Who's Your Daddy? #2/4: Life Giving Spirits Live By Word

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[Music] [Music] i want to thank song and the roon thank you very much do i love these guys [Applause] all right and we just really want to land this this thing about who's your dad okay who's your daddy and people ask me are you universalist chris or what do you think happens and there's the second chances and i say i don't know all i know that is when you leave this body you go and live with your dad that's all [Laughter] so who's your father who's your dad good news you've been born again you received the person of christ which is a person which is a word which is a seed you died to being a human you're raised as a benoit elohim a son of god but not like the other sons of god a unique monogenesis the unique son of god born from above as the ruin keeps saying born from above this is who you are even you nature this new nature is exactly like the father exactly like him and you have to be told this if you don't know you've got it you'll do something to obtain it the thing you do to obtain it is religion it's a knowledgeable and evil it's the very thing that goes kicked out of the garden we're trying to use to get back into the garden if you don't know you've got it you will do something together the thing we do to get it is to express the nature of the fatherhood of satan religion is the seed line of satan is that satan is your father is to say you god are not a good father thus i must work in the field and then what happens when you work in the field you don't get anything and you're angrier and angrier and angrier and then some bozo that doesn't deserve a thing gets everything and now you're murderous why because that's what cain was cain was a great christian he was done everything right he never made a call on god's character he made a great christian a great priest perfect in all his ways because he used the knowledge of good and evil which is why his offerings were unacceptable they were to qualify himself not from qualification not from gratitude he did know god was a good father he had an accusation against god thus sin was crouching at his door and with a murder religion always wants to murder the son of the spirit they killed the prophets who the sons of satan want to kill jesus who the sons of satan the devil is your father you brew the vipers your father is the devil did the devil literally father those people no not descendants of the devil their father is expressing his nature his words his seed his siren i wanted hierarchy they wanted a priesthood and a laity the the detestable practices of the nikko had laitan's nico laity we in the church we use the word laity as expressly banned in revelations the testable is called nico laity well all priests are all kings yep that's what we've done the one that didn't want the bible translated into the common language so you get a word inside you we've received words we've inherited words we've experienced words of what it means and they've become part the sound that we are which is our heart our sealer cellular memory we've got these words inside us and they might say you're great or they might say you're not so great you don't deserve this no one's coming to help you there's something faulty about you that you don't qualify for unqualified love you don't qualify for agape there's something wrong about you okay everybody else does it just doesn't happen for you there's something faulty about you this is shame and jesus took our shame and replaced it with himself the beloved son where your shame was you now have the beloved son and god was give you all the kingdom and if you can't receive it without works then you'll never know what the father's like you'll never become him because you have to give the way to people who don't deserve it that's your job free received pretty given so the fastest way is is to never work for god again never qualify yourself for god against come as you are even if you're angry with god even you've got accusations this thick in the manila folder at home against god take it give it to him and say this is what i feel about you this is who i am god can work with that because sin doesn't surprise him it doesn't shock him it doesn't even bother him it's dealt with but if you don't call him good there's no way you can go you don't if you don't think he's going to give it to you you will do something to get it or you will stop doing things together whatever you're still qualifying yourself by your own strength by your own wisdom by arma flesh which is always under a curse and that curse is death the tree of knowledge of good and evil had one fruit for good and evil fruit one fruit it's not good fruit and evil fruit the good nibble fruit it's a mixed seed do something good for god you've just done something evil for god and the evil fruit goes quick okay god's not gonna be good to me so i'm the younger son i leave and i go live the party life and if you get involved in lots of sex and lots of drugs and and lots of wild living and and stuff that clock comes fast you can't do that for so long until it catches up with you okay and it gets you okay but being good for god that clock moves slow okay you can do cocaine for 10 years you can do religion for 40 years before that gets you yeah but it's coming it's coming it's coming and you wake up you've seen a guy for 40 years he hasn't given you a goat this is the situation i uh my pastor pastors my pastor ex pastors pretty much and they all have the same experience they work so hard for god and behave so well and they reach their late 30s early 40s and their life hasn't produced what was promised to them but it has for their other friends who are nowhere no way near as good as well behaved as they are yeah and this is difficult and finally the death catches up with them and their finances crash where their relationships crash or their marriages crash or their health crashes and death's coming what produce the death good works good works unto righteousness not from righteousness from righteousness work 20 hours a day ask ruin how you do this he knows just from righteousness be as active as you want but for righteousness only believe anything except believing is to be under a curse the galatian deception you foolish galatians who has bewitched you how did you receive the holy spirit how do you maintain the holy spirit by believing that's it because believing is to receive a word and the word comes from outside creation so there's no frustration has no death has no lack has only life word has only life and what we want to do is replace all these words in us this need for justice or this uh idea of shame which we inherited god knows he's not shocked okay he's not shocked at all he knows what's in you and that's a word a fathering he wants to replace it with another word but god will only be chosen by free will he wants you to make a call on his character you are who you say you