Daemon Princes EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer Lore

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g'day guys and gal as we know the pros and cons list of joining chaos has quite a few more cons on it than it does pros especially since when you die as a chaos follower the Demons of the warp will torture tear apart then devour your soul yes sick reward for service mate however there is one path on the road to hell that does end up being pretty awesome the path is the Ascension to become a demon Prince or you get to maintain your own Consciousness become immortal borderline unkillable and super duper powerful it's pretty much the ultimate goal of most cow's followers and I can see why you get all the benefits without pretty much any of the negatives no two demon princes are alike and their creation process is entirely different to that of a normal demon having their mortal Soul elevated rather than the traditional Shard of a cow Scott situation that the other demons have they are fun interesting and will make the next 10 minutes of your life super fulfilling but before we talk about the men and women who have the Guinness World Record for how much chaos Kool-Aid they managed to drink without turning into a chaos Pawn you remember those awesome nude cosplay calendars are selling well as I was cleaning out my office I found a couple boxes of spares and thought hey it's nearly Christmas and Black Friday so instead of Performing the ultimate heresy and just you know like throwing these perfectly good calendars out that are still valid since they are for 2023 I want to just list them at a discounted rate and make sure they all get to a good home so if you missed out on the calendars or want to get someone special the best damn Christmas gift ever then pick up a calendar any that aren't sold by next week will just get thrown in the bin so this is the last chance there will ever be to see these photos today we'll go over the lore of the demon princes how they're chosen some of the more interesting demon princes and just what not we could also suss if xenos can become demon princes oh let's get into it why do chaos Gods bother creating the significantly more unruly less controlled and often weaker demon princes when they could just break off shards of themselves to create the significantly more loyal and often more powerful greater demons well the answer is in the question unless a shot of a chaos God will be completely restricted in terms of its thought processes plans and actions it will never have an Insight that its God wouldn't have as it's basically a [ __ ] version of its God a demon Prince on the other hand has a living soul that can think do and perceive things that its Patron God cannot it's not like they can't be controlled either when mortarion went off nurgle's script and tried to kill giliman and then failed nurgle was able to basically just put him in a moth jar for being a silly boy similar story about the glotkin demon princes that fail or disobey their masters will be punished they do have a longer leash but it's still lashed around their neck if you're wondering why there's like next to no undivided demon princes it's because they are actually quite difficult to control as they don't have one house God's squeezing their balls bellacor is the chief example of an undivided demon Prince a warlord who has laid waste to a thousand worlds and whose ambition climbed too high in both fantasy and 40K especially fantasy bellicose sought to rise above his station as a pawn of chaos instead wishing to ascend to become a chaos God himself because no one chaos God had domination over him it took them a while to finally smack his ass down and spoil his Ambitions he did get pretty [ __ ] close though I mean if you look at Total War Warhammer he kidnaps urson drains its life force and is on the cusp of godhood before you come in and spoilie's fun after bellacor the cows Gods decided not to make undivided princes anymore only making an exception for Lugar who is such a SIM for chaos that he wouldn't try [ __ ] like that or Puerto rabo who may not even be a demon Prince if the fan theories are to be believed but how does one actually become a demon Prince well the method really depends on which God you want to serve but the general idea is that you have to do something to attract the direct gaze of your Patron God and for them to be so impressed that they bless you with demonic Ascension rather than just Smite you on the spot for taking up their time corn is pretty straightforward be a hectic Warrior who claims the skulls of many mighty foes and then present those skulls to Corn no girl you gotta um just I know take a massive [ __ ] a [ __ ] so deadly that it can topple entire governments and bring planets to its knees you basically got to spread [ __ ] up plagues which can be kind of hard when you yourself are Immortal and so very susceptible to dying to the play you're trying to release solanesh is a bit more vague and intricate there is no one method to attract the prince of Pleasures gaze but it's more so becoming so obsessed with the single depravity that you are able to cause massive pleasure and suffering with it even then it does kind of depend on slanesh's mood if she's cranky you might get smited despite pulling off an epic blood orgy and if she's in the mood you might get demonic Ascension with a pretty mid-show of devotion one demon Prince of slanesh was able to ascend by [ __ ] over and stealing power from the prince of pleasure which in turn impressed her basically this Mortal figured out a way to summon greater Demons of slinash into a prison she would then absorb them into herself to Grant herself Youth and vitality she was able to do this without falling to slaneshi corruption as those demons were pretty big shards of slanash she was straight up stealing power from chaos when slanesh realized she turned the woman into a demon prince instead of just raging at her out of pure respect it's very difficult to quantify the reason for tit snitch servants being chosen to ascend tits Niche will seemingly turn his greatest Champions into chaos spawn whilst elevating his pretty mid-tier Champions to demon princes at random however there is a method to this madness tit snitch loves the confusion and Chaos that comes from random schemes schemes that can sometimes overlap or even Clash so he likes to choose free-thinking independent schemers who would go out and create their own schemes instead of just trying to sim for tit snitch and do whatever he wants after all any scheme even ones not orchestrated by tits Niche still empower the changer