Lawyers, what's the worst way someones been screwed in court? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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lawyers have read it what assist the worst way y'all so seen a person screw over someone else in court whether it be criminal civil or divorce proceedings not the worst but one that sticks out that they did to themselves woman shows up to court in there it's party time matures drink up t-shirt she was there for her first appearance on a third DUI charge judge was not in a humorous mood that day not a lawyer but when my fill and mill got divorced she wanted to file jointly for the previous year because they were still married they would have gotten a decent refund he insisted on filing separately despite the fact that he would owe 4k because he wanted her to also owe the IRS he did it to frost her ass sitting waiting for my client in the judges giving a mass colloquy for an alternative program on a DUI basically probation question has anyone consumed alcohol or taken drugs in the last 24 hours obvious answer aside one dude proudly raises his hand I smoked some dope last night he did not get probation not my case but still my favorite story dude screwed himself over when he went to jury trial for a burglary charge and wore the same distinct sweatshirt he wore the night he committed the crime kind of hard to argue the guy in the video isn't your client at that point needless to say he was convicted and spent a few years in dock a wife filed for a restraining order because she wanted the house during divorce husband has good job like 200k per year employer finds out about restraining order husband is fired he was very specialized employee so only job he can find close to the house ex-wife and daughter is 50k house gets foreclosed child support at less than $500 per month wife has to get job as waitress for cars get repossessed there's a lawyer in my town who has a reputation for being a real D he left a very successful firm to go off on his own he and the firm negotiated which clients he would take and how eventual fees from those clients would be divided all seemed fine and dandy as soon as he's out the door he sues his old firm saying that the deal is unenforceable and that he should 100% of the fees from the clients who came with him he lost and appealed lost again and appealed to the state Supreme Court where they shut his ass down and in extremely diplomatic language pretty much call him Addie one time I saw an indigent defendant who was in custody told the judge his public defender wasn't working hard enough and he wanted the judge to appoint different counsel the judge asked him what specifically was the problem and he said I don't want a female lawyer I need a man who can take charge and fight for me or something very similar to that the judge also female said that's not how it works then he starting yelling and getting into specifics about his public defender just mainly I don't like her she won't visit me et Cie the judges annoyed and looks at him and is like fine I'll appoint another attorney for you because you are not satisfied with your attorney and I need time to appoint you new counsel I am NOT going to hear any other issues today and go reset your case a few days later the judge sends defendant notice of his new appointed attorney who happens to also be female and notice of the case reset for six weeks the case was originally set for a bond hearing and the DA and his PD had agreed to release him on an unsecured bond meaning he would have gotten out that day if he hadn't thrown his temper tantrum instead he waited in other six weeks in jail just to have another female attorney represent kind of a self skroob at the MPAA and to DVD John's code for breaking DVD copy protection as part of their lawsuits into their evidence which then became public record the code that breaks DVD copy protection was now available to the entire world defeating the entire purpose of a lawsuit you know but there was the case going on in my town between a father and son that was hilarious the dad is a big-time personal injury attorney around here who started his own firm under his name George cinq and his son ended up joining the family business well they had a falling-out so the son goes off to start his own firm he has his dad's name so the dad is suing the son for using the name he gave him to start his own law firm was involved in a custody case where a wife cheated on her husband and had a child as a result she let husband believe the child was his until she was about five years old and they were divorcing to stop him from getting custody she convinced the biological father to try to get custody thinking that if he won she would wind up with the child became a huge three-way fight multiple sets of grandparents involved attorneys fee skyrocketed because the case would have been pretty quick otherwise she couldn't pay her attorney tried to get the bio-dad - not even messier etc' basically there still isn't an agreement all parties will follow they are in and out of court every year or so she screwed herself had a criminal jury trial for misdemeanor criminal mischief over four years ago state filed charges and kept amending the information to the point where they left the actual victim out of the trial and proceeded with the two eyewitnesses well one of the witnesses was my clients ex and the other witness was the ex's new GF they claimed my client vandalized the actual victims car client denied everything well apparently the state and both witnesses had no idea that the ex had an outstanding warrant for not paying child support to my client which created a motive for him to lie asked him if he was aware that he had a warrant out for his arrest on the stand he didn't know the judge excused the jurors the bailiffs arrested the ex on the stand state rested judge granted our motion for judgment of acquittal because we have good case law for the victim not being their client walked away free in the ex went to jail I am being sparse on details here due to confidentiality but I had a client who was accused of a very nasty sexual offense he had an alibi he was at work when he was the boss he had an employee who could absolutely vouch