Upgrading to MAX LEVEL Planet

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this is grow RPG like the other grow games we got to figure out the correct combination we're going to start with this Castle it seems fun so I'm just going to drop it down here and it builds up a castle that the little Devil's getting angry he broke the Earth so next up we're going to go with how about some trees Let's uh let's get some trees out in our little planet here so the tree leveled up the house we want to get everything leveled up in order to win and there's eight different objects that we can select let's put a house out here so the house gets uh okay that's really good the house level up the castle and the trees that means we're probably doing a really good combination so far so let's throw in some water let's see if this will level everything the goal is to get everything maxed out but it's really hard because you have to do the correct combination and with it being eight different things to select that's like what millions of different combinations I don't know someone else do the math I'm not smart here let's put a rock out here and this rock is going to level up the castle the whatever where did that blue tree come from I wasn't paying attention oh it level up the home uh-oh the devil's mad oh he just made a purple slime I don't know what that does okay let's put these stairs out here I don't know what these stairs are for um okay I guess we're building a m shaft okay the blue tree leveled up we uh the house leveled up they're chopping down the forest making Lumber and now the devil is throwing okay we got some amus what's this little suser going to do we also have three hearts and some attack that's different because none of the other games have this am I like supposed to move around and like fight maybe they fight at the end okay let's put out this Treasure Chest we only got two more left we're about to find out how good we actually did here we built a dock and the chest leveled up we got a nice big copper Boulder another yellow blob what's that going to be oh no we got a blue amga suser and a purple dragon we got some Knights they're fighting the the the dragon's shooting them with fire he dies the king com himself comes out he's battling who's going to win this epic finale battle the king is oh he's doing a dragon ball shooting lightning thing it pooped out a blue ball the king's going to take that I think the king's injured he's kind of limping away well a lot just happened there on our very first try but we got one more some weird like Temple thing I don't know so let's throw this down see what happens here okay we built like a little Temple there he's taking the blue ball down the stairs he leveled up from that it's kind of interesting and the house leveled up the Quarry leveled up and and we actually did really well look so we got the tree maxed out the mine M oh wait they're battling he's battling it's it's RPG I forgot this game's called grow RPG so it's like an RPG yeah okay leveled up he's going into the castle he's going to talk to the king the king's zinder but still alive got some coins we got a key and we're going to well I'm not playing he's just to he bought a sword that's smart now he's going to fight the blue Oka okay you're going to lose wait wait no he's got the sword kill him yes he killed him get the heart bam okay now we're getting the the chest chest is giving us some gold what is this game this game's amazing okay now it's going down the stairs oh another oh it's a dungeon okay I see so we got some more coins in the dungeon he's opening up the other side got the blue ball the blue sphere of peace right what's he going to do with it oh he's fighting the the purple dragon oh okay he just got totally owned so as you can see we did really well here everything is maxed out except for the house and the Temple which we built early on so maybe we actually start with the temple and and go from there all right we're going to start with the temple this time now we're going to go with the castle yeah see so that leveled up the temple and now we're going to add the water I think that oh no I think we added the trees last time dang it I might messed up but look these both leveled up so that's okay so there goes our cute little force it leveled up the temple again okay so this Temple is definitely something we got to get out early let's get the house out there now and the devil's going to make the purple amus I think our little Tower thing here might be maxed out now now let's do whatever this special little chest Castle thing I don't know but that versus time we only have one more left we definitely are good with this Temple here what we like to see okay now they just going to do battle can I just skip this please the king gets his butt kicked but he gets the blue ball he actually he took the balls from the dinosaur all right last but not least the dungeons I think we need to do the forest first yeah we did really well though look that we got this little Tower thing maxed out now he's in the new tower it's four floors yes keep going up climb to the top oh yeah there better be like the big golden armor wait he's not wearing it he's got four armor now look at that still going to die because we didn't get the uh the final level okay let's see this armor in action okay good so it only takes off one damage he's still not strong enough though he's dead yeah you're trash kid get out of here all right we're getting really close so we're going to start with the temple like we did last time next we're going to go with the castle I think I want to go tree let's just try it with the trees first now I'm going to go with the house if this levels all three then we're in really good shape okay that leveled good that leveled good yes everything leveled okay oh my gosh the devil just the poor Temple okay let's do the water that's definitely uh new we haven't seen that yet so I don't know what's going to happen with this Temple but now uh let's go with the let's just do the chest this time I think we kind of lost because he he blew up our Temple well the house got to the max level this leveled up uh that's maxed out I know the Castle's maxed out but you see our Temple's at level zero so maybe we're putting it too early let's try the skin so we're going to put the tower out here and now we're going to bring the castle so this keeps our Tower alive let's try water actually let's see what happens does this break the tower oh look he's not slamming down maybe the water keeps him from slamming okay we're making a good progress actually okay let's do the house I think I think now we do the rock quarry and I believe next I want to do the dungeon because they're going to fight and he's going to take the blue ball into the dungeon so let's do the dungeon and he's going to shoot okay good so he's got the yellow ball coming and then they're going to fight right yeah the purple dragon's going to fight I think we're doing really good here