How Much Do We Know About Gen Z?

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- Who is this person? Three, two, one. (buzzer beeps) Courtney. - Oh. - [Saige] He passed on me. - Connor. (players laughing) - Connor! - How well do we know Generation Z? Specifically, how well do these millennials know Generation Z? Anyways, we're about to find out, it's another episode of "Bepordy." (Courtney bleats) - Wow. - I was expecting like some applause, and like. (players and crew clapping) - I'm like, we all knew you would do that. - I think some of you are millennials, and some of you actually are Generation Z yourselves. - I think we're in betweeners. - Yeah, we're on the edge of millennial, but I think we're still millennials. - I don't know- - I read in article once that if you're born in '97, you're the first. - Okay, so then- - So the two- - We're millennials. - I'm the first Gen Z. - So, we'll introduce you one by one. First up, we got Courtney Miller. - Her. - Who's on the edge, I guess. - Of glory. - Noah Grossman, who is Generation Z, the first Gen Z person on the planet. - On Smosh. - Wow. - It's like walking on the moon, it's important. - Yeah. - It's important. - [Shayne] Saige Ryan. - I've been on TikTok too. - And Tommy Bones. - I'm old! - Yeah, Tommy Bones! (players laughing) - The categories today are When Z?, these are dates and like specific times that things happened. Maybe when, what came first? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Talk the Talk, these are Gen Z phrases. Walk the Walk, these are Gen Z movements, physical actions. Off the Charts is all about music. And Hello, My Name Is is like people that Gen Z loves, or just are fascinated with, you know? - (mmhmms) Zelebrities. - Zelebrities. - Wow. - Wow. - TikTok. (magical jingling) You know what, Noah? Since you are the most Gen Z person here, I'm gonna let you pick a category first. But before we begin, I have to do something very Gen Z. And I have to say, guys, like and subscribe. Hit that notification bell. Noah, go ahead. (players laughing) - I'm gonna be honest here. Although I did like gas myself up a little bit, I don't use TikTok. (crowd groans) - What? - I don't use TikTok. - Don't out yourself like that. - I did that immediately. - Oh my gosh. - I think the only category I might have a strength is When Z?, so I'm gonna go When Z? For 100. - Whoa. - Okay Did "Space Jam" hit theaters before or after the oldest Gen Z-ers were born? (buzzer buzzes) We got Noah! - Why do I feel like "Space Jam" was in '98? So I'm gonna say after. - That is correct! - Oh! (players clapping) - A hundred points for Noah! - That was scary. - Yeah. - Noah, pick another category. - We're gonna do When Z? for 150. - All right, When Z? for 150. - Ooh, okay. - Which presidential election was the first that the oldest members of Gen Z could vote in? (buzzer buzzes) That goes to Noah. - I'm gonna say the election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. - That is correct! - Whoo! (players clapping) - Let's jam. - That's the first time I voted. - All right, Noah. - I definitely can't Walk the Walk. Can I Talk the Talk? - The talk? - Here we go, we're gonna Talk the Talk for 50. - Which three emojis used together mean that you are shocked and/or stunned by what you just saw? (players laugh) (buzzer beeps) Tommy. - Okay, this isn't really that, this can't be right, but I'm gonna, I've seen it too much. - Oh. - Is it eyeball, lips like this, and then other eyeball? - That is correct! (bell dings) - Wow! (players clapping) - Wow! - Tommy, pick a category. - Okay. - Wow! - I'm feeling my 28 years, and I'm going to embarrass myself by doing Hello, My Name Is for 50, please. - I'm gonna show you, there's a picture on this card. (players laughing) - A very small photo. - There's a photo on this card, and I'm gonna flip it. You need to hit it and say who it is. - See, it's important 'cause it also tests your eyesight on- - Okay, three, two, one. (buzzer buzzes) That is Courtney. - Okay, Robert Pattinson! - That is correct. (bell dings) - I used to see every "Twilight" movie. (players clapping) - Dudes my age, back when "Twilight" was around, were so annoyed with Robert Pattinson, but now we all like love him. - Yeah. - He's awesome. - Yeah, 'cause he's Batman. - Like, he just hates everything, and I think that's awesome. - Let's do Off the Charts for 50, Alex. Oh, wait, that's sad now. (players laugh) - Oh. - Which chart-topping song broke Spotify's record for the most single day streams? (buzzer buzzes) - That goes to Saige. - "Driver's License?" - That's correct. (bell dings) - Oh my God! - Oh, whoa! - [Tommy] Oh my God. - I'm gonna do Off the Charts for a hundred. - Off the Charts for a hundred points. 