The 5 Falls of Genesis #2/5: Your Body, The Earth, Enoch and The Fallen Angels

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[Music] all right how are we going all caught up great well first of all some quick housekeeping i have found out a very shocking truth that i've been put on the list of dangerous pastors with dangerous theology this is true and so i don't want to cause any trouble but i want to make things clear [Applause] i want everybody to know exactly where i stand on this matter and this worries you you've got nike on your t-shirt and nike is oh god got a victory who you have to trade with to get victory you lose right it's true it's true okay so what's happening when day two okay and we're gonna do we've got five sessions and this is a bit like star wars the first one's really exciting and triumphant the second one empire strikes back it's exciting all the way through but ends on the cliffhanger luke to the bomber cloud city calling out for ben he's just heard some really bad news spoiler alert his dad's the bad guy what's going to happen but then day three return the jedi ewok's help is gonna be okay all right so tonight i'm not sure it's gonna end but uh on day three tomorrow we'll get through laying this platform and that day four and five we'll look in some application day four what jesus did and then what we're to do now in the context of eternity and in the immediate context of what's happening in this country right now i normally don't preach in the in the immediate but what's happening right now will have massive consequences if the sons of god don't stand up okay and i'm not a doom of gloomer i'm very triumphant the kingdom will win but the next cycle of time that we go through is up to us exciting yeah good hey all right the most important technology in all creation is the human body made from the dust everybody wants it because this can house yahweh and it can house yahweh and make the image of yahweh it can create and affect creation in fact that is what it was designed to do adam and eve govern the earth rule the earth replenish the earth or creation go fix up mars while we're doing that now it's in our dna but why aren't the sons of god doing it because we've been told we're not the sons of god we are christians waiting to get saved for jesus coming back and that religion puts you in a box and yet people who don't know the lord intimately as sons are getting on with it but they're not doing it through the love and the wisdom of the father they're just getting on with it technology is not wrong technology is not is not evil at one stage christians will have said you've got a microphone but they'll have been offended by that your speakers your electric lights have been offended by that anything you were offended by because we're not bringing it we claim to have the truth and we're not doing much with it and the world keeps moving on and makes us angry okay technology is great it just depends who's governing it imagine if a son of god brought in cell phone technology it wouldn't be damaging imagine if a son of god brought in the internet and as as brian orm says imagine if the son of god writes the constitution for mars because it's going to have one the ball's rolling guess what we're going to be here in 10 years we're going to be here in 100 years we're going to be here in a thousand years and we're going to be living for a long time okay so we've got to start thinking long term and governance yep we should be governing these things we could have yeah we didn't do it through our relationship with the father so other people have done it through relationship with other beings they traded for it okay we've got to know these things to understand what's happening in the world how can we govern we don't know what's going on you frame up accept jesus you go to church you behave until you die get a mention in heaven [Music] no sir heaven's coming here will jesus find faith on the earth when he returns that's what he's asking what's he coming back to yeah and what the earth looks like is up up to us but um that's session four so you know heaven and earth will be will be heaven and earth will be won by the glorious redemption of the human body could put that romans 8 8 romans 8 18 to 25 again please heaven and earth will be won by the glorious redemption of human body this human body is made up of the dirt we intimately instrictably connected to creation you change this you change this forgive your mum stars are brighter every little decision we make changes creation that's why they want our dna that's why the benelum the fallen ones and their children they have children look at that today this is christian orthodoxy the bible project we're watching are conservative of conservatives and they know more than us what i'm telling you everyone in the old testament knew evan the new testament knew our early church fathers knew in fact the bible doesn't make sense unless what i'm saying to you is fact and part of your worldview that's been taken from the church and now we're where i love the church but we are just praying for the rapture that's what we're doing i'm not against the rapture if people here believe in that i'm against the soul our soul's reaction to the rapture which is yes come lord jesus and get these northerly people punish them and get us out because that is the heart of a different father and i'm not against pressurism and preterism is the opposite that says all the book of revelation happened by 70 a.d okay but if you believe that and we'll get into that bit later and that that is finished and the antichrist system is finished you are going to get rolled and you won't understand what's happening at all okay it's a pattern did it happen by 70 a.d yes and it happened before that will happen after it there's many antichrists and one will come that's happening now complete control they always want complete control and every time that that seedline that sons of that system rise up they've got more and more technology having a big go right now and because it's happening in america it doesn't make it the end it's really true we think that can't happen here what happens to the chinese christians they've been under the antichrist system now for 50 years complete control controlled movement arresting can't preach this sign your gospel over the approved gospel to the government tortured you know the heavenly man's stories yup okay and they're living under it and they may in the next few years break free there's big things happening in china right now they're exposing that system as not powerful as they claim to be and the chinese people and some certain people in the chinese structure are getting very sick of it and they might get free but the west we may go under 200 years of a system if we don't stand up now okay it happens it's happened all through history happened in russia lots of christians in russia happened in germany lots of christians in germany yep okay romans 8 18 for i consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed oh it says to us there oh what's this okay anyway revealed to us we'll leave that we won't we won't especially for the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of god that's why that should be of us for the creation was subject to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption to obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of god our freedom he wants us it's waiting for us it's not waiting for jesus the way for us earth belongs to us heavens belong to god earth is given to man god still owns it all okay he's still the boss okay i'm waiting for us if we know that the whole creation has been grinding together in the pains of childbirth until now and not only the creation but we ourselves who have the first fruit of the spirit growing inwardly as we wait eagerly for the adoption of sons the redemption of our bodies redemption of our bodies next for in this hope we were saved what was the hope that you go to heaven the hope is that our bodies would be redeemed and what's that tied to all of creation this becomes glory this becomes glory we give it the same salvation that we have okay and that's why i'm spending three nights and paying the picture of what's actually happened that everyone in the old testament knew sometimes they just say things with their explanation because everyone gets it when i say oh that was because of 911. i have to say which was an airplane the airplanes fly and they take off and there's another country over here it's called saudi arabia and they sent people i have to explain all that i say 911 you just get it okay that's these guys they say the once for the elohim or the prince of this they know there's gods they get it that's why god always refers to himself and his people refer to him as the most high because all this going on a divine council some of which rebelled at different times the redemption of the body is the hope to which we're called that's what that's what we're learning this morning modalities to help you connect your spirit man back to your body we boldly approach god based on his character alone and believe his words and become like him through relationship that's what we're doing all right and you may not be able to see this from where you are but you saw it yesterday i had uh eight f's which i'm just running through just to give us a framework i'm going to tell you what i'm going to tell you did i tell you not to see what i told you that's what's going to happen okay we had a secret f then family something like family with a father that's what i should have written family with a father free will five falls of genesis what fathers after the false two fathers now two father lions we can choose a good loving father who works on a promise that you believe his character or another father satan who works on immediate gratification but you have to trade something for it which always leads to death this father always leads to life his word this one always leads to death you get to choose then god started repairing this with faith which is abraham and the law which is perfect and then now we have a family and father again through jesus and then the secret hidden f all right okay the old testament what happened is it was a gracious invitation to know god for who he is the invisible all-powerful god that's loving father you can only choose choose it through your free will and god is doing this and it's set in the context of people not accepting that having their dna destroyed okay when i say dna i'm talking about metaphorically and literally okay you your dna coding and your essence your nature your soul your frequency set your morphic field okay more trouble with this bad preacher okay the th it changes the the creature and the nature that you are okay and you start expressing the nature of another being when you express that person's nature he has sighed himself in you his seed is in you because his word is in you it's the same thing and now you're expressing his nature and in that moment you're expressing the nature of a different father okay but don't worry god has a plan so lots of people did some naughty stuff and changed and now we have a flesh war between the sons of god and the sons of satan and god created a nation to show themselves what a loving father does a peculiar nation set apart yep and god gave him a system that they behave this system and we'll see what the system is this system did one thing it protected the body and that's what it did that's what it did and that's why it was given i will show the reason the law was given to protect the body okay so no trading peculiar people this is the kingdom they'll be blessed we're working six hours seven years six hours seven days every 50th year don't get two years off okay miracle provision presence of god and so that men who are given to other elohim truly gods would see this and choose it freely i'm leaving this god with a free will of my heart i'm choosing the lord of lords yep that's what god was doing and they didn't got more deprived and depraved and worse than that and the worst things are worth the worst things happen let's just say child sacrifice is something that god abhors okay and then worse stuff than that okay and then god would woo them with them with them and until their sin was full and then when the sins fall their dna has changed so much he can't let it go on because the next generation of kids are going to cop it and their kids and their kids so girls like you're out and use israel his peculiar people to achieve that task that's why i wipe it all out when i didn't wipe it all