Who Do You Hate In Your Office? (Work Stories r/AskReddit)

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office workers offered it why do you hate that one co-worker so much what does he/she do Cindy is a perpetual victim and manipulate situations to make herself a victim she chooses to be miserable and wants everyone else to be miserable as well at work cindy complains about everything and everyone to the supervisors however every single thing she complains about is something she is also guilty of doing if we try to point that out to her we are being mean to her it's maddening she also loves to specifically target individuals for example cindy complained about someone not following the dress code to get that person in trouble a memo went out to everyone reminding us of the roles cindy then started complaining about things she could no longer wear somehow cindy is the victim when I moved to a different cubicle cindy asked me if it was because of her it had nothing to do with her I told her no not good enough Cindy then went to the supervisor and cried about how I moved to a new cube because of her the supervisor had to talk to me about it Cindy made herself a victim Cindy's recent target is a co-worker who reconciled with boyfriend and is really happy we're not allowed to be happy when that co-worker went on vacation Cindy went to the supervisors with false accusations of her not doing her job we tipped off the co-worker when she came back about Cindy shenanigans and told her to ignore Cindy not good enough Cindy's not getting enough attention over at so she's blocked the co-worker on Facebook and won't speak to her at work however Cindy is telling everyone the co-worker is mad at her Cindy is the victim shut your pee-hole Cindy your pathetic bully you're not a victim she has the thermostat in her office she opens her window because it gets too hot the cool air makes the thermostat think it needs to produce more heat and roasts the rest of the office I've talked to her about it multiple times and she does not understand the concept for some reason takes all calls on speakerphone spending significant time yelling can you hear me yep yep everyone can hear you and wishes you'd use a headset or take a walk he takes a test a bottle of cologne and sprays it all over neck wrists he unbuttoned his shirt and sprays it in there then he copes his sweater in it heats my frickin lunch we had a cereal lunch thief - and he was brazen about it he was eventually fired when he graduated to stealing electronics he plays his music aloud and doesn't use headphones he'll only use headphones if he needs to tune out and get in the zone I really need my arse goes home early every chance she gets arrives late calls into work I don't know why I'm always doing task a I want to do task B sometimes when she gets put on task B wants to do task a again and generally when she's on the job she's making some kind of careless mistake that gets everything behind schedule or is spending more time gossiping and socializing than she is actually working any actual work she does is the bare minimum he kisses the site leaves us while he is here takes him coffee brings him lunch and stuff like that and then proceeds to talk mad crap about him when he leaves for the day telling everyone how he doesn't like him and he gets on his nerves and he doesn't know why he even talks to the guy we had a woman like this in my department it blew my mind when she got promoted up and out and the superior she was asked kissing and insulting turned out to be one of her relatives who got her her job and helped her keep it in nepotism in action he starts every sentence with I and is the most self-centered person I've ever met also he won't turn off her stupid noises phone makes when he is texting that popping noise when you touch each key working and close quarters makes people Petty and I'm not immune Hannah the second someone leaves the room she starts whispering about them negatively can't stand people like that he's an anal retentive condescending control freak he volunteers his dumb ass for literally everything and then moons about having so much to do and when he isn't doing that he's trying to do my freaking job too and I'd left him if he wasn't such a patronizing holier-than-thou freak about everything by the way he talks to me and everyone else my cubed neighbor asked me if he was a manager I laughed and said no he has power over no one he wins all the time that he can't get a girl and to me it's obvious why he's a narcissist and a prick and no one in the office likes to be around him I like this comment because you can really feel the hatred he only talks at this volume and I share a very small office with him Conner's me into irritating time wasting conversations which are really just him talking like many if not most when I start in first met him I entered into the conversation thinking it would be a normal one instead in was a tedious tortured monologue however he took this to mean that the new person was someone who would listen to him so I was a favorite target for a long time the last time he came to my office to talk to me blocking the doorway I eased my way past him as he was talking spoke to him from outside my office and just said I need to go everyone at work agrees that he means well and is pretty clearly on the autism spectrum however it is difficult to explain how stressful I find it to be caught in the conversational web of someone who obviously can't tell you aren't interested don't have the time and are becoming very uncomfortable we have a couple of these in my office I literally just walk away I read an article about how to deal with it my favorite is to stand up and start walking to their desk where they will follow you then they naturally sit in their seat and you walk away it's like magic three four times a day shall page me at my desk and ask me about some dumb crap I have nothing to do with them know nothing about as if I'm supposed to know what's this envelope left here on Saturday for Matt it's orange it's got Saturday's date on it you know anything about that I don't know anything about that