Why Rylanor is an Absolute BEAST | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal most of us have probably heard of Rylan or the unyielding the ancient of Rights the Dreadnought who waited for a million nights in solitude to nuki's traitor's Father's face but did you know there's more to rylan's law than just that one defining moment Rylan was a beast even before that after all he lived as a legendary Space Marine before being interred in a Dreadnought Fighting by the emperor's side in life and fighting against the traitors in death overall an absolute Beast that deserves attention Beyond just putting fullgram in his place before you get started I'm very excited to announce the latest and greatest major mini the Demon Lord Empire Ender a large chaotic demon the Empire Ender is all claws blades and Malice able to shape its form into the most deadly creature possible it was created by Mankind's first murder the Empire Ender is inspired by Diablo as well as that other thing that those who have read master of mankind or seen this video would also recognize coming with a custom base that is a corrupted mechanical space elf base with raw any part of the range it's very thematic for the Empire Ender to also join get both and you can make them Square the [ __ ] up alongside the new Empire Ender the major mini range also features numerous other models like the space self Avenger Lord the son of iron the king orc the shark daddy the lord of the night the space Barton and many many more definitely worth a check out especially since worldwide shipping is only ten dollars or free if you spend over 70 dollars today we'll go over the highlights of Rylan or to really show just how much of a beast this dude actually was also once again shout out to my artist Alex for the Rylan or commission this man has been on a roll with the past three videos all having a custom thumbnail thanks to him as always full res version will be free on my patreon let's get into it Rylan all was a day one of studies born on terror and chosen to be amongst the first of The Emperor's Children who was hand-picked from the noble houses of Europa being one of the fewer studies who actually fought side by side with the emperor himself Rylan or was there when the emperor was ambushed and wounded on Proxima by terrorists who used Dark Age of Technology weapons many Empress children giving up their lives to allow the emperor to fight free of the Ambush and recover Rylan or would survive this and alongside his Legion be granted the exclusive use of the Palantine inquila for the empress children with Rylan or himself being the one to carry the Aquila standard into battle he was as empress children as they could get honorable Brave unbreakable and always striving to improve himself he would go on to survive the empress children Gene seed crisis which was in that sneaky [ __ ] stole a huge chunk of empress children Jean seed whilst the rest was corrupted by a xenovirus Emperor's Children who received infected Gene seed were culled whilst no newer studies of the third Legion could be made Rylan or was there for all of this and he took it in his shrine played when the empress children finally found fullgram fullgram immediately recognized that Giga Chad that was Rylan or having him as his personal standard Bearer and a member of his Inner Circle however Rylan would soon find himself shredded by Elder shurikens and on the brink of death he held on long enough to be put into a contempted Dreadnought as even in death he still served Rylan or would then be chosen as the ancient of Rights The Keeper of the emperor's children's Soul he would watch over the Recruitment and training of the Legion to ensure they maintain purity of purpose for the most part his teachings did a great job Saul tavets was awesome with most other Emperor's Children characters being honorable and great to read about even Lucius was all right prior to the heresy cocky but in a fun way after all he was best friends with Saul tarvitz for a reason the point I'm making is that it wasn't Rylan or's failings that allowed the empress children to fall to chaos it was the legion's love of fulgrim and the heresy that allowed them to fall into depravity you gotta remember that Rylan or was a big ass Dreadnought he couldn't just walk into Space Marine lodgings and have d m's of his region and make sure all of them got enough therapy it was easy to hide the rut of the Legion from him another cool thing about Rylan or was that the fact he could always tell when someone was lying however since he spent most of his time on board the andronius not the empress children Flagship and even then was mostly confined to the whole of Rights there wasn't much opportunity for him to catch people in a lie when fulgrim decided that walking into a temple full of snake people having a drug-fueled orgy whilst their planet was being destroyed was a cool thing to do and then he decided to pick up the extremely suspicious phallic sword that seemed to be the source of the orgy [ __ ] started to go bad for the legion it ended in fulgrim becoming a traitor and helping to plan the isfund dropside atrocity the trader primarks had to basically survey their Legion to see who was too loyal to the emperor hence we need to get murdered however Rylan or was actually assigned to remain on board the andronius hence was not marked for execution it's never actually stated why it seems kind of stupid to the reader due to how loyal Rylan all was but maybe since he was one of fullgram's Chosen and the soul of the Legion fullgram thought he would join up with him fulghum also liked Rylan or a lot so perhaps wanted to keep him in isolation in the Hall of Rights and then try to convince him to become a traitor after the atrocity if he refused then they could simply just kill him or deactivate him however salt Harvard's that [ __ ] Legend felt like something was off about the is fun campaign the most wanky arrogant Empress children were not partaking in the final assault which had never happened before so he wanted to stay on board the ship and investigate he went to Rylan or and he asked the Dreadnought to go down to the surface and take his place as Captain Saul lied about his modules or at least didn't speak the whole truth Rylan or new saw wasn't being totally honest about why he wanted to stay on board however Rylan or also knew that Saul was a good honorable man and his motives were pure Rylan or had also noticed the decline of his legion's soul thus could tell that Saul was trying to do something about it on the surface of isvan Rylan was a war machine tearing through the Defenders like a purple and gold death God when the virus bombs dropped Rylan or looked up to the sky as they fell disgust and rage fueled him as he watched Millions die horrific deaths as the light-eater virus melted them into sludge his contempted Dreadnought chassis prevented the life eater from entering him so he was pretty much the