I played MORE Dawn of War with REAL WARHAMMER 40k

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this is Warhammer like you've never seen it before welcome to dawn of War Warhammer since 2004 this little Space Marine has always dreamed one hobby dream to bring dawn of War to the tabletop I want a game of Warhammer exactly like the greatest Warhammer video game of all time I'm talking Base building mustering an army green squad deployed upgrades of the emperor map control exploration captured and above all a fully functional dawn of War economy builds right on top of Warhammer 40K today we've got our second installment of dawn of War Warhammer we'll be finishing off an absolute monster of a game on our brand new 72 square foot dawn of War gaming table in which the mighty bloodravens must exterminate an orc infestation we'll be playing a scenario inspired by the missions from the first dawn of War which is designed to showcase our new dawn of war rule set this rule set is an overlay which means you can use it with whatever wargaming system you like but with Warhammer 40K 10th edition hot off the press it's time for some 40K action we'll take you through the rules as our battle gets underway but first let's set the scene on the planet Tartarus war is Raging as a Savage awkward devours the planet in the first episode we saw the bloodravens establish their forward command post on the outskirts of an imperial manufactorium on the plains of Dara and wipe out the first of two orc strongholds but the Orcs counter-attacked fiercely and hidden in the fog of War an even bigger greenskin Army is gathering to defend their final strongholds commanding the paragons of the Imperium is me locky of Zorb Hammer it's time to wipe out this orc infestation and going green today is my right hand man Beau from zorbazor let's Crush Some Space Marines in case you missed the first battle report which you'll find linked down in the comments and description our bloodraven army is well on its way to Victory we built up our home base with a variety of buildings for researching upgrades deploying troops and vehicles and our economy is in strong shape with three power generators built and three strategic points captured generators and SPS are the backbone of the dawn of War Warhammer economy earning us power and requisition which we have spent to build a nice little army our forces are currently split across the map with tactical Squad Alpha having just vanquished an orc Camp up on the plateau and our first predator and an Assault Squad and a squad of Terminators are standing among the Flaming ruins of the first Orc Stronghold with 11 turns already completed we return to the battlefield just after the destruction of the first Orc Stronghold turn 12 saw the bloodravens net a whopping 920 requisition combining their three captured strategic points with a 500 requisition objective bonus from defeating the first orc strongholds and I started burning my resources fast up first I jumped over to the stronghold the Space Marine HQ building now remember this building must be defendant at all costs if it is destroyed the bloodravens are defeated but it also lets us upgrade our Squad cap in this case from 10 to 15 allowing me to deploy Marine Squad Charlie from the chapel Barracks our first new unit for this battle report welcome to the field boys Charlie immediately embarked onto the awaiting Rhino which sped off past strategic point one to support Alpha Squad up on the plateau having successfully obliterated the orc defenses at sp3 Alpha Squad sent the all clear signal to build our second Chapel barracks in dawn of War Warhammer a player May build one structure per uncontested control Zone each turn this forward operating base up on the plateau is going to be essential for doubling our rate of infantry Squad production and striking hard at the orc Menace moving up to fortify the new position Alpha performed an advanced move and took position overlooking the two ramps leading up from the lower level but as they are at full strength they didn't need any upgrades cease back at the first orc base down in the plains however my newly deep struck Terminators equipped a devastating assault Cannon and reinforced with a new Squad member and Baldi leapt down into the dust to face down the remaining horde Of Orcs And now a moment that every Marine player has wanted to see on the table the assault Marines use their jump ability to blast High over the Terminators and the Orcs swarming below the smoldering wreck of the first Orc Stronghold and landed directly upon strategic 0.4 [Music] so the Blood Ravens are advancing across all fronts but before we get to our next talk stronghold we have to deal with this little awk response Force but luckily I've just deep struck some Terminators and they are supported by a predator so I'm going to start opening fire in the shooting phase I've got two heavy Boulder sponsors and I'm going to be shooting at this little orc vehicle here which is called the boondaka snazwagon the most amazing name I've ever heard so heavy bolters we are hitting on threes because we have moved two sixes those are critical hits and we're sustained hits that gets me a bonus two extra shot strength five toughness seven chasing fives to wounds and that is just one generating fives they shouting us it's only one wound off the boom Dhaka snazz wagon