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towards the night before the wolf time and all through the route not a creature was stirring not even a there are no wolves on Fenris I am just kidding of course the space wolves are no more Christmassy than any other Space Marine chapter anyway this is their chapter Master Logan grimner nope hang on this is their chapter Master Logan the Great Wolf today we're going to talk about him because he is actually an epic character and one of the mightiest of the sons of Russ even as a recruit others and especially Ulrich thought he had a mighty weird or destiny and he served for over a hundred years before becoming chapter Master he was noted for not just being an incredible combatant but also for his Charisma and ability in fact he's one of the most jovial or Jolly chapter Masters that you'll ever see always ready to drink with any of his brothers after ascending to the title of Great Wolf one of the first major challenges that he had was during and after the first war of Armageddon this Hive world came under attack from chaos forces which were led by angeron the Primark of the world eaters and his Elite bodyguard of 12 bloodthirsters it was in this war the that grimna got his fabled weapon the ax mokai the ax's original wielder the coronates champion acord doomflare engaged grimnar in combat after slaughtering some of his wolfgard the chaos Champion was a Savage opponent and in the battle he shattered grimnar's frostblade into a million pieces however grimna was not done yet with a clawed hand he managed to rip the helm off of the champion and then he sank his teeth into doomflare's neck as the champion of Court died grimnar picked up his ax and then fought with it for the rest of the campaign then later back on Fenris it was reforged into the ax mokai in this war grimnar also proved himself as a shrewd tactician unlike many a space Warfield want to charge straight for ankron and engage him he actually held back leading the Imperial Defenders he held the line against the many waves of chaos forces and when the time was right he let out a mighty howl which was the signal gray Knight Terminators teleported in between angron and his bloodthirst is and these demon Hunters were the key to the imperium's victory that day so during the first war of Armageddon we get a really good base understanding of the character of Logan grimnar he is of course an excellent but Savage fighter and just like his Gene father Lehman Russ you might look at him and think he's just a beast but secretly he's actually a tactical genius however for me it is his actions post-war of Armageddon that we get a true measure of the man that is Logan grimner the average civilian is not aware of the existence of chaos and demons and in fact most in the Imperium have no idea that during the Horus heresy it was actually the sons of the emperor of mankind himself who turned against him should this information ever get out it could lead to panic and further corruption and the Inquisition consider it part of their duty to make sure this doesn't happen and so after the war of Armageddon the Inquisition arrived and they decided the local populace had this dangerous information and they must be quarantined and sterilized the Space Wolves and the Inquisition already did not get along and grimnar suspected this was coming and so he made it clear that Space Wolves would not play a part in this action he had grown sympathetic to the Armageddon steel Legion and the local populace and even tried to structure the defense so that as few as possible would learn the truth of their enemy he did raise this with the inquisitorial task force when they met however his pleas were ignored the inquisitors were adamant that strict measures be taken so that word of the truth and not reach the wider Imperium the Lord Inquisitor kisneros who was in charge of the containment started the first phase where civilians were evacuated through temporary security measures and the sterilization started to begin with all the Space Wolves did was help the Defenders and civilians flee however eventually things took a turn for the worse as the gray Knights fired the first shots and many Space Wolves and civilians were killed because of gribnar's actions many of the survivors of army gedden were saved however remember this is Warhammer 40K and so these actions actually led to far more people dying kisneros was a determined and gave the order that anyone who came into contact with the survivors of Armageddon be purged and multiple worlds of the Imperium even suffered exterminatus the gray Knight even named the period the months of Shame the Space Wolves had still not retaliated at this point however things were about to get much much worse Grandmaster jaros of the gray nice recommended a plan to kisneros if they could capture grimna they could force the Space Wolves to surrender a parlay was organized in hike around a neutral star system however the Lord Inquisitor was not taking any chances after the Space Wolves vessels translated into real space the inquisitorial Force opened fire four of the vessels were destroyed and the flagship was damaged and so grimna was invited to come and surrender the Great Wolf and his three remaining wolfgard went aboard the fire of Dawn and they stood in the presence of the entire gray Knight's Detachment grimnar demanded to know who broke the sacred oath of armistice and Jorah said he hoped for forgiveness someday however it was he who gave the order but forgiveness was not forthcoming that day so much as the ax mokai joros was a famed fighter amongst the gray Knights said to have incredible reaction speeds yet he scarcely got his blades out of their scabbards before the acts of the chapter master was in his neck and chest plate then after felling four more gray Knights the Space Wolves were able to teleport back to safety after this interaction the Wolves gave No Quarter slaughtered their once allies and even destroyed the glaive of Janus the flagship of the gray Knight's first Brotherhood a vessel they had had in their Arsenal for 10 000 years as things escalated the red Hunters chapter were brought in to support the Inquisition however descent within the inquisitorial Force started to rise additionally the containment strategy of the Inquisition was considered a failure as too many civilians had made their way out of the system the Lord Inquisitor had one desperate Gambit left to try he could Siege Fenris hold the planet hostage and force the Space Wolves to give in the Lord Inquisitor had feneres surrounded and whilst there was very little left to defend the planet kisneros was in command of a significant inquisitorial and gray night force and the entire red Hunters chapter Fleet so he demanded that a senior space Wolf come negotiate when he and his delegation arrived at the Fang the famed Fortress Monastery of the Space Wolves they were met by none other than a Bjorn the fell handed with the