Pokemon Who Are in Pain

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hey guys Ron here and why the hell are we sitting here watching stupid YouTube videos when there are Pokemon out there who are constantly in great pain that's right some of these cute and lovable creatures live an excruciating life that none of you can imagine who are these poor souls I mean watch the video and find out there will be four types of Pokemon described in this video number one Pokemon you are always in pain either physically or psychologically number two Pokemon who tend to have huge birth defects that affect their quality of life and eventually lead to pain number three Pokemon who can individually enter a great deal of pain depending on their circumstances and number four Pokemon who are possibly in pain based on the information given now I may miss a few Pokemon so sorry for that and of course we're not talking about mega evolution or any scenario in which the Pokemon is only in pain during battle because that would kind of include every Pokemon except for like slowpoke and chuckle these two feel no pain whatsoever they're hardcore and it's kind of appropriate that I'm literally sick right now while I'm recording so I mean excuse me if I cough a bit or like the base of my voice isn't as bassy okay let's begin with the Pokemon who are always in pain either physically or psychologically ow my chest hurts honestly Paris's life is a terrible nightmare it's born with the parasitic mushroom on its back that it has to constantly fight for control of its body and psyche while the mushroom steals Paris's much-deserved nutrients generally not a fun time we're starting off pretty strong are we the only reason para sect isn't here is because by the time it evolves the mushroom is pretty much in control and the bug host may just be an unfeeling zombie it's a terrible existence honestly probably the most tragic but let's try to top that while sigh Doc's life isn't as bad especially since there's much hope upon evolution this little duck still deserves some pity every second of its life this Pokemon is tormented by powerful headaches that cause it to cry and unleash mysterious psychic powers at least it forgets this pain ever so often that's why whenever you see a gold duck give it a good thumbs up because it's gone through a lot and deserves some respect this story has a happy ending knowing that this guy gets the smile primate however is pretty much always angry this guy is in constant torment a good example of psychological torture it'll never forgive those who have angered it so much so that many are known to become so angry they die its body has even evolved so that it's high blood pressure doesn't kill it but eventually some primate veins burst why did I make this video honestly alakazam pain may be minor compared to the last but every Alakazam seems to face this issue severe neck pain you see the heads of these geniuses are so big that their frail bodies can't really support it they avoid crushing their necks by holding up their heads using their psychokinetic powers sucks because their head is also constantly growing so there's no cure fortunately Q bones pain usually goes away upon evolution but in its current state Q bone is as depressed as you can get we all know why this Pokemon weeps at night so there's no need to mention it and remind q bone of its sad circumstances however is that - his mother is probably still alive but it's able to see when she dies and when everybody else is gonna die this Pokemon stands still all day and looks into the past and future at the same time not only is that too much on the mind it said that one reason it's it's still is because it's completely terrified of all the things it has foreseen in the future sucks to be this guy over here it's gotta have more fun like lagarith does but since I mentioned this dude you know his life ain't that great if stress levels rise if it doesn't constantly move but because it's constantly moving it's always hungry since it can't sit still and eat but if it sits still to eat its stress levels go up it's a vicious cycle spoink is another pokemon that must constantly move if it stops bouncing its heart apparently stops hopefully not instantly but the stress of it all must be intense maybe as much stress as both while his heads go through everyday it's explicitly stated that both heads don't get along with each other they constantly compete to simply eat as much as they want imagine being Siamese twins with a vicious dragon and you're also a vicious dragon at least when they evolve one head becomes the unanimous leader mostly because the other two has lose their brains so honestly the whole situation sucks - I have said the word honestly a bit too much at least Esper is sweet but it's finely misses what can lead to most of its pain you see this cat can control the power it has it can easily blast an entire block if it ever fully loses control of its psychic energy so this baby's constantly under a great deal of pressure to not blow up everybody a loves love is also a factor in Soul and its pain every single male soul and it does whatever the females tell them to do because they give the female's most of their food come malnourished and can never evolve malnutrition afflicts basically all male so Landon's imagine always feeling empty I bet the KRAS McCann empathize with so ended after being drained from his slight this Pokemon suffers constant pain and is extremely hostile because of it it desperately searches for light in order to restore itself to its original form but it's never enough it's a sad and compelling story but on the bright side we have less tragic Pokemon to talk about but their lies are still not easy here are some Pokemon who are born with huge health effects or genetic weaknesses that inevitably lead to severe pain Rattata is here because his teeth never stops growing I know I've used the word constant like 30 times already but gosh darn it Rattata has to constantly Nan things to file and we'll Vonn his teeth or else they'll get too big to live with this is actually a common thing in real rats but this is Pokemon so it happens to the extreme it's still an example of a Pokemon whose biology doesn't exactly make its life the easiest same as Voltorb who may randomly explode the ground merely being uneven can make this pokemon explode and therefore faint that's a very serious health problem the only reason it's not in the always and painless is