Christopher Blackeby | God's House

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to only talk when i'm looking homeless is when she wants me to talk so sorry about that and i'm going to do my best to explain this encounter that i had it's kind of hard when or at least for me because like when you feel it it's different trying to re-explain it but on the first night um my mom was saying like everyone see jesus and see like your favorite miracle or whatever that he's done and so when i saw was the tomb and he was in there and he was all wrapped up and dead and so i walked in there and she said that to go and lay or put yourself in him right so i walked in and i laid on top of him and he his eyes opened and we came up together but then it switched and it was my dad and it was he was dead and i laid on him and um we got up and we walked out of the tomb and people were there and stuff and then him and jesus both left my body and they started going up and i kind of panicked for a second because i wasn't ready to for them to go you know and he kind of was like you know when jesus was here on earth you had to physically be with him to be close to him right but once he died and he went to heaven he got to be with everybody at once you know and that's what it felt my dad was like you know when he was here was a blessing right but now that he's gone however you want to say it it's he gets the opportunity to be with everybody now and um so when i stood up and i walked out then there was a line of people and it was all people that he's poured into and molded to and it was like an opportunity for people to go in and lay on him and i know monica wherever she was at but she walked in and she got to do it and then jared he got to do it and so um i just kind of felt like i should share it because you know we're his people and it just felt like it was an opportunity that like if you're wanting something like that to go and lay on them and yeah so will you tell yours again real quick tammy tammy will you tell yours again real quick and linda will you come on up because you shared it and it was just a few of us huh at the end okay uh sure i've caught me off guard two hours yeah um so i had a dream uh in the dream darren uh picked me up uh in this suv like escalade type vehicles really large and he was driving and he opened or the back the back door on the passenger side he opened it up and said hey get in you know i'm gonna take you somewhere and so i got in and uh he was like a chauffeur uh and he took me to this house and it was a lady's house and he dropped me off and um he said i'll be back i mean i can come back to get you after 11 30. and i said okay well what if it's later you know do i need to call somebody else and he said no i'll be around and so i got out of the vehicle well anyway i was processing that dream and um my birthday is 11 30 and so i'm about to have a birthday and what i heard god saying is that he was sharing that darren was saying i'm going to usher you into your inheritance from from your you know him god knew you in your womb and he's ushering you into your your inheritance and so what i feel like god said is that he's with you all and he's ushering you into your inheritance in this time and so anyway that was the dream i wanted to reference back to blake and travis when they were sharing what they were sharing about death and i really felt like everyone like i did at one time let me put it this way and it might relate to some all i don't know but i know i lost my mother pretty fairly early on when i was 23 and um and then you know i was raised in the church then got away from the church i wanted to be a nun at 14 my mother said absolutely not and so a few years later i rebelled and you know i said okay i'll go the other way but unbeknownst to me of everything you know but i was always in and out of the church you know but i was raised in an episcopal and so then i went baptist and you know went through all the emotions and started learning about all the things that you learn about religion and so then for years i thought did my mother go to heaven you know was she there and through once i got here and heard what all darren was teaching you know i said yeah she's there and i always had a peace in my heart but you know the enemy plays with you and uh but it you know from all the teachings that came clear but it when it started with malcolm and all through all the teachers of what they've been sharing you know where we're at where we're where it began and at that place that's where we are in him through him by him that's where we need to live and when malcolm said you have to understand everybody was in the beginning everybody none we're not there even when you see somebody and you think i know them you know i know you from somewhere i have so many people walk up i know you where do i know you from oh you i said you know me because i love when uh i was faithful to kim clement i love that man i would print every one of his prophecies i had huge notebooks and i would just sit and pray through god would give me highlights of his prophecies and i would pray them every night different ones and he said one time have you ever had a deja vu and i go man have i had deja vu and he said well that's because you've been there you've been there and you've been with somebody you've traveled you've interacted with them but now more than anything you know i see we were all there in the beginning so if we were all there in the beginning and god is the beginning in the end guess who's all going to be there in the end so never have any doubt of any kind that your family no matter where they're at right now we're all in different places will not be there in the end they will be find your peace in that know it certainly pray never stop praying you want them to get there faster you know and that's okay it's you know for you to pray but just trust and know they will be there in the end you know because we all get on different paths we all do this i know i did i know all of us did but look where we're at now and they will be too so just have a peace and knowing that everyone you know all your family members they're going to be right there god leaves nobody behind in other words because if we were all there and we all knew each other then we did that's why we recognize each other sometimes then they're all going to be there in the end [Applause] hi i'm so irritated right now that i'm standing here my name is aaron shaw and um i chris i'd really rather hear what you have to say but whatever sheila's gonna be irritated also i want to say um to you thank you and i really want you to receive it just as a people i just want to say thank you um i just honor you i'm so grateful for who you are as a body i'm so grateful for just your yes just saying yes and i don't know like i just really want to bless you with that i want you to receive that like our yes really matters and i think it was when sheila said just now she said you know i appreciate you guys just um you know not being mad how could you dare go on i have the gift of tears okay but um i don't live here i live in fayetteville arkansas i used to live here you were talking about the seas and it's a mystery i mean the seed that was planted in me and the way that we are connected over all the time and space and and you know in my life this year i would say that i could use these words you might have to mop this up afterwards because i'm like it you know i'm having some paradigm shifts whatever um so uh [Music] greatest disappointment of my life this year easily never saw it coming and you know it coincided with with darren's transition this is a part you're really going to be irritated with i just want to say thank you and i want to honor you i haven't been here through all of this so i'm sure this has happened but but this is me and and we've had a lot of space that has separated us you know in geography or whatever but i've always been connected i remember at one of the i don't know as one of the services it was like there are people here that we haven't seen them forever but they know they're just and i'm i was just like yep but i want to say thank you because you on that sunday you came here you know what you said and i want you guys to receive this you guys are special i don't know maybe that's not the right words but because maybe we're all special but you said i don't have to choose devastation and i was like i don't have to choose devastation and i'm telling you you would look at it and you would say that is total devastation how did that happen and i just want to thank you and i want to honor you and i want to thank you guys i don't know who you are that god has called you into all of this but i am so grateful and i just bless your spirit to receive that i can come back whatever there's there's some some like subtle i don't know campaign i'm gonna get professional working online that's why that's why that's why you're here that's why you're coming when you begin to see the faces that are attached to you you fight different i used to say if someone if you're a woman if you're home alone even if you're a guy you don't have guns i mean i know it doesn't happen here in texas but if you're home alone and a bunch