15 Pokemon Facts Fans Never Remember

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hey remember when my friend Natali said this cause again my well it's on a t-shirt now so go and generation seven with a big bang by getting this t-shirt space joke Neffe approves now to the video [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys Ron here and occasionally no matter how many times you drill information into someone's head there's a good chance they may forget it ignore it or simply think you suck in that everything you say is wrong but regardless of the reason I try my best to make sure you understand a good amount of crucial facts in general there are a bunch of pieces of Pokemon knowledge that I've repeated throughout multiple videos but based on misconceptions some people comment things like that if I can only be female you idiot or it's pronounced rayquaza not Rayquaza I'm totally fine with you guys not knowing something but I get annoyed how some kids rudely try to correct me when their information is actually wrong so if I sound a little antsy in this video it's because I'm thinking of those disrespectful punks I know most of you know most of these trivia pieces but this video is reserved for all the pokemon facts people get wrong in my comments section there isn't any specific order but some are more stupid than others you ready because the fact I believe I mentioned the most on my channel is number one Piko is a bug not a pine cone this isn't even a hard one it's literally this pokemons type would you be surprised if I told you seeking was a water-type please say no and keep in mind that if you look at the Pokedex it will straight up tell you hi come I get it this Pokemon is two letters away from being called pinecone and it looks like one too but that's the whole idea of a bad word it disguises itself using twigs barks and leaves and as a result it looks kind of like a pinecone Burnie is also a bag worm Pokemon and I guess it illustrates this concept a little more clearly so while pineco isn't actually biologically plant-based execute is that's why you got to remember that number to execute are more like seeds than eggs I understand that eggs and seeds are both part of the reproductive process and these Pokemon literally looks like eggs at least remember that these cue balls are grass types and evolve into trees while the Pokedex refers to them as eggs in a few entries and as seeds and others you have to understand the language when calling them eggs the Pokedex is just talking about them in a colloquial informal way but it always makes sure to say in a scientific manner that these Pokemon are actually more plant like even though they look like eggs the yolk in the center is just the nutritional substance inside the seed known as the endosperm at least think of a mystery eggs which are basically seeds I could be totally wrong but the evidence for being a plant is stacked against the other argument number three official Pokemon pronunciations exists I have no problem at all with anybody casually mispronouncing any Pokemon or even purposely using a mispronunciation that they prefer and of course having an accent is perfect justification for pronouncing a Pokemon in any unofficial way but I totally disapprove of anybody who insists that their wrong pronunciation is the actual way to say a pokemons name but always remember that 99% of the time knowing the correct way of saying a pokemons name is a good indicator of its origin and inspirations Pokemon names I pronounce correctly but people call me out on our hi dragon which is named after three in German by Mantine which comes from Manta and marine and unknown I get a lot of comments primarily because of J wits and the aura guardian that you have to pause between unn and own because the 3d pokedex app which is an official source of Pokemon pronunciation does so but it's just a nun saying the syllables it pronounces unknown a as a but by the time it gets to unknown Z there is no slight pause between the syllables but the Pokemon everybody attacks me for pronouncing correctly is rayquaza whose name comes from quasar which also doesn't have a Y after the a the biggest problem with Pokemon pronunciation comes from how the Pokemon anime is dub used to pronounce Pokemon leading to number four the English dub is produced by the Pokemon company themselves from seasons 1 to 8 the Pokemon anime is dub was produced mostly by 4kids entertainment during that time they were able to get away with pronouncing Pokemon names and correctly but the current head honcho of the dub is the Pokemon company international and been doing it for ten years the previous ADR director has described how the company is strict without Pokemon and characters are pronounced because they're the ones who name the Pokemon and characters outside of Japan so Pokemon pronunciations in the anime our official nowadays that means that even though bonsly was pronounced as bonsly in the past it's still bonsly and even though regice was pronounced as reggie iswhen for kids dubbed the show it's pronounced regice whether i like it or not Arceus is the only exception considering they changed the original pronunciation that they enforced themselves because Arceus sounds like ours you know a but in the UK so now it's Arceus if you want to hear me talk about further pronunciations check this video I made in the top right but since we're speaking of legendaries let's quickly talk about some legendary facts number five the legendary beasts are not the legendary dogs they could have been dogs before they were resurrected by ho-oh and they may have some doglike features but they aren't raikou is clearly a saber-tooth tiger and tail resembles a lion and suicune is very leopard like with a hint of Kirin I made a whole video about legendary origins so check that one out for further details I don't want to spend too much time talking about things I've covered in the past which is kind of every fact in this video honestly number 6 dark cry isn't even once again I talked about this in a video I made recently so check it out in the top corner for more details but even though the dark type is evil in Japan most dark types aren't truly evil by modern-day standards and that includes this mythical beast although it has the ability to make people see horrific eternal nightmares often killing them it's usually due to its lack of control of its powers it only purposely uses its nightmare abilities whenever it's trying to protect its territory and even then it is explicitly said that it doesn't wish to harm anybody in fact it isolates itself so it doesn't have to inflict any nightmares on anybody and we're obviously talking about the games produced by Game Freak the main series whatever happens in the spin-offs you know not Kenan I guess I don't know number seven Giratina and the distortion world represents the idea of antimatter due to numerous theories and the unusual gravity exhibited in the distortion world some may mistake this Pokemon to represent gravity as a whole