Who is the cheapest person you have seen? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what levels of cheapness have astonished you I went to the craft store with my mom we bought an item forgot what it was that was around five dollars she had a coupon she forgot to use it was for 10% off my mother proceeds to make the cashier do a return and repurchase for the 50 Cent's bug at Pizza Hut where I work customers will do just about anything to get free or very very cheap food as if it isn't already cheap sometimes we make a mistake and they are absolutely entitled to compensation but some of these people will complain about any little detail of their pizza to get it for free oh but my favorite is a group of ladies who come in every Sunday morning after church they all order on separate checks and they all get water and one small item like a personal pan pizza or a cup of soup their checks only turn out to be about 4 or 5 bucks apiece but they still every single weekend feel the need to announce and remind me with seniors so we need our senior citizen discount too that makes their checks even cheaper so they feel entitled to leave a few nickels and dimes on the table as a tip edit to everyone saying that I shouldn't be judgmental because they might live on a fixed income I should have clarified that they aren't elderly by any means they are all in their late 50s at most and only one of the ladies someones mother appears to be over 75 or so the rest of them are all well-dressed with nice jewelry and drive nice cars and not technically seniors but we give them the discount anyway because my boss goes by that the customer is always white motto also even if they are on a fixed income they shouldn't be eating at a restaurant that has servers living off of tips they could just as easily get fast food somewhere that doesn't have weight staff that are making 283 an hour about a year ago we had coupons that accompanied our bonus card for a small popcorn for $1 this was a great deal considering that the normal price is six this woman comes up with her coupon and hands it to me I make her popcorn and give it to her and say that'll be one dollar double quote instead of paying one dollar she flips her [ __ ] what I thought I T was free I'm not paying a dollar this is ridiculous double quote are you kidding me it's a dollar well this is cheapness with purpose unfortunately my father bought a total of zero new clothes for 10 years he is a diabetic and he lived off of pasta because it was cheap he budgets his money insanely makes other people feel guilty for costing him anything and is all-around an obnoxious person with regard to money on the other hand the reason he does this is so that he can spend the maximum amount of money every month on lottery tickets so it's cheap earnest with a twist : open bracket I'm about to start high school and everybody is supposed to wear grey uniforms I lived with my aunt and uncle and I woke up one morning and my aunt was dyeing some clothes grey [ __ ] was so cheap she was dying my fattest cousins clothed gray rather than spending a little mind to buy me the uniform they would have looked like slabs of elephant skin hanging all over me stroke good thing I went to Hogwarts instead I work in a shoe store we're the kind that has the shoes on the shelf so people can try them on I can't even count the number of times that people asked for a discount because the shoes were previously tried on or when there's one last pair of a specific shoe and the customer asks for a discount because it's the last pair usually it's the last pair because they're popular so if you don't want them full price someone else will eat when my grandmother was still alive she would come and visit once or twice a year this despite our having all sort of medical complications like osteoporosis and kidney dialysis she really loved her son anyway whenever she arrived she had a bag of frozen Olive Garden breadsticks with her for us kids at that time of my life I went he WW gross but now that she passed I asked my dad why she kept doing that answer when she took you to Olive Garden once you said to her that you really liked those breadsticks I was shocked turns out grandma wasn't so much cheap as old weird and crazy in love with her grandkids I work at the hardware store someone came in leading parts for gas line repair once I got him set up with all the pipe and fittings I asked if he had the right tape for it you need a special type of teflon tape to have a perfect seal and prevent gas leaks he replied no can you get me some I grabbed the tape and he asks why I grabbed the yellow tape for dollars 99 in stead of the blue tape zero dollars 99 I him that the blue is for water line and using it could very likely cause a gas leak after trying to convince him for 10 minutes to just spend the $4 a foot on something that would likely say his life I walked away I come back from my break turns out that the guy put back all the black iron gas pipes and fittings and got the galvanized steel water pipes and fittings a total of $15 cheaper and blue tape two weeks later there was a story on the news about a guy whose house had a gas leak and exploded luckily the man without with his family at