for his being there I talked to the employee employee confirmed this it gets closer to the trial and around the time when I need to send in an alibi notice which is advanced notice to the crown so that they can investigate the alibi and determine whether or not it's true but I am being careful so I call the employee up again turns out my client fired him in the interim and so the employee quite candidly tells me oh yeah he was definitely at work but that's not what I'll say in court duck that guy he is going down I did not call him as a witness or file the alibi notice still won the trial but if I hadn't thought to call the guy or if he'd been less candid my client would have been ducked hard six offender registry jail time the works completely innocent not a lawyer but my dad is a physician and is sometimes called as a professional witness in cases of malpractice in one memorable case a family was suing a doctor for something fairly frivolous and my dad was a witness for the defense the lawyer representing the family was cross-examining my dad and brought up a chapter in a medical textbook and asked my dad to read a highlighted paragraph he does and the lawyer says something to the effect of so what you just read means less than well our medical thing more than my dad confidently replied no it does not mean that lawyer no but if you reads is the author clearly states less than word our medical thing more than dad no really that's not what the author means lawyer how do you know that's not what the author meant dad well because I wrote it judge basically fat palm while the lawyer mimics a goldfish instead of the author name on the chapter basically the best moment of my dad's professional life yes ruling was in the defendants favor this wasn't my case but followed it closely because it was an acquaintance's divorce proceedings he and his now ex-wife shared some commercial property that was worth some dough they were both on the paperwork hard access to the same info well some it hit the fan and the property was in arrears and I think some lien was filed the husband would try to talk to his then-wife about the whole thing and she would blow him off not only would she ignore him in the finances she started sheet on him fast forward to divorce it's contentious and they get down to fighting for the primary residence whose market value unencumbered is much less than the commercial building she demanded the house and the husband effectively offered to give her the commercial building if he could keep the residence she never paid attention to how bad off the commercial building was and for some strange reason her lawyer didn't do any due diligence so they took the deal I don't know if the asset allocation included any saving conditions or caveats for the ex-wife but I did like to see that our own disinter astray have led to bargaining for an underwater property instead of a paid off house basically all custody battles when neither parent is a legitimately horrible person parent everyone is better off without the kids always get screwed I'm a paralegal the best situations are when we get a sovereign citizen someone in the USA who thinks that the US laws do not apply to them for a vast variety of reasons hire us but won't let us do anything on that case we've had to actually fire a bunch of clients because they have gone against our rules like don't send a letter to the judge don't write your own motions don't announce that you're not mark Smith because mark Smith has capital letters and you were born with lowercase letters et Cie honestly a whole thread on these people wouldn't be enough lady brought a frivolous case to get out of a contract she signed she lost then sued the attorney and the witnesses for conspiring against her they got her case dismissed and an award of attorneys fees what she refused to pay lawyer recorded it as a lien on her house and scheduled a foreclosure sale which caused her mortgage lender to declare a default and accelerate in thar mortgage balance lawyer made a side deal with lender to pay them all proceeds of the sale and then sold her house on courthouse steps to highest bidder and then arranged for sheriff to forcibly eject her onto the street with her it she's homeless now short story honor your contracts in don't sue your lawyer when you don't a witness for the plaintiff in a civil suit who was a co-worker of the plaintiff testified very strongly against the company and in favor of the plaintiff I questioned her about Barr's told the plaintiff if they knew each other well were friends et Cie she said no just friendly co-workers work friends at best I pinned her to it when I got a chance to cross-examine the plaintiff she had no choice but to burn her witness's credibility because no only were they very close friends but they had become sisters-in-law just a few years before no they did not have the same last name or anything but I had done my homework I still don't get why people want to fight small buyers by destroying their credibility but it happens more than you think someone I knew had a pro do case where she had to defend a person who had been charged with a criminal offense don't know what confidential and what not even though the police and DEA could pretty much pinpoint the crime to her client there was no evidence to tie him to the crime circumstantial at best she had instructed him to shut up and let her do the talking during the trial as from experience the client sometimes does not know how to answer a question properly she pleads and can show that the court has nothing on her client she feels that for once a pro tio case is getting her way after her plea the judge thanks her for her plea in turns to her client he asks if the client had something to add to the plea client looks at her back at the judge tears welled up in his eyes and he blurts out I'm so sorry I'll never do it again she threw her notes and everything else she had in her hands like the client now convicts apparently she basically got screwed by her own client who screwed himself even worse edit pro do is the old term in our jurisdiction same connotation as pro bono not my case but my dad's he was the equivalent of a public defender decades ago there was this guy that would get