"Tooth Fairies",How Do You Do It Without Waking the Kiddos?

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tooth fairies of reddit how do you do it without waking the kiddos any funny stories no tooth fairy duties yet but i think kids don't understand how dead asleep they get when they sleep my five-year-old was always a light sleeper and i can still pick him up and roll him around his bed and he won't wake up he's got a bunk bed with a slide and i often find him face first halfway down his slide passed out hence why i check on him and move him i was gonna say this when kids are sound asleep they are sound asleep when i was five i hatched a plan to catch the tooth fairy in the act but when i got up to use the bathroom for just a moment that sneaky mink snuck in and made the swap foiled row your parents were seriously fast once my son got the bright idea to con the tooth fairy he made play-doh teeth and left them as he was totally naive about this he shared his plan with me he anticipated and told riches however the fake teeth only yielded fake money chocolate coins in gold colored foil omg i tried to do this once i got a quarter like there was a reduced rate for fake teeth i do it at bedtime we listen to a chapter of an audio book and she's usually passed out in five minutes with my arm under her pillow and wakes up in the morning with a bank transaction receipt from the national bank of fairies with a credit to her bank account and a little zip pouch with a new toothbrush and the horrible smelling bubblegum mouthwash she likes comma bank transaction receipt from the national bank of fairies with a credit to her bank account i love this i don't have kids but here's the story on how i found out the truth i woke up in the morning looked under my pillow and tooth was still there no money so i of course told my dad later on and he straight up said oh crap i forgot and pulls out some money and gives it to me no explanation no fancy story no nothing i didn't even question anything but i was pretty surprised my dad did that too oh yeah oops my wallet's over there no don't grab a 50. my son refused to let santa or the easter bunny or the tooth fairy in the house he would cry and get so nervous and anxious santa had to leave presents on the porch easter bunny left the basket on the porch tooth fairy left the money in the mailbox i still have his little letters that said dear santa i love you please don't come in my house lol one of mine lost a tooth on christmas eve we told her if the tooth fairy and santa bumped into each other we would all be sucked into an alternative dimension so she had to stay quiet in bed no matter what sleight of hand we used to have a little drawstring bag for putting the tooth in when my kids teeth fell out i would go get the bag but at the same time i would secretly wrap the money in kitchen roll and then get them to wrap their tooth in a similar piece and hand it to me to put in the little bag pretending it was the tooth i would put the wrapped up money in the bag instead hide the wrapped tooth in my pocket tie the drawstring and get them to place it under their pillows with the money already inside oh my god that's how my dad did that thank you you've solved a very deep mystery for me so one time daughter's tooth fell out and the tooth fairy completely forgot that night she was upset that her mom explained that sometimes the tooth fairy gets busy and she will come the next night which will all be good because she will pay an extra 50c to make up for being late this satisfied my daughter about three months later my daughter announces that she lost another tooth a month ago that it has been under her pillow for a month and the tooth fairy clearly owes her 15 lol i have a five year old waiting to lose her first tooth she is tricky like your daughter so thanks for the heads up not to use that lie because i know she'd also try to pull that same stunt my mum would have just put it right next to the pillow she would make tiny envelopes and write messages really small from the fairy about her adventures and about her kingdom we got to know her ladybug steed and how it loved the sprinkles we saved out for at one time by the tooth container or about how she and some of the other fairies got tumbled right into a tree all night and wasn't able to pick up the tooth when the parents forgot she would give many thanks for giving such healthy teeth for the ivory kingdom not stinky black ones that he would just have to give us chairs to the stinky old swamp flies she would put mine in the very best of gardens and windows so everyone would see them my mum is a pretty fun wordsmith and kept our imaginations going on these pretend hijinks i worked with someone who did this with her oldest but the younger kid lost his first tooth while mom was out of town so a quick thinking dad who couldn't replicate the tiny writing decided that every kid had his or her own tooth fairy youngest kid's fairy was a giant and instead of miniature notes he left oversized notes i have three kids and it's not hard to do it without waking them once the kid lost her tooth at night and we didn't have anything smaller than a 20 so we told him that means he lost a super special tooth the other parents in his class heard about it and were annoyed with us bc their kids thought