of people break into your house and you have a good hiding place that's what i suggest you do find it you know but if you have a baby in the next room you're going to fight like hell and we just once darren and i realized we had a baby in the next room that we had a generation within us that we had a people connected once we began to see it in the spirit and then and then begin to see their faces that's what we began to fight for not in the sense of spiritual warfare but we had to fight each other to stay together you know what i mean that's what makes it worth it so i just thank you aaron i love that i want you to go ahead and take one are we recording right now oh man hi all right i want to say this part on there and then we're going to introduce you come on up here i want you to talk to us about your curriculum yes that was the deal we're doing it online this is a children's how long have you been working on this a year and a half it's a just grace curriculum like i don't know that anything like this existed and we are selling it today on online so i want you to talk right there to the camera in your videos um i didn't expect to be up here either erin i can identify um these words these teachings are basically darren's words and they've been what i did was i worked with them to bring them down to the children's level there's a lot of sheila in here and a lot of don keithley as well there are no scriptures because but it you can put scriptures in but it can go to any church any denomination then they can put scripture in as they see fit every lesson comes with a game and a craft and it's a really fast-paced type of program um the kids here have used it successfully and you know seeing in the spirit and prophesying over each other even the six-year-olds so it's been um you know i'll be honest with you i don't even remember doing it hardly you know i started and i don't know how i came to this but i just thank darren so much for his wisdom and and for you and and all of that and so i just my main focus was to have the children not have to unlearn what i had to learn and i'm still unlearning that they can hear the truth from the beginning and it's a lot about identity who you really are not who the world says you are or mom or dad or teacher it's who you really are in god and so do you remember one of the kids that when they were learning they a lot of times they're just in their scene and hearing and then they're validating teachers are helping validate what they're showing them as reality one of the kids was seeing when creation began remember yes and they did the drawings of what it looked like before the world was framed and they know these kids know that's where they came from they know that they were there they all even the babies they know and so and they all pray in the spirit and they all can see and prophesy over each other and it's just been a blessing to watch this happen thank you yeah yeah i love it so i don't know jordan if you will make sure there's a link i'm going to send you and you can you can buy this today you can get on this website and buy this for your church and there's nothing like this out so i'm so excited about that judy oh if you're homeschoolers send her a private message so how do you get it oh is it out here do you have any here judy do you have any here that you're selling drug dealer fine that's great a drug dealer that gathers homeschool people awesome so stand up with me really quick let's ask the holy spirit to come back nurse kitty come on up chris father i just thank you for everything that you're doing god we thank you for what we're seeing and what we're willing to see god i thank you that we're coming into alignment we're willing to see more and more and more and you're faithful to show it to us god we just thank you for chris blackaby that that has come to houston texas just to to water and plant and to challenge us god god we open our hearts we say we have ears to hear we have eyes to see what you're saying through this man father amen [Applause] amen amen once again apologies to the cameraman but if you give me space i'll use it it's a real honor to be here i mean that um i was in uh oregon my friend donna and um my friend michael sent me a text and said darren begley's crossed over and i didn't really know darren we'd spoke on the phone a few times i knew he were same circles and um so mechanically speaking it's like somebody a preacher i knew of really that i'd spoken to but when uh michael sent me that message i was bursting to tears i remember i was i was sitting at a table in a vineyard and i just started crying i was like uh but genuine to me to me okay everyone's got a different thing but for me i just felt a genuine loss uh a german loss and i know you're all saying it's not and he's like barely left and all those things like that i'm just saying for me at that time it was a genuine loss and then uh and uh and some other things i felt too uh and then i um i was sitting in missouri i'm thinking i would like to call that church i don't really have any connection with whatsoever except we attended the same conference thank you at some time and um we're probably going to speak together this year except coburg shut it down that's pretty much all i knew i thought i'd like to call that church and just say do you need anything like i don't know you're like all wiped out or are you powering on like what's going on can i just be a pastor of a local church can i come and be a pastor at your church for like a month just need some time off or is that really insulting because you're really well done and like there's lots of pastors here i thought should i call kirby and ask him what's appropriate and as i was thinking this sheila rang me texted me and said can you come speak and uh i'd made an arrangement with god and last weekend was my last sermon for the year that's it done and i'm shifting spends on time with god reimagine everything i was done and then this was one week after yeah and uh and then i had a dream and my friend bartosz had a dream as well that um this is like you must come to houston yeah you must do it and uh don't relax because my last few messages i was speaking at friends churches i was getting a bit loose read into that what you will and uh and guys like no you need to stay on task you need to stay focused uh to the to the very end which is in three hours but uh dreams to me okay that's my main way of hearing god okay so i have a dream it's if a international prophet came and spoke a thing over me a dream's more important to me because god told me that himself yeah so for me this is just my my little thing and um so if god gave me a dream about this and my friend the dream i i knew was very important to be here yeah and which is weird to me cause i'm only telling you what you already know yeah [Laughter] yeah so here we go again how to suck eggs with chris flackaby ugh they're so really important and there's some things here i just couldn't quite define but the gospel takes care of everything the gospel's the power unto salvation nothing else is the power unto salvation and the gospel gets framed up for you so you get saved and whatever you get saved into is the world you set into like you come in moldable and in your go so if you got saved into catholicism or uh you would come in you'd know jesus has taken away your sins you're very grateful you'll respond to this amazing thing that jesus has done for you and so you don't you only eat fish on fridays you go through your processes you get sprinkled you have your first communion you go to confession you give money to the pope and depending what you wrote maybe you would do penance and punish yourself and confess your sins and do all these things in the hope that the moment you died you haven't you would be found in your sin and be found under the one true church under the pope from saint peter yeah and that would be your frame and this is your connection to salvation this church this apostolic lineage from the pope who's below god but above men speaks the oracles of god and his connection to the local church and taking the the host and and performing all the whatever is there seven things they have to do and uh sacraments seven sacraments thank you ex-catholic and [Laughter] um all these things yeah and then some person comes along and says all these things you're doing okay to achieve right staying before god can be done through believing he's done it for you already and then you have to leave this thing which is your security for salvation this taste touch and see building hats smoke everything and then move over to to a promise yeah and you are risking eternal damnation in the lake of fire to believe a promise and you lose your friends you'll lose family uh in-laws marriage issues if you know the whole if you know these things yeah and two receive a word yeah and now you discover that everything you are attending attempting to do has been given to you by a promise by the work of another as a free gift and now you're done now if someone come now then your child gets saved into lutheranism and they grow up in that and they love god their whole life and someone comes along to them and says no no no you need to go back have seven sacraments