yeah it's a classic moment but you know you know simpsons foretold future all the time that's the big one right there and uh we have not prepared because we don't understand genesis 1 to 11 the five folks of genesis if a ufo lands in the car park as far as people concerned the bible's out i've been deceived that's true and these guys they come with technology or health they heal covered or something wow they'll get our hearts they're our healer their house they're our source but they'll take your dna yeah and you won't be like your father in heaven and i do believe you live with your father that's what happens to you when you die what happens when you die you live with your dad that's what happens when you die wow yeah wow everyone's telling me oh chris walker be ah you know uh and what i've heard from multiple people is like you got to ask him about 100 100 full is that okay yeah or 100 x or i don't know yeah yeah yeah yeah and so i i just i want i want to kind of hit on that too that's right and again i don't want to like you know i realize that the stuff we're hitting on yeah you've got like just you and we'll make sure that we put all all your stuff in this [ __ ] okay so i want everybody to just definitely dive into this adventure to go deeper in these areas but i was wondering if you could at maybe at 30 000 feet yeah what is this 100 fold thing well 360 100 is um a paradigm for all reality so you we could talk about for the rest of our lives so basically a farmer see this song which is the word into the field which is the heart and the good response is 30 60 or 100. but the seeds are same so this is the gospel the gospel is [Music] jesus died you die with christ and you rise as him basically in christ on christ that's it in christ i'm christ that's it yeah now now faith is as he is now so as he is so you now in the earth that's right so now thing yeah yeah and so there's a there's different sponsors a threefold a sixty-four a hundredfold and they're represented pretty clearly by the traditional church the charismatic church and let's say the ecclesia to use a term that we're both comfortable with yeah um and so three-fold is a great response three-fold is awesome and they say because some people say god's not that good he wouldn't do that for me but some say yeah that god is that good he would die and take away all my sins and i'll see him when i get to heaven meantime i'll be here and i'll try be as good as i can and i'll see him in heaven faithful response that's how good god is that's no problem okay but when you say he's no better than that that's when you get into trouble and then there's a 60-fold response and 60-fold says no no god's so good that he sent his son he died took away our sins gave us his righteousness and he sent us his holy spirit and we can perform ministries like him yeah and then one day we'll see him in heaven yeah yeah but the hundredfold response is that everything these guys are waiting for you are now as he is sowing down the earth and that's literally what you are raise the seed in how many places everything that 35 and 64 believe that happens when they get to heaven you can do it now you can work with the cloud witnesses you go to the same church that paul the apostle goes to you go to the same church and this is it people go oh yeah i can see that you know a little bit catholic that's okay i get it well how about you go to the same church your great grandmother goes to now that's a bit weird yeah but you do will you see your great-grandmother when you go to heaven well yeah where are you now are you raised in how many places right now it's the same seed the same word but how good you say god is depends on your response each one's their declaration of god's that good because if you're driving a car and you're going past some big people because their idiots are going too slow someone goes past you idiot yes going too fast okay that's what we do so like the pentecostal church is the highest expression of church on the earth right now yep they're like these people don't believe in the holy spirit they're idiots these people going to heaven idiots right right and that's what we do what's wrong with it yeah but it's all our declaration of how good god is so if you're in the third fold your hope is death that's right yeah the death of your body not his body the death of your body is your hope or rapture come on rapture come on yeah put california into the ocean and let's get out of here yeah with our clothes on yep yeah with our clothes on yeah go on with my clothes and the 60 fold uh their grey's hope is revival and revival is great yeah but if it's your hope you're saying i'm outside the curtain they'll come down and all their songs represent that right send your holy spirit holy spirit full as our praises come up you go down like just you know just send revival renew your works in these days go say no no you renew the works in these days you're me you do it this 360 fold which is immaturity yeah okay yeah it is immaturity because they they're like god why are there earthquakes come fix the earthquakes maturity is chris why are there earthquakes immaturity is god why is there sickness on the earth maturity is chris why is there sickness on the earth wow everything we're asking him to do he wants us to do wow if you stop asking god to do what he's already done instead of asking god to do what he's asked you to do your prayer life is pretty much over wow yeah yeah and he has given it to you already is give it to you the ability to do it if you um with a stationary master for a large company you went up to see you and go hi we need some more staplers can i buy some more staplers the ceo's like yeah that's your job just do it okay oh we need some more paper can we get some more paper yeah no i've given you authority to buy paper just here's the paper amazing the same thing god was so the question is distinguished being church thinking 3060 and son of god thinking that's right okay christian and the investors son of god is this this is the highest thing like do you want to heal the sick would you want to remove sickness from the earth come on do you want to raise the dead would you remove death from the earth i sell good do you give me to the poor or do you move poverty from the earth we can change the whole earth so heaven and earth are reconciled together unto christ so jesus comes back for a pure and spotless bride he will not be unevenly yoked wow so imagine if jesus the risen christ stayed here for 2000 years just imagine that okay that's your job yeah that's it that's what you have to look like yeah so that's 100 thinking it has been given to you as a free gift all right and you can't attain to that you can attain to a good faithful christian their body they're of the body so they do body things take your body to church wear these clothes stand up kneel down stand up kneel down and leave okay you've done the body thing sexy 65 the soul and i love the emotion of it all and it's i love the emotion of it all and like ah please lord said revival and the emotions are evolved