it was the going rate when my middle kid got money for his first tooth he tried really hard to loosen another to make a quick buck he swallowed it at lunch and was so upset but we paid him anyway and told him the tooth fairy could use magic to get it our kids are stupid there's a girl in our daughter's class who gets twenty dollars for each tooth our daughter had five dollars for her first two dollars the next used it as an opportunity to teach her about supply and demand lol my youngest had the idea that the tooth fairy wears a blue sparkly dress he would ask me if i was the tooth fairy so i'll let him look through my closets no blue sprackly dress next summer was my parents turn for a visit and what does my son find in my mama's closet a blue sparkly dress grandma's the tooth fairy as soon as i read sparkly blue dress i knew it was you mom lol sees two three is pink because i put pink glitter on the dollar he got for his first tooth l hasn't lost a tooth over here yet but both of them firmly believe that the two three gets christmas off because of that i'm see lost one on christmas eve and i didn't have a dollar i once gave my kid 50 cents worth of dimes he wanted his tooth back i told him to write a note to the tooth fairy and he got his refund i still have the note i tell them the tooth fairy doesn't do house visits right now due to covet so they have to give me the teeth so i can mail it in and get the deposit electronically hahaha that's brilliant and very reasonable no kids here but i had caught my mom she let me know she thought she heard a burglar coming to steal my earnings when i was worried that she scared off the tooth fairy she let me know that she heard belle's earlier and not to worry since she was there another story was when my brother accidentally swallowed his tooth and the tooth fairy taped his money to the toilet oh that second one is fantastic my daughter younger than my son saw her big bro getting loot for his newly lost tooth she was maybe three years old and wanted in on the action i caught her putting something under her pillow one evening and said honey what are you hiding under your pillow she looked at me and whispered magic coins i said up what she had placed chucky cheese tokens under pillow and when i asked why she said that if she left some money that a secret fairy would come and leave her some teeth of course that night i chipped small pieces off a block of parmesan cheese and dipped them lightly in ketchup blood placed in a bag and made the exchange a much better deal than being out of five spot every time my kid sheds a tooth i love her assumption that the exchange goes both ways and also that she legitimately wanted to buy teeth from the tooth fairy when my daughter lost her tooth i completely forgot to do the swap and she told me the next morning i made a letter from the tooth fairy explaining how she couldn't leave her money because of how messy her room was that she hurt herself trying and would come back when her room was all tidy gave me time to get some cash and a reason for her to tidy her room the tooth fairy didn't have any coins for our six-year-old's tooth she took it from said six-year-old's money box and yes the tooth fairy feels guilty f she does however leave a very tiny envelope with a thank you note for keeping the teeth so clean people get really elaborate with tooth fairy things from an early age i told him that tooth fairy was flaky and brought whatever she wanted to keep me from scrambling for money after bedtime he could write her a note she might or might not bring it so he got a bunch of rondo stuff for money when he was old enough to sort it out he lost his tooth while staying at our friend's house her son already knew about the tooth fairy but they didn't want him to lose faith my son caught his friend putting money under his pillow super sweet way to find out no funny stories just open door tiptoe into the room take the tooth off the bedside table and leave either a usd 10 or some other form of currency i used to leave money from all around the world our tooth fairy was pretty international i made the kid put his tooth in a little jewelry ring box and then got him to put it up near his pillow was super easy to smuggle the thing out and replace the tooth with money our dentist actually hands out a plastic box for tooth fairy teeth it does make it super easy to do the switcheroo i always just did it first thing in the morning the kids never woke up early so it was easiest to go in do the switch and then wake them up to get ready for school i never had trouble you know if your kid is a sound sleeper or not unrelated i just saw a girl wearing her wisdom teeth as earrings not sure if cool or creepy so weird i had a simple solution every night i read to my kids and i'd end with i hug most of the time they'd already be asleep but i always gave them a hug with one hand behind their pillow on tooth fairy days i just slipped the cash and right there as far as no they never figured it out years ago my son decided he was going to catch the tooth fairy on camera by setting up his tablet to record in his room when i walked in i saw what he had done and walked over to it and knocked it face down see his tablet recorded in 30 second increments so standing behind the tablet i took a picture with flash on so