attend this place for ask this guy for forgiveness every week to get saved you'd be like what there's no way there's no way you're going under roman catholicism once you know it's all by faith it's all by grace it's been given to you yeah there's no way because this person had it framed up for them and that person that framed up for them and leaving taste touch see security to a promise is difficult but the reward is amazing and then you get whatever you get and someone gets saved into that it's very hard to go back into that extreme bondage and so here i am i've got it they thought they had it i've got it as saved by grace and by grace i'll see the lord on that day when someone comes along says to you guess what you can receive the holy spirit and you can perform signs wonders and miracles by the power of the holy spirit you'll be like what what you think you can prophesy you you're like a prophet from the from the bible you can heal people like peter in the is that what you're telling me you're that guy yeah we're all that guy we can all do that and then they have to leave this years of tradition you know and great theology and doctrine to receive a more intangible thing the person of the holy spirit and to work in his ways yeah and it's very hard to move this way because they got saved and it's framed up for them you're a saved sinner you'll see god two you're a saved sinner and the power of god can come upon you to do ministry yep it's very impressive yeah and you have to leave that to come here and i'm gonna run out of room okay approach should go i'm gonna reverse it let me go this way okay catholicism losism and now i'm a charismatic okay and i um and now i can move in signs one of the miracles my child gets saved into this grows up singing tongues experiencing tongues sees prophecy word of knowledge sees healing someone comes along to them and says hey none of that stuff exists anymore come back here to being the lutheran you're like get out there's no way you're going back that way yeah because what was framed up for you was framed up for you pentecostalism which is the highest expression of church on the earth yeah that's actually an accurate statement pentecostalism is the highest expression of a church on the earth i like that okay and you'll be on church on the earth good for you but someone comes along and says this thing that you've mastered prophecy signs and wonders miracles there's a greater way these gifts are great but they will cease let me show you a great away love you can be love which is the father you can be love light and spirit you can walk in the fullness of the statue of christ in your lifetime in this body from a church in heaven and now like you have to leave catholicism and your family and tradition to become a lutheran you had to lead lutheranism and speak in the devil's tongues babble according to them you know and they all think you're of satan now moving this way was what's framed up for you and now one more push we're realizing what was always in scripture that you and christ are now one spiritual being with marriage as the metaphor marriage become one you can still talk to each other although you're one yeah you have opinions but you're one same we are one in spirit one spiritual being the man be in christ he's one spirit with the lord yeah and your spirit and jesus spirit talk to each other and they're one spirit like the trinity because you are now part of the trinity in christ in him forever your divine status has been assured am i saying your god that created you no i'm saying you're of him everything that he is that's what's made you this being that you are are you saying chris that we're little g gods no way that's a terrible understatement i would never understate what god has done for you my dad is capital b blackaby i'm capital b blackaby am i my dad no but i'm of him yeah so are you and when you're of is the god who justifies the ungodly who lays his life down for the wicked who was slain before the foundation of the world good news to all men and you belong in heaven there's only one church that's the church of heaven that's the church you attend and what's freaking people out is that paul attends that church elijah attends that church darren attends that church your grandma may attend that church and that's freaking people out do you know how cult start like this this is how cold start what i like is all the people who are like no i don't all this intangible subjective experience based relationship stuff is like is demonic i go by the writings of paul paul is my model well paul was saved by a glowing ball of light in the sky that's how cults start paul has the most subjective culti christian experience i've ever heard he knows yahweh will he couldn't say it though but he knows yahweh started yahweh his whole life he loves he knows as one true god allah ex appears he says who are you lord he's instantly lost all his belief system in a second paul hey paul help me so we're framing things up you uh there was a generation that came to earth and they moved from one of these to the next someone lost their lives someone lost their lives in the most worst ways someone lost their children someone lost their family some lost relationships okay gets worse and worse and worse these days it's so bad people write emails about us sometimes you lay your life down you put out a message for the gospel and someone downvotes it on youtube i know our cross to carry people but the point is people came to earth and said i will be the generation that shifts the consciousness of man from here to here i'll be the generation from here to here if you're alive now you're in this building you stuck up your hand and said i'm going to move the conscience of the church to from pentecostalism charismatic waiting for a revival which is not wrong okay it's just a thing like lutheranism is not wrong pentecost is not wrong but it's not the former statue of christ now and i'm gonna change this to this so the next generation will not have to fight this battle whilst being framed up for them the fullness of the statue of christ in your lifetime in this body they'll never have to fight this battle you'll find this battle you're going against the record you may lose friends you might get some emails no one's burning you at the stake my um on my mum's side my great ancestor is um george wishart and george wishart preached the scriptures in english which at the time was a crime punishable by death and he taught john knox and um john knox started preaching when they killed george wishart that was his spiritual father and so uh but they arrested george wishart and they took him and they tortured him who tortured him gary beaton's great ancestor you know beaten so me and gary we'll have a chat one day just kidding it's a joke but this is gary beaton you know gary beaton gary being's a preacher his great ancestor killed my great ancestor and um and they they tortured um george wilsharp and threatened his life and he recanted he said i will never preach the bible in english again he walked out hired the boxes of your bodyguard and started preaching the bible in english anyone came around him got beaten up it's scotland yeah and then they killed him for it but if these guys didn't preach the word in the language we understood we would never be here now if hagen didn't tell me the bible was true he rely on it i wouldn't be here now yeah we honor all these guys are on the luther we're on all these generations and we're the generation they're shifting from here to here and you said i will do that before the foundation of the world you said i will do that thing so what's been framed up for us is christianity where you wait to go to heaven jesus so glue is taking your sins away and you're sinless okay you're forgiven the devil doesn't care about you being sinless he's seen sinless before he didn't impress him then doesn't impress him now what he didn't know is that christ in you the hope of glory if you knew that you received the person of christ the christ would fall to ground be multiplied he would never have crucified the lord of glory and that's what we have that's what we have this is the secret from before the foundation of the world that's what you have and so this church we go back to the thirty sixteen hundred the threefold church body soul spirit they're body orientated okay so all the image local churches pretty much as a representation okay not individuals within there's some catholics that were like yeah so you know i'm just saying as a broad frame-up understanding i remember they we said they live on earth our earth supply and they pray god is way over there father can you do this for us and maybe he will stand down the prayer maybe we'll send down a miracle maybe and every now and then a very special christian called a saint is born and they have some special connection and they can bring it down and what we do is we kill them and then venerate them afterwards yeah that's what we do because there's murder always murder so and so this guy's their highest hope okay is to die and then go to heaven that's that this body which they love okay which is supposed to love but the body is their frame up of the whole world when this body dies then