Every Class of Imperial Warship EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl there is a shocking amount of visceral melee combat in Warhammer 40K it's not like June where there is a valid in-law reason for people only using melee weapons it's literally just the rule of cool since there are railguns that could atomize you from a continent away as well as thousands of other different types of guns that should be way more lethal than a glorified chainsaw with so much melee Carnage sometimes we forget about what is going on in the void of space epic battles as Starships rip each other that are shreds with Torpedoes Lance fire boarding actions and some good old-fashioned ramming some things don't change the biggest decider in those void battles is who has the biggest shlong the biggest battleship with the Imperium having multiple classes of Warship to choose from before we get started my years of studying Warhammer 40K has led to one conclusion the best way to safeguide your soul from the predations of chaos is by having an easy to follow 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interceptors or whatever you want to call them small agile ships that are launched from their big mamas and swarms designed to intercept Torpedoes boarding pods are other Fighters they are often flown by one or two pilots with many of them not even having a crew beyond that they are more like mosquitoes compared to the leviathans of true battleships but in great enough number they can be a huge pain in the ass there are also specialized versions of each fighter including bombers which can [ __ ] up bigger ships with their chunky payloads as well as troop transports but because there are so many different types of Fighters and no one will really wants to waste their time learning about the smaller ship on this list let's just move on the smallest warp capable craft gives us the Viper class stoop the ultimate Scout ship This ship's only purpose is to fly towards an enemy Fleet let out a massive scan and then run away they have barely any weapons or Shields as both of these would help give away their position as such a Viper class will pretty much always travel ahead of a fleet and then upon encountering hostiles we'll leg it to the nearby walk point and run the [ __ ] away this technically isn't a warship per se but as it's used entirely for war reasons I thought I'd chuck her in now we have the first category of Warships the escort ships the first class I want to talk about are the Cobra class destroyers a one kilometer long incredibly agile ship these bad boys pack a punch I love it how the s'mores warship is one kilometer long they are designed to be able to fly close to enemy Capital ships unleash a bunch of torpedoes and then get out of there before they can be targeted by broadsides they are also one of the easiest ships to build so it's not uncommon for Imperial fleets to basically just Spam these guys since since they make great escorts and can take out ships far larger than themselves their speed also makes them great for catching Pirates overall a small bit deadly Battleship if ships could have short man syndrome and the desire to overachieve it would be the Cobra class the next escort ship gives us the turbulent class heavy frigate and boy does it earn its name clocking in around two kilometers long these bad boys fly ahead of the fleet in a Vanguard and Destroy enemy Scout ships their tactics are very pirate-like and due to their archaic design a lot of people [ __ ] on them however they are pretty solid ships and have become incredibly rare mostly because charging ahead of your Fleet isn't the best way to keep your Hull intact Tempest frigates are another escort with the purpose of engaging enemies at close range despite void Warfare often taking place over thousands of square kilometers ships regularly get up close and personal for some classic broadside and boarding actions this is where the Tempest shines it has a triple armored prowl and has swapped all long-range guns for broadsides as well as extensive infrastructure for the unleashing of boarding craft overall a niche ship but a valuable 1. having a few of these in your Patrol would really shut down the more hyper aggressive enemy Maneuvers probably the most famous of the escort ships are the sword frigates a versatile reliable ship that can do everything decently but doesn't excel in anything other than durability they are durable as [ __ ] fleets love them due to how easy they are to repair and maintain with even Some Space Marine chapters using them they can even be modified to become a different class the best example is The Firestorm a sword frigate with a big ass Lance gun at the prowl Lance batteries are the weapons that can slice through hole plating like a katana through a nine-year-old so having a few firestorms in your Patrol could very well spell Doom for much larger battleships now for the final escort ship of the day the largest clocking in at 2.2 kilometers is the peculiar Falcon class this ship was built on forgewood Voss after some cultists stole some ship plans then the Imperials tried to recreate what they thought was on the plans that were stolen resulting in them creating the Falcon class it's similar to The Sword frigate in the way that it's a jack of all trades escort however it is a little bit less durable but is faster and more maneuverable it has proven itself in void Warfare numerous times over despite its pretty questionable origin now onto the chunkier boys the Cruisers