Guess The Movie Challenge (HBO Max & Chillax)

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- Three, two, one. - Great job, Shayne, you did it. - Ew. (beeping) - Welcome to HBO Max and Chillax. (cheering) Do you see what we did? Cause it's like Netflix and chill, but if we had to make it rhyme. - Ah. - Ah. - How does this work, guys? I'm going to tell you how this works. - Ah. - Thank goodness. - HBO Max is a platform that exists. - Wow, what? - Yeah, apparently, and there are several movies and TV shows on it. I'm going to be reading the synopsis for different movies and TV shows, and you guys are going to try to figure out what it is. No questions yet. You guys are going to figure out what it is. If you get it wrong, what happens, Sarah? - You get ice down in your pants. - That's what you get. - Get iced mother (beep). - Courtney, question? - Are the descriptions just as weird as Netflix. - Yes. - Ha ha, cool. - Damien, you have a question? - How are you? - Oh man, I'm all right. - Ah. - Looks like Damien's in the lead. - Are there any HBO Max exclusive shows? - Should have studied. - Yeah, you should have studied. - I don't have HBO Max. - Isn't like "Friends" one HBO Max? - "Friends," there's "Doom Patrol," you know, that show, there's a, what else? Couple of DC movies. - "The Floor Is Lava." - Nope, that's Netflix. - Studio Ghibli movies. - So are you guys ready to play? (cheering) - No. - So we're going to be going three v three. Each of you guys, I'll be asking questions, you go as long as you keep getting answers right, and at the end, we're going to be down to one winner. All right, who wants to go first? (crickets chirping) - Damien. - All right, Damien gets to go first. - Why? (laughing) - Yay. - Cause you clapped. - I shooted my shot. - She shoted her shoot. - All right, Damien, are you ready? - No. - I think you are. Here we go, here is your description-- - I thought he was going to call on me. - From the platform HBO Max. - Uh huh. (clearing throat) - An abandoned teenager is chosen to become a superhero. Testing out his new-found powers proves to be great fun, until a powerful villain enters the picture intent on destroying him. - You got this, you got this. - Ooh, I actually feel like, I feel like I got this one. Is it... (air whooshing) "Shazam." - It is "Shazam." (ringing) (cheering) - So good, so good. - Yes, you did it. - Best shot in the movie too was the moment-- - Where he jumps off the roof. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - Like it just, you feel it, yeah. - Yeah, that was a good shot, that gave me chills. - I saw it next to you when we saw "Shazam." - Yeah, we did, I cried. - We were all together, weren't we together? - I cried, wept. It was a very good movie. - Zachary Levi is a snack. - I'm a simp. - Tommy. - Uh oh. - Uh oh, buddy. - Uh oh, here he is. - I'm bad at this one. - No, you're not. - No, you did good. (upbeat music) - Woo. - Oh. - You remember, I was first one out last time, recall? - [Sarah] No. - Recall? - You do good now. - Tommy Bowe, your description is a tough cop is trapped inside of a Los Angeles skyscraper where terrorists have taken his estranged wife and colleagues hostage. - Oh no. - Okay, everyone is shrugging and rolling their eyes, but I have no idea. - You're going to, you're going to, oh... - Read it one more time. - I'm going to read it one more time. - Yes. - A tough cop-- - Tough cop. - Is trapped inside of a Los Angeles skyscraper where terrorists have taken his estranged wife-- - Damn. - Don't do this. - And colleague hostage. Tommy Bowe. - [Tommy] No. - He's giving you a hint. - No, no, no, I fully understand where he's coming from because either this is obvious or I would have no clue either like if I was in Tommy's position - I just feel bad because I think I know it, and everyone's going to yell at you. I'm not going to yell at you. - Okay, it's not "Taken" because he's not trapped in a building. - Trapped in a building. - True, wow. - But it's all that I can think of, so I'm going to take the ice, Matt, is it "Taken?" - It's not "Taken." (buzzing) - What is it, please? - It's "Die Hard." - Yeah. - It is "Die Hard." (ringing) - Oh