i get the spirit so they want to die or rapture that god will come down grab them and raise and see in how many places that's their hope maybe god will come down grab me put stoop down make me great pull him aside be and raise and see me in heavenly places maybe that will happen one day that's their hope the highest hope is rapture 64 pentecostals who live on earth our heaven supply on earth have earth supply on earth out of heaven supply miracles come down presence come down their highest desire is revival because here's the curtain we're not there so we need god to come down for a special move then revival is great i'm not against revival i'm living against rapture it doesn't play a part in my life or my theology and if it's true and what up we go i go ah rapture was true what do you know you win whatever but it doesn't play a part rapture theology is not the issue our hearts response to rapture theology is the big issue if one day jesus comes back and grabs me cool but me going pulling back from society and creation and what and moving further and further away from the naughty people they're having more sex than i am it makes me very angry i want god to punish them my whole goal is calm lord get the good guys out and make the bad guys suffer california in the sea in the sea in the sea come on [Music] throw those commies into the sea and become what spirit are you off satan you're expressing the nature of another father jesus said to the pharisees he says yes you're abraham's descendants but he's not your father you don't express his nature because if you were abraham's children you'd listen to me because abraham listened to me but you don't so the devil is your father you're not saying satan came down and literally fathered them into the earth he's saying that listen to the devil's words that seed and then expressing his nature but wanting california to be thrown into the sea is to express the nature of another father you don't know what spirit you're of rapture theology fine whatever but our whole soul's response to that is to remove yourself from loving the earth and loving these people and wanting them to be judged and that's not to by the knowledge of good and evil we're good they're evil yeah yeah the very thing that goes kicked out of the garden we're trying to display it to god and then 60-fold they want revival they want god to come down still god has to come down they're still humans their theology is not what they say the behavior is what you believe yeah i believe that this building is on fire well that's mentally said but if you honestly believe this building was on fire there would be a response yeah okay so lots of theology but what they do is their belief system okay what what you do [Music] so they want holy spirit to come down and their greatest hope is this this um this revival or throne zone or presence or you know indwelling or whatever yeah and what they're saying is i'm not that already because this is christianity let's call this christianity and let's call this uh this is called the sunship just for the sake of this thing right christian is a term given to us by satanists satan has called us christians and guess what i'm a christian 100 as far as the world's concerned as far as pagans are concerned as far as satanists are concerned yeah yeah i'm a christian whatever that means to you by him i'm a christian accurate observation i follow christ but as far as i'm concerned i'm not christian because jesus wasn't a christian jesus wasn't a christian he was the christ he was the uniquely begotten son of god the beloved son of god that's what i am i'm the beloved son of god if you think you're outside this curtain you still believe god has to do something the cross didn't quite make it thanks jesus good job and you got me from here to here and here plus 10 the gross my income and me not watching the bachelorette the cross plus 10 of the gross gets the blessing the cross plus you not doing this or do doing this whatever denomination you're part of the cross plus jesus gave you his his very self you and christ the one raised to it how many places one with the father forever you can't slip through his fingers you are his fingers you are one being with the being capital b so these guys the highest hype is revival well this guy's highest hope is to reign for the redemption of all creation so let's see what should have been framed up for us i'll use a very useful textbook called the bible it's good helps support my theology we don't tell the bible what christianity is it tells us yeah it is divine in revelation the bible is supernatural genius it is the inspired word of god without doubt okay i'm in romans 8 and i'm going to start from verse 18. this is paul telling us what's going on thanks paul for i consider the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us hmm does someone say in us this is esv anyway to us will be enough because we get in us later okay reveal the glory is revealed to us not in us for the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of god creation is not weighing for christians it's not waiting for rapture it's not waiting for revival it's prevailing waiting for the revelation of the sons of god to be manifest to be revealed the thing that we are and we become that by believing no other way and believing comes from hearing no other way the foolishness of preaching just hearing a word have you heard that the pope needs to save you that's the word you receive and you frame up around that well if you hear that all of creation is yearning for you to manifest and that that being has already been given to you by taking the divine nature in this body for the creation was subjected to futility sorry for the creation was subjected to futility not willingly so creation has a will creation is conscious against its will it was subjected to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it who's him the fool of adam the devil no your dad your father subjected it to a frustration turning down okay not willingly but because of him who subjected it what was god's in hope that the creation itself this is god's hope it doesn't have to happen will he find faith when he returns okay because of him who subjected the in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of god creation is not weighing for jesus creation's not waiting for revival knowing for rapture doing for god's judgment stop praying for the return it's waiting to receive the glory of us and the glory of us is the glory christ had before the foundation given to us this glory is what we give okay uh some translations say the same uh yeah the same glory the same salvation we have and that's what we give okay so i'm 30-fold and i'm waiting for jesus to come back and sort this mess out that's what i give to creation so you don't even have a fake tree in here okay so a tree think of a tree that tree is not a tree that's not a tree that's a tree subjected to frustration you've never seen a tree your dog is a dog subjected to frustration gold is gold subjected to frustration you've never seen gold you've never seen a dog because it's not in this glorified state because if you saw a caterpillar in its glorified state you would worship it so all these amazing glorified creation god had to subject it against its will in hope that we believe the gospel and raise up to become mature sons if i can use that to him mature sons glorified and then we give creation that glory we set it free but you give what you've got so if i believe that christ is coming back one day i say hey tree don't worry it's a tree hey tree don't worry one day jesus will come back wipe all this out fix you up the day the lord's coming just don't be in california on that day sorry sorry californian trees but we give it the salvation we have one day god will come down and do something rend the heavens and come down one day he'll do this for us he hasn't done it yet okay but if we're 65 oh that's silly silly we know what's going on we're going the right speed everyone else has gone too slow or too fast we're doing the right speed creation tree subject of frustration don't worry because if we the people of the lord turn from our wicked ways and repent god will heal our land and he will send revival in a particular geographic area for a particular set amount of time and if we don't sin during that time the revival will come and in this area you will experience a portion of the aspect of the kingdom and you'll produce three crops a year and your tomatoes will be this big if we get it right and then maybe we'll have a conference and people come to that conference and they'll catch the fire and go back to their place and they'll get big tomatoes creation why because i believe i'm giving creation the same glory the same salvation that i have or i am the fullness of the statue of christ i am the glorified son of god now in this body it manifests the more i believe it and how i believe it just by hearing it's true that's it receiving a word receiving a promise the foolishness from preaching the tree of life word pure seed not mixed seed knowledge of good and evil which always brings death revival not revival culture okay as in there's a very famous church that they love revival okay i'm not speaking