out the people they left became their problems later on and later down the scriptures you say this person appeared and he caused some problems we traced that person back and there's the people that didn't wipe out earlier well this person enticed israel into idol worship who's that person you trace it back ah didn't do it in joshua didn't do it earlier all right so it's a flesh war a new testament is god choosing a peculiar people to live in the kingdom and live such glorious blessed lives that people make a free will choice to choose the lord of lords as their loving father as opposed to their gods how we going with that yeah and in that there's a spiritual war going on between the sons of satan and the sons of light the sons of god and that's what's happening now so the question is do you want to be church christians or do you want to be the beloved son of god yep do you want to heal the sick or do you want to remove sickness from the earth that's the difference you can remove it from the earth you can remove it from the earth did you want to give money to the poor or do you want to remove poverty from the earth do you want to raise the dead or do you want to remove death from the earth the final enemy what do you want to do this is the option been giving to us and this is how all christianity should be being framed up for us we are bringing redeeming glory to all creation by bringing it to our bodies every time you heal you take land right so we are we spent a lot of time on this yesterday we had to frame it up so under free will okay no free will no love because love is that choice yeah if adam and eve only had the tree of life how would they choose the father willingly the invisible word father when they heard him walking and believe his word because god's saying will you love me for who i am invisible word what do you want taste touch and see we believe that i will do that for you through a relationship but you want to take it with your own hand now that's the choice given to us now as well we believe a promise or take with your own hand you must choose with your own heart same in the old testament god's saying will you leave molech and choose me will you leave bowel and choose me the israelites were supposed to present such a wonderful picture of their loving father god who they married at mount sinai the ten commandments are a ketubah they're a marriage covenant if you do this i will do this yes that's the question is he loved them and they said we don't want the bachelor said they saw no form they don't like invisible god but that's who he is but i don't like invisible god so go up there moses as a priest do the ways we'll do the works god's saying will you choose me as a loving father as your source of life in eden in the old testament and now there's always a choice between the two reaching for the loving father which is patience his work his word do the work which is the opposite of your flesh or reaching for you can taste touch and see now a life system a death system yep you can't be in the image of god if you don't have free will god hates religion ah what just tell me what to do that's what the israelites said just tell me how to behave tell me what to do god's saying no choose me have your free will the invisible god choose me so god will not override free will there is an exception to that i'll just put it in now all authority comes from god you in the authority structure as part of the authority structure god can override your will because he gave you that authority not your will to choose him and not choose him okay but as part of your job in the authority structure exodus 10 god hardens pharaoh's heart okay in his role as the pharaoh in that structure but who knows what pharaoh decided afterwards we don't know in proverbs 21 1 the king's heart god guides like like a watercourse yep so authority god can but you he won't but we need to understand that free will is so important we won't understand what jesus is doing or what paul's saying what he's saying he won't override free will paul planted churches and they owed him their salvation we never controlled them i urge you i beseech you you must choose out of your free will yep it's a bit much better to choose a much lower response of your free will than the very high holy response out of fear and control there's no reward for that you didn't choose it in your heart only what it chose in your heart when the grace gospel came around there's been people being good christians their whole life and grace came and they were tithing to make sure god was good to them financially and then they found out god was good to them anyway and they're like what i'm never tithing again well that was always their heart 20 years of tithing didn't count for anything i didn't do it from their heart only free will okay that's good you have a dog a pit bull terrier and it's got a muzzle that's had a muzzle for five years you say this is a great dog it hasn't bit anyone for five years is it a great dog how do you find out you take the muzzle off and then you find out what that dog really thinks yup okay grace has come to do that you can just be you before god yeah you yourself okay free will well done moving forward so we had the divine council yep elohim amongst the yellow m the lomb psalm 82 elohim takes his seat amongst the lom the lum capital e monks okay and then there there's this big throne and there's another next to him and then there was us had the throne and then we left so this guy came down picked us up and made us great when i go back to this throne if we overcome for those who overcome that's what we're going to talk about they get to see on his throne some of these guys went down and god said you can govern the earth some of these guys did a good job some of these guys did a very bad job and they got judged in psalm 82. you said you were gods but now you're dialogue men you're wicked you've governed poorly in fact some of these guys had looked and dubbed on him and we saw that we also saw that in daniel some of these guys went down and saw what the other watchers were doing and came back and made a decision about it and they talked to god about it we need to understand that do we have a role in this okay and uh if right now you don't feel qualified to walking into the divine council and taking a stand that's okay we have an advocate there's a man there yeah and we can talk to him about it but we need to talk to him in the way he rates things you're like god in my country there's a political party and their leader just had her hair permed i'm so angry you have to punish that lady jesus says my love was my blood was shared before the foundation of the world that she would know me are you going to bless those who persecute you that's what this that's that's what these guys are doing that's what this guy is doing that's who he is if you do these things you'll be like your father in heaven who's your father the most high is your father who blesses his enemies that's what we need to do if you do that you've overcome you can sit on this throne but if you want these guys to be punished you haven't overcome you're still saved you still spend eternity in the era to come but you won't govern please vote and if you think one party will establish righteousness in your land of another party please vote for that party and please petition for them and wear their t-shirt and whatever okay yeah yeah but if the leader of that party is your savior if you're more excited about his tweets than the bible that gets your emotions the natural dna they want your emotions your emotions change your words and that's what all these beings want they want your emotions you get your emotions they get your body they get your body they get your words to get what you create and get more access to your dna and this thing can go through dimensions and that's what they want they can't they get you they can all right very good so there's divine council there's heavenly hosts and there's some northerly heavenly hosts who are now stuck outside and there's some good humans and some northerly humans it's too late for these guys eternal they made a eternal crime in eternity okay eternal punishment these guys still time let's get as many as we can god wishes that none should perish okay that's his heart you'll be like your father in heaven that's also your heart so now we understand the divine counsel we understand there's many gods god created them we saw in psalm 148 yep and he kicks them out and they're in trouble some are in trouble already some are locked away already and some will be locked away at the end but now we have the five falls of genesis okay so let's look at these five fours here if you don't understand the five fours of genesis oh that's not work of genesis 1 to 11 you will understand what god's doing because genesis 11 between just 11 genesis 12 is the halfway point of the bible 2000 years chronologically that's the halfway point you think you think the whole bible is fixed up genesis 1 to 11 no 2 000 years to fix up 2 000 years that's pretty good right so this is genesis 1 to 11. genesis 12 abraham starts god's plan i want to fix this up i'm going to choose something small and make it big as we're learning this morning subtle energy the smallest the smallest becomes the biggest i'm going to choose a baby born questionably in the mat in a poor manger i'm going to choose this idol worshipper i'm going to choose this shepherd boy okay don't despise the day of small beginnings this is how your father works he's in the still small voice yep okay so the first uh the first one is ha satan hey satan okay i say that because it's attac satan just means adversary there's many anniversaries okay anyone comes his name is also called satan and all his followers are sometimes called satan after the after their father yep okay that's the first full next one when we come to love and no adam and eve yup next one is the banai elohim who are the benigh elohim they are the sons of god they're part of the divine council they're part of this divine council some rebelled how many 200 first fall adam and eve's second fall so this is pre-genesis or wheat some i don't say where it is so what to say it's in the second day blah blah blah i don't care it happened adam and eve so this is what genesis 3 been like are the william the watchers that's genesis 6. doesn't matter if you can read that you get it okay then after that we have trading and idolatry and this is humans trading with spiritual beings giving of their dna all witchcraft all witchcraft trading future generations your dna for current benefit okay so one that's easy for us to understand as westerners is freemasonry curse your children get a business deal the curse works you can give them that being that you're under whether you know or not permission to your line that's the curse you're saying i say this this this okay classic witchcraft classic classic witchcraft they trade vowels and then blood and then more fluids and then connect themselves to other beings okay and they're trading dna put another record in them another sound another word they come into agreement with that it changes them it changes their generations while they're doing it for power current benefit i want to be able to zap this person or change the moon or go to that dimension you really there's people that can help you with that it's going to cost you okay and then finally we have babel which is genesis what 11 yeah genesis 1 to 11 11 10 11 we'll say 11. yeah okay that's what happened the rest of the bible is fixing this up and you can go through all your famous bible stories and you can see which one they're fixing up at that time you can go click yeah yep and yep and yep okay but it's not until jesus you get a clean sweep yeah jesus says one two three four or five if you understand genesis 11 that babel is a terrible descri indiscretion that god wants to fix up you want to understand acts 2 with tongues you understand why jesus is lord of all the nations you understand who's making a holy nation you understand the term uh time of the gentiles okay we lose these people but god wants everyone back in his family all right can we pull up ezekiel 28 11 to 19. we'll start with the full of i say hussetan like verse satan like capital s satan okay now people argue over this whether this is actually about satan but it's certainly about the fall of another whim yeah and i'm very happy for it to be satan if it needs my approval but here's the point this is the structure what happens we know that because it continues through say if this is a follower of satan