caught for being drunk in public public lewdness et Cie every weekend he seemed to draw the same judges and was pretty well known to everyone in the courthouse as an absolute lost cause one of the regular judges had him appear in his court again the judge is ready to give him a prison sentence because he was driving a car this time but the guy starts crying that he finally got a job out of town and was trying to turn his life around judge tells him as long as he never makes a mistake in my town again he will just drop the charges well sure as hell the gun shows up the following Monday same judge driving drunk again my dad now has his case the judge tells him he gave him his final chance to which the guy sobs and replies I was leaving town your honor but my friends decided to throw me a going-away party the judge was not amused my dad had to do everything he could to not laugh TL DR perpetual drunk that drove drunk gets a chance to leave town and not face charges gets drunk out of going-away party in his honor drives goes to jail faced the same judge both times well not my story but a prior bosses story they had a drunk driver kills the car worth of people case at the time when they were a general practitioner my boss was representing the family that got hit one where the two kids and the wife had died but the father had not and wanted the college guys drunk driving skin to be mounted on a wall this was back before Facebook was commonly used in court proceedings and before tons of people realized that it is too great for any attorney worth their weight in salt to pass up so a kid drunk driving college kid had managed to get the judges sympathy during the first part of a hearing by saying he was sorry haunted never going to drink again this was going to ruin his life et Cie the judge seemed to really be eating it up then comes my boss and immediately burns this kid's remorse to the ground by showing numerous facebook statuses and photos of them binge drinking partying and even joking about driving drunk from the date of the accident up until a night ago the kid looked like he was being forced to swallow hot coals and the judge was absolutely livid needless to say the kid had to do way more than just apologize and be remorseful after that wasn't their one we're in a divorce case the husband asked to have custody of their pet cats and the wife had them put down out of spite represented a guy that stole three trucks from work only to were recovered before trial he showed up to a motion hearing in the third one in a case where a semi-truck driver ran over and killed a grandma and her daughter leaving two kids without any family the defense attorney said really the semi-truck driver is the victim here because he has to live with what he has done police officer not a lawyer I've had two different people I've arrested for DUI show up to court drunk not on the same day the judge was not amused both of them got sent straight to jail for a couple days for contempt and their cases were rescheduled one of them showed up to court drunk a second time when the case was rescheduled the judge was even less amused for the sequel now but a friend kept meticulous records of how much time his estranged wife spent with their daughter he used pink highlighter for mom and blue highlighter for himself mum sailed into arbitration demanding full custody and handsome child support in the house dad pulled out three years is worth of year-long calendars mom had spent less than a full month with the child in three years mum was not happy with the outcome defendant trying to overturn default judgment claims person process server said wasn't him couldn't possibly be him et Cie at hearing process server testifies he clearly recognizes defendant there in court two years later because defendant physically threatened him at a time of service made himself pretty memorable Owen process sever was sure he served the right guy BC at time of service he had photo of defendant which my client had helped Feliz Austin mug shots calm well the guy screwed himself technically also not a lawyer but I was a witness on the case my brother was beaten by a group of guys outside a bar because one of them lived in a place my mom rented out and tried to evict him for numerous reasons and it doesn't stick cause in BC the rules always side with the tenant one day after this beating they were living off to my mom and my brother call him out on it so him and another guy came charging bro had a baseball bat nearby and smacked his buddy with it got charged with a saw with a weapon in court the guy who got hit came in drunk and called the judge a [ __ ] or [ __ ] or something judge told my brother I have to give you something cause he used a weapon so you get probation alright it's time for my favorite reddit acronym you know I am NOT a lawyer but I heard a story about a woman who had her soon-to-be ex-husband over during a custody battle and seduced him by getting him heavily intoxicated she led him out to his car sat him in the driver's seat and then called the police he got a DWI and lost his parental rights some of my favorite stories of people being completely destroyed in court are ones involving a neighbor who decides to cut down trees that were not on their property line they think oh it's just some dumb trees who cares but that can get really expensive especially if they are older trees and you're pretty much guaranteed to lose in court not court but left PD traffic stop I was watching and the guide told the officer I have caffeine pills in my back pocket gets them out puts them on the hood everyone's chill dudeee then comes clean and says it's Molly in the officers look at each other and go do we even have a test kit for that other officer says no dudes face just shows he should have kept his mouth shut child protective investigator I had a client who wanted to emancipate herself from her family she was an entitled brat wanted to live with her drug-dealing boyfriend judge began asking her for her pay stubs plans documents for said plans assessed a transportation the brat had none of that figured out court ordered to give up a phone to prevent access to the drug dealers and court ordered to get a job make plans to rent an apartment on her own