everything is maxed out except for the rock quarry all right here we go did we actually solve it was this the right combination we're about to find out ladies and gentlemen oh you know what I so I could have done the dungeon last then actually oh wait the forest didn't max out and then the house is only level five I guess I'm going to start with the house actually this is going to be new and then we're going to go with I guess the tower um let's go with the castle I think we got to be careful here because if he destroys the tower then we restart okay good I'm going to go with water next so he can stop jumping and breaking things uh the house didn't level all right let's go with Forest that should level everything right the castle the house every oh the house did not level there I think we got to build the forest earlier and then we're going to go with the chest I think we do the dungeon last and I know the house has one more level because it's got to build the dock I think the tree needs one more level all right now the dungeon as the last piece of the puzzle let's see that leveled up the house yes okay he's bringing the blue balls to the dungeon and that leveled up the Quarry oh my God okay so the house and the forest are still off off let's just try to get the house Max I'm going to start with the house and then I'm going to put in the forest and now I'm going to do the temple okay that level up the forest that looks really good now I'm going to go with the castle but I'm just trying to get the house leveled up and see there goes the temple all right let's start with the forest and now we're going to add the house so that leveled up the forest instantly that's really nice to see now we do the temple will that level up the house yes it did okay now we do water okay yeah we got the big tree it's a good sign and then we got more of that now we do the castle I don't know if we're going to get the castle maxed out here though this is an issue okay the tree is now Max I think we got the blue I think that means it's good so next we need the Quarry I believe so let's throw this out there but as you can see the castle is just tiny and miserable uh yeah it's just not really doing anything we're going to throw in the Tre uh the treasure chest whatever that is pretty much everything is maxed out except our Castle is not going to get maxed out so that's about that sign also the dragon just destroyed the castle oh look we just upgraded the ship where the house got a boat okay the house is still not maxed out okay I'm just kind of confused here I'm going to start with the castle let's get the house out here I think the temple we can put down as our fifth item because then it'll it'll level up until the end so now we'll do the I guess the tree I should level up the house okay good and now I want to do water that should level everything up please level everything okay good now we do the temple the question is what do we do next I think we do the rock quy next that'll add the rocks that should level up the the tower pleas yes but the forest didn't level so that's a bad sign oh whatever let's put the chest out here what about the forest see the forest isn't leveling so when do I do the forest and that's the ball game wait okay we got a maxed out house I think and that's the ball game okay so we got almost everything Max except for the forest so we're screwing up the forest in the house somewhere all right it's time to show you the correct combination okay so you start out with the house this is the first thing you do after the house you want to add trees so you guys will see that I was really close to getting this I was just off by like one selection next you have the castle so notice how it's leveling everything up good then we want to do water so in the last one we did water at stage four which is correct and then we're going to do the tower next for stage five that's what I did last time I was we were actually so close we just had the house and the trees mixed up that's literally all we did wrong on the last run so now we're going to do the rock just like we did last time so it's going to build the Quarry over here and then after this we're going to do the chest which is exactly what we did last time so that levels up the house the castle everything's getting leveled up except for the tree the trees are now actually maxed out I believe so yeah I just had the house and the trees mixed up in the last run that's all we did wrong we were so close all right so now we're going to add the stairs and I'm going to enable the sound it has really annoying music but for the ending I want to like just hear the game ready all right let's enable the sound oh yeah here we go boys oh we got some he's going into the forest he's oh okay so that's new he's bringing the blue ball into the dungeon the tower gets maxed out everything is maxed see every yeah cheer me on Baby Woo okay so now it's time oh oh he's going to the wizard yes you've unlocked your magic coins your your magic sword of Awesomeness it does two damage one shoted him awesome level up baby now let's go visit the king king's injured so let's get some coins and we get a key to the dungeon oh wait no he's going to the house first first this guy looks really fat oh he's buying access to the boat oh we're going to the magical tree oh they're bombs that grow from the tree that's amazing we're going to need that for the uh for the purple dragon we're just going to sneak B the monsters go into the tower to the very top because at the top is golden armor oh yeah sneak up right behind him sneak attack and dead look at his little booty do you Sky see that levels up grabs the heart goes into the dungeon what's in here is it it's just more money what are we going to deal with the money though okay we unlock that with the key we get the magical blue ball of peace and now the dragon idiot but we're a lot stronger this time oh yeah we do three damage every attack oh wait wait wait what we only did did one there dude launch the bombin in oh no wait oh the king res wait what okay the king's help oh my gosh full health full health okay we put the bomb we blow up the boulder thing we climb we get the ultimate golden sword max level everything even that even a max out our armor and now for the stupid devil yeah yeah Boss music we have Boss music yeah hit him with the blue orb oh yeah we freeze him keha mayeh Goku attack oh oh no hey King can you make yourself useful this is like the final battle for the whole world you're just sitting in your Castle being useless get out of here King help King just kidding we don't need you stupid King yeah and we got a victory so good at RPG games so we finally did it everything is maxed out all I had mixed up was the tree and the house I'm kind of sad about it
Channel: VitaminDelicious
Views: 49,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grow rpg
Id: 6abPF7DzNYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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