he's doing it because satan did it first okay he's the father so either satan or someone expressing it moreover the word of the lord came to me son of man raise a lamentation over the king of tyre and say to him thus says the lord god okay now let's see is this talking about the king of tyre the person was talking about someone else we'll pick it up pretty quickly you were the signal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in beauty you were in eden the garden of god every precious stone was your covering sardius topaz and diamond barrel onyx and jasper sapphire emerald and carbuncle and crafted in gold were your settings and your engravings on that day that you were created they were prepared you are anointed guardian cherub okay never know what type of being this this guy is a terrible i placed you you were on the holy mountain of god where here here's the mountain okay in the divine council in the midst of the stones of fire you walked so you could pretty much do whatever you want over here it's pre-pure you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness was found in you in the abundance of your trading your trade you were filled with violence in your midst and you sinned what happened he started trading this being just remember that he started trading so i cast you as a profane thing from the mountain of god and i destroyed you o guardian cherub from the midst of the stones of fire your heart was proud because of your beauty you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor i cast you to the ground i exposed you before kings to feast their eyes on you by the multitude of your iniquities in the unrighteousness of your trade trading you profaned your sanctuaries so i brought fire from your midst it consumed you okay constant thing fallen illumine get fire always happened it and i turned you to ashes on the earth in the sight of all who saw you who's that the divine counsel all who knew you among the peoples are appalled at you you've come to a dreadful and shall be no more forever all right okay there's another one about the bright morning star that says i will go up and sit on that throne i'm saving that verse till later i'll use it later but you get the point some guy fell he was the first and he was he was special okay he was a special guy right up here right close to god on the mountain walked the fire made perfect he had settings of gold and jewels in him very special guy and he was trading he was trading information for power yep and then unrighteously found in him yeah i can do a better job than that guy he is not a good father yeah and so he's dead he comes under death he's separated from a good father any separation from the good father is death because only god is the giver of life only god most high and all those who come under him or under his system or use his way of expressing themselves will lead to death okay all carnal acts will lead to death and so people now choose him through fear of lack i can't get what i'm going to get through god because he's not a loving father or he didn't really say first adam did god really say last adam are you really the son of god he didn't say it or he wouldn't do that for me and so i'm going to choose another source okay and he'll give it to me give it to me immediately for a price the price is death the devil doesn't want you sad he wants you dead he wants you dead yep all right empire strikes back it's getting worse [Music] okay i hope it gets better oh no adam and eve all right so adam and eve once again i assume you know a lot i'm just adding missing structure i have to explain to you adam and eva okay adam was the son of god matthew says seth the son of adam the son of god he's a benign but a different type this one has a body made from the ground yeah and through intimacy and walking the garden in hearing the voice of god and believing he says who he says he is he was going to become exactly like his father and then someone came along and said did he really say and what is god invisible word question the very character and substance of god what do you say did he say if this you will die you know you will surely not die genesis 3 is not about sin it's about death it's about changing kingdoms from the law of life in yahweh to the law of sin and death and we're making this transition these eternal beings and now coming under the corrupted law of death and choosing the king of death satan hasatan as their father and they can make a free will choice because there's two trees the tree of life which is believe my word with a tree of knowledge of good and evil now you know yep and then they did know and they knew that they did not deserve to be in god's presence before they were innocent i didn't care i didn't know now they know yeah and they've come under the covering of another being which we'll talk about later but because they came under him and his word which is his seed his word he's now fathering himself in them and now he's got they're corrupted they've got death in them and they cannot they decide the elohim decide if he reaches for the tree of life they'll live forever in this corrupted state we must get them out of eden and put some cherubim there yep and a flaming sword which is a frequency of perfection in heaven if you are saved you know christ the spirit man is perfect it can go back through that flaming sword the more your soul changes to agree with your spirit man it can go back through that flaming sword the more your body changes to agree with your spirit of soul then go back through that okay but you can't take hastatan thinking through there you can't go to heaven and say get the woman who had their hair done you can't do it okay that's death that's the gates of hell that's the gates of hell you're trying to take into that place it won't go down very well it never does okay so what happened god gave them everything to eat and i saw the food and it was beautiful to look at and useful to eat not necessary useful if adam and eve didn't eat would they die no so they didn't need it but still useful okay beautiful to look at useful to eat and then the devil shows them the tree of knowledge of an evil and it's useful to eat and beautiful to look at wicked perversion twisted the opposite way around eden was for pleasure do you know why either means pleasure okay there's no need there there's no lack there and he said this is useful god and his kingdom is about spelling time with him which is pleasurable and the devil is saying take from this useful thing now get what you need now reach with your hand don't go by patience letting the word do the work reach now now let him overshadow them and change their dna all right let's talk about that hovering over this is what happened i need to explain this because there is a theology out there called serpent seed and i agree with everything that it says except what it says okay serpent seed says that eve had sex with the devil and then adam did okay and that's how cain is born and it came as literally the devil's son yep okay that's what it says and then from there they trace it all out everything from that point what they trace out is actually accurate the bible talks about it but how they say it started i'm very uncomfortable with okay i don't believe it's consistent with scripture there is uh if you want sex in the bible it's okay there's plenty okay it's coming all right all right don't worry you'll get it i can't wait to the chosen covers this bit yeah so um hovering over okay this is how god creates and the devil could only copy right so god in genesis 1 1 he hovered over the waters he sent his word which is his seed his words always the same thing means the same thing in greek spemata okay he sends his word his seed and it goes into the hovering over and becomes substance it becomes something okay and he expresses his will in that okay because his word is his seed it says our heart he has spoken into the spirit has become something as he hovered brooded hovered over the waters vibrated over those waters yep okay that's what the devil did that's what's happening here reach the tree of knowledge of good and evil they're coming under his covering he's hovering over okay here's the spirit being over them okay and he's sending his word a seed comes in and they received it because the fruit has seed yeah that's what i've taken into themselves okay that's the picture that's what they're trying to tell us here a seed has gone into them not seed line like i said before are hovering over okay and now the devil has children in that they express his nature and cain is born and cain expresses the nature of his father be he wants to honor god how can that be he tries to honor god he brings god his sacrifices and god rejects them why because he's using the knowledge of good and evil which is his father he's not from the heart he's from the law cain would be i mean this seriously an excellent christian he'd be a church on time he got all the prayer meetings he behaved very well okay and if you're under grace he'll get angrier and angrier and anger at you and want to murder you like his father he's the older brother that won't go in okay this son of yours not my brother that's murder he can't believe in a good father satan was a benign elohim he was part of the sons of god on some level okay and when he's left what does he do he's turned on god we know that because when adam leaves he says it's your fault you did this to me you did this the woman you put me with and he does the same thing it's a snake you put here okay that's that rage against god and i think last time in becoming the beloved i spoke on me finally i was very angry with god when i was had no money one day and a disproportionate rage came out what am i finding i'm finding it deep in my dna there's something in me that says it's your fault see you always abandon me that's the devil i took a friend to see one of my all-time favorite bands okay i won't tell you who they are i was so excited we drove two hours along the coast it was a great day we went to see it and we watched i got there early watch all the support acts come on to be in a good place and then they came on first song is awesome second song went dark was this dark i thought oh this is not good anyway i like that music i'll just push through this doesn't affect me i'm a christian sucks to be other guys but yeah i'm all right the next song went up next song down really dark and this guy is walking on stage he used to walk around he starts shifting okay do not like this he starts walking like this won't go into it too much okay and then something was happening i couldn't work it out it was so dark and evil with a friend and i've driven all this thing i've got them we've got the tickets i'm so excited i said we're gonna go they said yeah we're gonna go but walking out was awful i said you know what's happening he goes yeah he's reenacting the fall of satan i said what he says yeah satan is that guy's father and he's reenacting the crime what yahweh did to satan and as soon as he said that the guy yells in the microphone oh and do it goes father father father he's just yelling father into the microphone that's satan this guy's traded with satan for his music ability and it's very good he got great music ability i enjoyed his music until that moment good trading not okay this guy hates the father and he blames the father for his condition have you ever done that there is an incredible verse in job as god says to job it's like shave 40 or 38 between 30 and 40. i'll find it for you he says would you discredit me to justify yourself i read that i went that's me that's what i do to justify my emotional state what i'm doing i discredit the father you aren't who you say you are or you are but you don't do it for me or something an accusation against his character well look what i just found if only there's a way out if only there's a way of escape okay hates his father adam and eve they take it on they come out you did this to me because i reached for taste touch and see a relationship of the invisible word hovering over so hobbled over could we bring up luke 1 35-38 please i'm saying this now because otherwise you know we'll go to bed like oh this is the worst ever i don't want to get into this you'll be like it's the worst ever and aliens want my brains like it's gonna go like it's gonna be so sad so i gotta give you some of the answers first you know i'll give you some a little bit of hope for for day four okay does god have an answer for this and the angel answered her her being mary the holy spirit will come upon you what we do and the power