especially since it floats in its origin form while it could have multiple inspirations Giratina and the distortion world have been confirmed to be personifications of antimatter by junichi Masuda and takeshi Kawashima room the director of platinum cynthia outright says so in HeartGold and SoulSilver later on while Giratina isn't actually made of antimatter it represents it this explains Gary Tina's destructive nature since contact between matter and antimatter would be cataclysmic now we can get back to non legendary pokemon number eight spin da isn't a red panda the animal referred to as the red panda isn't actually closely related to pandas spin de the spot panda is primarily based on actual giant panda bears most specifically the chin linked panda which is what spin does color scheme mimics if you're looking for an actual red panda pokemon get yourself a nice stuffing number nine squirtle isn't part squirrel the swirly tail it has is a reference to the mean Ogami of japanese lore which have seri tails it's just a smaller version of the Whirlpool shaped tail war turtle hats while many Pokemon have multiple name origins squirtle is a combination of squirt internal a squirrel's tail doesn't even look like this now I'm actually a little annoyed but damn are those squirrels cute now all we won't be talking about Pachirisu another Sinnoh electric-type will be part of our conversation number 10 luxray is a Lynx it's true that a lot of Pokemon have multiple origins but even if you can make hundreds of allusions to Lux raised lion origin double that amount of information could be used to prove that the luxray families design origin and lore are primarily inspired by the backstory and homology of the Lynx jinxes Japanese name is literally child Lynx and both Luxio instincts have the signature tuft of fur on their lower jaw indicating their links origin secondly the Lynx is way more associated with gleaming eyes and x-rays than lines ever were in fact the name Lynx was derived from the fact that their eyes gleamed and as you know luxray is the green eyes Pokemon I have no problem if you think it's a lion cuz it has a mane but my beef is when I casually say that it's a Lynx and get rude comments saying that it's a lion it's Japanese name even includes the word tiger so number eleven what a pseudo legendary Pokemon is pseudo legendary Pokemon is a fan term for Pokemon that are in a three stage evolutionary line and have a base that total of exactly 600 when fully evolved they can usually be found towards the end of the Pokedex and only the following fit the criteria Dragonite Tyranitar salamence Metagross Garchomp hi dragon goodra and kamal they're almost always the strongest non legendary pokemon in the games and are on par with mythical now Haxorus isn't the pseudo legendary it's based at tony is basically the same as the starters which is really strong and slackens based a total is more than 600 making it equal and strengths with actual legendaries but you have to have exactly 600 to be called the pseudo legendary pokemon number 12 a lot of Pokemon are based on yokai whenever I say that there are Pokemon based on yokai I get a ton of comments from little kids saying Pokemon came before yokai watch you idiot this is my least favorite thing ever yokai are legendary creatures from Japanese mythology they often inspire characters from numerous anime and video games like Pokemon and yokai watch neither Pokemon or yokai watch invented yokai they've been a thing for centuries an example of a yokai would be the foo Takeuchi onna which is what Mawile is based on or a cubing okie soon a witch inspired nine tails number thirteen generations are not specific regions but a group of games released during a span of time while in our franchise the release of a new region and its Pokemon indicate the beginning of a new generation they aren't what technically make a generation for example in 2013 Pokemon X&Y came out for the 3ds commencing generation 6 and/or ass the pair of games that came out a year later are still part of generation 6 so while Hoenn and its original games are from generation 3 Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire are generation 6 games so our spin-off games that came out between x and y and Sun and moons like pokken tournament for the WiiU and super mystery dungeon so just to make it super clear HeartGold and SoulSilver are generation four games Jodo and it's pokemon debuted in generation 2 speaking of generations number 14 Ken Sugimori z' role in the Pokemon franchise Ken Sugimori is the lead designer and art director of Pokemon but he's often mistakenly credited for designing all the Pokemon here's what he actually did it's true that with input from other staff members Ken Sugimori designed basically all the generation 1 Pokemon and illustrated all of their official artwork but he did have a little help from Ezio Nishida who designed a few cute pokémon like Pikachu and Eevee by generation 2 Ken Sugimori had a small team helping design all of the Pokemon but he definitely drew all the official artwork of course the director always makes it understood which kinds of pokemons should be designed by the team and as the design lead Sugimori would finalize the designs of Pokemon this was the status quo until black and white in which you scale mora started creating some of the character art by sun and moon omorrow would actually be the lead pokemon designer overseeing a team of 20 but he quit in 2016 and I'm assuming Sugimori is back as the lead character designer and finally number 15 Gardevoir can be both male and female it's always been like this Ralts kirlia and Gardevoir were introduced in generation 3 and they can all be male or female Gallade was introduced in generation 4 and to obtain one you had to evolve a male kirlia using the dawn stone but if you don't have one both male and female curly oz can evolve into a Gardevoir try it out yourself right now it gets annoying that whenever I mention a male Gardevoir tons of kids start cursing me out but I'm used to it however the number one fact you must remember is that if you enjoyed this video you gotta check out my other videos and consider subscribing check the description for all the cool links like the music I use the t-shirts I made my Twitter and Facebook which are very important to follow and like patreon which you can help out with I'll see you guys very [Music]
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 2,028,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facts, Pokemon facts, Pokemon theory, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Red and Green, Pokemon Yellow, popular Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, Pokemon Sun and Moon, Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon, Red and Blue, Pokemon champion, Gen 7, Generation 7, Legendary Pokemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, shiny, Mewtwo, Pikachu
Id: p75hwP2fsYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
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