yeah, okay, yeah, it is "Die Hard." - It is? - "Die Hard," yeah. - Is it not that new skyscraper Rock movie that's literally exactly that description. - No, he's not a tough cop. - Every time Matt says terrorist, it's just "Die Hard." - It's "Die Hard." - It's true. Tommy, I'm so sorry. - Ah. - Oh, it's a little bucket. - [Damien] It's so polite. - It's so, yeah, top me off. - [Matt] Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll top you off. - It's that polite boy. - Okay, well, that's maybe a little too much. - You're fine, you're fine. - I believe in you, oh my god. - Ready, three, two, one, ice your crotch. - [Ian] Ice it up, baby - First one again. - Chillax. - Woo. It went down my leg. - That's okay. - I believe in you. - Oh lord, you got this. - It's a lot. - Oh, there's a little left. - Thank you, see that's admirable. That is the honor system that I hope we can all-- - God, I've got to stop moving. - Hey, Courtney. - Oh, hi, ah, it's time. - Oh Courtney, are you ready for your description? - I think, okay, yeah. - Okay, you are. - Okay. - Here we go. A drunken curmudgeon moves in with his daughter's family and firmly establishes himself as a terrible influence on his grandson. - [Tommy] Curmudgeon? - This is a show or a movie? - Could be either. - Oh mother. - It could also be a picture he saw once. - Okay, this is so weird, but I don't think it's on HBO. - Well, they have things on there. - It might be. They have "Friends" on HBO. - I'm going to guess "Rick and Morty." - Oo, Courtney, it is "Rick and Morty." (ringing) (cheering) - Great job, holy crap. - Wow. - I would have guessed "Uncle Buck." - Yeah. - Shayne, Shayne, Shayne. - "Rick and Morty." Ah, is it "Family Stone?" - Oo, all right, not that one then. Here we go. (clearing throat) An astronaut traveling across the solar system in search of his long-missing father, whose doomed expedition now threatens humanity. - Um, I watched this movie, at least I'm gonna pick a movie that I watched that I can't remember if I was asleep the whole time. - Wow. - More than likely because I think I was. - Is it "Ad Astra?" (ringing) - It is "Ad Astra." (cheering) - Weirdly could have applied to "Guardians 2" cause he goes after his dad. - I would've said "Interstellar." - Long missing father, yeah, yeah, whose doomed, yeah, look at that. - Yeah, but there's not a baboon in that one. - "Interstellar--" - Ian. - Yes. - Hecox. - Hey, yes. - Uh oh, that's him. - Are you ready, buddy? - Hi, yeah. - I love this relaxed pose. - [Matt] Yeah, you're a little too relaxed. I feel like you, you're like one of those-- - Don't go looking for the hardest ones. - [Matt] Shut up. - Just so you know, I haven't, I didn't know either of theirs. - What? - So yeah. - Wow. - You knew "Rick and Morty." - Well, I mean, I didn't get, I didn't guess it. - I wouldn't have guessed that one. - Okay, all right, well, here we go, here we go. - Going to be "Parasite." - How you doing, Tommy? (intense music) (laughing) - It's rough. (screaming) - He dies. - Tommy Bowe, constantly making music wherever he goes. - Tommy cold thighs. - Alrighty, and here we go. On the lam after an explosive jailbreak, this pair joins forces to reconstitute their gang in Rio de Janeiro where they run afoul of a greedy crime boss while dodging a gung-ho DEA agent. - Jesus Christ, that's a lot of (beep). - I mean, it's, yeah. - Whoa, go again, Jesus. - [Matt] One more time. - Are you okay, Tom? On the lam after an explosive jailbreak, this pair joins forces to reconstitute their gang in Rio de Janeiro where they run afoul of a greedy crime boss while dodging a gung-ho DEA agent. (intense music) - Okay. - I think I know what it is. - Yep. - I might've given you a hint with my pronunciation. - Really? - Of Rio de Janeiro. (laughing) - Wow, that's so many things all running together. - This is so hard. - It's not. Ian? - Oh. - Last chance. - Yeah, I know what it is. - What is it? - It's "Rocky." - The movie about the boxer? - Yes. - Ian is... Do you want to take another chance? - Ian, you're about to be so bummed. - Save Tommy. - Yeah. - Shayne, Damien? - It's three, two, one, "Fast Five." - It is "Fast Five." (ringing) - Ah. - Rio