of the most high which who which which one most high very clear because this happened to other people okay all through history because they know that they know the mechanism this one's the most high and the power of the most high will overshadow you over shallow okay therefore the child to be born will be called holy the son of god god has fathered himself in mary sent his word seed by hovering over spoken word his very word the word comes in and incarnates okay and behold your relative elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son and this is the sixth month with her who was called baron okay the word for nothing is impossible with god guess where that verse comes from from this you've all heard that verse where that come from in the bible right here and mary said behold i am the seventh of the lord let it be to me according to your word then the angel not with wings the messenger departed we don't know who it was someone here one of these guys okay was it gabriel wasn't it gabriel was it gabriel yeah okay we'll find out about gabriel in a minute okay let it be according to your word she's just undone eve right there the promise to eve your seed will crush the satan's head the snake's head there it is it's the opposite eve said not according to his word did he really say i'm gonna taste touch and see by the natural law and mary said i don't care about natural law i don't care what people are going to say you are a good father be it's me according to your word perfect yep and then jesus her son says the same thing in the garden of eden quotes his mum perfect if that's what you took away that verse that's the secret mary's been stolen from us mary is a giant she's a giant her actions are the secret and so there's all the stuff you say mary's the secret oh is that like da vinci code you know or them we love mary what like the queen of heaven you know like you see the effort against mary do you want the effort against mary because satan hates women because eve seeth not adams because adam's not there evec will crush his head he knows that as we'll see later these guys also hate women that's why jesus did the opposite he restored everything and that's what you see in the church who is presenting their nature through the church you can see how they treat women okay hovering over not serpent seed hovering over kane became a murderer like his father okay can we get genesis 4 9 out please very good genesis 4 9. the lord said to cain where is abel your brother and he said i don't know my brother's a keeper sorry next one 410 yeah it does that and the lord said what have you done the voice of your brother's blood is crying to me from the ground okay what's it crying out this is my segway transition into this one what's it crying out if only we knew if only there was a book that's not in the bible but it said what it is a book that's not scripture although it's true this is the book of enoch okay this is one enoch when people talk about the book of enoch they normally mean first enoch there's a second enoch the 30 knock but pretty much people say the book of enoch this is what they're talking about okay this one's doners so it's such a secret sacred text you can get this on amazon okay this is you'll see this one this is the hermenea translation by george w e nickelsburg okay it's a good one trustworthy the ethiopian church protected it because i even saw it as scripture i'm just gonna read to you from enoch 22 don't worry about putting up there i'll be quick you know 22 6-7 he knocks in heaven he's walking around he's talking to raphael how do you know it's a son of god el of god gabriel azrael you see all the watches that fell or all elves they all had a nature of god in them they came to earth they fell as they expressed that fallen nature and they trade it with men they asked raphael the watcher and the holy one was with me and said to him the spirit that makes suit who is that that has that thus his lamentation goes up and makes suit unto heaven he can hear a spirit crying out to heaven in this realm that they're in and he answered me raphael and said this is the spirit that went forth from abel who came his brother murdered and abel makes accusations against him until his posterity his children perishes from the face of the earth and his posterity his children is obliterated from the posterity of men now we know abel's blood is crying out the book of enoch tells us abel's blood is remove cain and his bloodline from the earth all his children if you trace his bloodline anyway that's what it's crying out that's what's saying give me revenge and remove hassetan this this murderous from murderous line from the earth yep please bring up we bring up i think that's hebrews 12 23-24 i was a little bit careless writing that down hebrews 12 i hope there's a hebrews 12 23-24 or this will be embarrassing oh look at that into the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven that'd be good to be part of them and the god the judge of all and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect and to jesus the media of a new covenant and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of abel abel's blood is crying out wipe out this demonic seed line but jesus blood is crying out something better i wish that none would perish i am the lamb slain before the foundation of the world i want everyone in i've paid a price i've started a new line upon the earth born of heaven a new genetic lines come in and you can all come in jew and gentile pure and mixed scythian free slave greek you can all come in i don't care what you're traded with i don't care who it is this is the ultimate victory i'm not wiping you out i'm bringing you in that's where that's what we are okay that's the blood bible but if we're crying out that justice okay that's not what god's doing yeah okay so we've got adam and eve and the point i want to bring to that was a hovering over because i know you all know how to maneuver i'm just adding the elements which we stripped from the story so we can understand what happened and uh and food was supposed to be they made food useful and they took in the seed the nature that came under his sound okay and then from there you can see that cain was born and what we know of cain that he was of the evil one that's what scriptures say new testament says that he was the evil one okay he's like his father because he expressed his father's nature if he was literally the son of satan he wouldn't be bringing vegetables to yahweh all right yeah okay good exciting how are we going okay let's roll a video let's roll a video uh that the demons won just to lift the mood okay so good news at the end okay good news all right jesus came in the opposite the income as a king went smashed everyone he let them touch him he took on all their nature he took it down to the grave down to hell came up victorious okay so good news hey everyone's happy right okay so let's talk about that let's talk about the watchers and the point he made there about babel when that babe was spread out he says that in deuteronomy moses says he does jeremy 32 he says that was the moment where god assigned elohim to these people he tried to reach up to here he tried to come find me you want some gods and that's where they got their gods at that moment the bible tells us okay it's all there your bible but we'll talk about that tomorrow right now we're going to talk about he enoch a real person what happened to enoch he got taken up with his body so he still has his body he can come back anytime he wants so is the body the body is very important if that's why we find out that they argued over the body of moses we find that injured the body is very important yep did john die there's no record of john dying he's still got the body maybe he's here all right we'll do uh genesis 5 18 to 24. i will come back to that in a second we'll come back to eloc in a second just a quick recall of enoch when jared had lived 106 to 262 years he fathered enoch jared lived after his father enoch 800 years and had other sons and daughters thus all the days of jairu 962 years and he died okay when enoch was born enoch's number seven adam's still alive adam met enoch they would talk to each other he not knew exactly what was going on yep his six times father plus five grandfathers he looks number seven when enoch had lived at 65 years he fathered methuselah eloh asked when enoch walked with god after he fathered methuselah this is interesting some rabbis say he locked this didn't necessarily walk with god before that and he had a son when he had a son he realized a father's love after very clear after he fathered methuselah his other walk with god wasn't necessarily a good guy we don't know it was after that thus all the days it looked for 365 years enoch walked with god and he was not for god took him yeah boom crossed over with his body we moved to genesis 6 1 to 8. probably should be one to five we'll find out one to eight increasing corruption on the earth all right lots of trading going on the dna is changing we're becoming less and less like our father in heaven and more and more like a different father when man began to multiply on the face of the earth of the land and the face of the land and the daughters were born to them the sons of god the banai elohim okay saw the daughters of man were attractive and they took took taken took as their wives any they chose the lord said my spirit shall not abide in man forever for he is flesh his day shall be 120 years the nephilim won the earth in those days who the nephilim the nephilim are the children physical children okay very physical children the left on the earth in those days and also afterwards and the sons of god came to the doors of man and they bore children to them these are the mighty men of these were the mighty men who were of old the men of renown the lord saw that the witness of the man was great in the earth and that every intention of the thought of his heart was only evil continually and the lord regretted that he had made men on the earth so the attention of the heart what's your heart it's your cellular memory it's your frequency set it's your nature and we become wicked and evil all the time okay we're choosing death not life all the time that's who we are and law regretted that he had made man on the earth and grieved and it grieved into his heart so lord said i'll blot out the man whom i have created from the face of the land man the animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens why is he wiping all the animals if only there's a book that could tell us for i'm sorry that i've made them but no i found favorite in his eyes i missed something there all right so verse four the nephilim are on the earth in those days the flood and also afterwards after the flood very important okay so this is what is as important to describe the fallen nature and the evil of man as much as the fool is okay and why is it only given that because this is 9 11. all the readers know this story there's other books that describe it it's referring to the other books that you everybody knows the all the ancient cultures knew it the sumerians the babylonians macedonians and the greeks all their stories are of beings coming down before the flood having children pure beings before the flood after flood mixed beings they all know it and guess what they see it as awesome the gods came down taught us stuff then to bread with us then we got half gods and they taught us stuff they see it's great and that's why this is here the bible is saying it's not great you're looking at looms but the element of limb says it's not good so we need to understand what's going on here and where we understand that is the book of enoch so the rest of tonight i'm going to read you a story i'm going to read to you from the book of enoch okay selected highlights that number the book of enoch to make it easy just back and relax listen to the soothing tone of my australian accent again i'm going to start i'll tell you what i'm reading uh and we might try and keep up up there but it's going to be a little bit difficult because the book of enoch doesn't flow like a normal scripture flows some chapters are literally one line long like chapter five one line then the chapter six so by reading chapter one at the moment i'm doing one verses one to five the words of the blessing which with this who who has never heard the book of eloc before put your hands up yeah all right very good we're about to hear something new this is your inheritance you're hearing yeah not saying scripture i'm just saying it's true the words of