inquisition's orbital guns locked on the Fang the ancient space Wolf did not give in to the demands and it wasn't long before Logan grimnar and the rest of the Space Wolves chapter Fleet arrived in the system as a naval battle broke out around Fenris a panicked kisneros returned to his ship to take command grimna and his wolfgard were able to teleport onto the battle cruiser and despite gray Knight resistance grimna was able to swiftly decapitate kisneros this was not enough to quench The Rage of the sons of Lehman Russ however and the battle raged until beyond the fell handed teleported onto the battle cruiser and demanded everybody stop this madness we learn a lot about Logan grimnar in the first war of Armageddon and its aftermath we learn he really values honor he's willing to risk the lives of himself and the other space wolves in order to protect those who he has fought besides and the idea that someone would break the sacred oath of armistice is abhorrent to him then once his temper has fled you do not want to stand against him both the Space Wolves and the gray Knights really underestimate each other in this story however it is very impressive that grimna was able to kill a Grand Master of the gray Knights and I think this story really proves he is one of the greatest champions of humanity many years later the wrath of Magnus found the Space Wolves once again and the Crimson King orchestrated the siege of Fenris zech was not the only God looking for Conquest here however as there were many and varied Servants of chaos Magnus used a play created by his brother mortarion to overrun the planet midgardia and it was covered in a poisonous greenhouse gas grimnar LED his forces in an attempt to reclaim the planet but failed even exterminatus wasn't enough to completely remove the taint and so with a heavy heart the chapter Master of the Space Wolves ordered midgardia the sister world of Fenris to be utterly destroyed by blowing out the planet's core using a warhead called morkai's tooth Fenris itself suffered from a personal attack from Magnus and His Thousand sons and grimna returned to the planet in order to lead the defense the space wars did not stand alone however the gray Knight and the Dark Angels put aside their old grievances with the wolves and they fought as allies Magnus took a terrible toll on the planet and its Defenders and only by the sacrifice of Eagle Iron Wolf was Logan grimnar able to drive the ax mokai into the demon Primark having been originally forged as a weapon of corn the bane of sorcerers the ax is still imbued with some of his power therefore it was able to shatter the Arcane defenses of Magnus grimnar's blow allowed the purifiers of the gray Knights to banish Magnus the Thousand sons and their demonic allies back into the warp the idea of the Dark Angels and the space walls fighting together here is absolutely awesome to me the story of The Lion and the Wolf is one of an ancient rivalry between the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels there have been times the two factions have come to blows during the 13th Black Crusade however the two factions put aside their differences because of grimnar's esteemed reputation he was put as the supreme commander of the Imperial forces at the Canadian gate once more he fought alongside Supreme Grandmaster Azrael and the Dark Angels it is said to look upon the Wolves and the angels fighting together is to look upon a force that none can match however as things tend to do in 40K this piece did not last long and they left each other as Rivals once more nevertheless with so many rumors about the Dark Angels and the lion floating around I think it's a very exciting time to be a Space Wolves fan as I think if the Dark Angels do get that key story progression I don't think it will be too long until the lion goes searching for his brother which takes us quite nicely onto our final piece of law for today which is the book wolf time a book famous for the fact that it contains almost nothing about the wolf time the wolf time itself is the prophesized Dark Hour of the Space Wolves where Lehman Ross will return to them if you do want the lowdown on the event of the wolf time basically they have some conversations in the book that can be boiled down roughly to this is it the wolf time no is it nearly the wolf time maybe should we prepare for the wolf time yes haven't we already been doing that for the last 10 000 years yeah pretty much so basically nothing has changed I imagine this is black library's revenge for all of the click-baity YouTube titles they've inevitably seen over the years so this book does have a number of events and the most important one is of course the meeting of the Great Wolf and the avenging Sun rebute Gilman grimnar is Auntie Gilman through most of the book he declares him the Legion breaker and thinks he is only there to gain power over the Space Wolves which of course is an interesting piece of logic given the fact that Gilman's main purpose there is to massively reinforce the space rules above chapter size even and tell them that they can do whatever the hell they want however this reasoning does kind of make sense given that it comes from the faction that also gave us I'm going to go and fight Taurus lupacao even though I definitely cannot win however I might be able to make him feel uncomfortable for about 10 seconds I'm probably being a bit harsh about this story and there is definitely some good reason for Logan grimnar to be suspicious of rebutan 11 and the primaries Marines however I just think there's some poor reasoning given in this book which doesn't really make sense for me however I will say there is a subplot about a primaris marine proving himself to the Space Wolves which is really cool and he does gain the Great Wolf's respect gilliman handles the whole situation really well he even kneels to Logan grimnar and really demonstrates how he is the ultimate politician but this story does really complete the picture of Logan grimnar because let's have a look at the facts here he is one of the mightiest of the sons of Russ he has one of the greatest strategic Minds in the Imperium he is a fantastic fighter wielding a coronate ax he leads a reinforced Space Wolves chapter and is undoubtedly loyal to the all-father
Channel: Sandman of Terra
Views: 117,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40000, space marines, 9th Edition, wh40k, space marine, warhammer40k, space wolves, space wolves lore, space wolves 40k, logan grimnar, leman russ, leman russ space wolves, leman russ primarch, fenris lore, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k lore, wulfen lore, wulfen 40k, wulfen lore 40k, logan grimnar lore, logan grimnar on stormrider, first war of armageddon 40k, first war of armageddon, siege of fenris, wrath of magnus, magnus the red, axe morkai
Id: AseViLsyslw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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