it would light up a room like the tooth fairy counted to 30 and stepped out the next morning i scrolled to find the places with me in it and deleted them before he woke up but the result was a few dollars under his pillow and a video with a flash of the tooth fairy showing up he was so excited that's some really smart thinking and good tech skills how 2x oldest kid swallowed first tooth and was devastated so left some money and a note from the tooth fairy saying she was working tirelessly with the thames water poop known to retrieve a tooth fully bought it and told everyone last time i snuck tooth money under pillow my snoring child grabbed my arm and screamed rhaea busted in my face scaring the crap out of me i in turn threatened to use his tooth to put a curse on him my husband and i fell asleep and forgot to take the tooth and leave money a few weeks ago for my six-year-old my brilliant husband was like it's because of covered so we told her the tooth fairy wasn't collecting teeth because of covered and was just sending kids roberts currency in the game roblox now they play in lieu of leaving money under the pillow due to social distancing requirements i quickly added ten dollars worth before she logged in to check and she was thrilled unrelated but i don't think i've ever seen someone with a username that's such an obscure historical reference and i love it i'd do it right in front of them without them noticing i had a very small velvet beggar's purse type of bag for the kids to put their tooth in when they came out i actually had two of these bags but they didn't know that they'd put their tooth in the bag then put the bag under the pillow i'd have the other bag with money in my pocket i'd sit on the end of their bed and talk or read a story for a few minutes then i'd say it's time to go so i'd stand up lean over them to kiss them all over their face and hug them using one arm while swapping out the tooth bag with the money bag never got caught i don't remember how old i was but i lost a tooth and put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy in the middle of the night i woke up and went to sleep in my parents bed as normal my dad couldn't sleep with my kicking so he slept in my bed in the morning he told a story of how he was sleeping and he heard a buzzing in his ear so he waved his hand to shoo it away but the buzzing came back so he waved his hand harder but he is something he woke up to see what it was and it was the tooth fairy he hit against the wall and she was yelling at him he apologized to the tooth fairy and she put the money under my pillow for me but she forbid him from sleeping in my bed so i was going to have to sleep in my own bed if the tooth fairy was going to come again his pitch didn't work i still went to my parent bed every so often but i always remembered that story we live in a desert when fairies come to the desert their skin gets real dry and it flakes off looks a little like glitter they leave a trail from the window to the bedside sometimes a kid might think a fairy forgot about their tooth in actuality there are sometimes storms over the rockies that prevent a ferry from safely making the flight once the oldest kid learns that the tooth fairy is not real a magical thing happens and they become the tooth fairy for the younger ones this also happens with the easter bunny the elder kid gets to stay up a little later do all the sneaking and it keeps the fun alive for them i like this when i was a kid my parents told me about the tooth rat not the tooth fairy we left our teeth behind the bedroom door instead of under the pillow now i know it was because they tried to test the pillow thing and i woke up my son is extremely sentimental and cried when it was time to go to bed and put his first tooth under the pillow he said he was going to miss it i told him he didn't have to give it to the tooth fairy so he chose to keep it lol he slept with it next to him i put it in a baggie for three or four days after that l 33 t ninja skills but my mistake was not hiding the teeth well enough after retrieving them i stuck them in a bag in a folder on one of the top shelves in my office but failed to inform my wife of that so she was looking for some medical records with the kid right next to her and of course she grabbed that one and opened it right in front of him i'll never forget the look of betrayal on his face we forgot and had to fabricate a fairy usher focuser that restricted fairies from entering messy rooms i've never seen our daughter so diligent to keep her room clean for subsequent loose teeth i have no idea how my parents did it when i put it under my pillow because i put it in the middle but i had this little pot with a fairy on the top which i started using which sat on the shelf above my bed one pound was too big to fit inside the little pot it was like thimble-sized but the pot sat nicely on the coin in the morning my sister swallowed a tooth at school and her teacher she's an amazing teacher wrote a letter explaining what happened signed it in her authority as a teacher and gave it to my sister to take home she was worried she wasn't going to get anything because she swallowed it but the tooth fairy came anyway i had half a tooth chip off and put that out for the tough fairy got 50p which was fair half a tooth