the blessing with which enoch blessed the righteous chosen or the elect we're going to find lots of the concepts in scripture and lots of the things that paul and peter and john and jude say and jesus they first appear in the book of enoch the elect the righteous chosen who will be present on the day of tribulation to remove all the enemies and the righteous will be saved wow who's this population who's this book being written to this population the elect who's the elect it's not the israelites yeah it's us this book was written for a future generation this generation to remove the enemies and the righteous will be saved and he took up his discourse and said enoch is a righteous man whose eyes were opened by god who had the vision of the holy one end of heaven which he showed me for the words of the watchers and the holy ones so holy one holy for the words of the watchers and holy ones i heard everything and as i heard everything from them i also understood what i saw not for this generation do i expound you're not saying i'm not writing this book for this generation i'm running for someone else who could that be but concerning one that isn't that is distant i speak and considering the chosen i speak now and considering them i take up my discourse he's running this book for a future generation the great holy one will come forth from his dwelling and the eternal god will tread and and thence upon mount sinai oh how do you know that was going to happen he's pretty clever yeah that did happen next to this he will appear with his army he'll appear with his mighty hosts from heaven of heavens and the watchers will fear and quake which ones the northerly ones yup and those who are hiding in all the ends of the earth will sing because the humans are hiding because as we find out the watchers have kids and those kids eat you okay this is our history and the ancients will be shaken and trembling and fear will seize them the watchers unto the ends of the earth so he's telling look out watches god's coming he's going to take you down all right i'll move into enoch 5 and read verse 7 and 9. this is god concluding some things here for the chosen so this is he's talking about who this book's for you're trying to work out what time in history this could possibly be for the chosen there will be light and joy and peace and they will inherit the earth but for you wicked there will be a curse the wisdom will be given to all the chosen and they will live and they will sin no more through godlessness or pride in the enlightenment in the enlightened man there will be light and in the wise man understanding and they will transgress no more nor will they sin all the days of their life okay he's talking about those who receive christ this is what john picks up one john if you're born of god you don't sin the devil doesn't touch you okay and that what do you think we've been given the inferior gospel [Laughter] okay it's written to us okay has been the one who's whose sins are gone that's us this book's written to us okay enoch 6. now i'm going to read you four five chapters of enoch you can just sit there and enjoy it and hear what happened in genesis 6. there are billion of the watchers the conspiracy the watchers they're gonna conspire some of these guys some of these guys are gonna get together and have a chat and work something out when the sons of men had multiplied in those days genesis 6 1 enoch 6 1. beautiful and comedy doors were born to them genesis 6 1 enoch 6 1 and the watchers the sons of heaven saw them and desired them they said to one another come let's choose for ourselves wives from the doors of men let's be get children for ourselves literal children these are the belonging elohim they look like us they're so close to us they can breed with us yup and they can have literal children and shemi hazard their chief said to them i fear that you will not want to do this deed and i alone shall be guilty of a great sin like oh this will do this let's all do this let's all do this and chemi hazard says um have you ever seen that game rocket man where you get five people you say let's run through the crowd yelling i'm a rocket i'm a rocket i'm a rocket and i go all right let's go and then only one guy runs off that's the joke on him he goes and no one else is doing it okay that's what she has thinking is going to happen to him let's go take some women and have children hang on i'm going to make sure you all come with me okay and they all answered him and they said let us swear an oath and let us bind one another with a curse and none of us turn back from this council until we fulfill it and do this deed that's all right we're going to do this we're going down to earth and we're going to take women and we have children we're swearing on it and they all swore together and bound one another with a curse and they were all of all of them 200. so now we know there was 200. who descended in the days of jared who was jared enoch's dad yep and adam's still alive at this moment on to the peak of mount hermon very important mount hermon because jesus goes to mount hermon he doesn't like this everything's undone everything i'm telling you here is flipped by jesus sometimes using the exact phrases exact numbers exact words exact places and to an old testament person who this story is their history they know exactly what jesus is doing in caesarea philippi they know why he is there they know why he goes north they know where he got in the boat and crossed the river to go to that place the ocean and they called the mountain hermann because they swore and bound one another with a curse on it and these are the names of the chiefs okay let's go chevy hazar this one was the leader oh man second third fourth fifth there's lots of angels there they're lots of the women okay i'm moving on chapter seven the deed and its result these and all the others with them took for themselves wives from among such as they chose they began to go into them and defile themselves through them and teach them the sorcery and charms to reveal to them the cutting of roots and plants so farmakia which jesus comes against okay they're uh they're trading with these women too they're teaching them how to make potions basically right not evil of itself okay you've got young living oil don't worry it's okay okay you're eating organic avocados it's okay all right but um it's the source why are they doing this to control manipulate bring death control free will witchcraft is controlling free will yup and they concede from them and bought some great giants and the giants begot nephilim all right so they're from another step down below women have giants giants have nephilim and to the nephilim we're born ellude okay another crew because every time it goes through a generation one step removed it gets a different name and other like the babylonians say the same thing is their history too yeah first of all these are guys and they're two and they're these guys must step down to these guys yep and they were growing in accordance with their greatness they were devouring the labor of all the sons of men okay you've got some pretty freaky dudes on the earth some are big they're quite dimensional and now men have to work for them probably to feed them imagine how much they eat and the men were not able to supply them how much they needed and the giants began to kill men and devour them okay you don't give me enough food well i made a decision your food and they began to sin against birds and bees and the creeping things of and the fish what does that mean to sin against these things dna yup dna they're at best hovering over at worst doing something else which is banned by leviticus why was the law given to protect the body that's why it's banned okay why did i have to wipe out all those animals well when israel went to other other nations sometimes god said wipe out all their animals not all of them but this crew their animals keep their animals wipe out their animals mixture and to devour one another's flesh and they drank the blood also banned and the earth and the earth brought accusations against the lawless one the earth were accusations against these ones so what's happening this is happening on earth and here's all these humans hiding at the end of the earth remember before it said good news to those hiding into the earth god's coming they're hiding from people eating them and their word goes up to heaven you don't understand divine counsel you don't understand what's happening in scripture the earth brought accusation against the lawless ones okay and now we have a list of all the things that the angels taught people right it's the history book it says i'll go through them isaiah taught men to make swords of iron and weapons and shields and breastplates of every instrument of war okay so the romans probably called him mars it's the same people the titans the greek gods the roman gods the norse gods the sumerian gods the babylonian gods same crew same thing happened took doors of men look at what europe is look at what's in front of the eu building it's a benign taking your daughter that's what it is that's what it is in brussels and elsewhere asal taught the men to make swords and weapons and shields and breastplates of every instrument of war he showed the metals of the earth and how they should work gold to fashion it suitably and concealing silver to fashion it for bracelets and ornaments for women and he showed them concerning antimony and eye paint and all the manner of precious stones and dyes okay so show you how to make jewelry is julie wrong later on like god loves jewelry he loves artwork look at his ark of the covenant it's the reason this stuff is being done so you're wearing eye shadow you're not a nephilim okay it's all right it's the reason behind it yep it's the heart behind it always the heart intent and the sons have been made for themselves and for their daughters and they transgressed and led the holy ones astray so there's trading transgression okay remember this word transgression because the new testament quotes this book and you don't understand this book we don't understand why hey a spoiler alert the law was added because of transgressions what was the law because of this but we don't understand this we go oh yeah transgressions that was then breaking the law no no there's no law there's not transgressions breaking the law there was no law oh it's adam and eve no that's not transgressions the law is advocates of transgressions he won the peculiar people that didn't mess around with angels fallen beings the law was added to protect the body which we'll see tomorrow so come back chevy hazar their boss taught spills and the cutting of roots as we saw before him and i had taught sorcery for losing with spells and magic skills and on and on and on that goes okay they taught them the stuff about the moon and the stars reveal the mysteries the wives and to the children and as the men were perishing their cry went up to heaven okay so all this is happening mankind the sons of adam that mankind that we're perishing okay we're being taken over number nine the intercession of the four archangels so the cries going up and who hears it is it going to go to god most high no who's doing this watches so who's going to dub them in watches remember daniel remember daniel the watchers decreed this the watchers for the watchers the fallen watchers who was watching the watches the watches are and they took care of it made a decision we're going to take these guys out and that's why they came down and one guy is not named takes on comes down when daniel asks to take out and he can't come because the prince of persia is fighting him why is the prince of persia fighting him because in deuteronomy 32 32 8 i think he's given that land that's his land it was given to him a terror babel according to the table of 70 nations 70 nations are in trouble here what does jesus do was 70. he wants the nations back all right i'm trying to keep it happy i'm trying to tell you all the good stuff okay so the cry goes out then michael and sariel and raphael and gabriel okay so sons of god looked down from the sanctuary of heaven where are they divine counsel upon the earth and saw much bloodshed on the earth all the earth was filled with the godlessness and violence had befallen it and entering in they said to one another the earth the void of it of inhabitants raises the voice and the christ the gates of heaven and now to ask the holy ones of heaven the souls of men make suit the council's hearing earth cry out to it the minute earth makes suit they're crying out