are adam and eve didn't believe the word so they reach for their own hand and they brought death that's the only pattern second adam first adam the devil said to first adam did god really say questioning the word they didn't believe the word so they reached brought death yeah last adam jesus the devil comes to him this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased that's the word to him the devil comes and twists a little bit like the first time he says if you are the son of god he drops the word beloved if you are the son of god do this why are you hungry turn this into bread prove that you are loved prove yourself god by doing something with your hand express your power and jesus said no the word will defend me the word is enough the word does the work the word does the work it really does and you wait and that's how the word works the word works by waiting i should have thought that through before the word works by waiting that's how it works by faith and patience a promise is produced even mary exact same exact same process believe a word yeah that's what we're going to do this last bit i'm going to talk about the invisible god god is invisible and he reveals himself as invisible and he calls himself the invisible god even though people in scripture see him old testament new testament he says i am the invisible god they see his glory and appears as a man so glory and body is connected old testament new testament that's not him they see his glory and the glory sat down or the glory had feet okay glory and body is always attached because this is gonna be glorified and then this is to be glorified yeah so but he's invisible old testament and new testament chris put up 1 corinthians 15 45 this is a very important concept okay so it is written the first man adam became a living being the last adam a life-giving spirit okay this is that first the natural then the physical first the natural then the spiritual first adam was a living being that's us we're a living being that put ourselves under death second adam is a life-giving spirit this is what you are you are a life-giving spirit so we get taught to be christians waiting to die to go to heaven okay and none of these promises of the bible work for us if you're not a human being waiting to go to heaven you are a son of god and the son of god is a life-giving spirit this is what you do you are the source to this earth you're the source we're waiting for the rapture to escape this evil place let the evil people be judged yep we are the life-giving spirits we are sons of god where everything that he is but nothing that he's not everything it says of jesus it says of you and he was the exact representation of the father when you see a description of the father one of the father's names describes the father that's to see jeremiah describes you jehovah jorah okay christopher jairo is better he's lit that he left i am now the supply of the world do you have a rofer a healer christopher rophie i'm a healer let my dad nissi is it the banner over me is love that's me i'm like my father i'm an i am like he is and i am a banner of love by dna i don't achieve it i don't fast for it the day i believed not the day i repented not the day i stopped smoking not the day i stopped i forgave my mum another day i started going to church the day i believed is a day i received that seed i was born again and all the attributes of the father are mine and i am the answer for this world and i'm a source to this world and the only way to be a source is to be a spirit being and this is the great secret of scripture once you see it it's so clear spirit beings create into the world by word we believe a word and this machine this technology of this body manifests it i believe in word does this soil produces the crop yep let's see that over there again so god is invisible if you're invisible it could be taste touched or seen the only way i could know you were me by your word and this is god he's a spirit being and he wants to be known by his word he's saying will you love me for who i am i'm word my word is me everything i reveal about myself is by my word will you believe the word because me i revealed the very essence of who i am by word he's asking will you love me for being invisible word or do you demand a manifestation do you need a collapsed particle form solid being thing in front of you he's saying love me for who i am if you love god for who he is invisible word we'll talk about this your life will radically change your anxiety will radically change your joy level will radically change what you manifest rather radically change because you can be everything that he is you can do his works and greater and you don't have to have partake in this world or its corrupt practices you can live from heaven if i was the ambassador for the usa to haiti okay so i live in my embassy in haiti and then the economy of haiti goes down what happens to my wages nothing i miss my quality of life nothing if i need to throw a party for a thousand people usa pays for it i need a new car usa pays for it electricity stays on air conditioning stays on satellite stays up because my economy is not attached to their economy okay if i work as the ambassador usa pays for everything usa needs a dinner for a thousand people usa pays for it if i want to throw a dinner for a thousand people for my own purposes usa may not pay for it but if i'm doing what the usa is doing i'm saying what the usa is saying i continue to get paid okay this is just a metaphor it's not the hot perfect picture of the kingdom that's a metaphor if i'm doing what the kingdom is doing kingdom pays what's the kingdom doing sending rain on good people and evil people with a just people with the unjust people forgiving us enemies on the night is betrayed giving up its body laying its life down before the sin even happens that's what kingdom's doing you're doing that kingdom pays for everything with its resources as resources come in word form and manifest here and that's what we call a miracle just as a pattern but it's a miracle if you like physics we've got newtonian physics which is particle like this solid subatomic is quantum physics okay operates by different set of laws this is body quantum physics is soul quantum physics reacts the intention of human beings over and over again they can see it happen they don't know how okay so the body soul body particle physics collapsed energy soul potential soul and potential form but still exists as a waveform particle form body soul wave form spirit word form new age people can create from wave form by their intention and holding it over and over again yep they can it's not demonic it's what humans can do if i can move this with my body is that demonic no okay if i can do it within my heart if i can attend something with my soul and create it to be is that demonic no okay but it's from inside creation and they have to sustain it and that's the cruelty of it okay if you can do this