everything she wanted if not she would be housed in DJJ as a parent could no longer take care of her after she beat and attempted to hurt them multiple times she didn't last five minutes under her court order after telling the judge he didn't understand and he was being mean upon her release from DJJ she was still court ordered to do everything in order to emancipate herself the judge was not to having it that I used to work in children's court representing parents when I first started I witnessed another attorney destroy any chance of their client getting their kids back at a review hearing assessing whether the court should terminate parental rights the attorney was so confused about what was happening that they requested and monitored visits for their client but didn't even address termination of Rights needless to say the court terminated the clients parental rights the worst part was that earlier that day the court took up a petition for more time but denied it after the attorney failed to make any argument based on the facts parent was doing really well they probably would have won the second worst part was overhearing the attorney tell her client to come back for the next review hearing finalizing the adoption not only would there be nothing the parent could do at that hearing but terminated parents not even allowed to be there did it a spelling I remember when I was a kid my dad got a ticket for running a stop sign he decided to fight her because the stop sign was buried in a bush and wasn't visible from the road he and the police officer that had issued the ticket both arrived to court at the appointed time but the judge wasn't there after they waited for about 20 minutes the bailiff finally apologized and told them they could go home and things would be rescheduled just after they had left the judge finally arrived and found both my dad and the police officer in contempt for leaving and wasting her time 180 dollars traffic ticket became $2 500 contempt of court fines about five years later a friend of mine called the same judge for a DUI prescription not booze he didn't realize he shouldn't be driving on them he just went without any counsel he said that she said if he was stupid and ought to try to represent himself he could sit there and not say anything so he ended up just sitting there and not saying anything and lost his license for a first offense DUI there were more than one news article and letters to the editor about what a disaster of a judge she was so I'm sure a lot of other people had similar issues with her my dad was a judge and had someone on trial for DUI guy would not stop running his mouth and was trash-talking everyone in the room he instructed him to stop dude did not stop dad placed him in contempt of court for 90 days dude gets out goes back to trial first thing he starts running his mouth again boom another 90 days in jail for contempt 180 days in jail when a DUI in our state is only 60 days for his level of DUI I took my ex to court because she had used my social security number to sign up for cable I found out about it when she stopped paying for the service she screwed herself over by just being herself we show up to court returning the contracts from the cable company showing my social security number and her own name signed on the contract she didn't even try to forge my signature she signed her own name in and tried to deny that she had any part of it the judge tore her apart and it was nice not someone else but my client screwed themself I'm doing landlord-tenant stuff and my client was facing eviction over non-payment but the client was withholding rent payments because of habitability issues in the apartment no heat high lead levels vermin this is gonna be an easy win for me told my client continually to make sure they don't spend the money keep it but don't spend it because if you show the judge you still have the money it looks real good for you in terms of making the judge believe that she'll withholding for good reasons we get up in front of the judge landlord doesn't have an attorney so I'm dancing inside there's no way I can lose I make my arguments and the Landlord makes his judge asks my client if they still have the money client goes now I blew that it at the casino last week my wife is the lawyer info when children reach the age of majority if they do not continue studying and start working it is not necessary to pay alimony info my wife's client found a new lover which unleashed the wrath of the ex-wife who started asking for more alimony for her children well to win the case it was necessary to prove that the children were working but they could not get any proof of it there was not much chance of winning but they still went to court hoping that with the interrogations they could find information that would put them in evidence on the day of the trial the children did not go only the mother and her lawyer were present judge madam tell me why your children could not come mum they could not get permission at work judge lawyer mom another few seconds of silence judge well that was fast I know a girl who had a kid with someone and when he decided he didn't want to be with her and just cotton 20 list ik with fake abused rape drug accusations et Cie she was even able to get his new GF to dump him but she made the mistake of texting about how she was lying and it was all revenge about 200 times saying things like hey you should get a protective order on him too they can't prove if you're lying and just say you think your life is in danger they always give it to women his new GF got scared and finally realized how duct this all was and gave the texts and everything to his lawyer the day they read them out loud to her in court was supposedly pretty spectacular but nothing happened to her and he still lost thousands in legal fees spent a couple nights in jail and months without his kid just to get to that point there's enough reveal violence and abuse out there people lying hurts real victims more than anyone else [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: 3g3OP35wR9k
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Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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