that it's technically not always exploding another pokemon who may not technically be in pain but whose lack of control may put it in constant distress is Pichu this pokemon doesn't know how to store its electricity and when little jolts discharge from its body it gets startled imagine having a balloon constantly popping around you and they also come out of your body or something I don't know but at least it said that the older they get the easier it is for them to control it it's still a bit scary unlike Darkrai who is very scary good segue I know well it's not in any physical pain this pokemon doesn't have an easy life it's always in isolation because it can give those around it lethal nightmares it doesn't want to kill anybody so it's forced to not form any connections with others that's a bit painful and another non physical pain has had by zangoose who harbors memories of battling Seviper inside every cell of its body that's not good this pokemons got issues and I'm honestly worried about him and by now my voice is dying but let's move on to a group of Pokemon who have the potential for a great pain but can honestly avoid it if they aren't born into specific circumstances or just not stupid the first one is going back it has been noted that sometimes a gold bat will drink so much blood that it can't fly anymore it falls on the ground and becomes food for other Pokemon this is pretty common by the way considering all gold bats have a drive to greedily suck but a lot of coal bats are on the brink of drinking too much blood and dying they're pretty dumb apparently or just very hungry either way they tend to be in pain now not all bucks are in pain but due to modern environmental improvements some groups of mucks are going extinct their environment and food sources dwindling this is like the opposite of deforestation in our efforts to make the world cleaner and healthier we have affected the MUC population so do me a favor and litter just just throw your garbage everywhere but unfortunately there isn't much we can do to aid toros if you look at this bull you'll notice how its tails are whips yessiree this pokemon whips itself whenever is angry or charges or well pretty much most hours of the day you never know maybe tauros is into that kind of stuff but from an outside perspective it looks like it hurts itself so it's here Gotha tells here too but again based on the actions of each Gotha tell they may not be in pain but those who have seen the lifespan of their loved ones aren't the happiest at least they don't have it as bad as a tune and the final pokemon in this category yeah masks is one of those pokemon that has been explicitly said to be a former human it carries around its death mask which is basically a model of its former face and it's known that sometimes they look at their mask and cry honestly once being a human and then being turned into a relatively unpopular pokemon does seem like some kind of punishment so I'd say it would be pretty painful but some yeah masks may be fine with this whole thing and don't mind they certainly don't seem to care by the time they evolved look at cough egregious is gride this pokemon isn't in pain but now it's time for our final category the Pokemon who could possibly be in a good amount of unbearable pain but have some kind of aspect to them that makes it difficult to tell a good example of this is Metapod and kikuna so under their hard shell they're melting like like melt like a taffy is melting inside of Metapod and becoming a Butterfree technically this happens in the real world but real world insects don't technically feel pain but Pokemon don't have the same biology as their real-world counterparts if Butterfree existed in the real world it wouldn't be easily classified as an insect it has four limbs two body segments it shows mammal levels of emotion and clearly feels pain it cries for God's sake so maybe Metapod is internally screaming I don't know hypno can put anybody to sleep but it suffers from insomnia it isn't the only pokemon with the insomnia ability but it's one of the few to be able to contradict its entire gimmick which seems tragic either way insomnia is something you wish on your worst enemies so I don't think Hypno's having a good time same with Mewtwo this Pokemon is a complete psychopath scientists forgot to give this Pokemon a compassionate heart so it literally does not care about anybody it isn't happy but by definition it isn't really sad either way it's not an ideal life genocide could be here too considering it has been altered by scientists and all the upgrades to its body may be painful but that's too speculative it's also speculative to assume that sudowoodo hates water because it hurts him but even if it doesn't enjoy the feeling of water on its skin it's kind of terrible for an animal that lives in the wild you know where there's a lot of water hopefully they live in dry places like caves like other rock types do however sudowoodo's are rarely found in cave spiritomb however deserves to be tortured it was farmed by 108 mischievious spirits now they're all bound to a Keystone and are in one never-ending nightmare the question is does it feel pain though to do ghosts feel pain yeah mass does now to spiritomb have one consciousness or 108 I don't know so I don't know if it's in pain Gus Lord is constantly hungry but since it's constantly eating is it in pain maybe it enjoys being the lord of guzzling but hopefully you enjoyed this video enough to leave a like and subscribe to see more make sure to check out the description for all the music I use the link to my patreon where you can donate to get cool rewards like seeing my videos based early which you can do by clicking the join button as well that I also mentioned the new shirts I made for you guys it's it's there too and make sure to follow me on Twitter and I'll see you guys very soon [Music]
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 1,044,518
Rating: 4.8893838 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Go, Let's Go Pikachu, Fakemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Pokemon Red and Blue, popular Pokemon, Red and Blue, Pokemon champion, Gen 7, Generation 7, Legendary Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, shiny, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Sobble, Grookey, Scorbunny, Pokemon Generations
Id: Tooqq6-b4PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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