Worst Mistakes I've Made in Pokemon

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[Music] hey guys Ron here and I'm only human flesh and blood born to make mistakes so naturally I've messed up while playing Pokemon a couple of times especially as a youngster so I'm simply gonna regale you with the various times I've made seriously regrettable decisions while playing a Pokemon game now these are gonna be personal not general mistakes that every single person has been through I've never used a master ball on a ricotta or ran away from a shiny pokemon but there are some interesting tales so I'm gonna actually go in chronological order starting with the first main series Pokemon game I've ever played in which my first mistake was not knowing that Pokemon news were real ernabel this is actually a relatively unusual case because it involved other people you see back when I was 7 both my brother and I had pokemon ruby as our first game that we loved it we even both had a trusty Breloom but I noticed that my brother's belem had Mach punch pretty standard movie gets when it evolves but mine did not for some reason I guess I mashed B when it was first evolving so my Breville evolved a level after it was supposed to and never learned the move I slowly became jealous of my brother's superior Breloom so when he didn't understand why he couldn't get past the rocks and ruth one-one-one instead of telling him about rock smash i told him that the game was broken and that he would have to reset the game that was the real mistake i lied to my brother cuz i was envious I didn't know that I could relearn mach punch later in the game from the move reminder and because of that I felt guilty about the situation for a long time but obviously later down the line I told my brother about my true intentions and we laugh about it here and there my next mistake would have changed my entire life if I didn't eventually find out where I was wrong I didn't know where to get surf in Pokemon Ruby I looked everywhere and for months I was begging my friend Ikey to tell me where he got surf but he couldn't remember I honestly gave up and just stopped playing the game for a couple of weeks but one Friday morning at school I told Ikey how I basically gave up trying to find surf and it just so happened that some third grader overheard us and said Oh surf you get it from Wally's dad next to Norman's gym if it wasn't for that kid I truly believe I would have stopped playing Pokemon altogether never bonded with other Pokemon fans eventually never would have made this channel when I came home that beautiful Friday afternoon I got surf and was finally able to access the other side of route 118 as I landed on that Shore the music hit me with a sense of wonder Stephen greeted me and then I entered route 119 and found a rain forest with tall grass bridges and waterfalls it was paradise to this day route 119 is one of my favorite routes because of this experience it felt like an actual reward to my adventure it seems like many other fans also couldn't find surf so in pokemon emerald instead of having you go to Wally's dad to get surf he comes and gives it to you now we're going from the most consequential story to the least influential tale we have for many years I did not understand my logics design if you look at Milotic Sugimori art or its appearance in the anime it's plain to see that it was designed to be beautiful I used to think otherwise because I completely misinterpreted Milotic sprite in generation 3 I used to think that this negative space was it's tooth I thought that the background was a long single tusk coming out of its face and even worse didn't understand how his eyes appeared I thought that this space here was still part of its eyeball so instead of the feminine seductive eyes that Milotic is supposed to showcase I believed that its eyes were droopy and sad presumably because it has a long tusks in the middle of its mouth I later saw it in the anime and thought maybe it was a mistake in my Lotus design like beignet or all the pokemon red spikes but when I realized my mistake my mind was blown but when I came back to pokemon ruby i encountered my next mistake not knowing what set mode was so when I came back to play pokemon ruby after a few years of playing other pokemon games i booted up my gameboy and got into a battle but for some reason the battle animations were off and I wasn't able to switch into other Pokemon before my folks sent out their Pokemon what was going on was that years ago I got into the settings messed around with them like setting my game from switch to set mode and I forgot about it but I thought that the game was broken at the time I knew about the cartridge battery's dying out so I assumed this was another form of damage to the game I haven't played pokemon ruby since that day I only went back to emerald which wasn't a bad idea since it's basically pokemon ruby but better but that doesn't mean I still knew how to play pokemon at the time when I was a child I only gave my Pokemon stat moves I would never get my Pokemon moves of different types that means I had no coverage except for HMS my SEPTA's moves leaf blade Giga Drain solar beam and cuts my way Lords moves surf dive waterfall and waterspout and so on it wasn't until I was a teenager playing pokemon black that I realized how beneficial and fun it is for your Pokemon to have a wide range of moves which is better than no moves at all that reminds me of my next mistake I'm winking by the way you can't see it though but I regret evolving Pokemon with a stone evolution too early so at least in the older games it's very detrimental to evolve a Pokemon with an evolutionary stone too early because they rarely learn any moves once they evolve if all the growlithe too early no flamethrower evolved a Pikachu too early no Thunderbolt or thunder it sucks because back then teams weren't reusable so I would evolve a Pokemon like Nina Reno too early and have a needle King without horn drill and I wouldn't even know that anything was wrong I only found out about this phenomenon when I evolved a Pikachu and realized my Raichu wasn't learning Thunderbolt or thunder and I at the very least knew something wasn't right thankfully Thunderbolt and thunder were viable TM so no harm done but the next mistake really hurts I was one Pokemon away from completing the Hoenn decks so in Emerald if you complete the regional decks you get a Joe doe starter that's neat so I thought I would do that but let's just say sword and shield were the first games I ever completed a regional dexon that's because in Emerald I tried my best guys I really did but Luna toad was the only Pokemon I could not acquire you can only find one in sapphire and my brother and best friends all had Ruby and or emerald so for many years I just settled with the idea of not finishing the job but in high school I walk into the student lounge that I built and saw one of my upperclassman