but the mega track scrap jet uh he's got a lot more punch he's got some missiles and stuff which could threaten my Predator so I've saved the auto cannon turret for him now I'm within my rapid fire range Rapid Fire 2 gives me six shots now let's see if I can blast this guy apart I need threes to hit but this guy is the target of my oath of moment for this turn which means I can re-rail re-roll all failed hits uh that gives me an extra two threes to wound every wound will be three damage that is one two three four this is Mega rolling Five Wounds save them all or that guy is out of there steam dice just from four little termies threes and fives let's see what we can do here and fives to wound six days from the storm bolters but now the assault Cannon hitting on threes needing threes to wound with string six but every single six is a devastating wound which will be unsavable chasing those sixes and I've got one devastating wound and two normal wounds it's saving time or boys and repent who is getting shot we're under attack the vicious volley of fire unloaded by the Terminators withered the Orcs Slugger boys to a measly two member let's get out of here those Terminators can shoot but they can also crunch it is a salt phase I'm gonna make a big charge with my tummies straight over this piece of terrain it's less than two inches so I could ignore it a big 10 inch charge my boys are leaping right over and around now these guys of course now have the fight first ability from their charging bonus so they have got a fierce chance to Maul this unit up first I've got the sergeant with a Power sword he's got four attacks hitting on threes and he'll be wounding on fours with his strength five and that is one wound through which is one dead orc straight off the bat and then the next four Terminators have all got power fists which don't have as many attacks but they hit a lot harder when they land so we've got 12 attacks all up for the fists oh a few misses a few misses only seven hits Landing but I only need twos to wound now the four Orcs the squad has not been eviscerated but there's not many of them left the blood Raven double turn unlocked by The Narrative Mission bonus from destroying the first Orc Stronghold has been devastating for Boze orc forces on the board but to be honest the resistance has been a little less Fierce than I'd anticipated this narrative Mission uses a special fog of War system Boke and Marshall his orc forces and resources in complete secrecy on any part of the board that I haven't been yet this is all managed with a system of spreadsheets and white boards that are hidden behind the studio curtain and my nagging suspicions of green skin cannon plans turn to genuine anxiety as the next few orc turns unfolded we'll film full of holes a squad of looters emerged from the fog and unloaded on the assault Marine stealing their strategic point but only managed to kill a single brother on the plateau though it seemed my attempt at establishing a forward Command Post would not go unchallenged as a killer can and a squad of shooter boys ran towards the ramp he's gonna blow them up sensing the imminent threat I kicked off my turn with some more big purchases rolling a second Predator off the machine cult and zooming him full speed to support Alpha and Charlie on the plateau Charlie squared in their Rhino performed an advanced move to speed up to respond to the orc threat but for a little more immediate support in that critical sector I called in an even bigger gun while the enemies of the emperor still draw breath there can be no peace swinging his mighty Hammer from side to side it's the one and only Gabriel Angelo's chapter Master of the bloodravens rallying behind their charismatic leader Alpha pushed towards the top of the ramp ready to defend their new Chapel Barracks The Assault Squad finished capturing strategic 0.4 for a 100 requisition capture bonus and then left up over the looters dropping deep into the city sector but soon realized they had made a fatal tactical error as from within the fog emerged a small orc Outpost clustered around sp5 garrisoned with another killer can a squad of Shooters and a brutish Squad of knobs arms to the teeth for hunting umis try all guns we've got Gabe running down to mess up this can but he needs some fire support to my my all-faithful tactical Squad which has flanked right up this side of the board mowing down Orcs is going to keep on firing we've got three heavy bolters and we're gonna try to annihilate these boys at the back so Gabe doesn't get swamped as he solos the whole orc Army so Force the hits because we have moved one six gets me an extra hit from sustained hits and we'll be chasing fours to wound with strength five ah that oh that is four big wounds all AT AP minus one for Bo who was getting now just the normal bolters eight shots hitting on threes seven coming through and fives to wound with the lower strength of the Bolter three saves for you Bo everyone ignob has been killed now still got my missile launcher but that has been paired off against the killer Khan so that is a four to hit and we've got the hit and it is now strength nine so that is threes to wound and if I can get a cheeky wound I do amongst the squad are big six it is now D6 damage now the Khan has got Five Wounds so if I get a high roll on the D6 here this is some pretty big wounds