why don't you ask Matt she uses sound cancelling headphones and sings along to whatever she is listening to talks loudly to herself and when she yawns she does it as loudly as she can nobody says anything to her because she has been with the company forever she is completely oblivious to everything else going on she will stroll into someone's cube to talk about the most random thing and not realize that we're on the phone or have headphones on all working with a sense of urgency my boss had an urgent task for me one day something that needed to be completed in the next 15 minutes I jumped right on it and he was walking back and forth between my desk and his to give me the right information I'm darling the phone when she walks into my cube do you know about this order and hands me a post-it with random numbers that looks like our order numbers no but I'll take a look at it just give me a few minutes I'm trying to do something real quick for boss I continue darling the number and she just starts talking about something written on my whiteboard Oh so-and-so was also working on that did you know that it's about some parts that and my boss slides around her to hand me some papers and then leaves to go get something else we are working quickly but she is completely oblivious the phone is now ringing and she is still asking me questions and my boss is waiting on the edge of my cube I finally say hey I've got to make this call Thanks and she just continues her sentence as she turns and walks down the hall to her desk still talking to herself he won't stop talking I think he is genuinely afraid of silence like something happened in his childhood and now he can't stand more than two minutes without talking and I don't even reply anymore I just sit there silent while he describes the objects closest to me oh look a notepad that would be good if you needed to remember something you could write it down sometimes you don't need to write anything down you can just remember it but then again it's safer to write it down that way you don't forget every fricking shift with this guy staplers pens person wearing a hat 2009 9gag meme lee found on facebook anything he won't be quiet this is my mother-in-law it is exhausting to be around her when I first married my husband I would get slightly irritated that he seemed to spaced out while I was talking sometimes now that I've spent a while around his mother I definitely get it I had one that had to tell me about every YouTube video he has seen every single day then he would proceed to quote the videos every single day he also mispronounced words all the time he would ask if I had seen the most recent trailer for an upcoming movie he also would try to get my attention by calling my name no matter how busy I was or how much I tried to ignore him if I did not reply he would just say it louder and louder and louder she doesn't know how to just be quiet and do her work she feels it is absolutely necessary to tell the whole office how hungry she is how her car is infested with ants how her son has no common sense etc the list is endless and her constant complaints exhaust the Frick out of me she doesn't want to improve anything she will vehemently fight any new initiatives and everything that in any way requires her to do something differently obviously she fought a hard and completely idiotic fight against digitalization trying to convince others that we should still print for sometimes 1,000 page cases we have worst part about this is the fact that the digitalization is government mandated and completely mandatory for everyone what really gets me is when she refuses to learn something where it will already earn itself the first time she uses it she will print out a whole case then 300 pages and do redacting by hand and then scan and everything that can take hours sometimes several workdays and a rainforest in paper now take a Derby's redacting program you can do the same in maybe 30 minutes one hour learning to do it takes three five minutes if you teach it to someone with a learning disability worst part is it is deemed and safe for personal information as redacting by hand sometimes leaves information on the paper she still refuses also she will give handwritten notes to our student helpers for them to send it out it is not directions which the student can then use to write their own letter she spent longer handwriting the stuff than it would take her to write on her computer and send herself apparently the whole office would come to a grinding halt if aimer takes some days off no you're not that good you're just full of yourself and everyone hates you he bikes six miles to work in the 100 degree Texas heat our office doesn't have a shower so he comes in drenched in sweat as we're starting our stand-ups and demos smelling of foul sweat and Bo he's been known to sweat directly on people since he air dries and it takes him a while to dry off his Bo is atrocious he's so incompetent the boss ends up spreading his work to everyone else that's how I went from head off project to head off product and marketing I haven't gotten a raise yet but my boss is supposed to find the budget for it in Derrick I'm really tempted to tell him to find the budget by firing that guy saw a bouquet of flowers and proceeded to have an allergic reaction to them they were fake he sends emails to everyone in the department on the shared workstation using all caps and leaves the caps lock on we have case sensitive passwords to log into the system I work in HR when we have people coming in for an interview my colleague talks first to them escort them to my office we have a lot of people coming in where are I before the interview but god damn it Miller sir if I have an appointment on three don't send them to my office at 2:30 tell them to wait give them coffee or a drink but don't make me put up with all that while I don't even have the files in my office you ruin my whole schedule there's a guy I work with who while very nice and polite has more annoying habits rolled into one person than anyone I've ever seen taken individually they aren't too bad and I realize describing them