friends battling with another person in pokemon sapphire using his link cable I asked him that if I were able to bring my mo to school one day if he could trade me a lunatone and he said sure so a week later I brought it in we connected our Gameboy stealing cable and for some reason even though I worked a week prior the link cable could not connect till this day I regret not bringing my own wireless link cable or trading with a guy I knew who had sapphire way back before I even decided to complete the regional Dex whatever I'm over it's not really it still stings I hate my life the last thing in generation 3 that I wish I didn't do was constantly going to mossdeep city and talking to the space dude to see what number he'd say the rocket launch was because my friend group thought that at one point he would let us join the launch and battle deoxys in space so while I wasted a minute of every day of my childhood it did make the Delta episode a bit more special a wish came true now it was during the time before the release of diamond and pearl that I discovered the internet and began learning about pokemons history but I apparently didn't understand a bit of what I was reading cuz whenever the topic of pokemons creation came up in conversation instead of telling people that the franchise started with red and green in Japan in 1996 and that the anime and card games were spin-offs of the main series franchise I was under the impression that Pokemon started out as one of those Tamagotchi like pet simulators I thought Pikachu was the first Pokemon and the protagonist of these simulators and they became so popular that they created a video game with other Pocket Monsters named after the fact that those visual pet simulators could be put in your pockets I was obviously wrong and since then pinpointed where I got this notion from as a kid I think I was just reading the pocket Pichu Wikipedia page which was a short series of Pokemon portable digital pens now he would flaw of mine is that I get caught up in thinking that people will hate me if I'm wrong because of this I rarely say anything that I'm not a hundred percent sure of or so instances like this where I gave people false information 14 years ago still haunts me even though nobody remembers or even cared about what I was saying at the moment once diamond and pearl came out the games that were being hyped up for two years I played him and for some reason didn't like him that much that was my mistake I grew out of Pokemon for two or three years because of very stupid opinions I had as a kid it was my first new generation so any changes felt weird and less like home stupid things like the cries being more realistic and even objectively good things like the backgrounds being 3d just turned me off I didn't even finish the game as a child I barely processed it when I was playing it also felt colder and more somber than Hoenn but that was the point I was just missing out I never even finished the game as a child but that was exacerbated by my biggest mistake in generation 4 I used my friends action replay to get 99 of each TM so my friend Bryan had an action replay that's basically all the setup you need oh I actually forgot that some people younger than me wouldn't know what an action replay is it's a cheap cartridge you put in your console to you know cheat he was using it a bunch for a couple of months becoming the king of Pokemon and acquiring every sort of item and Pokemon possible and after many demonstrations I gave in and let him do what I thought was the most innocuous cheap possible just giving me 99 of each TM my rationale was that I wasn't really cheating I'm not hacking in a Pokemon or anything well it kind of deleted all the HMS that I had and you kinda need HMS to finish the game thankfully I was at the 8th gym at the time and the Pokemon of my party had all the HMS that I needed but that means I couldn't take out terrible moves like defog and cut this along with my lack of immersion made me quit playing diamond before even battling Cynthia it's funny how in the next generation TM has become unlimited anyways thankfully I got over my sin Oh dissatisfaction and now appreciate sin Oh for all that it is but it took Pokemon black and whites release to finally make me realize I was being a whiny brat and that every generation having a different atmosphere was a good thing duh but I do regret how in my first playthrough of pokemon black and white I literally did not pay attention to the story but now I fully understand how black and white had the best plot out of any Pokemon game and some of the most interesting and dynamic characters in the franchise but at the time I didn't care and I think since most people didn't really expect a good story in a Pokemon game that people didn't get invested in the story until it was too late that's what happened to me I only noticed how epic the story was once ends Castle showed up and by then I already skipped all the dialogue and didn't know what the hell was going on so my whole first black-and-white experience was wasted especially since at the time I didn't even know that Unova was based on the city I live in it all went over my head years later I went back and played it with more attentiveness and appreciation and along with black to Gen 5 is slowly becoming my favorite since then I don't have any regretable decisions I've learned about the aspects of Pokemon that I get my enjoyment from so whenever I play a game I pay attention and fully experience the aspects I know that I will love like the music characters etc one minor mistake I made relatively recently was playing my first ex play through with the exp share on which made everything too easy I recently replayed the game and had more fun with it off I learned from that experience and played generation 7 with the exp share off and learned from let's go and had a huge team in order to compensate for the permanent exp share in Pokemon sort mistakes are part of life but don't make the mistake of not liking this video if you enjoyed it and make sure to subscribe if you haven't check the description for all the music I used t-shirts I made you guys my patreon where you can get cool rewards like seeing my videos days early or press the joint button for even more rewards like getting discounts on merch or icons near your name follow me on Twitter and Instagram and I'll see you guys very soon [Music]
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 783,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Errors, Pokemon Type Swap, Creating New Pokemon, New Pokemon, Pokemon Art, Pokemon DLC, Max raids, Pokemon camp, Gigantamax, Zacian, Zamazanta, Wild Area, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Let's Go Pikachu, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Sobble, Grookey, Scorbunny, Game Freak, Shiny Pokemon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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