with your heart and then your child gets sick and you couldn't fix it up you know the con it's a double-edged sword if you can then you couldn't it's going to get you okay but we don't crate from body we ain't crate from soul we are through the curtain razor seated where life-giving spirits we operate by word like our father who is an invisible spirit and creates with his word crying with a word is effortless no flesh no flesh from here at the kingdom no flesh inherit the glory you can't boast in this this ability is only received if the spirit creates it it humbles you if you do it for your own strength you'll go into judgment it's unavoidable that's the law if i lose 40 pounds by getting up early in the morning and changing my diet and eating this and doing this and being very disciplined and then my friend uh it goes to a benny hinn thing and someone touches him and his fat goes his pants fall down and i've taken six months to do that am i happy for that guy judgment anger murder older brother but if i received it from benny hinn okay god did it for me you come to me i say hey god do that for me as a free gift it's yours as a free gift because how you got it is how you give it away yeah same with anything okay so god's invisible god he wants to be invisible he wants to be known as the invisible god love him for who i am once you realize he's invisible he operates by word and worth alone then you can become a spirit being too and you'll do what he does the same way he does believe his heart confesses with his mouth we know by faith that god framed the world with his words that's what you do like your dad okay john 6 45-48 we're talking about god being invisible okay it says in the old testament no one can see god and live etc and then we've got uh lots in the new testament too john 6 45 is written in the prophets they will all be taught by god right let's stop there we don't even believe that yet do we believe that no one needs to be taught the holy spirit teaching themselves do we know the promise of the new covenant is that every man that god for himself no one needs to teach him do we believe that jesus said he's written the prophets they'll all be taught by god okay i'm here to teach you that i don't need to teach you that's what i'm doing is changing your mindset to say you have direct access to the father okay that's what i'm doing there's only one job there's only one ministry in the new testament that's to reconcile man to god i say here's my ministry i say arun here's the father i use whatever i bring to make that connection so he doesn't need me anymore yeah it is written in the prophets they will all be taught by god everyone who has heard the father and learned from him comes to me no one has seen the father except the one who is from god only he has seen the father okay no one's seen the father except christ himself and jesus has read the old testament okay that was the bible back then he had less less books to read okay he knows that people saw what they saw and he says very clearly no one has seen the father one john also clearly says no and send the father okay and one john that guy went to heaven and saw everything he says no one has seen the father and then colossians 1 25 this is the one that uh soon read out today 35 yep great i become ah okay i've got the right wrong one i think you read that one today from colossians i said about god being invisible believe me goes afternoons one okay song talks about uh from colossians the uh the invisible god 15 was it 15 yeah there it is the sun is the image of the invisible god the first bond of all creation jesus said i am the image of the invisible god and then he left and whether he sends more physical beings holy spirit he wants us to be spirit we're going to see that scripture is the battle between needing something to taste touch and see and hold with your own hands or believing a word every time israel went to taste touch and see they were under a curse and every time they believed the word alone the amazing miracles we all love happened yep same for us the old testament is a very clear picture of how we live as spirit beings in fact romans says that everything they went through was for us so the only only one game in town and that is god is creating mature fully mature sons on the earth and all the old testament everything went through is a pattern just so we could understand how to be a son of god that's all it's for it's incredible yeah for us for this generation if we so choose okay deuteronomy 4 15 to 20. this pattern's all through scripture i'm gonna pick one or two out because we can read all the things in new testament where miracles happen they believe the word or miracles didn't happen they went by the arm of flesh okay every story everybody just goes that way okay so this is um moses talking to the israelites when he went up the mountain okay and he said come up the mountain and they didn't they stayed down and it took so long for moses to come down they want to make something they can taste touch and see yep you saw no form there it is okay nothing materialized there's no answer to prayer there wasn't a statue there wasn't a thing in front of them they won't love god for who he is visible word spirit okay you saw no form of any kind the day of the lord spoke to your horeb out of the fire therefore watch yourselves very carefully so you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol an image of any shape with a form like a man or a woman or like any animal on the earth or any bird that flies in the air or like any creature that moves on the ground there any fish in the waters below however they go 45-48 and when you look up to the sky and see the sun the moon the stars nor the heavenly array do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshipping things the lord your god has a portion to all the nations under heaven but as for you the lord took you and brought you out brought you out of the iron smelting furnace out of egypt to be the people of his inheritance as you now are okay because they saw no form they wanted to make something yeah can we just bring up um well hang on let's keep going there 23 23 to 25 be careful not to forget the covenant of the lord your god that he made with you do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the lord your god has forbidden for the lord your god is a consuming fire a jealous god after you've had children and grandchildren have lived in the land a long time if you then become corrupt and make any idol doing evil in the eyes of the law of god arousing his anger okay here's the point we're making there's lots of this all through scripture our idolatry to god is adultery it's another lover you read all through scripture there's ones in ezekiel where he is he is a burnt jealous lover he is in pain and saying um we found you we grew up i propose to you and they'll come out and you're sleeping on all the hills with other lovers and he's he when you read the words