coming through just one wound left on the killer Khan so Gabe is going in for the charge this card is dead four attacks hitting on threes I have hit with three of them and now I am wounding on Threes And every single wound becomes three extra wounds they're all unsavable and any sixes are bonus wounds as well chasing pretty much a single three here we have done three six nine wounds the Khan has one left he is pulverized by the god splitter 14 Terror with no other option but to go down swinging the assault Marines charged into the looters killing three of the well-armed orc brutes but the orc knob leading the squad hacked apart a brother Marine in response the Terminators finally dealt with those silly orc boys and Consolidated towards strategic 0.4 but as the orc turn began the sole surviving Squad Of Orcs from the first Orc Stronghold launched forwards towards the termies to keep holding them back when they charge later in the turn they actually managed to drag down one of the first company veterans to the dusty Plains of Tartarus before the Terminators wiped the entire unit in a vicious retaliation up in the city sector things went from bad to worse for the assault Marines as the can and the knobs surged forwards from The Outpost under covering fire from the shooter Squad the can funded into combat but luckily for the Marines the knobs failed their charge fighting first the can wiped away two assault Marines which allowed the sergeant to land one final blow killing eluta before he was beheaded by the lutonob's power claw my first attempt at breaching the city sector has failed dismally I'm going to need a lot more to punch through than just one measly Squad of Marines and who knows what other hidden dangers lie in that last patch of fog those ruined buildings might look relatively innocent now but I'm almost scared to find out what truly lies within as we entered my 14th turn Yes you heard me right we are 14 turns and two days of gameplay deep into this battle report I took full advantage of the new Chapel barracks and deployed another Marine Squad Delta who eagerly charged forwards past Gabriel to show their metal before the eyes of their esteemed leader but immediately came under fire anytime one of my units comes within 12 inches of those units that are hidden within the fog of war that unit is automatically revealed and may make an immediate OverWatch attack so I decided more Marines were in order and brought yet another Assault Squad this time all the way back at the home base Chapel Barracks they can't use their super jump on the turn they arrive so they set off with an advancing move zooming over the new Predator who gave them a nice little toot with the horn and then trundled off up the ramp to strategic 0.3 moving out up on the plateau Alpha Squad continued their slow March forming a ceramite wall between any further enemy attacks and their precious new Chapel barracks and then unloaded their bolters three heavy bolters and one frag missile to decimate the new shooter boys nestled in cover across the Gully Rhino transport is prepared inside the Rhino Charlie reinforced a new Squad member and added a missile launcher as their transport sped across the plateau objective log and down on the planes Gabriel surged forward seemingly unsupported but with the orc threat finally eliminated in the center the Terminators reinforced and marched towards their chapter Master spitting death from their storm Boulders into the awk boys before them and splitting off the assault Cannon up into the looter knob to finally stop those two squads from regrouping there won't be nothing left to bury with the destruction of that orc Barrack so I'm feeling pretty good I should have complete control of two full thirds of the board with the orc forces on the planes fully neutralized and some of the orc infested City sector revealed our two parts of unexplored map are the northwest corner above the Blood Ravens base where there are no buildable zones anyway and then of course the location of the second orc infestation in the Southeast corner and my goodness who knows what could be over there now YouTube is a pretty harsh Master especially on brand new channels and in your first kind of couple of months in your first couple of videos it everything is so important if you're enjoying dawn of War Warhammer and you'd like to see more of it click that little subscribe button and a like as well it'd be great so helpful for a channel that's just this small we've got like less than 10K at the moment we need to pump those rookie numbers up as my assault on this final Bastion of green skin Menace shapes up I've got two major spearheads forming for my Force Gabriel and The Terminator is supported by one Predator down on the planes and then the two tactical squads supported by a second Predator I can only hope it's going to be enough smash them both 14th orc turn kicks off fairly predictably the orc knobs reinforced and redeployed under covering fire from the orc Shooters to try and intercept the attack Vector of the Terminators or though they probably would have called it run into Stomp the closest oomies their killer can however ran down towards the planes and landed a cheeky rocket blast on my Predator chipping off three damn wounds stupid grunts that worked pretty well so the knobs gave a big holler and called forward two more of their cheeky