the time and no one was injured I'm not sure if it was the same man from the store but it's likely TL DR a guy came into the hardware store for gas line repairs ended up using pipes and fittings for water line instead of gas to save about fifteen dollars on a to ha $50 purchase possibly caused his house to explode didn't happen to me but it happened to my sister she was invited to go out to dinner with her friend and her friends family her friend's father is notorious amongst his friends my mom is friends with him for being extremely cheap so just in case this cheapness reared its ugly head she brought along some money lo and behold he made her pay for her own dinner even though they invited her to go with him edit there seems to be some discussion on how it was rude of her to assume the family was going to pay for her I answered this in a comment below but here it is in the main comment also I asked her about this apparently she brought the cash with the intention of offering to pay as someone should to be polite however before she could offer he asked her to pay and took her money I lived with three other people during my junior year of college and one of them insisted on keeping the a/c off in the summer and the heat off in the winter even though we lived in campus housing and didn't pay for any utilities just so she could prepare herself for the following year when she would be living on her own in an apartment and never using it to save money I got fed up found the manual for the thermostat online and set it to never be allowed to go above a certain temperature in the summer and never go below a certain temperature in the winter my best friend in middle school wanted to go to Outback for his birthday so his parents and four of friends loaded up and drove the 45 minutes we all order our food in an order was placed for an appetizer of cheese fries that we would all share the birthday boy goes thirst and he gets a huge [ __ ] portion literally to stroke three of the cheese fries and makes sure to take all the cheese with it all that was left were the skank remnants no big deal I'm cool at sweet food anyway when the time to pay comes the dad asks me in the other kids for 20 bucks each I asked why he says well for your portion of the appetizer your food you're drinkin for the birthday boys food as well I flat-out refused and he threatens that maybe you should call your to drive 45 minutes to pick you up I was 14 at a time in my department where I work I always have a small basket of candy Jolly Ranchers tootsie rolls lifesavers out for my customers most are most appreciative and a scout these three and take one maybe two and thank me for the candy then there are some customers who just walk up and take handfuls of the candy once I had an older man dump the entire thing into his man purse look straight at me and walk out I used to work at a large telecom company and I got a call from the wife of one of our local professional baseball players they player had recently been traded to another team and signed a salary of 25 million dollars a year and she wanted the MLB Extra Innings package so she could watch all his games however when she found out it was 179 dollars for the season she decided that was too much to spend we spoke for four minutes figuring that out after the call I was curious so I did the math in those four minutes her husband had earned over one hundred and ninety dollars I have a friend who is full and gluten intolerant however he's so cheap that he'll go to any lengths to avoid paying for food or anything else dot when he found out he could dumpster unlimited bread in San Francisco that became the staple nay the entirety of his diet he spends his days moaning in agony as his insides churn and royal suffering from constant fiery diarrhea yet he continues to eat his gluttonous meals merely because they're free I work in a grooming salon there's one dog who come and that's not only extremely overweight but must be allergic to whatever cheap crappy food her owners are giving her she is missing giant patches of a fur and is swollen everywhere she has constant ear infections and generally smells of death her owner won't do anything about it because it's just a dog and blames all the on the dog being elderly it's an eight year old vehicle company spends five million dollars on offset printing equipment two presses cutters folders refuses to install climate control waste time and product because paper is too wet and summer and too dry in winter press and folder can't feed paper because it's either too wavy or locked together by static electricity that's not cheapness just management stupidity a group of folks went out for dinner at a convention and several people had leftovers when we returned one of the people who had not been able to get out to dinner was bumped so one of the diner's said well I have some leftovers if you'd like them double quote sure double quote ok my meal was ten dollars and there's about half of it left so you owe me double quote no I am not kidding no it was not me I went to a birthday dinner for my mother-in-law a Filipino restaurant along with my wife and I four of her friends were there the friends ordered a mountain of food for the table