CARCHARODONS - Void Hunters | Warhammer 40k Lore

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we are the Protectors of humanity and its judges when the Shadows strike we strike back from the outer dark we come and Into the Depths we shall return the Black Sea beyond the stars calls to us the legiones Estates which sire many successors to enact the will of the Imperium across the Stars some would epitomize the ecclesiarchy's teachings others would Champion the honor of their forebears and many would lose their ties to their kin with the waning millennia yet among the adeptice astartes not all would be regaled as heroes or Paragons of the Imperium for some would serve a darker purpose in the most perilous of War zones chapters such as the hunters of the Void the carcaradons much of the colloquially named space sharks chapter would remain obscured from history records of their Origins conflict with some Scholars citing their founding as among the primogenitors of the second founding whilst more scrutinous historians cite their formation during the 23rd Sentinel founding though not conclusive many cite the 19th Legion The Raven guard to be the origin of their Gene seed citing the first shade lord of the great Crusade Arcus fell as their Prime ancestor arcas would fight during the wars of unification in the name of the 19th prior to his reunion with his Gene sire corvus corax known to detest the Terran stock of his Legion korax would Implement changes to supplant their command hierarchy with the studies of his own Homeworld of Deliverance supplanting the cold-blooded methods of War inherited from the Zurich tribes of ancient Terror the Warriors of the 19th would adopt the guerrilla warfare and stealth tactics championed by the veterans of lycius the legion's prior service to his reunion garnering a reputation as an occupying force their oppressive Tendencies would stand in opposition to every virtue korax upheld as a survivor of the slavors of lychaeus demoting the most senior Veterans of the former Legion to line Soldier duties arcas Val would be no exception stripped of his rank as the Lord commander of the 19th arcas's free Decades of service to his Legion would bear no favor with his Primark further separating his Terran Sons by combining them into small independent nomadic fleets korax would cast his terranostatis to work alongside Rogue Trader fleets and other mercenary bands now commanding such an independent Fleet our caspal would never return to the side of his Primark the Raven Lord would make no efforts to call for their aid during the ravenguard legions collapse during the Horus heresy further estranging the terrans of the zaric tribes from their liege yet records held within the emperor's holy Inquisition shed light on the imperium's command to their alienated Warriors within the Mythos Angelica mortis they would be tasked to roam the outer darkness of the Void upon an endless Voyage to ravage the foes of humanity to set about the traitor the alien and the Renegade without mercy and Harrow them in their places of strength of all the Deeds of the car carried ons none would be more Infamous than their involvement during the bad app War following their confrontation of avadon the de spoiler's seventh Black Crusade and the war in the deeps against the tyranid Menace the carcaradons would be embroiled in a civil war of immense proportions during 910 point m41 the astral Clause chapter of adepticeystartes would secede from the Imperium and hold Dominion of the maelstrom's OWN alongside the executioners lamenters and Mantis Warriors chapters the chapter Master of the astral Clause Luft Huron would stand to find against the vast loyalist armies of the exorcists fire Angels fire Hawks howling Griffins Marines errant minotaurs Nova Marines Raptors red scorpions salamanders sons of Medusa and star phantom chapters causing tension between both sides at the arrival of the unknown combatants the Loyalists would manage to validate their Imperial authorization protocols from the ancient warships offering their aid in the battle the car caradons would claim to have answered a summons sent from the throne World itself holy Terror kyberos the red wake would submit himself to Gene sampling and produce ancient notices patent of their deeds and be deemed Loyal by the loyalist Commanders Lord High Commander carob colon chapter Master of the red scorpions would allow for the carcaradons to fight within his lines of battle and deploy them to the Endymion cluster confronting the Mantis Warrior secessionists the car caradons would systematically annihilate the Mantis Warriors and drive them from the Endymion sector joining the final battle of the war of badab prime during 913 point m41 the car caradons would sabotage the planet's geothermal reactors to rob the planet's defense batteries of power The Hive cities of bad app Prime would incur tectonic upheaval from the lack of power consuming swaves of the hives into molten Seas of lava Victorious over the secessionists the car caradons would return to the endemian sector to harvest new recruits from the training grounds of the Mantis Warriors with agreement of the fireworks the carcaradons would enact their red tithe and Venture once more into the darkest voids of space continuing their ceaseless persecution of the enemies of the Imperium within the most perilous of the outer reaches of the Galaxy little else is