cans who took some pot shots at the Terminators and their weird grop Walker Weaponry managed to fill one of my Mighty Warriors then a vicious war cry burst forth from the fall bikers moving in now we're going to hopefully wipe the squad of Marines here needing fives to hit one hit one hit all right come on we're going for the win three plus got one because of drive by Dhaka when the bikers are within nine inches my armor save is at minus one so a four plus and I might take a wound here for my Marine and I've got a two so that's one Marine down all right not ideal we're really hoping to wipe that skull with that first round of bikers let's see if the second one can do a little better a few more hits one two all right the two hits better than one let's see if we can get the wound [Applause] it's not great today for the Orcs all shooting atrocious we're gonna try and charge in with this front unit first yep got that Yeah just they love it second Squad we're gonna be a little greedy here we're hoping this squad can wipe this one second squad's actually going to come up and try and boost some damage on this reinforcements here just short okay so they're not moving moving's turn it's all about these guys all right we've got nine attacks going in here hopefully it's enough to do the job crucially you have got two hits Landing from the big Chopper falls on the green dice three's on the black dice let's see if we can get those pesky wounds oh useless again trash only two saves but the order of them does matter so this is just the normal Chopper I'm down to four plus say this will be a single wound if I fail and I do so that is my first Space Marine down and then the knobs power Claw is damaged too so if I fail this I don't just take a wound I lose an entire two wound Marine and another Marine goes down so they they got rid of a couple but one one Brave bloodraven is holding back all the look bikers I need power so I've researched the power grid at one of my generators which doubles the output of all power generators from 50 to 100 power a huge bonus but it won't come into effect until next turn so for now my spend has to be pretty limited next is more research this time at the mech Center this is the Dreadnought orbital link which will allow me to deep strike my slow walking dreadnoughts right into the heart of battle next it's time to fortify our forward operating base with our first heavy Bolter turret I reinforced the termies and then March them up the center ramp before the chapter Master himself joined their squad to lead his finest soldiers Follow My Lead Alpha Squad had to forego their stationary shooting bonus to get out of the way of Charlie's Rhino who reinforced with another marine and missile launcher as they zoomed past their brothers and formed up next to Delta and the war bikers a big Refuge within our armor the Predator down on the planes kept moving forwards to support from afar and hold down that flank and opened up on the killer can reducing it to Molten slag the second Predator finally crested the plateau eager to bring his long-range weapons to bear from his elevated position and the assault Marines Advanced to join the rest of their brothers closer to the action engaging the enemy we will crush the enemies of the aquarium now our dawn of War rules require a lot of units to be able to change their loadouts during the course of the game sergeants can upgrade their chainsaws to power swords and even power fists their bolt pistols to plasma Marines get new heavy and special weapons light of the emperor and even vehicles have complex Loadout options like the Space Marine Predator which can swap out its autocannon and heavy bolters for Mighty last cannons now I didn't want to have to buy triples of everything to do all of those loadouts so we got some help from today's sponsor the almighty Magna Baron the official sponsor of the dawn of War Warhammer campaign because magnets they just solve everything if you need magnets for your wargaming then look no further than the magnabaron.com your D DIY super magnet home magnabaron.com have a huge range of wargaming magnets which are super powerful and even have specific kits for notoriously difficult to magnetize models magnetized movement trays and magnetized collapsible flight stands for the Epic travel wargaming experience I challenge you to find a better feeling in all of wargaming than the pure Bliss of this moment magnetic Perfection so to score some boss wall gaming magnets for all your army needs hit up the magnabaron.com link down in the description and a big shout out to Constantine who runs a Magna Baron he's an absolute Legend it's not often you'll find a sponsor willing to support content on a brand new channel so go and show him some love so it is time for the Terminators to unleash hell this squad of knobs over here is just going to be such a problem in the next turn I've got to get up there I've got to mince them but first we're going to absolutely unload so I now have five storm bolters because Gabe has joined their squad so we're going to start with those we are looking for threes to hit Gabriel hits on two so he's hit with everything and the orc unit is my oath of moment Target for the turn so I can re-roll everybody else's misses need fives to wound now yeah that's not bad we'll take that look at these sixes so six saves already for the