he's torn god wants to be your source your only source of life because only what comes from him is life everything not from him will contain a portion of death even okay we're on a journey okay i'm speaking where we're going and there's no condemnation right even food everything you eat had to die that you may live wheat had to die oysters had the oysters had to die [Laughter] raw oysters are dying as song eats them pigs had to die something had to die that you may live and jesus very clearly in john 6 is saying i am the brit of life i am dying that you may live you can live off jesus christ who is the word the word can sustain you the word is life indeed bread indeed food indeed if it comes from outside creation there's no waste there's no inefficiency there's no death there's only life okay and we're moving there okay don't cry self another standard to live up to okay this is what's already in you and this seed is growing how by hearing a word by the foolishness of preaching i speak something out it gets inside you and now it's like ah there's something that resonates inside you okay god's jealous and let's put exodus 32 number one up when the people saw that moses was was so long in coming down from the mountain they gathered around aaron and said come make us gods who will go before us as for this flame moses fellow moses who brought us up out of egypt we don't know what happened to him they couldn't see a form they couldn't wait the word works by weight by faith and endurance my faith and patience patience is the atmosphere of heaven love patience was it love joy peace patience they love patience if you're in heaven and god say look i'm doing this and i'll do that and i'm gonna do this and then the messiah is gonna come and then these people are gonna become exactly like him angel's like wow that's amazing when's this gonna happen and god says in 7 billion years like 7 billion years that's amazing because they enjoy his word they don't enjoy the manifestation that's not him they enjoy him they enjoy his word okay if you can enjoy the word you're always going to be in a very good place okay don't go to romans 8 i'd say romans 8 by the spirit you put to death oh you even got up there okay you put to death the flesh okay the flesh is must act now the flesh is dying your soul wants to protect you from death so want some money in the bank before you go it wants food on the table okay it must protect itself someone honks you you want to defend yourself because they have taken from your nobility and character as a driver okay and you want to defend yourself this is the flesh of its own wisdom it wants to protect you okay but it always leads to death what's the spirit doing the spirit bothered that someone honked at it not at all the spirit only gives life if you obey the spirit you mortify the flesh the spirit works by word and you're a spirit being what type a life-giving spirit okay and then galatians 15 galatians 5 16. i don't know why i wrote this down let's find out so i say to you walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh that's why i wrote it down for the flesh desires was contrary to the spirit and the spirit was contrary to the flesh okay flesh is not the body soma it's with the colon nature sarks it's a different word there this is holy when i see god in his glory they see his body okay body is glory god made this as to be trans figures to be glorified okay this flesh here means carnal nature desire to reach with your own hand to take something because god won't give it to you freely as soon as you don't believe god will give it to you freely as soon as you don't know you you are absolutely delightful in these eyes he wants to give it to you whether you deserve it or not he wants to father you into having that thing and so you don't believe he's going to father you into it you'll leave him and reach for something else this is another source this is your idol this is your god okay and to god that's not that evil sin is painful adultery he is to be your husband he should be your maker he is to be your source the father is to be your side he wants to give take from me he says come take from me with uh your dirty rags everything else come with no money come buy gold receive gold uh uh re refined in the fire new clothes farm for the eyes just come come to me yep they are in conflict with each other so you do not so you are not to do what whatever you want but if you're led by the spirit you are not under the law okay so here we go again what's the law the knowledge of good and evil if you're led by the tree of life if you reach to him and rely on the promise lie on his nature to perform it alone you are no longer under the law you don't need to qualify yourself you don't need to disqualify yourself it's irrelevant it's the wrong page or the wrong book yep the word is a promise is the nature of god and he's not a man he should lie the book of enoch which is not scripture but true says his word is his deed his word is his deed and that's you we're to become so careful of our words that our word is our deed that's what our father's like a guy called uh kevin sedai died about 30 years ago and he went to heaven and he meets jesus this is a pretty good moment yeah so he sees jesus and jesus walks up to him says kevin i'm going to judge you for every foolish word opening statement and then jesus walks right up to him like this excuse me walks up to him and says you know i mean that dang that's where he met jesus is that fearful through the lord that's through the lord yeah okay would it be like god his word is his deed says the true book of enoch that's not scripture all right let's go the acts of the flesh are obvious okay acts of the flesh but 22 fruit of the spirit flesh is an act you have to do something the arm of flesh under a curse have another god spirit is a fruit it grows yeah we see them there the through the spirit love joy peace forbearance which is patience kindness goodness faithness gentleness and self-control this is the fruit of the spirit inside you it grows from an incorruptible seed it's there and produces this nature what nature the exact nature of your father in heaven yeah okay god works in seed form seed is small beginnings this is the weird thing about god whatever humans think about god the way he acts you should just inverse it okay we have big acts big signs big buildings and god loves small still voice he loves the day of small beginnings that's what he loves he loves a cloud a cloud the size of a man's hand he loves a baby born in a manger he loves abraham walking out of his dad's tent not knowing he'll become a nation of millions and millions he loves a small beginning what does abram have to do just believe the first word and the word produces because in the world which is a seed is everything it needs to sustain it when you put an acorn seed in the ground it does need other things added to it inside that acorn seed is everything it needs for the tree to