Black Shields EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl the Horus heresy was a pretty chaotic time half the Galaxy turning on each other can be a bit confusing many Space Marines only found out about their Primark and Legion betraying the emperor halfway through the heresy as there were thousands of Space Marines from various Legions scattered around either garrisoning worlds scouting or on special missions many of these guys were not super down with the whole Trader Vibe however since they were now technically enemies of the Imperium due to their Legion they found a solution scrubbing their armor clean of Insignia and painting it black more or less renouncing their Legion this also went both ways with some loyalists becoming a black shield in order to fight for the traitors overall it's super interesting but also kind of confusing so definitely worth talking about also yes I am now blonde I thought I would you know give it a whirl hopefully it ends up being more of a sanguineous Vibe and less of a fulgrim Vibe but we will see I'm getting it cut to most so that should make me look less like a German villain an unforeseen side effect is that my pre-recorded sponsored segments are about to look a lot less seamless for example before you get started I've never been much of a mobile gamer but I still have a couple on the go for when I'm traveling around and don't just want to Doom scroll Reddit one of those games is today's sponsor bloodline Heroes of lithis I actually downloaded this game when moist critical promoted it on his channel and I was very impressed with how much content there actually is in the game sure on one hand it's a hero collector fantasy RPG with cool graphics and fun high octane Combat gameplay I mean just look at that but more than that it's also a dating shagging simulator as you strategically make your Heroes bone in order to create new more powerful hybrids you can even bone your own Heroes to create an heir not sure how that works the charging port isn't quite big enough but hey I'm not going to question a good thing this isn't just some gimmicky side feature there are over 1 000 potential hybrids that you can create and then bring into battle so to get started with a great sign up bonus which includes one summoning Crystal 100K gold and 100 diamonds worth about twenty dollars then use my link or scan the QR code on screen choose the bloodline Heroes of lithis for sponsoring this video to today we'll go over the lore of the black Shields looking at their Origins how they evolves into the heresy and some of their more interesting moments also once again shout out to my artist Alex for commissioning this thumbnail some World eater on world eater action never goes astray fullres version is on my patreon for free let's get into it the black Shields is in this common Universal term coined by the Imperium to label traders who remain loyal many black Shields didn't even paint their armor black or change their heraldry proudly displaying their Legion colors as they fought against their traitor Brothers for those traitor Legions that had their colors or name changed by their Primark like the dusk Raiders who became the death guard those black Shields would often change their armor and heraldry back into their original form such as the dusk Raiders however for those Trader Marines who were isolated or separated from their Trader kin but wanted to remain loyalist they couldn't just continue to Bear their Legion colors as they would get killed on site by any loyalist Force rogel Dawn was infamously brutal with all space rents from trade Allegiance sending them to Hidden prisons and having many of them tortured to death only the ones hand-picked by malcolor were allowed to remain loyalist and in action So to avoid this fate they painted their armor black and removed their Insignia coining the term Black Shield some of the notable black Shields of the heresy include the death Eagles a group of loyalist Empress children who fought against their [ __ ] a drug [ __ ] Trader kin on numerous occasions during the heresy whilst continuing to Bear the original purple and gold of their Legion however post heresy due to all Emperor's Children both loyal and traitor being killed on site during the scouring by the vengeful loyalists in order to continue existing the death eagles painted their armor black removed their heraldry and then claimed ravenguard Heritage often these black shield chapters were able to speak with the Inquisition or other Imperial bodies and plead their case thus their history and records are deleted or edited to protect them a number of other loyalist chapters with the traded Jean seed have gone through this process technically becoming black Shields while doing so although not to the same extent as the Space Marines that stayed within their black unmarked armor basically they used the confusion of the end of the heresy to slip into the new Imperium some other black shield examples didn't really think that far ahead such as the Dark Brotherhood a black shield warband that became Renegades who targeted Alpha Legion forces with some theories claiming it was a dark angel veteran leading a bunch of loyalist Alpha Legionnaires but you You could argue that these weren't true black Shields more so just loyalists from traitor Legions that didn't want to get executed for having [ __ ] dads the truest examples were the Estates who completely renounced their Legion and Heritage and would then join the war at random loyalist black Shields would pop in Sega day to an imperial commander tell them what they were going to do to help and then either die in battle or move on afterwards they refused to discuss their origins or history it would legit just be we are offering help take it or leave it on the flip side there were Trader Marines from loyalist Legions who also became black Shields attacking loyalists in unmarked black armor often these warriors were ones who had been convinced of the war Masters caused through the warrior lodges and upon learning that their Legion would remain loyalist would leave it and become Renegade virtually all black