Orcs we'll do the assault counter now as well threes to hit hitting with everything come on sixes one two three four five normal wounds and one devastating wound that is 12 wounds for the knobs to deal with for the glory of the Imperial that shooting was pretty devastating but we need to do more in combat but we need an 11 inch charge let's see how we go come on Terminators oh we got it it's 11. the boys are going in we have our charging bonus and we will be fighting first and with the pile in even Gabe is going to manage to wrap around and get in combat let's Crush some orc follow me into battle Gabe is the key he's gonna go first with his God splitter he needs threes to hit now I have got this unit still targeted as my oath of moment so I'm re-rolling all hits here uh which is gonna get him all of his attacks and every single wound is unsavable by the knobs and Deals three damage so every three here is a dead orc let's see what we can do come on oh no no that looks bad game is choked that is one just one dead knob let's let's see if the Terminators can pick up the slack come on chapter Master what are you doing okay five termies we're gonna start with the Power sword four attacks hitting on threes forced a wound with the power swords and we've got one two wounds well power fist hits coming in on the Orcs we need threes to hit again re-rolling our misses threes to wound and these are damaged too more dead knobs coming up there's so many ones okay you've got some saves to make bow all right it's not looking good chasing sixes let's see what we can do they are pulverized with the damage too from the power Fists right now I'm feeling pretty damn good sure these bikers are annoying but my predators are there and I've got such good board control and a real Stranglehold on the orc economy I should be able to just grind Bo down right or have I missed something this is almost seeming a bit too easy then the pieces started falling right into place it began with a Savage shave rolling fourth from the fall game Mighty battle wagon who dropped off a squad of looters who just unloaded right into Gabriel's Terminators killing two of them in one vicious Salvo the massive kill cannon from the battle wagon fired down at the Predator but missed as the boys inside wildly fumbled in excitement with the controls the bike's on the plane strangely ignored by Rhino and surged right up into Alpha Squad unloading again with their awful shooting and predictably killing nothing but then charged into combat Beau clearly wants my heavy weapons tied up for turn or two hopefully my tactical Squad can take them but now I'm just a bit more worried about what Bo's trying to protect taking damage the killer cans charged in and this time the termies don't have the fight first bonus but the cans didn't roll that well scoring four hits two wounds with only one failed save but it was damage three it was just enough to kill one poor Terminator Gabriel's honor guard has been Savaged in just one turn stunned by The Assault The Raven Elite choked and didn't manage to destroy even one of the killer cans but I've saved beau's greatest Ploy from this turn until last because it was at this moment that Beau grabbed the camera scrubbed through the clips and showed me a shot that he had got my wife to help him film the day before while I was in the bathroom so Lucky's launched what looks like a pretty strong assault on my first Fortress so what I'm gonna do is send this little truck full of boys around the back using the fog of War hopefully he they won't get discovered and will be able to launch a surprise attack late game he goes the boys sneaking through the fog yes that's right the little pocket of fog of war that I never explored in the early part of the game has come back to bite me as a squad of boys who have been slowly upgrading in secrecy have burst forth to launch the ultimate surprise attack alright so my main force is tied down up that end I knew that would happen what I was banking on was that I could get this sneaky force in to try and take out some of Lucky's buildings before he's able to destroy my HQ with Beau having timed his Ambush perfectly all of my current units are kind of too committed to the main battle to sort of double back so I had to kind of make a new Marine Squad at home to try and hold these Orcs at Bay who launched forwards and unloaded a hail of bolts into the Orcs but had little effect against their growing horde only managing to kill two I then upgraded the sponsons and turrets of my two predators to last cannons the auto cannons and heavy bolters have served me well but to Scorch the orc infestation to Ash a little more Firepower won't go astray I then decided to fully commit to blowing up his base before he could blow up mine but as it turns out the Orcs attacking my home base wouldn't be the only fresh green skins we'd be meeting this turn all right Lucky's jump Troopers have jumped in behind my tank and that's revealed the rest of my Fortress here little did he know that we have an extra Barracks here another one up the back filled with Orcs we've got Vehicles ready to roll in it's game on well now it all makes sense four squads of boys three big beefy orc buggies another Squad of bikes and the Big Mac himself with a cohort of knobs defending an awk base comprising of two orc barracks and a massive Orc Stronghold with