and if they've involved their emotions they've done well the hundred folders of the spirit and you are exactly like the risen christ on the earth how much praying how much fasting how much reading the bible would you have to do to be exactly like christ you can't you just have to be received yeah and that's where it flips that's the veil you're going you're out there you're in around the veil and all their words and their doctrines and their prayers are for god to come down and do something which is already done and they're saying we're outside the veil and everything that they say as opposed to from you being very conscious you're inside the veil we sing do not shut the heavens if god shut the heavens we're on the inside you know right it's just it's just it's just how we think you see it all the time right and do i love revival yes absolutely you have a revival i'm coming yeah you say be here at six wear all black pull out shoes you guys pull out chairs whatever yeah i'm doing that i'm doing whatever you say in your house my father's doing it that's not my hope that's true revival comes to a dead church australian in the spirit doesn't need survival australia you're only life and you're only bringing life and you're being good to the weaker than the evil and adjust and the righteous as well yeah but any out here by definition you must use the tree of knowledge of good and evil so we know how to get revival if my people will call by my name we'll turn from the wicked ways and pray i will heal their land let's get on with it yeah and you now have a standard to achieve see how see you see yeah but from here it has been given to you you bring that here as a free gift yes in revival what's up to us do you understand revival off you go yeah that's so good i i love that and yeah i mean for me the way i see revivals is just the portal it's just it's like not that it's jesus but it is revival is jesus it's just the portal it's just the access point it's the awareness of our of our union with him that's it yes that's correct and so like whenever i see uh revivals in church history yeah it's it's basically it's the kids that found the wardrobe and now they're back in narnia yeah like like and i think that sometimes within the church we make revival the end yeah you know no it's it's it's it's a meme it's the hardest thing we can possibly imagine right right right so it's it's our hope when we say seattle revival center the way i view that yeah is it that we are a portal within seattle where people can be awakened to their union yeah in christ like it's man it's not about the building but hopefully the lord will use the building like a wardrobe where the kids can pass these churches are after revival and that's fantastic yeah but as long as it's who's doing it that's right you know i'm not before against spiritual warfare but who's doing this spiritually that's that's it is the reason sound of god doing it because of someone on earth doing it yeah like if you're pulling down their heavens and you're pulling them down on top of you like you pray down on these things you're not saying you know death get out of seattle you're going death you're looking down on it you get out of seattle it's so good yeah with a word yeah i i just think that there's so that that again there's just so many um processes and patterns and formulas and methods because if you don't know you have it you'll reach for something that's right even the correct thing even the tree of knowledge is good and evil you reach for good but it's gonna kill you so look at the spiritual warfare movement is america better after 90s of spiritual warfare movement are they better what happened marriages little people lost their marriages people lost their churches people burnt out people became bitter people engaged a lot of spiritual forces they shouldn't be engaging that's right and no end of learning but one john says if you're born of god the devil touches you not oh there it is the devil touches you not receive a word if you don't receive that word you have to do something get rid of sorry for watching the smurfs sorry for listening metallica sorry i like kung fu films whatever you have to go through the whole thing or you get born again the devil doesn't touch you yeah that's it as he is on am i now on the earth if the devil if a demon appears in my room can he appear in jesus's bedroom he knows god knows only one person has a question all i want to know is do you know what do you believe you receive that seed you're the risen christ fire in your eyes saw in your mouth voice up rushing waters you're the scariest thing in the room at any time come on you're terrifying you just want to know if you know can you receive the seed but did you get a therefore response jesus might come and save me or the get called for the priest 64 response spiritual warfare principles 100 response no i'm christ that can't happen to christ and it's annoying you can receive that as a gift you can't attain to it at all so good chris yeah yeah so i so so appreciate it and just all the opportunities to just even kind of um repent in a fresh way in a new way even while even while you were talking these opportunities to kind of upgrade and uh and to get our attention or focus back on to the gospel onto the gospel yeah you were born again of heaven i think that a a thread throughout this conversation is always coming back to kind of the first commandment actually to have no other god i have no other like it to come back to the source yeah like everything that you're talking about there's a lot of good stuff it's there's a lot of bad stuff it's it's it's it's all evil if it's taking the place of the true source yeah even if it's good it's going to produce death if it's another source another father an idol yeah yeah the source we have to have the right source yeah that's it yeah yeah so source desire it's your father yeah and he operates from word that's has revealed himself yeah and you're a spirit being like he is so you operate from word too but word is invisible you can't taste touch it relies on the character of another yeah so good thank you so much chris for hanging out and diving into these into these topics and this this has been a blast thanks thanks for exposing my ufo stuff absolutely all my speaking engagement just has just been cancelled for the rest of the year after signing the waiver yeah no ufo talk that's right hey you just got to speak in engagement here i'm like this guy's willing to talk about we're going to have him back so yeah hey uh love you love you love the message bro keep going after it thank you enemies let's do it again yeah absolutely thank you darren awesome bye
Channel: Darren Stott and Supernaturalist Ministries
Views: 14,918
Rating: 4.927928 out of 5
Keywords: #Supernaturalist, #SupernaturalistPodcast, #Spiritual, #SpiritualAwakening, #DarrenStott, Chris Blackeby
Id: JgcsvF9wCEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 6sec (6186 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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