about their heart for god's presence to come i'm just saying if your highest hope is the rapture or your highest hope is revival you've been robbed if you're a son of god yeah that revival come if god my father's doing that i'm gonna do it too you know and whatever they need i'll do but their hearts because they believe their it's their highest hope that's their salvation that's their rescue yeah a miracle a visitation amazing minister a man of god a revival something a sovereign move of god a sovereign move of god that we position ourselves for by repentance we have a good theology or so removed by our good theology god has done it i am the righteous glorified son of god i can attain the same resurrection life he has as he is somewhere now on the earth i can partake in the divine nature how by a promise by believing a word that he said i could he said he did he says he has he says better be left then that's true and i bring this to creation and i have your destiny is to be transfigured that's your destiny to be transfigured and a transfigured body looks like is a is a word that's in your already in your spirit man has come into your soul and you believe it it goes into your body and your dna looks the same if you look and that's to look exactly like your father to look exactly like the father what is that if only someone could come down and show us what the father looked like so voting someone could be the exact representation of the father on the earth he told us if you do these things you'll be like your father in heaven he says reign of the good and evil if you allow your life down for the wicked you will transfigure you'll bless your enemies the whole facebook war going on that's not blessing their enemies the great meme war of 2020. let's get back to the bubble where were we paul help us okay for the creation was subject to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it in hope that the creation itself will be set free from the bondage to corruption and maintain the freedom of the glory of the children of god us okay for we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now and not only the creation but we ourselves who have the first fruits of the spirit grown inwardly as we wait eagerly for the adoption of sons someone live casting hello chris it's gone as we wait eagerly for adoption of sons the redemption of our bodies for in this hope we were saved so what is the hope of salvation to go to heaven to get a revival to get a miracle the redemption of our bodies is the hope to which we're saved the kingdom is to come to earth not ask die against the kingdom this unlimited resource of love and goodwill to all men even our enemies even those who plot to hurt us if those betray us is to bring this unlimited resource of love word spirit light into here if you receive it into your soul into your body you can give it to the tree which is yearning consciously yearning what does what is a tree the bible says the trees of the field will clap their hands ah old testament metaphor maybe they know we are to bring this to here this to here this is your soil this is your land this is your temple jesus came in the body incarnated in the body lived in the body was whipped and torn in the body crucified in the body bled in the body on the earth jesus did not have to die on the cross for you to go to heaven because enoch non-christian enoch went to heaven how do you do that by the lamb slain before the foundation of the world he made a call on god's character in fact it depends how you read the hebrew it says he had a son and then he called upon the lord he realized how much father loved him so we could always get that way but god doesn't want us to go that way he wants to go this way he was bringing heaven it was all things reconciled under jesus christ having the earth together as one place and he wants us to do it christianity god what is the sickness and disease on the earth sonship chris why is there sickness and disease on the earth christianity god why are there earthquakes sunship chris why are there earthquakes you stop the storm you do it you feed the five thousand how much longer will i be with you highest heavens belong to god but earth has given to man it's waiting for our glory the glory god's given to us we manifest it we give it there we take responsibility this is our room we clean it up god where are my shoes chris you're seven you can find your own shoes eventually we get to choose we choose what the earth looks like who we forgive us forgiven who we don't forgive is not forgiven that's a fact is california forgiven is california under condemnation well we're the ones that can hold that condemnation no one else can the god we want is us what we want him to do where to do we take it by taking responsibility the only way you take responsibility the only thing you can take into heaven is that we hold in your heart the high priest when he went through the the veil had the names of israel on his chest in his heart and he took them in yeah you're going to heaven let's say lord give me justice against nancy pelosi knock that woman out and they have a whole court case and they see nancy placer get judged well i don't know where they were i saw it they wrote a book on it where were you if you saw it that's scary that's not he's a real person hey lady this is a true story once upon a time i um i helped this person out and then she tried to take uh like some business from me in the business i was in and i couldn't even work out how she could do what she's doing with the price she was doing uh and she was serving a customer that used to be my customer and then it fell through she made got the sums wrong and she rang me up and said oh could you take over this thing i worked it out you are in big trouble another guy called back all my suppliers that i just cans because someone else took the business and bring them up and say hey that order i'm back can you do it and i paid for it and i underwrote it just under her name though so i technically oh i i literally gave her money to batter out saying but on this sale you must give me the money back okay because my money but your business will survive the business you stole from me will survive i'm literally paying for my opposition to exist okay and so that happened then she took that money spent on the new customer to wed them to him and left and that customer was my friend and other things it was actually very painful but and for her to make sure no one else came to me she had to destroy my name and so she did and's like mixed with truth chris blackbeard demanded i gave him all the money from this business deal yeah done right i did it's my money and i was when i worked out what happened i was in i was in norway i remember was i was in norway i worked out oh she has taken all that money and spent it and she took us all out to dinner one night to thank me and to thank this guy and she paid for the dinner she didn't pay for the dinner i paid for the dinner and i'm a generous tipper evidently so what do i do with this it needs to be justice god hates injustice there needs to be justice and i'm serious so i go see my dad here i go and i say a father someone has lied et cetera et cetera et cetera gold dust come on it's a spiritual moment i'm a little moment to myself here and you go into heaven you say father i have lied i have stolen i have operated out of fear i've taken and my family line has done this i'm taking responsibility for everything that's in this thing this body this land and i say lord i have done it now i haven't done it my family line has done it i said lord cleanse me in my spirit you're already clean spirit man i want it removed from all my consciousness my record everything remove it from me and god does and guess what i just go away from for lying and cheating and all these things my family line for free because christ did it i now got for free and i say father here is a person that has done these things it's caused me this damage you just let me get off for free by the blood of christ i hand her to you i'm not going to judge this person anymore not my responsibility the whole punishment against i'll give it to you if you bless your blessing or have you she's your child but i ask that you would forgive her that you blot her sins out hide them that no one knows them they love cover a thousand sins hide this reality have mercy on her don't hold the sins against her forgive the lord she doesn't know what she does i kindness leader to repentance that's why i asked he goes like wow you sound like me i'm literally transfiguring i'm changing my body because this it's not fair this person's style comes from limited resource guest resource thinking well i've got all of creation here all of word power that made all that here at my disposal i'm leaving this earthy record of you are not a good father i need to work with my own toilet scarce resource to being exactly like my father i'm christopher jairo i'm christopher rofer i am the healer i am the forgiver i'm faithful to a thousand generations i'm sorry that anger i'm quick to forgive i lay my life down before the foundation of the world that's the type of guy i am and now i'm doing it and then making that free will choice in my soul in