three separate build stat lines that I all have to destroy there was only one thing to do and get stuck in but boy am I going to need some more armor I grabbed my Dreadnought and deep struck him right into the now revealed enemy territory it is better to die for the emperor than live for yourself the Rhino launched forwards and pulled a sick 180 handbrakee and deployed Charlie Squad ready to face probably their imminent death but hoping to seize their chance to help land the killing blow before they're overwhelmed their missile launchers fired at the barracks before them wounding with both crack missiles and managing to score just enough damage across the D6 damage missiles to destroy the first orc structure the resulting explosion dealt six mortal wounds to all units within six inches and sending smoke and flaming debris High into the air if you're enjoying the dawn of War inspired Landscapes and armies make sure you check out the hobby side of this campaign over on zorbazorp link down in the description or if you want to play some dawn of War Warhammer at home we've got the experimental rules available for download on my patreon I am hoping that if this campaign is successful and I can keep making videos for it to do a how to play guide and sort of go through all the rule tools right here on the channel but if you want the rules right now patreon is the place to get them and it's an amazing way to support dawn of War Warhammer so you can get even more of it the missile launchers sure did their job now it's time for this Mega round of shooting to continue with our Dreadnought he's deep struck in and he is ready to Pivot and blast with his multi-melter straight into this first component of the Orc Stronghold this Mega compound of bows has a lot of parts to it with different hit lines but we are going to blast this one first we've got two dice we need threes we've got two big fives and then threes two wounds and that is oh we've missed with one but we have got one successful wound now this damage of the multi-melta is D6 plus two because of the melta Special Rule melter two so if we can get a big enough D6 here we need to score five wounds for damage we have got a three plus two five exactly this guy is blown up out here your end is at hand we are dishing so much pain on these orc buildings and now it continues with my Predator fully specced up with Las Cannon sponsors and last cannons in the top and this time we are firing at the main target the big part of the compound and this is the target of my oath of moment this turn so threes re-rolling all hits we've got one miss but the oath of the moment gets it to us and we need a simple threes to wounds with this massive strength of 12 and 14 across the turret and the sponsors oh my Lord ones and twos the my first bread and Ash just completely choked you know what it's fine I've got one more yeah look not ideal not ideal but I do have this second Predator now I'm I'm just in range to hit the back compound with this guy as well but obviously there's a really tempting Target with that battle wagon who's could hit next turn and seriously maim one of my tanks but I think we just got to keep playing the objective so we're going our three last cannons we get those re-rolls of course which we need one of them uh oh it's not enough we've already dropped one we've already dropped one threes to wound and this is where we choked no there's something lucky about this big mix compound I think I don't know if Big Mac Cog fist steel Snapper prayed to gork or Mork but whatever he's doing is working as my last cannons are just zapping anywhere but his beloved Big Mac Workshop as last fire blasted the buildings all around the city sector the assault Marines launched into combat swiftly followed by the Dreadnought who absolutely annihilated the last biker with his massive close combat weapons die die after the charge bonuses the Orcs got to strike back first and Beau chose his killer cans who smushed another Terminator into the dust but Gabriel finally remembered how to swing his hammer and crushed both of the cans with a devastating blow today the enemies shall know fear unbelievably though some poor orc rolling and pretty Mega savings Rose if I do say so myself the awkward bikers only scored a single wound on Marine Squad Alpha who then hacked back and killed two of the massive green skins and wounded the third this crush the enemies of the Imperium a big swing back to the Blood Ravens this turn but Beau not only has some of his biggest units still on the field he's also bearing right down on my stronghold if I don't stem the green tide Of Orcs they're gonna snatch Victory from the TV jaws of defeat first up for the Orcs turn was to reinforce the boys sneaking up on the Umi base with a burner boy and then they pushed up through the forest Beau chose not to advance though to give him a chance at nailing a pretty reasonable charge roll and then to add insult to injury the orc sneakiness was just not over as a squad of Commandos just appeared out of the fog and opened up on poor Echo Squad with their rapid firing special Commando Shooters but my ceramite plating held strong and so instead the Commando set loose their little bomb Squig who dutifully sprinted past the distracted Marines and detonated next to the stronghold for D3 wounds chipping two wounds off my mighty HQ building wiping