grow same as any promise from god i'm skipping about let's go there so we understand faith we all understand the faith movement okay we've had many great things about it like they called the word of god true they engaged it from a 60-fold a soul level so how do you get the red mercedes you believe for it read the city's red mercedes rebel cities confess it will i have whatever you say you shall have etc etc god delights prosperity saints you keep going remember cities remedies rhema seas maybe you fast for okay add some spiritual pressure and they're all true accurate things you can get engaged with and find the red mercedes comes and ah red mercedes is here your delight is in the manifestation and now you're from california should pay 20 grand tax on that red mercedes oh now you have to pray for tax money this is tax money tax money tax money god delights give me the tax money oh there's a verse go that official's mouth to pay the temple tax right okay i've got a legal right here to do it you know and maybe tax money comes and now in registration and now the insurance and this thing is way out of proportion you don't wear the pocket you don't want to drive it anywhere okay because the light is the manifestation and the effort that goes to manifestation is soul level and they exhaust you give you did all that with the rib mercedes ah rubber says oh you go inside your child's sick you don't have it you're gone you've fastened 40 days the mercedes you can fast another 40 days for your kid now okay it's a double-edged sword we'll get back to that okay let's go to romans four romans four one to five we will revisit this red mercedes okay okay that's it okay what shall we say then what then shall we say that abraham our forefather according to the flesh discovered in this matter if in fact abraham was justified by works he has something to boast about okay arm the flesh leads to pride always to death but not before god your building program your outreach program your ability to facilitate administrate to build okay you have something to boast about but not before god why what goes to heaven what came from heaven he went through the fire it's gonna go back through the fire okay what does scripture say abraham believed god and it was accredited to him as righteousness we'll go back to that in a second now it's the one now it's the one who works wages are not credited as a gift but as an obligation whether it's the one who does not work but trust god who justifies the ungodly that's what you do you like your father their faith is credited as righteousness all right abraham believed the word and was accredited to him as righteousness so the you you believe the word what christ did for you as the creditors you as righteousness because you believed not because you behaved because god justifies the ungodly that's you well done okay and me and now we are godly we're made just we have received jesus christ and he is our righteousness okay if you receive it by faith it's accredited to his righteousness if you work for it it's your wages if i work work work to build my church and work work work i'm not aiming this at you song just just a thing okay if i work work work to build a church i work work work and i get my red mercedes okay that's my wages have a faith within using mechanics is my wages but i receive it from a promise is accredited to me as righteousness even the rev mercedes we'll talk about this we'll we'll finish this thought okay but if you receive a red mercedes by a promise without flesh it's accredited to you as righteousness and you'll be rewarded on this earth and in the next era for your red mercedes because you received it from a promise in your place for mercedes with anything from god okay i'm using that because it's probably the most exciting yet offensive thing okay yeah yeah a yellow camaro if you receive it by a promise i was actually driving through montana and revelation hit me everything in my life has been produced by a word so it can't be taken from me given by the word sustained by the word given by flesh sustained by flesh given by faith dynamics sustained by faith dynamics not wrong just make a choice given by your effort it is your wages received as a gift is righteousness there are people who are like millionaires i'm using money because it's quantifiable okay and they own cars and jets and businesses and they'll be rewarded because they own cars and jets it's not their reward on earth they're awards in heaven because they received it from a gift without flesh not only went wise i didn't say i didn't learn business i'm saying its source was the word they made a call on god like david did this is your character this is what you do and i'll wait for it and waiting sorts you out yeah and when you don't believe god's going to do that for you you reach with your own hands and you engage the system which will lead to death even the church system if tidying on the gross is your protection that's your system and you're tired that you know that when you tithe on the gross it protects you from the devourer and it does it's a law put into the biblical law or other law okay it still exists you can engage that law if you want to it's going to work for you you're faith in it it works 10 10 percent okay for one week there's a car accident and a holiday to pay for and something else and you've pulled your money out and that week you don't pay your 10 percent well drive carefully drive home from church carefully because it's a dangerous world out there i even paid your protection money okay if you paid your ten percent and you know that protects you and you get home your child's sick you go hey this can't happen if you don't pay ten percent you get home your child's sick you get oh there it is and if your 10 protects you your rewards on the earth is your wages what you can achieve god alone is your source and his character alone is your source and his word his word he wants to be known as an invisible god love me for who i am they love the manifestation they love the particle don't love the fact i gave you manner love me i want you to know me what like my ways not my works yeah come on the mountain or you have a law what was that one the bible all right can we go to verse 18 the word against all hope abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations just as it had just as it had been said a word to him so shall your offspring be a song preached on without weakening his faith he faced the fact okay facing the facts he believed the truth okay fact is there's five dollars in your bank account fact is the doctor said this about your body fact is your children are doing this whatever they're facts but it's truth truth is always the same but facts change two days ago i was 44. that changed now i'm 45 okay facts change but truth never changes the truth is always facing the facts he believed the truth a word okay what was said to him a word truth will change facts without weakening his faith