this words bring in our judgment to the most high that's the crying out the elohims are going crazy no illumines are saving us go tell the boss go tell the most high and our destruction before the glory of the majesty before the lord of all lords in his majesty we're being destroyed there is a great god we're being destroyed that's the crying out to heaven and approaching they said to the lord of the ages so this is the four angels now they're walking to the divine council and this is what they say is elohim so we're going to say to the element of elohim you are the god of gods ah look at that and the lord of lords and the king of kings wow who where did that come from when you read that in scripture comes from here and the god of ages and the throne of your glory exists for every generation of the generations that are from old and your name is holy and great and blessed for all the ages you've made all things and have authority over all okay this is how you address god when you walk into the divine council remember this okay all things are manifest and uncovered before you they say hey god you are the everything and you see everything and you see all things and there's nothing that can be hidden from you you see what azael has done so they're talking to god pretty rigidly here okay they're his sons they're talking to their dad we also know who he is that's us who has taught all the iniquity on the earth and has revealed the eternal mysteries they are in heaven which the sons of men were striving to learn and what shemazaya shemihaza has done to whom you gave authority to rule over them who are with him okay he says look what you're behind who you gave authority to when at babel how do we know jeremy 32 8 tells us they're saying the guys you put there are messing up and you know everything that's pretty brave yeah they're they're friends they're these are being i alum they're sons of god they've got a relationship going on here they have gone into the doors of men of the earth and they have laying with them and they have defiled themselves with women and they've revealed to them all sins and have taught them to make hate inducing charms so that's how we know the jewelry is bad okay and now look the doors of men have borne sons from them giants and half breeds and the blood of men is shed upon the earth the giants are half breeds they're killing men eating them and the whole earth is filled with inequity and now look the spirits of the souls of the men who have died make suit so all the people that have died that these nephilim were killed they are crying out how we know it does that abel's blood did that their blood's crying out these spirits are crying out there is something going wrong upon the earth and their groin has come up to the gates of heaven and it does not cease to come forth from the presence of the iniquities that have come upon the earth you know all the things before they happen all right they're really putting it to god here and you see these things and you permit them they having a divine council right now been quite tense i imagine and you not tell us what we ought to do with them in regard to these things they're saying you've seen all this happen you haven't tossed to anything because they know they can they know who these guys are they grew up with them they're at their old brothers all right and they go sort it out they don't like because god gave these guys giftings in heaven they took manchester earth and they traded them on the earth for power traded traded it nuclear is found within them because of their training the same as their father so god commissions from these angels to go do something then the most high declared and the great one the holy one spoke he sent sariel to the son of lamech okay son of lamech is noah right go to noah and say to him in my name hide yourself and reveal to him that the end is coming that the whole earth will perish god's made a decision i'm going to sort this out i'm going to wipe it all out that's this is the most highest decision and tell him that deluge is about to come on the whole earth and destroy earth on destroy everything on the earth teach the righteousness of the one what he should do the son of lamech how he may preserve himself alive and escape forever from him a plant will be planted and his sea will endure for all generations of eternity so tell noah there's a way of escape and your generation will last until the very end and you trace his bloodline it does he goes all the way to jesus all right is equal 13 no ezekiel enoch okay and enoch go and say to aziel so now enoch is seeing all this okay we've skipped a few chapters and god's getting enoch involved god called enoch up enoch's there and he's terrified okay i've skipped a few chapters and god says come here you're righteous it's okay and he's letting me letting him in he wants a man in on this to help men and enoch go and say to aziel when the fallen angels you will have no peace a great sentence has gone forth against you to bind you you will have no relief or petition because the unrighteous deeds you have revealed and because of all the godless deeds and the unrighteousness and the sin you've revealed to humans these taught them how to do bad stuff then i went and spoke to all of them together so he said go to see asia so enoch goes begotte speaks to all of them together and they were all afraid and trembling in fear sees them so these 200 enoch whose eyes have been opened by god has walked up them and they are terrified because they know the divine council has spoken they know they're being caught and they asked that i write so they're asking enoch i write a memorandum of petition for them that they might have forgiveness so these former watchers of the enoch they're saying enoch can you write a petition go back to the divine council and ask that we're forgiven and that i recite the memorandum and the petition for them in the presence of the lord of heaven for they were no longer able to speak or lift their eyes to heaven out of shame for the deeds though they through which they had sin which they had been condemned no wrote out the memorandum of their petition and the request concerning themselves with regard to their deeds individually 200 will take some time and considering their sons their sons they want they know they're in trouble okay forgive us and also our sons our nephilim and our giants and all those other crew physical sons for whom they were making requests that they might have forgiveness and longevity like let them live long in the land okay if you read the other accounts from other crew that's what these guys want they want immortality gilgamesh wants to find a garden so he can have immortality what's he doing exactly what you think he's doing and i went far off and sat by the waters of dan in the land of dam which is south of hermann to the west i recite to god the memorandum of the petition and i fell asleep and look dreams came upon me and the visions fell upon me i saw the visions of roth and there came a voice saying speak to the sons of heaven to reprimand them and when i had awakened i went to them all of them were assembled together i've been waiting for enoch he's coming back what's going to happen now and they were sitting and weeping at able main which is between lebanon and sneer covering their faces all heavy dimensions are attached to a geographic location that's very important and there are recite in their presence all the visions that i had seen in the dream i began to speak the words of truth and the vision and reprimands the watches of heaven okay the book of the words of truth and the reprimand of the watchers who are from old according to the command of the great holy one this is it this is the reprimand that came from heaven in the dream that i dreamed in this vision i saw my dream while i now speak with a human tongue and the breath of my mouth which the great one has given to humans to speak with them and to understand with the heart as he created and disinhumans to understand the words of knowledge so he created and destroyed me to reprimand the watchers the sons of heaven i wrote up your petition they're all waiting in the vision it was shown to me thus that you will not obtain your petition for all the days of eternity done internal crime to a punishment done but your judgment has been consummated in the decree against you from now on you are not ascended to heaven for all the ages they're locked out it has been decreed to bind you in bonds in the earth for all the days of eternity and that before these things you will see the destruction of your sons your beloved ones what are you saying you're bound okay so those watchers aren't doing anything with us anymore those guys those who are watchers they're bound don't worry about them okay and they're gonna watch their sons perish or the giants or the nephilim and whatever was on from there then watch their own children perish that you will have no pleasure in them but they will fall before you by the sword and by a flood accordingly you will not obtain your petition concerning them nor considering yourselves you'll be petitioning and making supplication but you will not be speaking anywhere from the written writing that i have written you're right then uh it goes on a lot about uh some of the stuff you saw i picked up in 1418 and i was looking and i saw a lofty throne so he's delivered his vision okay and god is bringing him back up to heaven he's describing all the things he sees it's pretty amazing wind and fire and things were terrifying for him and pillars and stuff like that i was looking and i saw a lofty throne and its appearance was like ice so looking at the throne okay its appearance was like ice and its wheels were shining like the sun a wild throne another not saying a scripture i'm just saying it's true as wills were shining like the sun and the voice of the sound of the cherubim from beneath the throne ah cherubim moving with a throne on wheels from beneath the throne issued rivers of flaming fire and i was unable to see the great glory that sat upon it you can't see no one can see god no flesh can see god okay and the great glory sat and there's something very important in hebraic thinking every time someone has a vision of god's glory it's personified in a body because glory and body are equated the glory sat same ezekiel there's always a connection between the human body and glory or the god's body and glory would become like him the great glory sat upon him his apparel was like the appearance of the sun and whiter than snow oh look at that no angel could enter into the house and look at his face because of the splendor and glory and no human could look at him flaming fire and circled him and the great fire stood by him and none of those about him approached him ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him you think john read enoch but he needed no counsellor for every word was deed his everywhere was deed his everywhere was deed he's not a man he should lie everything he says is and the holy one of and the holy ones of the watchers who approached him did not depart by night nor by day do they leave him until now i've been on my face prostrate and trembling and lord called me with his mouth and said to me come here enoch and hear my words that mean terrifying wouldn't it and one of the holy ones came to me and raised me up and stood me exactly like daniel dane's on the ground he's trembling and some being comes and touches him and stands him up stood me on my feet and brought me up to the door i had my face bowed down he answered said to me i heard his voice fear not enoch fear not righteous man and scribe of truth come here and hear my voice go on stage the watchers of heaven who sent you to the petition on their behalf right go and talk to them again use your petition in behalf of you use your petition on behalf of humans not humans on behalf of you that's what they're supposed to do these guys have the nations they're supposed to come up to heaven and say hey help these people out but they didn't do that instead they traded and taught wickedness and had their own children why have you forsaken the high heaven the eternal sanctuary and laying with women and defold yourselves with the doors of men okay defiled yourself with women that's also said later in scripture you have to these people did not defile themselves with women unless you understand this you might think what it sounds like it's treating women very poorly but marriage is the image of the church in christ and adam and eve and all that he finds a wife finds a good thing okay