10 kills on the board right now, just wiped out tomato town- (buzzer buzzes) - Sorry. - My friends just got down, are the lyrics to a parody of what song by what artist? Saige, you jumped the gun, but I'll give it to you. - It is "American Boy" by Kanye west and Estelle. - That is correct. - Boom! (bell dings) (players clapping) That is correct. All right, Saige. - Dude, let's get a Walk the Walk in here, let's do a Walk the Walk for 50. - How do the children of today pantomime using the phone? (buzzers beep) Courtney. - Like this. - That is correct! (bell dings) - How is it described to you on a card? - I hate it, it makes me so sad. - It says with a flat hand to the ear, because smartphones are the only phones they know. - And no longer like this, like our red pizza phone, it's so sad. - I miss this, this was awesome. - Cowabunga, brain. (players laugh) - Courtney, go ahead. - Let's do Walk the Walk for a hundred. - The Dolphin dance moves might share a name with the lovable mammal, but that's where the similarities end. Do that dance. (buzzer beeps) Saige. - It's this thing with the arched back, right? - That is correct! - Wow! (bell dings) - It's the worst! - I'm on TikTok all the time, but my for you page is the most messed up wasteland on the planet. There is no dancing there. - Yeah, I have a bunch of like 50-year-old women on my for you page. - Mine are like old truckers that are just like, it's another day out on the road! I get unironic TikTokers, like people would think it's just their diary. Saige, back to you. - Ah, okay, let's go with Hello, My Name is for a hundred. - Who is this person? Three, two, one. (buzzer beeps) That goes to Courtney. - Bad Baby. - That is correct! (bell dings) (players clapping) - You had it though, I thought it was you. - Courtney? - Okay, let's do When Z? for 50. - Which came first, Smosh's "Pokemon" theme song video, or the birth of iconic Gen Z star Jojo Siwa? (buzzer beeps) Noah. - It is going to be the birth of Jojo Siwa. - That is correct! - Yeah! (players clapping) 'Cause Smosh just had their 15-year anniversary. - Yeah, and she's 18. - That's right. All right, let's do a point check-in. Courtney, you have 200 points. - Wow. (players clapping) - Dang. - Ooh. - Noah, you've got 300 points. - Whoa! - I'm coming, I'm coming. - Ooh, okay. (players clapping) - [Shayne] Saige, you've got 250 points. - Wow. - Hey. (players clapping) - Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. - And Tommy, you have 50 points. - Thank you so much. - Yeah! - Arm clap. - Whoo! - Noah, pick a category. - All right, let's do off the charts for 150. - At the end of 2020, TikTok shouted out 10 artists for having multiple songs go incredibly viral on their platform. Name three of them. (buzzer buzzes) Noah. - Megan Thee Stallion, I'm gonna say Lil Nas X, and I'm gonna say Olivia, what's her name? Rodrigo. - Newton John. No, sorry. - No, the "Driver's License" girl. - Courtney? - Okay, Megan Thee Stallion, Lil Nas X, then Doja Cat. (buzzer beeps) - I don't know. - Tommy! - Good luck. - [Courtney] You got this, fam. - Hey Shayne. - [Shayne] Hey. - David Bowie, it's David Bowie. - And David Bowie, good, you got me. I'm going to keep Megan Thee Stallion and Doja Cat, I'm gonna scrabble Nas X, I think that's too recent. (Saige mmhmms) - Maybe he's only had like two. - That was in 2021, per se. - Yeah, and now, can I think of any other artist? Good question. Garfield the cat. (players laughing) - Saige, take a crack at it. - Saige, you got a chance here. - Okay, I will keep those two. - Like which one, the cat guy? - I've never heard of music. (players laugh) - See? - Did they shout out? DJ Khaled? (laughing) - All right, we're moving on. No points there. (buzzer buzzes) - No! - Here are the 10 artists. - [Saige] Please. - Megan Thee Stallion. - Uh-huh? - Doja Cat. - Uh-huh. - Pop Smoke. DaBaby. Roddy Rich. Melanie Martinez. Don Toliver. Dua Lipa. - Dua La Peep! - Dua La Peep! - 24K Goldn, and Lil Uzi Vert. - I really could have only named one more of those, even like that knew existed. - Yeah. - Okay, Noah! - I'm gonna go for Hello, My Name Is for 150. - Who is this person? Three, two, one. (buzzer beeps) Courtney. - Oh. Connor. (Saige and Tommy laughing) - Connor! - Saige? - I don't wanna be next, give it to somebody else, press the button. - [Shayne] Saige, you know, you know- - I don't know if I'd know his name! - Oh, Tommy, Noah, three, two- - Oh, oh, I went too soon. - No, it's fine, give it to him. I was gonna say Jim Carrey's "The Mask." (players laughing) But it's so funny, that's it's so funny. - Noah! - Listen, the only, I don't recognize the person, but I know there's two people who have my name that are much more famous than me, so I'm gonna guess one of them, is it Noah? And then