my body my field changes my field changes my field changes my dna literally changes epigenetics and i've removed that from the earth i've removed that light that came into my family line from the earth it's gone the redemption of the body your body is redeemed through believing a word we can partake in divine nature by promises so that whole community we're talking about is we've gone by i'm gonna live off an invisible promise that god said this rather than the food i can see in front of me i'm gonna live off a promise that god said you can go live in japan for six years but yeah that's going to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars no the promise the seed has everything in it you just go just live off that and that changes this and as you saw last night your soul will freak out because you don't have a record of god's faithfulness in that area yet and it's understandable you love your soul man my soul's freaking out just give it a hug it's okay because just hold and see god's faith has come through i used to be a chocolatier like a confectioner okay and yeah you get chocolate and some that's like white and slimy and you know it's like flowery it doesn't just and then you get other chocolate that's shiny and bright and you snap it okay the exact same chocolate exactly the same but the molecular structure has changed okay so you can take that awful chocolate and use a special system called tempering you can turn it to crisp sharp chocolate because all the ingredients are there just to rearrange the molecules so what we do is you you take this thing into a solid form you heat it and becomes liquid chocolate you hit it just right enough for the molecular structure to break down then you slightly call it the simplified version you slightly cool it and when you call it you have to heat up so it loses all the structure and under the heat and then you choose what structure it sets in by cooling it slightly and the small molecules set first and they sit in a beautiful you say crystalline structure it's just this perfect uniform shape and as that sets all the bigger stuff sets around it and everything sets like this you have this beautiful chocolate you have to heal it first when you hold on to the word that's just heating the chocolate because money needs to be on thursday there's no money on thursday i'm in trouble hold hold don't say anything you can't say something nice about god don't say anything at all just hold it heats up heats up heats up heats up heats up then god performs his word everything sets around that word you set a new structure a new field a literally new dna a new cellular memory whatever you want to say we want to bring this place to this place well this place operates like a loving father who injects himself into creation by word that's what you do because you are not a human being you're a new creation you were a living being now you're a life-giving spirit you need to walk like a spirit walks and then one day your body will look like your spirit and your spirit operates off the word of the father and the source of the father he is your source for everything and in the lives being trained framed up to have this source and this source okay and what we're doing slowly bit by bit okay at the speed of your own soul we don't you know don't walk don't walk on water like you know don't yeah don't think all right i'm never gonna eat again i'm gonna get money again i'm gonna live in japan like now you'll go just let that be farther into it every child must go at the same rate every child must be taught the way they should go okay and you've got natural resources here reputations strengths insurances foods okay and if you're tied those things by the fear of death you're held to bondage and then if a control system comes in what do is tweak those things and the whole church will move with it yeah you've got a 501c well we'll take your money away if you don't agree to this you don't do that and they're held so this is their source who's the source the knowledge of good and evil the devil is their source knowledge was their source you're sons of god you're the spirit being these things are irrelevant and what we're doing slowly slightly just picking things up and walking into heaven my money my food my emotions my relationships my dna my family history okay and we're exchanging that for word for spirit and it comes this way by believing it and god will walk you through this in a way you understand at a rate you need to go so you can bring to earth the record you agreed to to redeem the body the hope which were called and as you redeemed the body what took you 20 years you can give away in an hour and then you redeem the body and then as we change this we can change this literally we change that we change wood we change air we change plastic we change glass we change andromeda we change the stars we change everything because we're made of a soil and we're constantly entangled with everything and as you change that changes forgive your mum stars are brighter and that's why everything and everybody wants to affect human dna and their emotions because we believe in our heart we speak with our mouth and we create because this is ours this is ours it's been given to us so all these things we do as christians or as a church are great but who's doing it is the question you've got a revival great but it's a son of god raising seed in how many places that wants revival not someone asking god to do something on their behalf can you always be a child you gotta tell your kids and their five-year-old six o'clock clean your teeth but they're twenty-year-old and you have to ring them up and say six o'clock clean your teeth there's something wrong yeah okay father bring revival to the city okay that's great if you're five years old father stop the earthquakes all right if you're five-year-old i can help you but in the bible immaturity is called carnality in that you're attached to taste touch and see maturity is to believe a word that's all this that's how mature it is so you can be a bible teacher for 50 years uh doing old testament survey know the greek no other hebrew no the aramaic no inside and out and you are an immature believer because you don't believe in the promise you're not living from the spirit you're here a little there a little preset to one precept you end up the mountain you've got the law you can be a christian for five years and just believe that god would do that for you that's who he is and you'll be led by you'll rely on that word no matter what you taste touch and see you believe the promise whatever that promise is any promise in scripture that he will do it nothing to do you whatsoever make a call on his character like david like everybody like jesus into your hands i commit my spirit i read i found myself in the scriptures and you say you'll not let your holy one see the k well that's the word that's the promise i'm relying complete on this word shadrach meshach and abednego i'm relying completely on his character he is this person and if he's not he is that person i'm going to live by this and nothing else i will not let any of these things any of these words and these fathers and these preachers disagree with who my father is that's my dad you can't talk about him that way emotions that's my dad you can't talk about them that way they don't crush your emotions you sanctify them and crush your body you sanctify it you give the same salvation you have three from ephesians three here for three nine 8 to me though on the very least of the saints the grace was given to preach to the gentiles the unsearchable riches of christ and to bring to light to for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in god who created all things so paul is about to tell us the mystery hidden in christ for all creation for all things he's about to tell us this thing what is this mystery so that through the church that's us the man for wisdom might be made known to the laws and the authorities in the heavenly places god's plan is that through us his manifold wisdom will be displayed to all creation and every power and principality and authority that things it runs the show through us not father will you come and do this father send this through us we are the ones you will take responsibility for it for your enemies and your friends and be good and send reign on the good news with the just the unjust you will bring that here through us when you read all the ephesians it's it's pretty crazy let's go to verse 20 now to him who's able to do far more abundantly than we think or ask or ask or think who's heard that before yeah god can do more than you can think or ask well ask and imagine he can do more than this that's a great wow i'm going to pray to my god father in heaven through jesus i ask in his name that you can do more than i think i'll ask and i think and ask for this get it done do it i believe i'm holding on now to him he was able to do far more abundantly than we than we ask or think according to the power at work within us jesus stop the storm you stop the storm jesus feed these hungry people you feed the hungry people are you in the image of your father can you do what christ has done and greater things then we can't set measure