unless unless you understand this it puts that negative spin on on femininity again you need to understand this to understand what's going on 144 000 had not defiled themselves with women okay spoiler alert you lay with women and defold yourselves with the daughters of men and taken for yourself wives and done as the sons of the earth and begotten yourselves sons giants you were holy ones and spirits living forever they were living forever remember what psalm 82 said i called you gods but now you will die like men they understand that context that's what they're talking about gods and men with the blood of women you have defiled yourselves with the blood of flesh you have forgotten and with the blood of men you have lusted and you have done as they do flesh and blood who die and perish like psalm 82 therefore i gave them women that they may cast seed into them and thus beget children by them that nothing foul them on the earth but you originally existed as spirits living forever and not dying for all generation of eternity therefore i did not make women among you okay for the sons of men they could reproduce because they don't live forever but for these guys i didn't give you women because you're eternal you're eternal spirits so jesus says in heaven there's no giving or taking in marriage you're spirits the spirit therefore didn't make women among you the spirits of heaven in heaven is their dwelling but now the giant who begotten by the spirits of and flesh so the giants were gone by spirits and flesh they together they will call them evil spirits on the earth for their dwelling will be on the earth what are demons we say they're fallen angels where'd you get that from oh i got from the book of revelation that say when satan fell he took a third the stars with him the book of revelation is written after the cross but there's demons in the gospels so it can't be that unclean spirits are these children and their children different classes when they die their spirits can't go to heaven they wander the earth they're unclean they're mixed that's who unclean spirits are and they know exactly what they are because when they see jesus what do they say we know who you are son of the most high because they're sons but not the most high they know exactly what's going on but now the giants who have begotten by the spirits and flesh they will call them evil spirits on the earth for their dwelling will be on the earth okay that's the guy stick around until their final judgment the spirits that have gone forth from the body of their flesh are evil spirits so when these guys die these giants die these nephilim die their spirits are the evil spirits and what they want i want a body they want to get into your nervous system just by speaking to you you're useless you're an idiot god never did don't do that for you did god really say are you the precious son of god against your emotions i'll get into your dna i want that word to go into you and become part of your frequency set so they can affect your emotions and affect your words hopefully they'll like to control your whole body again so you have no free will spirits have gone forth in the body of their flesh are evil spirits for from humans they came into being and from the holy watchers was the origin of their creation evil spirits they will be on the earth and evil spirits they will be called the spirits of heaven in heaven is their dwelling but the spirits begotten on the earth on the earth is their dwelling being very clear and the spirits of the giants led astray do violence make desolate and attack and wrestle in hell upon the earth and cause illness that's what the giants are doing they eat nothing but abstain from food and they're thirsty and smite these spirits will rise up against the sons of men and against women they have come forth from them okay so rise up against men and against women why against women because they came from women they're very angry in some way somewhere adam's going you put me here you did this to me these spirits angry with women because they came from women i exist and i hate it and it's your fault from the day of the slaughter and destruction and death of the giants from the soul of those who flesh the spirits are proceeding they are making desolate without incurring judgment okay the spirits around they're active to this day all right then these guys aren't locked up the watchers locked up but these spirits still around thus they will make desolate until the day of the consummation of the great judgment book of revelation when the great age will be consummated it will be contributed all at once and now say to the watchers who sent you to petition on their behalf who were formerly in heaven in the divine council you were in heaven and no mystery was revealed to you but a stolen mystery you learned i took it to earth and traded yeah training and this you made known to the women in your hardness of heart so and through this mystery the women and men are multiplying evils on the earth say to them you will have no peace okay it's all your fault i read you one last bit and then you get a big nap okay enoch 20 verse one list of the seven archang archangels these are the names of the holy angels who watch cool yeah uriel one of the holy angels who in charge of the world and tartarus peter mentions tardis raphael one of the holy angels who is in charge of the spirits of men reuel one of the holy angels who takes vengeance on the world of the luminaries the stars the holy you know beings michael one of the holy angels who's been put in charge of the good ones of the people michael protects the good people so who is michael protect us now in the old testament israel sario one of the holy ones who is in charge of the spirits of who sin against the spirit if you're a naughty angel you don't see sario gabriel we love gabriel he's on our christmas cards one of the holy angels he was in charge of paradise and the serpent and the cherubim who are the serpents seraphim romeo one of the holy angels whom god has put in charge of them that rise the names of the seven archangels i traveled to where it was chaotic and there i saw a terrible thing i saw neither heaven above nor firmly founded earth but a chaotic terrible place and there i saw seven of the stars of heaven bound and thrown in it together not these guys but uh seven of the leaders of the 200 like the great mountains burning in fire okay angels if you follow satan you go the fire this is where it comes from okay now i said for what reason they have been bound and for what reason have they been thrown here then uriel said to me one of the holy angels was with me and there was the leader so you as a leader of those seven he said to me enoch why do you inquire and why are you so eager for the truth these are the stars of heaven that transgress the command of the lord they've been bound here until 10 000 years of fulfilled the time of their sins okay so these guys are bound in fire they're not coming back from there i traveled to another place more terrible than this one i saw a terrible thing a great fire burning and flaming there the place had a narrow cleft extending to the abyss the abyss so there's different places the abyss what do the demons say to jesus don't send us to the abyss this place full of great pillars of fire borne down with neither the measure nor the size was i able to see or to estimate and i said how terrible is this place and feel to look at the euro answered me one of the holy ones angels who was with me he said enoch why are you so frightened and shaken and i replied because of this terrible place and because of the fearful sight it said this place is a prison for angels here they'll be confined forever a lake of fire prepare for the devil and these angels all right the book of enoch if you don't understand divine council if you don't understand hovering over and the seed line you understand the watches you don't understand what's going on okay but now you do you understand what's happening today if we can have i'll finish with these scriptures here just on enoch just so you know jesus uh you can tell by the way he acted he knew this what this was he knew about the divine council because they call him the son of the most high are you here to torture us before our time what where does that come from years ago what what's that before the time that's not in the bible you didn't say that he knew exactly what they're talking about there's the point of time the numbers are in here yeah that comes on the most high correct right um people up two peter two four four the six people who study the bible they find very interesting paul wrote galatians and ephesians the galatians and ephesians the framework is modeled on the book of enoch and second peter and people write these tables and they go galatians enoch galatians enlight galatians or ephesians enoch officials in the second peter enoch okay very familiar and then you see it's always in their mind because we just think that this is the only thing that happened we don't think about this very much we think everything's about this and nothing about this where the epistles are dealing with all this simultaneously jesus came and fixed it all up yeah so second peter 4 5 and second peter 2. uh oh sorry verse from verse four four the six sorry for if god did not spare the angels when they sinned that's not in the bible but cast them into hell or tartarus yeah and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment what we just read what's he quoting enoch yes first enoch he did not spare the ancient will but preserve noah a herald of righteousness with seven others when he brought the flood upon the world of the ungodly but if by turning the cities of sodom and gomorrah to ashes he can send them to extinct extinction make an example of them what's going to happen to the ungodly these will say if you follow these guys okay okay and i want to show you here that he connects solomon gomorrah because in solomon gomorrah they were doing this training because angels went in what the men want to do sleep with the angels exactly this peter's mind watchers trading enoch simon gomorrah same thing mixing human dna training yep jude 1 6-14 okay and the angels did not stay with within their own position of authority i was reading enoch i gave you stuff i gave you stuff to do but you went down to earth and did something else okay they have not left their first estate some angels are still there lots of them lots of below elohim are still in their first estate doing what they should do but 200 didn't and the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority but left their proper dwelling the heavens and the thrones they had there he is kept in the internal chains under gloomy darkness since the judgment of the great day exact same thing he is quoting second peter or he's read enoch justice sullivan gomorrah straight away okay simon gomorrah we think it's about something the church but it's not it's about this this is what someone gomorrah is about okay and they didn't treat the poor very well because they're like their father satan where god loves the poor just the son of gomorrah and the surrounding cities which likewise indulge in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire and we think ah i know what the church thinks well that is okay a natural desire strange flesh is another translation of that okay it's not song tomorrow's not what we say it is it's what the bible says it is and it's saying right now it's trading with beings served as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire you follow satan you go to fire okay we willingly step through a baptism of fire we're choosing that okay but satan's your father you go live with your dad all right in like manna these people also relying on their dreams the file of the flesh is about the body the human body okay all sins the same all sins are cleaned by jesus but sexual sin is different why is it different because against your own body the very thing he's trying to prevent from genesis 3 onwards okay since forgiven that has a different effect on the earth sexual sin changes this yeah this belongs to god your body belongs to god it's have to carry the glory it's his temple okay so yeah in life man that these people also relying on their dreams defile the flesh reject authority and blaspheme the glorious ones okay they're like their father they're very angry at this good people like they're very angry at them but when the arc angle archangel michael contending with the devil was disputing about the body of moses okay why did why moses need the