that they seem petty but they add up over the days and years I've worked with him he prides himself on efficiency Burt spends a day and a half writing out step-by-step instructions that amount to run a search literally fifty-two individual steps he frequently wastes more time trying to come up with more efficient methods than actually working his methods are rarely more efficient or not more efficient enough to justify the time spent coming up with them he's a nexus of ambient noise in a quiet office you'll hear him at various times tapping his ring on his coffee cup drumming his fingers huffing loudly talking to himself and slapping himself yes slapping himself lightly mind you while the rest of us drink coffee or soda to stay awake he apparently is immune to caffeine instead he eats microwave popcorn and drinks hot water we have to explain to new people that when he says ugh it's gonna be a popcorn day it means he's tired and popcorn is a stimulant he uses the phrase better living through chemistry every single time anyone takes an aspirin or takes cough medicine he never rounds up or down when discussing time I've got to leave today at 4:47 p.m. to catch the bus he calls his yogurt yogi when he finishes eating his yogi he stares into the bottom of the cup and quietly mumbles to himself yum yum yum he's 59 years old he loudly chomps on carrots and celery all day every day he calls that his rabbit food and says he has to eat continuously to keep the furnace going this guy sounds awesome it's almost as if he was born to embody all the most obscure and ever so mildly infuriating trays that only get under your skin when taken as a total and the best part is that you can't even ask him to stop without listing a dozen things and coming off as the world's most petty butthole who takes issue with his every last attribute what a legend he's slurping his spaghetti right now as I type this even with headphones and music playing I can hear it grrrr although he is not my boss directly he is kind of an elder statesman of the department and very well respected for whatever reason he feels the need to make me uncomfortable every time our paths cross he often says things about what I'm wearing such as what do you have on your feet just normal boots by the way and heaven help me when we have lunch at the same time in the lunchroom it's non-stop personal questions and humiliating comments everyone laughs along with him too which is really annoying I just wait until very late to have my lunch now so I am just alone in the room I have no idea why I am his target I'm the most senior woman in the division but still I am not very far up and would never be in line to get his job on top of it all he steals my utensils from the lunchroom we all bring our own because he likes them sleeps at his desk knowingly takes too long to do the same task he's done for over ten years won't let you help to speed things along thinks he's smarter than everyone reheats fish in the lunchroom constantly blabs non-work-related subjects at people and won't stop even when they clearly are ignoring him and doing their work like they'll start a phone call and he's still talking as them minutes after their call started worst offense he does he stinks like he can't understand his particular body type cannot go a single day without a proper shower he has an actual area of effect that is measured by cubicles on bad days he hid up to 5 plus cubicles away ground zero was miserable the stank was almost a solid wall of reek he was spoken to numerous times and eventually management went with a solution of moving him next to people who just suffered in silence and never reported him but we actually had several stinkers and most of them ended up being moved their stench Row was a thing I no longer work in an office but from past experience it is stinks there's a saying that goes there are two types of job one you shower before and the other you shower after I just wish some of the filthy suckers I shared an office with even showered at all if you're in a room with 30 other people all day throwing more aftershave onto your stink is going to make people very very annoyed at you oh and brush your frickin teeth once in a while if you must heat dog turret which I assume is what has been going on because no living humans mouth should smell like that it's not even early you start at 9:00 and live 30 minutes away you slovenly frig and you smell like you've just got out of frickin bed and put on last week's old shirt then rolled around in a pile of festering garbage they are always the ones that insist on either whispering to you or coming within close proximity to you the nice smelling ones are always too far away I had this co-worker once who would always bring in a Tupperware of white rice nothing wrong with that except she would eat the rice one grain at a time as a totally disproportionate decibel level she would chomp slurp and smack up each grain of rice and her cheeks would bulge out like she was eating a lot of food but it was just a single grain it would take her nearly a whole hour every day to get through all her rice she would talk while her mouth was full too it was a visual and audio nightmare she didn't chew and swallow one grain at a time she put one grain in her mouth at a time Minh didn't swallow gathering dozens of single rice grains into her mouth one at a time but continuously adding more one by one even when she only had just put in the first rice grain she still puffed out her cheeks like she was chewing a lot of food so when she took with her mouth full it was from her putting rice in her mouth one grain by one grain I've never seen anyone eat like that it was distracting this is Diamond Sponge Bob he only appears every 200,000 videos subscribed for good luck if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 54,018
Rating: 4.8739257 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, TZ reddit, rslash, comedy, fresh, office work, office, work, work stories, co-worker, annoying, collegue
Id: 7BVkM6Cvluo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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