of ways and of all the demon princes the tits nitchian ones have the most free will or at least that's what their Patron God wants them to think but what's the deal with the demon primarks are they demon princes or something more I mean yes they're basically just demon princes after all they had a mortal soul and then they ascended to demon status however they are way more powerful than a normal demon Prince as generally the power of a demon Prince depends on how powerful their soul was when they ascended it's actually quite rare for a demon Prince to have more raw power than a greater demon but in the case of the demon primarks they absolutely do since primarks were so much more valuable than normal Mortals the chaos gods were desperate to get them hence they did away with their usual demon Prince recruitment [ __ ] pretty much as soon as the Primark was willing they would be allowed to ascend for mortarion he was actually forced by nurgle him and his Legion were tricked into entering nogal's realm where they begun getting turbo raped by nergalite AIDS until he pledged to nurgle to stop the pain angoran didn't even become a demon Prince consensually he was forced to by logos ritual as he was mid annual terrorism fulgrim was desperate to ascend and nearly killed petarabo to do so Magnus was Loki forced into it by tits niche's schemes whilst put the rubberish status as a demon Prince is unknown I'll elaborate on party because people are confused and it doesn't help if I just say earn you a [ __ ] maybe maybe not it's stated in law that perturappa was sended to demon Prince after defeating rogal Dawn at the iron cage and sacrificing a bunch of Imperial Fish Gene seed to chaos he did this as Judah fulgrim's own Ascension perty was slowly dying so this demonic Ascension would basically prevent that however there are clues that indicate purty just pretended to ascend and he's still a fact quote unquote Immortal the evidence is that firstly he loathes chaos and the control it has over his brothers he regularly indicates that he would rather die than join them in their depravity in servitude on top of that potaraba was described as now being massive from the amount of guns armor and upgrades he has added to his body he's basically now one big Dreadnought obliterator the few bits of skin that is still Bose is described as being necrotic and dead this doesn't match up with the normal description of a demon Prince unless they were aligned with nurgle which he definitely isn't as he once killed a nogalite Envoy and he is fought against nurgul not to mention his iron Warriors are not nurgly in the slightest my theory is that he never ascended and has been cybernetically dreadnoughting himself to keep him alive despite the wound Pilgrim gave him the demon Prince Ascension story could just be a cover-up to get people to leave him the [ __ ] alone or one of the many things GW is due to retcon especially after how popular Peter rabri has become from the later Horus heresy novels now for some of the best demon princes first up we have Doom breed one of the first ever humans to ascend to become a demon prince it's heavily implied that Doom breed was Genghis Khan chosen by Corner puny's death for the violence and suffering he inflicted on mankind during his legendary Conquest Doom breed has become one of Corn's greatest weapons he destroyed entire worlds during the Horus heresy fought against the emperor on the vengeful spirit and even witnessed the death of saint Guinness post heresy he managed to wipe out two entire loyalist chapters wearing a cloak made of a thousand of study skulls he was bound for 500 years however mephiston accidentally released them then kicked his ass back to the warp now free Doom breed leads one of Corn's armies as he Rampages across the Galaxy then we have my personal favorite to rubell a demon Prince of unknown Patron God but seems most likely to be slanesh just based on the way the dude speaks and acts before becoming a force of good after Inquisitor eisenhorn bound him to his will he had enslaved entire star systems civilizations and entire races to his will toying with them for his own pleasure eventually Inquisitor quicksauce was able to free one of these worlds and buy true Bale to his will in doing so eisenhorn would later kill the corrupted quicksauce banish to rubell then rebind the demon Prince as a big [ __ ] you although eisenhorn and cherubayo would fight a battle of the wills for the next few centuries eisenhood would eventually achieve Total Domination over chirubayo by getting empowered by a cast device and learning a now CR the language of the universe there used to be a human world caught in the grips of a warp storm for Millennia that kept pissing off the chaos Gods with how resistant to corruption the people on it were time and time again the chaos Gods assailed the world only to be pushed back however eventually a few key people on the world were able to help the chaos Gods achieve final Victory these include the now Infamous slaneshi demon Prince encari as well as the nogalite prince bubonicus although the boy doesn't feature much nikani is pretty famous playable in Total War Warhammer and is one of the princes that directly engaged the emperor in battle didn't go so well for encani but still impressive to give it a crack I thought these two were worth mentioning as it's pretty Renegade Two Princes out of the one conflict now the big question where the [ __ ] are the Xeno demon princes we know that there are Xeno Empires that worship chaos but we don't ever seem to find Xeno demons well belakor is said to be older than Humanity so he would have had to have originated as designer of some kind in 40K at least other than that it's pretty much empty just shows how much of a [ __ ] GW gives about the Xeno factions you could probably consider tuscar demon killer to be a demon Prince as corn Jacks him off on the daily but that is a bit of a stretch demon princes come in all shapes and sizes ranging from one person apocalypses all the way to a pretty low-key sub-villain regardless it is arguably one of the best gigs you can score in the entire galaxy if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up a calendar I [ __ ] you not there's literally like one or two boxes left hit the Subscribe button and hit the Subscribe button for more demonic content join the Discord for more memes and I'll show you in the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 319,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: MegThin3Ik8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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