but what we taste touch and see which is idolatry and we go by the word knowing the word will do it all if you don't believe he will give it to you you'll do something together which is a religion of your own making other work within us right two ways to go show of hands okay all right let's stay on the same track let's go i'm going to go to axe six here let's talk about transfiguration six is a very short i'm gonna go from verse eight stephen to the most important characters of the new testament who hold the secrets their lives hold the secrets to manifesting upon the earth is mary the mother and stephen mary's been stolen from us same as communion got stolen from us by well-meaning lutherans good intent all right now stephen a man full of god's grace and power perform great wonders and signs among the people just a dude not apostle stephen stephen opposition arose however from members of the synagogue of the freedmen as it was called jews of cyrene and alexandria and all of the provinces of cecilia and asia he began to argue with stephen they could not stand up against the wisdom the spirit gave him as he spoke not planned in the moment then they secretly persuaded some men to say we have heard stephen speak blasphemous words against moses and against god so they're lying so whose nature are they showing of their father correct so they stirred up the people and elders and teachers of the law they see stephen brought him before the sanhedrin they produced false witnesses who testified this fellow never stopped speaking against the holy place and against the law for we have heard him say that jesus of nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs moses handed down to us all who are sitting in the sanhedrin looked at intently at stephen and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel so when you think the face of an angel is not a baby cherub [Laughter] an angel just means a messenger from heaven and someone says angel it could be melchizedek it could be paul it could be elijah it could be gabriel it could be uriel it could be jesus himself just means messenger angel is a job who's doing the job who knows a being from heaven they're accusing him falsely and before them he's transfiguring he's turning into a being from heaven how was that let's go to acts 7 now stephen gives them their full history speaking in the moment from the spirit extemporaneously okay let's go to verse 54. when the members of the sanhedrin heard this they were furious who are these the sons of satan jesus called them and gnashed their teeth at him but stephen full of the holy spirit looked up to heaven and he saw the glory of god which is the body of god god presents his body's glory you can actually see god you see the glory of god and jesus staying at the right hand of god look he said i see heaven open and the son of man is standing at the right hand of god do what stephen is doing now he's invoking the death penalty consciously consciously doing it at this they covered their ears and yelling at the top of their voices they all rushed at him dragged him out of the city and began to stone him execute him meanwhile the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named saul while thou stoning stephen while they were stunning him stephen prayed lord jesus received my spirit relying completely on the word of another then he fell on his knees and cried out lord do not hold this sin against them when he said this he fell asleep sons of god can't be martyred can only give up their life willingly you got nothing in common you can walk through the crowd he chose and sons of god can't die they can fall asleep why did you why did stephen transfigure he made a decision in his soul which hit his body i'm going to lay my life down for these people i'm going to plead for their forgiveness as they're doing it the end [Laughter] but why what what made this so amazing who was the person destroying israel destroying the christian church saul murderous threats satan are guys around doing the work of satan have you ever seen that movie about paul you see him chase that little girl down the killer you've seen that movie you realize he was murderous he chases a little girl down into the into the markets no one escapes everybody must die for god he would have killed some of stephen's friends he sees that guy there saul makes a decision my life my call my scroll the great apostle which i'm about to be i'm gonna lay it down i'm going to give it to that guy he gave down his whole life his whole inheritance for his enemy forgive the lord not they do but then you see the metaphor of all the jackets going to him stephen laid his life down for his enemy he made a decision the true nature of the father lived in his soul hit his body transfigured he overcome the record of any nature of another father in him who saw jesus trans figure peter james john what do they have in common that the other disciples don't they all had satan rebuked in them another voice of another father peter get behind me satan heat the chocolate set the chocolate break the arm reset the up james and john shall we cool down fire they knew they could we even get that far and you look good shall we cool down fire you don't know what spirit you're off you're speaking like another father right now you've got to see it you're called out forgiveness is your nature you've been given it it's a miracle you lay your life down for enemy on the night you're betrayed you will give up your body in fact you will lie down your whole scroll to give your enemy the opportunity to choose it out their free will that god is good be like a father that's what father does at the cost of his own name time resource life lays it down to show his true nature to give you the opportunity to recognize it have your out of your own free will to choose it to see it and that's what you are you're born of that same seed you are the generation that says all right let me bring heaven to earth and now we know how would you lay your life down for nancy pelosi for chuck schumer for hillary what's your heart for these people is it by knowledge of good and evil or is the lamb slain before the foundation of the world can you get involved in this system good or evil with the clocks coming around so american christians under the assumed victory of the last four years in their rightness are stirring up death wrath wrath wrath it's building it's building it's building it's building if they don't get power again this time that wrath is coming out against them the devil did this no we agree with the voice of that devil and by knowledge and evil we wanted to crush these evil people with political power but father has he saved them has laid his life before the foundation of the world to give them the opportunity to choose his good god there's some terrible things that happened and there's earthly consequences of earthly actions and i just hope that all these prophets are right and then i hope structures come down uh god abhors uneven scales was hit in darkness be brought to light that is my prayer but for the people our victory the great victory is that their sins they know in this body in their lifetime they are completely forgiven and they can walk on the full stature of christ the church's victory is that hillary clinton walks in the fullness of the statue of christ in a lifetime that's a victory that epstein's co-worker walks in the fullest of statue of christ in her lifetime we're like some person is a person who reaches 80 and he falls to immorality or tax evasion or something like that you know he crushes and we go the devil got him there's a long life in the end the devil got him that's the concept we have in our heads but we don't think of somebody served the devil their whole life and we get them at the very end whoa we got him we want that person to be punished the name to be destroyed then to go to jail then the crush what's the victory the devil knows a great victory take out that great speaker well let's take out that great speaker what is the only victory is that the justice that jesus paid for reaches that person yet this is your heart you like the kingdom you can have its stuff if this is your heart it's going to hit your body and you will transfer you that's free will choice you don't have to walk in the form of a statue of christ in your lifetime consider the cost before building a tower do you want to see him in heaven you're allowed to that's a theoretical response that's good so he felt pretty good you won't be disappointed do you want to be a good minister of the gospel with some science wonders and miracles that's very good tongues and the presence and all these things like that incorporating with angels excellent stuff okay or voluntarily do you walk through the jordan and so we can take that land which spy are you going to be it's your free will choice you don't have to do it if you do do it and you say you will god will take you on your word your voice is your yes then he will in becoming a person is going to work off invisible source situations will come on the earth that aren't like that you know what you're going to hold which source you're going to have which are going to have the invisible word or we can taste touch and see