Cruisers aren't particularly impressive and act more so as the bridge between escorts and true battleships and saying that though they can be pretty bloody deadly and carry a crew of over 100 000 people especially when we get to the battle and Grand Cruiser subcategories for the sake of this video not being three hours long I'll discuss more so what each type of Cruiser category is before using a few of the classes as examples because there is legitimately over 20 different classes of Cruisers with the differences often being as simple as which way the toilet spins when you flush it light Cruisers are often used for scouting but not in the same way that a Viper is used they have the Firepower and durability to trade with enemy vessels so they make great Patrol ships for some reason they also have extremely badass names like The Dauntless class which is a lightly armored but fast and deadly jack of all trades Cruiser or the Endeavor class which is a larger but much slower Cruiser however has significantly more Firepower and acts more also as the heavy weapon ship of a patrol light Cruisers are generally around the three to five kilometer long Mark with around 50 to 100 000 crew members there are others like the defender or stitches classes but they have [ __ ] all law and books don't generally follow the exploits of one of the smallest classes of Warship that often then there are the standard cruises whilst they are generally inferior to True battleships they are often much faster and the first to react to enemy actions they can prevent flanking screen for slower battleships or chase down fleeing ships they are also a lot easier to build with the technology required to build most Cruisers not yet lost once again they have super badass names like the dictator class which are known for having a shitload of flight decks meaning they will often act as an orbitable aircraft carrier that doubles as a base of operation when invading a world or the Tyrant class which are effective in both long and short-range engagements and come in at just over five kilometers long the rest of the class of Cruisers like the Dominator or the gothic are more or less the same ship however coming in with different weapon loadouts for example the gothic uses Lance Weaponry whilst the Dominator has a [ __ ] off broadside due to the smaller size of Cruisers they don't have the space or power to have Lance's large flight decks and hectic broadsides all in one they gotta pick one and Excel at it in saying that the lunar class tries its absolute best to do everything having Lance's Torpedoes weapon batteries and more it's the ultimate generalist Cruiser which is why it's the most common Cruiser in the Imperial Navy battle cruises are a bit spicier and are more intended for Fleet on fleet action rather than just patrolling or scouting which is more common for the lighter Cruisers once again whoever named the Cruisers deserves a raise since the Armageddon class battle cruiser is a thing cool fact about the Armageddon class they were made exclusively from the corpses of dead lunar class Cruisers hence they are basically just an upgraded version of it taking all the generous aspects and increasing the power however as it is a bit of a patchwork ship it's not very comfortable and because it's basically the same size as a lunar class cruiser yet has more power it's very cramped and quite shitty to serve on one of the best battle Cruisers is the overlord class famous for its powerful long-range Weaponry that you usually only say on a true Battleship although battle Cruisers and normal Cruisers are often a similar size the battle Cruisers are like an overclocked version better armor better weapons and more power without sacrificing too much Mobility they act as either a very powerful Patrol and pirate Hunter ship or as a pretty decent support ship in Fleet on fleet combat the grand Cruisers are the biggest and baddest Cruisers clocking in around seven kilometers with a crew size of well over one hundred thousand however the grand Cruisers are kind of in an awkward spot for what their purpose should be as most of them were built during the gray Crusade when enemies didn't really have impressive fleets that could match the Imperium however now that they do why use a Grand Cruiser when a genuine battleship is much better in terms of quality and cost Effectiveness as such most grand Cruisers have been assigned to patrol duties which they are overqualified for most of them are being phased out including the Vengeance class which is incredibly Overkill against Pirates and the Furious class which is super powerful but it's really hard to build overall the grand cruises are awesome but quite obsolete oh baby it's Battleship time battleships have their own specifications and niches however pretty much all of them have torpedo pods launch Bays Lancers weapons arrays and more all of them are versatile and can fulfill multiple roles ranging from about eight to ten kilometers long with a crew of a few hundred thousand so they're really not that much bigger than a Grand Cruiser but can hit many times harder thus why I refer to Grand Cruisers as somewhat obsolete although each Battleship class can fulfill multiple roles they all have their niches the retribution class battleship is best at Leroy jenkinson had enemy formations using its heavily armored prow to deflect enemy fire while firing Lancers Torpedoes and pure hatred in a widespread in front of it causing havoc and taking out enemy cruises and escorts then