body because he came back where on the mount transfiguration why there we'll find out in two days the archangel michael contending with the devil was disputing about the body of moses he had not presumed to pronounce a blasphemous judgment but said the law rebuked you okay these glorious ones okay but be very careful who talk about them they were there before us okay i remember um a famous speaker you may know used to talk about meeting abe baby yeah he tells a story i mean abraham he's good friends with abraham so he called him maybe baby and one day he went to heaven and this whatever moses looks like in heaven abraham stepped in abraham's there he says my name is abraham he's like right no more happy baby yeah all right it's a glorious place we'll go on there god's word is deed we just speak like oracles of god and change our words yeah be very careful we talk about these things but the people blaspheme all they all that they do and don't understand and they are destroyed by all that they like unreasoning animals understand instinctively woe to them they walked in the way of cain who was of the evil one yep cain the devil was his father by expressing that nature he murdered a beloved son because he's working by works and it didn't get him anywhere by works the knowledge of good and evil he was doing right doing right doing right and his mind and god said if you don't do right will you not be accepted you know i'm doing right but murder builds got the older brother okay woe to them for they walked in the way of cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to balaam's error and perished in cora's rebellion these are hidden reefs at your love feasts as they feast with you without fear shepherds feeding themselves waterless clouds swept along by wind fruitless trees in late autumn twice dead uprooted wild waves of the sea casting up the foam of their own shame wandering stars for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever you say you trade with these guys they've got nothing they're empty clouds okay but if you don't know this you think he's talking about what bad bible teachers what's he talking about here you know it was also about these that enoch the seven from adam prophesied saying behold the law comes with ten thousand of his holy ones we've just read enoch very important son of man is the term that's used in enoch first not the fight with women angels gone to fire ten thousand we find out what unclean spirits are now we understand what they are we understand why they dealt with jesus the way they dealt with jesus my jesus dealt with them way dealt with them so good news okay good news is that you accepted a new genetic line i'm trying to end on a happy note so you don't go to bed clutching your knees to your chest rocking back and forth if you're jesus is land they have no authority they have nothing in common yeah you're like your father you choose now to send reign on the good and evil they can't touch you because they have nothing to agree with you in you've been good to all they want you to get jealous and murder all okay the devil's not evil like darth vader either evil like he's not evil okay he's cruel cruel cruel he doesn't want you sad once you're dead don't give him a foothold how be like your dad that seed that's in you has a nature and that seed is growing and growing and growing that seed is love joy peace patience kindness understanding that's your true nature the sermon on the mount is not a list of things to attain to cain would read it that way it describes you it's describing the kingdom which is the father's nature which is your nature you've literally been born again of a new seedline this is what we must be born again you must be born again and not tomorrow but the day after we will see how jesus addresses all of these yeah tomorrow we'll see how israel addressed some of this stuff okay and then next i'll see how jesus addressed all of this and so we okay we're a peculiar people god delights to give you the kingdom and everything in you that doesn't believe that is this old record but that's great you're designed to overcome because when i wake up in the morning i don't necessarily feel that god's a loving father delights me and sings over me all right there's many times my life i don't feel that way okay it's a word that's in me it's come from experience interpretations my line and i was a spirit being that inherited this dna when i came whether you believe you're created at conception you're a spirit being that came down and inherited dna that you knew god before i formed you in the womb i knew you okay that's why i believe i knew him i came in and i accepted this dna and this dna this is from europe okay i'm not european this dna is but it's becoming god i've got some of this i've got some of this i've got lots of this got some zeus and some diana and some bacchus and i'm i'm from scandinavia i'm from germany i'm from uh england my dna loves these guys all right okay and these guys don't like god and there's something in me which i've discovered over the years that's very angry with god i don't know why nothing really bad happen but when bad stuff happens i'm like see you abandoned me oh that's interesting a word comes in trying to say see god abandoned you he's looking for looking for that same record in me okay but a better word's coming i'm the beloved son yep you look at my sermons all my sermons are me dealing with this in me if you look at read watch one of my sermons about chris is really good in the area no no my sermons as we heard this morning are from the area of my struggle and strife that makes me an overcomer if those who overcome will sit on his throne yep the book of revelation is the secret to transfiguration yeah and that's what you're doing doing here's the dna did you treat your dna i don't know okay but if you see someone who look at their life and they had the worst childhood ever sexually emotionally physically financially and now they're 30 and they are a mess but they've received christ they can't put their life together they can't hold a relationship they can't do their finances they can't even shower before they come to church okay that's the dna around them do you see the heart you see them because the person who received that dna will overcome it by the time he's 80 is what you overcome you just make a a grid let's say you're the seventh generation of pastors and you're here life's great okay you marry the worship leader you have great kids and blah blah blah okay life's like this they have you ever come no you're good eye to eye with other churches but you compare yourself to churches the only person you compare yourself to is the glorified christ and some guy gets born down here terrible childhood terrible physical emotional sexual other stuff into him maybe ritual abuse and he's here and by the time he's 70 he might believe that god actually likes him he's gone from here to here some guy's born here overcomer not an overcomer okay you've overcome when you overcome you're removing that bad dna we're doing removing the giants from the land you're saying god i can do that remember you want to be the good spies here's your chance they have been given to you they've heard what god did to egypt the biggest baddest elo women on the block and they're smaller other women than they then than ra he did that to ra we're goners and all i can say is you can't come in here that's all i can do but you can no truces joshua made the truce destroy everything you can take that land this land this land can say at all times i have a good father who delights in me and his word is his deed and i bless my enemies like my father as they're killing me on the night he was betrayed jesus offered his body on the night he was betrayed have you been betrayed on the night he was betrayed he gave up commune he made his commitment and the night he was betrayed that's who you are you love you didn't love god god first loved you okay and that is why you're saved and that will be your enemy's testimony the person who on earth makes you the maddest because all the crimes they're doing their testimony will be that christian first loved me while i was a sinner i was loved by the church and kindness limits repentance because you're god get the t-shirt it's better that he left that you're here you are there already that sees in you that's your nature you're already it all you're doing is believing what you already are you can believe the invisible word that god says you are my sons joy peace patience kindness this is what you are fruit of the spirit work of flesh fruit of the spirit taste touch and see you can look for earthy justice look what those people are doing let's smash them or love will you lay your life down from where you lay your life down from and that's your heart you go to the divine council this guy here he can choose whether to take him out or not remember he talks about jezebel that jezebel she slept around having kids giving false prophecies she's out first sleeping around two you're out three four kids how many people you slept with like god says i've given the time to repent all the northern nations they are way naughty they're doing cruel stuff he gives them time and time and time before he has to act yeah that's us but we're the agents with christ now a better word than the blood of abel that cries out justice correct justice a greater justice has come the blood before the foundation of the world says all the sin that comes through i've already paid for it yes even those people are doing the worst things right now my bloods pay for them will you first love them we love them while they're still yet sinners their earthly actions may have earthly consequences we love them yep that's what you are already you are the beloved sons of god and you're exactly like him right now at rest as a free gift because you believed a word you believe the word that sees in you you're born again from above another race you've escaped the corruption of the world by word divine by promises i promise a word we live by word because it worth his deed you love me for who i am i'm a visible god that speaks word all right i want to pray father you are lord god almighty jesus you are the son of the most high and jesus you've given us yourself we are also the sons of the most high how amazing astounding is the love of god that he would call us sons of god oh what man the love of the father has given unto us that we'll be called sons of god we are sons of god and i speak of these people you will walk from the fullness of the statue of christ in your lifetime what god has started he will finish he is the author and finisher of the race he will cause you to will and act according to his good purpose he chose you you did not choose him you are the elect you will be sinless and blameless nothing in common with this world you are the overcomers you'll be a pillar in the house of the lord and you will sit on the throne of jesus christ and we honor the benoit alone that looked into this meeting and the angels the seraphim the cherubim the seven spirits the living letters the cloud of witnesses we honor you enoch we honor you john we honor you paul we honor you moses we honor you jude we honor you peter we honor you father enoch said his eyes were opened by god we might be so bold we ask that you open our eyes eyes of our heart the eyes of our dia our imagination be enlightened speak over every person here their angels messages from god and the cloud witnesses to stand by them tonight guard their hearts and their minds and minister them before the face of god i declare great sleep peacefully the peace that's in this room right now that's hit this room right now that peace in their hearts that peace in their flesh in their body and i ask the eyes will be open i grant them dreams and visions and encounters tonight and god you are lord god most high and we are your children we will love you forever amen [Music] you
Channel: As He Is Ministries
Views: 29,733
Rating: 4.8340249 out of 5
Keywords: god, kabbalah, michaleheiser, aliens, pyramids, biblical, doctrine, enoch, babel, cherub, giants, mystery, seraph, principalities, apocrypha, angels, dna, devil, bible, fallenangels, nephilim, mystic, towerofbabel, technology, seraphim, powers, satan, hermon, heiser, gods, mysticism, saint, genesis, cain, abel, blood, jesus, christ, cross, mistic, mystics, father, son, holy, spirit, trinity
Id: NhoUjZbQVVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 31sec (8311 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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