he will do it his word he is faithful he's loved he will do it into your hands and commit my spirit and god's gonna do this and if he doesn't he's still the god that does that and i will lay down my life for my best friend for acquaintances for those working against me the people who betrayed me because that's what my father does and i look exactly like the father the seven amount is not a list of things to attain to the seven on the mount describes me do you want to heal the sick or remove sickness from the earth do you want to give money to the poor or remove poverty from the earth do you want to gold standard christianity raise the dead or remove death from the earth you can by believing a promise creation is yearning for us by the power of working us more you can ask or imagine but the power at work in us so we're about to make a free will choice you may not be willing but you're willing to become willing forgiveness is a miracle and bless your enemies once again forgiveness is a whole thing in itself no one's saying what happened to you doesn't matter no one's saying it wasn't a crime it is a genuine crime hence the miracle of forgiveness and you'll be angry at god you may need to forgive god we're just releasing those charges against him for going that right i don't know what it is but you're you want to change the sound around you to match the sound that's already inside you the nature of the father if you change your mind it just comes out how does it change your mind you hear a word that's it no flesh you hear a word so let's go just spend it's gonna take two minutes it doesn't be long we're gonna step in we're already there we're just lining our souls and their bodies up with what's already true and we're gonna say god i stick my hand up to bring this record in this generation so the next one doesn't have to do it what gets framed up for them is heaven itself now and i'll lay down this body i'm going to remove the works of the devil from the land and redeem the generations i'm going to change this soil and then i'll give it to free to all creation mankind comets aliens had sailings just [Laughter] so before you is a veil just to help our bodies and our souls framing up an old testament picture which is there on purpose to help us everything's written to help us and this vow now is the torn body of the lord jesus christ the only true and living way into the presence of god and jesus through you alone the narrow gate through we go into the prince of presence of god and the enemy is silenced we get a new jacket and a new crown we belong here already no matter what bad decisions good decisions doesn't care what anything we make we receive the word we belong here forever and father we have seen in your word that here is to be brought to earth through us and father wherever we are on this understanding it would can decide it now we say lord we give you permission to work on us till we come to a place where we decide this you are love you are light you are spirit and we have your nature and this amazing kingdom that you've created we're going to take responsibility for the earth all creation this glory which you've now given to us we want to bring it down through our souls and our bodies from jerusalem judea samaria and into all the earth and from our see the place in heaven we look down creation we say creation we apologize but now i know the great mystery hidden before the foundation of the world that we can display the manifold wisdom of god to all creation the power and us the redemption of the body the hope to which we're called and to give that glory to creation and we change now we are word the very thing that made you we take response before you we love you and we're going to bless you good and evil just and unjust like our father will allow life down to give you the opportunity to receive and know the father have your own free will father i'm gonna be exactly like you i'm gonna transfigure in the body the immortal take over the mortal the risen glorified christ the same resurrection life you have partake in the divine nature put on a new man to create to be like god in the body we want to fix creation and we say like adam could have said through relationship through a promise the word of the tree of life the person of christ you will father us into being the sons that can then change creation to our desire as we learn to be like you and jesus when you return you will find faith on the earth lord as an act of our free will we choose now to bless those who cursed us to release the charges against those who have hurt us we've done the same thing and have been forgiven now family line has done the same things being forgiven and we asked lord that you would forgive them and hold not these sins against them lord cover their sins with keep forgiven the big debt release them of this small deal i release them with a small debt hold no charge against them and put them in your hands may they know you and walk in the fullness of the status of christ in our lifetime and we as lord speak now to the church's enemies and people working against your gospel the people working against freedom the people the sons of satan trying to reproduce themselves in the earth lord we say forgive them lord they know not what they do may they receive the same knowing that you are a good father i offer my life to bring in this generation so the next generation will never have to fight this battle and heaven earth we reconciled unto christ the wisdom you decided before the foundation of the world that we would do that for you all glory is the beloved christ all glories are lamb stained before the foundation of the world thank you father thank you holy spirit thank you jesus our brother seven spirits of god chewed rusting into this we've never done this before cloud of witnesses those who stand by here men and white lenin ecclesia church of heaven we invite you to walk in the fullness of your reward to the lives that we live that your scrolls will be fulfilled in our lifetime that you'll be fully rewarded finding us a platform a heart for you to invest your life and your record into this world for us who are still in the body we honor you and recognize you and the angelic thank you so much all the angels all the children the seraph from the ishmael and all the angels all the classes that help us this is our home this is what we do we're going to bring you to earth we're all going to earth we're all going into creation it's going to become one the glory of christ through us what great wisdom you have so wise so loving what we can ask or imagine if you told us we would not have believed it it's so amazing receive that this is our word in heaven may have recorded our yeses are yes write it down establish it and now with that we'll see it's gone in and you will do it you will do it thank you we rest in this we take this record and symbolically we just step back into houston into our chairs and we listen to our souls so it's done he is faithful that he hit the body they hit the emotions they hit our respiratory system that it hit our heart our blood our silly memory our frequency the worth of the father amen amen all right [Applause] this is your hope this is good this is better this is better than revival it is i love revival i think it's awesome but the gospel is the power of salvation all right amen hello if we would just stand up and give chris like a b an applause [Applause] it's it's funny all conference every time i came up here to speak i kept saying wow and it was actually a literal expression of every speaker this weekend was just amazing i think everyone for being here also if you want to give and bless chris blackaby today blake over here he's going to have a box if you want to do cash or check the check you can make it out to god's house and then we'll just transfer it over with cash and as well if you look here on the screen for text giving if you just text a dollar amount like 20 or 10 or 500 or 100 however much you want to give 100 and then put chris in all lower case it will go to his fund and we will make sure that he gets it after again if you haven't done the text giving what it will do is it will send you a link to register your credit card and then you can just give easily with one click so just praying us out thank you god i just i'm so grateful for just a transfiguration and the translocations and the unwinding and the the new dna makeup that you are giving each and every one of us god i just thank you for the body that that under natural circumstances does not determine our supernatural i just thank you for for the family the family that was created god through through darren to you god i thank you that we can all come in this place got it and as we as we go out here the natural things of seeing your natural expression and them that we start to create them god that in everything we do it's more of a pleasure instead of a need i just thank you for everyone in this place jesus name
Channel: I Am God's House
Views: 8,982
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Id: -yqZS-DjRxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 12sec (6312 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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