de Janeiro. - [Matt] Rio de Janeiro. - You guys were just talking about "Fast and Furious." - You did say "Rocky," it's The Rock. - Yeah. - I was thinking the Rio Grande river in the United States. Not Rio de Janeiro, which is in (beep) Brazil. - [Matt] Yep. - Yup. - [Courtney] Oh my God. (Ian screaming) - [Matt] That's why I was pronouncing it that way. - Ian, you and I were talking about "Fast Five" like two days ago. - I've never even heard of it. - I know, I know, but what I was thinking, I was thinking of Rio de Janeiro, and I thought that was... - I have no idea what it is either, yeah. - Ian, I knew you knew it, that's why, Ian. - Vin Diesel just goes like, "Brazil." (laughing) - Three, two, one. (intense music) - Why do you guys stand up for it? - Yeah, don't stand up. - Because I'm not wearing underwear, so when I open up my pants in front of you, you're going to see my dong. - Or we could just like look away. - Oo. - I'm going to look at that. - All right, here we go. - Oh. Sarah Whittle, are you ready? All right, here is your description. Life's a drag literally for a divorced actor whose wife gets full custody of his adored children. - Oh, oh, oh. - Damn, that's it, that's the whole description. - Well, also going across the galaxy to look for his-- - I believe it is "Ms. Doubtfire." - It is "Mrs. Doubtfire," but I'll give it to you. (ringing) (cheering) - No, I got it right. All right, who's still in the game? - Sarah can have all the ice. - We've got four people still in the game. Damien Haas. - Back to me. - Back to you, buddy boy. All right, here we go. - Tommy, how are you doing? - Yeah, Tommy. - My blood's clotting. - Oh. Life on the farm proves to be challenging for this hero when he gets it in his head to become the resident shepherd. Can he prove his worth before he winds up on a dinner plate? Oh, oh yeah, okay, this is, this is "Babe." - It is "Babe," correct. (ringing) - I love "Babe." - I would not have guessed that. - Why are you guys suddenly good at this game when I get out, and now I have to wait longer? - Yeah, yeah. - No, why? - You want to know what's even worse? I said, "Babe," and I thought "Charlotte's Web." - [Sarah] It's all a prank on you. - All right, here we go, Shayne Topp. - God dammit. - Here we go. By day, he makes ends meet any way he can. - Oh, it's "Batman." - But nighttime is when he gets to really display his many talents until he learns that there's a downside to the lifestyle when it threatens his blossoming new romance. - Um, is it, (beep), I don't know this. Is it "Cocktail?" (buzzing) - It is not "Cocktail." (laughing) You're not that far off. - It's, three, two, one, "The Dark Night." - "Kickass." - Neither of those movies, it is "Magic Mike." (ringing) - Oh. - Wow. - "Cocktail" was not that far off. - Yeah, that's why, yeah, see? - You're so annunciating that so aggressively. - It's like cock. - Now you're about to have a cock freeze. ♪ Joining the ice force ♪ - Oh. - Three, two, one, great job, Shayne, you did it. - Ew. - Stop. (laughing) Stop. - [Shayne] Damien. - Keep going. - Don't say my name while you're touching your ice cock. - All right, Courtney, you're ready. - God, we're going to lose this. - Okay, okay, I got this, I got this. - Here we go. A set of acquaintances in their twenties pursue careers, love and happiness while relying on each other for support. - People in their mid-twenties? "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2," just kidding, um... Can you say it one more time please? - One more time. - I'm dripping out my ass. - That's nice. (laughing) That's normally me, so give me this time, okay. - A set of acquaintances in their twenties pursue careers, love and happiness while relying on each other for support. - Oh. - Courtney, final answer? - "Justice League." - See you got screwed because we've done so many movies. - Because we've also never thought about them in their 20s because we-- - I was going to say "Friends." - It is "Friends." (ringing) - Wait, but that's on Netflix. - It's on HBO Max. - No, I was going to say "Girls." - Oh. - I was thinking "Friends." - It's okay, I just, it's the universe wants me to get