known of their deeds prior to the return of the avenging son of the Imperium battling the word bearer's legion upon the world of bad or five in the wake of their Victory against the trait of forces by Maris Marines of the ultimate founding would be dispatched to their long-distant chapter their reinforcement allowing for their continued service within the most treacherous systems across the galactic Edge incurring numerous losses during their many battles across the Stars the unconventional chapter must draw recruits from the most inhospitable of worlds the so-called red tithe must be enacted by The Reaper Prime of the chapter following the edicts of Exile harvesting fresh recruits from Worlds liberated by their blades the carcaradons replaced their astartes numbers and vast labor surf population with their claim of Imperial lives attrition is incredibly high in comparison to their cousin chapters due to their Gene seed flaws with few aspirins of the chapter surviving the trials to become an astartes gaining Battlefield experience from not only the Scout company but each of the chapters battle companies each aspirant of the red tithe shall be bloodied for a minimum of a solar decade before earning their revered Exile markings tattoos earn through Deeds designs such as spiral Loops of their forearms and scalps are symbols of their deeds in battle each aspirant shall be regarded only by the number of their squad prior to their Ascension once proven to be worthy as drew a studies new void Brothers shall be given a void name forming close bonds of camaraderie with their fellow Exiles the Ashen claws the former 18th company of the Raven guard had turned against both sides of the war of the Horus heresy to eke out in existence far from Imperial space working alongside the carcaradon's Astra on many occasions throughout the Millennia the Ashton claws have on many occasions replenished Munitions materials and even recruits to the carcaradons in their times of most desperate need though such an ancient pact has proven beneficial to both parties it would be a mistake to think of them on good terms looked down upon by the current Master of the Ashen claws the Renegade Space Marines often taunt their desperate Brethren to weaken their negotiations to benefit their trade called the Great hives the Harvester Prime of the chapter must see to the adequate equipment maintenance and supplies of each company to allow for the fighting Peak strength of the carcaradons in their pursuit of ancient archaeotech trading such relics to the mechanicus of Mars in exchange for vehicles power armor and weapons the car carried on scavenge for every scrap of resource to continue their Savage Wars their biology rarely observed by Outsiders of the chapter the only records of their Gene seed are gleaned from the records of the death watch showing no obvious signs of mutation the gene seed of the chapter nonetheless has degraded with time showing further evidence of their ties to the gene stock of the Raven guard eachostatis of the chapter's complexion shows a death-like peonus as black eyes gleam from their sockets their phenotype transforming their aspirin's genetic makeup to share their deathly Visage sleeping within cryo tanks as they voyage across the Stars the car caradons lie dormant in the darkness for years without contact of the Imperium Unleashed onto battle once awoken from their long Slumber the veterans of the chapter watch over their junior astartes as they sleep for the longer one service to the chapter the more difficult rest becomes with some records indicating that the oldest of the chapters are Studies have not used the cryotank Sleep assistance for Terran centuries as a fleet-based chapter distant from ties the Imperium the car caradons make use of any ships and War gear they can claim from the battlefield extensively modifying their equipment to fulfill their requirements it is not uncommon for Space Marines of the chapter to wield ancient Phobos pattern bolters and Mark V power armor some 10 000 years in age fiercely self-sufficient each battle company of the chapter defined their combat Doctrine and organization independently from one another with each containing Scout Marines and Terminator clad veterans within their ranks issuing Reserve companies the battle companies of the carcaradons seem to have abandoned the teachings of the Codex astartes and choose to outline their own stratagems and hierarchical heraldries utilizing chaplains and Librarians the use of tech Marines and apothecaries is more seldom within the chapter due to their value to be preserved and kept away from the front line of battle each company comprises of between 100 to 120 studies with as many as 30 Scout Marines allowing for each company to carry out analysis and Battlefield Intel reports prior to their company's assaults highly disciplined and dour Warriors the chapter favors the use of shock troops to close their distance to their enemies [Music] the command structure of the car corridons despite their non-conformity to the conventions of the Codex Estates regardless resembles many of its outlines the chapter Mast of the carcaradons is known as the shade Lord following in the footsteps of the so-called forgotten one reputed to be Arcus vowel currently attributed to the Fearsome tiberos the gargantuan astatis known as the red wake leads his chapter as an imposing and terrifying symbol of the