only living thing that was able to properly witness the true Devastation first hand since most others were in bunkers or had their eyes melt as the life eater tore them a new [ __ ] however salt Harvard's arriving on the surface and warning his brothers of the Betrayal meant that most loyalists actually survived kicking off a grueling war between the surviving Loyalists and the overwhelming traitor numbers Rylan or acted as an anchor during this war his tenacity and Firepower breaking traded charges as he tore them to shreds time and time again the Traders thought Rylan or had finally been beaten only for him to pop up and be like surprise [ __ ] and blast their asses with these assault Cannon or pulp their insights with his power claw however salt harvards didn't want to just fight and die he was willing to do that but he also wanted to achieve some kind of victory that potential Victory came in the form of a hidden bunker in the heart of their defenses the bunker had its own virus bomb as well as ships they could theoretically take these ships and fly the virus from into the enemy or maybe they could bait the enemy primarks onto the surface to finish them off and then detonate their virus bomb killing the enemy primarks and flying away Rylan all was tasked with guiding this bunker as it was the most important thing the Loyalists still had however with Lucius betraying the Loyalists which cracked their defenses combined with the Traders bringing up their Titans plus the loyalist death guard finally falling to mortarion they had run out of time as the lust of the loyalists were being blasted Rylan will run to the bunker the explosions caused a lot of the bunker to collapse which destroyed all the ships that could have been used to escape to make matters worse a kill Squad of noise Marines were sent to go track down Rylan or and finish him off as the Traders knew he had survived the final battle Rylan Norton the noise Marines fought he tore them to shreds as they come blasted in with their shitty music railanor's damage but remains unbroken as the torn up remains of the noise Marines surround him however with his legs busted and the Escape ship's gone Rylan orange trapped but he wasn't [ __ ] done Rylan decides that despite having a power claw and assault Cannon for arms he would use the noise Marine weapons to create a signal whilst he also fixed up and armed the virus bomb his goal was to lure fulcrum tomb with the noise Marine weapon and then blow up his balls it took a [ __ ] while like thousands of years of isolation as Rylan all had to do hectic delicate engineering with a [ __ ] Dreadnought power claw Rylan all had lost most of his sanity in this process but he never lost his will no matter what he would kill fulgrim at last the signal was ready and the virus bomb armed he transmitted a simple message the ancient awaits Magnus the red picked up on this signal and sent a small team of thousand Sons to investigate whilst fullgram also heard it the Thousand Suns arrive confuses to what has happened to the dead world as well as the signal they find Rylan or's body inactive jokes Rylan or lunges at them grabbing 1 000 sun and pointing his cannon at the other that's right a damaged multi linear year old Dreadnought was able to Ambush an Elite Squad of thousand Sun Sorcerers who the [ __ ] does that Ryan Lenore doesn't know if the Thousand sons are Traders or not as he's been trapped here and the Thousand sons did not take part in the is fun atrocity the two parties engage in a bit of a standoff the Thousand Sons leader vestario tries to lie to Rylan or to get him to calm down which was a bad move as we have said Rylan or can tell if you lie however fullgram then appears in his rape snake demon form fulgrim is ready to have a full villain monologue but Rylan always just like shut the [ __ ] up and die before instantly attempting to detonate the virus bomb however the Thousand sons are able to put a mini force field around the bomb to contain the detonation Rylan or is like okay fine and immediately tries to open fire in fulgrim however no amount of balls and girth will make a damaged Dreadnought faster than a demon Prince of slanesh hence fulgrim is able to crush the assault Cannon okay fine Rylan or says again and throws hands attempting to punch fullgram with the power claw but once again the [ __ ] stops the attack by cutting the armor for this sword fullgram fully intends on violating Rylan or turning him into a slaneshi Abomination against his will Rylan or remains defiant telling him he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] and that Rylan will always be a proud loyal son of the emperor beloved by all however Rylan or is also horrified he is now defenseless and his plan is failed fulgrim slides his hands into the Dreadnought chassis and pulls rylan's body out as Rylan was Defiance radiates off him it's here that one of the best moments in all of 40K occurs the Thousand Sons Trader Marines since Rylan was Pride honor loyalty and will the dedication that had the Dreadnought sit here by itself for thousands of years arming the virus bomb and creating the lure the Thousand Sons feel nothing but prior to being Rylan or's presence in contrast they also feel fulgrim's malice sadism and arrogance so despite fullgram being their Ally they see nothing worthy in him the Thousand Sons make a choice vistario says fulgrim Rylan or deserves better than you he deserves better than all of us vistario shoots his fellow 1000 sun in the head the one that was holding back the virus bomb with his death the bomb detonates instantly killing Rylan or the Thousand sons and shredding fullgram down to his core Rylan was so honorable that he made Traders reflect on their lives realized they're fully and happily Embrace death just despite fullgram fulgar would survive he was a demon Prince that could only really be banished via psychic means however his pride was forever wounded he had lost Rylan or wasn't his his own allies told him to eat [ __ ] and he was humiliated Rylan was Final acted Defiance against fulgrim was a big reason as to why fulgrim has been sidelined in the setting for a long time after all would fullgr mother partake in one non-stop orgy within the eye of Terror or go out into real space and get humiliated if Rylan or had been hissed to torment it would have given him the confidence to invade Imperial worlds and doom billions to horrific deaths now you can see why Rylan or is an absolute Beast if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the Demon Lord Empire Ender or any other major mini hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more glorious content during the Discord for more memes unless you on the next one peace [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 316,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: PAnsUSsghu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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