there were seven of us there but if there were a dozen we couldn't have finished it all this was a bit irritating right off the bat because while I was happy to pitch in for her birthday dinner I didn't want to pay twenty percent of a goddamn feast from Westeros it would up being over $200 worth of food so then the check comes and I pitch in my credit card and three out of the four friends turn into statues except the oldest gentleman who offers something like 15 bucks I grab the bill and divided by five leaving out the dishes and drinks that my wife and I ordered for ourselves in tally it up saying what everyone owes crickets I remind everyone that they were the ones who ordered this giant mound of food in the first place half of which is going to go to waste to prevent awkwardness my mother-in-law grabs the bill and runs off leaving my credit card to go pay it my wife prevents me from stopping her and causing a scene I quietly lay into the three deadbeats at the table for letting an elderly woman on a fixed income pay a $200 plus bill for her own birthday dinner I'll is it and call them [ __ ] moochers and hoe suddenly there's that scene everyone was working so hard to prevent with them screaming at me and me screaming back the restaurant owners understandably intervene and toss all of us out I go back and apologize and explain what happened the restaurant to their credit knock forty percent off the bill out of nothing more than kindness solo solo Grill in Las Vegas you all and cancel the charge on my mother-in-law's card and I picked up the rest which was still quite a bit but I felt a lot better about it I had a bunch of cheap Bic pens when I worked as a server at Applebee's I left one with a table so they could sign the receipt I watched the dad sign it get up start walking away with his family turn around 6 feet later go back to the table and pocket my pen whenever we all go out to eat as a group my grandma's boyfriend man friend significant other comer likes to get everyone's free lemon wedge that typically comes with their waters squeeze them all into his and then add a packet of sugar so that he doesn't have to pay for a lemonade my economics teacher in high school once told us that he adopted two Chinese girls instead of having his own kids because statistically Asian girls eat less so he would be saving a lot of money in the long run I believe this exact quote was when we go to McDonald's they can spit one hamburger and it's still better than the gristle they were eating in China what a deal double quote this didn't strike me as being quite so racist until sometime later my mom had a boyfriend that would pull the stems off of cherries before purchasing them from the grocery store because he felt they'd weigh less without the stems and he'd get more for the money I was with a friend and her parents at a dining restaurant her parents like to spend a lot of money on expensive things to show the world how well-off they are on this one hundred and fifty dollars ish bill after sitting there catching up and talking to us for over two hours and harassing the nice waitress about every part of their meal which my friend and I thought was really good they left like a five dollar tip my friend was so embarrassed she snuck back and put an extra forty I worked at a clothing retailer for a while during one of our sales a lady comes in and puts two shirts on the counter I ring her up and she asks that was buy one get one for a dollar right I look at her and inform her actually they're each 50% off oh I didn't want them then I calmly informed her that she was actually saving a dollar and she repeated if it's not buy one get one for a dollar I don't want them and she promptly left I work in general practice and we have a husband-and-wife duo she's in her forties and a nurse and he's 73 and a GP yes it's exactly that kind of relationship he will hang around for a drug rep when they're scheduled to arrive and snipe all the food he's notorious for taking lunches anything edible you have to hide I mean this man brings home over $1,000 a day but he has to eat yogurt and sandwich I've caught him sneaking out the back door with a box of sandwiches meant for everyone meanwhile she will buy overly expensive clothes have her nails they're done regularly but applied and got $4,000 in dental work for free by scamming the government and Medicare and sends the kids to a Breakfast Club at school which is meant for parents who can't afford to feed their kids I've also seen her raid a lost-and-found bin and our supply cupboard for batteries envelopes staples et Cie I used to work for the Home Shopping Network HSN in the warehouse department all of the clothing underwear purses makeup items purchase from around the country came to this one warehouse where only 60 people handled the returns if your grandmother ordered a sweater and returned it there's a high chance I handled it anyway people would return the absolute most worn-out [ __ ] our job was to open the package scan the account number in the item and decide if the item was good enough to put back to stock items like underwear were automatically sent too bad in case you were wondering if an item was pristine with no smells like perfume