he faced the fact that his body was good as dead since he was about 100 years old and sarah's womb was also dead brutal yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of god he saw what was going on he wasn't like you know oh i'm not sick no i'm good brother okay he knew exactly what's going on okay i'm not on crutches you know he faced the fact but not wavy in god's promise he was looking for the manifestation he loved that god is who he says he is that's his joy i'll keep revisiting that fact and it's going to click yeah he did not waver through unbelief regarding god's the promise of god but was strengthened his faith and gave glory to god being fully persuaded that god had the power to do what he had promised said a word this is why it was credited to him as righteousness he believed in god you look at himself you look at the fact he gave his wife up twice didn't like the fact he didn't believe god did look at the fact that sarah laughed at god do you look at any of these things he looked at the promise that god was able to do what he has said had nothing to do with him whatsoever okay it's all based on god's ability and god's character alone same for us but also for us to whom god will credit righteousness for us who believe in him who raised jesus our lord from the dead all right abraham believed the word that something miraculous happened what something was created in the earth by a promise yeah a new line a promise was given okay let's go to second peter one versus three to four i'm laying some teaching down first so the seed remains and that's why we're going through these scriptures just so you can see it you'll see this pattern all through scripture okay his divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life or godliness but godly life is to live how god would live so same thing through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness nothing to do with us this is god's idea before the foundation he was always going to do this through these he has given us his very great and precious promises so through them through what promises you may participate in the divine nature having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires evil desire is to reach for your own thing how you how you escape reaching for your own thing which is under death believing a promise what happens if you believe a promise you partake in the divine nature you do what god would do you act like god would act the very thing you're asking god to do dear god would you please do this you do it he wants you to do it everything you're asking god to do he's saying you can do it you can't be exactly like me how by fasting by memorizing scripture by attending church to a triune recalibration available now no by believing a promise leave your promise what was arun saying before a base triune recalibration it's based on the fact you are already that thing he's releasing what's already there already given to you is a rest and by believing by being still it manifests and it grows a farmer plants a crop he goes to bed he wakes up it's grown he doesn't know how that's the kingdom want miracles has to come from somewhere else if i can get a truckload of food here that's not a miracle okay it's still good do that okay but it's not a mirror okay but through the peering that's a miracle yeah we may need that sooner than we think okay we partake in the divine nature we be like god we be like our father by believing a word and produces miracles right do the word of god you know it wouldn't be great to get a word of god imagine if the when the world's great prophets came and said don i prophesy over you that you have the healing mantle and that you will go around you will lay your hands on people and they will be healed famous prophet comes in and says that dawn's like wow this is exciting this is great i've got it okay you've got a word of god from the famous preacher or you can believe what the bible says lay hands to sick they should recover boom remember word with a god not from a prophet from god himself logos believed is rumor it's a word of knowledge okay all we're doing is believing all right so let's put some practice into this okay kirby told me a story told me i heard him say this okay he didn't tell me he was telling everyone but i feel like you're speaking to me and okay so kirby uh very clearly by his own statement his early years as a boyfriend husband um when his good luck weren't what he was who would hope okay and uh they're working things out and one day fiona his wife says to him for your birthday i'm gonna bake you a cake okay this is his new wife he's like i have a wife that baked me a cake this blew his mind that this woman is my wife who i'm married to is the type of person that'll bake me a cake he's like i'm married to a person that wants to bake me cakes and he just was amazed at the character of the person he never knew that about fiona okay but now he does he heard the word and his delight was in that word he didn't care about the cake he delighted in the fact that fiona was the type of person that would bake him cakes okay he's the lighting in the person of who he is he's delighting in the word that's us we delight and the fact that god said it and that's who he is that's it your delight stays in that it will manifest it always does your delight is in him being invisible not in collapsed particle form if you're a delight and god delights to give us these things it says in john okay so as our joy may be full but life's not the thing at light that we have a god that delights to give us stuff okay not in the staff we'd like in god we god you delight to give me things i have a god that delights to give me things my delight's in the promise and my delights in the red mercedes remember seeds and the rhema says it comes ah oh remember cities done by my delight is in my god who loves to give me good things and delights in the prosperity saints my delight is always in that when the red mercedes comes whatever comes through a good father but when god adds wealth it adds no sorrow whatever he gives me he will maintain for the same promise it's maintained by some i received it this is christianity that somebody got saved the same way you're christian at 60 he is in it's the same thing we're delighting in him god you are the type of god that would give me a red mercedes or all good things that i need whatever it is okay and when those things come our delight stays the same with the lighting in the word our delight doesn't change when it comes or doesn't come but if you're delighting in outcome anxiety goes up it hasn't come yet hasn't come yet we're looking for the taste touch c because we saw no form we want an idol okay and this answered prayer can become an idol in our hearts where the light in the arts is in answer prayer not in the giver and his nature he is an invisible god with the light and the fact he's the invisible god i do not see in the realms like a rune sees in the realms by