shields were people who betrayed their Legion but not all people who had betrayed their Legion were black Shields if that makes sense some of the heresy Black Shield battles include when a group of black shield ravengard attacked a loyalist colony and killed millions of civilians then there was a time a bunch of loyalist sons of Horus Black Shield stole a bunch of super weapons and then used it to kill a bunch of Traitor sons of Horus another loyalist Black Shield Force sabotaged a Nova cannon on a death guard vessel causing it to blow back when it next tried to fire whilst there has been sightings of warriors in defaced nightlord's armor ambushing traitor forces I might sound like I'm contradicting myself a bit with the definition of a black shield but the point I'm trying to make is that there is no one-size-fits all or one exact definition of black shield I mean [ __ ] some black shield warbands began creating newer studies using scavenge Gene seed from multiple Legions hence there was Chimera black Shields who didn't even understand what the [ __ ] the Horus heresy even was to try and make it a bit more clear there were four distinct types of black Shields basically four different attitudes that determine the motive behind them first there was the death Seekers a studies who just wanted to [ __ ] die whilst taking as many enemies as possible with them this was mostly made up of loyalists from Trader Legions who were ashamed and angry that their Primark had betrayed the emperor so one of the claw back some honor for their Legion by murdering a shitload of Traders however a small section of the death Seekers were newly created black Shields who were mentally unstable due to the weird combo of Gene seed and psycho indoctrination they received in their Rush implantation process then there was the Orphans of war in a similar break to the death Seekers however instead of trying to die Hero's death in battle they sought to survive watching each other's backs and fighting against the Galaxy where they were considered to be Traders on both sides of the war then there was The Outlanders Warriors who looked at the heresy and said [ __ ] this [ __ ] before announcing all allegiances and traveling away from the war acting as Renegades who would fight or treat with both Loyalists and traitors alike then there was the chimerai that I discussed before experimental new black Shields who received multiple Gene seed from different Legions often this would kill them or make them insane however on rare occasion it would make them a beast absorbing the strengths from multiple Legions some black suit warbands would Place some [ __ ] bloodline Heroes of Linda's [ __ ] deliberately mix and matching certain Gene seed to try to create super studies it usually failed but not always with black Shields being both loyalist traitor and somewhere in between mean do they ever fight each other well black shield law is already obscure and confusing as [ __ ] so I haven't been able to find Black Shield vs Black Shield battles however I can imagine that they probably would have avoided each other since black shields were so rare and was never really clear exactly who they were loyal to until the shooting started what became of the black Shields after the heresy after all they were mostly just tolerated because they were bigger fish to fry well it depends on the Black Shield warband there were thousands of black Shields some like the death Eagles had their records sealed as they took up a new identity others traveled to the edge of the Galaxy to live in Exile others would have quietly joined other Legions or loyalist chapters the traitor ones would have fled into the eye of Terror alongside the trade Allegiance however many of them actually ended up joining the Death Watch so the Death Watch operates on a different level to other Space Marine chapters they literally haven't no questions asked policy to join them hence many black Shields their armor completely black and devoid of symbols will travel to a death watch base talk to the Watch Commander and will then often be allowed to serve in the death watch some of these heresy black Shields are uncorrupted loyalists from Trader Legions some are loyalists who feel like they have failed in their duties to renounce their chapter others are black Shields who survive the heresy and want to keep serving the Imperium on their own terms either way these black Shields are especially Reckless always happy to accept suicide missions or hold the line whilst their new brothers escape to fight another day because it takes a shitload of willpower and strength of character to resist chaos when your chapter Falls or leave your own chapter if you feel you are unworthy many black Shields are absolute beasts night Warden Ulrich appears out of [ __ ] nowhere clobbering necrons with these big ass power flail chapel and Vigilant is the literal Grim Reaper against the towel pulverizing their vagina heads with his craziest whilst others like Hale or Janus have interesting histories and have helped the Death Watch achieve extremely specific missions due to the knowledge they have gained from their dark pasts people often ask if Traders space runs can never be redeemed and rejoin the Imperium and the answer is yes so as long as they aren't corrupted by chaos Trader Marines can rejoin the Imperium as a black shield of the death watch overall the black Shields are a nation but interesting part of the law making the heresy feel like a living realistic thing full of interesting Warriors making individual choices and how they deal with the devastating consequences of those choices if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be well there's not only a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai but also a bunch of live-action nude cosplays hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more black content join us let's go for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 181,463
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: KLMzuFb_eRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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