or cigarettes and had no stains tears or hair on it we could fold it back up and return it to stock HSN had a crappy policy that said items could be returned within 90 days of purchase [ __ ] old ladies could buy that season's ugly-ass shoes for $65 wear them for three months and then send them back right before the deadline and get full credit for them citing the reason for their return is defective or too small err okay if it was defective why did you wear it so much if it was too small how did you get your fat-ass feet in them in order to wear them down to nothing I saw shoes that were covered in grass and [ __ ] and worn down to the point I wonder if they did it all on purpose I didn't think they deserved a full credit for that especially when I had to send them too bad it pissed me off I'm all for saving money hell I live off coupons and sales but what these women did was just downright dishonest and wrong a few years back my no ex-boyfriend asked me to go camping with him and his family I had never been camping before and was really excited about it we were going to stay on some islands in the middle of a lake and the week before his mom made us all come up with recipes and throw in some cash for the food we'd be eating for the week I didn't have a problem with this and we came up with some awesome pasta dish ideas when we got there however she changed her mind and decided no she wanted to eat out in the town nearby every day we were out camping for a week and we had also brought a cooler packed full with the ingredients for each meal nobody warned me of this happening and well as a 15 year old I didn't really think I'd need money when camping just the complete basics after she realized I didn't bring any money with me she screamed at my boyfriend for about an hour about how she shouldn't have to treat his guests how he's going to have to pay for all the food I eat this week and how she expects this never to happen again all while I sat crying in my tent nearby needless to say every time we went out I had a water with the cheapest meal on the menu see even if it was something I knew I didn't like worst camping experience of my life my 13 year old daughter was invited to a small birthday party at a mediocre chain restaurant Ruby Tuesday's for her best friend the girlfriend is over here quite often and regularly eats dinner breakfast lunch etcetera if she is here and sleeps over about twice a week during the summer time she's been included two trips to the amusement park and waterpark nearby we have season tickets but there is always something to eat funnel cakes etc coma movies and the occasional trip to Dairy Queen and I've never asked to be paid we'll have her pay her own way we treat her as one of our own imagine my disgust when my daughter calls me from the restaurant bathroom nearly in tears telling me that they just told her she will have to pick up her own check after dinner and desert have been served check was like $13 zero zero the guy actually said separate checks to the waitress but my daughter didn't know what that meant she had a few bucks on her but she was short about five bucks the other girl's father told my daughter that she would have to stay and was dishes or something and got real ugly with her like she mislead them or something I have the parents cell phone numbers called him and asked him real nice-like if he could spot a ten bucks until he brought her home and I would pay him back he refused and made it like somehow my daughter and I were scamming him he suggested that I call the front desk and square it away because they were leaving and we're going to leave my daughter there if she couldn't pay so he wouldn't have the cops chasing him down on his daughter's birthday I did call the front desk gave them my credit card included a healthy tip and told my daughter I would be there to pick her up in ten minutes don't go anywhere when I got there ask foon was trying to get my daughter to leave with his family now that the bill was paid his daughter was in tears needless to say it got ugly when I was a little kid I used to spend summers at my grandparents house and one of my chores was to set the table before dinner every night whenever we will have in company over for dinner I was instructed to use the good napkins that meant the napkins that didn't have restaurant logos printed on them we only went to restaurants when my grandmother felt she could come out ahead on the deal and there were many ways to accomplish this she clipped coupons of course but there was kid stuff anytime she did anything for someone she'd get them to take her to dinner to return the favor she had an enormous purse which generally came back stuffed with napkins and food from the buffet she didn't see much point in going to any restaurant that didn't at least have a salad bar one year when my mother and I offered to take her to dinner for her birthday we ended up having to drive over an hour to get to a sizzler she hadn't been banned from [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 407,558
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: D5z8R85hQmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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