Which Primarch Should Of Been Warmaster? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl for all horus's strengths Charisma and girth he was a pretty terrible War Master if you really take a step back and look at the situation he was tasked with wrapping up the great Crusade and ushering Mankind into a golden age of domination instead he took a steaming [ __ ] on the Galaxy got nearly half of his brothers turned into demons got himself killed and literally created the future that he was desperate to avoid all in all a job not well done so that begs the question who should have been warm Master instead which Primark would have done the best job I'm not going to say better job as Conrad Kurst being warmaster would have actually done less damage to the Galaxy but let's really focus on who would have been the best it's also a bit of a two-fold question as I'll be answering it from the perspective of fulfilling the great Crusade but also as a question of actually winning the heresy before we get started there are only 24 hours left before the kegitoris Cyber Dynasty is gone for good cyber Samurai cyber ashigaru War Mech drone Warriors drones and even a [ __ ] skimmer all modular all scaled perfectly for tabletop and print in 8k the quality is [ __ ] obscene this is also the best value you will get from the major mini range with some of the value bundles putting each model at less than ten dollars each pretty nuts when you realize that also includes bundles that have the Warmack and cyber skimmer in them I want to say a massive thank you for the support on this one it's taken a lot of work to get this to you guys and gives us the confidence to push for more Grand and ambitious mini launches I have some pretty insane stuff on the horizon and I'm very excited to reveal but for now 24 hours left for the Cyber boys they won't be returning link is below today we'll go over who should have been warm Master instead of Horus looking at their ability to wrap up the great Crusade effectively but also who had the best chance of actually winning the heresy let's get into it it's strongly believed that whoever the emperor would have chosen as warm Master would have fallen to chaos in some way so he chose Horus in order to try and net the best result for the Imperium Horus was incredibly flawed way more than many of his brothers he was insecure jealous and arrogant all traits were someone super beatable by the time the heresy was ending he was so useless that chaos basically just puppeted him using him as a meat suit the reality was that the hard part of the Great Crusade was already finished and pretty much any Primark could have been chosen as War master and finished it off even [ __ ] angron the rundung were dead the Elder were avoiding the Imperium the Orcs had been crushed at ulenor and the necrons and tyranids were still 10 000 years from saying good day however to indulge the point of the video let's discuss which Primark would have been the best war Master to finish off the Crusade the best is someone who is decisive who knows his brothers and can coordinate their strengths they would also need to understand the petty conflicts between each Primark to keep them together as many cracks had formed the best choices would have been sangrinius the lion or gilliman sangunias since everyone actually really liked him and would have followed his Direction without question gillymen for his raw tactical genius and logistical skills meaning he would have been the most efficient War Master by far and the lion since he was the greatest warlord of them all achieving the most amount of compliances in the great Crusade and was also very secure in himself he was also universally respected by his brothers to really pick who would have been the greatest though we need to go to the dark side and look at who would have managed to kill the emperor and achieved a victory for chaos in this circumstance Horus remains loyal if the hypothetical new war master was originally a loyalist but I am getting a little bit ahead of myself after all the one who could have achieved a total victory for chaos may not have been one of these three loyalists fulgrim would have made a shocking wall Master the slaneshi corruption meant all he wanted to do was Rail lines and [ __ ] nines he had to literally get captured by his allies and was still useless during the heresy per tarabo had the brain and tactics for it but he didn't command the respect needed to keep a bunch of degenerate Traders together he hated chaos and barely used it as a weapon during the heresy so we would not have been able to leverage its power he also had his own Petty vendettas that almost cost him his Legion during the heresy logo was just straight up too weak he tried to supplant horus's War Master when he saw how useless Horus was getting and in return he got the [ __ ] kicked out of him and was literally booted from the heresy no one really respected him either Conrad just just know for obvious reasons mortarion might actually have not have been too bad his Legion was strong his tactics were sound but he did lack the gravatar and Leadership that would have made his brothers respect him you've got to remember that most of the Traders went batshit insane and had to get dragged Kicking and Screaming to Terror this was with horace's war Master a highly respected and charismatic leader so someone like mortarion would have had no hope in keeping them cohesive Magnus has a similar issue he would have been more interested in studying the warp and casting spells than actually leading the war effort on top of that he really just wouldn't have commanded enough respect anger on his wall Master would be [ __ ] hilarious but not very effective the heresy would have just literally been one big [ __ ] off battle anger on the trade is this all the loyalists in one big go kinda want to see that now alfarious wasn't even actually a genuine traitor and the leader of a rebellion can't be a double agent super spy if he wants it all to go well so in all honesty Horus was