burning squid flesh from their visors Echo Squad looked up to see the Commandos leaping on top of them with a vicious charge the Marines race forward to meet them but with the charge bonus the Commando struck first one Marine falling to the knobs power claw and another battle brother wounded by the rest of the Commandos the Marines struck back killing a single commando but the damage was done as the huge orc Slugger boys issued a mighty Beau nailed the charge comfortably rolling a massive 10 inches and swarmed through the forest to reach the stronghold and hacked at the building but the orkoys with their 30 attacks only managed two sixes on the wounding roll disgusted with his lad's pathetic attempt the orc knob swung his power claw to shoulder boys how it's done it's wounding with all three strikes and a damaged two that is a total of eight wounds from the combat and after the exploding Squig earlier in the turn that leaves just six wounds on the Space Marine strongholds scary times for The bloodravens Meanwhile on the west side of the board the bikers reinforced and Cog fist steel Snapper donned his Mega knob armor mostly because I never got around to making the big Mech model and then charged down the side of his beloved orc Mech Workshop skyscraper and hollered down to the big Umi Tin Can below then in some Mad Max style action the three orc buggies just smashed through the ruins and ignored the Dreadnought completely opting instead to try and threaten Charlie's Squad and the second Predator with their heavy weapons they poured Dhaka into Charlie just annihilating the squad and even popping their Rhino for good measure but the Rockets fired off at the Predator missed wildly across the battlefield the battle wagon chose not to Ram the Terminators so that he wouldn't get a shooting debuff from being in engagement range and unloaded with his kill Cannon Landing D6 plus three shots to rack up seven dice with four big fives and then three wounds at damage to on the Predator which takes the Predator to just two wounds remaining meaning he is now classed as damaged and will have a much harder time Landing his shooting attacks then in the combat phase the last Squad of Slugger boys in the orc base charge the assault Marines and wiped them off the board in a vicious Onslaught saving the looters from their imminent death but at the forward command post both bikers finally fell with the Marines fighting first this turn who Consolidated into a strong firing position to hit either the attacking buggies or maybe the objective itself consolidating position on the objective but the biggest moment of the combat phase would be the mighty Cog fist steel Snapper leading the charge with a mental double six roll to get enough distance to launch down the skyscraper into the Space Marine Dreadnought identifying targets the knobs managed four hits and two wounds but with the dreadnoughts thick armor blocking one only a single damage tube blow was landed Cog fist then powered up his kill saw Landing three attacks hitting with two and wounding again with both strikes and with a dread save reduced to five from The High AP I could only pass one which meant another two wounds scored and just four wounds left on my beloved ancient warrior but boy did my veteran get angry as he hit back with four attacks wounded with all four and then with the Orcs failing all four saves and the Damage 3 of The Mighty Dreadnought swing all three knobs were pulverized and Cog fist staggered back taking three wounds as well we are now 16 turns deep into the very first battle of dawn of War Warhammer and we have seen some absolute Carnage across the battlefield in this pretty insane narrative scenario and as we go into what will probably be our final turn the battle could really slide either way the Orcs have just enough left on the board to mess up probably my attacking force and the Very base of the Blood Ravens but I've got one last turn to try and tip the scales in the favor of the Imperial Marine Squad deploy I began to turn just burning resources at my home base if my attack fails this turn I have to buy enough time to make another pass a new Marine Squad foxtrot joins The Fray and Sprints towards the Orcs ready to sell their lives to save their headquarters weapons at ready it is time green skins then it's time for some upgraded defenses with a heavy Bolter getting built in the HQ build Zone and a second turret in the build zone of strategic point two conveniently in range of the Orcs on the attack Gabriel and his last Terminator ran around the battle wagon avoiding the looters and Slugger Boys on strategic 0.6 to threaten the orc Barracks at the rear of the base a new HQ unit joined the battle I stand ready no bloodraven force would be complete without a librarian and who knows what secret relics we might discover on Tartarus the librarian launched forwards and unloaded a hail of witchfire busting out the Gandalf dice that my longtime viewers will know and rightly fear and in true Wizard's style he popped a big Gandalf six for the witchfire's D6 psychic attacks and then hit with three and wounded with two and even when the boondaka snazwagon saved a single strike the librarian Zapped away his remaining three wounds to reduce the orc buggy to Ash and smoke venerate The Immortal Emperor so I'm taking a bit of a gamble here and I'm firing on the orc