chapter's Wrath each company is led by company masters with two of such captains of the chapter given unique roles and titles The Reaper Prime whilst commanding their respective company must oversee the recruitment of new aspirants to the chapter whilst the Harvester Prime must seek out lost Technologies and facilitate trade with the adepts of Mars strike leaders act as the sergeants of the chapter whilst battle brothers of the chapter are known as void Brothers clad in Gray armor each astartes proudly wears the symbol of their chapter a great white shark set upon the Dark Void of space upon their left pauldron uniform in their panopolies of War each Warrior May Adorn his ceramide with tokens and designs of oceanic Predators wounds fanged Moors and tokens depicting their mysterious heritage their assault Marines known as devourers comprise the bulk of their ranks for there also exists the elite red Brethren who bear the honor of marching into battle the decked in Terminator armor armed and armored at all times the red Brethren etch red markings onto their armor and carry out the will of their shade Lord and their respective company master [Music] observe to be experts at rapid deployments the car carried on show disdain for methods of protracted Warfare Experts of stealth infiltration and surprise attacks it would be unwise to assume that the car caradons are not Adept combatants without their tactics of subterfuge terrifying and imposing Warriors the chapter demonstrates intensely violent Rampages following their simple yet effective tactics supported on occasion with armored vehicles the Estates of the chapter prefer to utilize mobile heavy infantry to fulfill their objectives preferring to be the aggressors in combat rather than forming defensive lines the carcaradon's integration of both Scout units and Terminator vanguards enables for meticulously planned and devastating overwhelming surprise attacks favoring droppod assaults Thunderhawk insurgents and teleportation attacks the hulking Warriors of the chapter are in stature alone enough to break the morale of lesser foes withdrawing from objectives that proved to be well defended the chapter reorganized their men and plot new strike Maneuvers as their opponents reel from their initial onslaughts never faltering in their patient yet deadly assaults the continual exploitation of their enemies weak points proved to be devastating and unsalvageable communicating in Eerie silence the carcaradons prey further on their enemies fears by organizing their Advance via encrypted Vox Nets butchering their foes without a hint of a word nor Cry of pain when sustaining injuries wobe tied any foolish enough to stand in opposition of such reticent combatants firing ancient Earth's claw Weaponry during Naval engagements the gigantic harpoons allow for the raiding of Supply ships and facilitation of great hives following the tenets of The Nomad predation pattern or Fleet formation the chapter voyage across the stars without pause and honor the heritage of their forebears the wandering ancestors upholding their Devotion to the master of mankind a startis of the carcaradons carry devotional charms and prayer Scrolls as among the most Pious of Space Marine chapters revering the Emperor as the void father and sire of the Forgotten one the chapter emulate his eternal vigil upon the Golden Throne as they too shall hunt his enemies across the Galaxy as a beacon of Light Within the thickest of Shadows ending their Eternal Crusade with the return of the Forgotten one Scholars and historians have no consensus as to the identity of such an enigmatic individual their Creed predating the Imperial Cults the chapters Primal zealous Duty shall not be snuffed out by the Servants of the outer dark and so the gray cloud came from the outer night and they're Jagged more did swallow the stars and their black gays did mirror the void of Oblivion their pale Shadows fell upon the Servants of the scold one with great Fury from the darkness unseen as the Beast that lurks beneath the black Waters death for death Blood for Blood thus were the sons of sangrinius bought respite and did turn back upon their pursuers and so were damned traitors of the false gods driven unto their wound this has been a tale of the great Imperium of man read by the remembrancer the carcaradon's Astra are among the most mysterious yet reliable subjects of the Adept as astartes their duty to the Emperor foregoes their need for glories for in their vigil of the darkest voids of space there is humble Valor in their deeds while duty is its own reward be mindful of your need for purpose for should you find purpose in your own actions you shall not want for vain glorious ego [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Remembrancer
Views: 113,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, warhammer 30k, 30k, lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, warhammer 40k lore, games workshop, imperium, imperium of man, remembrancer, horus heresy, primarchs, emperor of mankind, carcharodons 40k, carcharodons 40k painting, carcharodons 40k battle report, carcharodons 40k lore, carcharodons 40k conversion, carcharodons 40k army, carcharodons battle report, carcharodons lore, tyberos the red wake, tyberos warhammer 40k, tyberos 40k, space sharks, asmr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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