probably the best choice for war Master out of all the Traders but when the Loyalists are involved it's a different story after all Horus wasn't even kauser's first pick for war Master Vulcan could have gone okay he was liked by most of his brothers but wasn't particularly looked up to or was an overly impressive Commander I can't say he had any fatal flaws that disqualify him but overall he would have been a pretty mid-choice corvus was way too specialized into stealth operations he also wasn't particularly charismatic or inspiring he would have been too focused on singular missions and objectives rather than the bigger picture the Khan was way too focused on the here and now the hunt and joy of the moment he rarely considered the wider Galaxy the future and the past all that was important to him was what he was currently doing a fun way to live but a bad attitude for winning a Galactic Civil War Ferris was way too headstrong and aggressive he would have jumped the gun and gone straight for territory quickly leaving himself open to get flanked ambushed and trapped exactly how he died in Canon lore You could argue Lehman was in a similar boat however the wolf King was actually a lot more tactical than he appeared a lot of his Brash and Savage Persona was to throw people off and Heidi's face intelligence and wisdom beneath it all I think he would do a surprisingly good job of it but probably not good enough to be considered a superior replacement for Horus rogel could have been a solid pick his willpower Second To None while possessing the Tactical might and Leadership needed boy also had a pretty Mighty temper but I feel like there are better options surprisingly gilliman actually wouldn't have made a great wall master of chaos purely because he was too ordered and logical he wouldn't have accounted well enough for all the warp [ __ ] and chaotic nature of chaos chaos is Primal and instinctual it is best wielded by those who go with the flow and use it with emotion gilliman attempting to bend it into shape and apply logic to it would have ended badly on top of that gillymus actually looked down upon and hated by many of his brothers especially the traitor ones so we probably wouldn't have been able to keep them together sanguinis was actually cows's first pick of being War Master they desperately wanted the angel on their side and he probably would have been nearly unbeatable in combat as well as inspiring absolute loyalty with his Trader Brothers even Conrad and angron would have followed him and maybe fulcrum wouldn't have been so useless under sanguine's Banner but we gotta remember that sanguinis is kind of mid in many other ways he is far from the most tactical Primark nor is he a military genius his tactics were either Flex my wings until the enemy surrenders or dive bum on their command structure while my Legion tells them limp from limb not super applicable to a galaxy-wide conflict involving super Geniuses sangunis was also very insecure maybe even more so than Horus thus he likely would have second-guessed himself and hesitated I think he would have overall been a better choice than Horus especially if he kept per tarabo close as his top tactician but overall the greatest War master of chaos would have easily been the lion this man ticks every box his military genius is second to one I mean it's literally stated in the law that he was the best Primark in terms of compliances even better than Horus and that is including the fact that he bore the brunt of the rundon Xeno sides he was also universally respected even by primarks that didn't like him he inspired ore in all that saw him including his brothers the first Legion was also incredibly versatile after all they were the template that the other Legions were created from their various Wings covered various disciplines of War so that would have been perfect for his War Master's status the biggest thing though is that he wasn't insecure at all he was incredibly sure of himself and his abilities he wouldn't second-guess himself and create openings for the Loyalists to exploit many primarks including the line himself thought he should have been warm Master instead of Horus which does tie back into the law that the emperor believed that whoever he chose's War Master would fall this law is debated a bit as anything the empress says is open to [ __ ] interpretation however Dan Abner himself confirmed that the war master was always doomed to fall so with the emperor valuing the line so highly there's a good chance that he deliberately avoided choosing him to ensure he would remain loyal and safe from corruption funnily enough Dan also spoke a bit about hypothetical heresies based on other War Master choices angron being the bloody failure and alfarious being the bloodless coup however as this is all extremely hypothetical and unofficial even if it did come from Dan Abner himself you can't treat it as 100 fact in saying that I am confident that the emperor knew a heresy or Schism was on the horizon and that his choice of Horus being War master was the best chance mankind had for survival obviously things didn't go quite according to plan but hey mankind is still kicking and with the recent return of gilliman and the lion things are actually looking pretty good if the line was to be warm us then Not only would he have been hyper effective in wrapping up the great Crusade but he most likely also would have won the Lionel heresy dooming mankind to Eternal darkness and Extinction as the Galaxy was consumed in Fire and Chaos even if he was beaten that would mean we don't have the line in the current setting smashing angron's brains out with his Magic Shield if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the Cyber Dynasty models only 24 hours you do not want to miss this one hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more war Mastery content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: J0qy69nKFqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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