strongholds with my beautiful Predator that is very very damage the orc battle wagon is going to finish it off next turn but let's just try and get one last double blast on the stronghold I am shooting a minus one because I'm down to two wounds This Guy's in a bad way so Force the hits oh that's not good but luckily I am re-rolling because of my oath of moments we need six wounds to blast off the top section D6 plus one damage for each of those wounds that is eight ten blasted off the top of the stronghold until they fall its top may be blown off but the main section of the center stronghold is just Fierce so we've got to soften it up with my tactical Squad here now the only things in range are my heavy weapons so three heavy bolters and one missile launcher threes to hit re-rolling of course with the oath of moment and because these weapons are heavy I haven't moved so plus one as well that is a lot of hits and critically the missile launcher fives to wound on the normals and this big beautiful orange is chasing threes to wound with that high strength crack missile oh the Cup on wounds with the heavy bolters Five Wounds from the Heavies no missile unfortunately let's see if the Predator can finish it off so two successful wounds D6 plus one damage I just did five this guy's got twelve I need seven across these two dice come on Predator five four nine eleven wounds the top section is blown off one building to go and we have wiped this infestation until they fall Space Marines attack charge no prisoners I fear no evil for I am fear incarnate what better way to finish the dawn of War than with a massive charge by the Blood Ravens chapter master god split up my massive Hammer swinging in I'm hitting on threes I've got three hits wounding on threes with three damage each that is six wounds that's just enough to smash this last orc infestation for the glory of the Imperium with a deafening explosion the last structure of the final stronghold was engulfed in flames and the orc presence here in the Tartarus manufactorum is exterminated but as every soldier in the Imperium knows the green skins never seem to stay eradicated the awk Menace will return and as we look Beyond to the next phase of dawn of War Warhammer a great many more evils may just threaten the Imperium thank you so much for watching the second episode of dawn of War Warhammer genuinely means so much and the last time I filmed this little outro we were shooting in the dark I had no idea what this was going to do and kind of like my wildest dreams were realized really a hundred thousand views or 130 on the first episode so exciting and this massive kind of big two-part video is was a bit of a wild narrative scenario just to show you guys what's possible with this system but video three that I'm about to start working on is heading in the direction of something more playable for you guys at home because I was shocked I had so many people kind of come on board the project heaps of patreons joined us which was just so humbling because people want to do this I'm not the only crazy person these guys uh folks really want to get on board and play some dawn of War Warhammer at home so battle report 3 is going to be targeted much more towards that but then beyond there is so much more scope that we could do adding factions adding units different ways to play if there's a particular faction you'd like to see first throw it down in the comments maybe a favorite unit added to one of your factions let me know down below I am reading all of these and just a huge thank you to all of our new patreons who have joined us you guys are phenomenal and if you want to play dawn of War Warhammer yourself the only way to get the rules at the moment are on my patreon they're very experimental very in development we've just added the Orcs as the second full faction rules the Space Marines obviously went up with our last video as well eventually if this sort of series is successful I want to do like a how to play video just here on the channel for everyone one but that's still many months away we gotta we gotta see this series kicking on first so thank you so much to everyone who supported us share the videos with your 40K mates if you can it really does help and thank you to everyone our patreons our viewers if you've liked and subscribed it's been a big trip so far and I cannot wait to keep making more dawn of War Warhammer one last final thank you to a couple of special folks who made this first part of the campaign all possible firstly big shout out to Beau for being so smashing on camera so Adam from 3D games War gaming and terrain who sent me this whole orc Army to just borrow for filming thanks Adam make sure you check out his channel linked down below to probably my oldest subscriber ever Mr Andy Tucker who just let me so much terrain because all of my normal 40K stuff is still back in Australia and to Sam and Jimmy who printed just a bucket load of goodies to help me get this all done in time you guys are all legends a big thank you
Channel: ZorpHammer
Views: 47,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawn of war, warhammer, zorpazorp, zorphammer, warhammer 40k, 10th ed, new edition, 10th edition, tenth edition, 40k, 40k 10th, games workshop
Id: GfLZ1zlXeaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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