I think his name's Beck. - That is correct! - Yeah! - Whoa! - Ooh, damn, that was good! - Yes, yes! - That's how we do it! - I kept having Noah Centineo in my head, and I was, it's not that one! - All right, Noah, once again. - All right, I'm gonna try to Talk the Talk again. I'm gonna go Talk the Talk for a hundred. - If someone comments on your post with the blue hat emoji, what are they implying about the content you've shared? (buzzer buzzes) Saige! - You're lying, cap! - That is correct! - Wow! (bell dings) I did not know that. - All right, Saige, pick a category. - Okay, I'm gonna keep going with Talk the Talk. Let's do Talk the Talk for 150. - Which emoji should be used to express serious laughter? (buzzer buzzes) That's Noah. - The serious laughter one, is that gonna be, oh my goodness. No, 'cause we're not saying that we're dead laughing, we're gonna do, not the normal crying emoji one, but the one that's got like the kinda like, the eyes are a little bit more crooked coming out, you know what I mean? - That is not correct. - I think that is the old crying one. - [Shayne] Go on to Saige! - I was gonna go with straight crying. - We will allow it! - Okay. - Way to go, Saige! - 'Cause I think that we get made fun of for the crying laughing emoji. - Yeah. - Yeah. - We get made fun of for that one now. - Saige, pick a category. - Let's even it out, let's get some symmetry. Walk the Walk for 150. - Okay. What's the hand motion the kids these days are using to portray the phrase, "ice in my veins?" (buzzer buzzes) - Tommy got it! (Saige laughing) - Oh! - Do it, Tommy! Do it, Tommy! (players clapping) - Yeah! - Yeah! - See, Tommy knew that because someone from Gen Z taught him that in the past. - I had luck with Talk the Talk, we're gonna do Talk the Talk. - Great. - Kind of, let's do it. - If a girl is called a "Heather," what does that mean? (buzzer buzzes) Noah? - God, she's just like a mother hen, she's just so nice, and warm to be around, and very motherly. (Noah laughs) You know, Heather. You guys don't know Heather? - Is that your mom's saying? - We're gonna throw it to Courtney, and see if she has a better answer. - I think it's like a popular girl. - That's more correct, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Is Heather popular? (players clapping) - Heather. - Yeah, "I Wish That I was Heather," it's a song, you know? - Courtney, pick a category. - Oh. When Z? What you wanna do, please. - The average Gen Z kid received their first smartphone prior to which birthday? (buzzer buzzes) Saige. - 10th. - Noah. - Hmm. - Prior to? - Prior to which birthday? - So that means the year before the one that I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say, okay, I want them to be 13 when they get it, but the answer might be 14 'cause they got it when they were 13. - Courtney and Tommy a chance, three, two, one. (buzzer buzzes) Tommy. - Gen Z, they got their phone way too early, so I'm gonna say they were eight years old. - Courtney. - They got up before they were 12. - That is correct! - Whoa! (bell dings) - There was a study by "Business Insider" that said, Gen Z kids got their smartphones before their 12th birthday. - Oh, you know what? - Interesting. - Maybe 'cause you're going to middle school, right? And you're like, mom, I don't wanna be made fun of, that's why you should get me the brand new phone. - Courtney. - Let's do Off the Charts for 200, sir. - In promotion of his controversial single, "Call Me By Your Name (Montero)," Lil Nas X launched a contest encouraging fans to post a video of them pole dancing to the song for a chance to win $10,000. Which hashtag was used for these contest entries? (buzzer beeps) Noah! - #CallMeByYourName. (Saige laughs) Courtney! - #LilPoleX. (laughs) - [Shayne] Tommy. - I'm gonna say #PoleDancing4Satan. - Saige. - #AttackAndDethroneGod. - Dang, I almost wanna give it to Tommy. You know what, Tommy? I'm giving it to you because it's #PoleDanceToHell. - Oh! (bell dings) - You said #PoleDanceForSatan, it's close enough. We're gonna give you a millennial pass on this one. - Thank you so much, thank you so, so. - All right, Tommy, pick a category. - Yeah. - Let's do Hello, My Name Is for 200. - Who is this person? Three, two, one. (buzzer buzzes) Saige. - That, oh, that is not who I thought it was. (Courtney laughs) I thought that was the guy with the face tattoos. - It's not Jesse Eisenberg. - That is Daniel. - Daniel! - I don't know who that is, I thought it was, at first when he turned it around, I thought- - Noah! - [Saige] Do you know him? - Oh, I totally know who that is. That is. - I've never seen this man before in my life. - Oh my God, is that, God, and his name is Jared. (players laugh) - Tommy, Courtney, three, two, one! (players