delight in my father and who he is that he takes me to those places whether i see it or not that's who he is that's what i have i'm not like pretending you know i'm not sick you know i'm not pretending it's true fully facing the facts i believe the truth i delight in god who gives me everything his whole kingdom i'm delighting in his nature delighting an invisible word sustains me and i escape the corruption of this world things in the west and so certainly in america may start to break down a little bit over the next four months okay and if our heart is in taste touch and see structures of the earth when they go down your heart will go with that's like being the ambassador of the us to haiti and everybody watching the haiti economy to make sure you can be okay there's nothing to do with you if you're based on word you're based on god's character you love him for who he is which is word spirit and word it doesn't matter you love him and you love him for who he is you make that call like shadrach meshach and abednego following the fire they said god will save us our lord will save us if he doesn't he's still the lord this is the word this is the truth it's going to manifest if it doesn't he's still a god that answers all my prayers and manifests everything i just rely on him and he will give it to me according to his goodness a father who has wealth that adds no sorrow like mary he said be unto me according to your word reversing eve redeeming eve yep and jesus basically repeated his mother quote of his mother in the garden of gethsemane and then jesus had no power to resurrect himself none he had removed all power from him and he says on the cross into your hands i commit my spirit what are you saying you're faithful you've said i read i've found myself in the scriptures you will raise me from shield he had no ability to do it himself he made a call on the nature of his father i am going to rely completely on your word alone because i think he could see god at that moment you know it wasn't a good time that's us that's no flesh that's complete rest that will bring the kingdom that complete lack of flesh and activity to gain something because you already have it and it manifests by belief which is rest which is patience father into your hands and commit my spirit you will do this because you are a loving father answers on my prayer if i don't see it you're still the loving god that answers all my prayers this is who you are this is complete rest and you will do it because that is your nature there's no shame in you everything shameful about you has been replaced with the love the beloved son of god he delights in you he's staring at you he enjoys you and you're you're returning the favor and saying i'm gonna love you for who you are invisible god invisible god so let's talk about a practical application that we all sort of know about here that's what i wanted to say i've said what i wanted to say the word there's no flesh in the word it comes from outside creation there's no waste there's no damage there's only life everything else contains fathering of satan in it as a source who's your source which tree you're going to go to if you don't know that you're perfect and delighted in the father's eyes and he's a good father if you don't it's coming to you based on his character alone on his character alone your character doesn't qualify you your character doesn't disqualify you as curry blake says healing is not a reward for good behavior it's just the nature of the father life what the gates of hell anything to do with death we are life-giving spirits if you don't let god give to you freely what you don't deserve based on his character alone then you can't become it well i have i give to you you must receive it to give it away we must experience it to give it away based on the word and promise we delight in the father that's who he is so jesus in john 6 so this is my body and my blood if you live if you have if you're either me you'll live forever you have an eternal life you shall not die okay it's pretty clear on this matter and um and this is a food and drink indeed okay so communion is powerful because communion do we actually have communion okay uh we'll we'll take communion together uh in a minute i see it up there now yeah uh communion let's grab it hope nothing goes off as i go over here no feedback all right there you start passing that around probably some more somewhere okay so communion this is a demo this is a live demo of a communion okay it's body and blood and it comes from somewhere else it's food from outside creation because in creation is under frustration and contains and if it's your source by the nature of it becoming your source it contains death because it's an idol okay now listen very carefully no condemnation god gave food to adam and eve in the garden why for pleasure was eden mean pleasure god showed the food to adam and eve and they saw it was good to look at pleasure and useful to eat useful not necessary yeah because adam and eve didn't eat would they have died they're in the kingdom there's only life in the kingdom okay and god must restore us to this can that happen is god so good to you are you the type of god that restore me to adam and eve except better he is he is that's exactly what he's done he's undone eden eden is about death we know by faith that god created the world by his word everything around us is word this is word went from word to frequency to matter okay that's what happened anything your body needs is word how much word does it take to create the whole world a ton 16 kilotons yeah one so this is word how much is enough for breakfast how much is enough for a meal i've got friends live of communion and they do bodybuilding and they put on mass and this is all they're eating here's what they're eating because this word it can be a cow's worth of protein if they call it that by their word everyone's having communion we have been like our father in heaven who calls it things this is life eternal immortal life communion is amazing that's why god gave it to us because it's body soul spirit it's all three realms in the spirit you are literally taking in the body and blood of jesus christ but the spirit have blood the spirit of our body no it's god it's word and it's blood life forces in the blood you're taking the life force of jesus christ whose resurrection himself the way the truth and the life your drinking life your drinking resurrection himself yep and the body is word you need magnesium it's magnesium you need calcium it's calcium you need 4 000 calories for your body building it's 4 000 calories with zero waste we're beginning to think like spirit beings think jesus uh that god gave adam and eve the food it was beautiful to look at and useful to eat the devil showed them the food and it was useful to eat good to look at it became a source of life that little switch is the perversion incredible yeah the bubble reverses the order on purpose there's no