iced. - [Tommy] Clearly, yeah. - Also we mentioned friends at the very beginning of this. - And throughout. - And acquaintances. - [Sarah] That's how I feel about "Rick and Morty." - Dang it, dang it, I don't-- - Ready? - Okay. - Three, two, one. - Oo wee. Help. - It is down to Damien and Sarah Whittle. - Would you like some of my water? - No. - Crotch water. All right, Sarah, are you ready? - [Courtney] Crotch water. - Yeah. - Here we go. A woman and her family are terrorized by home invaders with a terrifying connection to them. (clock ticking) - Oo, I think I know this one. - I do. - I think Shayne does too. - Can you repeat that one for me? - One more time for Ian. - Thank you. - Cause he's busy scolding me for not having a penis, really? - Yeah. - A woman and her family are terrorized by home invaders with a terrifying connection to them. - I'm going to, I'm shooting it. - You know it. - [Damien] I'm beaming to you as well. I'm beaming you too, there we go. - I'm beaming the wrong answer to you. - I get two thirds a match and then it, and then it falls apart. - I know. - [Damien] It's going to be really upsetting if you don't get this for very specific reasons. - I'm not going to get it. - Uh, it's, uh, bird, bird, nope, um. - Bird, bird, nope, um - Bird, bird, nope, um, it is not bird, bird, nope, um. - It's "Cabin in the Woods," obviously. - It is not "Cabin in the Woods." - Shayne, what's your guess. - My guess would be "Panic Room." - Oh my God. - I was kind of thinking like Jodie Foster, right, is that what it is? - Damien. - Three, two, one, "Us." - [Tommy] "Strangers." - It is "Us." (ringing) Which we all saw together. - We did, memories. - Oh, that's, yeah, that's smart. - No. - Dude, the ice makes you feel like I'm on my period. - Sarah, I'm so sorry, here you go. - Oh. - [Matt] Ready, three, two, one. - Why couldn't it have just been the family? (screaming) - [Tommy] Oh, that's too much ice, Sarah, that's too much ice. - Dude, if you, this feeling it literally it simulates menstrual cramps. - So that's-- - [Sarah] That is not a good move. - Does Damien have to try and pass one more? - Damien's got one more, and if he gets it, he gets it, and if he doesn't get it, he gets iced. - Last man standing. - It's just instantly melting. - Hot crotch. - Hot crotch buns. - Damien, your ultimate question. - Uh huh. - Here we go, Damien Haas. A nightclub sensation murders her husband and a slick lawyer is set to defend her. But when another case pops up and becomes a media circus of headlines, neither woman will be out done in a fight for fame and celebrity. - Dude, come on, babe, we're going to paint the town because this is "Chicago." Ooh, it is "The Desolation of Smaug." No, it's "Chicago." (ringing) (cheering) - I didn't know that at all. - That was so easy. - That was very easy. - You gave me a family gets weird familiar people. - I guessed yours too. - I didn't even know it. - I wouldn't have got "Chicago." - Is that a musical? - Everyone in the crew knew "Us." - Fine, give me it, fine. If it's so easy, give me the ice. - Yeah, show us. - I'll do it. - Show us on the doll. - Here we go. (laughing) - Ready? Three, two, one, go. - Oh no. - Thanks for watching, guys. If you want us to do YouTube Originals and dip. I don't know, we're going to figure something, some kind of rhyme. - Flex and sex. - Flex and sex. If you guys want us to do another one, let us know. Here's a video over here. Here's a video over here. Don't forget to subscribe. How you doing? You doing okay? - Crackle and snuggle. - Crackle and snuggle. No one uses Crackle. - Subscribe to my icy butt, sorry. - [Damien] Quibi and chili. - [Matt] Quibi and chili, hot chili in the crotch. I like that, I'm into that. - [Ian] I like that change, that's the twist. Next time it's just like-- - Bye. - [Matt] Bye, guys.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 582,633
Rating: 4.9656272 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, netflix and chill, hbo max and chillax, movie trivia, guess the movie, guess the movie challenge, ice bucket challenge
Id: H0ZmfTks_e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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