when it gets close enough it brings out the real fun it's heavy broadside in a straight line this ship is as fast as a cruiser so you could consider it to be a shock ship not all battleships are made equal though the ironically named Invincible class was a lightly armored but incredibly fast Battleship it's Firepower hour and speed made it great for taking out Dark Eldar Raiders and Pirates however its armor was so weak that in one engagement three of them were blown up in Rapid succession thus only 10 were ever created most battleships look very similar because they were often created from the same template but were modified to fit different roles for example the apocalypse class battleship is built very similar to the retribution class however it has different weapons so instead of charging in it sits back and tears enemy vessels apart with its Advanced Lance batteries as well as its Nova Cannon thus it synergizes extremely well with the retribution class as its more feisty cousin takes the brunt of the enemy's attention allowing this 8 kilometer Battleship to snipe enemy vessels the greatest of the battleships were the emperor class designed over 10 000 years ago and still the gold standard they often act as capital ships for Imperial Navy forces but not many of them still exist sitting above Imperial battleships are the Space Marine battle barges used almost exclusively by the Space Marine chapters and Legions battle barges are absolute juggernauts able to take on multiple enemy ships of a similar size and emerge Victorious no two are the same with each Legion or chapter modifying them to their needs however their speed Advanced armor and deadly Weaponry make them a one ship Fleet the greatest of the battle barges is the Gloriana class ship clocking in at over 20 kilometers long and overpowered as [ __ ] each Space Marine Legion was given one or in the dark Angel's case three glorianas to act as their flagships for the great Crusade they were god tier all of them having the ability to conquer entire systems by themselves as well as the ability to One-Shot enemy battleships like there were nothing they could field millions of crew members and were extremely resilient when the blood angels Gloriana the red tier crash landed on cygnus prime it was able to be salvaged launched into orbit and then dragged across the Galaxy for repairs however the Gloriana wasn't the largest class if you'd believe it prior to the Horus heresy logger commissioned three Abyssal class super heavy battleships their exact size isn't known but they made gloriana's look small and are more akin to a mobile star Fortress than a standard ship meaning they could easily be up to 50 kilometers long one of the three was destroyed but the other two were currently missing they are powerful enough to match an entire fleet of battleships above the Abyssal class was the emperor's own personal warships one was called the bucephalus which was the name of Alexander the Great's horse with the other being called the imperatus omnium they don't have a specific class as they were both entirely unique however the imperatus omnium was the greater of the two and was even larger than the Abyssal class it also had some [ __ ] off Planet destroying weapons that no other ship had the capacity to wield to the same degree such as a vulcite storm accelerator and multiple Nova cannons whatever the [ __ ] those are it also didn't require a large crew as almost everything was automated due to it being a Dark Age of Technology ship tragically it was destroyed during the siege of Terror when at Leroy Jenkins charged by itself at the entire Trader Armada in order to allow a dark angel Force to get past the blockade to re-light the astronomicon and save Terror he was able to take out five Traders Space Marine battle barges you know those [ __ ] of one-man army ships before dying and finally the greatest Imperial ship in the Galaxy are one-off with a class of its own we have the Phalanx the Phalanx is a mobile star Fortress about the size of a small moon with an estimated diameter of over a thousand kilometers making it so much [ __ ] bigger than every ship ever made it was built during the Dark Age of technology and was then found and Modified by rogal Dawn however after the heresy due to its size and the inability to properly repair it it mostly acted as a stationary star Fortress that was only occasionally flown out through the Galaxy when [ __ ] got bad however in recent law the adeptus custodies fixed it and brought it back to full operation using some of their spicy toys so now the Imperium has a mobile Death Star over 50 times bigger than a Gloriana class ship have fun with that one you filthy [ __ ] Heretics your arcs of omen anchor the savior in terms of named classes of Warship there were probably like 100 more I haven't mentioned but most of them literally have no lore and I just mentioned in passing in one of the 20 year old white dwarf magazines so if you really want to know them more than Google is your friend if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel the patreon is the place to be well there's not only a boatload of battlemates 40 million hentai but also a bunch of live action nude cosplays hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more classy content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 144,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 8-uiDCVDPow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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