laugh) - No, you go first. (buzzer buzzes) - Gary Busey. (players laughing) - [Noah] It's close. - I don't, I don't. - Okay, Dustin behind the camera is like fuming right now. - You gotta guess. - Dustin is pissed right now. - You have to guess. - All right, no points awarded, who is it? - [Dustin] Jack Harlow. - Oh, no, no- - Jack Harlow? - [Shayne] Jack Harlow. - Who is Jack Harlow? (laughs) (somber piano music) - Guys, Walk the Walk for 200 points. It's time to take a trip to Viva Smosh Vegas. Show us how to Dice Roll. (buzzer buzzes) Saige. - I can do it! You go like this. That's it. - Wow. (crew laugh) (players clapping) - That is correct, that is correct! (bell dings) - Wow! - Wow, wow. - Before we go into final "Bepordy," let's see what the points are. We have Courtney with 600 points. - Ooh! - Nice. (players clapping) - [Shayne] We've got Noah with 450 points. - Ooh! - That's nice, that's nice, that's nice. (players clapping) - [Shayne] Saige with 700 points. - Ooh! - Yeah! - Pretty good. (players clapping) - [Shayne] Tommy with 400 points. - Yeah! (players clapping) - Now, this is Final "Bepordy," all right? So you can put all the points on the line here, it's anyone's game, truly. So we're gonna find out what the question's gonna be, let's get ready. All right, guys. - [Saige] All right. - This is how this is gonna work. I'm gonna give you the category of this final question, and you will then wager how many points you're gonna bet on it. And then you're gonna see what the question is. - 500 points. - All right, Courtney is wagering 500 points. - I'm gonna wager 446.5. - Noah is wagering 446 points point five. - I'm going all 700. - Whoo-hoo! - Saige is wagering 700 points. - [Saige] Yeah. - And I'm all in at 400 points. - Now it's time to figure out the question, guys. - Oh gosh. - Which TikTok creator went viral in March 2020 after posting a song that expressed the boredom we all experienced in quarantine? - Oh, wow, that's gonna be hard. - Oh. I know the song, I don't know who did it. - I remember the song, yeah. - Here's a hint, he sounds a lot like Tyga. - I should not have wagered all my points. That's what I'm learning. (Shayne laughing) If I had just stayed and not wagered any points, I would have won. - Three, two, one! Courtney! - I put Lil Nas Sex. (players laugh) - Lil Nas Sex. That is incorrect. - And I also spelled bored wrong the second time, and the second time I didn't realize that. (players laugh) - Noah. - I put a Marc, but I mean, Marc, he's this guy, I think he's like this DJ guy, he's really high energy. He does these like improv song things, where he's just like, mm, yeah. And I think he would've done something like that. - No, it's not that. Saige. - It was the hint, I wrote down the word lion. - [Shayne] That's awesome! - And I drew a little lion. - Wow. - Aw, you drew a little cat. (Saige laughs) Tommy. - Well, you said rhymes or sounds like Tyga, so I said Guy-ga. Also, that's mean! - Oh! (Courtney clapping) - None of those are correct. - Shocking. - And none of them were even close to correct. - Oh, we're all absolutely- - His name is Curtis Roach. - Curtis Roach? - What is that? - And the song was "Bored in the House." - Bored in the house, bored in the house, bored. - [Saige] How is that related to Tyga? - So let's see what happens here. All right, guys, I've got the final tally here. In third place, we have Tommy with zero points. - Wow. (crew clapping) - Oh! - Also in third place, a real fall from grace, we have Saige with zero points. (players and crew clapping) In second place, we have Noah with 3.5 points. - Three and a half! (crew clapping) - That's really awesome. And in first place, we have Courtney with a hundred points! - Nice! (players and crew clapping) - Way to go, Courtney! - Whoo! - I hope I did my fellow Zillennials proud. - Thank you guys for watching. I hope we didn't embarrass our Gen Z viewers too much. - We're so sorry, we're so sorry for you. - But let us know what other categories and topics you'd like us to cover on "Bepordy." We'll do anything. But, good news, we have more videos down here for you to check out. One right there, one right there, and they're both really good. They're really, really good. - Tommy, can you feel your toes? - No. - You've got ice in your veins. - Hell yeah. - Shoo! - Shoo! - Hell yeah, hell yeah. (players hooting) (laughs) Gosh darn.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,232,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, smosh jeopardy, beopardy, smosh are you smarter, smosh trivia, courtney miller, how old is gen z, what is gen z, How Much Do We Know About Gen Z?
Id: xrtZMb__xrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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