half the going rate i love the video of the kid being super excited in the morning for his money mom was recording the kids reaction she told the kid to show everyone how much he had gotten the kid holds up a hundred dollar bill soon the camera pans over to dad who has both hands over his face apparently dad mistook the year 10 for 100 request to have the tooth put in a glass of water overnight grab the tooth empty the cup put quarters in the cup put the tooth in a safe spot where it won't be lost for your information i am my little sister's backup tooth fairy my youngest was so sweet and put it next to her pillow so it was easier for the tooth fairy to get it my middle child left her notes want to talk about difficult try to reply to a note in the dark i have a funny story about being the recipient instead of the tooth fairy i lost my first tooth when i was five there was just one problem when i lost it i was eating a snow cone at the zoo and i inadvertently ate my tooth i was very distraught no tooth means no money right how am i supposed to get money from the tooth fairy if i can't exchange my tooth because i ate it so my mom and i discussed it and together we came up with a solution write a financial letter to the tooth fairy explaining the situation so i could be reimbursed for my lost tooth and put that under my pillow yes really not in those words of course i was five i got five dollars my kids could sleep through a rock concert but not a tooth fairy i've been caught at least six times with four kids and had to wait up four hours to try again so now i forget to tell them to clean their room that day and then tell them the tooth fairy won't come into their dirty room they have to leave it in the bathroom on the counter and just put the money there and go to bed we lost one once kiddo put his tooth under the pillow and dad could not find it he sleeps on the top bunk so it's usually pretty easy we left the money anyway and i searched his bed the next day and still couldn't find it lost till this day the real tooth fairy must have taken it we avoid this entirely tooth fairies has too many kids this time of year so we leave it on the kitchen window ledge so she can swing through this was my mom being the tooth fairy but looking back it was absolute genius she had full dentures and had since her twenties she was born in 1928 they did that back then a lot more than they do now so seeing teeth in a glass in the kitchen was normal for me so she matter of factly informed me that was what the tooth fairy wanted done with my teeth too so i put them in a glass full of water in the kitchen and when i got up the next morning there would be quarters in the water i switch the envelopes before they even go to bed they don't realize it which is weird because in my house the tooth fairy leaves a nice note with a story and five dollars i can't believe they don't feel the difference in the envelopes my kids are now 9 and 11. i suspect that they know i am the tooth fairy but they haven't told me however they sometimes will hint about what they want the tooth fairy to include in her stories anyone have a good name for a blue female cat that can fly and helps the tooth fairy collect teeth almost two weeks ago my daughter had to get a tooth pulled she freaked out in her druggie hayes home the dentist kept my tooth the tooth fairy needs i.t to leave any money i told her to calm down write her a letter and explain the situation dear tooth fairy sugar bugs got my tooth so the dentist kept it please leave me money that night in my ninja mom mode i managed to wrangle the letter from her sleeping hand and slip a five dollar in she was so happy mom saved the day and now she has toy money now this night night after having her tooth pulled she was giggling going to bed i was so curious and she whispered i'm going to trick the tooth fairy i'm injured back in later and found a note dear tooth fairy sugar bugs again you know please leave me money i wrote a new note dear kid you can't lie to me lying is not nice and now you have to pay for my time i took my money back she was hysterical but why would the tooth fairy do that she finally came around that she did indeed act badly towards the tooth fairy a week later i wrote another note dear kid i think you learned well don't let me hear you lying again i saw your piggy bank in your room and i put the five dollar with it her lying has went down about 90 since then when my daughter was eight she put the tooth under her pillow well i forgot to take the tooth and leave the money so when i woke up i did the tooth fairy thing i got busted at that point her world collapsed she realized there was no tooth fairy no santa and and no easter bunny my heart broke it's so sad to take that magic mine was devastated with santa this girl used to pray to santa year round i felt like i destroyed her don't have kids but when i was younger decided to stay up and wait was absolutely convinced my grandmother was the tooth fairy for years if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: tooth fairy, tooth fairy story, tooth fairies, parents, parenting, parenting styles, parenting hacks, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: fh6GVbgpxJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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