mistakes yep okay we want food to be pleasure for us we return food to pledge not as a source but useful it's useful but we live off our spirit man and communion is the faith touchstone that jesus gave us okay do you need communion no it's already done but to apply your faith the touchdown of faith yup uh is giving us communion body soul spirit because in the spirit you're doing that in your heart you believe it hits your body okay um uh there's a there's a sermon called still faced god the still-faced god that sort of talks about my journey into this and why it didn't work for me it didn't work for me because i didn't think god liked me i have a condemnation okay and that's that's the that the still faith god which is on youtube uh and probably on podcast is uh my journey into believing that god would do this for me because you would do it for people it's not for the christians for the centuries will you do it for me no i didn't believe that at all i didn't didn't know i didn't believe it as i grew up not thinking god liked me and go ahead and put his finger on it and they put his finger on it by me starving it got my attention okay but we're all on the journey okay unless you're transfigured glowing okay we're on at will by your own desire we're on the journey there's no condemnation we're the generation that said we will overcome death one said we'll bring the scriptures back once we'll get water baptism once we get the holy spirit you know once we saw the five-fold ministry we said we will overcome death and bring in the fullness of statute of christ in the body immortality yeah so we're going to do we're going to take in the word and this is going to be your source of life food's not your source of life it's useful it's fun it's tasty that's what it is it's pleasure but this is life christ is life and this is the symbol he gave us on the night he was betrayed he gave his body so you can't disqualify yourself did you just betray jesus well guess what he gives you life because he justifies the ungodly that's good news okay and by word we can partake in the divine nature become life-giving spirits we're gonna be the source and if in the next few months food gets bit scarce and everyone's prepping and doing that which is fine maybe even wise okay bible preps joseph prepped okay they're not fearful they're the source when everyone's pulling back and scared we're the source of forgiveness of life of food i'm christopher jairo like my dad i'm going to give who to the ungodly the people who are attacking me i want to give them life that's a miracle you can't do it yourself it comes from this the person of christ in the spirit so we take communion and we just say god walk us in to your promise being everything and you will do it if i don't see it you're still the god that does it into your hands i commit my spirit i rely completely on the invisible word i'm not going to do a thing i go to bed and i wake up and it's grown i don't know how complete rest from there work 20 hours a day uh feeding the poor whatever it doesn't matter what you do from there okay god's the source and then we bring life okay and stands a free gift so let's just imagine in our in our imagination or in reality however you see it that we step through the torn vowel which is the living body of jesus christ we step into heaven and jesus is there he's on the cross and he's taken this in the world into his body and out comes his righteous blood you hold this cup we see the blood of life put into this cup as the blood pours in we see him go grayer and more and more deathly as life pours into this cup he pours all his life in this cup into his body goes gray and we say and we take in that life the life of resurrection himself it breaks every curse it just gives you life it justifies the ungodly free gift no waste in the life of jesus he exchanged took all the death and gave you only life as it goes into your physical stomach you've heard the word it comes to us true and life hits your body and goes into your veins and into your cells and rewrites your dna your frequency in your heart as a free gift let me take this body which is the word and jesus we know by faith that god created the world by his word and we say this body is life it's everything we need pertaining to life and godliness we receive it as a free gift we say body receive every molecule every chemical every compound every atom every frequency that you need for life jesus we are exactly like you a life-giving spirit in our body we bless this body the redemption of the body the hope which we're called and we bless this earth we bless this country we bless its people the godly and the ungodly we only speak life like you we send reign on the good and the evil we say lord do not hold their sins against them may kindness lead them to repentance well now we're going to just rest in the fact that you delight to perform your word thank you jesus we'll come back again and again right and now that word's just working its way through your body it's doing it there's nothing you have to do it's doing it it's happening now that's what it is what really yeah that's it in fact the quicker you do communion the better because the longer you go the more you start thinking about oh that sounded good it does that's what you do so you step in that'll be the longest i ever do i'm not living on communion in order to step in i call it something you must call it something with intention and gratitude okay i was doing it for three weeks just living off communion and uh you don't lose any fat you lose that salt sugar water but you don't lose fat because you actually got everything going so you have to be very careful what you say okay you can actually put weight on it's not like your body going to stress like i'm dying fallon it's like because you have communion say this enough food for the day you have lunch and you have a sandwich and that's all extra calories that your body stores because you already said this is enough food for the day it's true it really happens okay so i'm in day i've been three weeks in and i'm loving life i'm walking around the mountains i filmed it i was the healthiest i've ever been and uh one day i got home i slept a little bit dizzy headachy asking a kidney pain which happens on my first day of fasting well hang on what's going on this is ridiculous for what's going on and guys showed me this morning just had communion you didn't call it anything you need to call it the food for the day okay there come a time when you live we're all going to live off the word of god alone our spirit being spirit being alone no flesh no fear of death yeah and then we can be life to this world amen good good all right [Music] you
Channel: As He Is Ministries
Views: 15,658
Rating: 4.8679867 out of 5
Id: 9R1Sh0tmQHw
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Length: 77min 15sec (4635 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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